39 Dark 2P
39 Dark 2P
39 Dark 2P
A roleplaying game for two players about
protest, responsibility, and sacrifice.
By Tim C Koppang
TCK • Roleplaying
Westmont, Illinois
Copyright © 2014 by Tim C Koppang.
“The President, Congress, and the Courts have forgotten that the costs
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied in any form without of bad policy are always borne by ordinary citizens, and it is our job to
the express written permission of its author. remind them that there are limits to what we will pay.”
Thank you to my Kickstarter backers; without you, this game would not have
been possible. Thank you to everyone who listened to me prattle on about
politics and Mars — again. Finally, thanks, with love, to my wife for her con-
tinuing support in all my endeavors.
tck • roleplaying
There are four points of intersection on the Faction Map. These 27
intersections are labeled with one of four colors: Steel, Midnight,
Gold, and Scarlet. Each color is the name of one of four major
Factions within the 39 Dark movement on Mars. No single Faction
dominates 39 Dark. They all share the common goal of effecting
serious change on the Martian political landscape, and yet they all
39 DARK have different ideas about how 39 Dark should go about achieving
its overarching goal.
Adjacent organizations overlap with their neighbors; however, di-
agonal organizations never intersect. Where the Governor places the
different organizations on the map will determine the personalities of
many of the characters created in the game.
Fringe Group Fringe Group
[ News Network Corp. ] [ Colony Government ] Peacekeepers. The Peacekeepers are a paramilitary police force
organized by the Colony’s first deputy mayor, now retired, Rebeca
Coalition President
Arnold Fletcher Collins. The Peacekeepers are still ostensibly an arm of the Colony’s
Network Chief Feed Writer
Serena Panin Silje Asp executive branch, but have recently claimed greater independence
Colony Mayor Coalition Rep. under its Chief Commander, Zaki Jau. Projectile weapons of any sort
Iara Dias Ela Verma are banned on Mars in order to promote safety and the integrity of
Lead Anchor Beat Reporter the Colony domes. Anyone in possession of a projectile weapon is
Theo Meyer Sydney Fane
Council Member Council Member
Gartee Ba Tanya Koch
severely punished, including Peacekeepers. Therefore, officers in the water, hydroponically grown food, and other basic supplies. Despite
Peacekeepers carry stun batons. The batons have become a symbol the government’s crackdown on organized labor, the UWM continues
32 of power and oppression to many citizens. to draw members. In-fighting abounds within the union, but political 33
pressure has nonetheless galvanized Martian workers.
News Network Corporation. The Network is the Colony’s only ma-
jor news source. While the Network has many employees, there are a
few key voices including Network Chief Serena Panin, feed writer Silje
Asp, beat reporter Sydney Fane, and lead anchor Theo Meyer. The The Savior places nine tokens in the circle labeled Loyal on the Char-
Network has long been scrutinized for regurgitating the government’s acter Worksheet. The other circles, Treasonous and Hope, begin
version of major news events, while simultaneously sensationalizing empty. Together these circles represent Lane Novak’s reputation with
reports from everyday citizens. Idealism is a rare commodity at the the general populace of Mars Colony, including the members of 39
Network. Dark. Lane begins the game with a reputation for being a loyal citizen.
In play, the Savior will move tokens among the three reputation circles
United Workers of Mars (UWM). The Union exists in spite of itself,
depending on Lane’s methods and whether she succeeds or fails in
and in spite of official opposition from the Colony government. The
achieving the goals of 39 Dark. For example, as tokens move from
government claims that unionization is illegal, and that any work stop-
Loyal to Treasonous during the game, certain citizens will begin to
page would gravely endanger Martian citizens who depend on the
suspect Lane of treason. As the Savior continues to move tokens into
continual flow of the various mined minerals, chemically generated
Lane Novak Faction :
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Timeline
Followers : the Treasonous circle, citizens will demand that the Colony govern-
ment stop Lane.
L oya l The Savior chooses a Faction for Lane Novak. Lane’s Faction does not
dictate her actions, but instead represents the reputation she has for
political change. Lane may be mildly sympathetic or fanatically loyal
Hope Tre a s o n o u s
to her Faction’s point of view. The choice is left to the Savior, and may
evolve over the course of the game.
Agenda & Call to Action Hope Change Total The Savior creates a list of three Followers that are close to Lane No-
1 vak. The first must be a relative. The second must be a lover. The third
must be a fanatic connected to the 39 Dark movement.
