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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)

SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur

JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Ajit Chandgude ,
Student Civil Engineering,

Gaurav Shinde ,
Student Civil Engineering,

Nikhil Bandgar,
Student Civil Engineering,

Samadhan Farate
Student Civil Engineering,

Prof. Kumbhare P.P,

Assistant prof

Dr. P.D. Nemade


Abstract- Water resource management major biodiversity which leads to climate change. Also in rural
challenge for development worldwide. While water area there is waste water generation. In rural area the
demand will continue to increase, the limited quality of wastewater is not good as urban area because
amount of natural fresh water available will always water demand in rural area is less as compared to urban
be problematic in term of water resources area. So we have to choose or develop another method
management. Large portion of domestic waste water for treatment.
in small and remote communities few discharge in Water resources management represents a major
environment without effective treatment in areas challenge for future development worldwide. While
with low population densities and dispersed water demand will continue to increase, the limited
household, waste water system strategies are amount of natural fresh water available will always be
needed which are environmentally ,socially and problematic in terms of water resources management
economically sustainable. A waste water treatment .The reuse of waters with lower quality, such as domestic
and disposal method the study aim to present the sewage previously treated, as alternative water sources
removal of suspended solid, bacterial indicators of should be considered for less restrictive uses. In view of
fecal contamination, dissolved solid and parasites the stringent water quality requirements in relation to
using bio-soil filter consist of three glass column water reuse, granular-medium filtration may offer an
.Two column contain gravel, red soil, murum, brick important tertiary treatment step. This filtration
and rock wool. removes substantial amounts of wastewater particles
and thus promotes effective disinfection as well as
Introduction aesthetic acceptance of reclaimed water for beneficial
Domestic waste water collection and disposal are now uses.
one of the most public health and environmental In activated sludge process sludge with abundant
problems worldwide. The wastewater generation atmospheric oxygen and aerobic bacteria. They act as
globally is huge. The available data suggest that high fertilizing agent this activated sludge is mixed with row
income countries like USA 70% of wastewater is treated , sewage at primary settling tank. This method has
upper middle countries treat about 38% generated advantage like low installation cost, low land, loss of
wastewater is generated is treated. Lower middle head is less. This method also has disadvantages as high
income countries treat only 28% wastewater; low operation cost, sludge disposal problem, sensitive to
income counties treat only 8% wastewater. Most part of industrial waste, skilled supervision is
the world lack waste water collection system and also required(Nagwekar, 2014).
secondary treatment for wastewater.(Sato,etal., 2013). Trickling Filter is an attached growth type of process in
In India now still only 26 % of waste water in treated which micro-organic attached to the medium are used
remaining waste water is directly deposed into for removing organic matter from waste water. A rotary
environment without any treatment which creates a lot or stationary distribution mechanism distribution waste
of environmental problems27cities only have primary water from top or the filter percolating through the with
treatment facilities 49 cities have primary plus very low operating cost. It also has the disadvantages
secondary treatment facilities (ENVIS Center 2015). like clogging. High skilled labour are required (Guyer et.
As in India only 26% wastewater is treated remaining al.,2014)
wastewater is disposed into the environment that is in So overcome the problem of waste water treatment the
river, sea and on land (ENVIS Center 2015).This pollutes BSF is most economical as well as efficient technique
our natural sources, biological cycle of this source, than the other method. This technique is best suitable in
66 | P a g e
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
decentralized rural area.The objective of the present and the permeable layer (PL). In Japan, zeolite is
study is to find performance of BSF treating wastewater typically used as the permeable layer material.
and analyze the characteristics of raw and treated In the present study, zeolite was substituted
wastewater. As there is moving parts, maintenance is with comparatively cheaper and more
