Snapshpt Issue 1 - Layout 1

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Written by NCTJ
trainees at Liverpool
Community College
If you have a story
you want reported
let us know. Email
the news editor at:
[email protected]
email [email protected] blog
Wednesday 6th October

A Life in Chocolate
by Chris Severs
For some, chocolate is ladies, was brought
Liverpool may
something to indulge in.
For others, chocolate is a
way of life.
The staff at The Chocolate
Cellar on Hanover Street,
through the basics of
prepping chocolate. The
aim; to create a batch of
rich, dark chocolate lol-
lipops and milk chocolate
run marathon
Liverpool One, will testify moulds. While spreading
to the latter. After a string the now melted chocolate
of awards for business and over the work-surface, I
taste, owner and creator caught up with Gill and
Bala Cromen is making Joyce Ward who were
inroads into the heart of there as a birthday present
Liverpool culture. During for Joyce. Gill, who was
one of the ‘Dabble’ delicately spreading and
classes offered by The manipulating the choco-
Chocolate Cellar, I wit- late before it set, com-
nessed first hand the tech- mentated: “It’s really
nique and mastery taught quite therapeutic”.... For
by Bala to a group of more on this story go to
eager students. The class, snapshotchris.blogspot.
made up of 4 enthusiastic com

Poor Old Satan! by this weeks news editor David Jenkins

by Billy Nelson

IVERPOOL could stage its first marathons in the UK - alongside the
There can be no better setting for a horror flick – marathon in over 20 years as it London Marathon and the Great North
stuck in an elevator with four Yanks and the Prince awaits its decision from the City Run.
of darkness. Poor old Satan. Council due to be made on the The event is said that it would
The story begins with a suicide, which according to nar- Friday, 1 October. incorporate Liverpool's major iconic
rator, Ramirez (Jacob Vargas) is the calling card for the The marathon would be held in October buildings, National Heritage Waterfront
arrival of the Devil. From the building, which the unfor- 2011 expecting to attract 10,000 com- and skyline that the city has to offer.
tunate soul took his life, we find five trapped people in a petitors generating a £3 million eco- The city awaits a decision about the
lift... nomic impact. Liverpool marathon which is set to be
To keep reading about The Devil go to The city has been short-listed after a made by the council on the first day of competitive tendering process by October.
Limelight sports to host the Blue Riband For more on this story go to davide-
MUSEUM EXPLORES race which would be one of the top


by Jim Fayle
The Merseyside Mar- becoming the first men to
itime Museum intro- circumnavigate the by Billy Nelson and Charlotte Hudson
duces us to the Antarctic.
A charity night is being held for a teenager Rod Stewart and Elton John. “I’m so excited!”
fascinating world of The exhibition describes who suffers from the rare medical he said: “I think everyone is going to have a
Antarctic exploration – how the vessel became condition Evans Syndrome. great night and I’ll be singing my favorite
‘Endurance: Shackle- trapped in ice – forcing Savva Paraskeva is being treated to a gala song - My Way.” The night is hosted by Wish
ton’s Antarctic Adven- the crew to abandon ship event at the Devonshire Hotel on the 13th of FM breakfast presenter, Kev Seed and in-
ture’ tells the story of an and camp on the frozen November. Organisers are hoping to raise cash cludes a
incredible tale of sur- Weddell Sea before to take him to Disney World and fund Alder Chinese buffet. Event organiser, Martin Cleary
vival. Shackleton sailed 800- Hey hospital in researching the disease. said: “Savva is a smashing kid and he’s gone
Evans syndrome is a rare disorder in which through so much suffering in his life. We hope
With Europe embroiled in miles in a small lifeboat –
the body makes antibodies that destroy the red to raise the awareness of Evans Syndrome and
the outbreak of the First- the James Caird – to get blood cells, platelets and white blood cells. I’m sure everybody will have a wonderful
World War Ernest Shack- help. Symptoms of the potentially fatal disease in- night”
leton and his 23-man crew For all of the article go clude a shortness of breath and bruising. Tickets are available for £200 a table of 12
set out in their boat En- to snapshot- Savva is a keen singer and will take the stage and can be booked by calling Martin on
durance with the aim of on the night alongside tribute acts Take That, 07802950569
For more information on Journalism and other courses at Liverpool Community College call 0151 252 3000
Big Hand for Meadows
by John
…and Maradona Entwistle
Simon Hughes:
No one does kitchen-sink quite like Shane Meadows. He is
undoubtedly one of the finest independent directors of his
time. Meadows’ gritty grown up representation of British
War on D ru gs
by Tierna Malone
life, both past and present, echo and often equal the work of
his idols Ken Loach and Mike Leigh.
This is England 86, a four-part mini series based on the 2006 Simon Hughes visits
film was vintage Meadows, and a return to form after the dis- students in Liverpool
appointing Somers Town (2008) and the uncharacteristic Le
Donk & Scor-Zay-Zee (2009). In particular, the final episode
has to be considered as some of the finest television drama of
the past decade. It was violent, emotional, funny, and undeni-
ably powerful....
For more of this review go to

