UniversalTruth Center
P aul F. Case Removedto L&rg~r Quarters.
MUSIC 1,GrandBldg.
415 Ta~.;,
W. S tu art L eech, M . D.
Mart-in P etry
j ohn C. S kottowe
]. W . N orwood
Frank C. Higgins 32°
E ugene D el Mar
I \.
No doubt you are anxious to know just what the future holds in store for you. Are you thinkin
of making any changes in your affairs during she coming year ? . And your marriage--how abou. that'
Have you no. often wondered why you felt so fll>e on certam days, and so "out of sorts"
and physically on others? Astrology explains the matter. When the Planets ruling your Particular
Birth Sign are in favorable aspects jYOU just can't help fl)01ing fine , and when their aspect is unfavorable
you are bound to feel "below ·par.' It's a natural law, just as natural and just as sure as the Law of
No thinking J!)erson questions Newton:s Law of Gravitation, neither do they doubt that the rise and
fall of the Tides are caused by the attraction \)f the Sun and Moon. Then in the light of present day
information, how unreasonable is it to deny that the planets have a powerful effect on the human body
which is composed of the self-same elements as the earth.
When the planets are favorable it is an easy matter to secure or hole;!a position and when they are
unfavorable everything seems to "go wrong." Y6u then say that you are having "bad luck." As an
Astrologer it is my duty to point out these moods of rest and unrest in order that you may know best
when to push your affairs.
You cannot, aff01:d to grop.em. the dark or follow a bl~d r.oad through life when it is possible to ob-
tain advanced information carrying you through the entire year of 1920 and up to the very brink of
1921, giving the exact days and dates when the planets are in a most favorable position for making
changes in your business and social affairs, such as signing papers, making contracts, seeking employ-
ment, speculating, travel, love, courtship and marriage, etc.
If you are unhappy, dissatisflec!-, or have been . unsu_ccessful iJ! marriage or business, by all means
secure one of my new 1920 Astrolog,,cal Fqrecasts, Jn .w.hich a special effort has been made to point out
the vocation to which each person is best suited . If you are following the wrong vocation you will soon
become disheartened and dissatisfied and should you continue to drift aimlessly upon ihe side of life
you will surely come to poverty a_nd want when old age creeps upon you. Nothing is of greater im-
portanc4l than to correctly determine the pursuit to be followed throug,h lite. The great major,i.ty of
people who fall in their undertakings lose out because they follow lines of work to which they are not
adapted .
My fee for your Astrological Forecast for 1920 covering from 8 to 9 pp.ges is only SI. The reason
for this extremely low price is made possible from the fact that I have thousands of clients in all parts
of the world who order their "Annual Forecasts" each year. In ordering give full date of birth
Should you desire a forEl<)astJor sorqe relative or friend, ~tate the date of their birth and lnciude an
extra dollar and by so doing, you, or they, may learn somethmg of advantage.
' Make out your order NOW, while thE, thought is fresh in your mind, just enclose a Sl.00 bill,-you
will find it perfectly safe; or you may send check, P . 0. or express money orders.
· Respectfully yours,
3741 Wilton Ave., Chicago, Ill U s A
FREE.-With each $1.00 reading I wjll include !1-24-page ".Yest-Pocket Booklet on Astrology" con~
taining twelve of the most wonderful character delineations (m condensed form) that you have ever
read,-buG you positively must mention that you saw my ad in AZOTH.
· P. S.-Prof. Seward is the author of "Humavlty and U'he Zodiac," "The Zodiac and Its Myster
!es," "Astrological Bureau of Information," and "The Star Gazers of Egypt," qf which over a qua.rte;
million copies have been sold.
The Alchemists Vindicated
and electron made science regard the old alchemist with a li ttle
doubtful attention, but even at the present time we think there ar e
but a very few persons who believe that the old alchemists knew
what they were about.
As one of these few it is with peculiar pleasure that we note
in the newspapers two important items. One is an account of
successful experiments in transmutation by Sir Ernest Ruth er-
ford, an English Scientist. He has not actually made gold fr om
lead but working on the knowledge that differe nces in an atom ar e
solely the number of electrons and positive particles contained in
it, has succeeded in breaking them up, when they form differ ent
combinations. He says that to make gold it would suffice to
detach two Alpha particles from Bismuth atoms or from lead
two Alpha and one Beta particle. This disruption is done by the
Alpha rays from radium.
The other case is that of M r. Rudolph Melville Hunter , of
Philadelphia , who for man y years has claimed to have mastered
the secret of turning base metals into gold. The foundation of
his process is evidently identical with that of Sir Ernest Ruth er-
ford, the transformation of the constituents of the metallic atom ;
his method seems to be by chemical and electrical means. H e
will not give the secret to the world on account of the harm it
would do but exhibits me tals in the process of changing to gold
and his alchemical gold has been tested by Sir William Ram say
of London and found to be chemically pure.
So the alchemists of old are vindicated. Their meth ods
were not the methods of modern science but closely analogous.
There can be no doubt that the old process of sublimation wa to
resolve the metal into its atomic parts, but the change of the posi-
tive and negative particles in, the atom giving it the differ ent
power of combination was done by the aid of other forces of
nature than the alpha rays of radium.
It may be that modern science will go farther and some d ay
discover the elixir vitae. Who knows?
The Sub-Conscious
"The things which are seen are seven: body, distance, shape,
magnitude, color, motion, tranquility, and besides these the re is
nothing. Our soul is divided into seven divisions; there being
five senses, and besides them the vocal organ, and after tha t the
generative power. The number 7 neither produces nor is p ro-
duced,1 on which account other philosophers liken this numb er to
Victory, who had no mother , and to the virgin goddess, whom the
fable asserts to have sprung from the head of Jupiter; and the
Pythagoreans compare it to the Ruler of all things. For that
which neither produces , nor is produced remains immov able.
For generation consists in motion, since that which is gener ted
cannot be so without motion, both to cause production, and to be
produced. And the only thing which neither moves nor is moved
is the Elder , Ruler and Lord of the Universe, of whom the num-
ber 7 may reasonably be called a likeness."
