The document provides a list of irregular English verbs. It includes the infinitive form, past tense, past participle, and meaning of each irregular verb. There are over 50 irregular verbs listed along with their conjugations and definitions in both English and Spanish.
The document provides a list of irregular English verbs. It includes the infinitive form, past tense, past participle, and meaning of each irregular verb. There are over 50 irregular verbs listed along with their conjugations and definitions in both English and Spanish.
The document provides a list of irregular English verbs. It includes the infinitive form, past tense, past participle, and meaning of each irregular verb. There are over 50 irregular verbs listed along with their conjugations and definitions in both English and Spanish.
The document provides a list of irregular English verbs. It includes the infinitive form, past tense, past participle, and meaning of each irregular verb. There are over 50 irregular verbs listed along with their conjugations and definitions in both English and Spanish.
Infinitive Past Participle Meaning/Significado Be was/were been ser, estar llegar a ser, Become became become convertirse Begin began begun empezar, comenzar Bring brought brought traer, llevar Build built built construir Buy bought bought comprar poder, saber, ser Can could been able (to) capaz Catch caught caught coger, atrapar Choose chose chosen elegir, escoger Come came come venir Cost cost cost costar Do did done hacer Draw drew drawn dibujar Drink drank drunk beber Drive drove driven conducir Dwell dwelt/dwelled dwelt/dwelled habitar Eat ate eaten comer Fall fell fallen caer Feed fed fed alimentar Find found found encontrar Fly flew flown volar, pilotar Get got got obtener, conseguir Give gave given dar Go went gone ir Have had had tener, haber Hear heard heard oír, escuchar Hit hit hit golpear Hold held held sostener, agarrar mantener, seguir Keep kept kept (haciendo algo) Know knew known saber, conocer Learn learnt learnt aprender Leave left left marcharse, abandonar Lose lost lost Use of English perder B1 Make made made hacer, fabricar Mean meant meant significar, querer decir conocer, encontrarse Meet met met con alguien Put put put poner, colocar Read read read leer Run ran run correr Say said said decir See saw seen ver Send sent sent enviar Shoot shot shot disparar Sing sang sung cantar Sit sat sat sentarse Sleep slept slept dormir Speak spoke spoken hablar Spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled deletrear pasar (tiempo), gastar Spend spent spent (dinero) Spin spun spun girar, dar vueltas permanecer, estar de Stand stood stood pie Stick stuck stuck pegar(se) Swim swam swum nadar balancearse, Swing swung swung columpiarse Take took taken coger, llevar Tell told told decir, contar Think thought thought pensar, creer Understand understood understood entender, comprender Usar (ropa), llevar Wear wore worn puesto Win won won Ganar Write wrote written escribir