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Kingdom of Cruski (Ice Barbarians)

Ruler: His Most Ferocious Majesty, Lolgoff Bearhear, the King of Cruski; Fasstal of all the Suelii
(male human, 14th level fighter, chaotic neutral)
Government: Hereditary feudal monarchy with nominal control over various jarldoms, lordships and chieftainships
Provinces: Capital realm (Glot), seventeen jarldoms, and more than thirty smaller lordships; the nomads of the Taival Tundra also pay minor tribute to the Cruski in exchange for
being left alone, but are not ruled by them and are not included in the listed population figures
Major Settlements: Glot (SC, capital), Jotsplat (LT)
Population: 60,000 Racial Composition: S
Demi-humans: few (mountain dwarves of the Corusk Mountains)
Humanoids: many (mostly in mountains - bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, lesser giantkind {annis, ogres}, arctic gnolls, trolls {common, giant,
ice}, and occasional norkers and quaggoths)
Alignments: CN Languages: Fruz
Major Faiths: Kord, Llerg, Norebo, Vatun, Wee Jas, Xerbo
Coinage: kronar (gp), haf-kronar (ep), linnwurm (sp), thrall (cp)
Resources: furs, walrus ivory, copper, gems (I)

• These lands are the most frigid and unforgiving on Rhizia, but this helps to preserve the independence of their rulers. The Cruski survive mainly by hunting, fishing and whaling, with
shipbuilding and piracy also important. In addition to the listed resources the Cruski harvest some sablewood, but they do not export it.
• The Cruski sometimes raid the Schnai and Zeai1, and at other times will join forces with them to raid Ratik or Aerdy. They also raid the Hold of Stonefist at times. Their most hated foes
are the Sea Barons, whose ships they attack on sight. Their war bands consist mainly of medium and heavy infantry under the command of the various jarls. Sea raiders are drawn from
the same infantry, serving as rowers at sea and fighting men on land. They normally wear mail, iron helms, and round shields, and favor the axe, sword and harpoon, though the latter is
mainly used for fishing and whaling. Cavalry is very uncommon.
• These lands were the first on Rhizia to be settled by the Suel, and the Cruski royal lineage is consequently the oldest of all the Rhizian peoplesʼ. Their King holds the title “Fasstal of all
the Suelii,” indicating his preeminence among them. This title is impressive-sounding but carries no real weight, since the king has no power to enforce his judgements; even his own
jarls administer their own holdings more or less independently, and the Kingʼs direct authority extends only to Glot and about fifty miles of the surrounding countryside.
• The Dokkhulder (“Dark Hall”) is a stark tower of black volcanic rock. It is a Jasidin holy site, and Jasidin priests and skalds sometimes visit the place, but all others avoid it.
• Coat of arms is azure, a roundel argent.

The Zeai, or Sea Barbarians, are Suel seafarers of Rhizian origin who now dwell westward across the Icy Sea. Their settlements are found mainly on the Tusking Strand (the Icy Seaʼs west
coast, divided between Blackmoor in the south and the Kingdom of Zeai in the north) and Brink Islands (which lie in the Icy Sea, opposite the Tusking Strand), with a sprinkling of far-flung
outposts along the southern coast of High Boros. The Zeai are similar in most respects to the Cruski, Fruztii and Schnai, but far less numerous, numbering barely more than 15,000.

Kingdom of Fruztii (Frost Barbarians)

Ruler: His Most Warlike Majesty, King Rälff of the Fruztii
(male human, 15th level fighter, chaotic neutral)
Government: Hereditary feudal monarchy with nominal control over various jarldoms and lordships
Provinces: Thirteen clan jarldoms encompassing many smaller lordships and chieftainships
Major Settlements: Krakenheim (LT, capital), Djekul (LT)
Population: 70,000 Racial Composition: S
Demi-humans: few (mountain dwarves of the Corusk Mountains)
Humanoids: many (mostly in Corusk Mountains - bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, lesser giantkind {annis, ogres}, arctic gnolls, norkers, trolls
{common, giant, ice}, occasional quaggoths; also some goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds and orcs in Griff Mountains)
Alignments: CN Languages: Fruz
Major Faiths: Kord, Llerg, Norebo, Vatun, Wee Jas, Xerbo
Coinage: kronar (gp), haf-kronar (ep), linnwurm (sp), thrall (cp)
Resources: foodstuffs, furs, silver, gold

