Belt Conveyor

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IS 11592:2000

(Reaffirmed 2005)

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(m’7 p?w7)

Indian Standard
( First Revision)

ICS 53.040.10

@ BIS 2000
NEW DELHI 110002

October 2000 Price Group 15

Bulk Conveying, Elevating, Hoisting, Aerial Ropeways and Related Equipment Sectional Committee, ME 06

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Bulk Conveying, Elevating, Hoisting, Aerial Ropeways and Related Equipment Sectional Committee
had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Divisional Council.
Belt conveyors play an important role in the key sectors of the economy such as mines, steel plants, thermal —
power stations etc. Accordingly, the design of the belt conveyors has to take care of various parameters. This
standard has been prepared to help the engineers and technocrats and industry for making use of uniform
practice for selection and design of belt conveyors in India.

This standard was first published in 1985 and has been revised to bring it in line with 1S0 5048 which has since
been revised. In addition, the reference of Indian standards referred in the standard is also being up-dated.
Further the errors noted during the implementation of the standards are also being corrected.
This standard has basically covered the conveyor system using belts from 300 mm to 2000 mm belt widths
conforming to IS 1891 (Part 1) : 1994 ‘Conveyor and elevator textile belting : Part 1 General purpose belting
~ourth revision)’. At present belts of width upto 3000 mm are also being used in Indian industries. This
standard can be made applicable to belts of all widths subject to availability of technical data.
In the preparation of this standard assistance has been derived from the following:
1S0 5048:1989 Continuous mechanical handling equipment — Belt conveyors with carrying
idlers — Calculations of operating power and tensile forces
1S0 5049 (Part 1) :1994 Mobile equipment for continuous handling of bulk materials — Part 1: Rules
for design of steel structures
1S0 5293:1981 Conveyor belts — Formula for transition distance on three equal length idler
ISO/TR 10357:1989 Conveyor belts — Formula for transition distance on three equal length idler
rollers (new method)
DIN 22101:1979 Continuous mechanical handling equipment; belt conveyors for bulk materials:
bases for calculation and design
BS 2890:1973 Troughed belt conveyors
BS 5934:1980 Method for calculation of operating power and tensile forces in belt conveyors
with carrying idlers on continuous mechanical handling equipment
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is compiled with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 11592:2000

Indian Standard
( First Revision)
1 SCOPE 1.6 This code covers the belt running on idler rollers
1.1 This standard provides guidance for selection and
only and not on slideslbeds.
design pt-actices to be adopted for belt conveyors. 1.7 This standard applies for only smooth surfaced —

1.2 This standard applies to stationary and shiftable belt.

and/or expendable conveyors handling loose bulk ma- 1.8 This standard excludes the installations using
terial and such material, which behave as solids+For horizontal curves
guidance, classification and properties of such mate-
rial are covered in IS 8730. 2 REFERENCES
1.3 This standard covers the conveyors with belt widths 2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A contain
ranging from 300 mm to 2000 mm as currently in provisions which through reference in this text, con-
vogue in conformity with relevant Indian Standards stitute provision of this standard. At the time of pub-
but excluding special purpose conveyors. lication, the editions indicated were valid. All stan-
NOTES dards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements
1 Conveyors, not covered under this scope and special purpose based on this standard are-encouraged to investigate
conveyors, for example, feeders, package conveyors, etc. will be
the possibility of applying the most recent editions of
covered in a separate standard.
the standards indicated in Annex A.
2 This standard also covers the conveyors using steel cord belting.
3 Special i-equiremen~ for conveyors for use in underground coat
mines are also covered by this standard,
4 This standard does not include certain data on steel cord 3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the terms and
conveyors and conveyors for underground mines where relevant
Indian Sr~ndards are available.
definitions given in IS 4240 shall apply.

