Fourth year
Nelson, W. L. "Petroleum Refinery Engineering", Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, Fourth
Edition, 1958.
James H. Gary & Glenn E. Handwerk "Petroleum
Refining, Technology & Economics", 4th ed., Marcel
Dekker, Inc., 2001.
B.K. Bhaskara Rao, “Modern Petroleum Refining
Processes” Edn. 3, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Antos, G.J. "Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining"1st
edition, 2010 The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington,
Oxford OX5 1GB, UK.
James G. Speight, "The Chemistry and Technologyof
Petroleum",5th Eddition,2014CRC press.
Fundamentals_of_Petroleum_Refining, First
Internet Sites.
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
Crude oil or (petroleum) is becoming increasingly important in the world, day after
day and exceed uses and derive strategic importance of crude oil from two facts:
1. It is being a source of energy.
2. It is being the basic raw material for the chemical industry and the branches of
various petrochemical. Exhorts crude oil good position between the different energy
sources for the following reasons:
1. Contain many products can be separated from each other by refining and represent
a variety of sources in fuel use and production assistant lubrication oils products and
asphalt and petroleum solvents, as some of its derivatives important materials in
Petrochemical industries.
2. The presence of natural gas with crude oil under the surface of the earth.
3. It can be transferred to long distances easily.
4. Low cost of production, transportation and refining.
َخ إٌفظ اٌخب١ّ٘ رٕجغ أٚ ٗرزؼذ اسزؼّبالرٚ َٛ٠ ِب ثؼذٛ٠ ٌُ اٌؼبٟخ إٌفظ اٌخبَ ف١ّ٘رضداد أ
:ٓ١مز١خ ِٓ زم١د١االسزشار
.ٔٗ ِصذس ٌٍطبلخٛ و.1
سط إٌفظ٠ .خ اٌّخزٍفخ٠ٚب١ّ١وٚاٌجزشٚ خ٠ّٚب١ع اٌصٕبػبد اٌىٚٗ ٌفش١ٔٗ ِبدح خبَ أسبسٛ و.2
: خ١ٌٓ ِصبدس اٌطبلخ اٌّخزٍفخ ٌألسجبة اٌزب١ضح ث١ّاٌخبَ ثّىبٔٗ ِز
رّثً ِصبدسٚ ش٠ك اٌزىش٠ب ػٓ طشٙب ػٓ ثؼضٍّٙىٓ فص٠ ذح٠ ِٕزدبد ػذٍٝ ػٞٛسز٠ .1
جبد٠اٌّزٚ اإلسفٍذٚ ذ١٠د اٌزضٛ٠إٔزبج ِٕزدبد ِسبػذٖ وضٚ دٛلٌٛ اسزؼّبي اٟػخ فِٕٛز
. خ٠ٚب١ّ١وٚ اٌصٕبػبد اٌجزشّٟخ فِٙ ادِٛ ٗ رشىً ثؼط ِشزمبرٚ , خ١ٌٚاٌجزش
. ِغ إٌفظ اٌخبَ رسذ سطر األسضٟؼ١د اٌغبص اٌطجٛخٚ .2
.ذح١ ِسبفبد ثؼٌٌٝٗ ٔمٍٗ إٛٙس.3
. ٖش٠رىشٚ ٍٗٔمٚ ٗ أخفبض وٍفخ أٔزبخ.3
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
Petroleum is perhaps the most important substance consumed in modern society. It
provides not only raw materials for the ubiquitous plastics and other products but also
fuel for energy, industry, heating, and transportation.
The word petroleum, derived from the Latin petra and oleum, literally means rock
oil and refers to hydrocarbons that occur widely in the sedimentary rocks in the form
metal-containing compounds
There are two theories on the origin of carbon fuels: the abiogenic theory and the
biogenic theory (Kenney et al., 2001, 2002). The two theories have been intensely
debated since the 1860s, shortly after the discovery of widespread occurrence of
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
There have been several attempts at formulating theories that describe the detail of the
origin of petroleum, of which the early postulates started with inorganic substances as
source material. For example, in 1866, Berthelot considered acetylene the basic
material and crude oil constituents were produced from acetylene. Initially, inorganic
carbides were formed by the action of alkali metals on carbonates after which
acetylene was produced by the reaction of the carbides with water.
ًٍخ ِث١ذاد اٌثم١ ِٓ اٌىشثٚاد اٌّشؼخ أٌّٛثبْ ثفؼً ا١ٌّ اٌٝشخغ إ٠ يٚؼزمذ أْ أصً اٌجزش٠
خ١ٌش اٌسشاسح اٌؼب١ رٕزح ثزأثٟ اٌز، ٗ١ٕ١ٍاد اسزِٛ ْٛ رىٚ ض ِغ اٌّبء١ إٌّغٚذ ا٠ذ اٌسذ١وبسث
.اصٛ اٌخٚ ت١ٕخ اٌزشو٠ٔبد ِزجبٛوشثٚذس١٘ ِٓ ظ١ٍ خٚح أ٠ِض
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
porous rocks called reservoirs, forming an oilfield, from which the liquid can be
extracted by drilling and pumping.