Kabalists also associate 7 with Victory, for that is the mean -
ing of the name N etzach , the seventh Sephirah on the Kabal istic
Tree of Life. To a Hebrew theosophist , therefore, the num era-
tion of a die would have been fully as significant as to a N eo-
Platonist or Pythagorean. An initiate into the mysterie s of
Israel, moreover, would have been sure to notice that since the
total number of dots on the six faces of the cube is 2 I, a die is also
related by number symbolism to the divine name, Eheyeh, "Ex-
istence," whose letters (AHIH) are the numbers , 1, 5, IO, 5, and
add up to 2 r. Thus for our Kabalist, just as for a Greek sage, the
numbering of dice would have been a reminder of the cer tain
triumph of the "Elder, Ruler and Lord of the Universe," before
whose might no obstacle may stand , because He is the self-ex-
istent, all-knowing and all-powerful One, described by Kaba lists
as Kether, the supreme "Crown," termed also the "Inscrut able
Height," the "Small Point," and "The Concealed of the Con-
cealed." To that "Most Holy Ancient One" the Bible gives the
name Eheyeh, translated in Exodus iii, 14 as "I AM THAT I
AM," but more accurately rendered, "I am He who is."
A Greek familiar with Latin, noticing that the numbering
of the dice always gives 7, sacred to Athene , might have rem em-
bered that one of her epithets was Alea; and he would doub tless
have found food for thought in the fact that the very same wor d,
in Latin, designates the game played with dice. !
He would also have been sure to connect the Latin tessera,
"a die," borrowed from the Greek tesseres, "four," with the fact
that Hermes was said to have been born in the fourth month of
That is to say, it cannot by multiplication produc e any number within
the first decad e, as twice 2 do e s 4, or three times 3, 9; nor can any two nu m-
bers, by their multiplication, produce it.
any time and clime can be sent in to the soul of receptive man
through the instrumentality of rhythm tonality, melodious har-
mony and flight, lulling the innocent and the unwary into a lulla-
by of negation. When the soul is in negation or passivity its
protective armour is laid aside and it lies bare being at the mercy
of any evil spirit bodied or disembodied that happens along.
Any vibrations below mastership belonging are banished, even
though there be a flicker of life the fatigue centers of the physical
brain are temporarily charmed to a state bordering on paralysis.
The language of destructive music is subtle, soothing in its unsus-
pecting victim to somnolency, tickling the nerves into obivion
causing the heart to make an unconditional surrender without a
struggle. One of the ways of music leads to health, happiness,
and life; the other leads to stagnation, oblivion, and death. No
water can drown its victim and carry him to lower depths than
the melodious strains of destructive music. To a cultivated soul
-0f keen perception or an intuition for the interpretation of the
language of i:nusic it is really embarrassing, to say the least, to be
in the presence of pure minded people and hear an orchestra peel
forth in language, unmistakably from a heart leprous with in-
famous sensuality. It is rare that we hear any other variety in
any of the terpsichorean halls that infest the land. The sensual
is not only an appeal to the animal instincts but to the perverted
instincts of man and as such should be placed under a severe
At dusk
The white-arched bridge
Blends with its reflection
Forming a single ensemble.
Thus Atma
Blends with its reflection
Forming the ensemble,
will we have is to play our part well; and as we play our part, be
it humble or great, so, when the curtain rises again, which it
inevitably will, we will be rewarded by having a better and more
important role assigned to us.
Upon our entry into this world we receive certain talents.
Some receive ten talents , some five talents and many only one 1
talent. All we are free to do is to make the most of the talents ·
that have been given to us, and we will be rewarded accord ingly.
However small our talent may be let us not hide it, but do the
best we can with it in the circumstances and surroundings in
which we are placed. "To him who hath shall be given."
Of course, many successful men will take all the cred it for
their success, while others who have failed will blame fate . In
either case the natal chart will tell the story. How many of us
have experienced periods of utter despair when everythin g ap-
peared to be against us, and all our strength and capabilities w ere
unable to change matters . I know of the case of a brillian t and
prominent resident of this city who, a few years ago, experie nced
sudden misfortune. He held a ·most important position in the
community, and yet despite his excellent record and reputa tion,
his great intellectual attainments and his large circle of we althy
friends, he was unable to obtain even a minor position. In fact,
all doors were closed to him; everything seemed to be ag ainst
him. I drew up a chart for him and saw at once the progressed
conjunction of sun to his Saturn. That told the whole story. It
was an experience that he needed and after three years he rose
again and today is again at the top, as influential, as brilliant, and
as propserous as before. When the planetary aspects are adverse,
we cannot change conditions. Of course, we can say Yes or No
and I Will or I Will No l, but in reality the affirmation or nega-
tion is already determined by our character, our surroundings
and by cause and effect. We simply have to work through what-
ever adverse periods come and do the best we can in the circum-
stances. There lies our only free will.
;: •
lives 'a pure and moral and unselfish life, at death will thus h ave
prepared his soul for residence in the high er spiritual planes of
existence whether he at present is aware of the fact or not, as
obedience to God's or Nature's la ws always reaps its due re-
At death we learn that man may enter at once into the Spi r it- !
ual World in his Spiritual Body and with his Spiritual Magne-
tism, that those not prep ared and still clinging to earth ret ain
their physical magnetism or physical magnetic body and re ide
in the magnetic field until such time as they learn to unfold and
leave it behind when it gradually vanishes back to the elem ents
to which it belongs as does the physical to its elements, but th at it
can to some extent after the owner has parted with it be preser ved
by spirits who understand the way (it sometimes being known
as the astral shell) and that at spiritual seances these astral shells
are often made use of by evil spirits as a mask to impersonate the ir
original owners, again showing one more way by which -the un-
wary may be deceived in mediumistic seances.
No student of the Occult can get very far in his studies with-
out realizing the reason why what is called the school of W hite
Magic constantly warns against Black Magic, which is dan ger-
ous and destructive to the individual soul. That the Magn etic
Field of the Mystic and Occult Societies has given rise to th~
Christian Intermediate State and the Roman Catholic Purga-
tory, there is in my mind no further doubt.