• The Fruztii are the weakest of the Rhizian peoples. In ancient times they were probably the strongest, but geography also made them the most vulnerable to Aerdian counterattack;
during the days of Aerdyʼs northward expansion the Fruztii suffered the heaviest losses, and after the disastrous Battle of the Shamblefield (CY 188) they came under the domination of
the Schnai, a situation which has recurred several times in the centuries since, most notably after a failed Fruztii-Schnai invasion of the Bone March (569). Though still technically under
Schnai suzerainty, they are at present independent in all but oath. For many centuries the Schnai used the Fruztii to attack Ratik, but this proved to be a mistake, for in time it brought the
two nations closer, and in recent years the Fruztii have strengthened their position by forging an alliance with Ratik. During the last three years their combined armies have wrought
havoc in Hraak Pass and the Bone March. The King of the Schnai is watching this troubling new alliance very closely.
• The Fruztii live by hunting, fishing, whaling, farming and foresting, and to a lesser extent by mining, shipbuilding, piracy, and southward trade. The climate in their lands is rather more
temperate than in their neighborsʼ, and they are consequently able to farm more extensively, though the growing season is short.
• As with other Rhizians, the Fruztii normally employ mail, iron helms, and round shields, and favor the axe, sword and harpoon, with the latter weapon used chiefly for fishing and whaling.
Berserks are relatively common, but cavalry is rare, though Rälff does maintain a company of horsemen and several companies of archers. The Kingʼs army is better-organized and
better-disciplined than most in the region, having learned from its long experience against the Ratikkans.
• Coat of arms is ermine, a roundel azure.

Kingdom of Schnai (Snow Barbarians)

Ruler: His Bellicose Majesty, Orvung, King of the Schnai
(male human, 16th level fighter, chaotic neutral)
Government: Hereditary feudal monarchy; King loosely governs various jarls, who meet yearly at the Assembly of Knudje and then send representatives to negotiate with the King
or have him resolve judicial disputes
Provinces: Eleven clan jarldoms, each encompassing many smaller lordships and chieftainships
Major Settlements: Soull (SC, capital), Knudje (LT)
Population: 90,000 Racial Composition: S
Demi-humans: some (mountain dwarves of the Corusk Mountains)
Humanoids: many (mostly in mountains - bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, lesser giantkind {annis, ogres}, arctic gnolls, trolls {common, giant,
ice}, and occasional norkers and quaggoths)
Alignments: CN Languages: Fruz
Major Faiths: Kord, Llerg, Norebo, Vatun, Wee Jas, Xerbo
Coinage: kronar (gp), haf-kronar (ep), linnwurm (sp), thrall (cp)
Resources: copper, gems (I, II)

• The Schnai are the strongest and most numerous of the Rhizian peoples, and control the lands between the Spikey Forest and the coast below Glot. They war continually with humanoid
raiders, and frequently raid southward in their longships. Schnai shipbuilders are generally considered to be the best among the Rhizian peoples, and Schnai sea captains popularly
believed to be the luckiest.
• They live by hunting, fishing and whaling, and to a lesser extent by farming, mining, shipbuilding and piracy.
• Like other Rhizians, their warriors normally wear mail, iron helms, and round shields, and favor the axe, sword and harpoon, with the latter weapon used mainly for fishing and whaling.
Berserks are relatively common. In addition to the usual infantry types the King also employs companies of archers, and even one of axe-armed cavalry.
• Dead Schnai kings are traditionally placed in state upon a ship, which is ignited and set adrift on the sea. This custom dates to the time of King Schoffmund the Strong, a legendary king
of ancient times who slew a great kraken in Grendep Bay.
• The Fruztii came under domination by the Schnai for a time, but this is now true in name only. The King is keeping a close eye upon the recent alliance between Ratik and the Fruztii. It
is rumored that the Archbaron of Ratik has sent secret messages to Orvung proposing four-way cooperation to take the Hold of Stonefist and the Bone March.
• Coat of arms is or, a roundel gules.
Archbarony of Ratik
Ruler: His Valorous Prominence, Lexnol, the Lord Baron of Ratik
(male human, 13th level ranger, chaotic good)
Government: Hereditary feudal monarchy
Provinces: Fourteen freeholds ruled by human or dwarven lords
Major Settlements: Marner (LT, capital), Ratikhill (LT)
Population: 35,000 Racial Composition: S
Demi-humans: many (mountain dwarves, gnomes)
Humanoids: many in forests and mountains (bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, lesser giantkind {annis, ettins, ogres}, arctic gnolls, goblins,
hobgoblins, kobolds, norkers, orcs, trolls {common, giant, ice, two-headed})
Alignments: N, CN Languages: Fruz, Common, Dwarvish
Major Faiths: Fortubo, Jascar, Kord, Llerg, Norebo, Vatun, Wee Jas, Xerbo
Coinage: orb (pp), crown (gp), scepter (ep), penny (sp), common (cp)
Resources: shipbuilding supplies, furs, gold, gems (IV)

