Sebastian Cosculluela Vs The Honorable Court of Appeals
Sebastian Cosculluela Vs The Honorable Court of Appeals
Sebastian Cosculluela Vs The Honorable Court of Appeals
On March 8, 1976, the Republic of the Philippines filed a complaint with the Court of First Instance of
Iloilo to expropriate 2 parcels of land in the municipality of Barotac, Iloilo owned by the petitioner
Sebastian Cosculluela and one Mita Lumampo, their land was expropriated for the construction of the
canal network of the Barotac Irrigation project. In Cosculluela petition, he assails the decision of the
appellate court as being violative of his right to just compensation and due process of law. He maintains
that these constitutional guarantees transcend all administrative and procedural laws and jurisprudence
for as between these said laws and constitutional rights of private citizens, the latter must prevail. As
admitted by the respondent Republic of the Philippines, the NIA (National Irrigation Administration)
took possession of the expropriated property in 1975 and for around ten (10) years already. It has been
servicing the farmers on both sides of the Barotac Viejo Irrigation Project in Iloilo province and has been
collecting fees by way of taxes at the expense of the petitioner (Cosculluela). On the other hand, the
petitioner (Cosculluela), who is already more than eighty (80) years old and sickly, is undergoing
frequent hospitalization, and is made to suffer further by the unconscionable delay in the payment of
just compensation based on a final and executory judgment. The respondent Republic on the other
hand, argues that while it has no intention of keeping the land and dishonoring the judgment, the
manner by which the same will have to be satisfied must not be inconsistent with prevailing
jurisprudence, and that is, that public funds such as those of the respondent NIA cannot be disbursed
without the proper appropriation.
Whether or not the payment of the land within a reasonable time from its taking is a correct
determination of just compensation
Yes, just compensation means not only the correct determination of the amount to be paid to the owner
of the land but also the payment of the land within a reasonable time from its taking. Without prompt
payment, compensation cannot be considered “just” for the property owner is made to suffer the
consequences of being immediately deprived of his land while being made to wait for a decade or more
before actually receiving the amount necessary to cope with his loss. The case illustrates the expanded
meaning of “public use” in the eminent domain clause. (Constitution, Article III, Section 9) The
petitioner’s (Cosculluela) land was not taken for the construction of a road, bridge, school, public
buildings, or other traditional projects of expropriation. When the National Housing Authority
expropriates land to convert into housing projects or the NIA (National Irrigation Administration)
expropriates land to construct irrigation system and sells water rights to farmers, it would be the height
of abuse and ignominy for the agencies to start earning from those properties while ignoring the final
judgment ordering the payment of just compensation to the former owners.