Pectin Vo Qua Thanh Long

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Journal of Sandarani, J Pharmacogn Nat Prod 2017, 3:3
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DOI: 10.4172/2472-0992.1000143

Pharmacognosy & Natural Products


J s t
ISSN: 2472-0992

Review Article Open Access

A Review: Different Extraction Techniques of Pectin

MDJC Sandarani*
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Livestock Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Sri Lanka
*Corresponding author: MDJC Sandarani, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Livestock Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri
Lanka, Makandura, Sri Lanka; E-mail: [email protected]
Received date: Aug 21, 2017; Accepted date: Nov 21, 2017; Published date: Nov 27, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Sandarani MDJC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Pectin is recently investigated for different applications in food industry, medicinal and pharmaceutical field.
Extraction of pectin using different techniques have become a great challenge and yet to be discovered. Recent
studies involving extraction of pectin using acids, microwave assisted and enzymes are reviewed, with the aim to
capture the state of art on current research about pectin extraction. Extraction techniques have been discussed in
related to different acids and enzymes.

Keywords: Acids; Enzymes; Extraction; Microwave; Pectin Acid extraction of pectin

Pectin has been extracted using chemical methods in order to
Introduction examine the structural features and functional properties of pectin.
The complex hetero polysaccharide known as pectin is found in the The chemical agents used for pectin extraction are divided into four
primary cell wall of dicotyledonous plants and it is extensively groups. They are water and buffers, calcium-ion chelators, acids and
employed as a gelling agent, thickener, stabilizer emulsifier and edible bases. Acids are the strongest extracting agents of pectin as they
coating in food industry. It is made out of D-galacturonic acid, L- facilitate extraction of insoluble pectin that is tightly bound to the cell
rhamnose, L-arabinose and D-galactose. They are linked by α (1 to 4) matrix of the plant material and result in higher yields [35-37].
linkages [1-8]. Pectin is generally enriched in galacturonic acid. Various studies
There are two types of pectin depending on their Degree of have shown the effects of acid extractant strength on yield of pectin,
Methylation (DM), pectin is referred to as high methoxy pectin chemical, and/or physicochemical characteristics [38]. Most
(DM>50) or low methoxy pectin (DM<50). High methoxy pectin can commonly used acids are acetic, citric, lactic, malic, tartaric (organic),
form gels in an acidic medium (pH 2.0-3.5) if sucrose is present at a hydrochloric, nitric, oxalic, phosphoric and sulfuric acids [39-41].
concentration higher than 55 weight %. Low methoxy pectin can form It has found that an increase in acid strength (that is, decreasing
gels over a larger pH range (2.0–6.0) in the presence of a divalent ion, pH) plays an important role in increasing the galacturonic acid
such as calcium [9]. content. Moreover, acid type and concentration affect the yield,
Recovery of pectin is crucial unit operation in food industry in physiochemical and functional properties of pectin [42,43]. In
order to provide adequate supply for the growing demand [10,11]. contrast, some of the results of studies are contradictory [44].
Pectin is extracted at high temperature by hydrolyzing proto pectin in Hydrochloric acid shown to be the highest yield of pectin among
to pectin at commercial level, but there are novel perspectives in pectin hydrochloric, nitric and citric acid extracted from guava peel, citrus
production [12-21]. fruits, banana and cocoa pods. pH and temperature ranged from 1 to 3
Conventional method is comprised with two main steps, hydrolysis and 60°C to 85°C sequently [45-48]. Presence of high concentration of
of proto-pectin in to pectin using acids and subsequently precipitated hydrogen ions, stimulate the hydrolysis of pectin from proto pectin.
by ethanol [22-24]. However, acid treatments have several draw backs, Higher ionic strength acids have an improved capability to precipitate
due to that, novel methods such as Microwave Assisted Extraction, pectin due to their higher affinity for cations such as Ca2+ which
enzymatic extraction, supercritical water extraction and ultra sound stabilizes the pectin molecule. However, hydrochloric acid produced
extraction have become more popular [25-28]. Microwave Assisted pectin with a smaller DM range in which LM pectin [49]. In hot acid
Extraction exhibits large handling capacity, short processing time and media pectin can be degraded rapidly due to high lability and
good purity. Enzymatic extraction exhibits mild conditions, low energy sensitivity for acid. Therefore, Pectin extracted using hot acid is low
consumption and no pollution [29-31]. methoxylated due to demethylation and fragmentation of the
polygalacturonic chain. Moreover, LM pectin occurs in a broad pH
Pectin structure, uses and applications were extensively reviewed range, at most up to pH 6 [50-53].
[32-34]. However, there are limited review articles based on different
extraction techniques of pectin. The main purpose of this article is to Nitric acid is also used commonly to acidify hot water in order to
highlight about extraction techniques of pectin. extract pectin. The pectin yield increased with increasing extractant
strength of nitric acid. The highest yield (10.9%) was obtained as the
extractant strength was increased up to pH 1.2 from cinnamon [54].

