Guide For Establishing A Company in Serbia: Legal Framework - Sectoral Licenses - Procedure

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Legal Framework – Sectoral Licenses – Procedure
Legal Framework
Sectoral Licenses

Belgrade, 2014

Legal entities 7
Company Association 7
Legal Forms of Companies 7
Company Founded by Foreign Persons 8
Performance of Activity 8
Articles of Incorporation 8
Responsibility of Founders 9
Seat and Business Name 9
Representatives and Procura 10
Company Assets 11
Reorganization of Company  11
Companies Incorporation 11
General Partnership 12
Limited Partnership 14
Limited Liability Company 16
Joint Stock Company 21
Branch Office 28
Foreign Company Representative Office 29
Business Association 30

Dear users,

In the process of joining the European Union, the Repub-

lic of Serbia implements changes to the laws and regula-
tions that will significantly influence the business commu-
nity. These changes are necessary for Serbian companies
to meet the European standards and become competitive
both on the European market and global market.
The Guide for Establishing a Company provides to future
domestic and foreign investors information, guidance and
support to start a business under specified conditions.
Foreign legal and physical persons may establish compa-
nies and other forms of business, in accordance with the
Companies Law and the law governing foreign investment.
A foreign investor may:
• establish his own company (up to 100% ownership)
• purchase shares of the existing company
• obtain a license (concession) for exploitation of natural
resources, goods in public use or perform activities of
general interest, in accordance with the Law
• obtain the approval to build, operate and transfer (BOT
– Build, Operate and Transfer) a facility, plant or unit, as
well as infrastructure and communication facilities
• acquire any other foreign investor’s property right by
which he realizes his business interests
We sincerely hope that you will find useful information in
this publication.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia is always
at disposal to all domestic and foreign entities to furnish
them with business information, services and contacts.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 5


The establishment, organization and registration of com-

panies and other forms of organization are governed by the
Companies Law (“Official Gazette of the RS” no. 36/11 and
99/11), by the Law on Procedure of Registration with the
Serbian Business Registers Agency (“Official Gazette of the
RS” No. . 99/11), Regulation on Content of the Business
Entities Register and documents necessary for registration
(“Official Gazette of RS” no. 6/12) and Decision on Deter-
mination of Fees for Registration and other services pro-
vided by the Business Registers Agency (“Official Gazette
of RS“ no. 119/13). The provisions of the Companies Law
shall also apply to forms of business that are established
and operating in accordance with special laws.
These regulations and their solutions are adapted to the
standards in the European Union and other developed
market economies.

• Company
• Entrepreneur
• A branch of a company
• Representative of a foreign company
• Business Association
• Other forms of organization

• A company is a legal entity which carries on business for
profit, and it acquires the title of legal person in accord-
ance with the Law on Registration.


• General partnership
• Limited partnership

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 7

• Limited Liability
• Joint–Stock Company


• Foreign legal and physical persons may establish a com-
pany in accordance with this Law and the law governing
foreign investments.
• Foreign investors regarding their shares enjoy equal sta-
tus, rights and obligations as domestic natural and legal
persons, unless otherwise stipulated by the Law on For-
eign Investments.

• A company is established for an indefinite or definite pe-
riod of time. It is deemed that a company is established
for indefinite period of time if it is not defined by it Ar-
ticles of Association or Statute.
• A company is conducting core business, and it can per-
form other activities which are not prohibited by the
law, regardless of whether they are defined by the Arti-
cles of Association or Statute.
• Registration or conduct of specific activities can be con-
ditioned by prior approval, consent or other relevant act
of the competent authority as stipulated by a special law.

• Articles of Incorporation of a company is a constitutive
act of the company that takes the form of a decision on
the establishment, if the company is founded by one per-
son, or Memorandum of Association, if the company is
established by a number of persons.
• Contents of the Articles of Incorporation are defined for
each form separately.
• In addition to the Articles of Incorporation , the com-
pany may have a company’s contract regulating the rela-
tions between the founders in connection with the com-
pany. The contract is not binding on third parties.

8 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

• Memorandum of Association of a joint stock company
shall not be changed, and in addition to Memorandum
of Association, a joint stock company has its Articles of
Association stipulating the company’s management and
other matters in accordance with the Law.

• Company acquires the status of legal entity by registra-
tion, that is by entering data of the concerned company
in the Register in a manner prescribed by the procedure
of registration of the Business Registers Agency.

• Members of the company are responsible for the compa-
ny in accordance with the provisions of the law govern-
ing a particular legal form of company, as well as in cases
referred to in Article 18 of the Company Law (abuse of
the rules on the limited liability, or “piercing the veil”).


• Seat of a company is a place on the territory of the Re-
public of Serbia from which the business is conducted,
and which is defined as such by the Articles of Associa-
tion or by the decision of the General Meeting.
• Company operates and participates in legal transactions
under its business name that is registered in accordance
with the Law on Procedure of Registration. Business
name shall contain the name, legal form and the place
where the head office of a company is located.
Legal form to indicate the business name is marked as fol-
– “Partnership”, “o.d” or “od”;
– “Limited Partnership”, “k.d.” or “kd”;
– “Limited Liability Company”, “d.o.o.” or “doo”;
– “Joint Stock Company”, “a.d.” or “ad”;
In addition to the business name, in its business operations

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 9

the company may use abbreviated business name under
the same conditions under which it uses its business name.
• The entrepreneur also operates under the business name
that contains the name and surname of the entrepre-
neur, a description of the core business, the entrepre-
neur‘s mark, or “pr” and seat.


