Ancient Egyptian Yoga Exercise and
Meditation Movement Postures
Spiritual Health and Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission (address above) except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews. All inquiries may be addressed to the address above.
Ashby, Muata
Egyptian Yoga Tjef Neteru Postures ISBN: 1-884564-10-0
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
A primary focus of our tradition is to identify and acknowledge the yogic principles within all religions and
to relate them to each other in order to promote their deeper understanding as well as to show the essential unity
of purpose and the unity of all living beings and nature within the whole of existence.
The Institute is open to all who believe in the principles of peace, non-violence and spiritual emancipation
regardless of sect, race, or creed.
Sema Institute
P.O. Box 570459, Miami, Fla. 33257
(305) 378-6253, Fax (305) 378-6253
Health Note:
Before exercising with this program or the video,
consult your physician if you have high blood pressure, orthopedic problems, or
any other illnesses, bodily pains or discomforts, or if you are pregnant.
The reader agrees not to hold Drs. Muata or Dja (Karen) Ashby personally, or
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ries or physical impairments that may result. Exercise at your own risk.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The Daily Schedule for Yoga Practice 79 Pose 24: Djed-Establishment 156-157
Pose 25: The Headstand 158-159
PART IIIIII: The Exercises, Yoga 86
Postures and Meditations Pose 26: The Scarab 160-161
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Part I
What is Yoga?
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The disciplines of Yoga fall under five major categories. These are:
Yoga of Wisdom, Yoga of Devotional love, Yoga of Meditation, Tantric
Yoga and Yoga of Selfless Action. Within these categories there are sub-
sidiary forms which are part of the main disciplines. The important point
to remember is that all aspects of yoga can and should be used in an inte-
gral fashion to effect an efficient and harmonized spiritual movement in
the practitioner. Therefore, while there may be an area of special empha-
sis, other elements are bound to become part of the yoga program as
needed. For example, while a yogin may place emphasis on the yoga of
wisdom, they may also practice devotional yoga and meditation yoga
along with the wisdom studies.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
In this form of study, we will use various new terms you may not have
heard before, but we will make every effort to explain them in detail and
to relate them to the Western understanding as well as to use the terms in
the other religions that will be discussed. In this way the teaching will not
only be relevant to the Egyptian Mysteries, but also to other religions as
well. Therefore, if your previous background was in Christianity or in
one of the various traditions within Hinduism, you will not have any dif-
ficulty in understanding the teachings as they will be presented. As you
go through this volume, you will discover that each of the elements
within Indian and Christian Yoga were practiced long ago in ancient
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Above from left to right are the symbols of Egyptian Yoga. These are:
Sma, nfr, nkh, htp. The hieroglyph ?"Sema", represented by the union of
two lungs and the trachea, symbolizes the union of the Higher and lower
self, the duality, which leads to the knowledge of the One, indivisible
cosmic consciousness.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Besides Asar (Osiris) and Aset (Isis), the central and most popular
character within the ancient Egyptian Religion of Asar (Osiris) is Heru
(Horus) who is an incarnation of his father, Asar (Osiris). Asar (Osiris)
was killed by his brother, who out of greed and Setian (demoniac) ten-
dency, craved to be the ruler of Egypt. With the help of Djehuti, the
God of wisdom, his mother Aset (Isis), and Hetheru (Hathor), his con-
sort, Heru (Horus) prevails in the struggle against Set for the rulership
of Egypt. Heru's (Horus') struggle symbolizes the struggle of every hu-
man being to regain rulership of the Higher Self and to subdue the
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
lower self. With this understanding, the land of Egypt is equivalent to the
Kingdom/Queendom of Heaven concept of Christianity. Therefore, the
union of Upper and Lower Egypt is a subtle reference to the union of the
lower self and the Higher Self within a human being. The struggle toward
the unification of these is the central issue of the conflict between Heru
(Horus) and Set, the rulers of Upper and Lower Egypt, respectively.
The most ancient writings in known history are from the ancient
Egyptians. These writings are referred to as hieroglyphics and they refer
to the religion of Asar (Osiris) and Heru (Horus). Also, the most ancient
civilization known was the ancient Egyptian civilization. The proof of
this lies in the ancient Sphinx which has now proven to be over 12,000
years old. The original name given to these writings by the ancient Egyp-
tians is Metu Neter meaning "the writing of God" or "Divine Speech".
These writings were inscribed in temples, coffins and papyruses and con-
tain the teachings in reference to the spiritual nature of the human being
and the ways to promote spiritual emancipation, awakening or resurrec-
tion from ordinary human consciousness and mortality to cosmic con-
sciousness and immortality.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Smai Tawi
(From Chapter 4 of
the Prt m Hru)
As previously discussed, Yoga in all of its forms were practiced in Egypt apparently
earlier than anywhere else in our history. This point of view is supported by the fact that
there is documented scriptural and iconographical evidence of the disciplines of virtu-
ous living, dietary purification, study of the wisdom teachings and their practice in daily
life, psychophysical and psycho-spiritual exercises and meditation being practiced in
Ancient Egypt, long before the evidence of its existence is detected in India (including
the Indus Valley Civilization) or any other early civilization (Sumer, Greece, China,
The teachings of Yoga are at the heart of Prt m Hru. As explained earlier, the word
“Yoga” is a Sanskrit term meaning to unite the individual with the Cosmic. The term
has been used in certain parts of this book for ease of communication since the word
“Yoga” has received wide popularity especially in western countries in recent years.
The Ancient Egyptian equivalent term to the Sanskrit word yoga is: “Smai.” Smai
means union, and the following determinative terms give it a spiritual significance, at
once equating it with the term “Yoga” as it is used in India. When used in conjunction
with the Ancient Egyptian symbol which means land, “Ta,” the term “union of the two
lands” arises.
In Chapter 4 and Chapter 17 of the Prt m Hru, a term “Smai Tawi” is used. It means
“Union of the two lands of Egypt,” ergo “Egyptian Yoga.” The two lands refer to the
two main districts of the country (North and South). In ancient times, Egypt was divided
into two sections or land areas. These were known as Lower and Upper Egypt. In An-
cient Egyptian mystical philosophy, the land of Upper Egypt relates to the divinity Heru
(Horus), who represents the Higher Self, and the land of Lower Egypt relates to Set, the
divinity of the lower self. So Smai Taui means “the union of the two lands” or the
“Union of the lower self with the Higher Self. The lower self relates to that which is
negative and uncontrolled in the human mind including worldliness, egoism, ignorance,
etc. (Set), while the Higher Self relates to that which is above temptations and is good
in the human heart as well as in touch with transcendental consciousness (Heru). Thus,
we also have the Ancient Egyptian term Smai Heru-Set, or the union of Heru and Set.
So Smai Taui or Smai Heru-Set are the Ancient Egyptian words which are to be trans-
lated as “Egyptian Yoga.”
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Above: the main symbol of Egyptian Yoga: Sma. The Ancient Egyptian lan-
guage and symbols provide the first "historical" record of Yoga Philosophy and
Religious literature. The hieroglyph Sma, ?"Sema,” represented by the union of
two lungs and the trachea, symbolizes that the union of the duality, that is, the
Higher Self and lower self, leads to Non-duality, the One, singular conscious-
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The central and most popular character within Ancient Egyptian Religion of
Asar is Heru, who is an incarnation of his father, Asar. Asar is killed by his
brother Set who, out of greed and demoniac (Setian) tendency, craved to be the
ruler of Egypt. With the help of Djehuti, the God of wisdom, Aset, the great
mother and Hetheru, his consort, Heru prevailed in the battle against Set for the
rulership of Kemet (Egypt). Heru's struggle symbolizes the struggle of every hu-
man being to regain rulership of the Higher Self and to subdue the lower self.
The most ancient writings in our historical period are from the Ancient Egyp-
tians. These writings are referred to as hieroglyphics. The original name given to
these writings by the Ancient Egyptians is Metu Neter, meaning "the writing of
God" or Neter Metu or "Divine Speech." These writings were inscribed in tem-
ples, coffins and papyruses and contained the teachings in reference to the spiri-
tual nature of the human being and the ways to promote spiritual emancipation,
awakening or resurrection. The Ancient Egyptian proverbs presented in this text
are translations from the original hieroglyphic scriptures. An example of hiero-
glyphic text was presented above in the form of the text of Smai Taui or
“Egyptian Yoga.”
"Salvation is the freeing of the soul from its bodily fetters, becoming a
God through knowledge and wisdom, controlling the forces of the cos-
mos instead of being a slave to them, subduing the lower nature and
through awakening the Higher Self, ending the cycle of rebirth
and dwelling with the Neters who direct and control the Great Plan."
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Smai Tawi
“Egyptian Yoga”
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Part II
Origins of the Yoga Pos-
tures in Ancient Egypt
and India
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Plate 1: Above- The god Geb in the plough posture engraved on the ceiling of the antechamber to the
Asarian Resurrection room of the Temple of Hetheru in Egypt. (photo taken by Ashby)
Prior to the
emergence of the discipline the physical movements in India just before 1000 A.C.E., a series of virtually
identical postures to those which were practiced in India can be found in various Ancient Egyptian papy-
ruses and inscribed on the walls and ceilings of the temples. The Ancient Egyptian practice can be dated
from 300 B.C.E 1,580 B.C.E and earlier. Exp. Temple of Hetheru (800-300 B.C.E.), Temple of Heru (800-
300 B.C.E.), Tomb of Queen Nefertari (reigned 1,279-1,212 BC), Temple of Horemakhet (10,000 B.C.E.)
and various other temples and papyruses from the New Kingdom Era 1,580 B.C.E). In Ancient Egypt the
practice of the postures (called Sema Paut (Union with the gods and goddesses) or Tjef Sema Paut Neteru
(movements to promote union with the gods and goddesses) were part of the ritual aspect of the spiritual
myth which when practiced serve to harmonize the energies and promote the physical health of the body
and direct the mind, in a meditative capacity, to discover and cultivate divine consciousness. These disci-
plines are part of a larger process called Sema or Smai Tawi (Egyptian Yoga). By acting and moving like
the gods and goddesses one can essentially discover their character, energy and divine agency within one's
*Yoga Journal, {The New Yoga} January/February 2000, The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein, Ph. D.
**Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika, The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein, Ph. D.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Records of meditation as a discipline for lay people, as opposed to priests, first show up about 500 B.C.
in both India and China. Contrary to what many Yoga students believe, his (Patanjali) text said little about
Hatha Yoga postures, which weren’t a widespread practice at the time. It only speaks of a sitting posture
for the practice of meditation and nothing more.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Plate 3: The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses act out the Creation through
their movements (forward bend (Nut), spinal twist (Geb), journey of Ra and
the squatting, standing motion (Shu and Nun).
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Figure 1: The varied postures found in the Kemetic papyruses and temple
inscriptions. (Egyptian Yoga Postures Poster)
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Figure 3: Below- the Goddess Parvati from India, practicing the tree Pose –
modern rendition.
Still, it must be understood that many people who are leading a worldly life
are first introduced to yoga through the discipline of the postures in ordinary ses-
sions dedicated to promoting physical health and later turn towards the spiritual
aspects. However, there is much concern among advanced practitioners of Yoga
in India and elsewhere, that Western culture has appropriated yoga and converted
it to something other than yoga as it has been known for thousands of years. In-
stead of having Geb or Parvati as the role models, such prominent (worldly) per-
sonalities as actors and entertainers Julia Roberts, Madonna, Woody Haroldson
and others have become the “ideal.” So now, the same materialistic pursuits
(physical health, beauty, sex-appeal, excitement, etc.), which are the hallmarks of
western culture, have been projected on yoga by westerners who have appointed
themselves as the purveyors of yoga to the masses. Many also distribute a myriad
of products which are not necessary or desirable for the practice of yoga postures
such as spandex, props, lotions, bikini yoga, etc., and conduct not spiritual yoga
retreats but yoga vacations, yoga parties and the like. Yoga originated as a non-
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
secular spiritual discipline for transcending the world and has now been con-
verted by many into a means to enjoy the worldly pleasures more intensely. This
deviation from spiritual discipline to an instrument for enhancing worldly pleas-
ure-seeking is perhaps most prominently visible in the discipline of Tantra Yoga.
Using sexual symbolism to drive home a mystical teaching, Tantra Yoga has less
to do with physical sexual intercourse between human beings than intercourse of
the soul with the Divine. Yet, many so called practitioners of Tantra Yoga in the
west tirelessly promote the idea that it is a form of “Sex-Yoga” designed to attain
spiritual enlightenment and the heights of worldly pleasure at the same time.
There are many misconceptions about the history and teaching of yoga and this is
perhaps one of the most blatant. The hedonistic* path of life, which typifies
western culture, has been shown to be ultimately a dead end street leading to
frustration and regret in later life. Yet people follow blindly the inane statements
of ignorant religious leaders, entertainers, politicians, marketers and advertisers,
which lead to spiritual and worldly bankruptcy.
Many practitioners of the Hatha Yoga postures do not realize that the postures
were not designed just to promote physical health. Actually, like the Kemetic
system, the Hindu Yoga posture system is also designed to relate a human being
to the gods and goddesses and the cosmic forces, which are symbolized by the
use of animal names and visualizations using natural objects. This is accom-
plished by the practice of the movements, study of the mythology and philosophy
behind them and meditative absorption with the principles and energies that they
represent. The promotion of health is only a means to an end, a byproduct of the
practice, and not an end in itself. The ultimate goal of yoga is to awaken the
spiritual consciousness. Any other use of yoga is a misuse or at least a limited
use. In these respects the movement systems of Kemet from Ancient Egypt,
Yoga from India, and Kung Fu of China, are unique when compared to other
forms of exercise, movement systems. Western forms of exercise are designed to
cultivate the external muscles and physical energy while the Eastern and African
disciplines are designed to develop and cultivate the internal life force, which
transcends physicality and the world itself.
The table on page 28 shows the dates in which the practice of spiritual postures
was enjoined in Africa and Asia. The earliest recorded evidence for the practice
of specific movements that lead to spiritual enlightenment occurs in Ancient
Egypt (Kamit) c. 10,000 B.C.E. The earliest recorded practice in India of the
yoga postures is c. 1,000 A.C.E.
Yoga Journal, {The New Yoga} January/February 2000
*he·don·ism (h¶d“n-¹z”…m) n. 1. Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses. 2. Philosophy.
The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Kemetic Wheel
Indian Wheel
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Thus it is evident that the practice of the Yoga postures in Egypt began over 2500 years
Table on
before the practice commenced in India. It is also likely that the Indians were introduced to
next page: the system when they connected with the Ancient Egyptians during the period of the reign
A Timeline of the Indian Sage King Ashoka. (See the book African Origins of Civilization, Religion and
of the Yoga Spirituality by Muata Ashby.)
