The First Ray by The Ascended Master El Morya (1954)
The First Ray by The Ascended Master El Morya (1954)
The First Ray by The Ascended Master El Morya (1954)
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The First Ray and Its Chohan, E l Morya
February, 1953
B eloved C h e l a ;
B lessings and L o v e !
Master M or ya s Service to Lije
B elo v ed F r ie n d s : April, 1953
Let the Crystal Ray of Divine Illumination fill
your minds this day and dissolve the shadows of
human concepts, opinions, and confusions. Let the
full light of Divine Intelligence utilize the instru
ment of the brain structure and carry your en
deavors, individually and collectively, toward a
successful and happy manifestation!
T o give directions clearly is a beautiful talent,
to receive them accurately is a major accomplish
ment, to draw the energies and substance of life
together to obey those directions—is the most
commendable of all!
This is My service to Life, to clear away the
substance and energy that is lodged in the life-
stream through centuries of misqualified energy,
to open the natural channel through which the
Christ Self may connect with the outer conscious
ness, and through the personal self, accomplish Its
Cosmic purpose.
Every activity, like every individual, must have
a heart and a head. As your Beloved Saint Ger
main has told you, in the Perfected Spheres, the
H eart and Head are O n e in purpose and feeling.
It is My endeavor to establish an intelligent, con
scious connection between O ur Octave and yours,
so that each student entering into that “com
m union” might share O ur design and purpose and
The Bridge Builders— 1
January, 1953
B i jessed C h e l a :
Yours in service—
The Bridge Builders—2
August, 1953
B eloved C h e l a :
Chelas’ Evolution Accelerated by
Association with Master
July, 1953
B eloved C h e l a :
B e lo v ed C h e l a :
Yours to command —
Divine Plan—1
April, 1953
B elo v ed O n e s :
D ivine Plan—2
January, 1953
B elo v ed C h e l a :
I thank you for your deep interest in O ur
Endeavors and for perm itting Me this opportunity
to again incorporate the voluntary energies of
unascended beings into an activity which may
represent the W ill and Design of the blessed Lord
of the World!
T h e C o sm ic L a w allows only so much of the
God Plan to manifest in any evolution as can be
drawn through the consciousness of some members
of that evolving body. T o gain the attention, in
terest, comprehension and loyalty of unascended
beings is the first step. Here, We are required to
secure the acquiescence of the Karmic Board before
We can employ any extraordinary means to con
nect O ur Consciousness w ith the chelas. T he more
“spectacular” and “concrete” a manifestation is
required to even catch the “passing interest” of
m ankind, the less is the Board likely to grant the
request of the Master, because the tremendous ex
penditures of energy involved in such an endeavor
rarely are balanced by the good accomplished.
W hen a chela can be found who will respond
wholeheartedly w ithout requiring that We liter
ally do “handsprings” upon the theatre of his own
choosing, there is a “possibility” of securing a
single opportunity to reach through the veil in a
tentative offer of friendship and cooperative service.
D IV INE P L A N — 2 39
B lessings a n d L o v e ,
Lowering the Divine Pattern
B eloved C h e l a s : June, 1953
May I thank you on behalf of The Great White
Brotherhood for your sincere interest and your
kind endeavors to understand the purpose of O ur
Cause, and for your individual and collective en
ergies invested in the weaving of its pattern into
the substance of the physical world—each of you
looking upon the “blueprint” through the avenue
of your own consciousness and the development
of your perceptions and capacity to understand
“Brotherhood” as We do!
T o establish the Divine Perfection of God’s
Own Ideas in the swiftly running currents of the
lower atmosphere of earth, is like endeavoring to
work a fine petit-point pattern under water . . .
even while you are “catching” the design, the
needle and thread are swept away in the current.
The consciousness of the chelas forms the meas
ure of O ur Success in these endeavors. When the
chela chooses to develop that “unmoved” con
sciousness and build out of the substance of the
Sacred Fire the protection which will withstand
the subtle and ever-flowing tides of human cre
ation, then it is much easier to lower the pattern
into the conscious mind. W hen the plan is given
to the chelas, it becomes their responsibility to
hold it free and clear from the intrusion of their
own disintegrating force as well as that from the
outside world. This is the gift of the I m m a c u l a t e
M utual Benefits of Co-operative Service
January, 1953
B eloved F riends o f G o d :
I greet you, this day, in the Name of the O n e
G od , Whom we all represent according to our
capacity to understand His nature and embody
His qualities.