Again the reason that our Lord undoubtedly laid such
tremendous stress upon right conduct to those who followed hi m
is also made more clear by my researches , as a good life he re
results in a good life hereafter even though we may be in com-
plete ignorance concerning the conditions in another life. That
the dangers and temptations arising from the student who un-
folds his marvellous latent psychic powers and forces by means
of the constructive method are also very great is also perfe ctly
clear, for if used for selfish purposes, the y become destructiv e to
the soul and we all know what it means to eradicate every par ticle
of selfishness which is so innate in us all. But that it is necessary
for some to know these things and that there are a few great and
good enough to us_e them aright is also well, for it is necessary for
some to know these things by personal experience and self de-
velopment for some must be in advance of others to lead the
world gradually on to higher and nobler conceptions and more
profound truths . We also most firmly believe that the only
legitimate way to unfold these latent divine psychic faculti es is
by the independent constructive method by strict obedienc e to
the laws of God that make for Individual unfoldment, without
AZOTH 1 53
themselves .on the physical principles of the uni verse; the Ro man
empire was still in its infancy; Persia had substituted the worshi p
of the stars, etc., for that of the Creator, confounding the attri-
butes of the author of good with those of evil genii, and for five
hundred years, a few sages excepted, India was given up to the
doctrines of Fo. China had lost the form of good governm ent l
and disdained the sages who endeavored to enlighten her; in fine,
the prophets of Israel were about to cease and the Jews seemed
to adore, by preference, foreign divinities.
At this time there appeared on earth three men who abso-
lutely changed the face of human thought and rel igious observ-
ance.. Pherecydes, the Syrian philosopher, master of Pythag or-
as, instructed in the books of the Phoenicians, who wrote on nature
and the gods, was the first to teach the immortality of the soul,
and originated the Greek philosophy which soon spread over
Egypt and the Roman Empire, and prepared the way for the
Then Confucius, in China, re-established the purity of
morals, simplified the worship of the First Great Cause, and still
remains the oracle of more than seven hundred leagues of coun-
tr~ .
Then Zoroaster made known to Persia the time without bounds,
the eternal and the secondary principles, to which the F irst
Cause has remitted the government of the universe. He an-
nounced the immortality of the soul, and explained the cause of
good and evil, in developing that of the overthrow which ap-
peared in nature. He perpetuated, by an exterior law of re-
ligious worship, the truths which he pronounced in his ow n
country. His laws were revealed from the Euphrates to the
Indus, and the Brahman Tehengreghatcha, the second of his
disciples, spread them to the extremes of India. Zoroaster often
consulted Ormusd on the mountains, according to Parsee reco rds
and also asserted at the time of Dion Chrystonius, that by a pri nci-
ple of love, of wisdom and justice, this legislator had remo ed
from among his fellow men and lived alone upon a mount ain.
He there consecrated a cave to Mithra, the kin ·g and father of all
that exists. He lived as a recluse, and gave himself up to pra yer
and meditation.
Ararat, Moriah, Horeb, Cinai, Hor, Pisgah, Carmel, and f
Hermon were all sanctified by the special meeting of the prop h ets
with the Almighty on their summits, according to the history of
Moses, Noah, Abraham, Daniel, and Elijah. M ountains and
stars are closely associated in religion.
From the beginning Mithra was the Persian name for the
Sun. Mithraic caves had been found in various places, deco-
escape, though he was the best scientist in the land. Yet to in-
habitants of three-dimensional worlds that man's position was
absurd. Why didn't he just step over the circle and get free?
In fact, they tried to suggest it to him-tell him about thre e di-
mensions. Telepathic communication was established between
their minds and in short the scientist actually grasped the id ea of
three dimensions and projected his mind beyond the prison but
not his body. His unseen three-dimensional friends had much
difficulty in conveying to him an idea of the method. Finall y the
prisoner actually accomplished the miracle of raising himself on
END and getting into the three dimensional world wher e he
could see and hear his "unseen friends" of the "spiritual" th ree
dimensional world. Bu t to the rest of the inhabitants of Shadow-
. land the prisoner had s-ochanged they, knew he was crazy and put
him in a mad house I They saw him now, not as a "normal" man
but as a straight line instead of a square figure. That part of h im
was missing they had no doubt for they couldn't see it-he wasn't
"all there." He continued to walk erect with his head in the
clouds of three dimensions. Thereby he made a mistake which
other criminal scientists profited by afterward, as they did their
"up-ending" only in private thereafter, always lying down flat
in public, so they would not appear abnormal and might escape
the mad house.
What serious thinkers are trying to get at nowadays, as re-
gards the "other world," is that our three dimensional worl d is
the "Shadowland" of a "Four-dimensional" world. We have
as yet never found any language to describe experiences in "F our-
dimensions," better than the Universal language of the mind-
symbolism. There may be a higher language, but we have not
discovered it yet. Symbolism is the Morse Code of Telepathy
whether between physically embodied humans or "spiritua ll y"
embodied humans. Hence Plato's "world of divine ideas" is not
so absurd as it may seem.
We create and draw to us innumerable symbols which are
stored in the arc;hives of the mind. What is to prevent oth er
intelligences on whatever plane, from touching and rearrang ing
these symbols-mental letters of the alphabet-so as to send us
telepathograms? Persons who insist that this is done con-
stantly, may simply have a better understanding than those who
reject the idea and suppose that every "sudden thought" th at
"strikes them" or seems to "come out of the air," is their own
particular creation.
Many were here and it was necessary for us to close the way.
You had many visitors when we entered your silence-and while
we would gladly take their messages, we feel that it would per-
haps not be the material for which you are longing.
You already know and realize that are no dead, there-
fore a material message can mean little to you.
We, as Teachers, and Direct Guides from what you call The
Beyond, would bring still a higher message than this. We would
bring the message of LIFE-not of death.
We wish, this evening, to bring a message for your own
uplifting, your own development, and, we would say, for your
own protection.
One who would fit himself to be a teacher is first given
Primary Grades, and meanwhile he studies and works and ad-
vances. So as you are teachers in Primary Grades, we would
have you guard your own energies.
Do not seek those you ·would help.
By the law of Attraction, Draw Them To You. "Let your
light so shine."
, Were you to cast a pebble into the water, as you know the
first circle would be small; then -larger and larger and larger.
So we wish your development -to be. Not a forced condition
but a natural growth, and finally the Circle grows so large that
it will embrace all humanity.
The earnest seeking of the heart will bring this about? asked one of
the Circle.
Yes! The work is great-and the helpers are few.
The Young Sister asked if the reason the Message came slowly was
because she and The Young Mother had fixed up their home and had been
working in a material way.
No! We would scarcely say you had been in a material
atmosphere. While on this earth plane, these things are very
necessary. They say as The Body is the Temple of the Soul, so
what you term the Home must be a fitting Shrine for this Temple
-to make it beautiful, so long as you are not wasting your time
and energy, but are also serving The Great Master. Had you
not this desire within you-were it not Heavenly-it would have
been material. Your activity has not been of a merely material
nature I In so doing you will help others. You do not at present
uaderstand this fully.
