Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange
Section 1: Evolution
Brokerage firms:
Approved by the Ministry of Finance, they were created in 1995 by the
"Dahir" (Royal Decree) establishing Law Number 1-93-211 of 21
September 1993. They enjoy a monopoly in terms of stock market
brokerage. They have as primary purpose; executing transactions in
securities, ensuring the safekeeping of securities, manage portfolios of
securities pursuant to a warrant and conduct market securities listed.
They are remunerated by a brokerage commissions and custody.
In the case of initial public offerings, brokerage firms also assist
corporate entities making public share offerings by preparing
documentary information for the public as well as collecting
Furthermore the brokerage firms can:
Advise and solicit clients. Constitute deposits. Contract an insurance
covering the risk of loss, theft or destruction of capital values in their
care. Establish a guarantee fund designed to compensate customers of
companies in liquidation.
Actually, 12 companies are operational trading on the Moroccan market,
namely: ( Alma finance group, Art bourse, Attijari intermediation, BMCE
capital bourse, BMCI bourse, Capital trust securities, CDG capital
bourse, CFG marchés, Crédit du maroc capital, EURO bourse, ATLAS
capital bourse, ICF al wassit, Integra bourse, Maroc service
intermediation, Sogecapital bourse, UPLINE securities, WAFA bourse ).
Mutual funds:
Mutual funds are investment funds that allow investors to invest
collectively in different transferable securities and holding shares or
representative shares of investment they achieved.
We can find four major categories of funds; the choice between them
depends on the requirements of the investor in terms of profitability and
- Equity funds: 60% invested in equities, they are very sensitive to
market fluctuations. The expected return is high, but the risk is
- Diversified funds: Invest in both stocks and bonds to the manager's
discretion. The risk / profit is linked to the arbitration conducted by
the manager.
- Bond funds: 90% invested in bonds. The performance of this
category of funds is related to changes in interest rates. The risk is
low but the profit is lower than other categories.
- Money market funds: initially intended to pay short-term cash
institutional investors, returns are regular and the risk is negligible.
Actors Exchange
Brokerage firms are the basic actors of the Exchange. These are
financial institutions, often subsidiaries of major banking institutions,
responsible for negotiating and trading securities. So these are legal
persons who succeeded in 1988, to an individual, the stockbroker.
Broker as before judicial officers that were stockbrokers, have a
monopoly of trade on the exchange.
The central market plays a crucial role in the functioning of the stock
market, to the extent that the share price is determined on the central
market following the confrontation of purchase and sale orders.
Indeed, market orders are centralized in a single order book which allows
comparison of supply and demand and to establish an equilibrium price.
To summarize, the Casablanca Stock Exchange market is a centralized
order-driven versus market prices. The large orders from institutional
investors may have a significant impact on the current passing through
the block market. The operations on the block market must respect,
except in very special cases, the following conditions:
Involve a number of shares equal to at least the minimum block size
(TMB), defined by the Casablanca Stock Exchange.
Be entered into a course included in the price range issue from the
central market.
The electronic system:
While the year 2012 has not been brillant for the Casablanca
stock market where all market indicators declined. However, it is clear
that despite a difficult economic environment, the Casablanca Stock
Exchange has continued to play its role as a corporate finance the
national economy. Thus, the year past, instead recorded 16 capital
transactions which resulted in a cumulative lift of 16.7 billion dirhams.
This amount is certainly in decline compared to 17.78 and 18.29 billion
dirhams recorded respectively in 2011 and 2010, it remains that in this
volume shows the value of listed recourse to the capital market for
companies raise the capital needed for their development.
Moreover, by taking a dispatching volume recorded in 2012, there
was a balance of debt issuance transactions and capital increases and a
sharp decline in IPOs. In fact, one small operation in initial public
offerings was recorded in 2012 Affric Industries has raised 27 million
dirhams. However, like the last four years, the bond market is a craze
from the listed companies. Therefore, six bond issues were recorded for
an amount up to 9.45 billion dirhams. It is a method of financing
increasingly used by companies, for various reasons. First, in an
environment marked by tightening bank liquidity environment, the capital
market is a source of alternative financing deal with the conditions of
more selective credit banks. Then, bond yields are generally relatively
low compared to the rates offered by banks. Thus, by way of example,
the CIH is out on the market for 1000 MDH with a maximum rate of
5.30% risk premium included.
The Casablanca Stock Exchange was established to complete our
financial system that has long been confined to the single banking
system, managed system, that is to say non-competitive.
The organization of the stock market must satisfy a number of
requirements related mainly to security, transparency and market
liquidity. In practical terms, this has resulted in the establishment of
different actors with different but complementary roles.
The Moroccan securities market, which was created November 14, 1967
has certainly seen undeniable progress since its reform in 1993, but the
emergence of the stock market as a whole, therefore, remains a goal not
achieved, and progress towards the market economy a goal far from
being realized. beyond a refined architecture regulations, it will take more
initiative and imagination to permanently reform.