Reasons Behind The

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Reasons Behind The Teenage Rebellion

A Research Paper Presented to:
Dr. Reynaldo Caranguian
 In Partial fullfillment of the Requirements in Com Arts 2

  Hannah Fe B. Escurel
Table Of Research Paper

I.The Problem & Its Background

 B.Statement of the Problem
 C.Scope & Limitation
D.Significance of the Problem
  E.Definition of Terms

II.Review of Related Literature & Studies

Related Literature

III.Research Methodology

IV.Analysis,Presentation & Interpretation of Data

V.Summary,Conclusion & Recommendation

Chapter I


                           It's a shame that this quote was taken out of context (I don't

have access to its original material source).Mark 

Twain embedded life lessons or observations about human behaviour in just

about every story he told.

                         To adults this seems like an observation about life. To an

adolescent, it's advice. In the latter part of grade school and the 

early years of high school, every child see that the most popular kids in their

grade and above are those who are a little bit naughty, if not 

outright criminal. It's part of the teenage rebellion thing. Thekids who brag

about being bad come across as being the best at rebelling. 

The best attracts attention, including "friends" and members of the opposite

sex. In the western world we have come to accept that 

teenage rebellion is part of the process of coming of age. It's almost expected.

This is not the case in most of the world where the teen 

years are ones where a child transforms into an adult,not seamlessly but

without large scale rebellion.Why the difference? In the west we 

assume that if we teach our children the principles of our culture--that

whatever has to do with money is good and the more of it that is 
either earned or spent is best--that our children will simply grow into our

money-oriented culture and adapt as we did. In most of the world, 

money is not a god to be worshipped.For much of the non-western world,

simply surviving takes up most time for adults and adolescents. 

Teenagers must learn from their parents about how to find food and support to

ward off enemies or they won't thrive as adults, have 

families and grow old enough to be supported by their children.To accomplish

this, people must teach to their children the details of their 

culture, including everything to do with work, support systems, friendships,

alliances and how to deal with the problems of life that have 

been faced and overcome by their forebears. Life continues using the proven

ways of the past because life itself is at risk if anything 

different is attempted. In the west we have a different attitude toward the

future, especially of our children. We grew up believing (because 

we were taught) that anything is possible, that every job possibility is available

to someone who is prepared to work for it, that the economy 

will provide for those who work hard and that traditional life skills didn't need to

be taught because the world is changing so fast that 

new skills would be needed anyway. From the point of view of adolescents,

they see parents who have trouble coping with their lives, so 

turn to divorce, drugs, alcohol, gambling, prostitution and theft (or cheating),

among other things. Their role models do not conform to 

the ethics and morals they were taught (though loosely and ineffectively in
many cases). They don't want to be like their parents, so they 

rebel.The problem is that they don't know how to rebel constructively, so they

rebel in ways that often turn out to be destructive. 

Consequently, western countries tend to have the highest rates of their

citizens in prison (the US is the highest in the world, by a good 

margin) and the highest rates of mental illness and people taking mood-

enhancing or mood-controlling medications to make their 

lives bearable. One recent change in high schools (in some cities) is that the

geeks are now among the more popular students. Shocking? 

Not at all. They are the students who are most likely to have the highest

paying jobs, to become wealthy in the working world. The money 

ethic hasn't changed, but it has taken some of the lustre away from doctors

and lawyers.Teenagers rebel because they are confused. The 

closer they get to adulthood, the more they learn that the lifestyles of their

parents are not sustainable, which is why the parents turn to 

personally or socially destructive behaviours. The young people want

something different.So long as we do not teach our young people 

what they need to know as adults,including coping skills, and meet their

needs, they will want something different and will "rebel." Rebelling 

is their way of signalling their needs to us, but we take it as simply bad

behaviour and feel they need to be punished.These are 

generalizations, of course, and do not apply to every teenager or every family.