Discipline of
Physical It has been suggested that the practice of the Hatha Yoga in India began with the use of
Postures in the Lotus, which may be traced to the Indus Valley culture. Also, the use of the term
“Asana” or posture, by the Indian Sage Patanjali, who wrote the classical yoga treatise
“Yoga Sutras” which are also known as “Ashtanga Yoga” or eight legged path or steps of
Egypt and yoga. The use of the lotus pose in the Indus Valley culture seems only to relate to the ico-
India nography of meditation. This is also true for the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali refers to asana as a
means to practice effective meditation and not as a concerted system and series of postures
for promoting health and the development of the inner Life Force. Thus, Hatha Yoga as we
know it today began at the end of the first millennium of our era and not in the time before
the Common Era (B.C.E.). So Ancient Egypt appears to be the source for the discipline of
postures. These were practiced by the priests and priestesses in order to promote physical
health but more so to promote a meditative state of mind that would allow them to come
closer to the cosmic forces represented by the divinities in the iconography of the postures,
thereby allowing them to discover their own divine essence and ultimately the source of all
the cosmic forces, the Supreme Self.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Contrary to popular knowledge, the practice of the discipline that was later known as ”Hatha Yoga” in
India began at around the year 1000 A.C.E. and not in pre-Christian (Comma Era) times as is commonly
supposed. Often times the mention of the word “asana” in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras” (200 B.C.E.) is
thought to represent an early practice of Hatha Yoga. However, when the statements by Patanjali are
examined closely, it is clear that the meaning relates to a sitting posture for meditation and not the
elaborate system of a sequence of postures designed to cultivate physical health and harmonization of the
Ha (solar) and Tha (lunar) energies of the physical and astral bodies of a person.
Further, notice that the popular practices of Hatha Yoga which have come to the West are
all 20th century developments. They are outgrowths of the original Hatha Yoga concept but
are modern interpretations, exemplifying elaborate and in many ways intricate concepts and
practices which were not enjoined by sage Goraksha. The emphasis on the physical postures
as either a discipline for physical health in a limited sense or as a self-contained end of Yoga
at the exclusion of the other disciplines (meditation, study of the wisdom teachings, right ac-
tion, devotional worship) has prompted many Indian masters to complain about the disregard
for the true meaning of Yoga and the true purpose of the exercise postures. As with so many
other disciplines, Western society has taken cultural disciplines and traditions but ascribing
new meanings and transforming these disciplines and traditions into something other than
what they originally were. The practice of the Indian Hatha Yoga postures has been adopted
by many in the western countries but the adjunct practice of meditation and the philosophy of
the postures has been left aside in great measure. The postures are mostly used as a meas to
promote physical health as opposed to their original intent of promoting positive spiritual
evolution. The following article illustrates this point. (text emphasis by Ashby)
THE SUCCESS OF YOGA in the West may have come at a heavy price. Many
teachers worry that something special has been lost in Yoga American style, and that
something is meditation. Meditation, not postures, is the heart of Yoga, they point out.
In Patanjali's India, Yoga and meditation were nearly synonymous, yet meditation plays
only a minor role in many American Yoga courses. In others, it is not taught at all.
Some Yoga students regard meditation as boring cultural baggage and appreciate
learning postures without it. But what if your experience with Yoga has inspired you to
go deeper, into Yogic spirituality? If your Yoga teacher doesn’t offer meditation guid-
ance, how should you begin? Since Yoga comes from India, should your meditation
technique be Hindu or Buddhist? Is Zen Buddhist okay? Does the inner peace you al-
ready feel in Yoga class count?
Records of meditation as a discipline for lay people, as opposed to priests, first show
up about 500 B.C. in both India and China.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Contrary to what many Yoga students believe, his (Patanjali) text said
little about Hatha Yoga postures, which weren’t a widespread practice at
the time.
The important question arises, is Yoga (Exercise) in the West really being practiced correctly? In fact, can
it even be said that yoga is being practiced in the west? The following excerpts from an article that ap-
peared in the magazine Yoga Journal, explores this problem.
“Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra…his father, at the turn of the twentieth century, was one of the
first yogic crusaders to bring hatha yoga to practices ….and begin teaching them to a lay
audience. ‘When I see what yoga has become I the west,’….. ‘I wish my father had left
it with the hermits in the caves’.”
The degradation of the practice of Yoga was typified by the comment of a well known Hollywood Actress:
Many teachers of the Indian Yoga postures in the western countries take pride in learning the jargon of
Sanskrit words and wowing their students with difficult contortions but not including philosophy or medi-
tation in their practice, presumably because the populations of the west are hostile to forms of spirituality
other than the western religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism). In the current climate (late 20th century-
early 21st) where the social climate is increasingly religiously intolerant, the prospects of Yoga and other
mystical traditions in the west will be problematical. The following guidelines should be followed if the
true Indian and Ancient Egyptian tradition of the postures is to be upheld.
Integral Practice of the Yoga postures includes physical regimen, diet, philosophy, meditation, devotional
practice and virtuous living.
• Integral Practice is not just the Postures, not just meditation, not just cultivation of the vital
body, not just wisdom
• It must include mystical philosophy, leading to entry into higher planes of existence.
• It is that experiences that informs all yogic movements in all religions of history.
• Names, jargons, clothing, memorized texts, etc. are foundations, not attainments.
“In Zen Buddhism, for example, students can chant a lineage of teachers stretching back for
centuries, with each Zen master certified by the one preceding. No such unbroken chain of
transmission exists in hatha yoga. For generations, hatha yoga was a rather obscure and
occult corner of the yoga realm, viewed with disdain by mainstream practitioners, kept
alive by a smattering of isolated ascetics in caves and Hindu maths (monasteries). It appears
to have existed for centuries in seed form, lying dormant and surfacing again and again. In
the twentieth century, it had almost died out in India. According to his biography, Krish-
namacharya had to go all the way to Tibet to find a living master…Given this lack of a
clear historical lineage, how do we know what is "traditional" in hatha yoga? Where did
our modern proliferation of poses and practices come from? Are they a twentieth century
-July/August 1999 By Anne Cushman (Yoga Journal)
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Many practitioners of Indian Hatha Yoga are fond of describing their practice as “ancient” and as being
comprised of an unbroken “lineage” of teachers going back “thousands of years.” Upon close examination
of the practice in India we find that no such unbroken chain of transmission exists in Hatha Yoga. Actually
in the early twentieth century, it had almost died out in India.
HATHA-YOGA ("forceful Yoga"), also called hatha-vidya ("science of hatha"); the type of
Yoga specific to the Kanphata sect, though this designation is also applied in general to the vast
body of doctrines and practices geared toward Self-realization by means of perfecting the body.
The term Hatha Yoga is defined as “forceful union,” that is forcing spiritual evolution via the cultivation of the
energies of the physical body. In Ancient Egypt the program of transformation through body cultivation was de-
scribed in the Pert M Heru text, more commonly known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, as well as in other
The origins of Hatha Yoga were clearly in Buddhism and not in Hinduism since we find evidence of rejection
of Hatha Yoga by the Hindu sages. Hatha Yoga is clearly rejected in the Laghu -Yoga - Vasishtha (5.6.86,
92), which maintains that it merely leads to pain. Some of criticisms, especially against the magical under-
The most popular teacher of hathayoga, who is widely celebrated as its inventor, is Goraksha
(9th or 10th cen. CE), a member of the Natha tradition, in which body cultivation played a cru-
cial role. In India it came under attack early in its development. For instance, it is clearly re-
jected in the Laghu -Yoga - Vasishtha (5.6.86, 92), which maintains that it merely leads to pain.
The most formidable critic of hatha-yoga was Vijndna Bhikshu, a sixteenth- century savant and
Yoga practitioner. Some of his criticisms, especially against the magical undercurrents present
in this yogic approach, are undoubtedly justified.
Tantric philosophy figures prominently in the origins of Indian Hatha Yoga as one of its
disciplines. As was discussed in the section of this book entitled “Item for Comparison 11:
Tantric Philosophy,” Tantrism was practiced in Ancient Egypt from the earliest times. The
practice of Tantrism in Ancient Egypt was akhnowledged by Ajit Mookerjee.
Tantric influence, however, is not limited to India alone, and there is evidence that the pre-
cepts of tantrism traveled to various parts of the world, especially Nepal, Tibet, China, Ja-
pan and parts of South-East Asia; its influence has also been evident in Mediterranean cul-
tures such as those of Egypt and Crete.
-Ajit Mookerjee (Indian Scholar-Author –from the book The Tantric Way)
Specifically, Tantric Buddhism gave rise to the earliest practice of certain postures as a means to enhance
spiritual evolution. Before this time, the only reference to Asana or posture was the sitting posture for meditation,
mentioned in the Raja Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. Below: Patanjali Yoga Sutras Sadhana Pad (200 B.C.E) -
sutra 46: Asana – Trans. Swamiji Jyotirmayananda
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
There is clear evidence of the existence of the Sakkara/Memphis- School of Memphite Theology- Di-
vinity Ptah. There is also clear evidence of the practice of “magi” or “Hekau” and the practice of Tjef
Neteru or postures of the gods and goddesses in Egypt.
Buddhist records show that early Buddhists had visited Memphis and had set up a settlement there.
Henceforth Buddhism begins to develop similar iconographies including the Divinity sitting on the lotus,
and also lotus friezes similar to those of Ancient Egypt appear in Buddhist art.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
In March 1838 a more complete and accurate impression of the Girnar rock inscrip-
tion became available to James Prinsep. On 14 'March he wrote another of those let-
ters to Alexander Cunningham that bubble over with enthusiasm and good cheer. The
Girnar inscription differed from the pillar edicts in a number of passages, and in one
he had found a line that linked Piyadasi/Ashoka to Egypt and the Ptolemys:
The passage in the 14th edict is much mutilated, and I long for a more correct copy. It
really becomes interesting to find Egypt and Ptolemy known to Asoka! I must give
you the real text:
Here was proof of diplomatic links between Ashoka's empire and the West, in the
form of Alexander the Great's successors: the Egyptian king Ptolemy was probably
Ptolemy II (ruled 285-247 BCE); Antigonus was probably Antigonos Gonatos of Mace-
TANTRIC BUDDHIST “MAGIC” YOGA begins to develop especially in Tibet – India. The following time-
line indicates the early process of evolution of hatha yoga in India.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
In ancient Kamit there were at least 24 postures in the spiritual practice prior to the time of Patanjali. In
the practice of Kamitan Tjef Neteru (Egyptian Hatha Yoga) the “magic” consists in using postures to en-
gender certain alignments with spiritual energies and cosmic forces. This is the kind of practice repudiated
by the Hindu sages and adopted by the Tantric Buddhists. Between the years 100 A.C.E. and 1000 A.C.E.
the Buddhist Kaula school developed some postures. Then Goraksha developed what is regarded by pres-
ent day Hatha Yoga practitioners as a practice similar to the present day. However, the number of postures
only reached 15 at the time of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika scripture. The Mysore family was instrumental in
the development since they were strong patrons of Hatha Yoga. Subsequent teachers developed more pos-
tures and vinyasa (which was not practiced in early Indian Hatha Yoga) up to the 20th century where there
are over 200. The teacher Krishnamacharya said he had learned from a yoga teacher in Tibet. Krish-
namacharya's first writings, which cited the Stitattvanidhi as a source, also featured vinyasa (sequences of
poses synchronized with the breath) that Krishnamacharya said he had learned from a yoga teacher in Ti-
bet. So the practice of the postures in India does not extend to ancient times and did not begin in India
with Hinduism but with Buddhism and Buddhism was associated with the Ancient Egyptian city of Mem-
p hi s whe r e p o st ures and spiritual magic were practiced previously.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The following table (on next page) shows the dates in which the practice of spiritual postures was
enjoined in Africa and Asia. The earliest recorded evidence for the practice of specific movements
that lead to spiritual enlightenment occurs in Ancient Egypt (Kamit) c. 10,000 B.C.E. The earliest re-
corded practice in India of the yoga postures is c. 1,000 A.C.E.
1800 BCE Ancient Egypt – Discipline of Sema Paut-Egyptian Yoga Postures, Arat Shetaut Neter (Goddess
Mysteries), Arat Sekhem (Serpent Power), Hekau (“Magic)
Already ancient
550 BCE Cambyses invades Egypt – Buddhism, Jainism, Pythagoreaninsm, Zoroastrianism, Confucianism,
Taoism - BORN
100 ACE -Tantrism – Emerges as a Distinct culture of Spirituality in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
Emphasizing Shaktism (Goddess female energy and Goddess as female aspect of the Absolute), Occultism,
Magic, Kundalini
c. 460-490 A.C.E. Shakta and Tantra Spirituality -Writings elaborating on Tantric spirituality and mysti-
cism of the Chakras
Goraksha – Develops Hatha Yoga to “Force” the movement of Kundalini (serpent Power) # Postures ?
1000 ACE
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Part III
The Myth Behind the
Ancient Egyptian Yoga
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Not many people are aware of the fact that the Ancient Egyptians
practiced Yoga Exercises and Meditation thousands of years ago.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Ø Tehuti
Ø Maat
Shu Ù Tefnut
Set Osiris Ù Isis Ù Nephthys
Horus Anubis
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The diagram above shows that the Psedjet (Ennead), or the crea-
tive principles which are embodied in the primordial gods and god-
desses of creation, emanated from the Supreme Being. Ra or Ra-Tem
arose out of the “Nu”, the Primeval waters, the hidden essence, and
began sailing the “Boat of Millions of Years” which included the
Company of gods and goddesses. On his boat emerged the “neters”
or cosmic principles of creation. The neters of the Ennead are Ra-
Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Asar (Osiris), Aset (Isis), Set, and Ne-
behet (Nephthys). Hetheru (Hathor), Djehuti and Maat represent at-
tributes of the Supreme Being as the very stuff or substratum which
makes up creation. Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Asar (Osiris), Aset (Isis),
Set, and Nebehet (Nephthys) represent the principles upon which
creation manifests. Anpu (Anubis) is not part of the Ennead. He rep-
resents the feature of intellectual discrimination in the Asarian
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
During the absence of Asar from his kingdom, his brother Set had
no opportunity to make innovations in the state because Aset was ex-
tremely vigilant in governing the country, and always upon her
guard and watchful for any irregularity or unrighteousness.
Upon Asar's return from touring the world and carrying the teach-
ings of wisdom abroad there was merriment and rejoicing through-
out the land. However, one day after Asar return, through his lack of
vigilance, he became intoxicated and slept with Set's wife, Nebehet .
Nebehet, as a result of the union with Asar, begot Anpu .