• A company shall assume the rights and obligations in le-
gal transactions through a representative which may be
legal (statutory) company representatives, empowered
attorneys on employment basis and procurators.
• Legal representatives are persons that are defined by
the law for each individual form of company. The legal
representative may be an individual or a company reg-
istered in Serbia. The company shall have at least one
legal representative who is a physical person. Besides
them, representatives of a company are persons that are
authorized to represent the company by an enactment
or decision of the competent bodies of the company and
registered as such in accordance with the Law on Regis-
• Persons who work as employees and whose duties in
everyday course of business include signing of certain
contracts or taking of other legal actions, are authorized
as legal representatives of company to conclude con-
tracts within the scope of their work, without specific
• Procurators represent the company on the basis of busi-
ness power of attorney by which the company authorizes
one or more physical persons to conclude on its behalf
and on its account legal affairs and take other legal ac-
tion. Procura is not transferable and procurators cannot
transfer their power of attorney to another person.
• Procura restriction (requires special authorization)
refers to the disposition of the company assets or the
acquisition, deprivation or encumbrance of real estate,
stocks and shares, taking over bond liabilities and ob-

10 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

ligations of guarantee, conclusion of contracts on loan
and credit and representation in court proceedings and

• Company’s assets are assets and rights owned by a com-
pany, and other rights of a company.
• The shares into the company may be in cash or in kind
and they are expressed in local currency. Contributions
in kind include property and rights, if not otherwise
specified by the law for certain forms of companies.

• Reorganization of a company includes:
– Change of a legal form, ie. transition from one legal
form to another;
– Status change: acquisition, merger, division and sep-
aration, where the company is reorganized so that
the other company has transferred its assets and li-
abilities, while the members in that company acquire
– Change of status in liquidation.

• Associated companies consist of two or more entities
that are mutually associated:
– Through participation in basic capital or partner’s
share, companies associated by capital;
– By agreement, companies associated by agreement;
– Through share in capital and through contracts, com-
bined associated ventures.
• Associated companies are organized as concern, hold-
ing company and company with mutual participation in
• Companies shall not be associated in a manner contrary
to the Law on Competition Protection.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 11


• General Partnership is a company founded by two or
more partners, physical and/or legal persons who are re-
sponsible for all company’s liabilities with all their prop-
• In case that a Memorandum of Association on company
foundation or other contracts concluded between partners
contains a provision on limited liability of partners towards
third parties, this provision shall not have legal effect.


• Name, identification number and place of residence for
a national physical person, or name, passport number
or other identification number and place of residence
for foreign physical person; business name, registration
number and seat for a domestic legal entity or business
name, registration number or other identification num-
ber and address of a seat for foreign legal entity.
• Business name and address of company’s seat.
• Core activity of a company.
• Specified type and value of each partner’s contribution.
• It may also contain other elements of importance for
company and partners.

• Partnership Company, in addition to Memorandum of
Association, may have a partnership agreement, which
stipulates their mutual relationship in the company.
• Partnership agreement shall become effective only
among company’s members who have concluded it and
shall not be submitted with the application for registra-

12 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

• Partner may make contributions to a company in the
form of money, assets, rights, labor or services.
• Partners contributions in the company are equal, unless
otherwise stipulated by the Memorandum of Association.


• Company’s partner shall not be obliged to increase its
contribution above the amount established in the Mem-
orandum of Association, unless otherwise stipulated by
the Memorandum of Association.
• Transfer of contributions among partners is free, unless
the Memorandum of Association provides otherwise.
• In case of death of a partner, the partner’s share cannot
be inherited, but it is allocated to the remaining partners
proportionally, unless the Memorandum of Association
stipulate that the company continues to operate with the
heirs of the deceased partner.

• Partners decisions are brought unanimously, unless the
Articles of Association specify otherwise.
• Memorandum of Association may determine that some
or all decisions are brought by majority vote, as well as
the number of votes each partner shall have.
• Decisions on matters outside the ordinary activities, as
well as decisions on admission of new partners, require
approval of all partners.


• Profits and losses of the company are distributed in
equal parts between the partners, except if otherwise
stipulated by Мemorandum of Association.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 13

• Each partner is authorized to perform actions in the or-
dinary operations of the company (management).
• Actions that do not belong to the regular business of the
company are not covered by the authorization and need
the consent of all partners, unless otherwise defined by
the Мemorandum of Association.
• If Мemorandum of Association and Partnership Agree-
ment provided that one or more partners are authorized
for management, other partners are not authorized for
Required documentation and registration fees:
1. Single application for registration of establishment of
legal persons and other entities, and for entry into the
single register of taxpayers.
2. Мemorandum of Association with verified signatures of
members of a company.
3. Proof of members identity – Photocopy of ID card or
passport or a certificate from the birth registry, if the
founder is a legal entity that is not registered with the
Agency for Business Registers.
4. Decision to appoint a representative, unless he was ap-
pointed in the Articles of Association.
5. Signature of representative certified by the competent
authority body for certification.
6. Bank receipt of payment of cash deposits, or the agree-
ment of members on the valuation of contributions in
kind, or the valuation of contributions in money if the
contribution is paid / entered into the company until its
has been founded.
7. Proof of payment of the fees for registration of estab-
lishment and proof of payment of the fees for registra-
tion and publication of Мemorandum of Аssociation.
The fee for registration of establishment is 4.900,00 RSD, and
when the application for establishment is submitted, the fees

14 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

for registration and publication of Мemorandum of Associa-
tion in the amount of 1,000.00 RSD shall also be paid.

• A limited Partnership is a company that has at least
two members, of whom at least one person is liable for
unlimited joint liability (general partner), and at least
one person is liable to the limited extent of its agreed
contribution (limited).
• General partners have the status of partners of a partnership.

