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Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808

Published online 17 June 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/etep.2108

Graph theory-based radial load flow analysis to solve the dynamic

network reconfiguration problem

Muhammad M. Aman1,2*,†, Ghauth B. Jasmon1, Abdul Halim Abu Bakar3,

Hazlie Mokhlis1,3 and Kanendra Naidu1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
50603, Malaysia
Department of Electrical Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
UM Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC) Level 4, Wisma R&D, University of Malaya, Jalan
Pantai Baharu, Kuala Lumpur 59990, Malaysia

Radial load flow (RLF) methods are frequently used in solving distribution system problems. The
conventional Jacobian-based load flow methods (e.g., Newton–Raphson) may fail to converge in solving
distribution system due to high resistance to reactance ratio of distribution lines. RLF methods are based
on sweep-based mechanism and require that the line data must be arranged in accordance with network
topology. This problem needs special attention particularly in case of solving dynamic power system prob-
lems, where topology of the network changes with tie switches position (network reconfiguration problem).
This paper has presented an intelligent graph theory-based RLF analysis to solve “dynamic” problems. The
proposed algorithm will help in arranging line data for any combination of tie switch positions, to check the
radiality of the system and to ensure that all nodes are connected with the source node. The effectiveness of
the proposed method is also validated by solving 16-bus and 33-bus network reconfiguration problem using
graph theory-based RLF method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

key words: graph theory; radial load flow analysis; network reconfiguration; distribution system


Network reconfiguration is one of the key tools in planning and operation of medium voltage distribu-
tion system. Network reconfiguration is defined as altering the topological structures of the distribution
feeders, by changing the position of tie and sectionalizing switches; however, under normal operation,
medium voltage distribution networks operate in radial manner [1–4]. Authors have utilized this tool
for minimization of power losses [5–12]. Some of the authors have also used network reconfiguration
as a tool for load balancing [13–17], power supply restoration [18–20], optimum power flow [21], volt-
age stability improvement [22–24], and operation cost reduction [25].
Network reconfiguration problem differs from other power system problems including distributed
generator placement and shunt capacitor bank placement and can be referred as “dynamic” problem.
In network reconfiguration, the topology of the network changes with the tie switch position. Further,
it is also needed that the radiality of the system must be maintained and all the buses must remain in
contact with the source node (main substation) during reconfiguration process. Therefore, an efficient
and robust load flow method is required to solve the network reconfiguration problem. In literature, the
conventional Newton–Raphson and fast-decoupled load flow methods have also been utilized in
solving the distribution system [26,27]. Some of the load flow methods are an approximate form of

*Correspondence to: Muhammad M. Aman, Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia.

E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Newton–Raphson methods and are generally used for solving transmission systems. These methods
are based on solving Jacobian matrix or Z-matrix method. In order to solve the load flow methods
based on Jacobian matrix, the inverse of Jacobian matrix must exist. However, in some cases, the
Jacobian matrix becomes singular because of high resistance to reactance (R/X) ratio of distribution
lines [28]. The Z-matrix-based load flow methods need the set of equations proportional to the number
of buses, which utilizes more computational resources and time [29]. This necessity has resulted into
the development of radial load flow (RLF) methods.
Radial load flow methods utilize “backward/forward sweep” approach in solving the distribution
network [30–35]. Such approaches are quite commonly used in solving radial or weakly meshed net-
works. However, “sweep”-based methods require the appropriate line-data arrangement in accordance
with the network topology for load flow analysis. Inappropriate line-data input may result in wrong
load flow results output. In literature, bus renumbering, branch renumbering, and parent–child node
approaches have been proposed to arrange the line data [31,34]. Such techniques work well for “static”
system where the topology of the network does not change (e.g., optimum distributed generator place-
ment or shunt capacitor bank placement in radial distribution system). However, in case of solving
“dynamic” problems (e.g., network reconfiguration problem), the aforementioned approaches need
some intelligent mechanism to arrange the line data for different tie switch combination, maintaining
the radiality of the system and to ensure that all nodes are connected with source node (main substa-
tion). In this paper, MATLAB-based graph theory tool box (MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) will
be utilized to solve the network reconfiguration problem using RLF analysis. The proposed method has
also been tested on 12.66-kV, 16-bus, and 33-bus radial distribution test systems having three and five
tie switches, respectively.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 will briefly cover the introduction of existing RLF
methods. The limitation of RLF methods will be discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, necessity of
graph theory-based load flow analysis will be explained in solving network reconfiguration problem.
The basic introduction of graph theory will be presented in Section 5. The proposed algorithm of graph
theory-based RLF analysis to solve network reconfiguration problem will be discussed in Section 6. In
the last section, the proposed algorithm will be tested on standard 16-bus distribution test system, and
the results will also be discussed in detail in the same section.


Distribution systems are majorly considered as radial or weakly mesh network. Different RLF methods
have been proposed to solve such networks by updating system parameters (e.g., bus voltages and line
current) in backward–forward manner. Six most welll-known RLF methods and their convergence
criteria are presented as follows [29,31–35].