Sister, (referring to a casual remark she had made that "If things kept on
the way they were going The Young Family would soon be opening a
But if your words come true, "We have opened our Sana-
torium"-then do not complain . If you keep yourselves in high
enough vibrations, only good will come to you-if you do not
force conditions. As long as you are in Tune and Rhythm no
harm can you.
"Might we all be in this Sanatorium, doing work for The Mast er?"
It is not impossible that some time in the future there may
be even a greater one opened.
And again, we return to the Sanatorium: Christ said: "Suffer
little children to ~ome unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of
Heaven ." In planting Fruit Trees we do not consider trans-
planting the ones that have stood for years . We take young and
sturdy trees; we prepare the soil-we care for them-we trim
them up-here and there we prune off limbs-that the sunsh ine
and warmth may penetrate-that they may grow and bring forth
Have you ever thought of a city of the size of the one in
which you live-of the poverty and want of the young trees that
need to be transplanted-pruned-much of the diseased mate rial
cut away and given a chance to mature and bear perfect fruit?
We do not at present say this is possible to do-but we say:
Give it your earnest thought-your earnest prayer-and it is not
impossible that this Sanatorium may not grow and becom e a
mighty instrument for good.
It is not impossible that some of these young souls may rise up
to call you blessed. The Harvest is Great-the Reapers are
Few. There are many who will give the money to ease their
conscience but few will give their time, their love-their ALL. t
This is a Great-a Noble Field.
"And our Divine Guides will direct us to this end?"
Yes! We ask you at the present time only to meditate and
realize the need of such a work. Do you realize how few parents
are capable of guiding these children? We hear you say: T hey
®ccult ~tot!'
Mama told me to write to you . We are well now but we
will not be dead. We are at Mellie's. Mellie will help me
write. We are happy all the time. We never make any noise
now when we come to see you. Mama tells me you miss me . I
do not miss you for I can see you sometimes. We are all busy.
Mellie says, we work to bring many people here. We are never
tired or sick. To many people we bring help. We wear many
beautiful robes, ;hey call them. When I came over here we
had many mansions. My grandpa has a mansion. We live wi th
him-my sister HeleQ, Tottie, Mellie, Willis and aunt Ellen and
uncle Harry all stay with him. We eat when we are hungr y-
nuts and fruits will be different from the kind you have. M ama
will come soon to us. Mellie says she will. Mellie never m akes
mistakes. The man here says the boys will not be here for a long
time. To me that is bad p.ews. I would like to have Ch ester
here with me. Many boys are here-they have many good times
together. We are well now. We will never die again. Mellie
will write--
Mellie writes:
We will never forget you . We will watch over you and
help you all we can. Donald looks so well and is as strong a he
ever was. Donald talks of Chester and Roland often. When
he says, Ches. and me went fishing together, we all laugh whe n he
tells how they fished. My name is Me llie. I was just a little
baby when I came over here. Mrs. R-- is my friend. We
all love her. When she comes we will all meet her and make
lier welcome. Mrs. R-- feels very badly when she thinks of
Donald. She wants him to come back with her again. He can-
not do that, but he is with her as much as he can be. Do nald
never knew how he came here. We brought him over and let
him open his eyes to se~ us all around him. He was not surprised
to see us, but said, "Where is mama?" We told him she would
come soon and he seemed satisfied. We are making many pro-
gressions. Donald has gone in the third sphere. We will push
him on rapidly when we will not stop to--
(Mellie broke down here.)
Mr. S-- now takes the pencil.
My daughter had asked me to write to you about our life in
this beautiful world. We are more alive than we ever were
before. We have been here a long time. We work all
the time. I am in the fifth sphere. My life is a busy one.
I am fond of little children and do all I can to help them along.
We have schools with all the many advantages people enjoy on
earth, except that ours are on a higher plane. We tell many
people to bring their talents here with them. This is the place
where genius tells. It is all so different from what I expected to
find. My life is busier , mentally and ph ysically, than it ever
was on the earth. Lucy's little son has lately joined us. We
love him very much. He cannot realize where he is, for every-
thing seems the same to him. Will write again some time .
Truly yours, R. J. S.
In September, came our third letter from Mrs. R-- en-
closing letters from Donald, Mellie, Mrs. S-- and my uncle
Alonzo. Only certain portions of Mrs. R--'s letter are of
int erest regarding our subject.
--I get great comfort from hearing from Donald and
wh en I w ant his voice I go to a seance and he ar him talk to me ,
bu t even all thi s s·:ems poor comfort for it is the child I want
ju st as I used tn !-:ave him. T here seem to be seven degrees or
spheres in thi s int ermediate lif e to which all have access, that is
by their own efforts . The first one is the dark sphere or the twi~
li ght , as the y call it. In it ar e th e wick ed who pass from earth
and it rests wit~ t~em just ho~ long t~ey stay there. If they
m ake the effort m time, they will leave 1t as every one has his or
h er opportunit y. Donald says there are no children there.
F ather told me the last time I talked to him, that he was in the
fifth sphere and that Donald was with him so you see a little
child does not stop long in the lower spheres. Tell Roland when
his time comes he need have no fear-that he will go to sleep
here and wake up there where I know he will find Donald and a
* She refers to "Gates Ajar" by E. S. Phelps.
Donald's letter.
Mama read me your letter. We will swim here lots of
times. We won't get drowned though. We will not make any
one cry any more now. Mama cried when she read your lett er
to me. We want mama to come. We will meet her. Then she
won't cry any more. We don't need any boats or cars he're. We
can go where we want to. Tell Andrew * we are not dead. We
will see him sometime. We will tell him to make us a boat to
sail. We want to make little boats to sail on the water. I pl ay
ball and marbles with the boys who are here. We will pl ay
with Harold Baucher. He used to live in Wheeling. Wil li e
Nelson will come soon. He lives in Columbus. He was the
little boy who lived beside us on Tappen Street. He will get
sick. When he comes we will meet him. Mellie found Alon zo
for mama. He will write to his mother. We want to make the
others happy. We will write again. We all send love to you
all. Mellie, Helen, Tottie, Harold, Charlie, Willis and all the
rest. I am yours truly, DONALDR--.
My uncle Alonzo's letter to my grandmother.
I am well now. We are happy. We would like to have
you here with us. Mother , we want you not to worry. Mother,
would you like to hear from father? We will write together.