• The Rhizian hold upon the lands south of the Rakers was broken at the Battle of the Shamblefield (CY 188), and in the following year the Bone March was created. The Overking desired
a further outpost, and after a brief respite his armies again surged northward to capture and establish the realm of Ratik (202-210). The commander charged with establishing this
territory, Sir Pelgrave Ratik, was an able and just man, friendly with the dwer and an excellent tactician who won many impressive victories, and sent such a stream of fine lumber and
other riches southward that the Overking elevated him to the nobility and named him Baron Ratik. His line still rules the territory.
• In 769 Ratik was invaded by a coalition of humanoid tribes from the Rakers, united under the banner of the Bloody Head orcs. Warned in advance by their mountain dwarf allies, the
Ratikkans and the demi-humans mounted a resistance so fierce that in 771 the humanoid horde swung south and fell upon the Bone March instead. This saved the Archbarony, but also
closed the Kalmar Pass and cut Ratik off from Aerdy. Many mines and outlying settlements were also lost during the war. The Ratikkans are strong enough to defend their own borders,
but not to dislodge the humanoids from the mountains or the southern end of Kalmar Pass.
• The regular army is comprised of infantry and crossbowmen with mounted sergeants, and baronial levies consist of spearmen and a small contingent of light cavalry. Bow-armed
woodsfolk patrol the northern borders, and sling-armed hill-runners the southern. Large contingents of heavy dwarf and gnome infantry are also available in time of need.
• Ratik has recently formed a treaty with the Fruztii, and their combined armies have won victories in Hraak Pass and the southern hills. The neighbors of both nations are watching this
new alliance closely.
• Ratik is small, isolated, and constantly menaced by humanoids, but it is also prosperous. The Timberway provides timber and furs, the highlands are shot through with mineral deposits,
and a short and reasonably fertile farming season is possible in the lowlands. Culturally it is a mix of the Rhizian and Aerdian, with strong demi-human influence.
• The fourteen lords comprise a body known as the Council of Great Lords. The Archbaron takes counsel with this group, and with the town burghers.
• Marner is a fortified port, originally established as a base of operations by Pelgrave Ratik himself. His victory over an attacking Fruztii-Schnai fleet at Marner in 216 was the event that
persuaded the Overking to ennoble him. Ratikhill was once a mining and trading post, but suffered greatly during the war, and is now a squalid, overcrowded place. In recent years the
military has cleaned up its better districts, but almost half the town remains a notorious slum dominated by violent gangs which battle continuously through its alleys.
• The hills surrounding the southeastern spur of the Rakers are inhabited by the orcs of the Cracked Skull tribe, whom the Bloody Head overlords employ as raiders. Ettins are also
numerous in these hills, and many of them are allied with the Cracked Skull.

