Preliminary Report of Hiv and Toxoplasma Gondii Occurrence in Pregnant Women From Mozambique

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Rev. Inst. Med. Trop.

Sao Paulo
52(6):291-295, November-December, 2010
doi: 10.1590/S0036-46652010000600002



Sonia Paula Benedito Luis SITOE(1), Bernardete RAFAEL(1), Luciana Regina MEIRELES(2), Heitor Franco de ANDRADE JR.(2) & Ricardo THOMPSON (1)


Toxoplasmosis, a protozoan disease, causes severe disease in fetuses during pregnancy and deadly encephalitis in HIV patients.
There are several studies on its seroprevalence around the world, but studies focusing on African countries are limited in number and
mostly anecdotal. We studied two groups of samples from Mozambique by ELISA, using serum samples from 150 pregnant women
and six Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from AIDS patients with encephalitis. HIV status was confirmed, and CD4 blood counts
were obtained from HIV-positive pregnant women. IgG seroprevalence of the group as a whole was 18.7% (28/150), with a higher
prevalence in HIV-positive individuals compared to those who were HIV-negative (31.3%, [18/58] vs. 10.9%, [10/92]) patients.
These data may be biased due to cumulative effects of exposition affecting disease prevalence. If corrected, this data may indicate
an interaction of HIV and T. gondii. Prevalence of both diseases increases with age, but this is more clearly seen for toxoplasmosis
(p < 0.005) than HIV infection, possibly explained by higher transmission of HIV after childhood. In HIV patients suffering from
encephalitis, CSF serology showed that 33% of specific IgG CSF had a high avidity, which was in accordance with the data from
the group of pregnant women. Lower prevalence rates of both infections in older groups could be explained by more deaths in the
infected groups, resulting in an artificially lower prevalence. Using CD4 counts as a marker of time of HIV infection, and correcting
for age, patients with contact with T. gondii had fewer CD4 cells, suggesting prolonged HIV disease or other causes. Toxoplasma
IgG prevalence is higher in HIV+ groups, which could be ascribed to HIV- and T. gondii-associated risk factors, such as exposure to
higher and more diverse social contacts. The low incidence of Toxoplasma IgG in younger age groups shows that transmission could
be related to better access to cyst-containing meat in adulthood, as environmental transmission due to oocysts is usually blamed for
higher incidence in children. Taken together, these data support the urgent need of research in toxoplasmosis in Africa, especially in
the presence of HIV epidemics.

KEYWORDS: Austral Africa; Toxoplasmosis; HIV; Serology; Pregnant women.

INTRODUCTION observed in the later stages of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

infection (MASCHKE et al., 2000). Its incidence is directly related to the
Toxoplasma gondii infection occurs worldwide, and it is one of the prevalence of anti-T. gondii antibodies in the general population (PASSOS
most common infections in humans. The infection is mainly acquired et al., 2000). The prevalence of toxoplasmosis (between 30% and 60% in
by ingestion of undercooked or raw meat containing viable tissue cysts, most countries) varies widely in different regions of the globe (TENTER
or by ingestion of food and water that is contaminated with oocysts shed et al., 2000). Few studies on this prevalence have been conducted in sub-
by felids (DUBEY & JONES, 2008). Although the course of the primary Saharan Africa (SHIMELIS et al., 2009, LINDSTRON et al., 2006) or
infection is usually subclinical and the vast majority of the infected human in Austral Africa. Instead, studies have mostly been conducted in South
population remains asymptomatic, the infection can cause significant Africa (HARI et al., 2007), where the disease was first described in the
morbidity and mortality in certain groups (WEISS & DUBEY, 2009). 1950s (BECKER, 1954; FASSER, 1955).
Toxoplasmosis can cause severe disease in fetuses of acutely infected
pregnant women (MONTOYA & REMINGTON, 2008). Additionally, the In Mozambique, physicians anecdotally report congenital
reactivation of latent infection occurs in immune compromised patients, toxoplasmosis or AIDS encephalitis, but the true occurrence of
causing life-threatening disease, especially encephalitis (PASSOS et al., toxoplasmosis, which is currently estimated by anti-T. gondii antibodies
2000). Encephalitis due to reactivated toxoplasmosis is one of the most in pregnant women and patients with HIV/AIDS is unknown. We believe
common opportunistic neurological infections in AIDS patients, typically that defining the occurrence of toxoplasmosis, using anti-T.gondii

(1) Instituto Nacional de Saúde, Ministério da Saúde de Moçambique.