2.1. D. Shirmohammedi radial load flow method [31]

Shirmohammedi theorem is one of the oldest methods in solving radial distribution system. This
theorem is also equally validated for weakly meshed networks. The backward sweep helps in determining
the branch current I, calculated from the far end to the root node. The load current at bus i is calculated
using Equation (1).
I i ¼ conj ðSi =V i Þ where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (1)
The Kirchhoff current law is utilized to compute the current (I) in each branch of the network, using
Equation (2).
I ¼  current injected at node ′n′ þ current in branches extended from node ′n′ (2)
The forward sweep helps in estimating receiving end voltages (Vs) from sending bus voltage (Vr)
and line voltage drop, using Equation (3).

V r ¼ V s  I ðR þ jX Þ (3)

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Apply the same approach to all buses/branches in the radial system. The convergence criteria of
Shirmohammedi theorem are given in Equations (4) and (5).
Max ΔPki ΔQki < tolerance where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (4)
ΔPki ¼ Re Ski  Si where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (5a)
ΔQki ¼ Im Ski  Si where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (5b)
Si ¼ V i  conjðI i Þ where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (5c)
where k is the number of iteration and n is the total number of buses.

2.2. G. X. Luo radial load flow method [32]

Luo has presented an RLF method based on backward–forward sweep. The backward sweep helps in
determining the total sum of load and power losses. However, in forward sweep, updated bus voltages
are obtained. In the backward sweep, the sending end power is calculated using Equation (6).
P2r þ Q2r
Ps ¼ Pr þ R (6a)
V 2r
P2r þ Q2r
Qs ¼ Qr þ X (6b)
V 2r
In the forward sweep, the receiving end voltage is calculated, from the following relations given, in
Equations (7) and (8).
V r ¼ ðV s  ΔV′Þ2 þ ΔV″2 (7)
RPs þ XQs
ΔV′ ¼ (8a)
XPs  RQs
ΔV″ ¼ (8c)
The receiving bus angle will be calculated from Equation (9a) and will help in finding the receiving
end voltage and can be calculated using Equation (9b).
1 ΔV″
δr ¼ δs  tan (9a)
V s  ΔV′
V r ¼ jV r je jδr (9b)
Apply the same approach to all buses in the radial system. The convergence criteria of Luo method
are given in Equation (10).
Max V ki  V ik1 < tolerance where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (10)

where k is the number of iteration and n is the total number of buses.

2.3. M. H. Haque radial load flow method [33]

Haque has also presented an RLF method based on backward–forward sweep. The backward sweep is
identical with Luo method and helps in determining the total sum of load and power losses. In the
backward sweep, the sending end power is calculated using Equation (11).

P2r þ Q2r
Ps ¼ Pr þ R (11a)
V 2r

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
786 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

P2r þ Q2r
Qs ¼ Qr þ X (11b)
V 2r
In the forward sweep, the receiving end voltage is calculated using Equations (12) and (13).
V r ¼ V 2s  2ðPs R þ Qs X Þ þ P2s þ Q2s R2 þ X 2 =V 2s (12a)
δr ¼ δs  tan1 (12b)
a2 ′
XPs  RQs
a1 ¼ (13a)
RPs þ XQs
a2 ¼ V s  (13b)
Apply the same approach to n buses in the radial system. The convergence criteria of Haque method
are given in Equation (14).
Max V ki  V ik1 < tolerance where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (14)
where k is the number of iteration and n is the total number of buses.

2.4. D. Thukaram radial load flow method [34]

Thukaram load flow differs from the foregoing two methods. In backward sweep, the load current is
computed for nth loads in the network, using Equation (15).
I i ¼ conjðSi =V Þi where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (15)
However, in forward sweep, the receiving end voltage is calculated using Equation (16).
V r ¼ V s  I ðR þ jX Þ (16)
Apply the same approach to nth buses in the radial system. The convergence criteria of Thukaram
method are given in Equation (17).
Max V ki  V ik1 < tolerance where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (17)
where k is the number of iteration and n is the total number of buses.

2.5. D. Rajicic radial load flow method [35]

Rajicic method is also based on backward–forward sweep. The backward sweep is identical with Luo
method and helps in determining the total sum of load and power losses. In the backward sweep, the
sending end power is calculated using Equation (18).
P2r þ Q2r
Ps ¼ Pr þ R (18a)
V 2r
P2r þ Q2r
Qs ¼ Qr þ X (18b)
V 2r
In the forward sweep, the receiving end voltage Vr in complex form is calculated using Equation (19).

Ps R þ Qs X Qs R  P s X
Vr ¼ Vs 1  þj (19)
V 2s V 2s
Apply the same approach to n buses in the radial system. The convergence criteria of Rajicic method
are given in Equation (20).
Max V k  V k1 < tolerance
i i where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (20)
where k is the number of iteration and n is the total number of buses.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

2.6. J. H. Teng radial load flow method [29]

Teng method is considered as a direct approach for solving radial and weakly meshed system. This
method is based on constructing two derived matrices, branch injection to branch current (BIBC)
and branch current to bus voltage (BCBV) matrices. The formation of BIBC and BCBV matrix is
discussed in [29]. In each iteration k, the load current is updated using Equation (21).

