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Construction of Triac

Two SCRs are connected in inverse parallel with gate terminal as common.
Gate terminals is connected to both the N and P regions due to which gate
signal may be applied which is irrespective of the polarity of the signal.
Here, we do not have anode and cathode since it works for both the
polarities which means that device is bilateral. It consists of three terminals
namely, main terminal 1(MT1), main terminal 2(MT2), and gate terminal G.

Figure shows the construction of a

triac. There are two main terminals namely MT1 and MT2 and the remaining
terminal is gate terminal.
Operation of Triac
The triac can be turned on by applying the gate voltage higher than break
over voltage. However, without making the voltage high, it can be turned on
by applying the gate pulse of 35 micro seconds to turn it on. When the
voltage applied is less than the break over voltage, we use gate triggering
method to turn it on. There are four different modes of operations, they are-
1. When MT2 and Gate being Positive with Respect to MT1 When this
happens, current flows through the path P1-N1-P2-N2. Here, P1-N1 and
P2-N2 are forward biased but N1-P2 is reverse biased. The triac is said to
be operated in positively biased region. Positive gate with respect to
MT1 forward biases P2-N2 and breakdown occurs.
2. When MT2 is Positive but Gate is Negative with Respect to MT1 The
current flows through the path P1-N1-P2-N2. But P2-N3 is forward biased
and current carriers injected into P2 on the triac.
3. When MT2 and Gate are Negative with Respect to MT1 Current flows
through the path P2-N1-P1-N4. Two junctions P2-N1 and P1-N4 are
forward biased but the junction N1-P1 is reverse biased. The triac is
said to be in the negatively biased region.
4. When MT2 is Negative but Gate is Positive with Respect to MT1 P2-
N2 is forward biased at that condition. Current carriers are injected so
the triac turns on. This mode of operation has a disadvantage that it
should not be used for high (di/dt) circuits. Sensitivity of triggering in
mode 2 and 3 is high and if marginal triggering capability is required,
negative gate pulses should be used. Triggering in mode 1 is more
sensitive than mode 2 and mode 3.
Characteristics of a Triac
The triac characteristics is similar to SCR but it is applicable to both
positive and negative triac voltages. The operation can be summarized as
First Quadrant Operation of Triac
Voltage at terminal MT2 is positive with respect to terminal MT1 and gate
voltage is also positive with respect to first terminal.
Second Quadrant Operation of Triac
Voltage at terminal 2 is positive with respect to terminal 1 and gate voltage
is negative with respect to terminal 1.
Third Quadrant Operation of Triac
Voltage of terminal 1 is positive with respect to terminal 2 and the gate
voltage is negative.
Fourth Quadrant Operation of Triac
Voltage of terminal 2 is negative with respect to terminal 1 and gate voltage
is positive.
When the device gets turned on, a heavy current flows through it which
may damage the device, hence in order to limit the current a current limiting
resistor should be connected externally to it. By applying proper gate signal,
firing angle of the device may be controlled. The gate triggering circuits
should be used for proper gate triggering. We can use diac for triggering the
gate pulse. For firing of the device with proper firing angle, a gate pulse
may be applied up to a duration of 35 micro seconds.
Advantages of Triac
1. It can be triggered with positive or negative polarity of gate pulses.
2. It requires only a single heat sink of slightly larger size, whereas for
SCR, two heat sinks should be required of smaller size.
3. It requires single fuse for protection.
4. A safe breakdown in either direction is possible but for SCR protection
should be given with parallel diode.
Disadvantages of Triac
1. They are not much reliable compared to SCR.
2. It has (dv/dt) rating lower than SCR.
3. Lower ratings are available compared to SCR.
4. We need to be careful about the triggering circuit as it can be triggered
in either direction.
Uses of Triac
1. They are used in control circuits.
2. It is used in High power lamp switching.
3. It is used in AC power control.
As we know that the SCR as a unidirectional device and has a reverse blocking
characteristics that prevents the current flow in reverse biased condition . But for
many applications, bidirectional control of current is required, particularly in AC
circuits. To achieve this with SCRs, two SCRs must be connected in anti-parallel to
control over both positive and negative half cycles of the input. However, this
structure can be replaced by special semiconductor device known as a Triac to
accomplish the bidirectional control. The Triac is a bidirectional switching device that
can control the AC power efficiently and accurately. These are often used in motor
speed controllers, AC circuits, pressure control systems, light dimmers and other AC
control equipments.

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TRIAC Basics
The triac is an important member of the thyristor family of devices. It is a bidirectional
device that can pass the current in both forward and reverse biased conditions and
hence it is an AC control device. The triac is equivalent to two back to back SCRs
connected with one gate terminal as shown in figure. The triac is an abbreviation for
a TRIode AC switch. TRI means that the device consisting of three terminals and AC
means that it controls the AC power or it can conduct in both directions of alternating

The triac has three terminals namely Main Terminal 1(MT1), Main Terminal 2 (MT2)
and Gate (G) as shown in figure. If MT1 is forward biased with respect to MT2, then
the current flows from MT1 to MT2. Similarly, if the MT2 is forward biased with
respect to MT1, then the current flows from MT2 to MT1. The above two conditions
are achieved whenever the gate is triggered with an appropriate gate pulse. Similar
to the SCR, triac is also turned by injecting appropriate current pulses into the gate
terminal. Once it is turned ON, it looses its gate control over its conduction. So traic
can be turned OFF by reducing the current to zero through the main terminals.