Hold of Stonefist
Ruler: His Most Grim and Terrible Might, the Master of the Hold, Sevvord Redbeard
(male human, 18th level fighter, chaotic evil)
Government: Semi-hereditary feudal dictatorship, governing three town atamen and four nomadic tribal chieftains
Provinces: Four town territories - one (Vlekstaad) administered directly by the Master of the Hold and three (Bastro, Kelten, Purmill) ruled by atamen - and four great nomadic
Major Settlements: Vlekstaad (LT, capital), Bastro (ST), Kelten (LT), Purmill (ST)
Population: 60,000 Racial Composition: FS
Demi-humans: some (mountain dwarves)
Humanoids: many (bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, lesser giantkind {annis, ogres}, arctic gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, norkers, orcs,
quaggoths, trolls {common, giant, ice})
Alignments: N, CN, CE Languages: Flan, Fruz
Major Faiths: Beltar, Beory, Kord, Llerg, Norebo, Pyremius, Syrul, Vatun
Coinage: giftring (gp), halefist (sp), grimfist (cp)

• Formerly the Coltens Feodality, a Flan state friendly with Reyhu and Tenh.
• In CY 636 or thereabouts Vlek Col Vlekzed was cast out from the Rovers of the Barrens for banditry and lying. A few warriors and their families followed him as leader, and this rag-tag
band spent several years wandering the fringes of the Barrens, raiding and stealing from all peoples they came across and gathering a growing assortment of fellow brigands, outcasts
and criminals under his banner. This group mounted a highly successful raid into Reyhu and Tenh (643), swung down into the Bandit Kingdoms and recruited more followers, and
defeated a punitive expedition sent from Tenh. When threatened by the Tyrant of Fellands Vlek sacked the town of Wyrmsgrave, slew its lord, and carried off most of the townʼs wealth
and population (644). His band then rode northward to the shore of White Fanged Bay, where they established a fortified settlement (now the town of Vlekstaad) as a permanent camp.
• The inhabitants of the Coltens were tricked into negotiation with Vlek. The negotiators and their escorting force were slaughtered, and the remainder of the Coltens host routed by
surprise and ferocity. Vlek thus established himself as ruler of the whole territory, and as his infamy spread malcontents from many nations gathered under his standard.
• The Mastership of the Hold is a semi-hereditary position, for which Vlekʼs male descendants (he had 219 wives and 351 male children who survived to maturity) compete in the bi-annual
Rite of Battle Fitness; the winner of this contest may challenge the Master or one of the three town Atamen, or become chief of a war-band. Surviving losers join the war-bands (known
as “Fists”), with the best among them becoming chieftains, sub-chiefs, etc. These war-bands usually number 200 to 300 fighters, and regularly raid the Rovers, Reyhu, Tenh, and the
Fruztii. Loyal service is rewarded with plunder and captives, disobedience with a cruel death.
• About 30% of the population dwells in permanent settlements, and from these folk are drawn most of the heavy footmen. The remaining 70% are semi-nomadic, moving into the northern
tundra in the summer and migrating southward in the fall. From these folk come the cavalry and light infantry.
• The culture of the Hold places a premium upon brute strength, and treachery and cruelty are expected from its leaders.
• Though many of the Coltens folk were killed or subjugated by Vlek and his descendants, others fled eastward into the Hraak Forest or Taival Tundra, and their descendants live there
still. The former folk are known as the Forest People. Both peoples are implacable enemies of the Hold, and wage constant guerilla warfare against the “Fists” who encroach upon their
territories. The Flan inhabitants of the Taival Tundra are not numerous, and pay tribute to the Cruski in exchange for being left alone.
• Standard is gules, a sinister hand of stone couped above the wrist, clenched, proper.

Mountain Ranges

Corusk Mountains
Humans: few (mountaineers along fringes of range); few lycanthropes (bear, boar, wolf, wolfwere)
Demi-Humans: some (mountain dwarves)
Humanoids: some (bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, arctic gnolls, norkers, ogres, trolls {common, giant, ice})
Other Inhabitants: cave bears, cantobeles, crimson deaths, dragons (red, white), giant eagles (uncommon), galeb duhr, giant goats, griffons, hippogriffs, ice lizards, remorhaz, snow serpents,
spiders (snow), ice toads, will-o'-the-wisps, winter wolves, worgs, yeti; also hoar foxes in north, puddings (white) in glacial areas

The Corusk Mountains form the backbone of the Thillonrian Peninsula. The entire range is lofty, imposing, ice-capped, and very cold, of course. The lower slopes are inhabited by
humans, but the central wilderness is overrun by humanoids, giants, and monsters. A few enclaves of mountain dwarves are also found within. The Corusks are believed to contain only
small quantities of mineral wealth.