(2) Lab. Protozoologia, Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Correspondence to: Heitor Franco de Andrade Jr., Lab. Protozoologia IMTSP, Av. Dr. Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar 470, 05403-000 São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Phone +55.11.3061-7010. Fax
+55.11.3088-5237. E-mail : [email protected]
SITOE, S.P.B.L.; RAFAEL, B.; MEIRELES, L.R.; ANDRADE Jr., H.F. & THOMPSON, R. - Preliminary report of HIV and Toxoplasma gondii occurrence in pregnant women from Mozambique.
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 52(6): 291-5, 2010.

antibodies during antenatal care in pregnant women or in AIDS patients RESULTS

in our community, would reduce the risk of treatable damage to the CNS
and the high morbidity of this type of patient (MASCHKE et al., 2000). We studied two groups of samples using ELISA methods. The
populations studied included serum samples from 150 pregnant women
The objective of this study was to determine the occurrence of from public prenatal care clinics and 6 CSF samples from AIDS patients
toxoplasmosis in samples from public health system hospitals and clinics with encephalitis from the “Hospital Central de Maputo”. HIV status
from the Maputo area, by detecting T. gondii-specific IgG antibodies from was confirmed by serology, and CD4 blood counts were obtained for
women in the first trimester of their pregnancy, and also by titering these HIV-positive pregnant women. The age of the subjects ranged from 15
antibodies and their avidity in Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from to 50 years old, with an average of 32 years.
AIDS patients with suspected encephalitis.
The overall occurrence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies, as shown
MATERIALS AND METHODS in Fig. 1, was 18.7% (28/150) with only one case (3.6%, 95% C.I.
0.09-16) associated with anti- T. gondii IgM antibodies. Toxoplasmosis
Samples: We studied 150 serum samples from pregnant women occurrence was more prevalent in HIV-positive patients (31.3%, 18/58),
seeking first trimester prenatal care. Serum samples were also tested for when compared to HIV-negative patients (10.9%, 10/92) (p < 0.005), with
HIV infection, and CD4 counts were determined in positive samples. CSF a 3.6 Odds Ratio for Toxoplasma infection in HIV-infected individuals.
from HIV-positive patients with suspected encephalitis from Hospital In samples from HIV patients with encephalitis, cerebrospinal fluid
Central de Maputo, the large public health facility, were available for serology showed a 33% (95% CI 4-77%) occurrence of specific anti-T.
confirming Toxoplasma encephalitis using specific antibody detection gondii IgG of high avidity in CSF, which was expected according to the
and avidity assays. This study was performed with approval of the Ethics occurrence in this group, and based on our data from the pregnant women.
Commission of HCM and INS and informed consent was obtained from
patients or their relatives before collection. All samples were immediately
processed and stored at -20 °C until use.

