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Cracks in Concrete –
Is It a Design Issue Or
Just ‘Poor’ Workmanship?
· We excel through experience and learning · Version 01, Oct 2014

Version 01, Mar 2011

Keywords Similar to most other materials, concrete will expand or contract
Flexural Cracks, Early-Age Thermal Cracks, Drying Shrinkage in response to a temperature change, for example. In the
Cracks, Plastic Shrinkage Cracks, Free / Restrained Contraction context of this note, contraction (or shrinkage) of concrete is
the prime concern. As long as contraction is free to take place,
tensile stress will not develop in concrete elements. However,
Synopsis in reality, contraction movement will always be restrained in
Contrary to prestressed concrete, cracks in reinforced (or one way or another, causing the development of tensile stress.
unreinforced) concrete are inescapable. It has been quite If the tensile stress is greater than the tensile strength,
common to presume that cracks are formed as a result of ‘poor’ concrete cracks.
workmanship, and hence Contractors are required to come up
with suitable remedial measures, and to bear the associated NB –
time and cost implications. Noting that workmanship could not
It must be noted that the provision of reinforcing bars
possibly be the sole cause, this technical note attempts to (rebars) in concrete can only help control the crack spacing
explain the common types of cracks and their causes, with
and width, but it will never eliminate cracks. If the rebars
particular emphasis on those that are more design-oriented for some reasons were under-provided such that the tensile
where Contractors have no practical input.
stress so developed in concrete could not be effectively
redistributed, the resulting crack(s) would be more localised
with large width.
1.0 Introduction
Prior to discussing cracks in concrete, it is instructive to
review the following behaviour.
Crack pattern:
with too little rebars

Original length of concrete

Crack pattern:
Free contraction, with adequate rebars
no stress develops

Free (or unrestrained)


2.0 Restraint
With regard to development of cracking, restraint to
contraction movement can be grouped into two principle types:
Restrained and hence no External Restraint and Internal Restraint. Estimating it wrong
free contraction, may result in wasteful over-provision of rebars, or under-
tensile stress develops provision leading to unacceptable cracking. Contraction
movement could be caused by thermal effects, reduction in
volume of hardened concrete (ie, shrinkage), etc.

If tensile stress is greater 2.1 External Restraint

than tensile strength,
concrete cracks
External restraint to a newly cast concrete element can
be subdivided into (i) Continuous Edge Restraint, (ii) End
Restraint and (iii) Intermittent Restraint. In many cases, all
three forms of restraint may act together. These are illustrated
in the following figures.


Version 01, Oct 2014

In cut-&-cover tunnels, walls (new

section) are usually cast onto the base
slab (old section). This is a classic
example of continuous edge restraint;
For slabs cast in hit-&-miss fashion,
infill slab panels are subjected to end
[Source: Internet] [Source: Internet]

i) Continuous Edge Restraint 2.2 Internal Restraint

Walls (new section) cast onto rigid foundations, adjacent Change in temperature profile across a thick section can
sections of slabs, or tunnel lining (old sections) cause one part of the section to restrain the movement of
another part of the same section.

For thick sections, the surface zone cools down more quickly
direction than the core – this would be particularly so if formwork (or
section Restraint
insulation) was removed too soon. The rapid cooling and
direction contraction of the surface zone is restrained by the hot interior,
and therefore the surface cracks. These surface cracks would
Old be expected to close up as the core cools down.
By the time concrete has reached the ambient temperature
from the peak, the surface cracks will have closed sufficiently to
be able to transmit compressive stresses, and in extreme cases,
internal cracks occurs as a result of tensile stresses developed
in the core. That is, by this time, the core contraction is
restrained by the surface zones working in compression.
ii) End Restraint
Walls or slabs cast as infills
Surface zone cracks Surface zone cracks closed up


Heating phase Cooling phase

3.0 Types of Concrete Cracks

Generally speaking, cracks in concrete can be
iii) Intermittent Restraint
categorised into the following types:
Slabs cast on piles, suspended slabs cast on columns and/or
core walls
i) Flexural Cracks (controlled by design);
ii) Early-Age Thermal Cracks (controlled by design);
iii) Drying Shrinkage Cracks (controlled by design &
(Old section) Core walls workmanship); and
Suspended slab (New section) (Old section) iv) Plastics Shrinkage Cracks (controlled by workmanship)

The first two types of the cracks are very much design-oriented.
If it is not a design-&-build type of contracts, Contractors
Piles basically have no influence at all in terms of adequate rebar
(Old section) provision for crack control. For drying shrinkage, their effects
are first considered in design, and good workmanship during
(Old section) construction helps control cracking. Plastics shrinkage cracks
cannot be controlled by provision of rebars at all, and can only
be mitigated by good workmanship on site.


Version 01, Oct 2014


Top zone
in compression

Drop, T1

Bottom zone
in tension Ambient
By nature, flexural cracks can only
extend to the depth of the neutral axis
and hence cannot be full-depth cracks Cooling