• Provisions of general partnership are applied to a lim-
ited partnership, unless otherwise stipulated by the Law.
• Memorandum of Association of the Limited Partner-
ship, in addition to the prescribed elements of a partner-
ship, must contain an indication which member of the
company is a general partner, and which one is a limited
• Provisions of the general partnership are applied to con-
tributions and shares of general partner, and limited
partner is free to transfer his share to other limited part-
ner or third party.
• Members of a limited partnership participate in sharing
of profits and covering of losses in proportion to their
shares in the company, unless otherwise defined in the
articles of association.
• General partners are managing the company and repre-
senting it.
Required documentation and registration fees:
1. Single application for registration of establishment of
legal persons and other entities and for entry into the
single register of taxpayers.
2. Memorandum of Association with verified signatures of
members of a company.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 15

3. Proof of members identity – Photocopy of ID card or
passport or a certificate from.
4. Decision to appoint a representative, unless he was ap-
pointed in the Articles of Association.
5. Signature of representative certified by the competent
authority body for certification.
6. Bank receipt of payment of cash deposits, or the agree-
ment of members on the valuation of contributions in
kind, or the valuation of contributions in money if the
contribution is paid / entered into the company until its
has been founded.
7. Proof of payment of the fees for registration of estab-
lishment and proof of payment of the fees for registra-
tion and publication of memorandum of association.
The fee for registration of establishment is 4.900,00 RSD, and
when the application for establishment is submitted, the fees
for registration and publication of Memorandum of Associa-
tion in the amount of 1,000.00 RSD shall also be paid.


• A limited liability company is a company in which one
or more members (physical and / or legal entities) have
shares in the capital. Members of company are not re-
sponsible with their property for company’s liability, ex-
cept in case of abuse of the rules on limited liability.
• Members of the limited liability company are regulating
their mutual relations in the company and relations with
the company itself freely, unless otherwise provided by
the Law.


1. Personal name and place of residence or business name
and address and seat of the company member.
2. Business name and address of company’s seat.
3. Core activity of the company.

16 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

4. Total amount of the company’s basic capital.
5. Amount of pecuniary contribution, or pecuniary value
and description of non–pecuniary contribution of each
6. Time of payment, i.e. entry of the contribution into the
company’s basic capital.
7. The share of each company’s member in the total basic
capital expressed in percentage.
8. Determination of company’s bodies and their responsi-
bilities; if the Memorandum of Association do not con-
tain these provisions, the company’s members under-
take the responsibilities envisaged by the Law.


• Limited liability company, in addition to Мemorandum
of Association, may have a Company’s members contract
governing their mutual relations in connection with the
• Company’s members contract shall be effective only
among members of the company who have concluded it
and submitted with the application for registration.


• Contributions into a limited liability company shall be
pecuniary or in kind, and they are expressed in RSD.
Contributions in kind shall be in property and rights.
• Basic capital of a limited liability company amounts to at
least 100 RSD, unless a special law provided for a larger
amount of basic capital for companies that perform cer-
tain activities.
• Contributions in a limited liability company need not to
be of equal value.


• Pecuniary and contribution in–kind at the moment of

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 17

the company’s establishment must be paid, or entered
within a time limit envisaged in the Мemorandum of As-
sociation, and this time limit shall not exceed five years.

• Shares in the company are not securities.
• The transfer of shares is free, unless the law or the
Мemorandum of Association otherwise provided.
• Members of the company have the preemptive right to
shares, subject to transfer to a third party, unless this right
is excluded by the Мemorandum of Association or the Law.

• Members of the company are entitled to share in the
profits based on the annual report on business, unless
the Мemorandum of Association or contract specify oth-
• Profits are distributed among members of the company
in proportion to their contributions, unless otherwise
provided by the Мemorandum of Association.


• Management of the company may be established as
unicameral or bicameral, which is determined by the
Мemorandum of Association.
• In the case of a unicameral management, bodies of the
company are:
– Shareholders Meeting,
– One or more directors.
• In the case of bicameral management, bodies of the
company are:
– Shareholders Meeting,
– Supervisory Board,
– One or more directors.

18 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

• General Meeting comprises all members of company,
and in the sole member company the work of the Gen-
eral Meeting is performed by a sole company member.
• If the Мemorandum of Association does not provide oth-
erwise, the General Meeting shall:
– Make changes to the Мemorandum of Association;
– Adopt financial statements and auditors’ reports;
– Supervise the work of the director and adopt direc-
tor’s reports, if the company management is unicam-
– Adopt the report of supervisory board, if the company
management is bicameral;
– Decide on increase and decrease of basic company’s
– Decide on distribution of profits and how to cover
– Appoint and dismiss directors and determines remu-
neration for his work and the principles for determin-
ing such compensation, if the company management
is unicameral;
– Appoint and dismiss members of the supervisory
board, if the company management is bicameral;
– Appoint auditors and determine compensation for his
– Decide on the initiation of liquidation proceedings;
– Perform other duties in accordance with the Law and
Мemorandum of Association.


• The company has one or more directors who are legal
representatives of the company. Number of directors
shall be determined by the Мemorandum of Association
or by the General Meeting’s decision. If the number is
not determined by the Мemorandum of Association or

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 19

by the General Meeting’s decision, it is considered that
the company has one director.
• The director is appointed and dismissed by the General
Meeting or Supervisory Board, if the company manage-
ment is bicameral.
• The director represents the company in accordance with
the Мemorandum of Association, decisions of the Gen-
eral Meeting and instructions of the Supervisory Board,
if the company management is bicameral.
• The Director is responsible for regular bookkeeping and
accuracy of financial statements of the company. The
Director is required to keep records of all decisions of
the General Meeting in which every company member
can have an insight.
• If the management of company is bicameral, the company
has a Supervisory Board that oversees the work of directors.
• Member of the Supervisory Board must meet the re-
quirements prescribed by law for a director of share-
holders company and must not be employed in the com-
pany. President and members of the Supervisory Board
are appointed and dismissed by the General Meeting of
the company.
• Supervisory Board:
– Defines the business strategy of the company;
– Appoints and dismisses director and determines com-
pensation for his work and the principles for deter-
mining this compensation;
– Supervises the work and adopts the reports of Direc-
– Performs internal supervision of the company;
– Supervises the legality of company operations;
– Establishes accounting policy and risk management
– Proposes to the General Meeting the selection of audi-
tors and the compensation for their work;
– Performs other duties specified by the Articles of As-
sociation and General Meeting’s decision.