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): Serum

samples were examined by immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA) using
the commercial kits Toxoplasma gondii IgG ELISA (TOXG-013) and
Toxoplasma gondii IgM µ-capture ELISA (T0XM-016) (ELISA-IBL
Imuno-Biological Laboratories®, Hamburg, Germany) to identify
the presence of immunoglobulin IgG and IgM, according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) IgG Avidity: The IgG avidity assay was
performed as elsewhere described (MEIRELES et al., 2004) with minor
modifications. ELISA microplates (Multiwell plate/polystyrene, Sigma)
were coated with 100 mL/well of a solution containing 10 mg/mL of the T.
Fig. 1 - Proportion of Toxoplasma-specific antibody detection in sera from pregnant women
gondii antigen extract diluted in 6M urea pH 7.0, incubated overnight at
in Mozambique, in total and sorted according to HIV status, and CSF from encephalitis AIDS
4 °C and blocked for one hour at 37 °C with 2% fat free dry milk. Undiluted
patients. Bars represent 95% confidence interval. In HIV infected women, the odds ratio for
CSF was applied to two wells and incubated for one hour at 37 °C. After toxoplasma infection is 3.6 times higher.
this, one well was washed with 100 mL of 6M urea pH 7.0, and incubated
at 37 °C for 10 min. After the incubation, bound IgG was revealed by The occurrence of both HIV or Toxoplasma infections increases with
specific peroxidase conjugate and o-phenylenediamine. The A492nm was age, as shown in Fig. 2, but this is more clearly seen in toxoplasmosis
determined in the control and urea treated wells by spectrophotometry (p < 0.005) than in HIV infection (p < 0.05), with similar slopes, but
(Multiskan MS). The avidity of each sample was calculated as the percent different intercepts.
of A492nm resistant to urea. Samples with more than 75% A492nm resistance to
urea treatment were considered to have high avidity. Samples with control Looking for interaction between both infections, we sorted the
well values greater than the mean plus three SD of A492nm of negative wells patients according to HIV status to look for occurrence of Toxoplasma-
were considered positive for T. gondii IgG and toxoplasmosis. specific antibody, or according to occurrence of Toxoplasma specific
antibody and frequency of HIV infection in age groups, as shown in
Statistics: Comparisons of frequencies of events between groups Fig. 3. There was a clear increase of Toxoplasma occurrence according
were performed using two-tailed Chi-square tests. Comparisons of to age groups in both HIV-negative (Fig. 3A) and HIV-positive groups
quantitative data, such as CD4+ counts, were performed using Student’s (Fig. 3B), but the curves were quite diverse, due to a difference in age of
t-tests. Age evolution was tested using linear regression and goodness first contact with the agent. The difference in intercepts was significant (p
to fit or r2, with confidence interval comparison between slopes and < 0.004), without a difference in their slopes. Thus, HIV-infected pregnant
intercepts. Differences were considered significant when the probability women appeared to have had contact with T. gondii at lower ages than
of equality was less than 0.05 (p < 0.05). We used for all calculations non-infected women, with a difference of almost 13 years, but after this,
the statistical software Graph Pad Prism 5.0 (GraphPad Software, San the increase of occurrence with age was similar for both groups. After
Diego California USA, sorting by occurrence of Toxoplasma-specific antibody, the occurrence

SITOE, S.P.B.L.; RAFAEL, B.; MEIRELES, L.R.; ANDRADE Jr., H.F. & THOMPSON, R. - Preliminary report of HIV and Toxoplasma gondii occurrence in pregnant women from Mozambique.
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 52(6): 291-5, 2010.

by low CD4 mean counts, appears to be more intense in Toxoplasma

infected patients. This fact is not associated with the age effect or with
delayed HIV disease in Toxoplasma-free persons, as it was clearly seen in
younger age groups (< 30 years old), whereas older people did not show
the same T. gondii infection effect in their CD4+ cell counts.