1.4 Attention is drawn to the many varied factors which 3.2 Symbols and Units
influence the driving force on,the drive pulley and which
Symbols and their units used in this standard for cal-
make it extremely difficult to redirect the power re-
quirement exactly. This Indian Standard is intended to culations are summarized in Table 1.
give a simple method of conveyor design calculation.
Consequently it is limited in terms of precision but is
sufficient in the majority of cases. Many factors are not 4.1 The conveyors are troughed and flat, both hori-
taken into account in the fortnulae but details are pro- zontal and/or inclined or declined with or without
vided on their nature and their effect. In simple cases, curvatures in vertical plane.
which are the most frequent, it is possible to progress
easily from the calculation of power requirements to 4.2 Troughed conveyor is that in which the belt forms
those of the necessary and the real tensions in the belt, a trough on the carrying side while restinglrunning
which are critical in the selection of the belt and in the over idler rolls which are either in set of 5-rolls/3-rolls
design of the mechanical equipment. However, certain or 2-rools. The troughing angle adopted shatl con-
conveyors present more complicated problems, for ex- form to IS 8598 and shall be selected from the follow-
ample those with multiple drives, or with an undulat- ing values: 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 45°.
ing profile in vertical elevation. For these calculations, NOTE—The troughed angle of 15° is applicable for 2-roll belt
which are not covered in this Indian Standard, it is conveyors only.
advisable to consult a competent expert.
4.2.1 For return idlers, the troughing angle of 0°, 10°,
1.5 The recommendations given in this standard shall or 15°, shall preferably be adopted.
be applied both to individual conveyor, as well as
conveyor systems consisting of more than one 4.3 Flat belt conveyor is that in which the belt runs
conveyor. Care shall however be taken to apply clauses flat on the carrying side, over an idler or a set of
pertaining to system requirements. idlers.

IS 11592:2000

Table 1 Symbols and Units Table 1 (Con~inued)

(C/auses 3.2,8 .5.1.3, urrd8.1 1.3.2.)
S1 Symbols Description Unit
S lSymbols Description Unit
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
49. R Special resistance N
1. A Cross-sectional area of load on belt m’ 50. R: Frictional resistance between handled material N
mz and the skirt plate in acceleration area
2. Al Area ofcontact between belt and belt cleaner
51. R,p, Special main resistances N
3. B Belt width m
— 52. R,p, Special secondary resistances N
4. B, Bearing life factor
53. s Maximum allowable belt sag
5. c Conveyor capacity rih —
54. SF Safety factor
6. C, Coefficient depending upon trough angle —
55. T, Peripheral force on the drive pulleys N
7. D Pulley diameter m 56, T, Tension at the curvefor both starting and kNlm —
8. E Belt modulus kNlm running condition
9. E, Belt specific modulus — 57. Tm Maximum recommended belt tension kN/m
10. F. Force available for acceleration of the total equi- N 58. T* Average belt tension at the pulley N/m
valent mass 59. Tti Minimum belt tension to limit belt sag N/m
11. F, Bracking force N 60. T, Maximum belt tension under normal operating N/m