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The King of Syria was out walking and as he passed by the tree,
he immediately fell in love with the pleasant aroma, so he had the
tree cut down and brought to his palace. Aset (Auset, Ast), Asar's
wife, the personification of the life giving, mother force in creation
and in all humans, went to Syria in search of Asar. Her search led
her to the palace of the Syrian King where she took a job as the
nurse of the King's son. Every evening Aset would put the boy into
the "fire" to consume his mortal parts, thereby transforming him to
immortality. Fire is symbolic of both physical and mental purifica-
tion. Most importantly, fire implies wisdom, the light of truth, illu-
mination and energy. Aset, by virtue of her qualities, has the power
to bestow immortality through the transformative power of her
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
symbolic essence. Aset then told the king that Asar, her husband, is
inside the pillar he made from the tree. He graciously gave her the
pillar (DJED) and she returned with it to Kamit (Kmt, Egypt).
Upon her return to Kmt Aset went to the papyrus swamps where
she lay over Asar's dead body and fanned him with her wings, infus-
ing him with new life. In this manner Aset revived Asar through her
power of love and wisdom, and then they united once more. From
their union was conceived a son, Heru, with the assistance of the
gods Djehuti (Thoth) and Amun (Amon).
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
After searching all over the world they found all the pieces of
Asar (Osiris)’ body, except for his phallus which was eaten by a
fish. In Eastern Hindu-Tantra mythology, the God Shiva, who is the
equivalent of Asar, also lost his phallus in one story. In Ancient
Egyptian and Hindu-Tantra mythology, this loss represents seminal
retention in order to channel the sexual energy to the higher spiri-
tual centers, thereby transforming it into spiritual energy. Aset,
Anpu and Nebehet re-membered the pieces, all except the phallus
which was eaten by the fish. Asar thus regained life in the realm of
the dead, the Duat.
Heru, therefore, was born from the union of the spirit of Asar
and the life giving power of Aset (physical nature). Thus, Heru rep-
resents the union of spirit and matter, and the renewed life of
Asar, his rebirth. During this time of exile, Aset left Egypt and
wandered around with the child in search of a place to be safe away
from Set. While traveling through a town Heru was bitten by an
evil scorpion which had been sent out by Set. The goddess Nebehet
and the scorpion goddess Selket came to her assistance and cried
with Aset . Then Selket told Aset to use her worlds of power to call
upon Ra, the Supreme Being, to stop his
MAAT movements in the Barque of Millions of
Years and to restore Heru back to health.
Ra sent Djehuti with words of power
and spiritual energy to revive Heru. Af-
ter Heru was nursed back to health and
educated by his mother Aset (Isis) he
quickly grew up to be a strong young
man. As Heru grew up, Asar, who was
abiding in the Duat, encouraged him to
take up arms (vitality, wisdom, courage,
strength of will) and establish truth, jus-
tice and righteousness in the world by
challenging Set, its current ruler.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
When the conflict resumed, the two contendants went before the
court of the Ennead gods (Company of the nine gods who ruled over
creation, headed by Ra). Set, promising to end the fight and restore
Heru to the throne, invited Heru to spend the night at his house, but
Heru soon found out that Set had evil intentions when he tried to
have intercourse with him. The uncontrolled Set also symbolizes un-
restricted sexual activity. Juxtaposed against this aspect of Set
(uncontrolled sexual potency and desire) is Heru in the form of ithy-
phallic (erect phallus) MIN, who represents not only the control of
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
sexual desire, but its sublimation as well. Min symbolizes the power
which comes from the sublimation of the sexual energy.
This signifies that even the gods cannot escape judgment for their
deeds. Since all that exists is only a manifestation of the absolute re-
ality which goes beyond time and space, that which is in the realm of
time and space (humans, spirits, gods, angels, neters) are all bound
by its laws. Following the receipt of Asar's scroll (letter), Heru was
crowned King of Egypt. Set accepted the decision and made peace
with Heru. All the gods rejoiced. Thus ends the legend of Asar, Aset,
and Heru.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The Mystical Symbolism
The Characters in the
Asarian (Osirian) Mystery
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Asar (Osiris)
Incarnation of the Higher Self into the realm of time
and space
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The lower self
Set represents the unbridled lower self of all human beings. His
impulsiveness and reckless passionate pursuits are the ever present
enemy of the aspirant or anyone else who is striving for control
over the urges of the mind and body. The lower self is represented
by the desires of the mind which lure the soul into the varied situa-
tions where it experiences pain and pleasure in the world of time
and space (the relative existence). These desires lead to selfishness,
greed, hatred, anger, lust and other human failings. Set is also iden-
tified with the desert, the waste land. This is a sym-
bolic reference to those who are selfish, argumentative
and egoistic. Their life is based on fighting with others
over what they have not earned and therefore, they live
a life which is constantly agitated and devoid of real
peace. They are constantly seeking to fulfill their needs
and desires and rarely feel contented except temporar-
ily when they are feeling that they are getting what
they want. This may be by hook or by crook. They do
not think about the feelings of others, only about what
they want and they don't care if they must hurt others
to get it. This is the Setian quality and it is a negative
feature in the personality of those who are at a low
level of spiritual evolution.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Aset (Isis)
Love and Wisdom
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
"I Aset (Isis), am all that has been, all that is, or shall be;
and no mortal man hath ever unveiled me."
A devotee of ASET (ISIS) is: One who ponders over sacred matters
and seeks therein for hidden truth. It is not enough to just hear the an-
cient myths or to understand them at an intellectual level. The aspirant
must go deep within him/herself to discover the subtle ideas being con-
veyed. Plutarch describes the character of an initiate of Aset (Isis) as:
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
In this manner, Aset is one with Asar and all who come to her
temple are given wisdom which leads them to experience the Divine.
This wisdom is the intuitional realization which comes from ponder-
ing on the nature of the Divine. Pondering implies repeated reflec-
tion on the Divine, trying, with sincerity and humility, to understand.
Nebethet (Nephthys)
Nature and Death
Nebehet is the sister of Asar and she represents nature and the
natural phase of life called death. Nature is what the spirit impreg-
nates with its life giving essence. Therefore, nature Nebehet is the
recipient of Asar's seed (spirit). According to natural law, anything
that is born must be subject to the laws of nature and ultimately die.
In his original form, detached from nature, Asar was timeless, im-
mortal, and untouched by the passions and frailties of human nature.
As an incarnation of the Divine, Asar becomes intoxicated with na-
ture and becomes associated with it through intercourse with Nebe-
het. This is the predicament of every individual human being. The
human spirit becomes involved with nature in the form of the natural
elements and thereby produces a physical body composed of an ag-
gregate of physical elements (water, earth, fire, air) which interact in
various ways through the qualities of each (review chapter 3 of
Egyptian Yoga: The Philosophy of Enlightenment).
Forms of Nebethet
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Asar. In the reliefs of the temples and various papyri, Aset and Ne-
behet are represented as looking almost exactly alike, the only dif-
ference being in their head dress: Aset ‘, Nebehet S or Q. However,
the symbols of these goddesses are in reality just inverted. The sym-
bol of Nebehet is the symbol of Aset when inverted ‘ÎQ. There-
fore, each is a reflection of the other and it may be also said that both
are aspects of the same principle. This likeness which Aset and Ne-
behet share is important when they are related to Asar.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Anpu (Anubis)
Discernment and Discrimination
Anpu is the trained intellect of the aspirant. This implies the abil-
ity to discipline the body and mind so as to not get caught up in the
illusions or emotions of the mind. When the mind and its wavelike
thought vibrations are under control, the way is open to spiritual re-
alization in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. This peace and
harmony does not necessarily imply an outer situation of calm. It
does imply an inward peace which comes from understanding the
implications of the wisdom teachings. Anpu represents the dawn
when darkness turns to light. He watches over the balance (scales) in
the hall of judgment of the Book of Coming Forth By Day (See chap-
ter 10 and pages 117, 192) with extreme diligence and in the aspect
of Apuat, he is the Opener of the Ways who leads souls to the Ely-
sian Fields in the Great Oasis. Therefore, his great quality of dis-
crimination allows the aspirant to diligently watch the mind and to
determine which thoughts are divine and which are egoistic and
tending towards nature and its perils (life, death, pain, pleasure, etc.).
Anpu, as the son of Nebehet and Asar is therefore, a combination of
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The jackal deity has two aspects, Anpu (Anubis) is the embalmer,
the one who prepares the initiate, the Shti (one who is in his coffin—
the body). Up to this point the initiate is considered to be dead, a
mummy, since he/she does not have conscious realization of the
transcendental reality beyond the ego-personality. At this stage, the
aspirant must be prepared (virtue and physical purification) to re-
ceive the teaching because without preparation, the highest teaching
would fall on deaf ears. The next aspect is Apuat, The opener of the
Ways. In this context Anpu represents vigilance and constant prac-
tice of discrimination and watchfulness (mindfulness) over the ego-
self. Apuat represents the development of intuitional realization
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
which occurs in degrees. Gradually, the ego self
becomes effaced and reveals the true Self as one
with Amun. Then the mysterious hidden essence
of all things is realized as one's very self. All of a
sudden it is realized that this was always the true
self and that the individual ego personality was a
misunderstanding born out of one's ignorance.
Sublimated Spiritual Energy
Heru (Horus)
Divinity - The Sun Divinity
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
nastic period, the symbol of Heru,§, is used inter-
changeably with ¢, The Neter. In dynastic times Heru
was associated with Heru as in the Asarian (Osirian)
Mystery where he was represented in the form of
Heru-p-khart or Heru the child, who later becomes
Min, the avenger of his father.
The struggle between Heru and Set is the struggle of every human
being to control the mind with its erratic desires, longings, unful-
filled expectations and disappointments. This struggle is not avoid-
able by anyone who is not enlightened. Most people succumb under
the weight of the lower self and its desires for fulfillment. This is a
pathetic development which those people have allowed to develop
due to their own indulgence in the sensual desires of the body and
also due to their ignorance of their divine nature which is buried
deep within under the egoistic thoughts and unconscious ignorant
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Wherever you direct your mind, there you will be. If you direct it to ac-
tivities which involve a lot of extrovertedness, argumentativeness and un-
rest, you will have that kind of mind even when there is peace and quiet.
However, if you direct the mind to peace and harmony, in time, you will
have peace and harmony even under the most stressful conditions. This is
the miracle and mystery of the mind. Where the attention goes, the energy
and desire flows as well. Thus, the challenge for a spiritual aspirant is to
lead him/herself to become more Heruian instead of Setian. The path of
Heru, virtue, heroism and effacement of the ego, leads to spiritual enlight-
enment and victory while the path of Set, ignorance and egoism, leads to
an endless search for fulfillment of worldly desires. The path of Set is the
cycle of birth and death and countless experiences of disappointments and
unfulfilled desires. Thus if you have fanciful notions of being happy in the
world of human experience you are living life based on illusion and igno-
rance because no one is truly happy in the world. If you choose to live ac-
cording to the precepts of Maat, then you are aligning yourself with order,
truth and reality.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The struggle between Heru and Set does not end with either de-
stroying the other. Heru pursues the path of reason seeking counsel
with the wisdom of Djehuti and Aset. Set, the lower self, refuses to
abide by the decree of wisdom but he is eventually sublimated
through his own humiliation and ignorance. In the end, when the as-
pirant is aligned with all divine forces, the lower self can no longer
struggle. The overwhelming force of the Divine pushes the lower
self into a position of service rather than of mastership. This is sym-
bolized by the relief which shows Set protecting the Barque of Ra
from the evil serpent Apep (Apophis).
The god Djehuti in the ritual act (movement) of stretching the cloth.
Karnak Temple 18th Dynasty, Egypt, Africa
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Healthy Life Style,
Diet and Nutrition,
Preventative Health and
Daily Yoga Practices
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
A- Another important point is that the sun was used for much of the
cooking as opposed to stoves, and even worse, microwave ovens
which destroy both the gross and subtle nutritional quality of foods.
B- Many foods were eaten raw and vegetables made up a major part
of the diet.
C- Wheat was not a major part of the diet. Spelt was used instead. In
Indian Ayur-Veda science, wheat has been found to be incompatible
with some people, causing them phlegm or congestion.
D- The ancient Egyptians lived in an area of the world where the cli-
mate was stable. This is important because their physical bodies
were not subjected to drastic changes such as in those areas where
seasonal temperature changes range many degrees. There are certain
locations in the world where the climates change many degrees
within a single day. This occurrence is jolting to the body's equilib-
rium and thus affects general health. This factor of the geographical
climate became a primary teaching of Jesus in the Essene Gospel of
Peace. Also, this Gospel describes cooking with the sun as well as
the proper methods of food combining, attitude when eating and
methods of internal cleansing through fasts and enemas.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The Ancient Egyptian Texts state that one cannot expect to obtain results
unless one is:
These are the keys to accomplishing any goal in life and, enlighten-
ment is a goal like any other, albeit the highest goal. With respect to at-
taining the goal of enlightenment, all other goals are like dust blowing in
the wind. The following instruction will serve as guidelines for medita-
tion and is not intended to be a substitute for a competent instructor.
There are many techniques of meditation. Here we will focus on basic
techniques of "moving" meditations for initially calming the mind of the
beginning practitioner.
Many people do not realize that what they consume has a strong effect
on their psyche. This implies not only foods but all manner of consump-
tion. Just as there are three major states of relative consciousness, there
are three basic kinds of foods. The first group is composed of those foods
which engender restlessness, agitation and distraction.
Ex. sugars, salty foods, dry foods, hot spices, coffee, fish, poultry,
eggs, etc.
These foods promote passion, stimulate the emotions and excite the
body. Also eating in a hurry promotes restlessness and distraction. The
second group is composed of foods which promote dullness. This group
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Dull foods are not good for the body or for the mind, but much like the
stimulating foods, they create an addictive form of dependency wherein
even when the person has a full understanding of the deleterious effects
of the foods, he or she continues to consume them anyway using the ex-
cuse “well I want to enjoy my life even if I shorten it”. The weakened
will disables a person’s reasoning capacity as well as their willpower to
resist the urge for the foods.
Lucid foods are those which promote harmony, inner mental peace,
bright intellect, willpower, etc. They foster purity of the mind as well as
the body. They are nutritious and enhance the body’s ability to fight off
disease. Lucid foods include:
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
not exactly the same as another, the exact diet which is optimal for
each individual will be slightly different. Therefore each individual
should experiment with their diet within the broad guidelines given
above in order to discover the right combination within the Lucid
Diet category which is best suited for him or her.
To desire, therefore, and covet after truth, those truths more es-
pecially which concern the divine nature, is to aspire to be par-
takers of that nature itself (1), and to profess that all our stud-
ies (2) and inquiries (2) are devoted to the acquisition of holi-
ness. This occupation is surely more truly religious than any
external (3) purifications or mere service of the temple can be.