Our data concerning the frequency of anti-T. gondii antibodies was

similar to other findings in Africa, and suffered from the same problems
of sampling populations as similar reports (ZUMLA et al., 1991,
LINDSTRON et al., 2006, NABIAS et al., 1998). The planning of an
adequate and reliable search for toxoplasmosis is urgently needed in
Africa, due to the HIV epidemic and the risk of severe lethal or disabling
opportunistic Toxoplasma encephalitis (MAKUWA et al., 1999).
Fig. 2 - Proportion of HIV- and Toxoplasma-specific antibody detection in sera from pregnant
women from Mozambique, in total and sorted according to age group. We studied a relatively uniform population, without age differences
and of the same ethnicity. The occurrence of both diseases increased
of HIV infection clearly increased with age in pregnant women without with subject age, which is expected with constant exposure. This fact
Toxoplasma antibodies (Fig. 3C), but this was not observed in pregnant could be explained by a higher transmission of HIV during adulthood
women with T. gondii antibodies, who presented with a higher frequency in our sample population. Stable or slightly lower occurrences of both
of HIV infection despite its age group (Fig. 3D). infections in older groups could be explained by biased selection of
non-infected survivors (resulting from death of infected patients), a
HIV evolution, as measured by CD4+ cell counts, was evident in defect of cross-sectional studies and the prevalence of HIV infection.
the data shown in Fig. 4. The progression of HIV disease, as indicated HIV occurrence was higher than toxoplasmosis in our population, but

Fig. 3 - Occurrence of HIV or toxoplasmosis in age groups, sorted for the other disease serology in pregnant women from Mozambique. A and B: Toxoplasmosis occurrence according to HIV
status A: HIV negative samples, B: HIV positive samples. C and D: HIV occurrence according to toxoplasmosis status C: Toxoplasmosis negative samples, D: Toxoplasmosis positive samples.
Regression was estimated as continuous lines and numbers are expressed as positive/total in each point.

SITOE, S.P.B.L.; RAFAEL, B.; MEIRELES, L.R.; ANDRADE Jr., H.F. & THOMPSON, R. - Preliminary report of HIV and Toxoplasma gondii occurrence in pregnant women from Mozambique.
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 52(6): 291-5, 2010.

2005), or nonspecific CD4 cell proliferation induced by toxoplasmosis

(PURNER et al., 1998). Malaria has similar effects in HIV patients with
more severe infections, especially in infants and pregnant women. There
is evidence that HIV progression could be more rapid in malaria patients,
due to increases in transient viral load in malarial bouts (REITHINGER
et al., 2009).

