DR. Debasis Poddar CV

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Associate Professor of Law
University of Petroleum
and Energy Studies
UPES Dehradun, India.

M.A. (Comparative Literature), M.A. (Political Science), LL.M., M.Phil., Ph.D., D.S.W.
With his experience in advocacy, followed by a decade of law teaching career, he has had
eighty-odd pieces of publication to his credit on diversified areas of public law. Alumnus
student and researcher of National Law School of India University, Bangalore, he has had
teaching experience in premier institutions including National Law University Jodhpur,
National University of Study and Research in Law Ranchi, etc., to name few of them,
before joining UPES Dehradun.

Primarily researching on International Law, Constitutional Law, and Jurisprudence, h is

areas of interest include, yet are not limited to, public law discipline. The ILO awarded
him International Fellowship; for his visit to ITC-ILO in Turin, Italian Republic. Also,
he has had twenty-odd occasions of delivering invited lectures in other premier institutions.
At present, he is Assistant Dean (Research) in School of Law, UPES Dehradun.

 Inventory of Publication

A. Original Works

I. Book

1. “Executive Discretion under the Constitution: Law and Practice in Public

Administration”, book (coauthored), ABC Press, New Delhi, 2015, pages 205
[ISBN 978-81-931091-1-3]

2. “Traditional Cultural Expressions and the Law in India”, book (coauthored),

LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Deutschland (Germany),
2014, pages 132 [ISBN 978-3-659-25002-6]

II. Contribution to Edited Book

3. “Uniform Civil Code: Toward Potential Social Constitution of India”, in

Vijay Pratap Singh and Uday Pratap Singh (ed.), Constitutional Law and
Uniform Civil Code in India, ABS Books, Delhi, 2018, pp. 115-123. [ISBN

4. “Basic Legal Education for Better Pedagogy of the Outlawed”, in

Rashmimala Sahu and Afrin H. Khan (ed.), Quality Enhancement in Higher
Education Institutions: Issues, Practices and Perspectives, R K Books, New
Delhi, 2017, pp. 109-118. [ISBN 978-93-82847-32-8]

5. “Imagery as Locomotive of (Re)creating History: A Comparative Study of

Gandhi from Diverse Leftwing Polemics”, in Pradip Basu (ed.), Naxa lite
Politics: Post-Structuralist, Postcolonial and Subaltern Perspectives, Setu
Prakashani, Kolkata, 2017, pp. 269-292 [ISBN 978-93-80677-23-1]

6. “Accessibility v. Sustainability: Enigma of Energy in the Wake of Climate

Change”, in Saligram Bhatt et al (ed.), Sustainable Development: Response
to Global Warming and Climate Change, A. P. H. Publishing Corporation,
New Delhi, 2017, pp. 137-146 [ISBN 978-93-313-2974-5]

7. “While Anti-dumping Pricing Turns Anti-competitive: Reading Economic

Paradox of Law with Reference to India”, in Aneesh V. Pillai (ed.), Short
Notes on Competition Law in India, Regal Publications, New Delhi, 2017,
pp. 262-273 [ISBN 978-81-8484-000-0]

8. “In Quest of Happiness: A Narrative of Retrospect and Prospect in South
Asia”, in P. K. Chaturvedi et al (ed.), “Maximum Happiness for the Greatest
Number- the Motto of the Government Policies” (seminar proceedings),
Chotanagpur Law College, Ranchi, 2016, pp. 162-167. [ISBN 978-81-7730-

9. “Economizing the Law sans Conservation: Fallacy in Prudence of Energy

Audit toward Enhanced Cost Efficiency”, in Sairam Bhat (ed.), Energy Law
and Policy in India, NLSIU Book Series- 2, National Law School of India
University, Bangalore, 2016, pp. 451-470.

10. “Political Sociology of Law: An Interdisciplinary Approach”, in Pradip Basu

(ed.), Political Sociology, Setu Prakashani, Kolkata, 2015, pp. 226-239.
ISBN 978-93-80677-71-2.

11. “Snowball Syndrome of Judicial Review: Toward Potential Crisis of

Realpolitik under the (Dis)guise of Constitutional Governance in India”,
Manik Chakraborty et al (ed.), Burdwan University Law Review, 2014,
pp. 20-35. ISBN 978-81-925800-4-3.