They are social trends with enough study having been done 
on the subject to show that the conclusions are correct in a general

sense. Most teenagersat some time in their lives, will openly defy the 

advice and authority of their  and other figures of authority. The key to dealing

with rebellious teenagers is avoiding confrontation, being 

Patient and recognising that you have a teenager. The important thing to

remember is that most teenagers will pass through this phase 

and return to become normal law abiding citizens.The major reason for

rebellion in teenagers is for them to find their place in the adult 

world, to find where they belong in the greater scheme of things. Like all

children, teenagers cannot know the limits of their behaviour 

without first exploring the edges. We are not born with an innate sense of right

and wrong, we learn the difference through trial and error as 

we mature. Teenagers only need the time, and life's lessons, to learn correct

behaviour.The topic of teen rebellion usually triggers some 

kind of emotional response. It can ignite fear in the hearts of parents who

have children on the brink of adolescence; it can prompt both 

defensiveness and despair in the hearts of parents struggling through the teen

years; and it can inspire a sigh of relief for parents who now 

have adult children. Whether your teen is opposing your authority or God's,

rebellion is never easy to deal with.If you're completely at a loss 

on how to curb your teenager's rebellion, take heart, you're not alone.

Whether it's refusing to take the dog for a walk or sneaking out of the 

home for a late-night party, at one time or another all teenagers will rebel in
some degree. If you're in the midst of dealing with a rebellious 

teenager, here are some things that you need to know.Teenage rebellion has

been around for hundreds of years, in fact, in a paper written 

by Dr. Scott J. Larson, president of the Massachusetts based juvenile

program Straight Ahead Ministries, he cites an interesting quote 

from Socrates. The quote referred to youth as having bad manners and no

regard for the elderly, a contempt for authority who tyrannized 

their teachers and contradicted their mothers and fathers. While this

description may sound like a teenager in your home, Socrates wrote 

this in the third century B.C.E. But teenage rebellion goes back even further.

The Book of Genesis, written between 1450 and 1410 B.C.E. 

tells the story of Esau and Jacob. Jacob lied to his father and rebelled to steal

his brother's birthright .

Statement Of The Problem:

           The study aims to present the Reasons Behind The Teenage Rebellion
 Specially,the researchers seek to answer the ff. questions

1.)Why do teenagers rebel?

2.)In what forms do teenagers rebel?

3.)How can you prevent teenage rebellion?

Significance & Importance of Study

                  This study will contribute to all the teenagers.Many parents don't know what

options are available. Visions of tough love and military 

schools come to mind, but early recognition and intervention is the key to keeping these

behaviors from shaping a bleak future.Set firm rules. 

Teens test your authority by breaking rules. Make clear what the consequences are and

follow through on what you say. Discipline does not 

need to be severe, but this prepares your teen for life on their own.Talk to your teen as

an adult. By speaking to them as an adult, they will feel 

more respected and be open to communicate. They might not react maturely, but they

won't feel as threatened by your authority. Gaining their 

trust means they are more likely to tell you what's going on.Talk with your teen everyday

and stay involved. The way to know your child is to talk 

with them daily. This allows you to identify warning signs and get help when needed.

Staying involved means going to sport activities and school 

events. Get to know their teachers and mentors. They can also point out problem areas.

Studies also show that parental support keeps teens 

from engaging in more risky behaviors.Make family time a required activity. Maybe it's

biking in the park once a week, going out for a meal, or 

another fun activity. Make sure it is not something passive like watching a movie or TV,

as that doesn't give you the opportunity to interact. 

Ironically, spending time together as a family helps support your teen's autonomy.

Strong family bonds foster healthy adults.

Scope & Limitations

                  This study will focus on the topic of teen rebellion usually triggers some kind

of emotional response. It can ignite fear in the hearts 

of parents who have children on the brink of adolescence; it can prompt both

defensiveness and despair in the hearts of parents struggling 

through the teen years; and it can inspire a sigh of relief for parents who now have adult

children. Whether your teen is opposing your authority or 

God's, rebellion is never easy to deal with.