12. Fd Force required for deceleration N conditions

61. Tm Maximum operating belt tension N/m
13. Fd Additional force required for deceleration N
62. T,m Maximum peripheral force N/m
14. F Equivalent force on each idler bearing N
63. T,m,n Minimum slack side tension N/m
15. Fq Modified equivalent force on each idler bearing N
-m 64. T,, Belt tension in startirrghrrking condition N/m
16. F, Total vertical.force on central idler roll N 65. Tcm Tension at the curve when belt is partially Nlm
17. GLr2 Moment of inertia of drive system N.ms2 loaded up to beginning of curve
(4wk2) Maximum belt tension when belt is partially N/m
18. H Lift of conveyor between loading end and dis- m loaded up to beginning of curve
charge end 67. T Induced belt~dge stress in ~itions N/mm
19. H, Height of material on belt at discharge pulley m 68. v Belt speed M/s
20, K Slope factor — 69. ~ Handled material conveying speed component Or/s
21. K. Scraping factor N/m in the direction of belt motian
— 70. Vw Load factor —
22. K, Application factor for idler
— 71. x, Y Coordinatesof curves m
23. K, Lump factor
72. Z Distance between working, point and tangent m
24. K, Service factor —
point on curves
25. K, Speed factor —
73. b Width ofmatenal on belt m
26, L Conveyor length (distance between cerrtres) m 74. b, lnterskirt plate width m
27. L, Length of installation equipped with tilted idler m 75. d Shafi diameter inside bearing m
28, m Total equivalent mass kg 76. e Base for natural logarithm (a constant) 2.718
29. N: Rated motor speed rev/rein Appr
77. f Arititicial friction coefficient —
30. N, Drive pulley speed revlmin
78. g Acceleration due to gravity 9:806
31. No Normal strength of belt N/m
32. PA Absorbed power kW
79. h,, hz Ordinates for trajectory of material m
33. P“p Operating power requirement on drive pulley kW
80. i Angle of tilt of the idler axis with respect to a degree
34. PM Motor output power (shaft) kW
plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of
35. PM, Installed motor output power kW the belt
36. Q Volumetric conveyor capacity m’ls 81.1,,12 Dkances from point of separation to the points m
37. R< Radius (minimum) of curve m situated on the tangent line from which ordi-
38. R, Pulley bearing resistance not to be calculated for N nates are to be drawn
drive pulley 82. la Acceleration length at loading area m
39. R, Resistance due to idler tilting N 83. I* Length of installation equipped with skirt plates m

40, R Main resistances N excluding (see SI No. 82)

84. mB Mass ofbelt per metre kgfm
41. R,, Resistance due to friction at discharge plough N
85. m, Mass of revolving idler parts along the carrying kglm
42. R~ Secondary resistances N
side of the conveyor per metre
43. Rv Vectorial sum of the two belt tensions acting on N
86. md Mass of material that can be safely discharged kg
the pulley and of the forces due to the mass of
on the next chute or hopper
the revolving parts.ofthe pulley
87. m. Mass ofhandlcd material on conveyor per metre kg/m
44. Rw Wrap resistance between belt and pulley N
88. m, Equivalent mass for drive system per metre k~m
45. R= Inertial and frictional resistance at the loading N length of conveyor
point and in the acceleration area between the 89. m, Mass of revolving parts of pulleys per metre
handled material and.the belt length of conveyor
46. Rbc Frictional resistance due to the belt cleanersN 90. m, Mass ofrevolving idler parts along the return kg/m
47. R& Resistance due to friction between handled N side of the conv.eyrrrper metre
material and skirt plates 91. n, Number of trippers —
48. R,, Slope resistance N 92. P Pressure between belt cleaner and belt N/m2

IS 11592:2000

Table 1 (Concluded) between head and tail pulley and lift of conveyors is
fixed to suit feed and discharge requirements. How-
S1 Symbols Description Unit ever, points mentioned in 6.3 shall be considered here
also to the extent applicable.
(1) (2) (3) (4)