3.1 Flexural Cracks The temperature change in a concrete element during the
For reinforced concrete members subjected to the SLS early-age thermal cycle is the figure above.
loads effects (ie, service loads), flexural cracks will form when
the tensile stress owing to bending exceeds the tensile strength The placing temperature of is usually kept to less than 25~30°C.
of hardened concrete. The cracks under service loads can only After placing, the hydration process will cause concrete to heat
extend to the depth of the neutral axis, and thus will never be up to a peak temperature (could be up to 85°C). During this
full-depth. In the context of flexural cracks in the SLS condition, period, concrete still behaves in a plastic manner and so the
concrete is mature. only result is an increase in volume. However, when it cools
down from the peak to ambient temperature (T1), it has been
The codified treatment is that reinforcing steel area (As) shall hardened enough to go into tension and would crack if it is
first be determined for the respective concrete members based restrained. Thermal crack could be a full-depth crack.
on the ULS load effects (ie, strength design). The steel area so
provided shall then be used for assessment of the SLS crack The thermal crack width can be assessed using one of the
width. The assessment methodology is given in the following: following methods, based upon the steel area (As) mentioned
in Section 3.1.
i) Cl. 7.2.3 of the Code of Practice for Structural Use of
Concrete, Buildings Department; or i) Cl. 7.2.4 of the Code of Practice for Structural Use of
ii) Appendix B of BS 8007. Concrete, Buildings Department;
ii) Appendix A of BS 8007; or
The ULS steel area might have to be further increased, if iii) CIRIA C660 Early-age thermal crack control in concrete
necessary, to meet the flexural crack width requirement, say
0.2mm. The steel area might have to be further increased, if necessary,
to meet the thermal crack width requirement.
The steel area so provided will then be used for further
assessment of early-age thermal cracks and drying shrinkage NB –
cracks as explained below.
Early-age thermal cracking is primarily a design issue, and
the responsibility of controlling early-age thermal crack
NB – width rests with the Designer.
Flexural cracking is purely a design issue, and the
responsibility of controlling flexural crack width rests with However, it should be noted that in addition to adequate
the Designer. rebar provision, control of thermal crack width also relies on
a presumed temperature drop of concrete (from the Peak to
As a Contractor, albeit we could take a view, we actually Ambient temperature, T1). Therefore, if there is a
have no means to understand whether the rebar provision requirement in the Specification prescribing control on the
is adequate or not to control the flexural crack width under concrete placing temperature and peak temperature,
the serviceability limit state of any concrete members. Contractors have to ensure such compliance.

3.2 Early-Age Thermal Cracks 3.3 Drying Shrinkage Cracks

Early-age thermal cracking, happening usually in the first Drying shrinkage is caused by the reduction in concrete
few days, is associated with the release of the heat hydration volume as a result of evaporation of free water. Concrete is
from the binder (ie, cementitious material) and is the result of usually mixed with more water than is needed to adequately
either differential expansion within a concrete element during hydrate the cement. The remaining water (known as free
heat causing internal restraint, or by external restraint to water) will evaporate, causing concrete to shrink. Restraint to
contraction of a concrete member on cooling from a peak to the shrinkage provided by the subgrade, reinforcement, or another
ambient temperature. part of the structure causes tensile stress to develop in the


Version 01, Oct 2014

Application of a full Fog spraying

wet cure and soaker increases the
hoses prevent drying humidity of the air
until concrete is above concrete
strong enough to be surface, slowing
able to resist down the rate of
shrinkage stresses. evaporation.
[Source: Internet] [Source: Internet]

hardened concrete. Drying shrinkage crack could be a full- Unlike the others, these cracks, formed in the plastic state of
depth crack. concrete, cannot be controlled by provision of rebars at all, and
can only be mitigated by workmanship on site.
In many situations, drying shrinkage cracking is inevitable.
Therefore, contraction (control) joints are routinely placed in
NB –
concrete slab to predetermine the location of drying shrinkage The key to controlling plastics shrinkage cracks is to find
ways to reduce the rate of drying of the concrete, including:
The assessment for drying shrinkage cracks is included in
i) Do not place the concrete in adverse conditions;
Appendix A.3 in BS 8007, and also in Cl. 4.6.2 in CIRIA C660 ii) Erect wind screens or use a water fog mist. (Note: A
Early-age thermal crack control in concrete. water fog mist is NOT the same as adding finish water.);
iii) Provide additional personnel to accelerate the finishing
It states in Cl. 4.6.3 that “… In general, when assessing the risk and curing operations;
of early-age cracking, drying shrinkage may be ignored. …” iv) Properly use evaporation retardants, especially when
because the magnitude of early-age drying shrinkage is small. finishing operations are lagging behind;
v) After the curing compound application, provide a water
NB – cure.
Drying shrinkage cracking is a design issue. The Designer
should have controlled the shrinkage (short- and long-term)
effects by adequate rebar provision and predetermined
As mentioned at the outset of this note, some forms of
contraction (control) joints.
concrete cracks are inevitable. Cracks in concrete elements
could be a design issue and/or a matter of workmanship. If a
From a Contractor’s standpoint, several activities should be
significant amount of cracks appear, leading to substantial
done to help mitigate drying shrinkage cracks, including:
amount of remedial works with time and cost implications,
please feel free to contact the Technical Department for advice.
i) Provide adequate construction joints;
ii) Saw contraction joints (if prescribed) to the proper
NB –
depth and as soon as possible;
Crack width calculations are not shown in this note. Please
iii) Provide good curing to allow the concrete to gain
contact the Technical Department if support is required.
sufficient tensile strength before significant shrinking
forces develop.
- End -

3.4 Plastics Shrinkage Cracks

Plastic shrinkage cracks occur when the evaporation of
moisture at the surface of concrete is greater than the
availability of rising bleed water to replenish the surface
moisture. If concrete has not achieved enough tensile strength This technical note is for internal circulation only.
when this occurs, the volume change (shrinkage) at the surface For enquiry, please contact
will cause cracking.
Gary Chou
Plastic shrinkage cracking happens when concrete is in the KMS / Technical Manager
plastic state (ie, still soft), which is normally within the first 24 Technical Department
hours after the cement begins to hydrate. Plastic shrinkage Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Co Ltd
cracks are generally parallel to one another, do not generally E [email protected]
extend to the free end of the concrete element, and can be of T 3758 8379
considerable depth. F 2744 6937


Version 01, Oct 2014

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