Management of HIV epidemics has been established in industrialized

countries without frequent transmissible diseases, but must be reevaluated
in Africa, where hyperendemic diseases such as malaria increase the
complexity of host disease interactions that alter the immune system’s
control strategies for all diseases (STILLWAGGON, 2009). Data obtained
elsewhere may not apply to areas with other hyperendemic diseases
that enhance HIV transmission or disease progression. Our preliminary
data includes toxoplasmosis in those diseases. This perverse circuit of
meat that can transmit Toxoplasma, thereby increasing the severity of
Fig. 4 - Blood CD4+ cells counts in HIV-pregnant women from Mozambique Maputo, HIV, and with malaria, resulting in longer life with higher viral loads
according to toxoplasmosis serology and age groups. Open symbols = Toxoplasma negative and more transmission, increases the burden of HIV in Africa. Our data
Closed symbols = Toxoplasma positive. Significant differences are marked as (*) and its suggests that Toxoplasma infection could also affect HIV evolution,
absence as (NS). Bars represent mean values and SEM.
either by increasing the risk of rapid evolution of HIV infection or as an
opportunistic infection, with disabling or lethal encephalitis.
toxoplasmosis occurrence was higher in the HIV-infected population,
suggesting an interaction between diseases. These data could be biased This data supports the urgent need of research in toxoplasmosis in
according to the cumulative effect of deaths due to HIV that similarly Africa, especially in the presence of HIV epidemics. The occurrence
could affect occurrence measure. This association of toxoplasmosis and peculiarities of toxoplasmosis in Mozambique revealed by this
and HIV was seen elsewhere in Africa (ZUMLA et al., 1991), but there study emphasize the importance of increasing public awareness about
are few studies of the non-HIV-infected population (SHIMELIS et al., the infection in Mozambique. Further studies of toxoplasmosis, in either
2009, LINDSTRON et al., 2006). We found a higher toxoplasmosis Maputo or other areas of Mozambique, such as Chokwé and Cape
occurrence in the HIV-positive groups as compared to HIV-negative Delgado, are needed to improve our knowledge on the risk of congenital
pregnant women that could be ascribed to common or associated risk toxoplasmosis and Toxoplasma encephalitis in HIV/AIDS patients. A
factors for both infections, such as exposure to both sexual contacts and program for serodiagnosis and prevention of toxoplasmosis in pregnant
meat consumption. This fact is also shown in anti-T.gondii IgG frequency women or HIV-positive patients could reduce the burden and disabilities
by age group, with a delay of toxoplasmosis risk in older groups of the in Toxoplasma infections in Mozambique.
HIV-negative population, which suggests that the transmission could
be related to reduced exposure to cyst-containing meat in adult life, RESUMO
and not an environmental transmission due to oocysts (which is usually
associated with a higher incidence in children) (BAHIA-OLIVEIRA Descrição preliminar da ocorrência de infecção pelo HIV e
et al., 2003). Several explanations for the interaction between both toxoplasmose em mulheres grávidas em Moçambique
infections resulting in high Toxoplasma infection in HIV patients have
been previously proposed (LIN & BOWMAN, 1992). One possibility Toxoplasmose, uma protozoonose, causa doença grave em fetos de
is an increase in risky behavior in Toxoplasma infected individuals that mulheres grávidas com infecção aguda e encefalite letal em portadores
leads to increased exposure to HIV infection. Such a change in behavior de HIV. Apesar de muitos estudos sobre sua prevalência no Mundo,
could be due to parasite-driven personality changes, as described in existem apenas alguns relatos da toxoplasmose na África Austral,
Toxoplasma-infected individuals in the Czech Republic (FLEGR et al., geralmente anedóticos. Estudamos por ELISA dois grupos de amostras de
1996). Another plausible explanation is that Toxoplasma infection is a Moçambique, usando 150 amostras de soros de mulheres grávidas e seis
marker of exposure to risky social contacts or habits, which correlates amostras de Liquido Cefalorraquidiano (LCR) de pacientes com AIDS e
with early HIV infection. The access to infected meat would be only a encefalite. O estado da infecção pelo HIV foi confirmado e a contagem
marker of migration from small isolated villages to bigger cities or the de células CD4+ no sangue foi obtida das pacientes grávidas infectadas
improvement of quality of life by better income, resulting in more social pelo HIV. No grupo das gestantes, IgG anti T.gondii foi encontrada em
contacts, which could also be associated with HIV infection. 18.7% (28/150), mais freqüente em pacientes HIV positivas (31.3%,
18/58) do que em HIV negativas (10.9%, 10/92). A ocorrência de ambas
The lower CD4 counts found in HIV patients who also presented as doenças aumenta com a idade, mais claramente vista na toxoplasmose
with anti-T. gondii antibodies, as compared to HIV patients without (p < 0.005) do que na infecção pelo HIV, devido maior transmissão do
those antibodies, suggests intense HIV disease progression in this HIV após a infância. Na encefalite em pacientes HIV+, a sorologia do
group. Progression could be caused by HIV infection of more CD4 cells LCR mostrou uma ocorrência de 33% de IgG especifica de alta avidez,
with higher viral loads and progressive disease in T. gondii chronically que está de acordo com a ocorrência neste grupo etário, baseado nos dados
infected patients. Toxoplasma infection can promote an increase in CD4 de nossas gestantes. A menor ocorrência de ambas as infecções em grupos
cells by a strong specific immune response (DENKERS & BUTCHER, etários mais idosos pode ser explicada pela mortalidade cumulativa por

SITOE, S.P.B.L.; RAFAEL, B.; MEIRELES, L.R.; ANDRADE Jr., H.F. & THOMPSON, R. - Preliminary report of HIV and Toxoplasma gondii occurrence in pregnant women from Mozambique.
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 52(6): 291-5, 2010.

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work was communicated as an abstract at the 13th International Congress de Franceville (Gabon). Bull Soc Pathol Exot. 1998;91:318-20.

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eceived: 15 June 2010
Accepted: 17 September 2010


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