20 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

Required documentation and registration fees
1. Single application for registration of establishment of
legal persons and other entities and for entry into the
single register of taxpayers.
2. Memorandum of Association with verified signatures of
members of a company.
3. Proof of members identity – Photocopy of ID card or
passport of a physical person and/or an excerpts from a
register in which legal person is registered.
4. Decision to appoint a representative, unless he was ap-
pointed by the Memorandum of Association.
5. Signature of the representative certified by the compe-
tent authority body for certification.
6. Bank receipt of payment of pecuniary deposits, or the
agreement of members on the valuation of contributions
in kind, or the valuation of contributions in kind if con-
tribution is paid / entered into the company until it has
been founded.
7. Decision on the appointment of President and Super-
visory Board members, if the company management is
bicameral, and the president and members of the Super-
visory Board have not been appointed by the Memoran-
dum of Association.
8. Proof of payment of the fees for registration of estab-
lishment and proof of payment of the fees for registra-
tion and publication of Memorandum of Association.
The fee for establishment registration is 4.900,00 RSD, and
when the application for establishment is submitted, the fees
for registration and publication of Memorandum of Associa-
tion in the amount of 1,000.00 RSD shall also be paid.


• A joint stock company is founded by one or more physi-
cal/ legal persons, shareholders, and the company’s ba-
sic capital is divided into stocks. Shareholders are not

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 21

liable for obligations of the company, except in case of
abuse of the rules on limited liability. Joint–stock com-
pany is liable for its obligations with all property.
• A joint stock company may be public (one that has is-
sued securities) and non–public company.
• Shareholders who have founded the company shall sign
the Memorandum of Association and first Аrticles of
Аssociation of the company.
• Memorandum of Association of the joint stock company
shall not be changed.
• The Аrticles of Аssociation is stipulating the management
of the company and other matters in accordance with the
Law. The Аrticles of Аssociation and amendments thereto
are adopted by the General Meeting by a simple major-
ity vote of all shareholders with voting rights, unless the
Аrticles of Аssociation envisages greater majority.


• The name, identification number and place of residence of a
shareholder who is a physical person, or name, passport num-
ber or other identification number and place of residence of a
shareholder who is a foreign natural person; business name,
registration number and address of the shareholder that is a
domestic legal entity or business name, registration number
or other identification number and address of the seat of a
shareholder that is a foreign legal entity.
• Business name and address of company’s seat.
• Core activity of the company.
• Total amount of a pecuniary contribution, or monetary
value and description of non–pecuniary contribution of
each shareholder that have founded the company, and
the deadline for payment or entering of contribution.
• Data on stocks entered into register by each shareholder
who has founded the company as follows: number of
stocks, their type and class, their par value, or for stocks
without par value, a share in basic capital for which they
are issued.

22 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

• The statement of founders on establishing the joint–
stock company and undertaking the payment, or entry
on the basis of registered stocks.


• Business name and address of the company’ seat.
• Core activities of the company.
• Data on the amount of subscribed and paid basic capital,
as well as data on the number and total nominal value of
authorized stocks, if any.
• The essential elements of issued stocks of all types and
classes, in accordance of the Law on Capital Market (“Of-
ficial Gazette of the RS” no. 31/11); with stocks which do
not have nominal value and the share in basic capital for
which they are issued, or the book value including any
possible obligation, limitations and privileges associated
with each class of stocks.
• Types and classes of stocks and other securities that the
company is authorized to issue.
• Special conditions for transfer of stocks, if any.
• Procedure to call the General Meeting.
• Determination of the bodies of the company and their
competences, the number of their members, closer regu-
lation of the appointment and revocation of members
and decision–making of these bodies.
• Other issues which by this or other specific legislation
are defined to be included into the Articles of Associa-
tion of a joint stock company.

• Shareholders contributions may be in cash, goods and
rights, expressed in RSD.
• Shareholders contributions cannot be expressed in work-
ing or providing services to the joint stock company.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 23

• The minimum capital for establishing a joint stock com-
pany is 3,000,000.00 RSD, unless a special law provided
for a higher amount.
• Nominal value per stock shall not be less than 100 RSD.
• Stocks can be common (give the shareholder the right to
participate and vote at general meeting, payment of divi-
dends, share in the distribution of the remaining part af-
ter the liquidation or bankruptcy, pre–emptive acquisi-
tion of ordinary shares, etc, in accordance with the Law
and company Articles of Association) and preference
stocks (give to a shareholder one or more preferential
rights established by Articles of Association and the de-
cision on the stocks issue, give the shareholder the right
to participate in the work of the General Meeting with-
out voting rights, except in cases specified by the Law).
• The total nominal value of issued and authorized
preferred stocks shall not exceed 50% of the basic capital.
• Stocks are freely transferable, unless the transfer of
stocks is limited by the pre–emption right of other share-
holders or by the other prior agreement of the company
as defined in the Articles of Association.


• Prior to the registration of the company, the share-
holders are obliged to make payment, ie to enter their
shares representing at least 25% of the capital, where
the amount paid portion of initial capital in cash may be
lower than the amount of minimum capital.
• Registered stocks that are in accordance with the
Мemorandum of Association shall be paid in cash and
prior to the founding of a company into a temporary ac-
count with a commercial bank in the Republic of Serbia.
• Cash and in–kind contribution for the establishment or
increase of capital of the company shall be paid, or en-
tered, within a deadline established in the Мemorandum
of Association, or in the decision on capital increase,

24 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

and the deadline for a public stock company shall not be
longer than two years.


• Equal treatment of shareholders – all shareholders un-
der the same circumstances are treated equally.

• The shareholder is entitled to a share in annual profit de-
fined by the General Meeting for distribution (dividend).
• Dividends can be paid in cash or in stocks of the compa-
ny, in accordance with the decision on dividend payment
adopted by the shareholders General Meeting.
• If not otherwise provided by the Articles of Association,
the company may pay interim dividends (interim divi-
dends) at any time between regular sessions of the Meet-
ing, under the conditions specified by the Law.