93. Pc Pitch of carrier idler or idler spacing on carrying m 6.2 For system layout, the following data is required to
side of the conveyor proceed further:
94. P, Pitch of return idler or idler spacing on return m
side of conveyor a) Site plan with suitable contour drawings;
95. P, Ratiomf starting motor torque and full load —
b) Over/under surface interferences, namely, exist-
96. t, Radius of discharge pulley +0.025m (this m
ing and proposed roads, drains, rails, rivers,
0.025 m represents the approximate thickness transmission lines, buildings, structures, etc;
of belt)
c) Grade deviations;
97. 1 Belt thickness m
98, (6 Time taken to accelemte the load s d) Material flow diagram and flow rates;
99. 1, Deceleration time s e) Details of receiving point(s), discharge/distri-
100. 1/ Reduced deceleration time s
101. f“, Time required by motor to accelerate the con- s
bution point(s);
veyor f) Material characteristics including size analysis;
102 1, Length of the centre idler m
!03. /m Maximum permissible slopping time or maxi- s g) Climatic data and site condition; and
mum permissible coasting time h) Specific requirement for tensioning arrangement,
104. x Transition distance m if any.
!05. y Vertical distance the belt edge rises or lowers m
during transition Table 2 Features of Belt Conveyors
106. ff Numerical coefficient, being a fimction ofcon- —
veyor length (Clause 5)
107. D Factor for extra power for trippers —
108. 6 Slope angle of the conveyor from horizontal degree Troughed Belt Flat Belt
line in the moving direction Conveyors Conveyors
I 09. rf,q, —
.- Power transmission efficiencies for positive Higher capacity requirements Lower capacity requirements
and regenerative power respectively
High speed requirements Low speed requirements
110. q Drive efficiency —
Large lump size of material with Relatively higher angle of repose
Ill. e Angle from vertical at which material will degree
or without intermediate discharge of conveyed material, limited
leave the belt
with trippers Iumpssize of conveyed material,
112. r Troughing angle of return idlers degree
intermediate discharge with
113. A Angle between side axis of the troughed canying degree
ploughs, distributor plates
idlers and horizontal troughing angle
With or without vertical curvature Without vertical curvature
114, p Coefficient of friction between drive pulley
Suitable for inclimtion or decli- Maximum inclination allowed is
and belt
I 15. !.+, Coefficient of friction between carrying idlers nation in accordance with IS 8730 6°. Declination undesirable
and bell
116. P, Coetlicient of friction between material and belt — 6.2.1 In case of shiftable conveyors, in addition to data
117. /l* Coefficient of friction between material and —
covered in 6.2, the following data is also required:
skirt plates
118. ~, Coefficient of friction between belt and belt —
a) Layout of working face;
119. & Acceleration coetlcient — b) Difference in levels between the head and tail
120, p Bulk density of material tlm] ends;
121. @ Angle of wrap radian
c) Whether future extensions are required or not.
122. qJ Surcharge angle degree
123. B Belt width m If so,the proposed level of the head end or tail
124. 0 Surcharge angle degree end to be altered;
125, b Edge margin, that is unusable width of the belt m
d) Type of shiftin~
126. S Total cross-sectional area of the material
S, = Upper section e) Location of discharge conveyors in case of pivot
S, = Lower section operation;
o Type of tripper/transfer feeder movement
5 SELECTION (whether crawler mounted or rail mounted);
Table 2 lists the features of troughed and flat belt con- and
veyors and shall help in selecting the type of belt con- !3) Maximum allowable ground pressure.
6.2.2 For layout of system of conveyors andlor indi-
6 LAYOUT vidual conveyor in underground (mining) installations,
points such as compact drive head, flame proof
.6.1 For a single conveyor the centre-to-centre distance motors, fire retarding belting and safety precautions