P i þ Qi 
I ki ¼ (21)
V ki
The receiving end voltage is calculated using Equation (21):
 kþ1   0   kþ1 
V ¼ V þ ΔV (22)
ΔV kþ1 ¼ ½DLF  I k (23a)
½DLF  ¼ ½BCBV  ½BIBC  (23b)
The change in voltage w.r.t. to the root node V1 is calculated using Equation (24).

½ΔV  ¼ ½BCBV  ½BIBC  ½I  ¼ ½DLF  ½I  (24)

The convergence criteria of Teng method are given in Equation (25).
Max V ki  V k1
< tolerance where i ¼ 1; 2; 3; …n (25)

where k is the number of iteration and n is the total number of buses.

Radial load flow methods (discussed previously) based on backward–forward sweep have some
limitations in terms of line-data arrangement. Such limitations and the existing methods to correct
the line data are discussed in Section 3.


Radial load flow methods are basically based on backward–forward techniques and are highly sensi-
tive to line-data arrangement. In RLF methods, the buses present in the same lateral are modeled in
such a manner that the successive bus and the corresponding line must come in the same lateral in
the line data. This statement is better illustrated using six-bus radial distribution test system. Six-bus
system is a reduced form of 12-bus radial distribution system [36]. Figure 1 is representing the single
line diagram of six-bus radial distribution test system.

Figure 1. Single line diagram of six-bus radial distribution system.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
788 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

The necessary details of the system are given in Table I.

Thukaram RLF [34] is used to carry out the load flow analysis of the six-bus system, and the results
are given in Table II.
In the first case, when the line-data position is changed and the branch(s) present in the same lateral
move to the other position within the same lateral, wrong load flow results are obtained, as shown in
Table IIIa.
In the second case, when the line-data position is changed and the branch(s) present in the same lateral
is shifted to other laterals in line data, wrong load flow results are obtained, as shown in Table IIIb.
Similar is the case when the From–To position in the line data is changed, wrong load flow results
are obtained, as shown in Table IIIc.

Table I. Line data and bus data of six-bus system [36].*

Lateral From To R (pu) X (pu) P (MW) Q (MW)

1 1 2 9.00E05 3.80E05 0.06 0.06
2 3 9.80E05 4.10E05 0.04 0.03
3 4 0.000173 7.20E05 0.055 0.055
2 2 5 0.000263 0.00011 0.03 0.03
5 6 9.00E05 3.80E05 0.02 0.015
*Base MVA = 0.01; base kV = 11; accuracy = 1E004.

Table II. Load flow analysis results.

Bus number Voltage magnitude (V) Angle (degree)

1 V1 1.0000 δ1 0.0000
2 V2 0.9974 δ2 0.0535
3 V3 0.9961 δ3 0.0791
4 V4 0.9948 δ4 0.1112
5 V5 0.9956 δ5 0.0900
6 V6 0.9954 δ6 0.0934
Active power losses (kW) 1.1010
Reactive power losses (kVAR) 0.4631

Table IIIa. Changing line-data position (when the branch moves to the same lateral).
Input line data
Lateral From To R X Remarks
1 1 2 9.00E05 3.80E05 The position of line data has
3 4 0.000173 7.20E05 been changed within the
2 3 9.80E05 4.10E05 same lateral.
2 2 5 0.000263 0.00011
5 6 9.00E05 3.80E05
Load flow analysis results*
Bus number Voltage magnitude (V) Angle (degree) Remarks
1 V1 1.0000 δ1 0.0000 Changing the line-data position
2 V2 0.9981 δ2 0.0370 in the same lateral has resulted
3 V3 0.9976 δ3 0.0445 in wrong load flow results.
4 V4 0.9963 δ4 0.0765
5 V5 0.9963 δ5 0.0735
6 V6 0.9961 δ6 0.0769
Active power losses (kW) 0.6241
Reactive power losses (kVAR) 0.2623
*D. Thukaram load flow.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Table IIIb. Changing line-data position (when the branch moves to other lateral).

Input line data

Lateral From To R X Remarks
1 1 2 9.00E05 3.80E05 The position of line data
5 6 9.00E05 3.80E05 has been changed into
3 4 0.000173 7.20E05 the other lateral.
2 2 5 0.000263 0.00011
2 3 9.80E05 4.10E05
Load flow analysis results*
Bus number Voltage magnitude (V) Angle (degree) Remarks
1 V1 1.0000 δ1 0.0000 Changing the line-data position
2 V2 0.9984 δ2 0.0336 from one lateral to other
3 V3 0.9979 δ3 0.0411 lateral has resulted in wrong
4 V4 0.9965 δ4 0.0731 load flow results.
5 V5 0.9972 δ5 0.0600
6 V6 0.9970 δ6 0.0634
Active power losses (kW) 0.4661
Reactive power losses (kVAR) 0.1959
*D. Thukaram load flow.

Table IIIc. Changing From–To position in line data.

