Income Tax Latest
Income Tax Latest
Income Tax Latest
The direct tax which is paid by individual to the Central Government of India is known as
Income Tax. It is imposed on our income and plays a vital role in the economic growth &
stability of our country. For years the Government is generating revenue through this tax
The word 'Tax' originated from the 'Taxation.' which mean 'Estimate.' Hence, 'Income Tax'
mean 'Income Estimate,' which helps the government to know the actual economic strength of
a person. It is also a way to set up an economic standard for general people. It helps the
Government to know the distribution of money among country's people.
Income Tax has been in force in different forms since years. If we go through the history of
India, we get relevant information regarding the taxation system of India. In ancient history, it
is mentioned that at about such system which were imposed on the income, expenditure and
other subject. Even information of such is given Manu Smriti and Arthasatra which confirms its
existence at that time.
In modern India, Income Tax came into existence in 1860 with the implementation of first
Income Tax Act. After implementation of this Act, people became aware of the actual meaning
of Income Tax. This act was in force for first five years. After this, in 1865, second Act came
into force. There were major changes in this Act relative to the first. It proved itself as a good
factor for the growth of our economy. With this Act a new concept of Agriculture Income came
into existence.
After this, different new Act was also implemented. The most important of them is the Income
Tax Act, 1961. According to ruling of Income Tax Act, 1961, any person whose salary from
any source of income is more than the maximum limit of unchargeable amount will be liable to
pay Income Tax. There is also a provision of deduction and exemptions in Income Tax,
depending upon the type of assessee, source of income, residential status and investment in
saving schemes. Income tax rates are a matter of chang, which is declared by Ministry of
Finance, Government of India regularly, usually on annual basis.
Heads of Income
Under chapter 4 of Income Tax Act, 1961 (Section 14), income of a person is calculated under
various defined heads of income. The total income is first assessed under heads of income and
then it is charged for Income Tax as under rules of Income Tax Act. According to Section 14 of
Income Tax Act, 1961 there are following heads of income under which total income of a
person is calculated:
What is Salary?
Income under heads of salary is defined as remuneration received by an individual for services
rendered by him to undertake a contract whether it is expressed or implied. According to
Income Tax Act there are following conditions where all such remuneration are chargeable to
income tax:
When due from the former employer or present employer in the previous year,
whether paid or not
When paid or allowed in the previous year, by or on behalf of a former employer or
present employer, though not due or before it becomes due.
When arrears of salary is paid in the previous year by or on behalf of a former
employer or present employer, if not charged to tax in the period to which it relates.
What is Annuity:
It is an annual income received by the employee from his employer. It may be paid by the
employer as voluntarily or on account of contractual agreement. It is not taxable until the
right to receive the same arises. Under section 56, Income Tax Act, 1961 other annuities
come under a will or granted by a life insurance company or accruing as a result of contract
which comes as income under from other sources.
What is Gratuity:
It is salary received by an individual paid by the employee at the time of his retirement or by
his legal heir in the case of death of the employee.
What is Allowance:
It is the amount received by an individual paid by his/her employer in addition to salary.
Under section 15 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 these allowance are taxable excluding few
condition where they are entitled of deduction/ exemptions.
Entertainment Allowance:
It is the amount paid by employer for availing entertainment services. Under section 16(ii) of
Income Tax Act, 1961 it is entitled to deduction in tax from is salary. But in this case
deduction is given to his gross salary which also includes entertainment allowance. Deduction
in tax against this allowance can be divided into two parts :
What is Perquisite
Under section 17(2) of Income Tax Act, 1961 perquisite is defined as:
Amount paid for the rent-free accommodation provided to the assessee by his
Any concession in the matter of rent respecting any accommodation provided to the
assessee by his employer
Any benefit or amenity granted or provided free of cost or at concessional rate in any
of the following cases:
1. By a company to an employee, who is a director thereof
2. By a company to an employee being a person who has a substantial interest in
the company
3. By any employer to an employee whose income under the head 'Salaries'
exceeds Rs.24000 excluding the value of non monetary benefits or amenities
4. Any sum paid by the employer in respect of any obligation which, but for such
payment, would have been payable by the assessee
5. Any sum payable by the employer whether directly or through a fund, other
than a recognised provident fund or EPF, to effect an assurance on the life of
the assessee or to effect a contract for an annuity
So under Section 56(2) of Income Tax Act,1962 all such income comes in this heads of
income. There are following incomes which are taxed under this heads
Income coming as a dividend paid by a company to an assessee
Income coming from winning in lottery, crossword puzzles, races, card games,
gambling or other such sports
Income coming as an amount received by assessee from his employer as a fund for
welfare of employee
Income as an interest on securities
Income coming by letting on hire machinery, plant, furniture, building or other goods
Income coming from insurance policy
Under section 139(1) of the Income Tax Act, there are additional six conditions, which forces a
person to file his income tax return. These conditions are:-
Surcharge @ 10% applicable if total income exceeds Rs. 8.5 lakh for A.Y. 2005-06 and
Rs. 10 lakh for A.Y. 2006-07.