(4) But more especially must such a disposition of mind be
highly acceptable to that goddess to whose service you are
dedicated, for her special characteristics are wisdom and fore-
sight, and her very name seems to express the peculiar relation
which she bears to knowledge. For "Aset (Isis)" is a Greek
word, and means "knowledge or wisdom,"(5) and
"Typhon,'' [Set] the name of her professed adversary, is also a
Greek word, and means " pride and insolence."(6) This latter
name is well adapted to one who, full of ignorance and error,
tears in pieces (7) and conceals that holy doctrine (about Asar
(Osiris)) which the goddess collects, compiles, and delivers to
those who aspire after the most perfect participation in the di-
vine nature. This doctrine inculcates a steady perseverance in
one uniform and temperate course of life (8), and an abstinence
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
3-4 The plan prescribed by the teachings of yoga is the only true
means to effective spiritual development because it reveals the inner
meanings of the teachings and it is experiential, i.e. it is based on
your own personal experience and not conjecture. Otherwise, wor-
ship and religious practices remain at the level of ritualism only and
do not lead to enlightenment.
5-7 The name “ASET (ISIS)” represents “wisdom” itself which be-
stows the knowledge of the true Self of the initiate. In the Asarian
(Osirian) Mysteries, when Set killed Asar (Osiris) by tearing him
into pieces, he was symbolically tearing up the soul. However, Aset
restores the pieces of the soul (Asar). Therefore, Pride and Insolence
(Set-egoism) destroy the soul and Knowledge of the Self (Aset) re-
stores it to its true nature. The Greek name for Aset (Isis) is sup-
ported by the ancient Egyptian scriptures. One of the names of Aset
(Isis) is: Rekhit ‰¯Ë˜[meaning “knowledge personified” and
“Aset (Isis)-Sothis”. Rekhit is also a name of the God in the “Duat”
or Netherworld who possesses knowledge which can lead the soul to
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
the abode of the Divine, thus avoiding the fiends and demoniac per-
sonalities of the Duat which lead the soul to experience hellish con-
ditions after death. The variation, Rekh-t ‰¯Ë·˜#, means
Sage or learned person.
9-10 The foods referred to are flesh foods (swine, sheep, fish, etc.),
pulse, and salt. Indulgence in sexual activity has two relevant as-
pects. First, it intensifies the physical experience of embodiment and
distracts the mind by creating impressions in the subconscious which
will produce future cravings and desires. This state of mind renders
the individual incapable of concentration on significant worldly or
high spiritual achievements. Secondly, control of the sexual urge
leads to control of the sexual Life Force energy, which can then be
directed toward higher mental and spiritual achievement.
12- There are two very important points in this line. Once again we
are being reminded that good association or keeping the company of
sages or other enlightened personalities is a powerful means to gain
knowledge of the state of enlightenment. To this end, strive to keep
good company in your family relations as well as non-family rela-
tions. Read uplifting books by the sages and the teachings of the
masters. When you discover a more evolved personality, seek to
maintain contact by reading their teachings and through correspon-
dence. Do not debate with those who lack spiritual sensitivity. This
form of interaction will weaken your mind. As Jesus said: Cast not
your pearls before swine, for they will trample them as they turn
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
against you. Trust in the Omniscient Divine Self, who knows past,
present and future, who manifests as Nature to lead others on the
path. Spread the teachings of yoga to those who are interested only
or with those whom you practice. This kind of interaction will help
you both to increase your understanding and generate a positive
frame of mind.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The following dietary guidelines for spiritual and physical health are
derived from the above statement.
You can change the future condition of your body by first men-
tally resolving to change it and then employing the self-effort in that
direction while at the same time invoking the help of the Neters
(cosmic forces - divine energies of God) to assist your quest for self-
improvement. This will not be easy since the temptation of food is
very great. It is related to the first energy center of the subtle spiri-
tual body (Uraeus-Kundalini Serpent Power)* and it is a force which
needs to be controlled in order to proceed on the spiritual path. As
part of your spiritual program, begin controlling your intake of food
gradually, on a daily basis. Even if you cut back a tablespoonful per
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
day until you reach a level of intake which will support the normal
weight for your body structure. Be especially watchful of yourself in
respect to your habits. Do you eat out of habit, for pleasure or out of
necessity? If it is out of habit or for pleasure, you must break the cy-
cle by engaging in other activities when the desire arises. Do exer-
cise, deep breathing, study, chant, call a fellow practitioner for sup-
port. The Serpent power will be discussed in detail in two future sec-
tions. *see audio tape lecture KUNDALINI - URAEUS YOGA:
Workshop and Cleansing Meditation - I.
3,4,5- Once again, the main format for spiritual education is:
‡Note: It is important to note here that the same teaching which was
practiced in Ancient Egypt of Listening to, Reflecting upon, and
Meditating upon the teachings is the same process used in Vedanta-
Jnana Yoga of today.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
In the Mysteries of Asar and Aset, Set represents the lower hu-
man nature and Heru the Higher. Set kills Asar and usurps the throne
which rightfully should belong to Heru, Asar's son. In various ren-
derings of the characteristics of Set, it is stated that Set is promiscu-
ous. Most interestingly, both Heru and Set are vegetarians. Their fa-
vorite food is lettuce. Therefore, we are to understand that vegetari-
anism increases the potential for spiritual advancement and for the
vital sexual force. With this understanding, it is clear that control of
the sexual urge to conserve potential spiritual energy and purifica-
tion of the diet are necessary practices on the spiritual path which
enable the aspirant to achieve increased spiritual sensitivity. When
practiced correctly, the conserved energy can be transformed into
spiritual energy by directing it through the various energy centers in
the body until it finally reaches the center of intuitional vision (Eye
of Heru-Udjat).
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Since the physical body and all worldly attainments are change-
able, fleeting and ultimately perishable, it would be wise to pursue a
way of life which directs the mind toward understanding the Self
and not to pursue health as an end in itself, but as a means to your
own growth and spiritual evolution, which will continue even after
the death of your physical body if you have not attained enlighten-
ment up to the time of physical death. The holistic development of
an individual must be directed to achieving a state of consciousness
which is not dependent on the physical body for peace and comfort.
The body is an instrument which you have created through your
thoughts to allow you to pursue the goal of enlightenment and
thereby experience the fullness of life.
For more details on the subject of diet, fasting and nutrition see the
new book The Kemetic Diet: Food For Body, Mind and Soul by
Muata Ashby
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Opening Prayer:
O Åmen, O Åmen, who art in heaven, turn thy face upon
the dead body of the child, and make your child sound
and strong in the Underworld.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
thee, and place thou thine heir and thine image, myself,
in the everlasting underworld... let my whole body be-
come like that of a neter, let me escape from the evil
chamber and let me not be imprisoned therein; for I
worship thy name..
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The suggested times given above are the minimum amount you
should spend on daily spiritual practices each day. Whenever possi-
ble you should increase the times according to your capacity and
ability. You should train your mind so that it rejoices in hearing
about and practicing the teachings of yoga instead of the useless
worldly activities. Follow this path gradually but steadily.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
So let us begin!
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The Exercises,
Yoga Postures
Egyptian Yoga
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Aspect of
Personality Yogic Aspect Promoted in the System
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The process of
personality Integration.
Emotion Reason Action Will
Yoga of Yoga of Yoga of Yoga of
Devotional Wisdom Righteousness Meditation
Love Virtue
Control of Understanding Self-control Study of Mind
feeling. the Selfless and
Directed Divine, service. development of
towards the Mystical Purity of Heart. inner powers.
Divine Psychology
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The Program of Thef Neteru Yoga differs from other forms of exercise (sports, recrea-
tion, games) in several important ways. First, it is a system for developing not only the
physical aspect of a human being but also the mental and spiritual aspects as well. This oc-
curs in the following way.
The practice of the physical postures of yoga affect not only the muscles (as ordinary ex-
ercises do) but also the nerves and the mind and thus develops the inner Life Force and Ser-
pent Power energies, thereby awakening and cultivating the psychic energies of the Astral
Body and the higher power of the inner self.
The understanding of the mythological teachings of the postures allows the practitioner
to develop insight into the character and energy of each posture by understanding its presid-
ing deity and enabling them to assume the role of that deity, thus allowing that cosmic force
to be awakened within their consciousness. Therefore, along with the practice of the pos-
tures the practitioner should also study the mythology and teachings of the particular deity in
order to gain insight into the feeling of the god or goddess of the posture. The gods and god-
desses (Neteru) are in reality symbols of cosmic forces in nature and in the mind, which if
understood and cultivated, cause a human being to develop their latent divine (Neteru)
qualities, thus, engendering higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.
The practice of the postures should be seen as a journey of self-discovery and not as a
chore or obligation simply to keep the physical body fit. That attitude will yield only limited
results. The workout may be understood as a series of phases leading from Death to life,
from before Creation to after Creation and from the Lower Self to the Higher.
In the beginning there were no forms, no Creation. There was only non-existence, but non-
existence means absence of created objects (planets, stars, matter, the elements, etc.) and not
absence of existence itself. The spirit was, is, and always will be and that spirit is symbol-
ized by the Mummy (Karast) which is physically dead. The gods Asar and Anpu-Apuat pre-
side over the dead mummy and from death life springs forth. This is the divine resurrection.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Phase 1: Creation
As you perform the postures you will learn about and discover Creation. This is accomplished
through the following poses.
Nefertem is God in the form of the child, the innocence of creation as symbolized by the new
born sun. He springs forth from the Primeval Ocean and sits atop the Lotus which is Creation
itself, as its master. As God brought Creation into being through sound, or the word, which
creates vibration or movement, so to the Journey of Enlightenment through the Thef Neteru
(postures of the gods and goddesses) is begun with Words Of Power which set the proper vi-
brational tone to the environment, propitiate the presence of the cosmic forces to be discov-
ered, harnessed and cultivated. If you have difficulty sitting in the lotus pose you may use the
half lotus or the cross-legged posture.
You may use any words of power you were initiated into by your teacher or you may use those
listed below.* You may add additional words of power in accordance with your inner feeling.
Chant for five to ten minutes.
(The universal Hekau or mantram of the Higher Self)
*See the book Initiation Into Egyptian Yoga for more Words of Power. You may also take this
opportunity to practice breathing exercises here.
3- Nun Pose.
Nun is the Primeval Ocean from which all creation arises. The aspirant should understand that
Creation already existed as unformed matter before it came into being. Unformed matter was
given form by ideas, will and sound of God. Nothing is Created, only transformed from al-
ready previously existing essence. God Creates using his very own essence just as a human
being creates the dream world during a dream from their very own mental essence. This
“essence of God” is also referred to as the Neteru (gods and goddesses or cosmic forces) ema-
nating from Pa Neter (The Supreme Being).
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
You may also use words of power as you practice the individual postures. The Mysticism of
the Neteru involves the task of discovering them within yourself. This is the most powerful
and highest form of Yoga practice, seeing yourself as one with the divine. This means learn-
ing about the neteru, acting like them, talking like them, feeling like them and finally being
them. This is the most important aspect of all Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) ritual systems
and it is so because of its power to transforms a human being. As you believe so you be-
come. If you believe you are a lowly human being you will think, feel and act that way and
your life will be a reflection of that limitation and degradation. If you understand you are
more than that you will discover more, your true identity. This process is called yoga and the
end or goal of this process is called spiritual enlightenment, resurrection. Therefore, as you
practice the postures you should see yourself as embodying the principles of the presiding
deity of that posture. This is why it is important to understand the myths related to each of
the neteru.
Egyptian Yoga Exercise is more than physical exercise. It is a ritual system of Forms and
Special Movements for becoming Divine, one with the gods and goddesses and ultimately
discovering that these gods and goddesses or cosmic forces, are in reality emanations from
your innermost self. Thus you may utter the words “Nuk pu” and the name of the presiding
deity as you go into each posture. For example, as you enter the Aset pose say “Nuk pu
Aset, Nuk pu Aset” and so forth.
4- Shu Pose
Shu represents space and air, which separates heaven and earth but which also sustains life.
Therefore breathing in this and all exercises is very important.
5- Warm Up –Preparing to Sustain Creation. Warm up is very important before going into
any posture so as not to hurt any muscles or tendons, etc.
You will discover how Creation is separated into heaven and earth. (Nut and Geb)
The Journey of Ra Pose Series is actually a journey within the larger journey of the whole
program. It means understanding the cycle of daily creation through which God sustains
Creation at every moment. Creation is not just an event that occurred billions of years ago. It
is an ongoing process. Every day you journey in the physical world through your mind and
physical body and through the astral world when you dream at night. Your desire and will
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
and your movement are what sustain your reality just as the constant movement of the spirit
sustains Creation all the time. Coming into harmony with this means discovering the power to
create a better life for yourself by taking control of your power in every moment of your life.
Then you will discover the earth (gross-lower-physical nature) aspect of your own personality
through the following postures.
These poses primarily focus on the physical spine since it is the structure which allows the
body to function. Flexibility of the spine means physical health and mental health. Constric-
tion and calcification or weakness of the spine means pain and disease (physical and mental).
These postures affect the mind because they promote the health and flexibility of the spinal
nerves which in turn affect the mind, and the psycho-spiritual energy centers, which exist in
the Astral Body.
The transition poses assist a spiritual aspirant in moving from the Earth Series postures to-
wards the Higher Self. Now that Creation has been engendered and sustained and the Earth
aspect of life (gross) has been explored and glorified it is time to begin the journey of discov-
ering the subtle aspect of life. The transition poses are:
Heru is the supreme defender of truth, righteousness and justice. He is the successful spiritual
aspirant. Therefore, he represents virtue, honor and invincible will. He is the perfect balance
between the higher and lower self and he therefore leads the spiritual aspirant into the inner
shrine of the spirit, the Higher Self.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The Henu Pose Series is optional in the general practice of the Thef Neteru System of psy-
cho-spiritual exercises. However, it should be part of the advanced program of practice. The
Henu Form is a series of postures performed to pay homage to the Divine. Its movements
are slow and deliberate as well as graceful, creating a devotional feeling between practitio-
ner and the Higher Self. Anpu, Heru, Set and others divinities preside over this posture and
it is great honor to perform it.
The Higher Self is the subtle, expansive aspect of existence. It is presided over by the god-
dess in three special forms. Nut– expansive, infinite self. Maat– virtuous self. Aset– intui-
tional wisdom of self. Thus we have the following poses:
The establishment poses are designed to help the practitioner become established in the
benefits derived from the teachings and exercises of the previous phases. The Establishment
Poses are:
Sheti means the body which is prepared for resurrection. This pose is used for the final re-
laxation and meditation of the session.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
"Smai Tawi"
(Egyptian Yoga)
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 1-
1-The Beginning:
Before Creation
Left: The Ancient Egyptian Supreme
Being in the form of the evening sun
(Tem), encircled by the serpent of
“Many Faces” (infinity and multiplic-
ity). The Serpent symbolizes the
power or Life Force through which
Creation is engendered. The Serpent,
“Mehen” lives in the primeval ocean
out of which Creation arises. Note the symbol, N. It is an Ancient Egyptian determinative
used to signify “limb,” “flesh,” “parts of the body.” There are three symbols at the feet of
Ra and next to these are the heads of the serpent. In mystical terms the meaning is that from
the singular essence arise the three aspects, the Trinity, and from these arise the multiplicity
of Creation. Thus, Creation is the very flesh or body of God. From his head is emerging
Khepri, the Creator of the universe, who performs the actual act of creation. It is important
to understand that the creation act is not something that happened once long ago. Khepri is
said to create the new day every day. Thus, the implication is that creation is a continuous
process which sustains the universe at every moment just as you sustain your dream world
at every moment during a dream..