Each Follower must be named, and assigned to one of the four
Factions. Each Follower should be someone for whom Lane would
find it painful to lose. Therefore, the Savior should elaborate on a few Each category is vague, and does not by itself comprise an
details concerning Lane’s relationship with her Followers. Agenda. To complete the process, the players should discuss specific
36 problems in Mars Colony that relate to the category they have chosen. 37
S T A G E 7: A G E N D A S From there, the players must define the Agenda as a specific Call to
The players collaboratively create the first Agenda that 39 Dark will
pursue. Over the course of the game, 39 Dark may adopt a total of Example : John and Mary choose the category “rationing” for their
five such Agendas; however, the group starts with just one. Only after first Agenda. Before doing anything else, they discuss
Lane and 39 Dark have made Significant Progress towards achieving what sort of rationing is (or is not) being implemented
their first Agenda will the players create a second. Each time they are in Mars Colony. They discuss different possible types of
required to create a new Agenda, the players should begin by jointly rationing, such as food, power, and water. They also dis-
selecting one of the following categories: cuss the current political situation surrounding rationing in
the Colony: Who is involved? What are the entrenched
personal expression, information sharing, elections,
interests under the current system? Etc.
representation, transparency, privacy, travel, wages, healthcare,
education, immigration, work assignment, rationing, policing, Once the players have settled on the basic details, they need to nar-
sanitation, corporate rights, equality, technology access, worship, row and define the Agenda. Only when the Agenda has been defined
outer-dome settlements, criminal justice, housing allocation as a Call to Action are you ready to begin. Once decided, the Savior
should record the finalized Agenda on the Character Worksheet un-
der the matching heading.
Example : John and Mary settle on water rationing. They must then
define a specific Call to Action. They choose: “Water
rationing should be based on need, not ability to pay.”
This final sentence is the completed Agenda, and John
records it on the Character Worksheet.
Progress Scenes move the game’s storyline forward and provide the 51
Savior with an opportunity to implement Lane Novak’s plans for 39
Dark. Progress Scenes are mechanically rich with multiple dice rolls
and decision points; however, without quality Personal and Opposi-
tion Scenes leading up to Progress Scenes, they can also be narra-
tively bland and repetitive. It is important to make all three scene types
overlap and complement each other for a full experience.
During a Progress Scene, the Savior will try to generate as many
Change Points as possible in one of the Agendas. Change Points
measure Lane’s progress as leader of 39 Dark.
If the Savior can generate 40 or more total Change Points in one
Agenda, then Lane has made Significant Progress towards ensuring
greater freedom in that area of political influence. If the Savior can
generate 80 or more Change Points in an Agenda, then Lane has
succeeded in accomplishing the specific Call to Action that defines
the Agenda. Additional Change Points beyond 80 in a single Agenda Savior crosses off the 1, then the current Progress Scene will be the
indicate that the people have enshrined the values represented by the last full scene of the game.
52 Agenda in their consciousness. 53
The Savior frames the scene by describing who is present, where they
In order, the Savior: are, and what is happening. Next, the Savior declares which of the
Agendas on the Character Worksheet Lane will be trying to improve.
1. Checks off the next number on the Timeline;
He also describes Lane’s plan and goal. The plan is a basic outline
2. Frames the scene, and defines the plan and goal;
of how Lane will attempt to advance at least one specific area associ-
3. Declares the starting Action Level;
ated with the Agenda. The goal is what Lane hopes to achieve in the
4. Makes a series of dice rolls to generate Change Points; and
short term even as she keeps in mind the broader Call to Action as the
5. Ends the scene when he stops rolling, or rolls a failure.
overarching goal for the Agenda. If Lane is able to generate enough
Change Points in a single Progress Scene, her temporary goal may
expand to include the entire Agenda itself. For this reason, goals may
The Savior crosses off the next highest number listed on the Character be large in scale. Plans may take hours, days, or even months to
Worksheet’s “Timeline,” starting with 9 and moving down to 1. If the complete.
The goal and plan are what Lane hopes will happen, not neces- and extended or large-scale demonstrations that disrupt Colony func-
sarily what will happen. The Savior should not pre-narrate any of tions. Violent Uprising includes armed resistance, terrorism, demoli-
54 the action to come, but instead wait until after the dice are rolled to tion of iconic Colony structures, and any other action taken with the 55
describe what actually happens in the story. collateral goal of destroying significant property or harming others.
Each Action Level has its advantages and disadvantages. In gen-
S TAGE 3: AC TION LE VEL eral, lower Action Levels are less effective, but also less dangerous.