You arc here because you chose voluntarily to
offer your lifestreams to that God, in order to know
His Purpose and to further His W ill and Design
upon this sweet earth which has been so long Our
Many are the pilgrims circling around the
Mount of Attainment, from whose summit the
soul ascends into the immortal Spiritual Presence
and becomes the Master Power of the Universe!
During the long period when the lifestream
gropes its way through the underbrush at the base
of the mountain, an invisible Guide walks by his
side, and the kindly light of the Presence and the
Guide blend to form the mantle of protection
around the pilgrim, and the spiritual impetus stir
ring the soul to continued endeavor. It is the Sacred
Fire of Creation which anchors the neophyte in
the determination to persist in the climb, and that
wards off the evils of returning karma—dissipating
it by the transmuting power of Love Divine.
No words can describe the service, the selfless
ness, the constancy of T he Brothers who have
voluntarily renounced the happy freedom of the
Higher Realms to guide mankind on their journey
July, 1953
B eloved O n e :
Truth Colored by H um an Concepts
November, 1952
M y B e lo v e d C h e l a :
T he use to which the presentation of T ru th
is put will be a good measure of the develop
ment of the Messenger because although one
has developed the consciousness to a point
where it may enter the Higher Realms at will,
if the word and the gift is used to promote the
personal self, the service is no longer of much
use to the Hierarchy.
Once a lifestream has learned to “climb the
ladder” into the Realms of Light, no one can
stay such an individual from reporting what
Your patient
Light on the Path— 1
October, 1952
M y B eloved F rien d o f O l d :
I bring to you today the love of a Father for
His children, which has grown and matured
through the centuries since We were last together.
T he dearness of the hearts that have truly loved
grows the more sweet by reason of the centuries
of time that have woven the life bond, which like
a golden ribbon, runs through our very selves,
making us one body in the Christ expression.
Every man spins from the essence of his heart
flame a chain or a pathway of life. Those of Us
who have sighted, even dimly, the vision of the
Father have spun from Our heart flames the
essence which has become the immortal highway
into the heart of Heaven, the bridge from the
human to the Divine. Along this Spiritual Path,
woven out of the bright essence of m an’s divinity,
many lifestreams have consciously ascended out of
imperfection into the consciousness which can
create and sustain harmony, peace and beauty at
will. Many lifestreams, like you dear hearts, have
woven the substance of your many lives into this
Pathway, contributing by the essence of your very
selves to the work of Those Who have gone before
and have qualified by love to become the Guardians
of the race. Thus, although your freed Spirits,
have not yet ascended on this path, you are counted
among the “bridge” children, and your energies
have contributed to the Path by which some of
L IG H T ON TH E PA TH — 1 61
Your faithful
Light on the Path — 3
B lessed C h il d : November, 1953
Many are the long years since we walked to
gether over the stony road builded of the quali
fied energies of our own lives and that of the race,
attempting to retrace our steps to the T hrone of
Truth! Blessed was the “coming out.” T hen our
own heart’s light like a shimmering path of danc
ing sunbeams anctified the way upon which our
earnest souls volunteered to join the energies of
our own worlds to the progress of the race!
In the days of the “coming forth,” from the
heart’s light beamed out the Sacred Fire—becom
ing the full manifestation of every requirement
of every moment , . . and when we walked in the
path of our own heart’s light, all was exceedingly
When the light grew dim, the path disappeared,
and long and weary centuries were spent in seek
ing out again the Way home. Some, who had not
allowed the shadows to close in the Flame, held
the path open, and others among us walked in
their light until we could again learn to draw
forth and focus our own, moving within the
shadows of our own creations. As We walked in
humbleness and remembrance that from that
Sacred Fire came forth O ur light, the path from
within ourselves grexv wider and more distinct.