Input line data

Lateral From To R X Remarks
1 1 2 9.00E05 3.80E05 The position of line data has
2 3 9.80E05 4.10E05 been changed into the
4 3 0.000173 7.20E05 other lateral.
2 2 5 0.000263 0.00011
5 6 9.00E05 3.80E05
Load flow analysis results*
Bus number Voltage magnitude (V) Angle (degree) Remarks
1 V1 1.0000 δ1 0.0000 Changing the To–From position
2 V2 0.9981 δ2 0.0370 inline data has resulted in wrong
3 V3 0.9991 δ3 0.0132 load flow results.
4 V4 1.0000 δ4 0.0000
5 V5 0.9963 δ5 0.0735
6 V6 0.9961 δ6 0.0769
Active power losses (kW) 0.5616
Reactive power losses (kVAR) 0.2363
*D. Thukaram load flow.

From the foregoing three cases, it can be recognized that it is highly important that the line-data ar-
rangement must match with the network topology. This problem must be highlighted because of the
following reasons:
(1) In case of large radial distribution test system, the arrangement of line data with the network
topology is a difficult job. The addition of graph theory to existing RLF methods helps the user
in terms of entering line data, and the user does not need to think about the line-data arrange-
ment. Graph theory will also help in determining the radiality of the system and to ensure that
all nodes are connected with source node (main substation). This is particularly useful in graph-
ical user interface-based application. The addition of graph theory with graphical user interface-
based application such as voltage stability and optimization programming [37] tool and
distribution system power flow analysis package [30] will improve the robustness and
efficiency of such programs to solve the distribution system problems.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
790 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

(2) In case of solving “dynamic” problem such as finding the optimum tie switch position in net-
work reconfiguration problem. This problem will be discussed in detail in the next section.
In literature, bus renumbering, branch renumbering, and parent–child node have also been utilized
to correct the line-data format [31,34]. For smaller system, visual inspection can also be carried out
to arrange the line data. Such approaches work well in case of “static” system where the network
topology does not change. However, for dynamic power system problem, for example, network
reconfiguration problem, it is necessary to utilize some intelligent technique. This statement is better
presented in the next section.



In the aforementioned analysis, it has been seen that the arrangement of line data is necessary to carry
out the RLF analysis. However, for smaller bus system, it can be carried out by visual inspection or
node branch renumbering approach, proposed in [29,31–35]. However, such approaches cannot be
utilized in such cases where the system configuration is dynamic, for example, in case of solving
network reconfiguration. Network reconfiguration is defined as altering the topological structures
of the distribution feeders, by changing the position of tie and sectionalizing switches; however,
under normal operation, medium voltage distribution networks operate in radial manner, as shown
in Figure 2 [1,2]. Tie lines’ circuit breakers under normal condition remain open; however, in case
of necessity, for example, fast restoration of power, it will be closed.
In present case, there can be many different options of tie switch positions, as shown in Figure 3.
If the foregoing system configurations (shown in Figure 3) are solved using RLF analysis,
searching mechanism is required to arrange the line data for each system configuration. Such small
system can also be solved visually because of limited number of combinations. However, in case of
large system, for example, 33-bus, 69-bus, or 127-bus distribution system having five tie switches,
there must be some intelligent mechanism to rearrange the line data and carry out the RLF analysis
for different system configurations. In this paper, graph theory-based RLF methods have been
proposed to solve the limitation of existing load flow problem as well as to solve the network
reconfiguration problem using MATLAB tools. Here, it is also important to note that graph theory
also utilizes parent–child node approach to find the connectivity among different nodes; however,
MATLAB® graph theory tool box has some standard searching mechanism (e.g., breadth-first
search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS)), which can be utilized to arrange the line data more


Graph theory began in 1736, and one of the first people to experiment with graph theory was Leonhard
Euler [38]. He attempted to solve the problem of crossing seven bridges onto an island without using

Figure 2. Single line diagram of six-bus radial distribution system with 01 normally open circuit
breaker (CB).

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Figure 3. Different system configurations in case of six-bus network.

any of them more than once. Graph theory models and represents the interconnection between objects
(nodes) in a certain set. In general, the graph G (V, E) is a pair of sets mapped by the pair of vertices or
nodes (V) through the edges (E). The vertices V are usually labeled as V = {v1, v2 ⋯ ⋯, vn}. V is the
vertex set of G, and E is the edge set. The vertices are said to be adjacent to each other if they are
interconnected through an edge [39,40]. The example of nodes and edges is shown in Figure 4 using
six-bus test system (shown previously in Figure 1).
In Figure 4, there are six nodes interconnected with five lines. In the present case of distribution
system, the vertices (V) will represent the system buses, and the edges (E) will represent the distribu-
tion lines (connecting two buses). Therefore, in distribution system, RLF problem can be formulated as
a problem of identifying the desired graph topology.

Figure 4. Example of nodes and edges using six-bus test system.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
792 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

5.1. Directed undirected graph

In graph theory, two different types of graphs are normally used, that is, directed graph and undirected
graph. A directed graph is formed by vertices connected with directed edges, that is, from vertices v1 to
v2. While in undirected graph, the nodes are connected to each other in a bidirectional manner. Or in
another words, an undirected graph is a graph in which edges have no orientations. One of the exam-
ples of directed and undirected graph is shown in Figure 5.

