Foamed Bitumen: An Alternative Way of Producing Asphalt Mixtures
Foamed Bitumen: An Alternative Way of Producing Asphalt Mixtures
Foamed Bitumen: An Alternative Way of Producing Asphalt Mixtures
Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais 29 (2017) e198–e203
With the constant need to improve and make the production of asphalt mixtures more sustainable, new production techniques have
been developed, the implementation of which implies the correct knowledge of their performance. One of the most promising
asphalt production techniques is the use of foamed bitumen. However, it is essential to understand how this binder will behave
when subjected to the expansion process. The loss of volume of the foamed bitumen could be translated by a decay curve, which
allows to determine the ideal temperature and water content added to the bitumen in order to assure adequate conditions to the mix
the bitumen with the aggregates. On the present study, a conventional 160/220 pen grade bitumen was tested by using different
temperatures and water contents, and it was concluded that the optimum temperature for the production of foamed bitumen (with
the studied bitumen) is 150ºC, which corresponds to a viscosity of 0.1 Pa.s. The water content mostly influence the half-life of the
bitumen foam, resulting in quicker volume reductions for higher water contents.
© 2017
© 2017 Portuguese
Portuguese Society
Society of
of Materials
Materials (SPM).
(SPM). Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier España,
España,S.L.U.. All rights
S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Warm mix asphalt; foamed bitumen; asphalt mixtures; bitumen foaming characteristics.
© 2017 Portuguese Society of Materials (SPM). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Liliana Abreu et al. / Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais 29 (2017) e198–e203 e199
consumption, while improving the working conditions is the time measured between the moment that the
[4]. Associated to those main advantages, others can foamed bitumen reaches its maximum volume and the
be mentioned, namely, the cost reduction associated to moment it reaches half of that value. Jenkins [8] also
the lower energy consumption, the increase on the mentions the foam index (FI) as a characteristic that
transport distances due to the lower compaction should be used to choose the ideal conditions for the
temperatures [5], and could also extend the paving expansion process. The FI is obtained by applying a
windows [6], with the mixtures being applied in theoretical expression to the decay curve, and
conditions worse than those of hot mix asphalts calculating the area of the graph between the decay
(HMA). curve and a lower limit associated with the adequate
WMA mixtures can be produced by different viscosity of the bitumen to be mixed with the
techniques, using organic or chemical additives or aggregates. In terms of the decay curve (DC), this is
foaming processes [7]. The latter can be obtained by the representation of the evolution of the ER as a
water-containing technologies or by water-based function of the elapsed time.
technologies [6]. Water-containing technologies are The expansion characteristics of the bitumen is
obtained by incorporating additives which include influenced by different parameters. Some studies
water in their composition, while, in the water-based mention that a softer bitumen, combined with high
technologies, the water is injected into the hot bitumen temperatures, have better results than a harder bitumen
in small quantities and immediately added to the [9]. However, other study mentions that the viscosity
aggregates in the asphalt mixing chamber [4]. This is one of the most important parameters, i.e., different
process is normally more technically complex and bitumen foamed at equiviscous temperatures will have
requires a relatively large financial investment for identical characteristics [10].
plant modifications. For the present study, only one bitumen was analysed,
To the production of foamed bitumen by direct but with different water contents and temperatures, in
injection of water, the air and the water are injected in order to understand the influence of that type of
the bitumen as show in Fig. 1. variables on the bitumen decay curve.
its rheological properties have been tested (EN 14770) The dynamic viscosity of the bitumen (Fig. 3) is
[15] with the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR), for a important to determine the adequate temperature for
temperature range between 19 and 88ºC. testing the expansion characteristics. For that study, it
was decided to use the temperature at which the
2.2. Expansion characteristics bitumen presents a viscosity of 0.1 Pa.s at the
intermediate temperature tested (150ºC).
The expansion characteristics of foamed bitumen are
essential to define the optimum combination of 100000
The results obtained for the basic characteristics of the 3.2. Expansion characteristics
bitumen (Table 1), in terms of penetration and
softening point, were in accordance with the reference Analysing the results of bitumen foaming tests,
values for that type of bitumen. namely ERmax and HL, with different water contents
(Fig. 4), it could be concluded that a higher
Table 1. Penetration and softening point of the bitumen 160/220. temperature did not result in better results in terms of
Binder Penetration (0.1 mm) Softening Point (ºC) the expansion ratio (ER), and the results show that the
Bit. 160/220 173.3 38.4
temperature associated with the reference viscosity
value (0.1 Pa.s) conducted to the best combination of
expansion characteristics for the studied bitumen.