We are not many miles from you most of the time. We will tell
you where we are. We will not make you cry, mother. We will
help you all we can to bear your burden. We want to make you l
* The person she refers to was my uncle Alonzo A--. The letter was
written to my grandmother who was living with us at that time. This is very
remarkable, as Mrs. R-- knew nothing about our family and did not know that
my mother's brother was dead. Alonzo's handwriting was faithfully reproduc ed.
* One of the boys Chester and Donald used to play with. He was a gr eat
ship builder, making wonderful boats out of shingles.
what had become of you . I have in the last two or three wee ks
lost the power I had - cannot get a single word in writing thou gh
I think it will come back. I go every week and have a nice tal k
with Donald and my father, bro thers and sister. We have such
good mediums here. It is to a trump et medium I go where the
spirits do their own talking . Donald 's voice is just as natural as !
can be. As far as I can understand , those who have gone from
us are not with the Saviour any more than we are. The y ha ve
merely gone into an intermediate life , where they have the sam e
opportunity to progress as we have. An y poor soul who has led
a wicked life here has still an opportunity to become what e
should be even after he has left this life , though a good life, well
spent here, reaps its reward on the other side as intelligent men
who make such things a study claim we should all be able to ent er
the third degree in this intermediate existence . Donald says he
is happy-that he has everything he wants, plays ball and so
forth, says he can play a fife pretty good. A little friend w ho
went over there a year ago , Donald says can beat the drum ju st
fine, and he plays the fife. I firmly believe that we will all find
that the other life will only be different from this in so much as
the pain, sorrow and trouble of every kind is left out. We w ill
all see Christ at the same time, at the second resurrection, the first
being at the time we leave this world, the second at the time of
Christ's coming or the end of the world. I wish you could go to
Mr. S-- he is such a fine medium, a well known man, he re
where he has spent all his life. He has been tried and tested
and we know that he is perfectly honest. I have been tr ying to
get Donald to write, but I have held the pencil for a half ho r
with no result but his name which is more than I've had for some
time. Yours very truly,
Oct. 15, 1901. L. S. R.
In November we got a letter with an enclosure from Dona ld
to Chester.
Mrs. R--'s letter:
The enclosed letter was written you almost a month ago. I
thought it had gone and wondered that I did not hear from you .
Just came across it. Things are just the same so might as w ell
send it. Donald writes a little. I am going to the East E nd
tonight and expect to have a talk with Donald . Donald says he
is happy and has every thing he wants , plays ball and enjoys
everything he did when he was with us, so I should not complai n.
Nov. 6, 1901. Your friend, L. S. R.
Donald's letter to Chester:
Mama says I did not write to you but I want to tell you lots
of things. We will want you to write to us. Mama feels so bad
about me. When she cries it hurts me but she has to cry. Some-
times mama lets us write. We all love mama. We want her to
come . We will meet her when she comes. We are not dead,
Chester. I am Donald just the same. We want you to think we
will be alive just like you are. I see Freddy sometimes. He
would like to see me. He will not forget me. When he comes
to us I will have him too. I have my bunny now. The dogs did
not get it cause it is here. Brownie is here. She was Mr. Bum's
dog. She knows me. She will not want to go away from me.
I will tell Alonzo you know me. He will be glad to hear that.
Well Chester, we can't fish any more together but I am with you
sometimes. We are not dead. We are living spirits just like
you are. We will never die again. We are well and happy.
We want you when you come to meet us here. We all will make
you happy. Goodbye. DONALD.
Mrs. R-- became more and more interested in Spiritual-
ism and therefore had little time for writing. Strangely enough,
as her interest grew, her power lessened. It was when she did
not understand that she was in her full power.
In January came this letter from Mrs. R--
I don't get many writings any more but I still talk to
Donald. I went to a strange medium, the other day. I heard
from Donald and my people just the same. The Spiritualists
have a fine church here and I went there for the first time about a
week ago with a friend. Neither of us had ever been there. No
one knew us. The minister was a new man who had never heard
of me. After he was through preaching he gave some tests and
to my astonishment, addressed himself to me. He gave me a
wonderful test. I had my brother's name, Harry S--, with a
message to me; my sister Ellen, my little girl and Donald. I
was so surprised. The lady with me, had one also. They told
her what would happen to her that week. Everything came out
all right. Mr. R-- believes, implicity, that it is Donald that
talks to us. He told me almost everything I had for Christmas,
what grandma had sent, said he was there when I opened the box,
told me about going to the cemetery with me and just what flow-
ers I had. You know he was so fond of flowers and knew a good
deal about them. He said, "Mama, if you did not feel so sad it
would make me laugh to see you putting flowers there when I'm
not there but alive just like I always was." The belief is making
A smybol of "Three times three," upon a nine-fold ob-
long. I have seen this emblem in the triple three-petalled
almond flower of Aaron's Rod, in the lilies of a taper fingered
Virgin, placed by wise Minerva in the hand of Sun-god Her-
cules and thrust from Heaven into the astonished view of a
suppliant Toltec priest. Be it a Sephiroth of the Kabbalah, the
Rood of Redemption or the "Tree of Life" if I have inter-
preted the hidden soul of Masonry aright, I have read it also,
for it fills the Universe with its branches, leaves and fruit,
while its roots lie buried in the depths of the Unfathomable
l If one could doubt of the full -flowered plum
The blossom's fall and fruitage; if we feared
When night makes things invisible and dumb
A lagging dawn ; if when our course we steered
Northward we knew not if our ship would shift
South, East , or West, then the unwelcome gift
Of life in a wild world ·were but a jest ,
A quaint conceit enshaped at some mad king's behest.
Number 6
FRIEND .....
I do not wonder that the teaching of re-incarnation att ra cts
you; it has attracted and does attract men of all sorts, from Hu me,
the well-known English historian and atheist , (who said th at if
continuity of life was ever proved, re-incarnation would follo w as
natural corollary), to the humblest illiterate peasant in Ch ina
or India .
It may come as a bit of news to you to be told that at lea st
750,000,000 of mankind ( about two-thirds of the human ra ce)
accept the doctrine , and not merely as a part of the creed or teach-
ing of whatever church they belon g, but as a factor in their li ves.