12. “Intellectual Property Rights of the Indigenous Peoples in India vis -à-vis
Traditional Medicinal Knowledge: A Socio-Legal Analysis under Human
Rights Jurisprudence”, as part of book by Subhram Rajkhowa and Manik
Chakraborty (ed.), Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights: The Quest for
Justice, R. Cambray & Co. Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, 2009, pp. 67-102. [ISBN 978-
81-89659-08-0] <http://www.rcambray.com/web/index.jsp>

13. “State Policy toward Ultra-left Movement: A Critical Perspective of

Constitutional Jurisprudence in India”, in Pradip Basu (ed.), Discourses on
Naxalite Movement: Insights into Radical Left Politics, Setu Prakashani,
Kolkata, 2010, pp. 377-394. [ISBN 978-93-80677-00-2]

14. “Research Initiatives in Law Schools: A Rudimentary Roadmap for

Reforms of Hitherto Trend in India”, as part of Working Papers on National
Consultation for Second Generation Reforms in Legal Education, organized
by National Law University, Delhi in association with Bar Co uncil of India
and Minstry of Law and Justice, Government of India, Vigyan Bhawan,
New Delhi on May 1-2, 2010, pp. 123-129.

15. “John Rawls”, in Pradip Basu (ed.), Avenel Companion to Modern Social
Theorists, Avenel Press, Burdwan, WB, 2011, pp. 149-164. [ISBN 978-93-

16. State Subsidy vis-à-vis Fossil Fuel and Climate Change: A Contemplation
on Law and Governance in India (coauthored), in P. Sigamony and N.U.
Khan (ed.), Reinventing Public Management and Development in Emerging
Economies, Part III- Environment and Sustainable Development, Chapter
33, MacMillan Publishers India Ltd., New Delhi, 2011, pp. 564-575
<http://www.macmillanindia.com/> [ISBN 978-02-30332-73-7]

17. “Colonized Modernity and Judicial Process in India vis-à-vis

Administration of Criminal Justice”, as part of book by Pradip Basu (ed.),
Colonial Modernity: Indian Perspectives, Setu Prakashani, Kolkata, 2011,
pp. 28-42 [ISBN 978-93-80677-13-2].

18. “Celluloid Narrative of Power-Plunder-Protest Syndrome: An Avant-garde

Study of (Satyajit) Ray’s Hirak Rajar Deshe”, in Pradip Basu (ed.), Red on
Silver: Naxalites in Cinema, Setu Prakashani, Kolkata, 2012, pp. 356-374
[ISBN 978-93-80677-22-4]

19. Two articles titled (i) “Aviation Environmental Protection: Imperative for
a Sustainable Movement through Omission of (Toxic) Emission” (ii)
“Aviation Environmental Protection: Toward a Quieter Movement in
(Larger) Public Interest”, in Ranbir Singh et al (ed.), Current Developments
in Aviation and Space Law, National Law University Press, New Delhi,
2012, pp. 26-56 [ISBN 978-81-923638-4].

20. “(Lack of) Concern for Environment under Law of Consumer Protection: A
Black Hole in the Universe of Rights Jurisprudence”, in Suresh Mishra et
al (ed.), Consumer Concerns in the 21 st Century: Socio-legal Perspectives,
Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 2012, pp. 185-196
[ISBN: 81-86641-64-5]. <http://www.iipa.org.in/>

21. “Environ of Trade v. Trade of Environ: A Critical Appr eciation of Indo-US

Nuclear Cooperation Agreement”, in Ranjana Ferrao (ed.), State
Responsibility in Disaster Management in India, LAMBERT Academic
Publishing, Saarbrucken, Deutschland (Germany), 2013, pp. 60-71. [ISBN
978-3-659-35396-3]. <https://www.lap-publishing.com/>

22. Odyssey toward Other India: A Critical Appreciation of the Pradhan Mantri
Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), in Debabrata Dasgupta et al (ed.),

Integrated Rural Development and Management: Issues, St rategies and
Policy Options, Agrobios (India), Jodhpur, 2012, pp. 313-322.

23. “Energy Efficiency in Informal Suburban Settlements: Scribbling a

Trajectory at the Threshold of Climate Change” in Pradip Parida (ed.),
Holisticity (International Conference (proceeding) on Peoples, Places and
Opportunities toward Sustainable Cities, organized by All India Institute of
Local Self-Government in collaboration with United Cities and Local
Governments, Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC), April 22-25, 2011), pp. 93-98.