Griff Mountains
Humans: few (mountaineers and miners along edges of range); few lycanthropes (bear, boar, wolf, wolfwere)
Demi-Humans: some (mountain dwarves)
Humanoids: many (aarakocra, bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, lesser giantkind {ettins, ogres}, gnolls, arctic gnolls {in northern peaks}, goblins, hobgoblins,
kobolds, norkers, orcs, trolls {common, giant, giant two-headed}; also scattered mongrelmen)
Other Inhabitants: cave bears, cantobeles, crimson deaths, dragons (cloud, copper, red, silver, white), giant eagles, galeb duhr, giant goats, griffons, hippogriffs, ice lizards, perytons, snow
serpents, spiders (huge, large), will-o'-the-wisps, winter wolves, worgs, yeti; also hoar foxes in north only, puddings (white) and spiders (snow) in northern glacial areas only

This range extends from just below the border of the Troll Fens to Hraak Pass, linking the Rakers and the Corusk Mountains and dividing the lands of Stonefist, Tenh, and the Frost
Barbarians. The Griff Mountains are extremely tall, steep, and inhospitable to settlement, and as their name implies they are home to many monsters. There are some mineral deposits
within, and some mining is carried out there. There are tales of legendary places said to lie within the mountains, such as the Hanging Glacier of Alisderan and the mysterious lost city
known as Skrellingshald. There are also stories of a small and beautiful realm hidden within the heart of the range, ruled by a powerful prince and protected from all invasion by strong
armies and magic. This place is said to be fantastically wealthy, with buildings roofed in copper and silver, gold used as lead is elsewhere, and jewels lying about on the ground.

The Rakers
Humans: few (mountaineers and miners along edges of range); few lycanthropes (bear, boar, wolf, wolfwere)
Demi-Humans: some (mountain dwarves, scattered hill dwarves along edges of range)
Humanoids: some (aarakocra, bugbears, giants {cloud, fire, fog, frost, hill, mountain, stone, storm}, lesser giantkind {ettins, ogres}, gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, norkers, orcs, trolls
{common, giant, giant two-headed}; also scattered mongrelmen)
Other Inhabitants: cave bears, centipedes, chimerae, dragons (blue, cloud, copper, red, silver, white), giant eagles, galeb duhr, giant goats, griffons, hippogriffs, perytons, giant snakes (adder,
copperhead), spiders (huge, large), wyverns, yeti (high elevations only)

This southern arm of the Griff Mountains forms the base of the Thillonrian Peninsula. Its name comes from its many tall, sharp peaks, which seem to rake the skies. Many fierce creatures
live within the Rakers, and its humanoid tribes are particularly large and warlike. Some mountaineers and dwarves also dwell within. How much mineral wealth the Rakers contain is not


Hraak Forest
Humans: some (tribespeople, woodsfolk); some lycanthropes (bear, boar, wolf, wolfwere)
Demi-Humans: few (grugach)
Humanoids: many (quaggoths, trolls, also scattered arctic gnolls, ogres, trolls {giant, ice})
Other Inhabitants: cantobeles, dragons (white, rarely green), hoar foxes, ice lizards, giant owls, snow serpents, spiders (snow), giant weasels, will-o'-the-wisps, winter wolves, worgs, giant

This large expanse of pine and fir trees lies within the Hold of Stonefist, and is claimed by that land. The inhabitants of Stonefist hunt and cut trees in the Hraak, and warlike Flan tribes
known as the Forest People dwell within, as do many humanoids and monsters.