J Pharmacogn Nat Prod, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000143

Citation: Sandarani MDJC (2017) A Review: Different Extraction Techniques of Pectin. J Pharmacogn Nat Prod 3: 143.
doi: 10.4172/2472-0992.1000143

Page 2 of 5

Sulfuric acid has reported the highest yield for pectin extracted pressure increase inside the cells of plant sample, which promotes the
from dragon fruit peels [1] In addition, highest yield were reported for destruction of sample surface and in turns the exudation of pectin
sulfuric acid among hydrochloric, acetic and benzoic acid for within the plant cells into the surrounding solvents and increased the
Moroccan Orange peels [55]. In contrast, some studies have reported extraction yield [68]. Similarly, optimization of extraction process of
that there is no significant effect of type acid on the yield of pectin pectin from apple pomace using Microwave Assisted Extraction, found
from apple [56]. to be the highest yield from apple pomace and also lower extraction
time when compared to conventional heating [69].
Lowest yield were reported for the citric acid. Some studies had
reported that acid type strongly influenced the macromolecular and In contrast, there is no any significant difference in yield and quality
gelling properties of isolated pectin. It also reported that citric acid is characteristics extracted from both conventional extraction and
the least pectin degrading (depolymerizing and de esterifying) Microwave Assisted Extraction except moisture and ash content.
extracting agent. Citric acid can be used to isolate pectin with better Increase in microwave power did not affect yield and quality
gelling properties. However, some studies suggested the use of citric characteristics of pectin from jackfruit rinds [70].
acid because of its higher yield and better quality than other acids
In addition, pectin extracted using traditional method is not only
poor in term of quantity but also quality in which prolonged exposure
The yield of ambarella pectin extraction varied from 16% to 22% of pectin to the heat treatment during extraction leads to pectin
dry weight of AIR, depending on the extraction condition used. The degradation [71].
highest yields were obtained with Oxalic Acid/Ammonium Oxalate
(OAAO) and the lowest with water [59]. Enzymatic extraction
Plant cell wall is composed of an entangled network of different
Microwave extraction of pectin
polysaccharides including pectin. Cell wall degrading enzymes with
Microwave Assisted Extraction involves dielectric heating of plant minimum pectinolytic activity are used to hydrolyze non pectin plant
molecules through the exposure of microwaves. Dipolar rotation of cell wall components in enzymatic extraction of pectin [72,73].
water is taken place due to the absorbance of microwave energy, which
Enzymatic extraction of pectin is environmentally safe and more
leads to generation of heat inside the plant tissues. Microwave-Assisted
effective in terms of pectin yield. Different enzymes such as
Extraction (MAE) has been recently investigated by many researchers
polygalacturonase, hemicellulose, protease and microbial mixed
and found that it can lead to a considerable increase in the yield and
enzymes, cellulose, α-amylase, celluclast, alcalase and α-amylase and
quality of extracted pectin [60-62].
neutrase, Xylase, cellulose, b-glucosidase, endopolygalacturonase and
When orange peels are subjected to microwave radiation, there is pectinesterase are used in pectin extraction as enzymes have the ability
inactivation of pectin esterase enzyme and destruction of orange skin to degrade pectin and modify the physicochemical properties of the
cells due to rapid heat generation in microwave environment [63]. pectin [74-82].
Since the pectin esterase interacts with the pectic substances in the
orange peels and reduces their solubility, their inactivation improves Cellulase enzyme
the pectin extraction. Moreover, due to the disintegration of