The teaching in the Earl y Christian Church ( the dat a of
which I gave in my last letter) was merel y a continuation of the
teaching in Judaism , in the various "pagan" religions, and also
in philosophies of various kinds which antedated both the Ch ris-
tions and the Jews. The so-called "Christian" religion is merely
a hotch-potch based on the religion and ritual of Philo , an Alex -
andrian Jew and philosopher , combined with the account of a
man "Jesus Christ" (who never lived) , which account is agai n
merely the putti~g into narrative form - building it around the
mythical Jesus-the allegory of the last steps of the great In itia -
tion which the aspirant to spiritual freedom has to go throug h in
order to attain that freedom.
As you probably know, the Jews got all their so-called scr ip-
ture from Egypt and from the Chaldeans , both of which peo pl es
believed and taught the doctrine of re-incarnation.
"That the ancient Egyptians believed in the return to earth
of those who died, after a period of rest and temporary rew ard
or punishment , is not only proved by modern researches into the
meaning of the hieroglyphics that remain to us, but by the doc-
trine as related of the Egyptians by Herodotus , by Dioge nes
Laertius, Hecataeus , and by Aeneas Gazeus. Aulus Ge ll ius
notably refers to the same belief, giving as an example of one
person reincarnating as another, the tradition that the soul of
Pythagoras had previously been embodied in the form of a female
named Alce . Ovid also gives narratives of rebirth." (Th eo-
sophical Siftings, No. 5). The last examples to show its influ-
ence in Greek and Roman times.
The Bible has many references which show the belief in
reincarnation was accepted and believed in by the Jews. Quot-
ing from "Reincarnation," by E . D. Walker, a book you should
, read:
A sufficient evidence of the Biblical support of pre-existence,
and of the consequent wide -spread belief in it among the Jews, is
found in Solomon's long reference to it among his Proverbs.
The wise king wrote of himself: 'The Lord possessed me in the
beginning of his way before the works of old. I was set up from
everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When
there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no
foundations abounding with water. Before the mountains were
settled, before the hills was I brou ght forth; while as yet he had
not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the
· dust of the world. When he prepared the heavens I was there;
when he set a compass upon the face of the depth; when he
established the clouds above; when he strengthened the founda-
tions of the deep; when he gave to the sea his decree, that the
wate rs should not pass his commandment; when he appointed the
foundations of the earth; then was I by him, as one brought up
with him and I was dail y his delight, rejoicing always before
him; rejoicing in the habitable part of the earth; and my delights
were with the sons of men." (Prov: VIII, 22-3 r). Skipping
passages of disputed intepr eta ti on in Job and the Psalms which
suggest this idea, there is good evi dence for it all through the Old
Testament, whic h is universall y conceded by commentators, and
always claimed by the Je wish rabbis." "The assertion of Jose-
phus th at this idea was common among the Pharisees is proven
in the Gospels, where members of the Sanhedrin cast the retort at
Jesus, "Thou wast altogether born in sins." (An impossibility if
the soul "Jesus" was a new creation straight from the hand of
God). Repeatedly Jesu s confirms the popular impression that
John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah. To the throng
around him he said: "Among them that are born of women there
hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist . . . If ye ,will
recei -ve it, this is Elias (Elijah), which was to come." Again,
Jesus asked his disciples, "Whom say men that I am?" And his
disciples state the popular thought in answering, "Some say
Elijah, others Jeremiah, and others one of the old prophets."
In St.John's Gospel , frequent allusions to it occur: "Ye shall
see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before" (v. 62);
"Before Abraham was, I am" (VIII 58) ; "Glorify thou me with
the glory which I had with thee before the world was" (XVII
arts and sciences and often for psychical research. There is love
for home and mother. He likes public work and as a traveler is
much interested in the truth wherever found and desires to pro-
claim it. While he finds many obstacles in the way, he is in the
end successful. The first or positive face of this decanate shows
an aspiring, ambitious nature, active and resourceful. The
second or negative face is more impressionable and sensitive, not
alwa ys to be depended upon. There is often a superficial reli-
gious trend to the character. The student will note the positions
of the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune and the condition of the
twelfth house.
positive face of this decanate denotes one who has good judgment ,
is honest, outspoken and gifted with a mind able to delve into
nature's secrets. The second or negative face indicates a serious
nature, a mind keenly critical and disposed to intrigues and liti-
gation. Struggles and povert y are noted in the life, but the
native may overcome them.
The third decanate of Scorpio is ruled by the Moon. This
denotes a person often emotional, critical, somewhat vacillating,
inclined to be sarcastic and unpleasant if conditions do not please
him. There is great desire for love and sympathy and all the
jealousy of Scorpio may be evidenced if the love is not recipro-
cated. Those more advanced turn toward the occult and psychi-
cal and if Neptune is here become good mediums. Some are
quite studious and fond of investigating all matters curious and
hidden. Study the condition of the Moon, Mars and the fourth
house. The first or positive face of this decanate indicates a good
judge of human nature, often interested in magical and psychical
matters and have strong intuitive powers. The passions are
strong and there may be trouble from the opposite sex. The
second or negative face signifi es a blend of the positive intel-
lectual forces with the emotional activities and general sense
qualities of the pGrsonality.
( To be Continu ed )
The Bible says "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep
falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; then He openeth the ear s of
men, and sealeth their instruction."
The difficulty lies in understanding the import of dream s and making the
instruc tion given in dreams of some practical worth.
Here is a dream related to me by a lady, a member of my parish, one for
whose reliability and truthfulne ss I am willing to vouch :
"A few mornings ago I had a most remarkable dream. So vivid an d
intense was the dream that when I awoke it was a long time before I could
persuade myself that it was a dream. I thought I was lying in my bed and
the bed stood between two doors, a closet door and the door giving out into
the hall. For awhile I lay there but later on felt inspired to arise and open the
closet door. After I had opened the closet door I returned to my bed. As I
was about to get into my bed I was sudden ly seized by the wrist by a hand
which appeared under th e bed coverings, sheets, etc. The hand was hard and
firm. I shook myself free and ran to the door giving out into the hall and
opened it wide with the int_ention to call for assistance if need be or to tak e to
flight . Then a desire came to me to return to th e bed to see who it w as
lying therein _all covered by th e sheets and bed coverings. As I did t his
I happened to glance at th e rug at the side of the bed and to my great hor ro r I
saw on the rug a larg e circle of blood. I stooped down to examine t his
circle of blood when to my amazement it was transform ed into a wreath of
red roses woven into a familiar and most loved pattern. This fact imparted
fresh courage to me and embol dened me to stand by the side of the bed and
pull the coverings off the person concealed by the same. When I did this t he
form of a sleeping woman with her face turned in the opposite direction
was revealed. I took the sleeping woma n by the arm and shook her but could
not waken her. Then I bent over the woman and lift ed her head from t he
pillow and caught her by the shoulders and gave her a good severe shaki ng.
