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e_a n M_n_u ������-A-T�P_a_c�����-ACG-pan1pac


3. Safety

3.1 General 1
3.2 lntended Purpose 2
3.3 Selection of Personnel and Organisational Measures 3
3.3.1 Qualification of personnel 3
3.3.2 Organisational measures 4
3.4 General Safety lnstructions 5
3.4.1 General instructions 5
3.4.2 Maintenance and servicing 5
3.4.3 Personal protective equipment 6
3.4.4 Safety equipments 7
3.4.5 Electrical energy 7
3.4.6 Pneumatics 8
3.4.7 Lubricants and chemicals 8
3.5 Safety Equipments 9
3.5.1 Emergency stop 9
3.5.2 Safety doors 9

3.6 Residual Risks and Safety Procedures 11

3.6.1 Residual risks during normal production 11

3.6.2 Residual risks during size parts change over 11
3.7 Environmental Protection 12

e_a M_n_u A_T_P_a_c ACG-pampac

3.1 General

The machine conforms to generally accepted engineering rules, as well as EC-Machine

Engineering Guidelines and fulfills the safety and health requirements specified in Appendix
l. The harmonized norms pertaining to machine safety have been adhered to.
The machine further conforms to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines (EMC) and
fulfills the other electrical and electronics requirements.
The electrical equipment complies with EN 60204-1 (applicab/e only far CE machine). The
protection class complies with IP 54.
Despite all the safety measures taken the machine can cause hazards leading to injury or
machine damage, if the machine is used incorrectly or far a purpose other than that
intended. Therefore, attempt to recognize and avoid hazards immediately.
The safety instructions in this section and in all of the documentation apply to all work carried
out on this line.
Take your time to read the following pages very thoroughly.
Safety instructions in the description warn you about particularly hazardous situations. AII
safety instructions absolutely must be observed.
Non-observance can result in serious injury, death, and/or damage to the line and accesso-
Befare starting up the machine, read the Operating lnstructions and information on externa!
equipments carefully and familiarize yourself with the handling of the entire machine.

\. -

e_a n M_n_u ������-A-T�P_a_c�����-ACG-pan,pac

3.2 lntended Purpose

The machine is exclusively intended far packaging of products far the pharmaceutical, cos-
metics, and food industries.
Any other use is not considered to be consistent with the intended purpose, and the manu-
facturer/supplier is not liable far any damage resulting from that.

Misuse of the machine must be avoided:

• The machine may only be set up by ACG Pampac personnel.

• The machine may not be independently modified or changed in any other way.
• The recommended operation and preventive maintenance described in the Operating
lnstructions may only be performed by trained and authorised personnel.
• The machine may only be operated in normal operating mode if all protective devices are
present, properly installed, and fully functional.
• AII faults and damages displayed by the system or otherwise indicated must be reported
and eliminated immediately.
• None of the operating conditions, such as performance data (pressures, dimensions,
weights, etc.) or materials defined in the Designated Purpose may be changed.
• Individual components of the machine may not be integrated into other production
• Personnel not in compliance with the defined requirements of these Operating lnstruc-
tions may not be used.
• Overriding end switches, valves, and other control components is prohibited.
• Changes on the entire electrical equipment have to be conducted without affecting the
EMC (e.g. far shielding, grounding, or cable installation).
• Add-on units installed must also conform to the EMC-guidelines and may not affect the
line negatively. This also applies to the exchange of units.
• When doing service work, no grounds or shielding may be opened up. lf this should be
required after all, the original condition has to be re-established after service.
• AII warning signs must be clearly visible and always legible.
The manufacturer/shipper is not responsible far any resulting damages. The user bears the
sale risk.