• Management may be established as a unicameral or bicam-
eral, which is determined by the Articles of Association.
• In the case of a unicameral management, bodies of the
company are:
– General Meeting of shareholders,
– One or more Directors or Board of Directors.
• In the case of bicameral management, bodies of the
company are:
– General Meeting of shareholders,
– Supervisory Board,
– One or more executive directors or executive commit-
• General Meeting consists of all shareholders of the com-
pany, and sole member company the function of the
General Meeting is performed by the sole shareholder of
the company.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 25

• The General Meeting shall decide on:
– Amendments to the Articles of Association;
– Increase or decrease in capital;
– The number of authorized shares;
– Change to the entitled rights or privileges of any class
of stocks;
– Status changes and changes of legal form;
– Acquisition and disposal of major assets;
– Distribution of profits and losses coverage;
– Adoption of financial statements;
– Adoption of the report the board of directors / super-
visory board;
– The remuneration of directors / supervisory board
– Appointment and removal of directors / supervisory
board members;
– Initiation of liquidation proceedings;
– Selection of auditor and remuneration for his work;
– Other issues in accordance with the Law;
• The director can be any person capable to perform the work,
and the Articles of Association may establish other require-
ments that a person must meet for the position of director.
• The director shall not be:
– A person who is a director or member a supervisory
board in more than five companies;
– A person sentenced for a commercial crime to pun-
ishment exceeding the period of five years from the
date of the entering into force the court decision, and
this period of time shall not include the time spent in
– A person banned by court decision to perform the ac-
tivity which is the core activities of the company, dur-
ing the period of the ban duration.
Required documentation and registration fees
1. Single application for registration of establishment of

26 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

legal persons and other entities and for entry into the
single register of taxpayers.
2. Memorandum of Association with the certified signa-
tures of members of the company.
3. Company’s Articles of Association signed by the mem-
bers of company.
4. Confirmation of credit institutions on paid stocks in cash
or certified appraiser estimated value of contribution in
kind or a certificate of the authority body on the evalua-
tion of contributions in kind in accordance with the Law.
5. Decision on appointment of the director, if it is not de-
fined in the Articles of Association.
6. Decision on the appointment of supervisory board mem-
bers, if the management is bicameral and not specified
by the Articles of Association.
7. Decision on appointment of the executive committee, if
the management is bicameral.
8. Decision on the appointment of the company’s repre-
sentative, if not specified by the Articles of Association.
9. Signature of the representative certified by the compe-
tent authority body for certification.
10. Proof of payment of the fees for registration of estab-
lishment and proof of payment of the fees for registration
and publication of memorandum of association, and proof
of payment of the fee for registration and publication of
articles of association.
The fee for registration of establishment is 4.900,00 RSD and
when the application for establishment is submitted, the fees
for registration and publication of Memorandum of Associa-
tion in the amount of 1,000.00 RSD shall also be paid.

• An entrepreneur is an economically active natural per-
son that performs activities in order to generate income,

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 27

who is registered as such in conformity with the law.
• An entrepreneur is liable with the entirety of his assets
for the obligations incurred during the performance of
his activities, and the assets include the assets generated
in connection with the performance of his activities.
• An entrepreneur may authorize in writing an economi-
cally active physical person, a manager, to manage his
• An entrepreneur may make a decision on continuation
of his activities in the form of a company. Upon losing
the status of an entrepreneur, by deletion from the En-
trepreneur Registry, and registration of the company
incorporation, this physical person shall remain liable
with the entirety of his assets for the liabilities incurred
in connection with the performance of his activities as
an entrepreneur until the moment of the deletion from
the Entrepreneur Register.
Required documents and registration fee
Along with the registration application form, the entrepre-
neur shall submit a proof of his identity, i.e. a photocopy of
an ID card for a domestic natural person, a photocopy of a
passport for a foreign person, or a photocopy of an ID card,
if it has been issued to the foreign person and proof of pay-
ment of the fee for registration of entrepreneur.
Registration fee amounts to 1,500.00 RSD.

• Branch office of a company is a separate organization-
al unit, through which the company conducts business
pursuant to the law.
• Branch office does not have the status of a legal entity,
and in legal transactions it acts on behalf and for the ac-
count of the company, which has unlimited liability for
its obligations to third parties that may be incurred in
business operations of its branch office.
• Branch office may be registered in conformity with the

28 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

Law of Registration. However, it is obligatory to register
both a branch office of the domestic company, if its rep-
resentative is different from the company’s representa-
tive, or if that is stipulated in a special law as a condition
for its business operations, and a branch office of a for-
eign company.
Required documents and registration fee
The application to register a branch office shall be submit-
ted with the following documents:
1. Decision on setting up the branch office.
2. Signature of the representative of the branch office au-
thenticated by the competent authentication body, if
such a person is not the registered representative.
3. Proof of payment of the fee.
Foreign legal entity setting up a branch office shall submit:
1. Decision on setting up a branch office.
2. Excerpt from the Register in which the company was
registered, with a certified translation by a sworn–in–
court interpreter.
3. Proof of accounts used for the company’s business trans-
4. Signature of the branch office representative authenti-
cated by the competent authentication body.
5. Affidavit of the of the authorized person of the foreign
company testifying to the undertaken responsibility for
all obligations arising from the business operations per-
formed by the branch office, with the certified transla-
tion by a sworn–in–court interpreter.
6. Proof of payment of the fee for registration of establish-
The registration fee for a domestic company branch of-
fice amounts to 2,800.00 RSD, and for a foreign company
branch office 4,900.00 RSD.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 29

• Foreign company representative office is its separate or-
ganizational unit, conducting preliminary and prepara-
tory operations aimed at concluding legal transaction of
the company.
• Representative office does have the status of a legal per-
son and it may conclude only the legal transactions re-
lating to its current business operations. Foreign com-
pany is liable for the obligations to third parties incurred
during the performance of its representative office.
Along with the application to register a representative of-
fice, a foreign company shall submit:
1. Decision on setting up a representative office.
2. Excerpt from the Register in which the foreign company
was registered, with a certified translation by a sworn–
in–court interpreter.
3. Proof of accounts used for the foreign company’s busi-
ness transactions.
4. Signature of the representative office agent authenti-
cated by the competent authentication body.
5. Affidavit of the authorized person of the foreign com-
pany testifying to the undertaken responsibility for all
obligations arising from the business operations per-
formed by the representative office, verified by the com-
petent verification body, with the certified translation
by a sworn–in–court interpreter.
6. Proof of payment of the fee for registration of establish-
Fee to the account of the Agency, in the amount of 4,900.00