One day we were able to follow it back into the
Heart of the Presence and know the joy of com
Light on the Path— 4
October, 1953
G r e e t in g s :
Momentums of Good and Evil
July, 1953
B lessed C h e l a :
Guardian Spirits
October, 1952
B lessed C h e l a :
Many are the inhabitants of this sweet earth
and its inner atmosphere who do not belong to its
evolution. Some have come in freedom to offer the
strength of their lifestreams to the evolving con
sciousness of the chain and others have been
brought from preceding chains because they did
not evolve quickly enough to attain God maturity
within the allotted Cosmic Hour. I am among
those who have come from another “star” and
although I submitted to the voluntary renunci
ation of freedom, accepting the recurrent roles of
incarnations through many ages, it was a voluntary
service to life on My part.
Those Intelligent Beings, like the thirty volun
teers from Venus, who chose to be the “leaven in
the loaf” through entering the very substance of
earth in bodies of flesh, agreed to accept the re
sponsibility of generating karma in each incarna
tion willingly devoting themselves to working
through the same restricting forms in which the
evolving mankind must function. T he self-con-
scious intelligence need not create destructive
karma, but it is subject to the same temptations
in mis-use of the life energy entrusted to it by the
Presence of God, as is the least of the children of
men. Thus, many of the Guardians of the race, in
their voluntary exile, have woven individual nets
of karmic limitation which bind Their free spirits
Channelled Energy
April, 1953
B lessed C h e l a :
Yours in service —
February, 1953
B eloved C h e l a :
Do you know what the word “chela” means
from the inner standpoint? “Hopeful aspirant!”
One becomes a “chela” when the Life Flame
within the heart can no longer be denied the oppor
tunity to try to manifest the God Plan through the
personality it presently wears. An “accepted” chela
is one who has “applied” for more than ordinary
assistance and instruction and who, upon the
spiritual scrutiny of the Guru, is found capable of
pursuing the more than ordinary disciplines re-
quired of the lifestream who chooses to loose the
God Power through the self and thus become
Master of energy and vibration in any sphere in
which he chooses voluntarily to function.
The Immortal Flame of Life within the heart
of every individual is, of course, the Master power
over all substance, vibration and form, but it does
not act through the individual until invited to do
so. This is evident because, although all men are
animated by the same Presence, very few utilize
the powers of that Presence to energize and mani
fest God perfection.
The Heart Flame of the “aspirant” signifies
his desire to become a “chela.” He is among the
group gathered by the Silent Watcher of his par
ticular section of the earthplane, awaiting the in
spection of The Brotherhood. From among this
Grants and Investments of Masters’
B eloved C h e l a : August, 1953
Thank you for providing this forceiield which
We are using so freely to direct the energies of
Lord Maitreya, My sweet Kuthumi, and the Master
Jesus through the consciousness of mankind.
From a completely mechanical standpoint, your
radio programs are conducted only as far as the
beam of the local station can carry the vibrations,
dependent upon the forceiield which is the power
behind the beam. The same natural law controls
the direction of spiritual energies, blessings and
powers from the Octaves that are above the earth-
If it were possible for Us to direct and expand
O ur energies in an unlimited degree through the
atmosphere of earth, without the cooperation and
assistance of the mankind to be benefitted, We
should long since have transferred the Ascended
Masters’ Octave to and through the earth and had
done with the tedious business! However, natural
law allows Us to bless the sphere below Our own
through the energies of those who are presently a
part of that sphere. T he statement that “God
needs a body” is a spiritual truth; even the coming
of the Christ has been effected through a natural
body, incarnated, in every spiritual cycle.
As I have previously explained, We are allowed
d e c e n t ^ r id e /e to ^freedom” <rPublication6
" T h e S e v e n t h R a y ” b y I ts C h o h a n ,
T h e Ascended Master Saint Germain. $3.00
“ T iif . B e l o v e d A r c h a n g e l M ic h a e l ,
H is W o r k a n d H is H e l p e r s ”
By the Beloved Archangel M ichael. . . $2.00
“T h e F ir st H a y ” b y I ts C h o h a n
T h e Ascended Master El Morya........... §3.00
T h e “B r id g e t o F r e e d o m ” (U. S. and Canada) ........... §3.00
(Overseas) ............................ 4.00