The Savior rolls less dice and generates Change Points slowly. Higher
The Savior chooses the starting Action Level for the scene, which
Action Levels allow the Savior to roll additional dice and ignore initial
determines both the number of dice rolled and the type of protest
failures; however, those higher levels also carry with them severe con-
engaged in by Lane and 39 Dark.
sequences when a plan backfires.
1. Civil Protest (2 Dice);
2. Civil Disobedience (4 Dice); or S TAGE 4 : DICE
3. Violent Uprising (6 Dice).
Depending on the Action Level selected, the Savior rolls 2, 4, or 6
Civil Protest includes actions such as marching, picketing, online cam- dice. Each roll represents an attempt by Lane and the members of
paigning, and other forms of contained demonstration. Civil Disobe- 39 Dark to implement Lane’s plan. The Savior adds up all the dice,
dience includes non-violent actions like sit-ins, general law breaking, the total of which is the number of Change Points generated by Lane,
i.e., the amount of progress made by 39 Dark towards the relevant the scene. At Action Level 3 (Violent Uprising), the Savior may ignore
Agenda. a total of two 1s (one more than Action Level 2).
56 After rolling, the Savior chooses: Each time the Savior ignores a 1, he must move a token from 57
Loyal to Treasonous. If the Savior ignores two 1s in the same roll, he
1. Risk another roll for additional Change Points, or
must move two tokens to Treasonous. Treasonous tokens generated
2. Quit and keep the current total.
after ignoring a 1 represent the citizenry’s disapproval of 39 Dark’s
The Savior may continue to roll as many times as he likes. There is intrusive, illegal, or violent tactics. The only way to avoid moving to-
a catch, though. On any roll, including the first roll, if one or more kens to Treasonous is to make a Sacrifice (see Stage 6 below).
of the dice show a 1, then the entire plan is a potential failure. If the The Savior may escalate the Action Level in the middle of a
Savior accepts the failure, he earns no Change Points for the scene. Progress Scene to ignore a 1 that he just rolled. To do so, the Savior
Any Change Points previously rolled in the scene are lost, and the narrates how the protest escalates to a higher level. Note that if the
scene ends. Savior rolls two 1s, he must escalate to Violent Uprising to ignore
When the Action Level is elevated above Civil Protest, the Savior both 1s. If the Savior cannot ignore all 1s on the current roll, the entire
may ignore a certain number of 1s. At Action Level 2 (Civil Disobedi- series of rolls is a failure.
ence), the Savior may ignore a single 1. To do so, the Savior ignores Note that the Savior may never de-escalate the Action Level.
the 1 and adds the total on the other dice to his potential progress for After each roll, the players should narrate Lane’s progress. There
is no need to narrate long descriptions, but the Savior should estab-
lish what Lane and 39 Dark have accomplished — and what remains has two in-game effects. First, the Savior may narrate the release of
to be done. The Governor should establish what the government and any Follower incarcerated as part of a Sacrifice in a previous Progress
58 its allies are doing to oppose 39 Dark. Remember to include details Scene. Second, the players create a new Agenda for the 39 Dark 59
appropriate to the current Action Level. movement using the same procedure detailed in Stage 7 of the Prepa-
ration chapter. The Savior records the new Agenda on the Character
S TAG E 5 : SU CC ES S & FA I LU R E Worksheet. The maximum number of Agendas for any game is five.
When an Agenda’s total reaches 80 or more, Lane has succeeded
If the Savior quits before rolling a 1 that he cannot ignore, Lane’s plan
in accomplishing her goals, and specifically the Agenda’s Call to Ac-
is a success. Any other result is a failure.
tion. Mechanically, the Savior moves one token from the Treasonous
Success circle back to Loyal, representing the people’s recognition of Lane’s
When Lane succeeds, she succeeds in advancing her chosen Agenda. dedication to the Colony. In the story, the people may congratulate
Even if the Agenda is still incomplete, it is important to remember that Lane and rally to 39 Dark. The government may make concessions
it is not a failure: 39 Dark has made progress. The Savior adds all to the movement, whether publicly or in effect. The players should
of the Change Points generated to the appropriate Agenda on the discuss and decide on all such details. However, they do not create
Character Worksheet. a new Agenda or release an incarcerated Follower unless the Savior
When an Agenda’s total reaches 40 or more points, Lane has simultaneously made Significant Progress during the scene.
made Significant Progress towards the Agenda’s overall goal. This
The Savior narrates the conclusion of the scene and the ultimate ure. However, the Governor defines how the Colony tightens its grip
outcome of the plan. If Lane has made Significant Progress, or com- on the citizenry as a result of the failure.