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Construction of TRIAC
A triac is a five layer, three terminal semiconductor device. The terminals are marked
as MT1, MT2 as anode and cathode terminals in case of SCR. And the gate is
represented as G similar to the thyristor. The gate terminal is connected to both N4
and P2 regions by a metallic contact and it is near to the MT1 terminal. The terminal
MT1 is connected to both N2 and P2 regions, while MT2 is connected to both N3
and P1 regions. Hence, the terminals MT1 and MT2 connected to both P and N
regions of the device and thus the polarity of applied voltage between these two
terminals decides the current flow through the layers of the device.

With the gate open, MT2 is made positive with respect to MT1 for a forward biased
traic. Hence traic operates in forward blocking mode until the voltage across the triac
is less than the forward breakover voltage. Similarly for a reverse biased triac, MT2
is made negative with respect to MT1 with gate open. Until the voltage across the
triac is less than the reverse breakover voltage, device operates in a reverse
blocking mode. A traic can be made conductive by either positive or negative voltage
at the gate terminal.
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Working and Operation of TRIAC

It is possible to connect various combinations of negative and positive voltages to
the triac terminals because it is a bidirectional device. The four possible electrode
potential combinations which make the triac to operate four different operating
quadrants or modes are given as.

1. MT2 is positive with respect to MT1 with a gate polarity positive with respect to MT1.
2. MT2 is positive with respect to MT1 with a gate polarity negative with respect to MT1.
3. MT2 is negative with respect to MT1 with a gate polarity negative with respect to MT1.
4. MT2 is negative with respect to MT1 with a gate polarity positive with respect to MT1.

In general, latching current is higher in second quadrant or mode whilst gate trigger
current is higher in the fourth mode compared with other modes for any triac. Most of
the applications, negative triggering current circuit is used that means 2 and 3
quadrants are used for a reliable triggering in bidirectional control and also when the
gate sensitivity is critical. The gate sensitivity is highest with modes 1 and 4 are
generally employed.

Mode 1: MT2 is Positive, Positive Gate Current

When the gate terminal is made positive with respect to MT1, gate current flows
through the P2 and N2 junction. When this current flows, the P2 layer is flooded with
electrons and further these electrons are diffused to the edge of junction J2 (or P2-
N1 junction). These electrons collected by the N1 layer builds a space charge on the
N1 layer. Therefore, more holes from the P1 region are diffused into the N1 region to
neutralize the negative space charges. These holes arrive at the junction J2 and
produce the positive space charge in the P2 region, which causes more electrons to
inject into P2 from N2. This results a positive regeneration and finally the main
current flows from MT2 to MT1 through the regions P1- N1 – P2 – N2.
Mode 2: MT2 is Positive, Negative Gate Current
When MT2 is positive and the gate terminal is negative with respect to MT1, gate
current flows through the P2-N4 junction. This gate current forward biases the P2-N4
junction for auxiliary P1N1P2N4 structure. This results the triac to conduct initially
through the P1N1P2N4 layers. This further raises the potential between P2N2
towards the potential of MT2. This causes the current to establish from left to right in
the P2 layer which forward biases the junction P2N2. And hence the main structure
P1N1P2N2 begins to conduct. Initially conducted auxiliary structure P1N1P2N4 is
considered as a pilot SCR while later conducted structure P1N1P2N2 is considered
as main SCR. Hence the anode current of pilot SCR serves as gate current to the
main SCR. The sensitivity to gate current is less in this mode and hence more gate
current is required to turn the triac.
Mode 3: MT2 is Negative, Positive Gate Current
In this mode, MT2 is made negative with respect to MT1 and the device is turned ON
by applying a positive voltage between the gate and MT1 terminal. The turn ON is
initiated by N2 which acts as a remote gate control and the structure leads to turn
ON the triac is P2N1P1N3. The external gate current forward biases the junction P2-
N2. N2 layer injects the electrons into the P2 layer which are then collected by
junction P2N1. This result to increases the current flow through P2N1 junction.
The holes injected from layer P2 diffuse through the N1 region. This builds a positive
space charge in the P region. Therefore, more electrons from N3 are diffused into P1
to neutralize the positive space charges. Hence, these electrons arrive at junction J2
and produce a negative space charge in the N1region which results to inject more
holes from the P2 into the region N1. This regenerative process continues till the
structure P2N1P1N3 turns ON the triac and conducts the external current. As the
triac is turned ON by the remote gate N2, the device is less sensitive to the positive
gate current in this mode.