ًخ ثفؼ١ إٌجبرٚ خ١ٔاٛ١اد اٌسٌّٛدخ رسًٍ ا١ْ ٔزٛي لذ رىٚؼزمذ اٌجؼط أْ اٌجزش٠ اٌجؼط األخش
ْٛخ رى٠شٙخ اٌّد٠أبد اٌجشٛ١خ ِٓ اٌس١ٕ٘ب اٌذ٠ ٌٍجمبٟش االئزالف١ اٌزمطٚ خ١ائٛ٘ب اٌال٠اٌجىزش
.اصٛ اٌخٚ ت١ٕخ اٌزشو٠ٔبد ِزجبٛوشثٚذس١٘ ِٓ ْٛ رزىٟائً اٌزٛظ ِٓ اٌس١ٍخ
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
vehicles are powered by refined products such as gasoline, diesel, aviation turbine
kerosene (ATK) and fuel oil. The recent price rise of crude oil from $50 to $150 per
bbl over the last 2 years has affected the refining industry in three ways: First is an
increased search for fuel products from non-fossil sources such as biodiesel and
process tar sand, coal gasification and synthesis of fuels by Fischer–Tropsch (FT)
technology and Third is the initiation of long-term plans to look for renewable energy
sources. However, crude oil prices are still a cheap source for transportation
is essentially a group of manufacturing plants that vary in number with the variety of
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
variety of products in amounts that are in accord with the demand for each. For
cannot be sold as, say, heavy fuel oil, these products will accumulate until refinery
storage facilities are full. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, the refinery
must be flexible and be able to change operations as needed. This usually means more
processes: thermal processes to change an excess of heavy fuel oil into more gasoline
with coke as the residual product, or a vacuum distillation process to separate the
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
-Old human was used of oil to prehistoric times, where used by the Sumerians and
Babylonians in Mesopotamia and raised the oil has been found in other places in the
world and in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Dead sea was known asphalt lake,
which dates back to the term asphalt.
-The discovery of oil due to the presence of petroleum reservoirs close to the surface
of the earth, which was liberated them vapors and erupt into flames, which was called
(fire timeless) and serve them were some of the doctrines of Zoroastrianism.
-In 1859, Drake was drilled in the state of Pennsylvania in the United States the first
well in search of oil at a depth of 21.11 meters, and petrol is found in general at
different depths ranging between 20-20 thousand meters.
-The first refinery was built in 1860 in the United States a cost of $ 15000.
- historically the first distillation of Petroleum took place in Russia in 1735 AD.
ٚ ْٛ٠ِشٛث اسزؼٍّٗ اٌس١خ ز٠س ِب لجً اٌزبسٛ ػصٌٝي إٚشخغ اسزخذاَ اإلٔسبْ ٌٍجزش٠
ٟ فٚ ٌُ اٌؼبٟ فٜ أِبوٓ أخشٟي فٚخذ أثبس اٌجزشٚ لذٚ ٓ٠ اٌشافذٞادٚ ْٟ فٛ١ٍاٌجبث
دٛؼ٠ ٞ اٌزٚ شح اإلسفٍذ١ؼشف ثجس٠ ْ وبٚ ذ١ٌّسظ وبٌجسش اٛط اٌّز١ششق اٌجسش األث
. ب١ٌب ِصطٍر اإلسفٍذ اٌشبئغ زبٙ١ٌإ
ٟاٌزٚ جٗ ِٓ سطر األسض٠خ لش١ٌٚدػبد ثزشٛد ِسزٛخٚ ٌٝي إٚشخغ اوزشبف اٌجزش٠
) ٗ١ٌشاْ االص١ٌٕ ( اٝ وبٔذ رذػٟشاْ اٌز١ٌٕب اٙ١ رٕذٌغ فٚ ثخشح٢ب إِٙ وبٔذ رزسشس
. خ١وبٔذ رؼجذ٘ب ثؼط اٌّزا٘ت اٌضسادشزٚ
بد اٌّزسذح٠الٌٛ اٟب ف١ٔخ ثٕسٍفب٠الٚ ٟ ) فDrake (ه٠ َ زفش دس1581 َ ػبٟ ف
ٖسٛي– ثصٚخذ اٌجزشٛ٠ٚ ، ِزش21.11 ػّكٍٝي ػٚي ثئش ثسثب ػٓ اٌجزشٚخ أ١ى٠األِش
. أٌف ِزش22 - 22 ٓ١ذ ثٚ أػّبق ِخزٍفخ رزشاٍٝػبِٗ ػ
18222$ ٗخ ثىٍف١ى٠بد اٌّزسذح األِش٠الٌٛ اٟ َ ف1582 َ رُ ثٕبءٖ ػبٝي ِصفٚ أ
.َ 1338 َب ػب١سٚ سٟي خشد فٚش ٌٍجزش١ٗ رمط١ٍّي ػٚب أ١خ٠ اٌّسدً ربس
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
-فً بداٌات عام 0681م تم استخدام نظام التقطٌر المستمر ،و قد استمر تطوٌر طرق
اإلنتاج المستمر وقد سجل بصوره واسعة استخدام وحدات اإلنتاج المستمر عام 0101م.