Humans: none
Demi-Humans: none
Humanoids: many (10,000 mixed-breed gnolls, trolls {common, occasionally giant and giant two-headed})
Other Inhabitants: anhkhegs, centipedes, dragons (green, white), giant hornets, giant owls, owlbears, giant skunks, spiders (giant, huge, large), stirges, giant ticks, giant weasels, wyverns

This smallish pine forest covers the land between the foothills of the Rakers and the shore of Grendep Bay. Its tall trees were once highly prized as masts for large ships, but no trees have
been cut there since the Bone March fell. The Loftwood is overrun by gnolls of the Black Tongue, a very fierce and strong tribe whose members are of mixed gnoll and arctic gnoll

Sable Wood
Humans: some (woodsfolk); some lycanthropes (bear, boar, wolf, wolfwere)
Demi-Humans: none
Humanoids: some (arctic gnolls, ogres, trolls {common, ice, occasional giant})
Other Inhabitants: cantobeles, dragons (white, rarely green or red), ice lizards, giant owls, snow serpents, spiders (snow), giant weasels, giant wolverines

This evergreen forest is within the realm of the Ice Barbarians, and the sablewood trees that give the forest its name are harvested exclusively by the Cruski, who refuse to export the
lustrous black wood thus obtained. Many humanoids and monsters lurk within Sable Wood, and the Cruski watch its borders carefully.

Spikey Forest
Humans: some lycanthropes (bear, boar, wolf, wolfwere)
Demi-Humans: none
Humanoids: some (arctic gnolls, ogres, trolls {common, ice, occasional giant})
Other Inhabitants: cantobeles, dragons (white, rarely green or red), ice lizards, giant owls, snow serpents, spiders (snow), giant weasels, giant wolverines

This evergreen wood divides the lands of the Fruztii and Schnai. Its tall pines are used by both peoples as ship masts and spars, though humanoids and forest predators cause the
loggers occasional trouble.

Timberway Forest
Humans: some lycanthropes (bear, boar, wolf, wolfwere)
Demi-Humans: few (grugach)
Humanoids: some (bugbears, arctic gnolls, ogres, trolls {common, ice, occasional giant, giant two-headed})
Other Inhabitants: cantobeles, dragons (white, rarely green), giant hornets, ice lizards, giant owls, snow serpents, spiders (snow), giant weasels, giant wolverines

This evergreen forest separates Ratik from the land of the Fruztii. Some timber used for shipbuilding is cut within the Timberway, though the growth is less fine there than in the Loftwood,
and people from both states hunt and forage within, though not without risk, for humanoids and predators are numerous.

A brief summary of the information above:

• There are Rhizian mountaineers and miners along the fringes of the mountain ranges. A few scattered and isolated Flan tribes dwell deep within the Griffs and western Corusks. All three
ranges are inhabited by mountain dwarves; there are also hill dwarves along the fringes of the lower Rakers, where they border on the Flinty Hills and the Pale.

• The northern mountains are inhabited by arctic gnolls, bugbears, some norkers, and a variety of giant and troll races. As one moves southward into more temperate lands (western/southern
Griffs, Rakers) the most cold-loving of these (fog and frost giants, arctic gnolls, ice trolls) become rarer, but ettins, (ordinary) gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, orcs, and giant two-headed
trolls start to appear, as do scattered tribes of aarakocra and mongrelmen.

• Quaggoths can be found in many parts of Rhizia, but are only numerous in the Hraak Forest.

Some notes about monsters:

• Arctic gnolls are tougher than ordinary gnolls, having 2+2 hit dice and a base armor class of 8 (i.e. their armor class is one step better than usual). Their pelts are thick and of whitish-grey
color. There are no flinds among them, but there are arctic ghuuna. Arctic gnolls employ harpoons, and use more axes and fewer pole arms than their cousins in warmer climes. Some have
learned to build and sail the longboats favored by Rhizians. In all other respects they are similar to ordinary gnolls.

• Updated/expanded statistics for ettins, giant snakes, spiders and ice trolls are listed in mottledfruitbat (http://mottledfruitbat.livejournal.com/17592.html). Cantobeles and ghuuna are also
described in mottledfruitbat (http://mottledfruitbat.livejournal.com/17191.html), and snow serpents in Deities and Demigods (Newhon Mythos). Snow spiders are simply white-furred giant
spiders; note the changes to spider statistics in the first link above.

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