parenchyma cells, there is also increase in specific surface area, which Cellulase enzyme has been used for isolation of pectin from chicory
facilitates the water absorption capacity of the plant cell. It has been roots and cauliflower and has shown positive effects towards
used to reduce extraction time and energy [64,65]. hydrolyzing of cellulose from the cell wall and releasing of pectin from
the cell wall [83].
When increasing the microwave power pectin yield has been
increased due to the increase in microwave irradiation energy, the Use of the cellulase led to the biggest yield and Poly Galacturonic
penetration of solvent into the plant matrix can be enhanced and can Acid (PGA) content in pectin extracted from pumpkin due to the
efficiently deliver to plant cells for pectin extraction. Molecular degradation of the cellulose matrix. Furthermore, pectin was extracted
interaction with the electromagnetic field offers a rapid transfer of from pumpkin using an enzyme complex which contained cellulase
energy to the solvent and matrix, allowing the dissolution of has given the highest yield (14% on dry weight basis) due to
components to be extracted. As a polar solvent, water can efficiently degradation of cellulose matrix and other insoluble constituents of the
absorb microwave energy and leads to efficient heating. Moreover, the plant cell wall. In contrast, it is believed that it has a pectinesterase
microwave irradiation accelerates cell rupture by sudden temperature activity, which could have an effect on degree of esterification [84].
rise and internal pressure increase inside the cells of plant sample,
which promotes the destruction of sample surface and in turns the Polygalacturonase enzyme
exudation of pectin within the plant cells into the surrounding solvents
Polygalacturonase have been used to extract pectin from apple and
and increase [66,67].
pears and observed a great performance in yield which indicates a
The increasing micro wave irradiation energy can enhance the higher affinity of the PGI enzyme for this substrate. Yield of pectin was
penetration of solvent in to the plant matrix and deliver efficiently to 20% and 60% higher than with chemical extraction for apple and pears
materials through molecular interaction with the electromagnetic field respectively. These results indicate that pear pomace seems to be a
and offer a rapid transfer of energy to the solvent and matrix, allowing better substrate for pectin enzymatic extraction rather than apple
the dissolution of components to be extracted. pomace [85].
Water can efficiently absorb microwave energy and leads to efficient The commercial enzyme used originates from a selected strain of
heating as it is a polar solvent. Moreover, the microwave irradiation Aspergillus niger and has mixed activities of pectinlyase, pectinesterase
accelerates cell rupture by sudden temperature rise and internal and polygalacturonase. Pectin yield from cladodes is not significantly

J Pharmacogn Nat Prod, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000143

Citation: Sandarani MDJC (2017) A Review: Different Extraction Techniques of Pectin. J Pharmacogn Nat Prod 3: 143.
doi: 10.4172/2472-0992.1000143

Page 3 of 5

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J Pharmacogn Nat Prod, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000143

Citation: Sandarani MDJC (2017) A Review: Different Extraction Techniques of Pectin. J Pharmacogn Nat Prod 3: 143.
doi: 10.4172/2472-0992.1000143

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J Pharmacogn Nat Prod, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000143

Citation: Sandarani MDJC (2017) A Review: Different Extraction Techniques of Pectin. J Pharmacogn Nat Prod 3: 143.
doi: 10.4172/2472-0992.1000143

Page 5 of 5

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J Pharmacogn Nat Prod, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 3 • 1000143


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