In terms of rheology, the results for complex modulus
and phase angle are presented in Fig. 2. The higher
performance grade (PG) limit obtained for this 140 °C 150 °C 160 °C
30 60
bitumen was 52ºC.
25 50
1000 90
20 40
HL (seconds)
100 80
15 30
Phase Angle (°)
10 70
10 20
1 60
5 10
0.1 50
0.01 40
0 0
10 30 50 70 90 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6%
Temperature (°C) Water content
Fig. 2. Complex modulus (continuous line) and Phase Angle Fig. 4. Essential expansion characteristics of the bitumen (filled
(dashed line) of the bitumen 160/220. markers - maximum expansion ratio, unfilled markers – half-life).
Liliana Abreu et al. / Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais 29 (2017) e198–e203 e201
As previously mentioned, a third parameter can be fitting of the three curves (Fig. 6). For that fitting, the
used to analyse the best combination of these two Origin software was used through the DoseResp
characteristics and their relationship. Thus, the FI has function for the category Growth/Sigmoidal. The
been calculated for all the combinations obtained and selection of that function is based on the good fitting
the results are presented in Table 2. obtained to all the results analysed.
140 585.54 553.21 590.20 572.52 20
150 687.19 739.76 635.55 611.12
160 395.66 444.09 459.30 457.91
With the results presented above it is possible to say 5
that the best results were obtained for the temperature
of 150ºC and 3% water content. Whatever the FI 0
0 20 40 60 80
values obtained for the studied bitumen, they are much Time (seconds)
higher than the values mentioned by Jenkins [8] as
desirable to be used in mixtures with reclaimed asphalt Fig. 6. Fitting made with the Origin software.
pavements and in half-warm asphalt mixtures (180
sec). In terms of ERmax, all values obtained also After this first analysis, where the function that
respect the desirable value mentioned by the author, describes the DC to all the parameters were obtained,
but the same did not happen to the HL, where the and in order to understand how the temperature and
desirable value is 13 seconds, which was not respected the water content change the foaming characteristics
in any test carried out at 160ºC and in the tests carried of the bitumen, the DC of the foamed bitumen
out with the water contents of 4 and 5% at 150ºC. produced at 150ºC with 3 % water was compared with
The decay curves (DC) of the bitumen for a given that of the foamed bitumen produced at the same
temperature and water content have been obtained for temperature but with 5% of water (Fig. 7) and with the
a numerical analyses of three different test repetitions. foamed bitumen produced at 140ºC and with the same
These have been performed due to the uncertainty of water content (Fig. 8).
the results obtained in each foamed bitumen injection.
Thus, three injections were carried out for each 35
combination of parameters (Fig. 5). 30 3%
35 25
30 20
25 15
10 0 20 40 60 80
5 Time (seconds)
0 Fig. 7. Decay curves of the foamed bitumen produced at 150ºC with
0 20 40 60 80 different water contents.
Time (seconds)
The results obtained for different water contents show
Fig. 5. Decay curves obtained in three repetitions of the expansion
tests (150ºC and 3% water content). that the higher the percentage of water the quicker the
FB volume decreases, which originates worse results
The proximity showed in the DCs give the possibility in terms of HL. In terms of the ERmax, the results
to convert these three curves in a unique curve using a were very similar, as previously presented in Fig. 4.
e202 Liliana Abreu et al. / Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais 29 (2017) e198–e203
35 Acknowledgements
30 150
This work was funded by FEDER funds through the
25 Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors –
COMPETE, given to the project “Energy Efficiency
and Environmental Design of Bituminous Mixtures to
Reduce Emissions of Greenhouse Gases” (QREN-SI
090528), of the company ELEVO Group, which was
5 carried out in cooperation with the University of
0 Minho. Thanks are also due to the Foundation for
0 20 40 60 80 Science and Technology (FCT) for funding allocated
Time (seconds) through the PhD Scholarship SFRH/BD/85448/2012,
Fig. 8. Decay curves of the foamed bitumen produced with 3% and to the companies GALP and ELEVO Group., who
water using different temperatures. provided the binder and the reclaimed asphalt used in
this study.
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foamed bitumen, it is clear that a small variation on
the temperature can change the behaviour of the DC in References
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