Ignore the best -

keep the worst
by Rachel Naylor
It was the episode we’d long pauses that we fans
all been waiting for - the have become so accus-
night the X-Factor tomed to, there was an
judges revealed their added twist this weekend.
final twelve. Who would Controversially, the
make it through? Who judges have opted for a
would crack under the new tactic - to ignore the A leading MP has promised to visit problems in Liverpool, Hughes re-
pressure? best performances and Liverpool to experience for himself the sponded that the decriminalization of all
And are Cheryl and choose the worse contest- drug problem within the city. illegal drugs is a lib dem policy. actually to- ants. Simon Hughes, deputy leader of the lib- Arguing that the “war against drugs is
gether? For more of Rachel’s eral democrats, promised to return to being lost’ Hughes outlined his view that
Alongside the usual sob story go to therachelnay- Liverpool in order to witness drug use, Britain currently has the “wrong drug
stories and ridiculously and to review ways to best combat those policy”.

It’s Expendable
issues. For more information go to Tierna’s
When questioned on the current drug blog at

by John Train
The highly-anticipated re-
lease of the latest Sylvester
Stallone film brings to-
gether a rogue gang of for-
recognise from the 1980s.
The good guy is identifiably
good and the bad guy is very
obviously cruel and unpleas-
Landlord set
to Appeal
hire mercenaries, played by ant. The cast includes Stal- by Charlotte
an instantly recognisable lone, Jet Li, Mickey Rourke,
cast of aging action heroes. and Dolph Lundgren, all
Tailored for a nostalgic audi- good guys of differing de-
ence, The Expendables is an grees...
a most sentimental throwback For more from John go to The former landlord of a troubled Wirral pub reen Goulding, of Cherry Tree Mews,
to the type of action movie an is appealing against a decision to that he was on Milner’s terrace roof with his
audience would instantly revoke his licence. trousers around his ankles. He said: “It clearly

A Story of Love and

David Earnshaw was manager of Milner’s in wasn’t me. The person has actually came for-
Heswall from April when complaints were ward and admitted it was him.
made by neighbours. A licensing committee at Probably every person in Wirral has heard

Courage Hits the Stage Wallasey Town Hall in September, said coun-
cillors noted a “significant increase” in re-
about what’s happened, and these false com-
ments from neighbours are building a negative
ported incidents of nuisance and anti-social image of me - my reputation has been af-
by Kenny Parker behaviour from April. But Mr Earnshaw said: fected.”
Short and beautiful, Secret Believers tells a story of “Everything is wrong. I feel victimised, be- Mr Earnshaw said the last three months had
love and courage in the face brutality and cause of my age, and on a personal level, also. been clean and added that the council put an
oppression. We have gone to appeal, because I know action plan together nine weeks ago and they
Based on the true stories of Brother Andrew’s best- we’re in the right.” Mr Earnshaw, 24, said he had stuck to it. He said: “Police logs clearly
selling book of the same name, the play exposes the felt like neighbours had judged him because state that nearly 99 per cent of the time, after a
of his previous problems with Pre Lounge bar complaint was made, there was no noise, nui-
painful reality of persecution experienced by Muslim
in West Kirby, which also had its licence re- sance or breach of licence.”
converts to Christianity throughout the Muslim world. voked when he was manager. According to the 24-year-old, Milner’s started
Set in a non-descript middle-eastern country the story, He claims a neighbour living above Pre as a food venue serving from 12-
created for stage by David Robinson, begins with con- Lounge had a personal issue with him and tar- 10pm every day, aimed at families.
flict between a father and daughter when she confesses geted him by complaining to police. For more on this story go to
her faith in Jesus. Mr Earnshaw denied an accusation by Mau-
Keep reading for more articles from Kenny
For more information on Journalism and other courses at Liverpool Community College call 0151 252 3000

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