Visualize that you are that spirit, completely still, with all the potential to manifest
and create anything you want.
See yourself resting on the great serpent which lives in the Primeval Ocean. See
your body as a dead mummy but with a burgeoning Life Force power deep down.
Visualize the journey ahead, the creation that is to follow, and marvel at that
wondrous power of the Divine within you to enliven the body and sustain Crea-
Stay completely still in this posture for 2 minutes, relaxing every muscle. Do not
move even if you want to scratch. Stay absolutely still as if your body were dead.
Sit up now and come to the Lotus Posture, to begin the process of coming to life
and Creating your world, your peace, your health and your spiritual enlightenment.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
(Fig. 1)
(Fig. 3)
(Fig. 2)
(Fig. 4)
(Fig. 4A)
(Fig. 6)
Fig. 7
(Fig. 5)
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Now sit in the easy pose or the lotus pose to practice a few breathing ex-
ercises. You can use The easy pose (Fig. 4) is best for beginners, un-
less you are very flexible, because it does not put undue strain on the
muscles. An alternative posture is to sit with your legs folded under you
as shown in Fig. 4A. As you progress, you may eventually begin to
practice the lotus pose (Fig. 1) for your exercises and meditations. The
lotus pose requires much practice and concentration. Once it is mastered,
it is a good posture for meditation because it is centered, stable and it
keeps the back straight which maintains the alignment of the energy cen-
ters of the vertebrae column.
The Lotus flower (Figs. 2,3,5,6) has deep mystical symbolism in both
Ancient Egypt and India. It relates to the spiritual aspirant who develops
detachment and dispassion from the world since it sits in the muddy wa-
ter but is not touched or affected by the mud. It is ever pure and de-
tached. This is how life is to be lived. Detachment from the illusory
pleasures of the world allows the mind to be calm and concentrated for
spiritual study and meditation. These in turn lead the spiritual aspirant to
discover the infinite realms of the inner Self.
The sitting poses are the beginning of your spiritual exercises. There-
fore, you should begin by invoking some auspicious prayers, chants or
your favorite utterances to propitiate positive energies during this time.
A simple and universal practice is to chant “Om,” “Om,”
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Fig. A
Fig. B Fig. C
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Proper Breathing
Proper breathing is one effective way to store and accumulate vital Life Force energy in the body.
Other means are control of emotions, thoughts, actions, etc. Proper breathing is a practice that should
be used especially before and during meditation since it acts to harmonize the energies of the mind and
consequently also the mind.
Most people in the modern world do not know how to breathe properly. Most people (especially
males) have learned to breathe by pushing out the chest in a "manly" or "macho" fashion. This mode of
breathing is harmful for many reasons. The amount of air taken in is less and vital cosmic energy is
reduced and becomes stagnant in the subtle vital energy channels, resulting in physical and mental dis-
eases. The stagnation of the flow of energy through the body has the effect of grounding one's con-
sciousness to the physical realities rather than allowing the mind and body to operate with lightness and
"Belly breathing" or abdominal breathing massages the internal organs and devel-
ops Life Force energy (Sekhem, Chi or Prana). It will be noticed that it is your natural
breathing pattern when you lie down on your back. Instruction is as follows: A-
Breathe in and push the stomach out. B- Breathe out and pull the stomach in. This
form of breathing is to be practiced at all times, not just during meditation. It allows
the natural Life Force in the air to be rhythmically supplied to the body and nervous
system. This process is indispensable in the achievement of physical health and men-
tal-spiritual power to control the mind (meditation).
Breathing exercise: With eyes closed, allow the abdomen to expand as you breathe in. Visualize that
you are taking in Life Force energy along with the air. See it remaining in your body as you expel the
air. Visualize that all the nutrients of the air are being used and that impurities are being carried away.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Prior to your practice of yoga postures and meditation, you should practice ALTERNATE NOS-
TRIL BREATHING. There are opposing forces (poles) of energy in the human body. These forces are
related to mental energy, the emotions, and mental and physical health. When these poles are out of
balance, various mental, emotional and physical problems can arise. When harmonized, they allow
you to experiencing vitality, health, mental calm, concentration and inner peace. The study of these
forces is related to the Uraeus Serpent of Egypt and the Kundalini Serpent Yoga systems of India. For
now, simply follow the instructions below and you will begin to feel improved health and vitality. As
you study the deeper implications of the breath, more teachings will be given to enhance your prac-
The opposing energy poles of the body, Uatchet (Udjat, Utchat) and Nekhebet, can be balanced
by practicing a simple ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING exercise. These Ancient Egyptian names
are symbolic of the opposing energies that flow through the subtle spirit body and energy centers of
every human being. They are also referred to as the solar channel and the lunar channel, or the Pin-
gala and the Ida Nadis (energy channels) in the Indian Kundalini system, respectively. The solar
breath (Uatchet, through the right nostril) is heating to the body and is therefore useful when physi-
cal activity is to be performed. Also, the solar breath is useful when there is disease in the body. At
this time, breathing through the solar channel will heat up the body and assist it in overcoming the
disease process. Therefore, if there is illness, the left nostril should be blocked off for given periods of
time. This may also be practiced before going to bed. When going to bed one should lay on the left
side when falling asleep in order to cause the breath to flow through the right nostril. The lunar
breath (Nekhebet, through the left nostril) is cooling to the body. However, unless one is well ad-
vanced in the practice of yoga, one should practice the ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING which
harmonizes both the solar and lunar channels, therefore balancing the energy of the mind and body.
† Air
×] Ò
Ankh, Oodja, Seneb = Life, Vitality, Health -The Special Kemetic Benediction
The air contains vital Life Force energy which is subtler than the air itself. The term, ], oodja,
the central sign in the Ancient Egyptian benediction, Life, Vitality and Health, gives us a very im-
portant teaching in reference to the process of human existence on earth. The sign signifies “fire
drill” or an instrument used to start a fire or the commencement of the burning process. Used in this
manner the idea that is given is that the Divine Life Process, ×(Ankh), engenders a fire (oodja, vi-
tality) which courses through the body and promotes health, Ò, (seneb).
Vitality is what gives the impetus to life. It is the force, which sustains and gives a person the
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
will to live. If there is no vitality the entire personality is depressed and there is no enjoyment of
life. Vitality sustains the immune system and the immune system keeps external as well as inter-
nal agents (bacteria, viruses, poisons, waste material, etc.) from disturbing the course of life. Vi-
tality may also be referred to by the term Life Force or the Kemetic term Sekhem. Therefore, the
following formula may be applied to the understanding of the inner processes that sustain life:
Sitting in a comfortable posture, using the right hand, bend the index and middle finger to-
ward the palm while leaving the thumb, fourth and fifth (pinkie) fingers extended (position 1).
Using the thumb to close off the right nostril, breath in (inhalation) through the left nostril while
holding the right one closed (position 2), then close both nostrils using the fourth finger to close
the left nostril leaving the pinkie finger extended and the other two fingers remaining bent
(position 3). Release the thumb from the right nostril and exhale through the right nostril
(position 4). Next, breath in through the right nostril while holding the left one closed (position
4). Close both nostrils by holding the right nostril close with the thumb (position 3) and retain
the breath for a short time, then release the fourth finger from the left nostril and breathe out
through the left nostril (position 2). This constitutes one cycle of the Alternate Nostril Breathing ex-
ercise. The ratio of inhalation: retention: exhalation should be 2:8:4 to begin, working up to
4:16:8. You may repeat a hekau (mantra) such as “OM” while performing this exercise. Continue
in this way for five minutes at the beginning, gradually building up to fifteen minutes or longer as
needed. The Alternate Nostril Breathing exercise is an excellent way to balance the body’s energies.
The energies may also be balanced other ways, such as by controlling the emotions, remaining
calm and engaging one’s self in activities that are in harmony with one’s consciousness (hobbies,
job, recreation).
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 2-
2- Nefertem:
The Divine Child of Crea
Above: Nefertem is Heru in the form of the sun god as Creator. He presides over the Lotus of Crea-
tion which is the universe itself. The lotus emanates from the Primeval Ocean of formless, undiffer-
entiated matter.
Nefertem means: “Beautiful Completion” or the culmination of all things which owe their exis-
tence to the Self or spirit. All things are completed in God. As a child Nefertem symbolizes the
morning sun which engenders the coming into being of life to the world at dawn. The finger point-
ing to the mouth symbolizes divine consciousness which expresses as sound. Sound or the word,
through its vibrations and intent, brings forth the forming
of undifferentiated matter (primeval ocean) into form (Creation-the lotus). The Lotus, upon which
the Divine Child sits, emanates from the Primeval Ocean. Therefore, all matter which composes
the world comes from that ocean-everything comes from and is made up of the same essence. The
sitting atop the lotus also symbolizes the mastery of the spirit over, as well as detachment and tran-
scendence from Creation.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Next raise your right arm and place the tip of your index finger on
the center of your lips. See yourself as the spirit which brings
creation into being just as your mind creates ideas from
unformed subtle matter. God brings forth physical crea-
tion from unformed elements (gross matter).
Next begin seeing the objects around you as forms which have been created
from primeval matter itself.
Next close your eyes and see yourself as assuming the role of Nefertem. See
yourself as being the supreme ruler who is sitting atop Creation, as its
monarch but also detached from it as well.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 3
3-- Nun: The Crea
Nun is the Primeval Ocean itself. It is at once a deity
as well as part of Ra’s very essence. The practice of the
Nun Posture requires (Position 1) that the practitio-
ner should bring the hands together in a squatting
position. This symbolizes unity of the opposites and
self-containment. Then visualize yourself as being sub-
merged below the surface of the ocean.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Position 3: Raise up further and continue breathing in and pushing up higher. And now visu-
alize that your movement up and above the surface of the water is bringing the sky and the
earth and air into being.
Position 4: Complete the inhalation and extend your arms fully, standing straight.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Shu: Air
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 5–
5– Warm Up
(Fig. 1)
(Fig. 2) (Fig. 3)
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Now first we will begin with some warm up exercises. It is very important to
warm up the body before doing any kind of exercise so that we won't hurt any of
our tendons, ligaments or muscles.
(Fig. 1) Standing with feet approximately 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart, begin swinging the
body gently from side to side, four times to the right and four times to the left. In-
hale as you turn to the right and exhale as you turn to the left. Try to twist you
body as much as you can so you can look behind you. Just allow the body to flow
with the movement and allow your mind to also flow with the movement as if you
are dancing. Feel the air as it passes around your arms and hands. Very good.
(Fig. 2) Hands on the waist and bending from side to side, four times to the left
and four times to the right. As you go through the video or book you will be seeing
some Egyptian pictographs (pictures of steles showing these very exercises we are
doing now).
(Fig. 3) Keeping the hands on the waist, bend backwards and forwards, four times
in each direction. If you are using the video and would like to perform a particular
exercise for a longer period of time, you can also stop the video at any point.
Keeping the pelvis still and facing forwards, rotate the top of the body in a circular
fashion: Bend forward, bend to the right, bend backwards, bend to the left, for-
ward, etc. Circle to the right three times, then to the left three times.
Pause for a moment to relax, hands together in the Hetep Posture, (as when saying
a prayer), symbolizing the union of the Higher and lower self. Close your eyes and
as you inhale, think about the symbolism of Hetep: Supreme Peace, Harmony and
Unity with everything. Feel that you are surrounded by that peace. Feel that you
are one with everything in creation. Inhale deeply, feeling that you are inhaling
peace and exhale and release tension from the body and mind. Repeat three
times, being sure to use the proper breathing technique.
Now hands to the side. We are going to warm up the neck. It is very important to
warm up the neck before doing some of the exercises we are going to do today.
Move it back and forth from side to side, backwards and forwards, four time in
each direction. Now roll the head in a circle to the left four times. Repeat to the
right. Pause for a moment.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Our next exercise will be The Journey of Ra Posture Series. This posture holds
deep mystical symbolism involving the Ancient Egyptian deities Ra, Nut, and
Osiris and the evolution of the individual Ba (soul). It incorporates The Nut For-
ward Bend and The Cobra Pose, which will also be performed later on as separate
In the Ancient Egyptian creation story, the goddess Nut consumes Ra, as
symbolized by Tem, the setting sun in the evening, and Nut also gives birth to
Ra, as symbolized by Khepri the rising sun in the morning. The time between
when Nut consumes Ra and when she gives birth to him, that is, the time be-
tween dusk and dawn, Ra is said to travel in the Underworld (Duat). There are
many deep implications to this teaching of the Underworld.
In one aspect, the Underworld represents the subtle world or astral plane
where your dream or astral (out of body) experiences take place. It is also the
plane where the soul of an unenlightened personality goes when the body dies,
to have heavenly or hellish experiences, depending on its karmic fate. There is
another aspect of the Underworld known as Amenta, which represents the
abode of Osiris. This is where enlightened souls go when their bodies die.
When you enter into deep dreamless sleep, you enter into this abode of Osiris,
however because you are not enlightened, your experience in this realm is as if
shrouded by a veil. This “veil” is referred to as the veil of Isis. It represents the
ignorant (unenlightened) mind which cannot experience the Transcendental Re-
ality which exists all around it, all the time, and is its very nature. So Isis repre-
sents Creation, which is nothing but a manifestation of the Divine Self, Ra (or
Osiris). When the mind is enlightened, the veil of Isis lifts and one experiences
only the Divine Self. There is no more duality, no more distinguishing Creation
from God, and vice versa. This veiling power of the ignorant mind carries over
into the dream state and the deep, dreamless sleep state. So when you wake up
you only know that you feel rejuvenated, that you had a good night’s rest, but
you have no knowledge of what took place.