60 pleted an Agenda, the Savior should include all such appropriate 61
details. The Governor should feel free to contribute, but the Savior
At the end of a Progress Scene, the Savior may opt to abandon the
has final say in how the scene concludes.
current Agenda (and only the current Agenda). To do so, he must
Failure narrate Lane or 39 Dark publicly acknowledging that the group will
If the Savior rolls a 1 that he cannot ignore, disaster. Lane’s plan is a no longer pursue the goal or particular Call to Action associated with
complete failure. Unless the Savior chooses to feed the people Hope the Agenda. In exchange, the Savior moves one token from Treason-
(see below), he loses all Change Points generated for the scene. ous back to Loyal.
The Savior narrates Lane’s failure and the way in which 39 Dark
Example : John has been playing Lane as the type of leader who
fell short of its objectives. The Savior must tailor his narration to the
pushes 39 Dark close to the edge of outright revolution.
appropriate Action Level. In other words, if Lane failed at the Civil
While this strategy has paid off in Change Points, it has
Protest level, the consequences for failure will be less severe than if
also cost Lane her reputation. John is worried that the
she failed at the Violent Uprising level. The Savior may also suggest
game is going to end early because he has accumulated
ways in which the Colony government and people react to Lane’s fail-
4 tokens in the Treasonous circle (one more and Lane
would be arrested by the Colony government). After a
lackluster Progress Scene, and in an effort to alleviate
some pressure, John declares that 39 Dark will abandon
62 its Agenda relating to worker rights. Although John loses
all Change Points in the Agenda, he does get to move a
token from Treasonous back to Loyal.
Any time the Savior is required to move a token from Loyal to the
64 Failure has certain consequences, some of which can be avoided or 65
Treasonous or Hope circles, he may instead Sacrifice one of Lane’s
delayed, and some of which cannot.
three Followers. In order to Sacrifice a Follower, the chosen Follower
must have appeared in at least one scene prior to the Sacrifice, and
in some way relate to the current scene. Framing Personal Scenes can
Whenever the Savior rolls a failure, he must move one token from be an effective way for the Savior to make Lane’s Followers available
Loyal to Treasonous. The only way to avoid this loss of reputation is to for Sacrifice. Once chosen, the Savior describes how the Follower is
make a Sacrifice or to rely on Hope (see below). lost, and crosses his or her name off of the Character Worksheet.
As Lane moves more tokens into the Treasonous circle, the people A Sacrifice means different things depending on the current Ac-
of Mars Colony will begin to rally for Lane’s capture and punishment. tion Level:
If there are ever five tokens in the Treasonous circle, the government Sacrifice at the Violent Uprising level means that one of Lane’s
will immediately take Lane into custody, thus ending her stint as leader Followers is killed during the current Progress Scene. The loss is per-
of 39 Dark. Lane’s capture triggers endgame. manent; Lane does not receive a replacement Follower.
Sacrifice at the Civil Protest or Civil Disobedience levels means
that one of Lane’s Followers is jailed, exiled, or held for interroga-
tion for the remainder of the game unless freed as a result of mak- arrested by the Peacekeepers during the protest, but be-
ing Significant Progress towards an Agenda in a future scene. Even comes a sort of martyr to the cause.
66 if a Follower is freed later in the game, Lane may not Sacrifice that 67
Keep in mind that random citizens and other members of 39 Dark
person again, and should still cross his or her name off of the Char-
may be subject to all manner of incarceration, abuse, or death as a
acter Worksheet. The character may still appear in the story, but is no
part of the normal narration of a Progress Scene. Sacrifices are dra-
longer as close to Lane as he once was. Thus at most the Savior can
matic, but the loss of 39 Dark members can and probably should be
make three Sacrifices over the course of the game.
a regular part of many Progress Scenes.
Example: John is back up to four tokens in Lane’s Treasonous
circle. He cannot afford another, but desperately wants HUMILIATION
39 Dark to succeed in winning better water rationing for
When the Savior rolls two or more 1s on a single roll, the conse-
the people. While protesting at the Civil Disobedience
quences of failure are exacerbated. Lane’s plan is not only a complete
Action Level, Lane rolls a 1. Rather than take the failure,
failure, but it is also a public Humiliation for Lane and 39 Dark. In
John chooses to ignore the 1. Because he cannot move
addition, the Savior may never use Hope to avoid Humiliation.
another token into Treasonous, he instead Sacrifices
The players narrate a Humiliation like any other failure, but must
Lane’s brother, Ian. John narrates how Ian is beaten and
also include details about how Lane is forced to take public responsi-
bility for the failure. 39 Dark should be portrayed as amateurish and Disobedience Action Level allows John to ignore the first
incompetent. 1, and therefore avoid Humiliation.