24. “Meta-Law: Ramblings at Random with Ramifications on interstellar

Relations and Inter-terrestrial Law in Infinite World”, in V. Balakista
Reddy and Rahul J. Nikam (ed.), Space Law and Contemporary Issues:
Perspectives on Asia-Pacific Region, Asia Law House, Hyderabad, 2012,
pp. 419-430 [ISBN 978-93-81849-75-0]

III. Contribution to Journal

25. “Hindu Kush-Himalayan Ecosystem as a Common Concern of Mankind:

Imperative for Better Regional Jurisprudence”, Kathmandu School of Law
Review, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2017, p. [ISSN 2091-2110]. Available at: < >

26. “Domestic Workplace: Critical Crossroads of Unorganized Labour and

Management”, Management and Labour Studies, Vol. 43 (1 & 2), 2018, pp.
46-57 [ISSN 0258-042X]. A journal of XLRI School of Business and
Human Resources, Jamshedpur, published by Sage Publications, New
Delhi. Available at: <http://journals.sagepub.com/home/mls>

27. “Legal Education: Toward Pedagogy of the Lawyer beyond Courtroom ”,

Indian Journal of Educational Research, Vol. VI, 2017 , p. 45-56 [ISSN
2277-3819]; Department of Education, University of Calcutta. Available at:
<http://www.caluniv.ac.in/academic/department/Education/journal -vol-

28. “A Promise in Paris: Space to Local Self Governance in Global Climate

Governance”, NLUO Law Journal, Vol. IV (2017), special edition on climate
change, p. 98-118 [ISSN 2348-8913]

29. “Uniform Civil Codification: Reading the Regional Context for Prospective
Text Ahead”, ILI Law Review, 2017 No. I, pp. 61-84 [e-ISSN 0976-1489];

published by the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi <http://www.ili.ac.in/>
Available at: <http://ili.ac.in/pdf/paper417.pdf>

30. “Restitution of Conjugal Rights: A Quest for Jurisprudence behind the Law ”,
Journal of National Law University Delhi, Vol. 4, No. I, 2017, pp. 93 -114
[ISSN 2277-4017] Available at:

31. “Fallacy in North-East Jurisprudence of India: A Comparative Study of

Fifth Schedule and Sixth Schedule to the Constitution”, NEHU Law
Journal, Vol. I, No. 1, 2016, pp. 107-124 [ISSN ]

32. “Glacier Lake Outburst Flood in Bhutan: A Common Concern across the
Border”, in Bhutan Journal of Research and Development (BJRD), Vol. 5,
No. 2, 2016, pp. 23-30. A Publication of the Institute of Gross National
Happiness Studies (iGNHas), Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu. ISSN
1321-4584. Available at:
<http://www.rub.edu.bt/images/rub/research/publications/journals/I -

33. “Whether Political Party Belongs to Public Domain: A Caveat on the RTI
Way-out”, in NLUA Law Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, January-July 2016, pp. 73-
88 [ISSN 2455-8680]

34. “International Commercial Arbitration under National Law of India: An

Avant-garde View from Constitutional Perspective”, in the Banaras Law
Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2014), pp. 195-201. [ISSN 0522-0815]

35. “In the Whirlpool of Cyber Polemics: Consumer Crucified before the Law
as Bystander”, in International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice, Vol.
4, 2016, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, pp. 64 -78.
ISSN 2347-2731.

36. “Discretion in the Law of Direct Taxation: A Source of Aberration for Rule
of Law under the (Dis)guise of Tax Assessment”, ITMU Law Review, Vol.
1, Issue 1 (January- June 2015), pp. 14-25 [ISSN 2321-9904]. Available at:
review/Law%20Review%20VOL.%201%20%20ISSUE%201.pdf >

37. “Global Climate Justice as Newer Goalpost before the Non -Aligned
Movement”, Journal of Environmental Law Policy and Development
(JELPD), Vol. 3 (2016), National Law School of India University,
Bangalore, pp. 51-70 [ISSN (O) 2348-7046].