30 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

• Business association is a legal person established by two
or more companies or entrepreneurs, in order to materi-
alize their common interests.
• Business association may not conduct business activities
in order to gain profit.
• Regulations providing for the position of business asso-
ciations shall apply to the business association accord-
• Business association may not change its legal form to the
form of a company.
• Business association registration fee amounts to
4,900.00 RSD.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 31


Work permits are governed by the special laws for specific

The economic entity registering with the Agency Register
the activity that may be performed only against the previ-
ous approval/permit or agreement of the competent body,
shall submit such an approval against registration (e.g.
manufacturing and sale of extremely dangerous chemi-
cals, banking transactions, insurance company transac-
tions). The registration is possible only after obtaining the

Bank is a joint–stock company seated in the Republic of
Serbia, granted a work permit by the National Bank of
Serbia. The bank’s activities include taking deposits and
granting loans, and it can perform other operations in con-
formity with the law – foreign exchange operations, foreign
currency operations and exchange operations, payment
transactions, payment card issuance, etc. The procedure
for establishing a bank is two–phase. In the first phase,
the founders are granted a preliminary permit, whereas
the work permit is issued in the second phase. Banks may
be established by domestic and foreign legal and physical

Capital stock
The capital stock of the bank may not be lower than 10
million EUR in RSD equivalent, as per the official mean
exchange rate on the date of payment.

Branch is an organizational unit of the bank which does
not have a status of a legal person, and conducts the same
business as the bank, in conformity with the law.

32 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

Representative office
Representative office is an organizational unit of the bank
abroad, or of the foreign bank in the Republic of Serbia.
Representative office does not have a status of a legal per-
son and it does not conduct business performed by the
bank, but it carries out market research and represents the
bank, or the foreign bank whose part it is.
The bank opening a branch or a representative office
abroad (founder bank), submits to the National Bank of
Serbia a written application for approval with the support-
ing documents.
• Law of Banks (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 107/05,

An insurance company is established as a stock company or
a mutual insurance company.
Insurance activities are performed by an insurance compa-
ny licensed for such activities by the competent authority,
and by a branch of a foreign insurance company licensed
by the competent authority for such activity. An insurance
company can only engage in insurance activities.
The National Bank of Serbia deals with the requests for
issuing the license for conducting insurance activities by
passing a decision, which specifies the types of insurance
for which it is issued.

Capital stock
Pecuniary share in the capital stock of the stock company
for insurance may not be lower than the RSD equivalent
of the EUR amounts calculated at the mean exchange rate
of the National Bank of Serbia on the payment day, as fol-
1. Life insurances: EUR
(1) Life insurance, other than the
voluntary pension insurance 2,000,000

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 33

(2) Voluntary pension insurance 3,000,000
(3) All kinds of life insurance 4,000,000
2. Non–life insurances:
(1) Accident insurance and voluntary
health insurance 1,000,000
(2) Casco insurance of motor vehicles,
casco insurance of railway vehicles
and mandatory liability insurance in
(3) Other property insurances, other
liability insurances and other kinds
of non–life insurance 2,000,000
(4) All kinds of non–life insurances 4,500,000
3. Reinsurance  4,500,000
In the conduct of its business operations, the stock com-
pany for insurance is obliged to secure that its capital stock
is always on the level which is not lower than the above
• Insurance Law (“Official Gazette of the RS”, Nos. 55/04,
70/04 – correction, 61/05 – other low, 61/05, 85/05 –
other low, 101/07, 63/09 – US, 107/09, 99/11, 119/12,


To perform the activities of an authorized representative in
the process of presenting customs declarations on customs
approved treatment of goods, the companies or individuals
have to meet the conditions set forth in the Customs Law and
obtain the license issued by the Customs Administration.
• Customs Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 18/10,
• Decree on customs approved treatment of goods (“Of-
ficial gazette of RS”, Nos. 93/10, 63/13)

34 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

A license is required for the start of activities: in domestic
road transport for regular and occasional passenger trans-
port, transport of goods and taxicab services; in interna-
tional road transport for regular and occasional passenger
transport, transport of goods; station services; forwarding
and agency services in road transport.
The license is issued by the line Ministry, or a competent
local self-government body for taxicab services.
• Road Transport Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos.
46/95, 66/01, 61/05, 91/05, 62/06, 31/11)
• International Road Transport Law (“Official Gazette of
SRY”, Nos. 60/98, 5/99, 44/99, 74/99, 4/00; “Official Ga-
zette of RS”, Nos. 101/05, 18/10)

Assessment of conformity of products, processes and ser-
vices with the technical regulations and standards is made
by the conformity assessment bodies, whose competency
is established by accreditation for the following process-
es: testing; type approval; control; product certification;
management system certification; certification of persons,
laboratories. Along with establishing the competencies for
performance of the above procedures, the accreditation
also establishes competences for accomplishment of other
conformity assessment procedures, according to the law.
The accreditation procedure is initiated by filing an accred-
itation application to the Accreditation Body of Serbia. If,
after the accreditation procedure, it is established that the
applicant fulfils the requirements of the relevant Serbian,
i.e. international and European standards where applica-
ble, the Accreditation Body of Serbia passes a decision on
accreditation and issues the accreditation certificate.
The accreditation certificate is issued for a definite period
of time, in conformity with the accreditation rules.
• Law on Accreditation (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 73/10)

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 35

Energy-related activity may be performed by a public
company, corporation, or other legal person or entrepre-
neur entered in the appropriate register, holding a licence
for performing energy-related activity, unless otherwise
stipulated by the law.
The license is issued by the decision brought by the En-
ergy Agency of the Republic of Serbia, at the request of
the energy entity. The license is issued for each individual
energy-related activity.
• Energy Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 57/11, 80/11,
93/12, 124/12)


The license for production of medicines, and the license
for wholesale trade in medicines are issued by the line
ministry to a legal person that meets the requirements in
terms of space, equipment, personnel and other require-
ments stipulated in the law and the regulations adopted for
the implementation of the law.
The holder of the license for wholesale trade in medicines
is entitled to import and export medicines in conformity
with the law.
• Law on medicines and medical devices (“Official Gazette
of RS”, Nos. 30/10, 107/12)


Placing on the market of particularly hazardous chemicals
may be performed only by legal persons or entrepreneurs
holding a license for performing the activity of trade in
such chemicals. Physical persons using particularly haz-
ardous chemicals are required to have a license to use
these chemicals.