However, through the process of deep yogic meditation you are able to go to
Amenta, the abode of Osiris, and experience the supreme all-encompassing Self,
your own true nature, as profound peace, bliss and expansion in consciousness,
with conscious awareness. When you attain enlightenment, you will forever-
more abide, consciously, in the peace and bliss of the Supreme Self, Osiris,
whether you are involved in the waking, dream or deep sleep states of conscious-
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The Journey of Ra also symbolizes the cycle of reincarnation and the process of
transmigration of the individual (unenlightened) soul. The birth of Ra in the
morning in the eastern sky symbolizes the birth of an individual into the world
of time and space as an ego-personality, that is, a personality identified with the
body, mind and ego as being the totality of his/her being. Ra’s journey from the
eastern horizon to the western symbolizes the life of an individual, and Ra’s set-
ting in the western sky followed by his being consumed by Nut symbolizes the
death experience of the individual. The after-death experience is symbolized by
Ra journeying into the Underworld. In yogic mysticism, the consciousness of
the individual does not die when the body of that individual dies, because the es-
sence of that individual is immortal and eternal. In the Underworld (Duat, as-
tral plane), the soul (unenlightened consciousness) of the individual encounters
heavenly or hellish experiences depending on if the individual lived a life of vir-
tue (spiritual principles) or vice (egoism), respectively. After journeying in the as-
tral plane, Ra again emerges from Nut as she gives birth to him in the form of
the morning sun. So too, the consciousness of the individual which survives the
death of the body becomes born into a new body based on the karmic needs of
the soul and once again enters the world of time and space, to repeat this cycle of
life, death, astral experiences, birth, etc., over and over again, until enlighten-
ment is attained. When enlightenment is attained, the soul of the individual
which is now one with the Universal Soul joins with Osiris in Amenta after the
death of the body, never to be reborn into the world of time and space again. It
abides in eternity and immortality.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
11 12
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
1 2
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
The sun also never becomes tired and bored of doing the same thing over and
over again, rising and setting, rising and setting, rising and setting, etc., and
therefore, quits performing its duty, offering excuses as to why it was not possible
for it to accomplish its task. Just like each day you eat, you drink, you brush
your teeth, you shower, and perform certain other daily tasks, over and over
again, you need to exert self effort day by day to perform your Sheti. You should
not justify not performing your spiritual discipline by saying “Well, I did it yes-
terday and I’ll do it again tomorrow, but today I want to take a break.” Did you
take a break from talking today because you talked yesterday? Did you take a
break from eating or drinking today because you ate and drank yesterday? Did
you not wash your face today because you washed it yesterday? So the mind has
numerous tricks it plays on the unwary aspirant. You should strive to be like Ra,
to perform your duties unceasingly and effortlessly, and your personal program
of Sheti is your most important duty of your life, so you need to make time for it
daily, and put forth every effort to be consistent in your practice.
In the Ancient Egyptian creation story, it is said that each day as Ra emerges
in the eastern sky, he has to do battle with the negative forces of Set and his
fiendish friends who are constantly trying to stop the Barque of Ra from moving
on in its journey across the heavens. If the Barque of Ra stops moving, creation
comes to an end. Knowing that he will encounter evil forces, Ra perseveres each
day, performing his duty. In this aspect he exemplifies perseverance in the face of
adversity. Perseverance in the face of adversity is a very important quality which
an aspirant must strive to attain. Studying and practicing yoga does not mean
that your external life will necessarily become easier and you won’t have to face
certain challenges in the form of adverse situations. It does mean that through
practicing the spiritual disciplines of yoga, you will gain insight into your true na-
ture, and thus the world around you. This insight will allow you to, in effect,
keep your head above water in calm seas as well as the rough seas of life. In
other words, like Ra, you will be able to overcome Set and his evil friends in the
form of your own egoism (Set) and its accompanying negative sentiments of an-
ger, greed, insecurity, jealousy, fear and tension (Set’s friends) which, each day,
from the time you emerge from sleep in the morning, try to over power your
spiritual awareness. Thus, like Ra, you must be constantly vigilant to not allow
Set and his evil friends to interrupt your spiritual progress on the path to attain-
ing Enlightenment.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
sized that an aspirant must incorporate performing selfless service for the benefit
of humanity as part of their spiritual discipline. In the traditional yogic system,
this includes devoting some time to help your spiritual preceptor in the dissemi-
nation of wisdom as to the nature of the Self to those who desire it. This form
of selfless service is very pure because it leads those who practice the teachings of
yoga to uproot the very tree of pain and suffering which human beings experi-
ence. This does not mean that other forms of selfless service should not be prac-
ticed as well. If someone is hungry or thirsty, knowledge of the Self is most likely
not going to help them whereas food and water would. Therefore, balance and
common sense must always be observed, and practicing one form of selfless serv-
ice should not negate other forms of selfless service which you may be called
upon to perform.
Ra, in the form of the sun, exemplifies true selfless service. He knows how
important it is in sustaining life on earth, yet he puts forth his life-giving essence
without asking for anything in return. He does not hoard his energy, demanding
that unless he is paid his due by humankind, he will cease to work. He does not
accept bribes, shining more on those who have more money. He shines on all
equally, and he does this everyday. He does not force his will on humankind. If
people choose to stay in their houses or remain in bed all day with their blinds
close, he does not become upset and force his way in. He is there, splendorous,
but detached and dispassionate, and those who wish to partake of what he has to
offer are welcome to do so. Those who wish to thank him may do so, but he
does not depend on or require the gratitude of humankind to perform his duty.
He shines on everyone freely, without judgment. He does not say “I’m going to
shine on you but not you, because you did this negative deed.”
Ra gives himself freely to all. Without this life-giving essence the earth would
not be here; it could not exist. So in the morning when you wake up and go out-
side and see and feel the sun as it shines on you, feel the warmth and allow the
life-giving energy to penetrate into your very being so that throughout the day
when you are called upon to help others, you can do the same, give freely of
yourself, willingly, without asking for anything in return.
So, keep these qualities of bliss, peace, consistency, self-effort, repeated effort,
sustained effort, perseverance and selfless service in mind as you prepare to per-
form The Journey of Ra Posture Flow. Feel that you embody all of these divine
qualities. As you flow through these postures, feel the energy flowing smoothly
and unhampered throughout your entire body. Try to perform all your duties
each day with this same free flowing manner, not allowing the ego to step in.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Strive to the ultimate abode of selfless service. Strive to be like Ra. Feel that you
are the abode of selflessness as you perform your actions. Dedicate all your ac-
tions to Ra as a symbolic gesture of selfless service. Feel that all actions being
performed by you are really being performed by your Higher Self, Ra. Allow all
actions to lead your mind to think of Ra, the ultimate abode of selfless service.
Now, stand up on the front of your mat to begin this exercise series. It is a lit-
tle intricate so just take your time. It consists of twelve positions, however, the
last six positions are basically the reverse postures of the first six.
(1) Exhale and bring your hands together in The Hetep Pose, the prayer posi-
tion. (2) Inhale, raising your arms in front of you and then over your head, bend
backwards . Reach back as far as you can, keeping your pelvis tucked in and
arching your upper back, and symbolically take hold of Ra (sun disk) to remove
him from the sky (setting sun). (3) Bring Ra down to begin his journey in the
Underworld as you bend forwards, trying to keep your back straight and your
arms extended straight, in alignment with your neck. Bending all the way down,
folding over, bring your hands to your feet, placing them (flat...if flexible
enough) on the floor alongside your feet. If you need to you may bend your
knees. (4) Inhale your right foot back pointing the toes behind you, and raise
your head up, looking back as far as you can, pushing your pelvis down to give a
good stretch. Balance yourself with your palms placed flat on the floor or on the
tips of your fingers if you are not very flexible (but eventually working to place
the palms flat on the floor). (5) Tuck the toes of the right leg under, and holding
the breath, place your left leg back, alongside the right leg and come up into The
Nut Pose, an inverted V. Try to push the heels of your feet flat on the floor and
your head down between your arms to give a good stretch. This is where goddess
Nut consumes Ra. (6) Keeping your buttocks in the air, exhale and lower your
knees to the floor, pointing your toes, then arching the back lower the chest and
chin (beginners) or forehead (more advanced) to the ground, as you journey into
the Underworld. (7) Now inhale and push up with your arms, keeping the el-
bows bent, raising your head and chest up and arch backwards as far as you can,
keeping your abdomen and pelvis on the floor, as you raise yourself up in con-
sciousness as you glide into The Cobra Pose. Keep your elbows tucked into your
sides as much as possible and focus your practice of The Cobra Pose at the sixth
energy center, the seat of higher consciousness, at the point between the eyes (the
Mer energy center or Ajna chakra).
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The second half of the posture series is performed by reversing the steps in
the first half. Now you are going back up into The Nut Pose. (8) Exhale, and as
you come up into The Nut Pose, an inverted V, pressing your heels and head to
the floor. This symbolizes Nut giving birth to Ra as he emerges from the Under-
world, and now you are going to set him in the sky. (9) Inhale and bring the
right foot all the way forward between the hands, looking up and back. If you
cannot bring the right foot all the way forward, grab the ankle with the right
hand and move it into position. Again, push down on the pelvis while looking
up and back to give a good stretch. (10) Exhale and place the left foot forward
between the hands and straighten the legs so that you are folded over, hands flat
on the floor, fingers in line with the toes. (11) Inhale, and again keeping your
arms extended and aligned with your neck and the back straight, raise up, bend-
ing forwards, then stretching straight up, and then all the way backwards, not al-
lowing the pelvis to push forward but keeping it tucked in, reach over the head
and place Ra back in the sky as the rising sun. (12) Exhale and lower your arms
The Hetep Pose, then alongside your body. This is one cycle. Repeat using the
left leg. You may alternate legs as you continue to perform more cycles. You may
perform six to eight cycles according to your capacity, then relax in The Mummy
Pose (13)
The Journey of Ra Posture is a good pose to wake yourself up in the morning
and to jump start your metabolism, even if your don’t have time to do the other
postures. Try it instead of a cup of coffee. It relaxes and stretches all the muscles
and joints in the body and massages the internal organs, so it is also a very good
warm up exercise, and of course there is great spiritual benefit to be derived if
you reflect on the mystical implications of the posture series.
Right: Ra traverses in
his Barque over the
body of Nut..
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 7-
7-8: The Geb Plough Posture
The Ancient
Egyptian god
Geb perform-
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 7-
7-8: The Geb Shoulderstand-
Shoulderstand-Plough Pos
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 7-
7-8: The Geb Plough Posture
The Shoulder
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 7-
7-8: The Geb Plough Posture
Next, we are going to practice the plough exercise. In the Egyptian Yoga Exer-
cise program this is known as the Geb exercise. This is one of the exercises which
Geb does, once he separated from Nut. This is an Earth exercise, meaning that it
is for the entire physical body, but, specifically for the back as well as for the neck
region and the neck spiritual center. In ancient Egyptian Yoga, the four upper
spiritual energy centers are referred to as the “Back of Osiris,” “Pillar of Osiris” or
“The Vertebrae of the Initiate”. There are several ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs re-
lated to Arat, The Uraeus or the Serpent Power or Life Force energy (Known as
Kundalini in India) and the spiritual energy centers of the subtle astral body. They
relate to the spinal column or vertebrae. Some of these are below:
Any exercise which is performed to benefit the spine will also be beneficial for
the upper energy centers of the subtle spiritual body. However, when the exercises
are performed with the special mythological and psychological insights given
through a program of yoga instruction, the benefits are much greater.
Bottom right: From the "Egyptian Book of Coming Forth By Day," this epi-
sode is known as "The Slaughter." The soul of Ankhwahibre does battle with Apo-
pis who is sitting atop the vertebrae (Back - Djed Pillar of Osiris) implying that
Apopis seeks control of the spiritual energy present in the spiritual subtle channels
of the back.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
At left:
The wheel
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Lie on your back, arms behind the head, palms on the ground
with fingers pointing toward your feet, feet up close to buttocks, now
push up. Hold for as long as you can, then come down gently watch-
ing the breath. Breath in as you go up and breath out as you come
Now relax flat on your back with legs two feet apart and arms one
foot apart from the body, breathing deeply as you relax. You are
breathing the forces of Geb and Nut within our bodies together once
again, as they were in the beginning, in harmony. The male and fe-
male principles, the opposites, heaven and earth are coming together
within our bodies as Geb and Nut come together within our beings.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
In the creation story, there are two fish that guide the boat of Ra on its
journey. As you perform this posture, feel that you are being led by the
Spirit, the Higher Self, on this journey to the experience of oneness of en-
The Fish Pose is the counter pose for The Shoulderstand Pose and should
ALWAYS be done after The Shoulderstand Pose. Begin from The Mummy
Pose. Bring your legs together and place your arms alongside your body,
palms up, your fingers barely under the outside of your thighs. Grab a
hold of your thighs for leverage and gently raise your upper body as you
come onto your elbows. Now arch your neck and upper spine backwards,
bending your head back to bring the top of your head unto the floor be-
hind you. Support your weight on your buttocks, elbows and the top of
your head. In this position, your chest cavity is very expanded so take this
opportunity to inhale and exhale deeply several times (five to six deep
breaths), bringing a rich supply of oxygen to the lungs and all the other
organs of the body. In this position you actually increase your lung’s ca-
pacity to bring a larger supply of oxygen into your body, so inhale deeply
and exhale completely. Try to keep your legs and the lower portion of
your body relaxed. To come out of this position raise your head up touch
your chin to your chest, relax the elbows and lay down flat on your back.
Inhale and exhale deeply as you relax in The Mummy Pose.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
1 2
The standing
Forward Bend
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
The Sitting Forward Bend is a sitting variation of The Nut Pose. It gives
gentle massage to all the internal organs of the body such as the kidneys,
liver, spleen, and gastro-intestinal system (stomach, intestines and colon)
and it stretches the muscles of the body from the foot to the neck and the
entire spinal column.
Come up into a sitting position keeping your back straight (1). Gently
rock yourself on your pelvic bone from side to side, and adjust yourself so
that you are sitting forward on your pelvic bone. This will allow you to
bend forward with ease. Flex your feet so that the bottom of the feet are
vertical and flat, as if pushing on an imaginary wall. Let the toes point
backwards toward the head. Inhale and raise your arms straight up over
your head (2). We’ll inhale up and exhale down three times to loosen
up. Inhale up, and exhale down, bending forward reaching for your
toes. Inhale up and exhale down. Inhale up once more and then exhale
down. If you are flexible enough you can actually hold of the bottom of
your feet and bring your chest onto your thighs, or place your hands on
the floor in front of your feet. If you are not so flexible, reach as far as
your can, your ankles, shin, knees, thighs or wherever it is that you feel
comfortable, but being sure to keep your back straight. Don’t let your
back hunch over in the process of stretching forward. More important
than how far you can reach forward is that you keep your back straight
and breath deeply in this position, inhaling into the areas of tension and
then releasing the tension as you exhale, each time reaching forward a lit-
tle more. To release the posture, exhale and lie down on the mat, slowly
and gently, one vertebrae at a time. Relax in The Mummy Pose.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Like the plough, this exercise is very important for the back. Leave
one leg extended while you bring the other leg in towards the body by
bending the knee while keeping your foot on the floor. Raise one arm
and rest it on the bent knee, leaving the other hand behind the body to
support yourself. Keep the back straight. Turn the head from side to
side. The important thing with this exercise is keeping the back straight.