-حالٌا و حدات اإلنتاج المستخدمة جمٌعها تعمل بطرٌقه التقطٌر المستمر .
ٌ -قصد بالتكسٌر الحراري فً مجال تكنولوجٌه البترول استخدام الحرارة وحدها أو مع وجود
عوامل مساعده معٌنه لتغٌر مكونات البترول و آسر األواصر للحصول على مكونات جدٌدة
لهل أوزان جزٌئٌه أوطأ من الخامات.
ٌ -قصد بها عملٌه فصل المزٌج السائل إلى عدد من النواتج لها مدى غلٌان ضٌق.
-فً المصافً األولٌة كانت عملٌه الفصل تتم بعدد من عملٌات التقطٌر المتعاقبة .
-الحقا حدث تطوٌر فً طرٌقه اإلنتاج حٌث استخدمت أبراج تقطٌر تعمل وفٌها ٌتم استخدام
عملٌه التكثٌف الجزئً ( ) Partial Condensationباستخدام المكثفات لتكثٌف خلٌط
البخار بدرجات حرارة مختلفة.
-عام 0111م تم تطوٌر طرٌقه الهدرجة وهً عبارة عن عملٌه تكسٌر حراري فً ضغوط
عالٌة بوجود الهٌدروجٌن .
-عام 0121هودري استخدم العامل المساعد فً هذه الطرٌقة ( سٌلٌكات األلمنٌوم .) 1
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
H. The company produces various types of products such as gasoline, jet fuel,
kerosene, gas oil and black oil for export and various types of oils, such as
motor oil, gasoline and motor oil for diesel and oils Machines and
Transformers products, asphalt, fuel gas and liquid gas ... etc..
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
Future Refineries:
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
بسبد١ك اٌس١ ٌزٕس1182 َ اٌؼشاق ػبٟثه) فٚي (أٚي اٌّصذسح ٌٍجزشٚرأسسذ ِٕظّخ اٌذ
إٌّظّخٛ٘ ثهٚ أ.خ٠الزصبدٚ خ١ٕي األػضبء ثّسبػذاد فٚذ اٌذ٠ٚرضٚ ،بٙخ ألػضبئ١ٌٚاٌجزش
،خ١ٌّق اٌؼبٛ اٌسٌٟخ ٌضجظ أسؼبس إٌفظ فٚ ِسبٟض ِٓ إٌفظ فٚ إداسح اٌّؼشٌٝذف إٙ رٟاٌز
.خ١اٌششائٚ ي إٌّزدخٚ الزصبداد وً ِٓ اٌذٍٝ لذ رؤثش ػٟرٌه ٌزدٕت اٌزمٍجبد اٌزٚ
.ب ٌٍّٕظّخ١ٍ رشزشن ثبٌّثً اٌؼٟاٌزٚ ش ٌٍٕفظ١ ِصذس وجٟ٘ ٌخٚ دٞزخ أِبَ أٛثه ِفزٚخ أ٠ٛػض
اٌؼشاقٚ ْشا٠ُ أػضبء ِؤسس إٙ١ ثّٓ ف،اٌٛخ ػضٚ د12 ثهٚ وبْ أ،2211 َاػزجبسا ِٓ ػب
.ال٠ٚفٕضٚ ذ٠ٛاٌىٚ
OAPEC was established in 1968 by Kuwait, Libya and Saudi Arabia. Its other
members include: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia and the United
Arab Emirates. Although they have several members in common, OAPEC is a
separate and distinct entity from OPEC (the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries), the 12-nation cartel that plays a pivotal part in determining global
petroleum prices.
ب١ج١ٌٚ ذ٠ٛ ِٓ لجً اٌى1185 َ ػبٟاثه) فٚي(اٚخ اٌّصذسح ٌٍجزش١ي اٌؼشثٚرأسسذ ِٕظّخ اٌذ
ٔسٛ ر،ب٠سٛ س، لطش، اٌؼشاق، ِصش،ٓ٠ اٌجسش، اٌدضائش:ٓ٠رشًّ أػضبء آخشٚ .خ٠دٛاٌسؼٚ
اثهٚ أ،اسُ اٌّشزشوخُٛ ػذح أػضبء ِٓ اٌمٙ٠ اٌشغُ ِٓ أْ ٌذٍٝ ػ.خ اٌّزسذح١اإلِبساد اٌؼشثٚ
ٟاٌزٚ ٌخٚ د12 إٌّظّخٚ ،)ي اٌّصذسح ٌٍٕفظٚثه (ِٕظّخ اٌذٚض ػٓ أ١ِّزٚ ًبْ ِسزم١ وٛ٘
.َق إٌفظ اٌخبٛ سٟب ف٠سٛسا ِسٚرٍؼت د
Husham Al.Tameemi
Chapter one: Introduction Petroleum Refining
Baytown, TX, USA 560,500
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