                         This study does not cover the minimize the teenage rebellion.
Chapter III

Research Methodology
         First  used computer to searched my topic about the teenage rebellion then read

it and analize how can start the intoduction,then  search again and again if dont see it 

used books to add some opinion.

Chapter IV

Presentation,Analysis & Interpretation of Data

It's normal for a teen to show a little bit of rebellion now and again. Teenage

rebellion which is constant, interferes with normal daily functioning 

and is destructive to themselves and others calls for much more attention. Teenagers

rebel for a variety of reasons.Teenagers are at a point in 

their lives when they are trying to figure out who they are as a person, their likes/dislikes

and what they will be doing for the rest of their lives. 

They use this time to test and try out many identities until they find one they are most

comfortable with. These years are a constant struggle 

between dependence and independence. Rebellious teens want to have total

independence and prove to you that they can do things 

themselves. At the same time, they are overwhelmed and still desire parental

protection. As teenagers bodies are changing, hormone 

fluctuations can bring about all sorts of mood changes. Some forms of rebellion can

begin with pressure from peers to join in various destructive 


How your teen chooses to rebel, depends on their own individual feelings and problems.

Some forms may include: 

a.)Spending more time with friends away from family members 

b.)Rejection of rules/curfews 

c.)School problems - cutting classes, missing school, drop in grades 

d.)Substance abuse - experimenting with alcohol and illicit drugs 

e.)Change in appearance/interests - trying out new clothing styles, hairstyles, tastes in


f.)Argumentative - quick to anger, overly defenseless 

g.)Running away from home

Preventing all forms of teenage rebellion can be a difficult chore as some of this

behavior is a normal process of growing up. Keeping the 

dangerous forms under control is necessary though in order to avoid further problems

from developing. If your teenager is showing harmful 

rebellious behavior, further treatment with a mental health professional should be

sought. Rebellion could be due to another underlying problem. 

As parents, the following methods can be helpful in keeping rebellion at a

minimum.Keep an open relationship with your teenager Let them know 

that they can always come to you with their problems, under any circumstances. If your

rebellious teenager feels the need to be alone, give them 

some space to Don't be too harsh with criticism  Teenagers like to experiment with their

individuality to discover who they are. As long as it is 

not harmful, let them try out new things. Give your opinion, but don't criticize. Set up
some reasonable house rules  If your rules are to strict, your 

rebellious teen might feel the need to break them. Give your teenagers some say in

home of these rules and curfews so that they feel some 

ownership over them. Punishments should be fair  Set reasonable consequences for

broken rules as unfair punishments can create further 

rebellion. Try not to argue with your rebellious teen Yelling and arguing with your

rebellious teen about your differences only sets a bad example 

of how to deal with problems. Try to approach the matter at hand in a calm fashion. If

that cannot be done, give yourselves some space for a 

while and talk about it at a later time once tempers diminish.

Chapter V


Teenage has become synonymous with the word rebellion. As soon as a person hears

the word rebellion one immediately paints a picture of 

sulks and tantrums and unreasonable behavior. Instead of taking it at face value we

need to delve into the reasons behind it. What makes a 

normal reasonable individual to act in such an unpredictable way.We need to better

understand adolescent developmental stages to help us not 

take teenage behavior as a personal attack on us. By becoming familiar with these

stages, we will increase our competence in encouraging 

teens to establish their sense of identity.Teens are preparing to separate or individuate

from the family. They are in the process of developing t

heir values.Teenagers must initiate this separation and often rebellion gives them the
energy to do this. A teenager challenges rules and values 

as a way of establishing his or her individuality. Adolescents cannot do this in a vacuum,

but rather through conflict and 


may be rude or make fun of parents and other authority figures and not want to be with

them. In a teenager’s mind, defiance expresses 

autonomy and says that he or she doesn’t need parents in and often serves as a test of

parental caring.Due to body changes, there can be 

confusion about whether teenagers really do want to grow up.Hormonal changes

cause mood swings marked by tearfulness, heightened 

sensitivity, sudden flare-ups, an increased need for physical activity and inappropriate

laughter and giggling.There remains some debate as to 

whether the causes of teenage rebellion are completely natural or necessary. Some

posit that an adolescent's failure to achieve a sense of 

identity can result in role confusion and an inability to choose a vocation, and these

pressures may cause teenage rebellion. Others have faulted 

teenage rebellion as a product of a failure in parenting, or of contradictory social

guidance in the media. Supporters of the youth rights 

movement often suggest that teen rebellion is a uniquely Western phenomenon that

results from a society which views teenagers as less than 

adult and thus unjustly restricts their freedom in the name of their own good, causing

them to rebel as a way to break free of these restrictions. 