There is a new section 80C according to which a person can get rebate upto Rs.
1,00,000 against insurance premium, PF contributions and other such schemes.
In case of higher education there is a deduction in tax for a maximum period of 8
Marginal relief would be provided to ensure that the additional income tax payable
including surcharge, on the excess of income over Rs. 10,00,000 (Rs. 8.5 lakh for A.Y.
2005-06) is limited to the amount by which the income is more than Rs. 10 lakh (Rs.
8.5 lakh for A.Y. 2005-06).
Education cess @ 2% on tax plus surcharge.
List of Dates:
14th January
Submission of tax deduction against interest, dividend or any other amount paid to non-
resident during 1st,October - 31st,December. Form No : 27
15th March
In case of other than company - Payment of 3rd installment of advance for the financial year
In case of a company - Payment of 4th installment of advance for the financial year
14th April
Submission of statement of tax deduction against interest, dividend or amount paid to non-
resident during 1st,January - 31st,March. Form No : 27
30th April
(i) Certificates of such taxes which are deducted due to payment given to employees as their
salary. From No : 16
(ii) Certificates of such taxes, which are deducted due to amount, paid as insurance
commissions. Form No : 16A
(iii) Certificate of tax deducted other than salary Form No: 16A
(iv) filing annual return of dividend and income in terms of units under section 206 of Income
Tax Act 1961. Form No : 26
31st May
(i) filing of annual return against earning from prize, lottery. Form No : 26B
(ii) filing of annual return against earning from horse races. Form No : 26BB
(iii) filing of annual return against salary paid. Form No : 24
15th June
In case of company - Payment of 1st installment of advance for the financial year
30th June
(i) filing of income tax return if assessee is not a corporate/ cooperative and having no source
of income from business/ profession. Form No: 3/2A
(ii) filing of income tax return against insurance commissions/ commission paid without
deduction of tax. Form No : 26D, 26E
(iii) filing of income tax return against interest either on securities or on any other. Form No :
25, 26A
(iv) filing of income tax return against payment to contractors Form No : 26C
(v) filing of income tax return against deposits under national saving schemes Form No : 26F
(vi) filing of income tax return against payment for purchasing of Mutual Funds Form No : 26G
(vii) filing of income tax return against payment of commission on sale of lottery Form No :
(viii) filing of income tax return against payment of rent Form No : 26J
14th July
Submitting date for the statement of tax deducted from interest on amount paid to non
residents during 1st,April - 30th,June Form No : 27
31st August
filing of income tax return if
(i) Assessee is not a corporate/ cooperative
(ii) There is no need of auditing accounts under any law
(iii) Total income includes income through business or other profession.
Form No: 2
15th September
In case of other than company/ corporate : Payment of 1st installment of advance income tax
In case of a company/ corporate : Payment of 2nd installment of advance income tax
14th October
Submitting date for the statement of deduction of tax interest, dividend and other amount
paid to non resident during 1st July - 30th September. Form No : 27
31st October
(i) In case of non corporate : Submitting auditing report under section 44AB of Income Tax
Act. Form No : 3CA, 3CB, 3CC, 3CD, 3CE
(ii) In case of cooperative/ non corporate : filing of income tax return of the relevant
assessment year if it require to get his account audited under Income Tax Act. Form No : 2
filing of half yearly return against tax collected during 1st April - 30th September Form No :
27EA, 27EB, 27EC, 27ED
Date of submission of annual audited account for approved programs under section 35 (2AA)
of Income Tax Act 1961.