The woman then lifted herself up, opened her eyes wide and looked me full
in the face. To my intense surprise I recognized myself in the intruder . Th en
I awoke and found myself alone in th e bed."
Now could it have been that this lady's Spirit or Astral Self had been
away on some mission and on its return in trying to get back in th e sleeping
form of the physical body induced the dream?
Perhaps the dream has some significance? If so, if any reader of Azo TH
can interpret the dream this lady would be glad to receive the interpretati on.
E. w. Hu 'TER,
Rector of St. Anna's Chur ch.
AZOTH 1 95
~be <talbron
have been solved. Through the application of Christian Science this demon-
stration includes the destruction of materi al belief expressed as sin,
and death in proportion as the human mind is spiritualized, that is, loses its
belief in the reality of matter. The ascending consciousness, as this leavening
process goes on, gives up its materiality with its concept of lif e inherent in
matter. Mrs. Eddy has expressed this with perfect clarity on oage 573 of
Science and Health,-"the heavens and earth to one human consciousness, that
consciousness w hich God bestows, are spiritual, while to another, the un-
iilumined human mind, the vision is material."
As -so often happ ens with critics of this reli gion, perhaos yonr difficulty
lies in failing to recognize the important distinction which Mrs. Eddy makes
betwee n the absolute and th e relativ e, betwe en God, infinite Mind, and the
uni verse like Him spiritual and perfect including man ; and mortal mind with its
counterfeit of this universe, the false concept of God's creation, including man-
kind "the sinning race of Adam." Without this distinction Christian Science
t eaching would seem a bundle of contradictions. The warrant for this dis-
crimination is found in th e nvo accounts of creation as appeari ng in Genesis,-
the first or Elohistic, Christian Science accepts as the tru e storv of creation; the
second so-called .T ehovistic, is regarded as the story of the false or counterfeit
creation, which is the claim of an imperfect material universe simulatin g in
belief the infinity of God's creation.
This "Adam-man" is the claim of a dual being including spirit confined
in matter, which Christian Science utterly repudiates. "All is infinit e l\1ind
and its infinite manifestation" (S. & H., p. 268) precludes the possibility of a
material universe as a reality or God created entity. It would seem that the
declaration that matter is but the subjective state or mortal mind is thoroughly
substantiated in the teachings of the Scriptures. The writer of the Book of
Hebrews with true spiritual v1s1on definitely asserts that "Through faith we
understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things
which are seen were not made of th ings which do appear." No less definite
was Paul 's declaration that "the things which are seen are temporal; but the
things which are not seen are eternal." Obviously both are sound metaphy sical
statements pointing directly to the reality of the spiritual creation. C hr ist
J esus in precept and example taught and proved the unrealit y of matter. The
"Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove" which he emphatically
declared would follow in the case of the mountain "if ye have faith as a grai n of
mustard seed" is scarcely capable of ·explanation on any other than a meta -
physical basis. If the mountain be recognized as reality and substance, as the
material senses declare it, obviously its removal would be seen to be quite
impossible; w hile as a concept of mortal mind the mountain may be removed
whenever human consciousness is sufficiently healed of its belief in the reality
of matter to grasp the fact of spiritual creation . The turning of water int o
wine at the wedding in Cana no less proved the truth of this viewpoint than
stilling the tempest, walking on the waves, feeding the multitude, or pas ing
through the closed door. All these experiences point as to the possession of a
consciousness so spiritualized that to Jesus no longer was matter substant ial,
for he had lost his belief in its reality. That he reappeared in the flesh is
conclusive proof to the Christi an Scientist that life is in no ·wise depend ent
upon matter.
Professor Larkin, director of the Lowe Astronomical Observatory, apro os
of the discovery that the ultimate of matter is not the atom, has recently stat ed,
"No matter what line of research I am engaged in here looms up above my
'horizon of reality' the stupend ous, ever present, compelling and dominat ing
fact that the entire process of atom building is mental." While it is proba ly
true that Professor Larkin does not hold the Christian Scientist's point of
view regarding the unreality of matter, yet he declares in the same arti le
his firm belief in the existence of a Master Mind as the Creator. To be
sure within the realm of the material universe, whic h is just another way of
saying within the experience of the physical senses, th e process of evolut ion
may well have gone on. But Christian Science regards this but the simulation
of the real creati ve process which is the unfoldment of ideas for their infinite
source, Mind.
Christian Science makes no claim to heal God's man, His image an d
likeness, who is not and never has been less than perfect. The real man has
never been in need of healing. He exists at the standpoint of perfection, fr om
which he has never depart...d, since the perfect idea of infinite Mind ne,·er
"fell." Christian Science, it may be said, aims to destro y the impression of a
sick man, a discordant creature dwelling in a universe in w hich sin, discord,
woe and want are prevalent and dominant. God could scarcely have pro-
nounced such handiwork good, and yet we are assured that he did pronou nce
good all that he made. So it will be seen that Chri stian Science does not make
a reality of diseases or of a sick man, but proves the nothingn ess of both throu gh
knowing the truth about God an d His perfect man, never sick and never dying.
Sincerely yours,
Again you state a truism "that with any line of reasoning the start
must be had from a given premise accepted as basic and fundamental," b·ut
you immediately start by positing a premise which is noi:, nor can be, accepted
by thoughtful minds as true, viz :-th'at Goo is infinite Principle, tlie Creator
of a p~rfeci Uhiverse including man ( italics mine).
I have already shown you in my reply to you in the December AzoTH
that this position is false and I notice that you carefully avoid answering the
pertinent questions I put to you to show its falsity, also that you make no
a:itempt to parry the arguments I advance. Instead of doing this you cloud
the . issue sb~ewhat by repeating in other forms, the $ame illogical statements,
such as the distinction you empnasize as one whic):i.. Mrs. Eddy makes between
the absolute and relative, etc., which in one breath states the existence of God,
infinite mind, and the universe like Him Spiritual and perfect including man
and "th-e existence of mortal mfod with its counterfeit of this universe, the
false concept of God's creati~n including mankind, etc." I utterly fail to
grasp how a universe spiritual and perfect, including man, can contain any
mortal mind with false concepts, etc., and so not making this d'istinction the
Christian Science teaching does seems as you say "a bundle of contradictions."