e_a M_n_u ������-A-T�P �����_ACG-pa111pac

3.3 Selection of Personnel and Organisational Measures

3.3.1 Qualification of personnel

Working with fully automatic high-speed equipment demands full attention. In emergencies,
fast reaction is required.
Only mentally alert and physically capable personnel must be chosen to work on the equip-
ment. The worker's ability must not be impaired by medication, alcohol or other intoxicating
Personnel thus selected far normal operation must be adequately trained befare they are
authorized to operate the equipment. Training results must comprise:
• An understanding of the production process.
• A basic understanding of the equipment.
• To know how to start and stop the equipment far normal operations.
• To be able to distinguish between the equipment's behaviour during normal operations
and in irregular or emergency situations.
• To know the procedure in cases of emergency.
• To know where and how to raise a pre-alarm and how to operate a fire extinguisher.
• To know and understand the safety rules and regulations.
• To clearly know their responsibilities and to refuse any advice by an unauthorised third
party that may not comply with safety regulations. During training, all relevant safety rules
must be observed and experienced personnel must supervise the training
• Personnel selected far the setup, maintenance and repair of the equipment must usually
have received vocational training. lt is expected that they have completely read this man-
ual and have acquired a full understanding of the equipment befare they commence any
work on it,
• Make sure that only authorised personnel work on the machine.
• Only employ trained or instructed personnel. Define personnel responsibilities far opera-
tion, set-up, maintenance and repair work clearly.
• Only allow personnel undergoing training or instruction to work on the machine under the
constant supervision of an experienced member of staff.
• Only authorized and trained electricians may look far and eliminate disturbances in the
electrical installations. Electrical safety procedures must be fully complied with.
A_T_P_a_c ACG -pampac
n M_n_u

3.3.2 Organisational measures

The manual must be available to the staff at all times. Make sure that, in addition to the man-
ual, general legal and other compulsory accident prevention and environmental protection
regulations are displayed and observed.
The staff responsible far working on the machine must have read and understood the man-
ual, and especially the chapter on safety, befare starting work. We recommend that the
works management obtain written confirmation of this. This applies particularly to staff who
are only employed on the machine occasionally, e.g. far set-up or maintenance work.
The works management is obliged to instruct the staff on how to use the machine and to
draw up compulsory works regulations regarding:
• Transportation
• lnstallation
• Tooling
• Set-up
• Operation
• Maintenance
• The responsibilities of all involved personnel must be clearly defined. Spot checks must
be carried out to ensure compliance.
• Use personal protection equipment wherever necessary.
• Observe all safety instructions and danger warnings on the machine.
• Make sure that all safety and warning signs are kept in place on the machine and in a leg-
ible condition.
• lf any safety-related changes occur in the machine or its operating procedures, switch
OFF the machine immediately and report the fault to the relevant authority I person.
• Do not make any alterations, extensions or modifications to the machine which may affect
its safety without the manufacturer's permission.
• Only original spare parts may be used.
• Do not make any programming changes to programmable control systems (software).
• Observe the intervals far recurrent tests and inspections prescribed or specified in the
Operating Manual
A-T Pac ACG-pampac

3.4 General Safety lnstructions

3.4.1 General instructions

• Ensure that the machine is operated in a safe and clean environment with all protective
devices and safety equipments in place.
• lnspect the machine far any externally visible damages and defects at least once per shift.
• In the event of malfunctions, switch off and lock the machine immediately. Make sure
faults are carrected immediately.
• Observe the 'Switch ON' and 'Switch OFF' procedures according to the manual.

3.4.2 Maintenance and servicing

• Observe the setting, maintenance and inspection procedures and intervals as prescribed
in the manual. These functions must be performed by well trained personnel.
• Befare and after maintenance/repairs, clean the machine with oil or other solvents.
• Do not use aggressive cleaning agents. Make sure cleaning rags are free of fluff.


Chemica/ substances used as c/eaning agents may pose a health hazard.

Observe the health and safety data sheets issued by the manufacturer of
such chemicals.

• Befare cleaning the machine with cleaning agents, cover ar seal all openings to control
cabinets and electric motars to avoid possible penetration of cleaning agents. After clean-
ing, remove all covers and adhesive strips.
• lnspect all motars and pneumatic elements far leakages, loase connections and dam-
ages. Repair the defects immediately.
lt is possible that a group of persons may well carry out maintenance work. This poses an
inherent hazard that can be avoided only if, additional safety precautions
are taken:
• The maintenance area must be adequately secured.
• The necessary tools must be ready befare hand.
• lf heavier sub-assemblies have to be moved, appropriate lifting equipments must be at
hand. The load must be safely attached to the lifting equipment.
Operating Manual
A·T Pac ACG-pampac

• lt is most important that any inadvertent start-up of the machine must be prevented. lf the
machine has to be started far observation purposes, all members of the group must be
informed anda safe distance must be maintained.
• Switch OFF the electrical power using main switch and pneumatic pressure by using shut
off valve befare maintenance.
• While under maintenance, appropriate warning messages, as the one below, should be
displayed on the machine.