68 Note that even if the Savior rolls multiple 1s, he may be able 69
Example : In the example above, let’s say that John had instead
to ignore some or all of them depending on the Action Level — and
rolled [1,1,6,1]. In this case, the only way to avoid Humili-
therefore avoid Humiliation. The Savior can even upgrade the Action
ation is to upgrade the Action Level from Civil Disobedi-
Level mid-scene to avoid Humiliation. However, a Humiliation still
ence to Violent Uprising. This would be advantageous if
occurs if, for example, the Savior rolls three 1s and can only ignore
John wanted to make use of Hope. John could ignore two
one of them.
out of the three 1s. Although the roll would still be a fail-
Example : The Action Level is set to Civil Disobedience, which al- ure, it would be a normal failure instead of a Humiliation.
lows John to ignore a single 1. On his first roll of four John could then accept the failure or use Hope to further
dice, John generates 12 Change Points and no 1s. Un- manipulate the result.
fortunately, on his second try, John rolls [4,1,6,1]. John
chooses not to upgrade the Action Level, which means HOPE
that the series is a failure. Because he rolled two 1s, it
As long as the Savior avoids Humiliation or Disillusionment, he may
would also be a Humiliation for Lane. However, the Civil
turn any failure into an apparent success by relying on the citizenry’s
desire for Hope. Hope represents 39 Dark’s optimism and confidence
in its mission. Hope is a white lie told by Lane to her followers and the at the Violent Uprising Action Level, and has already ig-
citizens of Mars Colony. nored two previous 1s, he must either accept the failure
70 When the Savior chooses to use Hope, he ignores all of the nor- or rely on Hope. John chooses Hope. He keeps his 51 71
mal consequences of failure. Instead, he adds the Change Points he points, but records them under Hope instead of Change
would have kept had he not made the roll that included the 1 to the on the Character Worksheet. John then narrates how
Agenda under the column marked “Hope.” The Savior gains no Lane manages to spin a disastrous failure into an event
points from the roll that included the 1. around which the people of Mars can rally.
The Savior first moves one token from Loyal to Hope. Alternatively,
Mechanically, Hope is no different than actual Change. When the
he may avoid moving the token by making a Sacrifice (i.e., by creat-
total Change plus Hope reaches 80 points, the Agenda is still consid-
ing a martyr). The players then narrate how Lane inspires the people
ered “accomplished” (at least publicly), and the Savior still moves a
into believing that her failed plan is cause for celebration despite any
token from Treasonous back to Loyal.
Note that if the Savior rolls double 1s, and manages to ignore a
Example : After a particularly fortunate series of rolls, John has single 1 because of the Action Level, but not the other, Hope is still
managed to accumulate 51 Change Points in 39 Dark’s available to him. Only when he rolls multiple 1s that he cannot ignore
Agenda related to government transparency. However, is Hope unavailable to the Savior.
when John rolls again, he rolls a 1. Because he is already
DISILLUSIONMENT rolls [3,6,1,5], which is not only a failure, but also a Disil-
lusionment because the 1 and the 3 match an offending
After the Savior uses Hope for the first time, the possibility for Disil-
72 pattern. Unless John can ignore the 1, the people of 39 73
lusionment arises. Disillusionment represents a sudden loss of faith
Dark and Mars Colony will lose faith in Lane Novak.
within Mars Colony after a failure, and a dramatic backlash against
Lane Novak. The more Hope tokens the Savior accumulates, the When Disillusionment occurs, as with any other failure, the Savior
easier it is for him to trigger Disillusionment. moves one token from Loyal to Treasonous. Lane then loses all Hope
With a single Hope token, Disillusionment occurs whenever the Points from all Agendas. In addition, Lane becomes the whipping
Savior rolls two or more 1s. With two Hope tokens, Disillusionment boy for the Colony government. The Savior moves all of his current
occurs when the Savior rolls [1,1] or [1,2]. This pattern continues all Hope tokens to the Treasonous circle. The players narrate Disillusion-
the way to six Hope tokens, when Disillusionment occurs on any of the ment as an intense failure. They should reference past failures, empty
following rolls: [1,1], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], or [1,6]. When rolling promises, or notable acts of violence. The government makes Lane
more than two dice, Disillusionment is even easier to trigger because into the Colony pariah for as much political advantage as possible.