5.2. Sparse form and adjacency matrix

Sparse form represents the line connection between two nodes in the system and removes all zero
elements in the matrix. From the sparse matrix, the adjacency matrix (A) is created. The adjacency
matrix (A) represents the complete connection of each node in the graph [41].
Equation (26a) represents the adjacency matrix for the directed graph according to Figure 5a. Here,
it can be seen that each element in adjacency matrix aij = 1 if (i,k) ∈ E and aij = 0 if (i,k) ∉ E, where E is
a set of directed edges {(1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (2,5), (5,6)}.
0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
B0 0 1 0 1 0C
B0 0 0C
B 0 0 1 C
A¼B C (26a)
B0 0 0 0 0 0C
B0 0 1C
@ 0 0 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0

Equation (26b) represents the adjacency matrix for the undirected graph, according to Figure 5b.
Here, it can be seen that each element in adjacency matrix aij = 1 if (i,k) ∈ E and aij = 0 if (i,k) ∉ E,
where E is a set of undirected edges {(1,2), (2,1), (2,3), (2,5), (3,2), (3,4), (4,3), (5,2), (5,6), (6,5)}.
For undirected graph, the adjacency matrix is symmetric because the edges are bidirectional, that is,
aij = aji.
0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
B1 0 1 0 1 0C
B0 0 0C
B 1 0 1 C
A¼B C (26b)
B0 0 1 0 0 0C
B0 0 1C
@ 1 0 0 A
0 0 0 0 1 0

Figure 5. Example of (a) directed and (b) undirected graphs.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

In graph theory, adjacency matrix is also used to calculate Kirchoff’s matrix or Laplacian matrix.
Using the adjacency matrix, the number of spanning trees in the graph can be determined based on
the Laplacian matrix. The spanning tree is defined as a selection of edges that will result in a tree-like
structure, which includes every vertex in the graph [42,43].

5.3. Search algorithm for finding the connectivity among nodes

In order to measure the connectivity among all nodes or sequence of nodes interconnection, two
searching methods are commonly used, BFS and DFS methods [44].
In BFS, all the nodes present in the same level will be identified before proceeding to the next level.
This process will continue till the last vertex is reached. For example, in Figure 6, using BFS method,
the traveled path starting from source node A will be A → B → C → D → E → F → G.
However, in DFS method, the nodes are searched in depth-first order where the search algo-
rithm will trace the path from the search point (root) to the extended node (descendants) [45].
For example, in Figure 7, using DFS method, the traveled path starting from source node A will
be A → B → D → G → E → C → F.
In current application of RLF analysis, DFS method is utilized in order to determine all nodes
present in the same lateral. DFS method returns the order of the bus in the system, which will be used
to rearrange the line data according to the flow that is traced out.

Figure 6. Breadth-first search-order technique.

Figure 7. Depth-first search-order technique.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
794 M. M. AMAN ET AL.



In the aforementioned Sections 3 and 4, it can be seen that the arrangement of line data in correspon-
dence with the network topology is mandatory to carry out the RLF analysis. Graph theory-based RLF
will help in solving dynamic network reconfiguration problem where the topology of the system
changes with tie position. In this case, graph theory will help in following ways:
(1) To arrange the line data according to the network topology.
(2) To determine the radiality of the system.
(3) To ensure that all nodes are connected with source node (main substation).
The detailed steps of solving network reconfiguration problem using graph theory-based RLF
analysis are given as follows:
Step 1 Initialization: Enter the necessary bus data and line data, as shown in Equation (27).

Bus Data ¼ ½ Bus No: BusType Active Load Reactive Load  (27a)
Line Data ¼ ½ Line No From ðiÞ To ðjÞ Resistance Reactance  (27b)
To explain the proposed algorithm, a simple six-bus system with a single tie line switch is considered,
as shown in Figure 8.The necessary bus data and line data of the foregoing network are given in
Equations (28) and (29), respectively.
2 3
1 1 P 1 Q1
6 7
6 2 0 P 2 Q2 7
6 7
6 3 0 P3 Q 7
6 37
bus_data ¼ 6 7 (28)
6 4 0 P 4 Q4 7
6 7
65 0 P Q 7
4 5 55
6 0 P 6 Q6

2 3
1 1 2 r1 x1
6 7
62 2 3 r2 x2 7
6 7
63 x3 7
6 3 4 r3 7
line_data ¼ 6 7 (29)
64 4 6 r4 x4 7
6 7
65 x5 7
4 5 6 r5 5
6 2 5 r6 x6

Figure 8. Six-bus radial distribution system with a single tie switch.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

where r and x are resistance and reactance of the line, respectively. P and Q are active and reactive
loads at the bus, respectively.
Step 2: Generation of sparse and adjacency matrix: Once the bus system data have been
selected, the sparse form of the system is created on the basis of the line data. Sparse form represents
the line connection between two nodes in the system and removes all zero elements in the matrix.
Equation (4) is used to generate sparse matrix of undirected graph. Undirected graph will help in
generation of adjacency matrix and switching of the selected tie line positions.