very low, greening and odor free and also required less environmentally friendly materials, such as
land. This will prove the best system in rural part and expanded clay aggregates, oyster shells, and
urban areas too. already-used granular activated carbon
collected from water purification plants.TP
Literature review removal efficiency higher than 90%. A series of
,(2016) has studied performance of indoor tests indicated that the suspended solid
domestic waste water treatment by MSL-SF in (SS) removal efficiency of granular activated
laboratory scale. In this study three columns of carbon was between 76.2% and 94.6%; zeolite
glass having 120cm height and 12.5 cm and expanded clay aggregates achieved similar
diameter. Column consists of sand gravels at top efficiencies that were between 53.7% and
& bottom having 10cm size. Between gravel the 87.4%, and oyster shells presented the lowest
sand having 80cm height and 20cm opening. efficiency that was between 29.8% and 61.8%.
The results shows removal of suspended solids  Healy, et al., (2007) analyzed a stratified sand
(99%), BOD(97%), COD (92%) and Helminthes filter column, operated in recirculation mode,
egg (100%). over a period of 342 d. Then they found that it
 Mahi et al.,(2016) has treat waste water by was capable of removing over 99% of COD, and
MSL system is composed of locally available 100% of TSS. By increasing the hydraulic
materials soil, iron particles, jute or sawdust, loading on the column in gradual increments,
charcoal and zeolite. The MSL system consist the best performance occurred at a forward flow
two-layer permeable layer alternate with soil of 10 L/m2/day with a 3:1 recirculation. This
mixture blocks. They concluded that MSL gave a Tot-N reduction of 86%.As the
technology successfully used in pilot scale and proportional surface area requirement for the
full scale. Excellent efficiency was observed with sand filter described in this study isless than the
waste water. recommended surface area requirement of a
 Mohammed and. Salih, (2004) has researched free water surface (FWS) wetland treating an
and introduced to the subject of water effluent of similar quality, it could provide an
purification through the types of water economic and sustainable alternative to
treatment Plants. Then focused on the work of conventional wetland treatment.
the filters with different design with special  Mohamed et al., (2004) has studied the
emphasis on the type of materials (media) used filtration by two methods of flow i.e. Ascendant
in the filters with the standard specifications, Filtration and Descendant Filtration. In the case
tables and curves of head losses during of filtration in the ascendant mode, the liquid
filtrations and backwashing for each media type. flows from the higher to lower porosity through
Then displayed models of the designs of filters the bed, and suspended solids retention
in water treatment Plants in some Kurdistan therefore occurs through the entire bed. The
cities. COD, turbidity and color removal for
, (2016) were experimented on experiments using sand. The efficiency of
the MSL system which consist first layer of ascending filtration was near about 80%. In case
permeable gravel layers (PL): consists of gravel, of the descending filtration the efficiency
pumice. Perlite or zeolite with a small and observed is average 40% to 70%.
uniform diameter of 1-5 mm and second of Soil
mixture blocks (SMB) consists of: Soil, Charcoal, Conclusions
Sawdust. The experimental setup included three Laboratory based Bio-Soil Filter (BSF) system is to be
parallel similar MSL pilot. Three HLRs were designed and experiments were conducted to observe
applied; 250, 500 and 1000 L/m2/day the performance of domestic waste water treatment.
respectively for each MSL system. The results 1. The BSF system is proved efficient technique to
obtained are average reduction efficiency for SS, remove SS, organic matter & parasites from domestic
BOD5 and COD of 83-89, 78-86 and 71-82 %, waste water.
respectively, and nutrients (61-85 % of NH4+-N, 2. The efficiency of sand filter is dependent on
71-84 % of TKN, 67-82 % of TN, 81-91 % of PO- HLR, filter media of bio-soil.
4-P and 74-90 % of TP). The mean removal 3. By providing alternate drying and wetting cycle
percentage of SS, BOD5, COD and TP tended to to avoid frequent clogging of BSF, and maintain the
be higher at lower HLRs. microbiology and cleaning the voids at top layer to get
 Ho and Wang, (2015) had done the work on maximum flow rate.
multi-soil-layering (MSL) system. The multi-soil- 4. It is observed that pH and DO of influent is get
layering (MSL) system primarily comprises two increased when it passes through the filter media i.e.
parts, specifically, the soil mixture layer (SML) bio soil filter.

67 | P a g e
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
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