These back exercises help to develop the vertebrae of the spine and they
are very important in reviving Osiris or the latent spiritual consciousness
within. This is also related to reviving your energy centers of your body.
Now turn to the other side and repeat the procedure. Leaving the other
leg extended, bring in the other one, leaving one palm facing up towards
heaven, and the other facing down towards the earth. The other varia-
tion that can be used is to bring one leg and place it on the outside of
the other leg that is extended.
Nut, the heavens, is the wife of Geb, the Earth. As his wife, she en-
folds him from end to end just as the sky enfolds the planet earth from
end to end, from one end of the galaxy to the other. Nut is the mother of
all, and within her all human life occurs. Within her is Shu, ether, or
space, which separates her from the earth. Above her are the stars. It is
also Nut, who conceives Ra every evening. Every evening she consumes
him as He sets in the Western horizon and he traverses through her body
(the astral plane) and in the morning emerges as Kheper, the new sun.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
At left: an ancient
Egyptian relief
depicting the Scorpion
At right: the Scorpion
Goddess Selket.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Next, raise up slowly to the sitting position, shaking out any tensions. Shake out
any tension in the neck, the back, the legs, etc.... Very good. Now we will practice
the Selket or Scorpion Pose.
Think about a scorpion’s power to inflict pain. Also think about its power of
protection. In the story of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, there is a part where after Osiris
is killed by Set, Djehuti, or the messenger of wisdom of Ra, the Supreme Being,
sends seven scorpions to guard Isis on her journey out of Egypt and away from Set
who was trying to kill her and Horus. Mostly, we know of scorpions as evil creatures
or hurtful creatures, something like snakes, however, there is another side to all
these stories, and once we become aquatinted with the deeper meanings behind the
symbolic forms used in myths, we can then begin to discover the inner dimensions
of the meditations and exercises.
Now we will proceed to practice the Selket pose. This is the scorpion pose, and
in the Indian yoga system, it is known as the locust pose. Lay down on the stomach,
forehead touching the ground. Make a fist with the hands, and then place the arms
directly under the body. First, we are going to raise the right leg, then the left leg,
and then both together. Watch the breath. Breathe in as you raise the leg and
breathe out as you let the leg down. Let us begin. Right leg up, right leg down, left
leg up, left leg down. Once again, right leg up, right leg down, watching the breath.
Tilt head to the side for a few minutes and take a rest. Now raising both legs at the
same time, arms underneath the body. Raise up, now down. Raise up, now down.
Raise up, now down. Hands at the side, relax. You may hold this position as long
as you like. And also raise as high as you like. Greater benefit is derived the higher
you raise your legs and the longer you remain in the posture. Remember never to
strain or push yourself beyond your limits in any exercise.
Now we will practice a variation on the Selket pose. Position yourself facing for-
ward with your hands in front of you, leaning on your stomach. Now, pushing up
and at the same time, raise the legs. Now let them down. Breathe in when you raise
the legs, and breathe out when you lower them. Repeat once again. Right away, you
will feel that this exercise is good for the muscles in the lower back. Now do this to
your capacity. Never Strain. Repeat them one more time. Lie down. Now rest.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 14–
14– Sebek: The Crocodile Pose
Forms of Sebek
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 14–
14– Sebek: The Crocodile Pose
1– Lifting your arms visualize that you are paying homage to the croco-
dile god himself as you twist your upper body. 2– Face forward and lower
your arms and forehead to the ground before him.
Visualize that you are prostrated before the crocodile god. With bowed
head and arms in front of you, bring one knee towards your elbow and
then extend it back and bring them together again. Do this exercise for
both legs.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 15–
15– The Cobra Pose
Above: Netjer-Anhk,
“The Living God” who
gives Life Force which Above: the Goddess Renenet,
leads to resurrection. the bestower of life’s fortune
according to one’s actions
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 15–
15– The Cobra
After a few minutes raise yourself up
slowly from the Sebek posture to the sitting
position, shaking out any tensions. Shake
out any tension in the neck, the back, the legs, etc.... Very good.
Now we will practice the Cobra, serpent or Uraeus
pose. The Uraeus is a goddess, equivalent to the Indian
Kundalini. The serpent power is related to the energy
centers of the body and is also intimately related to the
resurrection of Osiris. It is related specifically to the ver-
tebrae and the back of the yoga practitioner, thus in rais-
ing the power of the back, the spiritual Life Force and
consciousness is raised. One is raising Osiris within
one's self. Therefore, the Uraeus exercise and the scor-
pion exercise are strongly related to the spiritual develop-
ment of the energy centers of the body. When the latent
Life Force psycho-spiritual energy reaches the level of the
sixth energy center at the forehead, there dawns intuitional vision of the
Self. This is symbolized by the Cobra worn at the forehead in ancient
Egyptian masks, crowns, etc.
Now, lay on your stomach, with your hands under your shoulders,
and your forehead touching the ground. Breathing in, raise the chest
off the ground, without pushing with your arms and release down,
breathing out, forehead to the ground. Repeat two more times. Now
move up. Now move down. Repeat one more time. Now rest for a mo-
ment. This time, push up with the hands, gently,
and to your capacity, keeping the elbows close to
the sides of the body. Now, release and lower your
forehead back to the ground, breathing out., Per-
form the Cobra once more. Push up as high as
you can, holding as long as you like. Now relax.
The Serpent Go-
dess of ancient
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 16–
16– Sphinx: The Horemakhet Pose
1 2
Apuat animal.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 16–
16– Sphinx: The Horemakhet Pose
The Next posture we will practice is the Sphinx. It is related to the de-
ity Apuat (Anus) and Set. The Sphinx is the most Ancient Egyptian sym-
bol known. It represents several important mystical principles. Foremost
among these is the ideal of a human being who has reached the heights of
enlightenment while controlling the lower self at the same time. There-
fore, as you practice this posture see yourself as a Sphinx. Visualize that
you are the mind, the spirit and that your body is as powerful as that of a
lion. See yourself as the perfect combination of body and soul.
First rest on your heels. Then lean forward and place your hands in
front of you. Rest on your elbows. This is the recumbent phase of the
posture. Now raise up the front of your body by pushing up from your el-
bows. This is the extended phase of the posture. Feel the stretch in your
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 17–
17– The Heru Pose
He assisted in the resurrection of his father and through his warrior skills
defeated Set, the agent of ignorance and freed the land from injustice.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Heru as king of
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 18–
18– Anpu: The Henu Pose
Left: The god Apuat (Anubis)
performing the Henu. From a
tomb at Thebes., Kamit
3 2
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 18–
18– Anpu: The Henu Pose
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 19–
19– Nut: The Inverted Pose
3 2
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 19–
19– Nut: The Inverted Pose
Now we will practice the Nut pose. You will recall that we introduced
goddess Nut earlier as the heavens and as the mother of Aset. Also, we
practiced the sitting forward bend. Now we will practice the exercise with
a different emphasis. This posture is to be practiced in the standing posi-
tion and with the special visualization of Nut.
Stand straight and stretch out your arms directly above your head.
Stretch the right side and then the left. Now bow down while keeping the
arms in line with the upper body and touch the ground beside your feet if
you can or grab your ankles. If you need to bend your knees in order to
reach down.
Now keep your feet in the same position while you walk your hands
forwards in front of you and make a mountain with your body. Stretch
yourself as Nut does. Close your eyes and visualize that you are encom-
passing the entire earth.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 20–
20– The Maat Pose
Pose 20–
20– The Maat Pose
On the opposite page you can see a picture of Maat. Maat is a daughter of Ra. It is said
that Maat is the foundation of creation. Ra stands in his boat of creation on the pedestal of
Maat. So what is Maat? Maat is order, righteousness, justice, truth. Maat also implies a right-
eous way of life based on order, duty, dispassion and cosmic awareness. There is a very deep
philosophy behind Maat. You can look at our Philosophy video in order to get more on this
as well as the books Egyptian Yoga: The Philosophy of Enlightenment and Egyptian Proverbs. Essen-
tially, what you need to think about as you perform the exercise is becoming like Maat, becom-
ing truthful, becoming righteous, becoming orderly within yourself. What does that mean?
That means understanding your oneness with the universe, understanding that you are the
daughter or the son of the Supreme Being. You must understand that you are immortal, eter-
nal and essentially one with the Divine. You are not just a mortal individual caught in a world
of time and space. You are the master of the universe as you exist by Maat.
With legs two feet apart, raise both arms as if you are unfurling your spiritual wings. Turn the
head to the side, twisting the leg, now kneel down. Breathing in and come up, turn to the
other side. See yourself as having wings to fly on. When you are truthful and righteous, you
become at peace. When you are at peace, you can fly, your thoughts can fly, your ideas can fly.
When you are in tension, you are constricted and agitated. Your mind, your thoughts cannot
fly. Your spirit becomes trapped in the body and has no awareness of the greater world that
exists beyond the body. Arms down and rest. Breathing in and out. OM. peace.
Spread your legs apart about two feet and what we do basically is that as you Maat repre-
sents truth justice and righteousness. Maat is the very foundation of creation it is the basis of
everything it is the basis for you of me, of everything, it is the basis of being able to come into
harmony with all those around us. When we act in ways that are harmonious with Maat when
we act in truthful righteous and just ways then we come into harmony with Maat. Keep these
in mind as we do the posture. You can lower your arms right now cause let me just say one
more thing as you inhale and unfurl your wings of Maat what I want you to do is to focus and
if you have seen the pictures of the balance of the scales of Maat from your right hand see that
the scale is hanging off of it and that scale see your heart and on the left hand see the feather
of Maat so as you do the posture you will have your ab or your heart on the scale in your right
hand and you will have the feather of Maat on your left hand on the scale and try to keep the
balance try to keep your heart as light as the feather of Maat. Spread your legs apart and then
go ahead and we are going to twist our feet to the right and bring your head to the right so we
are basically looking forward at our hand and lower yourself to the ground, lower the left knee
onto the ground and go back sit on our heel the left heel and then we can bring our heel all
the way down and sit on our foot try to maintain the balance and then inhale we come up and
turn back facing forward exhale release the arms and shake the arms out a little bit inhale up
and furl the wings of Maat turn to the left feet to the left face our left arm the feathers of Maat
and lower ourselves to the ground bring our right knee onto the ground sit on our right heel
and then we can point our toes and sit all the way down on the right foot try to keep the bal-
ance and inhale up slowly and gently and turn forward and release the arms and shake out the
arms. relax and shake out the arms when you feel a pain in your thighs tomorrow yes, think of
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 21-
21- The Aset Victory Pose
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 21-
21- The Aset Victory Pose
Now the Isis Pose. Maat and Isis are related to each other. Both repre-
sent order, justice, wisdom and truth. These qualities are essential on the
spiritual path. Therefore, while practicing the Isis pose, there should be a
keen understanding of the qualities embodied in Isis. There is no better
way to do this except by visualizing yourself as being imbued with those
qualities by seeing yourself as Isis.
Place the right leg in front, raise arms to the side and exhaling, come
down. Inhale and come up. Come to the original position, watching the
breath. Now place the left leg to the front, arms out to the side up, going
down, breathing in coming up, breathing out going down. Repeat one
more time.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 22-
22- The Aset Throne Pose
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 22-
22- The Aset Throne Pose
The goddess, who symbolizes creation itself, the physical universe, supports the
incarnation of the soul (Asar). In this way, the physical (Aset) supports the spirit
(Asar). This is why the symbol of the throne is used in the name of the god Asar and
the goddess Aset. This symbol of the goddess herself is the throne, and this is why the
throne seat, ‘, is where Asar is shown seated. The name Asar is spelled with the
throne symbol, the eye symbol, u. And the male determinative, K. The eye symbol
written in this manner means "to make,” "create,” "to do" or "engender." Therefore,
the mystical symbolism of the name Asar is the essence, which procreates or comes
into existence through Aset.
The symbols of the name of Aset are the throne seat, ‘ “as”, the phonetic sign for
“t”, ¯, the determinative egg, ˜, symbol of motherhood, and the female determina-
tive, [.
This manner of reading of the name of Asar is supported by the myth of Asar and
Aset as well as their epithets and their iconographies. The name Asar is intimately re-
lated to the name Aset. Asar and Aset are often referred to as “brother” and “sister.”
This relates to the idea that they come from the same parent, i.e. the same spiritual
source. In ancient times men and women who married were also referred to as brother
and sister. This had no relation to their parentage. Rather, this epithet relates to the
mystical origins of all human beings. Essentially, we are all brothers and sisters. As
our true nature is not man and woman but soul, and our parent, the Universal Spirit.
Through the myth of the Asarian Resurrection, we learn that Asar and Aset are
Avatars, divine incarnations, sent to earth to lead souls, incarnating as human beings,
towards righteousness, prosperity and spiritual enlightenment. In a higher sense, Asar
represents the soul of every human being which comes to earth and must struggle to
overcome the lower nature, who is symbolized by Set.
Raise the arms with palms facing downward. Bending the knees, lower yourself as
far as you can comfortably go as if you were to sit on the throne of the goddess. Visu-
alize yourself as being supported by the beneficent power of the goddess, who is the
great and compassionate mother. Stay in the posture for as long as is comfortable,
raise yourself up and repeat once more.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 23-
23- Hept: The Aset Embrace Pose
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 23-
23- Hept: The Aset Embrace Pose
You are Asar and Aset has come to enfold you with the love and
peace which she brings to resurrect you.
Wave your arms from side to side and with your eyes closed see your-
self embracing the entire world. There are no good or bad things in the
world, only the embrace which encompasses all. Allow Aset within you
to emerge with the power of all encompassing devotion, compassion and
love for all.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 24–
24– Djed: Es-
tablished in Asar Pose
The Mystical Implications of the Djed
The Djed pillar, ¥, is associated with the Ancient
Egyptian Gods, Ptah as well as Osiris. It is part of a
profound mystical teaching that encompasses the
mystical Life Force energy which engenders the uni-
verse and which is the driving force that sustains all
life and impels human beings to action. In the
Ausarian Resurrection myth it is written that when
Osiris was killed by Set, his body was thrown into
the Nile and it came ashore on the banks of Syria.
There it grew into a tree with a fragrant aroma and
the king of that land had it cut into a pillar. The pillar
of Osiris-Ptah refers to the human verte-
brae and the Serpent Power or Life
Force energy which exists in the subtle
spine of every human being. It refers to
the four highest states of psycho-spiritual consciousness in a human being
with the uppermost tier symbolizing ultimate spiritual enlightenment.
Also, the Djed refers to the special realm of the Duat (astral Plane)
wherein Osiris or spiritual resurrection can be discovered in much the
same way as the Christian Tree of Life refers to resurrection in Christian
mystical mythology.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
nuk Djeddy, se Djeddy au am-a em Djeddu Mesi - a em
“I am Djeddy (steadfast), son of Djeddy (steadfast), con-
ceived and born in the region of Djeddu (steadfastness).”