S ¼ sparse ða; bÞ (30)

a ¼ ½ line  data ðfromÞ line  data ðtoÞ 
b ¼ ½ line  data ðtoÞ line  data ðfromÞ 

The adjacency matrix (A) of the system is also formed using the sparse form of the system to rep-
resent the network topology in matrix form. Equation (31) is used to generate adjacency matrix (A)
of the system.

A ¼ fullðSÞÞ (31)

The adjacency matrix (A) is an n × n matrix (where n represents the total number of buses in the
system). The adjacency matrix (A) of six-bus system, with all tie line switches that are also closed,
is given by Equation (32).

0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
B1 0 1 0 1 0C
B0 0 0C
B 1 0 1 C
A¼B C (32)
B0 0 1 0 0 1C
B0 0 1C
@ 1 0 0 A
0 0 0 1 1 0

Step 3: Generation of random tie switch positions and updating adjacency matrix (A): Random
tie switch positions are generated (for example, r = [r1 r2 r3 r4 r5], where r is an array representing tie
switch position), and the adjacency matrix (A) of the system is updated to represent the tie switch po-
sitions. For example, in six-bus test system, when the tie line circuit breaker between four-bus and
six-bus systems is open (r = [4]), the new adjacency matrix (A′) is given by Equation (33):

0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
B1 0 1 0 1 0C
B0 0C
B 1 0 1 0 C
A′ ¼ B C (33)
B0 0 1 0 0 0C
B0 1C
@ 1 0 0 0 A
0 0 0 0 1 0

Here, it can be observed that by using undirected graph, it is easy to switch off the connection between
four-bus and six-bus systems. Further, it is also noted that the dimension of new adjacency matrix (A′)
will remain the same, that is, n × n.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
796 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

Figure 9. Biograph of six-bus test system.

Using the sparse form S of the new system (when the tie line positions have opened), Equation (34)
is used to generate the biograph of the new system, as shown in Figure 9.

biograph ¼ ðS; label; ‘ShowArrows’; ‘off’Þ (34)

Step 4: Checking radiality of the system. The reconfigured graph based on A′ is checked for
radiality to ensure that there are no loops or mesh present in the network. The graph is traversed
in DFS order, starting from node n. Equation (35) is used to traverse the graph:

½D; P ¼ graphtraverse ðsparse of A′; nÞ (35)

where D is a vector of node indices in the order in which they are discovered. P is a vector of
predecessor node indices (listed in the order of the node indices) of the resulting spanning tree.
The path is mapped out between all nodes using the graphpred2path() command, given in
Equation (36).

path ¼ graphpred2path ðP; DÞ (36)

If the length of the graphpred2path() is found equal to 2, then the circuit is believed to be a radial
system (status = 1), otherwise non-radial. In case of non-radiality in the system (status = 0), the
program exits, and step 3 is repeated.
Step 5: Check connectivity. Even though step 4 ensures that the graph is radial, however, there
might be instances that the graph is disconnected, that is, some nodes are not connected to the source
node (bus number 1). In order to ensure the connectivity among all nodes in the system, the number
of buses in the traversed path should be equal to the total number of buses in the system, that is, nbus
(traverse) = nbus(system). The following Equation (37) is used to calculate the number of buses in
traversed path.

bus_order ¼ graphtraverseðsparse of A′; 1; ‘Method’; ‘DFS’Þ (37a)

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

nbusðtraverseÞ ¼ lengthðbus_orderÞ (37b)

Equation (37a) is used to obtain the traverse path, and the detail of traverse path is stored in variable
DFS_order. The length of DFS_order will represent the total number buses that come across during
traversing. For example, in Figure 9, the following DFS_order, given in Equation (38), is obtained,
and the numbers of buses in traversed path are given in Equation (39).
0 1
DFS_order ¼ B C (38)
@ A
nbusðtraverseÞ ¼ 6 (39)

Step 6: Line data arrangement. In order to carry out the RLF analysis, the line data of the
reconfigured network have to be arranged according to the load flow requirement. The following
substeps are necessary:
(1) Arranging the From–To position: The edge that represents the line-data E(From–To) is
sorted out to ensure that From < To in each element of line data.
(2) Determining the number of descendants (NoD) of each node: The NoD of each node is
determined based on the DFS order using Equation (40).
NoD ¼ sizeðgetdescendantsðÞÞ (40)
The NoD will determine the characteristic of each node. Three different node characteristics can be
found, as shown in Figure 10. The NoD = 2 represents an ending node, and the NoD = 3 represents a
transitional node. Any number higher than two (NoD > 3) represents a branch node.The DFS order
and the corresponding NoD values are stored in an array form in variable DFS_Node_Order, as given
by Equation (41). The NoD values are used to separate the branch nodes (NoD > 3) and stored in
variable branch, as given by Equation (42). The DFS order and NoD information are used to arrange
the line data according to the RLF requirement.
2 3
DFS Order NoD
6 ︷ ︷
6 1 2 7
6 7
6 7
6 2 4 7
6 7
DFS_order_NoD ¼ 6 6 3 3 77 (41)
6 7
6 4 2 7
6 7
6 7
4 5 3 5
6 2
branch ¼ ½2 (42)
(3) Constructing line-data variable for RLF analysis: Using the DFS_order variable, the
line data are constructed, as given by Equation (43).
2 3
From To
6 ︷ ︷
6 1 2 7
6 7
6 2 3 7
6 7
DFS_order_NoD ¼ 6 7 (43)
6 3 4 7
6 7
6 7
4 4 5 5
5 6

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
798 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

Figure 10. Number of descendants (NoD) identifications.