This is in contrast to more developed societies, where teenagers are often viewed as

adults. Indeed, in the Western world the age at which one 

is considered an adult (in both the cultural and legal sense) has advanced from the

early teens in earlier centuries to the late teens and even 

early twenties in today's society.Steinberg also posits that this is because teenage risk-

taking is generated by competition between the 

socioemotional and cognitive-control networks. Both go through maturation processes

during adolescence, but do so at different rates. 

Specifically, the socioemotional network, which dictates responses to social and

emotional stimulation, develops more rapidly and earlier 


puberty. The cognitive-control network, which imposes regulatory control over

dangerous decision making, develops over a longer period of 

time, across the whole of adolescence.Steinberg states in his article "Risk Taking in

Adolescence: New Perspectives from Brain and 

Behavioral Science" that "systematic research does not support the stereotype of

adolescents as irrational individuals who believe they are 

invulnerable and who are unaware, inattentive to, or unconcerned about the potential

harms of risky behavior."[]Teenagers have the same ability 

as adults to evaluate risks and their own vulnerability to the risks. Increased availability

of information and education regarding the 

consequences of risky behavior have improved adolescents' understanding of the risks.

It has done little, however, to change the actual 


This because the rules that teenagers break when they rebel are based upon the logical

system supported by the cognitive-control network. 

This network is utilized by the adult authority, but is overthrown in adolescents by the

stronger socioemotional network. From the point of view of 

a cognitive psychologist, a large factor in teenage rebellion is the natural early

development of the socioemotional network.


This because the rules that teenagers break when they rebel are based upon the logical

system supported by the cognitive-control network. 

This network is utilized by the adult authority, but is overthrown in adolescents by the

stronger socioemotional network. From the point of view of 

a cognitive psychologist, a large factor in teenage rebellion is the natural early

development of the socioemotional network.

In fact, a Cornell study from 2006 determined that teens are more likely to consider risk
while making a decision, and for a longer period of 


than adults. They are also more likely to over-estimate the risks, in fact. Teens also,

however, will take risks because they find the reward (such 

as instant gratification or peer acceptance) more valuable.


Teenagers must initiate this separation and often rebellion gives them the energy to do

this.A teenager challenges rules and values as a away of 

establishing his or her individuality.Adolescents cannot do this in a vacuum,but rather

through conflict and confrontation.Adolescents maybe rude 

or make fun of parents and other authority figure and not want to be with them.In a

teenagers mind,defiance expresses autonomy and says that 

he or she doesn't need parents in and often serves as a test of parental caring.
Definition Of Terms

Adolescents- (from Latin: adolescere meaning "to grow up")is a transitional stage of

physical and mental human development generally 

occurring betweenpuberty and legal adulthood (age of majority),but largely

characterized as beginning and ending with the teenage stage.

Argumentative-s an evidentiary objection raised in response to a question which

prompts a witness to draw inferences from facts of the case. 

Coaching- refers to the activity of a coach in developing the abilities of coachees or

clients. Coaching tends to focus on the achievement by 

coachees of a goal or specific skill. 

Peer-People who are equal in such respects as age, education or social class, as
in peer group

Rebellion-is a refusal of obedience or order. It may, therefore, be seen as

encompassing a range of behaviors from civil disobedience and 

mass nonviolent resistance.

Sneaking-that is a persistent conjecture

Struggling-to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or

opposition <struggling with the problem>

Tyrannize-To treat tyrannically; oppress.


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