it occurs when any two dice match an offending pattern. In other words, Disillusionment can cripple 39 Dark and ruin Lane’s
Example : At Civil Disobedience, John is rolling four dice. He also
has three tokens in the Hope circle, which means that any
roll of [1,1], [1,2], or [1,3] will cause Disillusionment. He
74 The game ends after one of two events. First, the game ends, and
Lane Novak will be arrested or killed by the Colony government, if
there are ever five or more tokens in the Treasonous circle. Second,
the game ends normally after the players have completed the ninth
Progress Scene. After nine Progress Scenes, a new leader will rise to
power in 39 Dark. The Savior may describe why Lane is no longer
wanted or needed, or leave her fate open-ended.
The players do not narrate an extended epilogue. Instead, they
each narrate a brief closing vignette.
The Governor describes the state of the Colony at the end of
Lane’s turn as 39 Dark’s leader. The Governor should decide whether
the citizens enjoy a greater amount of freedom or an increased abil-
ity to self-govern. Are entrenched interests still the dominant force, or
has 39 Dark succeeded in effecting long-term change? Even if 39
Dark has fundamentally changed or eliminated the government, has
anyone created a replacement, or has the Colony fallen into anarchy? other questionable tactics; however, you should not narrate the long-
The Savior narrates a similar picture, but from Lane’s point of view. term effects of such things.
76 What does 39 Dark look like after Lane steps down? Is the organi- 77
For the Savior: If Lane has made Significant Progress (40+ points)
zation stronger than ever, tearing itself apart, or on the run from an
in at least three Agendas, and she has not been arrested because of
oppressive government force? The Savior may also describe whether
treason, then the citizens will tend to view her as a hero, and perhaps
Lane steps down as a hero or traitor, both within 39 Dark and the
even a martyr. You should consider the number of tokens in Lane’s
Colony as a whole.
Loyal circle when deciding how the citizens view her. The state of the
When narrating your final vignette, you are free to improvise as
39 Dark movement is left to you to decide.
you see fit. You are only constrained by the following.
The following rules are optional. They provide guidance for players of 89
the original Mars Colony to link the events of their previous game to
those of 39 Dark.
world against economic publishes classified info and “zero compromise” and big business. Uses
disparity. leaked by anonymous political tactics. DDoS attacks on corp.
sources. and gov’t servers.
Pussy Riot Ukraine Revolution Greenpeace Hamas
Agenda & Methodology Agenda & Methodology Agenda & Methodology Agenda & Methodology
Russian feminist punk rock protest Responsible for the violent Environmental activist group that Pro-Palestinian liberation. Won a
group that stages unauthorized ousting of Ukraine’s former employs direct protests as well as majority of Palestinian Parliament
public performances. president. Seeking to sever ties governmental lobbying to advance seats in 2006, but known for its
with Russia, and fighting against its agendas. militant actions against Israel.
Russian-backed soldiers.
Organization Map O r g a n iz a t io n M a p
[ Peacekeepers ] [ United Workers of Mars ] [ Peacekeepers ] [ United Workers of Mars ]
Chief Commander Rep. Niles Brun Trustee Sophie Chief Commander Rep. Niles Brun Trustee Sophie
Zaki Jau Thomas Zaki Jau Thomas
Investigator Hajek Media Liason Faqiri Organizer Aldo Council Member Investigator Hajek Media Liason Faqiri Organizer Aldo Council Member
Prins Jiang Li Prins Jiang Li
Deputy Chief Tandy President Ushi Deputy Chief Tandy President Ushi
Smith Smith
[ News Network Corp. ] [ Colony Government ] [ News Network Corp. ] [ Colony Government ]
L oya l L oya l
Agenda & Call to Action Hope Change Total Agenda & Call to Action Hope Change Total
Recognition of Independent Nation of
Outer-Dome Settlements
1 Legalize Unionization
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Fringe Group Fringe Group
O r g a n iz a t io n M a p
Agenda & Methodology Agenda & Methodology [ Peacekeepers ] [ United Workers of Mars ]
Zaki Jau Thomas
Coalition President
Arnold Fletcher
Network Chief Feed Writer
Serena Panin Silje Asp
Fringe Group Fringe Group
Followers :
L oya l
Hope Tre a s o n o u s