The line-data variable will be compared with original line data in order to find out non-existing con-
nection between the lines. For example, in given line data, there is no connection between four-bus
and five-bus systems. Thus, the correct “from” position will be found out from branch variable. In
the present case, from position 4 will be replaced with 2, as shown in Equation (44).
2 3
From To
︷ ︷
6 7
6 1 2 7
6 7
6 3 7
6 2 7
line_data ¼ 6 7 (44)
6 3 4 7
6 7
6 7
4 2 5 5
5 6

Step 7: Load flow analysis: After rearranging the line data, the RLF analysis is carried out.
The flow chart of proposed graph theory-based RLF analysis to solve network reconfiguration problem
is shown in Figure 11.


The proposed algorithm has been applied on 16-bus and 33-bus distribution test systems on the basis
of minimization of power losses. Thukaram RLF method is used with graph theory to carry out the
load flow.

7.1. Test result on 16-bus system

Sixteen-bus system is a standard 12.66-kV network, having three feeders and three tie switches [11].
The system details are given in Appendix Table A-I. In order to solve the three-feeder system, the sys-
tem has been transformed to a single-feeder radial distribution test system, as shown in Figure 12.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Figure 11. Flow chart of proposed algorithm. DFS, depth-first search.

Figure 12. 16-Bus distribution network.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
800 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

The sparse of the system, when the initial tie switches S15, S16, and S17 are open, is given as follows:
Sparse of 16-bus network = {(2,1), (1,2), (3,2), (7,2), (12,2), (2,3), (4,3), (5,3), (3,4), (10,4),
(3,5), (6,5), (5,6), (15,6), (2,7), (8,7), (9,7), (7,8), (10,8), (11,8), (7,9), (13,9), (4,10), (8,10),
(8,11), (2,12), (13,12), (14,12), (9,13), (12,13), (12,14), (15,14), (6,15), (14,15)}.
The adjacency matrix of the base case system, when the tie switches are present at S15, S16, and S17,
is given in Table IV.
In case of network topology, when the tie switches position is changed to S2, S4, and S11, the adja-
cency matrix of the system is given in Table V. The other necessary steps to rearrange the line data
from graph theory-based RLF analysis are summarized in Table VIa.
Similarly, when the tie switches position is changed to S6, S9, and S13, the adjacency matrix of the
system is given in Table VIb. The other necessary steps to rearrange the line data from graph theory-
based RLF analysis are summarized in Table VII.

Table IV. Adjacency matrix of the system when tie line switches S15, S16, and S17 are open.

Table V. Adjacency matrix of the system when tie line switches S2, S4, and S11 are open.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Table VIa. Line-data arrangement when the tie switch positions are S2, S4, and S11.

This methodology will apply for all tie switch combinations present in the system. In this paper, the
process of switch combination is repeated for 100 good solution (radial system only), and the switch
position r = [9 8 17] was found the best tie switch position having minimum power losses of
466.10 kW, which matches with the results of [11]. Optimization technique can also be used to reach

Table VIb. Adjacency matrix of the system when tie line switches S6, S9, and S13 are open.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
802 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

Table VII. Line-data arrangement when the tie switch positions are S6, S9, and S13.

to the final solution. However, optimum network reconfiguration is out of scope of this paper; thus, the
discussion is limited up to the graph theory-based RLF analysis in solving network reconfiguration
Sixteen-bus system is a small distribution system in case of solving network reconfiguration
problem. The proposed method is also applied on 33-bus distribution systems, and it was found that
the proposed method works efficiently for large systems also.

Figure 13. Single line diagram of 33-bus distribution test system.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

7.2. Test results on 33-bus test system

In the second case, the proposed algorithm is applied on 12.66-kV, 33-bus distribution test system
having five tie switches present in the system. The system details are given in Appendix Table A-II,
and the single line diagram of the system is shown in Figure 13. The adjacency matrix of the base case
system, when the tie switches are present at S33, S34, S35, S36, and S37, is given in Table VIII.
When the tie switches positions are changed, the necessary steps to rearrange the line data from
graph theory-based RLF analysis are summarized in Table VIa and VII. The RLF analysis is carried

Table VIII. Adjacency matrix of the system when tie line switches S33, S34, S35, S36, and S37 are open.

Table IX. Adjacency matrix of the system when tie line switches S7, S9, S14, S32, and S37 are open.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
804 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

out once the line data have been rearranged. The adjacency matrix of the system when the tie switches
position is changed to S7, S9, S14, S32, and S37 is given in Table IX. Figure 14 represents the biograph
for 33-bus distribution system for different tie switches positions.