30th November
In case of a company - filing of annual return with auditing report under section 44AB
For annual return filing : Form 1
For submitting auditing report : Form 3CA & 3CD
15th December
In case of other than company - Payment of 2nd installment of advance for the financial year
In case of a company - Payment of 3rd installment of advance for the financial year
Under section 80DD and 80U of Income Tax Act, physical disability must be one of the
1. Permanent or more than 50% disability in limb
2. Permanent or more than 60% disability in 2 or more limb
3. Permanent loss of voice
4. Permanent blindness
5. Mental Retardation in which mental intelligence is less than 50% of normal required
Income of news agency having been set up in India for the 10(22B)
sole purpose of collection & distribution of news provided
its income in any way is not distributed to its members.
National Savings Certificates (NSC)
National Saving Schemes (NSC) is one of the popular Income Tax Saving schemes which is
available throughout the year. It can be operated by single, joint, or minor with his/her parent
or guardian. There is a return on this scheme at interest rate of 8%. The minimum investment
limitaion of the scheme is Rs.100/- and with no upper limit. Other investments can be done in
multiple of Rs. 100/-. This scheme has a mturity period of 6 years. It is transferable and also
there is a provision of loan on the basis of this scheme. Under section 88 of the Income Tax
Act, 1961 any person can take benefit in income tax on amount invested in this scheme and
under section 80L of Income Tax Act, 1961 there is a provision of benefit on interests coming
from scheme.
Public Sector Employees: Under this scheme there is a return of 9.5% payable half-yearly on
30th June and 31st December respectively. There is a minimum investment limitation of
Rs.1000/- and the maximum limitaion is the amount equal to total retirement benefit. It can
be operated by retired PSU employees in his/her own name or with the spouse, jointly. In this
scheme, there is a facility of premature encashment. Entire balance or part thereof can be
withdrawn after the expiry of three years from the date of deposit. Maturity period of this
scheme is 3 years. According to Income Tax Act, 1961 interest on this scheme is tax free.
According to Income Tax Act,1961 there is a provision benefit in Income Tax if assessee has
an income as a dividend on investment in any of the following:
Mutual Funds
Unit of UTI
Example 2: Let us take a case where the assessee is women and whose taxable income is Rs.
According to the Income Tax Slab, the first 1,35,000 is not taxable.
The next Rs. 15,000 is taxable @10%.
10% of Rs. 15,000 is Rs. 1,500.
The remaining Rs. 90,000 i.e. 2,40,000 - (1,35,000+15,000) is taxable @20%.
20% of Rs. 90,000 is Rs. 18,000.
Therefore, the net Income Tax Payable is Rs. 1,500 + Rs. 18,000 i.e. Rs. 19,500.
Example 3: Let us take a case where the assessee is senior citizen and whose taxable income
is Rs. 2,90,000.
According to the Income Tax Slab, the first 1,85,000 is not taxable.
The next Rs. 65,000 is taxable @20%.
20% of Rs. 65,000 is Rs. 13,000.
The next Rs. 40,000 i.e. 2,90,000 - (1,85,000+65,000) is taxable @30%.
30% of Rs. 40,000 is Rs. 12,000.
Therefore, the net Income Tax Payable is Rs. 13,000 + Rs. 12,000 i.e. Rs. 25,000.
(If the assesse claims any rebate/ exemption, the claimed amount will be deducted from his
income with reference to the law of Income Tax Act before calculating the tax.)
Surcharge @ 10% applicable if total income exceeds Rs. 8.5 lakh for A.Y. 2005-06 and
Rs. 10 lakh for A.Y. 2006-07.
There is a new section 80C according to which a person can get rebate upto Rs.
1,00,000 against insurance premium, PF contributions and other such schemes.
In case of higher education there is a deduction in tax for a maximum period of 8
Marginal relief would be provided to ensure that the additional income tax payable
including surcharge, on the excess of income over Rs. 10,00,000 (Rs. 8.5 lakh for A.Y.
2005-06) is limited to the amount by which the income is more than Rs. 10 lakh (Rs.
8.5 lakh for A.Y. 2005-06).
Education cess @ 2% on tax plus surcharge.
There is a provision of Income Tax Complaint in Income Tax Act, 1961. According to the act,
one can file a complain against any person who is not fulfilling the Income Tax Act to his
assessing officer or other officer incharge like CIT or CCIT or DGIT (investigation), responsible
for its further processing. The person who is filing the complain can also submit proof/
evidence for his/her own interest. On the basis of his/her complaint, if the IT department
collects more tax from such person, then he/she will be rewarded monetarily from the
Income Tax
To check tax evasion more items would come under annual information
return reporting.