38. “Law and Governance: A Quest for Strategic Points of Synergy”, lead article,
VBU Journal of Law and Governance, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2015, pp. 1-
11 [ISSN 2349-8188] <http://www.vbuniversity.in/index.php>

39. “Role of National Electoral Praxis in International Good Governance:

Ramblings with Ramifications”, International Journal of Transparency and
Accountability in Governance, Theme: Electoral Reforms and Accountability
of Electoral Representatives of People, Vol. I, May 2015, pp. 89-110. [ISSN
2395-4337] <http://www.nludelhi.ac.in/>

40. “Statutory Caretaker(s): New Legislative Experiments from Crusader

Perspective”, RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review, Patiala, May
2015. ISSN 2347-3827. <http://rgnul.ac.in/rfmlawreview/index.htm>

41. “Introspection on Diversity in Boardroom from Governance Perspective”,

Journal on Governance, Vol. 1, No. 8, 2014, pp. 1009-1017 [ISSN 0976-
0369]. The journal is renamed by the publisher National Law University,
Jodhpur as ‘Journal on Corporate Law and Governance’

42. “Criminal Liability in Cases of Gross Medical Negligence: Crossroads of a

Medico-legal Conundrum Ahead”, Amity Law Review, Vol. 10, 2014,
Delhi, pp. 75-90. [ISSN 2249-2232]. <http://www.amity.edu/als/>

43. “Habitat-forest-climate Cycle: Flip Side of REDD+ Paradigm in South

Asian Reality”, Journal of and Social Policy, Vol. 2, No. I, January 2013,
pp. 21-32. Department of Law, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
ISSN 2220-7627.

44. “Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Population: A Socio -legal

Stocktaking toward Sustainable Development”, Ambedkar Law Universi ty
Journal, Vol. VI, 2013, pp. 194-210. Published by the Tamil Nadu Dr.
Ambedkar Law University. [ISSN 0976-965X] <http://www.tndalu.ac.in/>

45. “Baglihar Model in Sharing Water Resources: (Jurisprudent) Lessons Learnt
and Apprehensions Ahead”, (refereed) Kashmir Journal of Legal Studies,
Volume 3, 2013-2014, Special Issue, pp. 123-138 [ISSN 2250-2084]

46. “Climate Relations: Jurisprudent Proposition towards BASIC -BRICS

Merger for Greening the Intercontinental Geopolitical Alliance”, the West
Bengal Political Science Review, Vol. XV and XVI, 2012 and 2013, pp.
221-238 [ISSN 2230-8296] < http://www.wbpsa.org/publication.html>

47. “A Conundrum of Public-Private Dichotomy in Climate Change

Jurisprudence”, HNLU Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Volume I, No.
I, July- December, 2012, p. 46-54. [ISSN 2347-839X] <http://hnlu.ac.in/>

48. “Reversal of Vulnerability in Marriage: A Juridical Study with Special

Reference to Domestic Violence”, Galgotias Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.
1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 1-15 [ISSN 2321-1997]
<http://law.galgotiasuniversity.edu.in/publications.asp?lk=publications1 >

49. “Forest Rights as Appurtenant to Social Inclusion in India: A Socio -legal

Study”, Chotanagpur Law Journal, Vol. 6, No. 6, 2012-2013, pp. 140-150
[ISSN 0973-5858] <http://www.cnlawcollege.org/>

50. “New Economic Policy in Globalized India: A Juridical Reading of

Emerging Economic Agenda from Constitutional Perspective”, lead paper
in International Journal of Legal Studies and Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, March
2013, pp. 1-19 [ISSN (O): 2278-4764] <http://www.ijlsr.in/home>

51. “Historiography of Constitutional Law in Modern India: A Juridical

Reading from Rights Perspective”, Journal of Humanities and Social
Sciences, No. 9, 2012, pp. 23-36. [ISSN 0973-8738]

52. “Looking Back at Earlier Crossroads of Climate Change: Climate

Diplomacy and Development Diplomacy at Loggerheads”, International
Journal of Law and Policy Review (IJLPR), Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2012, pp.
203-216. [ISSN (O): 2278-3156] <http://www.ijlprnujs.com/>

53. Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Its Patentability in the

Globalized Market Economy: Quest for a Jurisprudent Balance, lead paper
in Scholasticus, Journal of National Law University, Jodhpur, Vol. 8, No.
1 & 2, August 2011, p. 1-18. [ISSN 0975-1157]