Figure 14. Biograph of 33-bus distribution system for different tie switches positions. (a) When tie switches
positions are S33, S34, S35, S36, and S37. (b) When tie switches positions are S7, S9, S14, S32, and S37.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

The proposed methodology is applied for all tie switches combination present in the system. In this
paper, the process of switch combination is repeated for 100 times for 20 good solution (radial system
only), and the switch position r = [7,9,14,32,37] was found the best tie switches position having min-
imum power losses of 139.55 kW.


This paper has presented a graph theory-based RLF analysis to solve “dynamic” power system prob-
lems in which the configuration of the system does not remain static, for example, network reconfigu-
ration problem. The proposed algorithm will help in arranging the line data for any combination of tie
switch positions, to check the radiality of the system and to ensure that all nodes are connected with the
source node. The proposed algorithm has been tested on standard 16-bus and 33-bus distribution test
systems having three and five tie switches, respectively, for minimization of power losses. From the
obtained results and discussion, it can be concluded that the graph theory approach has increased the
robustness of existing RLF methods and can be utilized to solve the dynamic power system problems.


RLF radial load flow analysis

R resistance of the line
X reactance of the line
Vr receiving end bus voltage
Vs sending end bus voltage
δr receiving end bus angle
δs sending end bus angle
k number of iteration
n number of buses
BCBV branch current to bus voltage matrix
BIBC branch injection to branch current matrix
DLF distribution load flow matrix
I load current
P active power
Q reactive power
S apparent power
V vertices of graph “G”
E edges of graph “G”
S sparse form
A adjacency matrix
BFS breadth-first search
DFS depth-first search


This work was supported by the Bright Spark Programme and the Institute of Research Management and
Monitoring Fund-IPPP (grant code: PV144/2012A) of the University of Malaya, Malaysia.


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Table A-I: Modified form of 16-bus distribution system data [11].

Line number From To P (kW) Q (kVAR) R (Ω) X (Ω) Imax(A)

1 1 2 0 0 1.00E10 1.00E10 2500
2 2 3 2000 1600 0.12021 0.16028 1400
3 3 4 3000 400 0.12822 0.1763 500
4 3 5 2000 400 0.14425 0.2885 500
5 5 6 1500 1200 0.06411 0.06411 500
6 2 7 4000 2700 0.1763 0.1763 1400
7 7 8 5000 1800 0.12822 0.1763 1000
8 7 9 1000 900 0.1763 0.1763 500
9 8 10 600 500 0.1763 0.1763 500
10 8 11 4500 1700 0.12822 0.1763 500
11 2 12 1000 900 0.1763 0.1763 1400
12 12 13 1000 1100 0.14425 0.19233 500
13 12 14 1000 900 0.12822 0.1763 500
14 14 15 2100 800 0.06411 0.06411 500
15 4 10 — — 0.06411 0.06411 500
16 9 13 — — 0.06411 0.06411 500
17 6 15 — — 0.144248 0.192331 500
P and Q are representing the receiving end load.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep
808 M. M. AMAN ET AL.

Table A-II: 33-Bus distribution system data [13].

Line number From To R (Ω) X (Ω) P (kW) Q (kVAR)

1 1 2 100 60 0.0922 0.0477
2 2 3 90 40 0.493 0.2511
3 3 4 120 80 0.366 0.1864
4 4 5 60 30 0.3811 0.1941
5 5 6 60 20 0.819 0.707
6 6 7 200 100 0.1872 0.6188
7 7 8 200 100 1.7114 1.2351
8 8 9 60 20 1.03 0.74
9 9 10 60 20 1.04 0.74
10 10 11 45 30 0.1966 0.065
11 11 12 60 35 0.3744 0.1238
12 12 13 60 35 1.468 1.155
13 13 14 120 80 0.5416 0.7129
14 14 15 60 10 0.591 0.526
15 15 16 60 20 0.7463 0.545
16 16 17 60 20 1.289 1.721
17 17 18 90 40 0.732 0.574
18 2 19 90 40 0.164 0.1565
19 19 20 90 40 1.5042 1.3554
20 20 21 90 40 0.4095 0.4784
21 21 22 90 40 0.7089 0.9373
22 3 23 90 50 0.4512 0.3083
23 23 24 420 200 0.898 0.7091
24 24 25 420 200 0.896 0.7011
25 6 26 60 25 0.203 0.1034
26 26 27 60 25 0.2842 0.1447
27 27 28 60 20 1.059 0.9337
28 28 29 120 70 0.8042 0.7006
29 29 30 200 600 0.5075 0.2585
30 30 31 150 70 0.9744 0.963
31 31 32 210 100 0.3105 0.3619
32 32 33 60 40 0.341 0.5302
33 21 8 — — 2 2
34 9 14 — — 2 2
35 12 22 — — 2 2
36 18 33 — — 0.5 0.5
37 25 29 — — 0.5 0.5
P and Q are representing the receiving end load.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2016; 26:783–808
DOI: 10.1002/etep

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