You bombard me with quotations from the Bible, which may or may not
be correctly interpreted or translated, and draw my attention to the statement
attributed . to Jesus, that had we faith as a grain of mustard seed we could
remove mountains, which you yourself confess must be tak en on a metaphysical
basis and not literally, which surely convicts you of the admission that the
mountain is not an illu sion of mortal mind but a reality. Of course you cari ·
remove and create concepts of all kinds and of the most extravagant natures
in some mortal minds but we are not discussing illusions only realities.
In conclusion let me point out to you the illogicalness of basing all your
teachings upon the Bible and at the same time discriminating as to what
portions you will believe and what you will discard. This procedure is hardiy
one which will give you an accepted basic and fundamental premise for
your argument.
Also if any conception which is logical and rational and so recognized
by many thinkers can destroy the "very basis of Christian teaching" then by
all means let it be so destroyed. What I am after ( and I presume you also)
is the Truth, and "there is no religion higher than truth."
If you wish still further to sacrifice yourself on one of those horns you
may, but please stick to the original pair and do not bring a herd of cattle
into the discussion, otherwise I fear AzoTH readers will get too confused to be
able to follow, and my only wish in giving and taking so much space is to
present them with as clear an argument as possible so that they may decide·
upon the merits of the question themselves.
yours sincerely,
(I) AsEKA says that our Earth is made up of combinations of con-
t sciousnesses, just as our physical body is; and mentions microbes and bacilli
as parts of our body. It seems to me they are no more parts of our body
than the worm in the apple is part of the apple. ( 2) Is it not well to confine
the use of the word "consciousness" to what is intellig ent and has the power
of self direction ?
(3) He speaks of the planets as the physical bodies of "Beings." (4)
From whom does such teaching come ? (5) And what reasons have we for
relying upon it? ( 6) What evidences have we that plan ets l:iave intelligence?
( 7) They have no freedom of movement, no self direction.
Karma is based on the inerrancy of Law. The mills of God grind slowly
but they grind exceedingly small. All the teachings of all the religions and
philosophies agree on this point.
The little I know of Law on this Earth makes it plain to me that I
have but little (comparatively) leeway. I can jump only about thrne feet off
the ground, being immediately yanked back. ~erhaps my correspondent has
evolved to the point where he has so much "self-direction" that he is inde-
pendent of the Earth and its laws. There is, of course, the other possibility
that he is not aware of his limitations. The following may interest him·
( and others) if only to show him how little self-direction we possess. Let
him set with a clock or watch in front of him. When the minute hand is on
the minute, close the eyes and make an image of the simplest thing he can
conceive,-such as an equilateral triangle,-in his mind. Let him with his
mind's eye see this triangle, and keep his mind on it until another thought
comes into his mind. As soon as that happens, he should open his eyes and
look at the clock to see how long ( or short) a time he has been able to keep
the first image in his mind. Then, unless I miss my guess, he will be a trifle
more humble when speaking of "self-direction" and opposing the law.
I further suggest that he read "Ocean of Theosophy" by W. Q. Judge,
and subscribe to "THEOSOPHY" a magazine published in Los Angeles which
is reprinting many of the articles by H. P. B. and W. Q. Judge.
The Vital Message. By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 164 pp. Georg e H.
Doran Company, New York.
This . great protagonist of spirit communication w hose whole life and
energy now seem to be devoted to spreading the gospel of "there is no death"
in this his latest book, while giving many facts and experiences in proof of
the life beyond and intercourse with its denizens, makes w hat the reviewer
considers a very strong and well merited attack upon the attitude of the
Christian Churches as a whole to the subject.
In considering the five years of self-sacrifice and suspense of the wa r the .!
author says truly that ,"this tremendous experience forced upon mankind with
every nation strained to exhaustion could not be in order that this or that
frontier be moved or some fresh ·combination formed in the Kaleidosco pe of
nations." He sees the causes as more profound than that, and esse tially
religious not political, and that these results will rule the world . He prop hesies
that the direction these results will takes is "the reform of the decadent
Christianity, its simplification, its purification, and its reinforcement by the
facts of spirit communion and the clear knowledge of what lies beyond the
exit door of death." It is these facts, this clear knowledge which is "the
Vital Message" as he sees it.
He cites a number of instances of spirit appearance and communion
given in the Bible which it would be well for priests and clergy to meditate
upon; he, however, does not confine the Vital Message to Christianity but
believes that Spiritualism will end by being rather the proof and basis of all
religions than a religion in itself, and aptly adds "We have al ready too many
religions, but too few proofs."
To those who are unable to see what good it will do mankind even
if existence and communion after death are firmly established, Sir Arthur
has this to say:
"With the actual certainty of a definite life after death and a sure sense
of responsibility which cannot be put upon any other shoulders however
exalt ed, but must be borne by each individual for himself, th ere will come
the greatest reinforcement of morality which the human race has ever known."
A chapter is devoted to details of the after life conditions gathered from
the large amount of testimony the author has received. It is in accord with
the gr eat majorit y of spirit statements but like them somewhat material in tone,
or, as the author himself says, much the same life but on a higher octave.
It is strange to the reviewer that none of our investigators into Spiritistic
Pl:1en omen a ever take into consideration in studying these matters the teaching
or Eastern philosophy that consciousness after death for most persons is more
a subj ective than an objective one and that the living dead to a large extent
involuntarily make their own conditions and live in a state more of illusion
than of actuality. :
The book concludes with four appendices, being a resume ( 1) of Dr.
Geley's experiments; ( 2) the phenomenal experiences of M a rgaret Cameron
as given in The Seven Purposes; ( 3) Some' instances of spirit photogr aphy
,,.·ith interesting photographs and (4) the ·remarkable clairvoyance of a Mrs.
B., all of which are not the least interesting part of the volume.
"The Vital Message" is a valuable contribution to the psychical literature
of the day and will, we hope, have a large audience.
A True Record of My _Psychic Dreams and Visions. By Florence M.
Bailey, 106 pp. The Hermetic Publishers, Jacksonville, Florida .
Somewhat of an autobiography as well as a narrative of psychic exper-
iences, both of which are highly instructive and interesting. Mrs . Bailey
is evidently a remarkable clairvoyant and clairaudient being endowed with the
faculties from childhood. A study of her various experiences is well worth
while and some of them give much food for .thought. .
She is evidently also quite a student of psychic laws and conditions and
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