36 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

The license for performing the activity of trade in particu-
larly hazardous chemicals is issued to an importer, pro-
ducer, or further user by the ministry in charge of environ-
mental protection.
The license for performing the activity of trade in particu-
larly hazardous chemicals to a distributer that is not an
importer, producer or further user, as well as the license
for use of particularly hazardous chemicals is issued by the
competent body of a local self-government unit.
• Law on chemicals (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 36/09,
88/10, 92/11, 93/12)

Production and processing of tobacco may be performed
by an economic entity fulfilling the requirements stipulat-
ed in the law. A physical person – tobacco producer, may
also engage in tobacco production, subject to the conclu-
sion of a manufacturing contract with tobacco producers,
or tobacco processors.
The Tobacco Directorate issues a license for production of
tobacco and a license for processing of tobacco.
• Law on Tobacco (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 101/05,
90/7, 95/10, 36/11, 93/12, 108/13)


The license for production of armament and military equip-
ment is issued by the competent body for defense affairs.
The record is kept of the companies engaged in trade in
armament and military equipment.
International payments and credit transactions in the area
of foreign trade in armament and military equipment are
performed by an authorized bank nominated by the Gov-

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 37

• Law on production and trade in armament and military
equipment (“Official Gazette of SRY”, No. 41/96 and “Offi-
cial Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro”, No. 07/05 – other
laws, “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 85/05-other law)


Geological research may be performed by a company, or
other legal person and entrepreneur, who is registered in
the register of companies engaged in such activities.
To perform applicable geological research, it is necessary
to obtain a decision on approval to perform geological re-
search. This decision is issued by a competent body, i.e.
Ministry or a competent body of the Autonomous Prov-
ince, if the research is performed in its territory.
• Law on coal mining and geological research (“Official
Gazette of RS”, No. 88/11)


The professional work of urban planning is understood
to mean the elaboration of spatial plans and activities on
their implementation.
Urban design is elaborated when provided for in the urban
plan, spatial plan of the local self–government unit, or a
spatial plan of the area of specific use, for the needs of ur-
ban–architectural modeling of the area of public use, and
urban–architectural development of the location.
Urban design may be elaborated by a company, or other
legal person or entrepreneur, registered in a relevant reg-
ister for urban plan elaboration and technical documenta-
tion elaboration.
Elaboration of the urban design is managed by a respon-
sible urban planning engineer –architect holding an ap-
propriate license, issued by the Chamber of Engineers of

38 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

• Law on planning and construction (“Official Gazette of
RS”, Nos. 72/09, 81/09 – corrected, and 64/10 – US Deci-
sion, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13 - US, 50/13 - US, 98/13 - US)


The activity of electronic communications is performed by
the general authorization regime, i.e. in conformity with
the general terms and conditions as may be prescribed for
all or specific types of electronic communications networks
and services, in accordance with the provisions of the law.
A person that performs some other economic activity,
along with the activity of electronic communications, shall
perform the activity of electronic communications through
an associated legal person or through a branch established
in accordance with the law governing the legal status of
• Law on Electronic Communications (“Official Gazette of
RS”, Nos. 44/10, 60/13-US)

An audit licence, based on which an auditing company, or
an independent auditor, is registered for conducting audit,
is issued by the decision of the ministry of finance.
The application for an audit licence is submitted by the
auditing company founder, or an independent auditor, to
the ministry of finance, after the incorporation and reg-
istration in the appropriate register kept by the Business
Registers Agency.
• Law on Auditing (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 62/13)

The integral environmental protection system, among
other things, ensures the balanced relationship between
the economic development and the environment in the
Republic of Serbia. The regulations in this area stipulate
the cases in which the assessment of the project impact

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 39

on the environment is obligatory (plants for oil processing,
gasification, nuclear plants, ferrous metallurgy foundries,
etc.) and the procedure to obtain licenses for waste man-
• Law on environmental protection (“Official Gazette of
RS”, No. 135/04 36/09, 36/09 - other law, 72/09 - other
law, 43/11-US)
• Law on strategic assessment of environmental impact
(“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 135/04 and 88/10)
• Law on waste management (“Official Gazette of RS”, No.
36/09 and 88/10)
• Rules on the application form for issue of permits for
waste storage, treatment and depositing (“Official Ga-
zette of RS”, No. 72/09)


Foreign citizens can be employed in the Republic of Ser-
bia if they obtain a work permit or an employment permit.
It is stipulated that a foreign citizen can establish a work
contract if he has a permit for permanent or temporary
residence in Serbia issued by the Ministry of Interior, and
if he obtains an approval to establish a work contract from
the National Employment Office.
However, the approval to establish a work contract is not
necessary when the work contract is concluded for perfor-
mance of professional activities stipulated in the Agree-
ment on Business–Technical Cooperation, long–term
production cooperation, technology transfer and foreign
A foreign citizen may be a founder or a member of a com-
pany in the Republic of Serbia, and he is entitled to estab-
lish a work contract in his company. Based on the decision
on registration, a foreign citizen submits an application to
the Border Police Administration of the Ministry of Inte-
rior of the Republic of Serbia for issue of the employment
permit. It should be noted that the employment permit is
issued to a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship,