CAUTION Equipment
under repairl
Danger o accident!

DO NOT switch ON DO NOT rernove tnis sign

To be removed only by :

• lt must be ensured that all protective covers are back in place and all screws are securely
fastened after the maintenance work is completed.
• Maintenance and repair related materials and wastes must be disposed off in compliance
with the pertinent environmental laws and regulations. This applies to wear parts, clean-
ing rags and chemicals such as cleaning solvents and lubricants.

3.4.3 Personal protective equipment

During normal production, there is no particular risk far the operating personnel, as the
machine is closed and adequate safety measures are incorparated. However the general
rules far safety at work in an industrial environment must be observed.
• Wear clase fitting garments (no wide sleeves).
• Avoid Jewellery ar other ornaments as they may hook on to machine parts.
• Wear industrial boots. No open toe sandals.

During cleaning, maintenance and repair, additional safety measures are required.

• Use barrier cream or wear protective gloves while using solvents and lubricants.
• Wear suitable head protection helmets if needed.

3.4.4 Safety equipments

The machine is equipped with a host of safety systems far a safe operation and to prevent
any damage to the operating / servicing personnel. These safety systems consist of Emer-
n M_n_u_l A_·_T_P_a_c ACG-pampac

gency stops, Safety doors, Sensors etc. The machine safety systems must never be
bypassed or tampered with. The manufacturer holds no responsibility far any accidents that
occur when the machine is operated bypassing the safety systems.

3.4.5 Electrical energy

Danger symbol far electrica/ power

No alterations may be made to the electrical installations.

Only use original fuses with the prescribed strength of current. lf faults occur in the electrical
energy supply, switch off the machine immediately.
Only authorized and trained electricians may look far and eliminate disturbances in the elec-
trical installations.
The electrical equipment of the machine must be inspected/tested regularly. Defects such as
loase connections or scorched cables must be eliminated immediately.

Befare any actual work is done on e/ectrica/ systems, the main switch must
be off

Machine parts which are to undergo inspection, maintenance and repair work must be dis-
connected from the voltage. The disconnected parts must be checked first to make sure that
they are not under voltage, then earthed and short-circuited. Adjacent parts under voltage
must also be isolated.
lf work has to be carried out on parts under voltage, a second person is necessary to press
the emergency stop key or main switch with over voltage release in the event of an emer-
gency. Cardan off the working area with a red and white safety chain and warning sign. Only
use insulated tools.
Unless maintenance is being carried out, the doors of electrical cabinet must always be
closed and locked. They can only be opened using a key, which must be allocated to autho-
rized person(s). Any work on the electrical systems must be carried out in accordance with
the wiring diagrams and terminal plans.
_p_e_a_i_g_M_a_n_a_ A_T_a_c ACG·PG"1PGC

3.4.6 Pneumatics

• Work Oíl pneurnatic installations must be carried out by experienced and specialized staff
• lnspect all pneumatic connections and fittinqs regularly far leakages or other visible dam-
ages. lf any damage is observed, it must be rectified immediately.
• Depressurise the pneurnatic systems according to cornponent descriptions befare open-
ing them far repair, maintenance etc.
• Have hydraulic and pneumatic lines laid and assembled by experts. Do ílot mix up con-
nections. Fittinqs. lenqth and quality of hoses and pipes must meet the requirernents.

3.4. 7 Lubricants and chemicals

When usinq oils, greases and other chemical substances. observe the safety requlations
applicable to the products concerned. The relevant data sheets are provided by all suppliers.

3.4.8 Gas, vapours, dust, smoke


Hazardous vapours may develop when burning PE, PET or PVC films.

Weldiílg, torch-cuttinq and griíldiílg work may be performed Oíl the rnachíne only if expressly
permitted. Such work may involve risk of fire and explosión.
Befare carryinq out aíly weldinq, torch-cuttinq and qrindinq work, clear the rnachine and its
surroundinqs of dust and combustible materials and ensure adequate ventilation (risk of

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