Looking straight ahead place your left arm over your chest with
the tips of your fingers almost touching your right shoulder.
Now bend your right arm and cross your chest over your left arm
and touch your chest.
Visualize that you are established in the teaching, that you are
firm in your resolution and will to act, think, feel and bee one in
divine consciousness with Creation and the spirit.
Visualize that your are the conduit between heaven and earth and
that you are immovable
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 25-
25- The Headstand Pose
At left: a variation
on the arm position,
with hands open
supporting the
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 25-
25- The Headstand Pose
Now we are going to practice the head stand. This is one of the more difficult pos-
tures of yoga. If you find that you cannot do it without support, go close to a wall to
support you as you raise your legs. Measure one forearm’s length to measure the dis-
tance to use for your "V" shape support at the elbows and interlock your fingers. Now
place the hands behind the head, making a "V" with the elbows. Walking into posi-
tion, bring the legs closer to the body and slowly move the lower portion of the body
up. Once you are up, you may practice variations, such as moving legs from side to
side if you feel you can.
Hold as long as you can. To come down, move the body following the steps above
in reverse order. Bring legs close to the body, then down to the ground. Lay flat on
your back to equalize the pressure and allow the blood to flow normally again.
Fig. 33B
2 1
Above: the sequence for practicing the Headstand. The center photo shows the arms in a “V” shape with
hands interlocked and bracing the head. The left and right pictures show a more difficult variation with
palms open.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 26–
26– Khepri: The Scarab Pose
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 26–
26– Khepri: The Scarab Pose
Now squat on the floor with your forehead on the ground and the knees
tucked into the chest . This is the pose of transformation, the Scarab. You are tak-
ing all the benefits from the exercises and keeping them within the body. Think
of yourself as a scarab. You are transforming yourself mentally, physically, and
The beetle is a very important pose. The scarab (dung beetle of Egypt) is an in-
sect which burrows into the mud caused by the Nile flood waters, and after the
muddy waters recede, the beetle comes up with a new body, a new being. The bee-
tle is likened to Ra, the sun, in the morning who comes out of the murky waters
of the dark night. The sun rises in the morning as a new being. The scarab
(energy of transformation) pushes the sun on its journey every day. In the morn-
ing, the sun is Kheper, the scarab, at noon it becomes Ra, and in the evening, the
setting sun, it is Tem. These different phases, symbolize the one Supreme Being
which manifests as a triad of time, past, present and future.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 27–
27– Asar: The Mummy or Corpse Pose and Medita
Now, as we said before, Osiris was killed by Set who was jealous of
him. Isis came to revive him and resurrect him. This is the Great Res-
urrection that Isis performed for Osiris the true meaning behind the
corpse pose or mummy pose. By allowing the wisdom of Isis to be-
come part of you, you will be resurrected from your state of ignorance
into the state of supreme wisdom to experience your true divine na-
ture and discover your immortality.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 27–
27– Asar: The Mummy or Corpse Pose and Medi
Lay flat on your back, legs two feet apart, arms one foot
away from the body, watching the breath.
Look at the sun. Now fly towards it. Feel its rays. They are not
hot. They are cool; they are soothing. Fly to the sun, embrace it. Be-
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 27–
27– Asar: The Mummy or Corpse Pose and Medi
out of the
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Pose 27–
27– Asar: The Mummy or Corpse Pose and Medi
come one with it. The sun is the Supreme Being; it is Ra, not the
physical sun, but the spiritual principle behind it, the light of con-
sciousness itself. Now look at the moon and fly towards it. It is Isis,
that is also you. Embrace it, become one with it. Now, look at your
eyes. Look at your body there. Look at the eyes and visualize the eye
of Horus and the eye of Ra in place of your eyes. You are one with
the universe. You encompass all things and you have knowledge of
your true Self, your spiritual Self. You have the eye of Ra and you
have the eye of Horus within you and this is the legacy of the Neters.
This is your legacy. Meditate on this for a minute, watching the
Now, if you would like to you may go ahead, while you are in this
transcendental mood, with your body fully exercised, the energies bal-
anced, and the forces within your spiritual self, to heal yourself or
practice meditation. If you want to do some healing now, visualize
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Pose 27–
27– Asar: The Mummy or Corpse Pose and Medi
any part of the body that needs healing and direct the energies (the
Prana, the chi, the sekhem, Life Force) there for a few seconds. Direct
it to the part of the body that is in need of assistance.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
5- What happens to the inner vital forces of the body when yoga ex-
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
10- What is the exercise pose being performed by the deities Shu,
Nut and Geb?
11- Turning to the video (which accompanies this lesson), follow the
sequence of the exercises and then note in writing your experiences.
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
13- Which two goddesses helped Isis in her time of grief over Horus
and how did they help her?
14- From the video, what is the practice of the balancing breath and
why is it important?
15- What is the solar channel and what is the lunar channel?
16- When should the solar channel of breath be promoted and when
should it not be promoted?
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
18- Which deity(s) preside(s) over the subtle channels of the internal
Life Force energy?
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
On the following page you will see a chart. This chart contains
guidelines for practicing the postures in a systematic way in your ex-
ercise program.
There are two ways to increase the intensity of the programs. One
way is to increase the repetitions performed. This will provide the
benefit of physical health and vitality.
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Kamitic Yoga
Beginners Session
Filmed at the Foot of the Step Pyramid in
Sakkara Egypt, Africa
Beginner's Introduction to
able as
able as
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
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This book is part of a series on the study and practice of Ancient Egyptian Yoga and Mystical
Spirituality based on the writings of Dr. Muata Abhaya Ashby. They are also part of the Egyptian Yoga
Course provided by the Sema Institute of Yoga. Below you will find a listing of the other books in this
series. For more information send for the Egyptian Yoga Book-Audio-Video Catalog or the Egyptian Yoga
Course Catalog.
Now you can study the teachings of Egyptian and Indian Yoga wisdom and Spirituality with the Egyptian
Yoga Mystical Spirituality Series. The Egyptian Yoga Series takes you through the Initiation process and
lead you to understand the mysteries of the soul and the Divine and to attain the highest goal of life:
ENLIGHTENMENT. The Egyptian Yoga Series, takes you on an in depth study of Ancient Egyptian
mythology and their inner mystical meaning. Each Book is prepared for the serious student of the mystical
sciences and provides a study of the teachings along with exercises, assignments and projects to make the
teachings understood and effective in real life. The Series is part of the Egyptian Yoga course but may be
purchased even if you are not taking the course. The series is ideal for study groups.
2. EGYPTIAN YOGA: African Religion Volume 2- Theban THeology by Dr. Muata Ashby ISBN 1-
884564-39-9 $23.95 U.S. In this long awaited sequel to Egyptian Yoga: The Philosophy of En-
lightenment you will take a fascinating and enlightening journey back in time and discover the
teachings which constituted the epitome of Ancient Egyptian spiritual wisdom. What are the disci-
plines which lead to the fulfillment of all desires? Delve into the three states of consciousness
(waking, dream and deep sleep) and the fourth state which transcends them all, Neberdjer, “The
Absolute.” These teachings of the city of Waset (Thebes) were the crowning achievement of the
Sages of Ancient Egypt. They establish the standard mystical keys for understanding the profound
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
mystical symbolism of the Triad of human con- Meditation, Diet, Words of Power and the an-
sciousness. cient wisdom teachings. 8.5” X 11” ISBN 1-
884564-02-X Soft Cover $24.95 U.S.
ways been important to human beings since the MYSTICAL RELIGION AND YOGA PHI-
beginning of time. The earliest records of his- LOSOPHY HARD COVER EDITION ISBN:
tory show that the art of healing was held in 1-884564-50-X $80.00 U.S. 81/2” X 11”
high esteem since the time of Ancient Egypt. In Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 in one volume 683 Pages
the early 20th century, medical doctors had al- Hard Cover First Edition Three volumes in one.
most attained the status of sainthood by the pro- Over the past several years I have been asked to
motion of the idea that they alone were put together in one volume the most important
“scientists” while other healing modalities and evidences showing the correlations and com-
traditional healers who did not follow the mon teachings between Kamitan (Ancient
“scientific method’ were nothing but supersti- Egyptian) culture and religion and that of India.
tious, ignorant charlatans who at best would The questions of the history of Ancient Egypt,
take the money of their clients and at worst kill and the latest archeological evidences showing
them with the unscientific “snake oils” and civilization and culture in Ancient Egypt and its
“irrational theories”. In the late 20th century, the spread to other countries, has intrigued many
failure of the modern medical establishment’s scholars as well as mystics over the years. Also,
ability to lead the general public to good health, the possibility that Ancient Egyptian Priests and
promoted the move by many in society towards Priestesses migrated to Greece, India and other
“alternative medicine”. Alternative medicine countries to carry on the traditions of the An-
disciplines are those healing modalities which cient Egyptian Mysteries, has been speculated
do not adhere to the philosophy of allopathic over the years as well. In chapter 1 of the book
medicine. Allopathic medicine is what medical Egyptian Yoga The Philosophy of Enlighten-
doctors practice by an large. It is the theory that ment, 1995, I first introduced the deepest com-
disease is caused by agencies outside the body parison between Ancient Egypt and India that
such as bacteria, viruses or physical means had been brought forth up to that time. Now, in
which affect the body. These can therefore be the year 2001 this new book, THE AFRICAN
treated by medicines and therapies The natural ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION, MYSTICAL RE-
healing method began in the absence of exten- LIGION AND YOGA PHILOSOPHY, more
sive technologies with the idea that all the an- fully explores the motifs, symbols and philo-
swers for health may be found in nature or sophical correlations between Ancient Egyptian
rather, the deviation from nature. Therefore, the and Indian mysticism and clearly shows not
health of the body can be restored by correcting only that Ancient Egypt and India were con-
the aberration and thereby restoring balance. nected culturally but also spiritually. How does
This is the area that will be covered in this vol- this knowledge help the spiritual aspirant? This
ume. Allopathic techniques have their place in discovery has great importance for the Yogis
the art of healing. However, we should not for- and mystics who follow the philosophy of An-
get that the body is a grand achievement of the cient Egypt and the mysticism of India. It
spirit and built into it is the capacity to maintain means that India has a longer history and heri-
itself and heal itself. Ashby, Muata ISBN: 1- tage than was previously understood. It shows
884564-49-6 $28.95 that the mysteries of Ancient Egypt were essen-
tially a yoga tradition which did not die but
4. INITIATION INTO EGYPTIAN YOGA rather developed into the modern day systems
Shedy: Spiritual discipline or program, to go of Yoga technology of India. It further shows
deeply into the mysteries, to study the mystery that African culture developed Yoga Mysticism
teachings and literature profoundly, to penetrate earlier than any other civilization in history. All
the mysteries. You will learn about the myster- of this expands our understanding of the unity
ies of initiation into the teachings and practice of culture and the deep legacy of Yoga, which
of Yoga and how to become an Initiate of the stretches into the distant past, beyond the Indus
mystical sciences. This insightful manual is the Valley civilization, the earliest known high cul-
first in a series which introduces you to the ture in India as well as the Vedic tradition of
goals of daily spiritual and yoga practices: Aryan culture. Therefore, Yoga culture and
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
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dess Aset (Isis) from Ancient Egypt- the path of teachings of MAAT for living virtuously and
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in ancient times. Also, this book includes the rification of the heart in preparation for the
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But is there more to it than that? Did the An- the Goddess and the Rituals of Resurrection
cient Egyptian wisdom contain more than just The Supreme Being may be worshipped as fa-
aphorisms and hopes of eternal life beyond ther or as mother. Ushet Rekhat or Mother Wor-
death? In this volume Dr. Muata Ashby, the ship, is the spiritual process of worshipping the
author of over 25 books on Ancient Egyptian Divine in the form of the Divine Goddess. It
Yoga Philosophy has produced a new transla- celebrates the most important forms of the God-
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tical teaching underlying the sayings and rituals tet and Hathor and explores their mystical
instituted by the Ancient Egyptian Sages and meaning as well as the rising of Sirius, the star
Saints. “Once the philosophy of Ancient Egypt of Aset (Aset) and the new birth of Hor (Heru).
is understood as a mystical tradition instead of The end of the year is a time of reckoning, re-
as a religion or primitive mythology, it reveals flection and engendering a new or renewed
its secrets which if practiced today will lead positive movement toward attaining spiritual
anyone to discover the glory of spiritual self- Enlightenment. The Mother Worship devo-
discovery. The Pert em Heru is in every way tional meditation ritual, performed on five days
comparable to the Indian Upanishads or the Ti- during the month of December and on New
betan Book of the Dead.” ҟ Muata Abhaya Year’s Eve, is based on the Ushet Rekhit. Dur-
Ashby ing the ceremony, the cosmic forces, symbol-
ized by Sirius - and the constellation of Orion --
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Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
NEW Egyptian Yoga Music CD
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Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
Dr. Muata Ashby
Reginald Muata Ashby was born in New York City but grew up in the Caribbean. Displaying an
early interest in ancient civilizations and the Humanities, he began to study these subjects while in
college but put these aside to work in the business world. After successfully running a business
with his wife for several years they decided to pursue a deeper movement in life. Mr. Ashby began
studies in the area of religion and philosophy and achieved doctorates in these areas while at the
same time he began to collect his research into what would later become several books on the
subject of the origins of Yoga Philosophy and practice in ancient Africa (Ancient Egypt) and also
the origins of Christian Mysticism in Ancient Egypt.
Reginald Muata Ashby holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Religion, and a Doctor of Divinity
Degree in Holistic Healing. He is also a Pastoral Counselor and Teacher of Yoga Philosophy and
Discipline. Dr. Ashby received his Doctor of Divinity Degree from and is an adjunct faculty
member of the American Institute of Holistic Theology. Dr. Ashby is a certification as a PREP
Relationship Counselor. Dr. Ashby has been an independent researcher and practitioner of
Egyptian, Indian and Chinese Yoga and psychology as well as Christian Mysticism. Dr. Ashby has
engaged in Post Graduate research in advanced Jnana, Bhakti and Kundalini Yogas at the Yoga
Research Foundation under the direction of Swami Jyotirmayananda. He has extensively studied
mystical religious traditions from around the world and is an accomplished lecturer, artist, poet,
screenwriter, playwright and author of over 25 books on yoga and spiritual philosophy. He is an
Ordained Minister and Spiritual Counselor and also the founder the Sema Institute, a non-profit
organization dedicated to spreading the wisdom of Yoga and the Ancient Egyptian mystical
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Yoga Mystic Postures of Enlightenment
New Official
Egyptian Yoga Exercise Posture Posters
Approx. 11” X 17” Laminated $10.00 each
Egyptian Yoga Movements of the Gods and Goddesses
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