54. Aviation Insurance: A Conundrum of (Juris)Prudent Assessment of Risk

vis-à-vis Third Party Protection, in Asian Journal of Air & Space Law, Vol.
I, No. 1, p. 107-119. [ISSN 2250-1789]. Available at:

55. “Negligence Syndrome in Road Accident: A Question of Judicial

Policymaking with special reference to Criminality”, coauthored with Anup
Shaw as coauthor, in KIIT Journal of Law and Society, Vol. I No. 1, 2011,
p. 135-154. [ISSN 2231-5144] <http://kls.ac.in/>

56. “Writ of Habeas Corpus and Its Application: A Critical Appre ciation of
Liberty Discourse in Postcolonial India”, in, LST Review, Vol. 21, Issue 277,
November 2010, published by Law and Society Trusts, Colombo, Sri Lanka ,
pp. 13-23. [ISSN 1391-5770] <http://www.lawandsocietytrust.org/web/>

IV. Case Comment

57. “Celebration in Yamuna: A Classic Case of Environmental Injustice with

Impunity”, Cochin University Law Review, Vol. XL, No. 1-4, 2016, pp.
259-264 [ISSN 0970-0331]

58. “Caesar’s Wife Must be Above Suspicion: A Plea for Fair Play with
Information Advocacy”, GNLU Journal of Law Development and Politics
(GJLDP), Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 100-108 [ISSN 0975-0193]. Available
at: <http://www.scconline.com/WebEdition.aspx>

59. “What Turns the Good Samaritan Better after Road Disaster: Reading A
Judicial Cynicism over Legalism”, in Amity Law Review, Vol. 12,
December 2016, pp. 157-163 [ISSN 2249-2232]

60. “Automobile Conundrum Ended with Penalty: Paradise Lost between

Competition and Intellectual Property”, Developing World Review on
Trade and Competition (DWRTC), Volume 4, July 2015, pp. 67-76.
Available at: <http://www.scconline.com/WebEdition.aspx>

61. “IRCTC v. TV Today Network Limited”, RMLNLU Journal, Vol. 6 (2014),

Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University and Eastern Book Co.,
Lucknow, pp. 98-104 [ISSN 0975-9549]. Available at:

62. “Insurance Case: An Epic Justice for Rule of Law and Good Governance in
India”, Manupatra- Competition Law Reports (CLR), Volume 3, Part 2,
October 2015, New Delhi, pp. 117-121.
<http://www.manupatralawreports.in/products/clr.asp >

V. Book Review

63. “Corporate Criminal Liability in India: Accountability Underscored with

Clarity”, HNLU Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 1 , 2015,
pp. 139-142 [ISSN 2347-839X]. Book: Vijay Kumar Singh, Corporate
Power to Corporate Crimes: Understanding Corporate Criminal Liability
in India, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, 2013.

64. “Mapping Drones Operations: A Treatise on the Techno -governance in

Transition”, Indian Journal of Air and Space Law, Vol. IV & V, 2016 &
2017, p. 180-186 [ISSN 2394-6091] Book: G. S. Sachdeva, Drone
Operations: A Jurislogue, KW Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2015 .

65. “A Treatise on Theoretical Foundations of Code of Civil Procedure”,

Cochin University Law Review, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1-4, 2015, pp. 235-239
[ISSN 0970-0331] Book: Jatindra Kumar Das, Code of Civil Procedure,
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2014.

66. “Insight toward Citing the Corrupt World in Collage of Limelight and
Spotlight”, NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2015, pp.
139-142 [ISSN 2349-9982] Book: Ranbir Singh and Jeet Singh Mann (ed.),
Corruption in Governance, National Law University Delhi, 2015.

67. “Round the World of Legislation in Twenty Years: An Odyssey with

Legislative Odds”, International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law
Reform, Vol. 3, Issue 1 (June 2015), pp. 91-97; London, UK. ISSN 2050-
5191 (Online). Book: N. K. Chakrabarti, Principles of Legislation and
Legislative Drafting, 3 rd ed., R. Cambray & Co. Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, 2014.
Available at: <http://www.cambridgescholars.com/law-3>

68. “Corruption Therapy for Public Administration: A Treatise in Tune with

Contemporary Indian Reality”, The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol.
LXXV, No. 1, January-March 2014, pp. 187-192. ISSN 0019-5510. Review
Article of book: Shiladitya Chakraborty, Public Service Reforms in India:
A Fight against Corruption, Towards Freedom, Kolkata, 2013.

69. NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy, Volume 1, No. 1, 2014, pp. 161-164
[ISSN 2349-9982], Satyam Law International, New Delhi, 2014. Book:
Uday Sankar and Saurabh Bindal, Constitutionalizing Intellectual
Property, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, 2013.

70. Agricultural Market: A Long-pending Subject-matter that Requires

Prognosis, in the CNLU Law Journal, Volume 4, 2014, Eastern Book Co.,
Lucknow, pp. 192-196 [ISSN 0976-805X]. Book: Shweta Mohan, Legal
Regulation of Agricultural Procurement and Processing in India, Satyam
Law International, New Delhi, 2012. Available at:

VI. Contribution to Occasional Paper Series

71. Land, Law and Liberty: A Comparative Study of Legislative Politics in

India, in Alok Kumar Gupta (ed.), Tenancy Act in Jharkhand: Issues and
Imperatives, NUSRL Occasional Paper, Vol. II, No. 1, June, 2011, pp. 25-
37. [ISSN 22784144].

72. A Kaleidoscopic Overview of Corruption toward Introspective

Contemplation with Special Reference to India, in Alok Kumar Gupta (ed.),
Corruption at High Places, NUSRL Occasional Paper, Vol. I, No. 1, June,
2011, pp. 77-98. [ISSN 2278-4144]

73. “Plagiarism from Intellectual Property Perspective: A Devil’s Advocacy”,

in Sreenivasa Murthy, M.R. (ed.), Intellectual Property Rights, NUSRL
Occasional Paper, Vol. II, No. 2, June, 2012, pp. 43-52 [ISSN 2278-4144]

VI. Contribution as Content to Legal Education Literature

74. “Human Rights Treaty Bodies”, @ e-PG pathshala of National Mission on

Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) project,
Government of India, New Delhi <http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/> Available at:
<http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/view.php?category=1370 >
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoNbVewaZLI#t=81 >

75. “Basis of Criminalization”, @ e-PG pathshala of National Mission on

Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) project,

Government of India, New Delhi <http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/>

76. “The Making of Criminal Law”, @ e-PG pathshala of National Mission on

Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) project,
Government of India, New Delhi <http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/>

VII. Contribution to Newsletter

77. “Customary Law on Intellectual Property in Globalized India”, note as lead

column of WISDOM, Vol. 1, Issue 4, September-December, 2013, p. 2,
newsletter of Centre for Tribal and Customary Law, Central University of
Jharkhand, Ranchi <http://www.cuj.ac.in/>

78. “Carbon Credit as Synergy of the Trade-Environment Face-off: A Juridical

Study”, note contributed as invited column of ENVOICE, Vol. 4, No. 1,
April 2003, p. 3., newsletter of Vivekananda College, Thakurpukur,
Kolkata, affiliated to University of Calcutta <http://www.vivekananda-

B. Edited Works:

79. Guest Editor, VBU Journal of Law and Governance, Vol. 1, No. I, 2014
[ISSN 2349-8188]

80. Guest Editor, two consecutive independent editions of Rostrum’s Law

Review, Vol. 1, Issues III and IV, 2013 [ISSN 2321-3787]. Available at:
<https://issuu.com/anuragparihar/docs/vol_1_issue_iii_onli ne>
<https://issuu.com/anuragparihar/docs/vol_1_issue_iv_print_online >

At present, he is General Editor of the e-journal.

VI. Contribution to Newspaper

Contribution as part of Editorial column, Central Chronicle, Raipur, C.G..


(i) “Education of labour or labour of education?” April 14, 2010 (Wednesday) , page 8.
(ii) “International labour day in the globalized India” May 1, 2010 (Saturday), page 8 .
(iii) “Tagore and Conundrum of Governance” May 8, 2010 (Sunday), page 8.
(iv) “Child and the Law in India” May 10, 2010 (Monday), page 8 .
(v) “The flip side: Limited Liability Partnership in India” May 28, 2010 (Friday), page
(vi) “Contemporary Bengal: Within a Low Intensity Civil War” March 31, 2011
(Thursday), page 8.



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