Mode 4: MT2 is Negative, Negative Gate Current

In this mode N4 acts as a remote gate and injects the electrons into the P2 region.
The external gate current forward biases the junction P2N4. The electrons from the
N4 region are collected by the P2N1 junction increase the current across P1N1
junction. Hence the structure P2N1P1N3 turns ON by the regenerative action. The
triac is more sensitive in this mode compared with positive gate current in mode 3.
From the above discussion, it is concluded that the modes 2 and 3 are less sensitive
configuration which needs more gate current to trigger the triac, whereas more
common triggering modes of triac are 1 and 4 which have greater sensitivity. In
practice the more sensitive mode of operation is selected such that the polarity of the
gate is to match with the polarity of the terminal MT2.

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V-I Characteristics of TRIAC

The traic function like a two thyristors connected in anti-parallel and hence the VI
characteristics of triac in the 1st and 3rd quadrants will be similar to the VI
characteristics of a thyristors. When the terminal MT2 is positive with respect to MT1
terminal, the traic is said to be in forward blocking mode. A small leakage current
flows through the device provided that voltage across the device is lower than the
breakover voltage. Once the breakover voltage of the device is reached, then the
triac turns ON as shown in below figure. However, it is also possible to turn ON the
triac below the VBO by applying a gate pulse in such that the current through the
device should be more than the latching current of the triac.
Similarly, when the terminal MT2 is made negative with respect to MT1, the traic is in
reverse blocking mode. A small leakage current flows through the device until it is
triggered by breakover voltage or gate triggering method. Hence the positive or
negative pulse to the gate triggers the triac in both directions. The supply voltage at
which the triac starts conducting depends on the gate current. If the gate is current is
being greater, lesser will be the supply voltage at which the triac is turned ON. Above
discussed mode -1 triggering is used in the first quadrant whereas mode-3 triggering
is used in 3rd quadrant. Due to the internal structure of the triac, the actual values of
latching current, gate trigger current and holding current may be slightly different in
different operating modes. Therefore, the ratings of the traics considerably lower
than the thyristors.

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Advantages of Triac
Triac can be triggered by both positive and negative polarity voltages applied at the

 It can operate and switch both half cycles of an AC waveform.

 As compared with the anti-parallel thyristor configuration which requires two heat sinks
of slightly smaller size, a triac needs a single heat sink of slightly larger size. Hence
the triac saves both space and cost in AC power applications.
 In DC applications, SCRs are required to be connected with a parallel diode to protect
against reverse voltage. But the triac may work without a diode, a safe breakdown is
possible in either direction.
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Disadvantages of Triac
 These are available in lower ratings as compared with thyristors.
 A careful consideration is required while selecting a gate trigger circuit since a triac
can be triggered in both forward and reverse biased conditions.
 These have low dv/dt rating as compared with thyristors.
 These have very small switching frequencies.
 Triacs are less reliable than thyristors.

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Applications of Triac
Due to the bidirectional control of AC, triacs are used as AC power controllers, fan
controllers, heater controllers, triggering devices for SCRs, three position static
switch, light dimmers, etc. Triac as a switch and phase control applications are
discussed below.

Triac as a High Power Switch

As the triac uses low gate voltage and currents to control the high load voltage and
currents, it is often used as switching device in many switching operations. The
figure below shows the use of triac as ON/OFF AC switch to control the high power
lamp. When the switch S is at position 1, the triac is in forward blocking mode and
hence the lamp remains in OFF state. If the switch is thrown into position 2, a small
gate current flows through the gate terminal and hence the triac is turned ON. This
further makes the lamp to switch ON to give a full output.
Phase Control Using Triac
Like SCRs, a phase control method of varying average power to the load is also
possible with the triacs. By controlling the triggering angle in each half cycle of the
input AC, the power delivered to the load is controlled. The delay for which the
triggering is delayed is termed as delay angle and the angle for which the triac
conducts is termed as conduction angle. The figure below shows the use of triac for
phase control method in order to produce the variable power to the load. Diodes D1
and D2 passes the current flow to the gate terminal in positive and negative half
cycles respectively.

As soon as the input AC supply is given to the circuit, triac is in blocking state (either
forward or reverse) provided that the applied voltage is less than the VBO or gate
current is less than the minimum gate current. During the positive half cycle of the
input, diode D1 is forward biased and hence a positive gate current is applied to the
gate. Therefore, the gate is triggered thereby triac comes into the conduction state.
During the negative half cycle of the input, diode D2 is forward biased, hence the
gate current flows through it thereby triac is turned ON. Likewise, AC power
delivered to the load is controlled in either direction by applying a proper gate signal.
The conduction angle of the triac is controlled by varying the resistance R2 in the
above circuit.

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Triac Vs SCR
 Triac is a bidirectional device, whereas SCR is a unidirectional device.
 Triac terminals are MT2, MT1 and gate whilst SCR has anode, cathode and gate
 For both positive and negative gate currents, traic conducts but with only direction on
gate current turn ON the SCR.
 Four different modes of operation are possible with triac, whereas with SCR one mode
of operation is possible.
 Triac are available in less ratings compared with SCRs.
 Triac characteristics are laying in first and third quadrants while SCR characteristics
lay in the first quadrant.
 Reliability is less compared with SCRs.

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