40 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

who has the status of an entrepreneur or a founder, for
the purpose of managerial activities, or performing other
activities. According to the above said, foreign citizens or
persons without citizenship, who appear as entrepreneurs,
founders or members of the company, will not be issued
work permits by the National Employment Service, but in-
stead they will be issued the employment permits by the
Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.
The National Employment Service issues only an approval
to establish a work contract.
• Law on conditions for employment of foreign citizens
(“Official Gazette of SFRY”, No. 11/78 and 64/89, “Offi-
cial Gazette of SRY”, No. 42/92, 16/93 - other law, 31/93
- other law, 41/93 - other law, 50/93 - other law, 24/94 -
other law, 28/96 – other law and “Official gazette of RS”,
No. 101/05 – other law)
• Labour Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/05, 61/05,
54/09, 32/13)
• Law on Foreigners (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 97/08)

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 41


To start business activities in Serbia, the companies are

required: to register with the Serbian Business Registers
Agency, to submit the single employee registration form
for mandatory social insurance and to open an account
with a commercial bank.

Business premises
A company and other legal persons must have an official
address in Serbia in order to be eligible for registration.
Legal power of attorney may temporarily use its own busi-
ness address as an address of the company in the process
of being founded.

Authentication of documents
All legal documents must be authenticated in court or the
municipal authority. Authentication fee depends on the
value of the initial capital.

Certified translations
If a document is written in a foreign language, it must be
translated into Serbian and certified by the sworn interpreter.

Opening a bank account

Initial capital must be deposited to the bank account, while
payment receipt serves as a proof of payment when regis-
tering a company.

Registration application form

Application for a legal entity registration is submitted on a
proper form to the Business Registers Agency (Single Reg-
istration Form for establishment of legal persons and other
entities and registration into a single taxpayer register).
Along with the filled out application form, it is required to
enclose the documentation specifically prescribed for each
type of company and a proof of payment of the fee.

42 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

Single window registration system
When the legal entities are registered with the Business
Registers Agency, at the same time they will obtain the reg-
istration/company code issued by the Statistical Office of
the Republic of Serbia, and the tax identification number
(TIN) issued by the Tax Administration.

Single application for

compulsory social insurance of employees
Single application for compulsory social insurance of em-
ployees is done electronically through the Central Registry
of Compulsory Social Insurance. When the Central Regis-
try receives the single application form and makes regis-
tration in its database, it issues a single application receipt
– M-A Form to the applicant. The applicant is obliged to
forward a copy of the single application receipt - M-A Form
to the insured person, i.e. its employee within three days.

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 43


Where to search for assistance?

• Chambers of Commerce and Industry
• Ministry of Economy
• Serbian Business Registers Agency
• National Agency for Regional Development – NARR
• Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency –
• Professional and Branch Associations
• Development Fund
• Banks
• Local self government bodies
• National Employment Office
• Inspections services

44 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia


Serbian Business Registers Agency

Brankova 25
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 2023 350

National Bank of Serbia

Kralja Petra 12
tel: +381 11 3027 100
Nemanjina 17
tel: +381 11 3338 000
11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Customs Administration
Bul. Zorana Đinđića 155a
11070 New Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 2015 800, 3117 272

Ministry of Economy
Kneza Miloša 20
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 361 32 45, 364 26 00

Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Issues

Nemanjina 11
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3616 265
Labour Inspectorate
tel: +381 11 2017 485

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 45

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
Market Inspection Sector
Nemanjina 22-26
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3614 334

Republic Statistical Office

Milana Rakića 5
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 2412 922

Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia

Bulevar Nemanjića 14a
18000 Niš, Serbia
tel: +381 18 4150 199, 4150 200

National Regional Development Agency (NARR)

National Centre: Zaječar, Trg oslobođenja bb
19000 Zaječar, Serbia
tel: +381 19 445 301, 445 302
Belgrade Office: Trg Nikole Pašića 5/VI
tel: +381 11 2060 888, 3346 107

National Employment Office

Belgrade Directorate
Kralja Milutina 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 2929 800
Kragujevac Directorate
Svetozara Markovića 37, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
tel: +381 34 505 500

46 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA)
Vlajkovićeva 3/V
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3398 550

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

Resavska 13 – 15
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3300 900
CCIS Representative Offices Abroad

Austria, Vienna
Wirtschaftskammer Serbien Außenstelle
Gumpendorfer Strasse 83
A–1050 Wien, Österreich
Tel: +4315 44 02 94
[email protected]

Belgium, Brussels
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Representative Office in Belgium
WTC I / Bvd du Roi Albert II 30/19, Bte 46
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 2015 960
[email protected]

France, Paris
Bureau de représentation en France
de la Chambre de Commerce et d` Industrie de Serbie
123, rue Saint Martin
75004 Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 57 40 76 30
[email protected]

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 47

Italy, Milan
Camera di Commercio della Serbia
Via Campario 1/II
20124 Milano, Italia
Tel: +39 02 8515 5366
[email protected]

Germany, Frankfurt
Vertretung der Wirtschaftskammer Serbien
Boersenplatz 4
D–60313 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Tel: +49 69 2972 9313
[email protected]

Russian Federation, Moscow

Коммерческо-Техническое Бюро
При Посольстве Сербии
Ул. Мосфильмовская, д. 42
119281 Москва 95, Российская Федерация
Tel: +7 499 1478 505, 506
[email protected]

48 Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia

Board of Economic System
Belgrade, Resavska 13-15
[email protected]

Design and proof reading

Marketing Department
[email protected]

Guide for Establishing a Company in Serbia 49

T he Guide for Establishing a Company pro-
vides to future domestic and foreign inves-
tors information, guidance and support to start
a business under specified conditions.

F oreign legal and physical persons may estab-

lish companies and other forms of business,
in accordance with the Companies Law and the
law governing foreign investment.

Resavska 13-15, 11000 Belgrade

Phone: +381 11 3300 900
[email protected]

ISBN 978-86-80809-73-1

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