IS 11592:2000

against fire in all other equipment especially fluid cou- b) Sized — Material not falling within the above
pling and other electrical items shall be duly taken grading.
care off.
Table 3 Maximum Lumps Sizes in
6.3 Based on the above data, the conveyor system is
laid out, taking following points into consideration: Relation -to Belt Width
(Clause 7.2)
a) Keeping allowable inclination within per-
All dimensions in millimetres.
missible limit (see IS 8730);
b) Keeping conveyor lengths (including allowance Width of Belt Maximum Lump Size
According to
for belt elongation) within reasonable limits so
as not to exceed the likely RMBT (recommen- 1s 1891 (Pa’t 1, ~
(Standard Widths Uniform Size Unsized
ded maximum belt tension) for selected type Underlined) (Maximum Dimensions)
of conveyor belting; X-N 75 100
c) Keeping minimum overhead clearances below 4QQ 75 100
the conveyors according to the site require- 450 75 125
m 100 150
ments while crossing road, water ways and
6(!!2 125 200
railways and maintaining minimum clearances
m 125 230
in accordance with the statutory requirements; 750 180 300
d) Keeping all transfer points in line with 8.(!Q 180 330
direction of flow, maintaining a minimum 900 200 380
transfer point height and avoiding reversal of 260 430
1 050 280 460
direction of flow of material unless absolutely
360 530
necessary due to site constraints; and 1 350 380 660
e) Coasting time of a conveyor shall be taken into 380 680
consideration to avoid build-up of material. In 1 500 410 750
case, it is unavoidable, suitable means of 410 800
coasting corrections at transfer point shall be 460 900
500 1020
considered. Use of surge hopper shall be
NOTE — The exact determination of maximum lump size
considered if coasting time cannot be corrected. also requires consideration of troughing angle, belt speed or
abrasiveness and other material characteristics.
6.4 Typical layouts of conveyors are shown in Fig.
lAto lJ. 7.3.2 Lump Size
7 CONVEYOR DESIGN PROCEDURE Lump size indicates the longest single dimension of larg.
7.1 Once the configuration and layout of a conveyor est lump. This shall not be cont%sedwith crusher setting
is finalized the following design steps are taken for or screen openings as these limit only one dimension.
sizing the conveyor. 7.4 Ascertain speed factor as sum of lump size factor
7.1.1 Wherever multiple choices are specified, the (see Table 4), air borne factor (see Table 4) and
worst condition applicable shall be considered for the abrasiveness factor (see Table 5) and select belt speed
design of the conveyor system. (see Table6).
7.2 The known maximum lump size of the material 7.5 If the conveyor is inclined/declined, select a safe
can be found from Table 3 taking into account the angle of inclination/declination for the particular
classification of material as given in 7.3.1.* material (also see IS 8730 and 8.1.2). Determine the
angle of surcharge according to the nature of the
7.3 Size of Material material (see IS 8730).
7.3.1 Material shall be classed as ‘sized’ and ‘unsized’ 7.6 From the selected belt speed, angle of inclinatiord
based on the material as follows: declination and angle of surcharge for the material,
a) Unsized — 30 percent by mass of all material determine belt width and troughing angle for the
less than one-sixth maximum lump size. required capacity of the conveyor from Tables 7, 8,9,
50 percent by mass of all material less than
one-third maximum lump size. 7.7 Use the larger of the belt width as determined
75 percent by mass of all material less than by 7.2 and 7.6 and rework if the belt width require-
one-half maximum lump size. ment from 7.2 is lower than that required by 7.6.
90 percent by mass of all material less than 7.8 Consider the type of supporting idlers and their
two-third maximum lump size. spacing [see 8.8 for selection and IS 4776 (Part 1) for

IS 11592:2000

Skirt Boards on Intermediate Loading Hoppers

Hinged to Clear Load from End Hopper


Fig. 1A Horizontal or Inclined Conveyor — Loaded at one end and discharged at other end may also be
loaded at intermediate points through fixed or movable spouts

/-+&Q y~~-.”.~”’ ,“

U 1

Fig. 1B Horizontal Conveyor — Discharges at intermediate points through fixed trippers or at end


Fig. 1C Inclined Conveyor — will carry up varying Fig. 1D Inclined or retarding conveyor for lowering
slopes which depend upon the nature of material is material gently down slopes similar to those used
loaded in usual way and discharges over head pulley in stvle in Fia. 1C convevor. Mav be combined with
ot;er arrangements a;d whe; in operation the
drive acts as a brake



Fig. 1E Combination Inclined and Horizontal Conveyor — The horizontal run can be discharged at head
end or at any intermediate point by means of fixed or movable trippers. The bend in carrying run can be
made over an idler pulley, but the method shown is preferable

IS 11592:2000



Fig. 1F Simplest method for conveying horizontally and up an incline where belt tension is not excessive. The
radius or curved section must be ample to prevent belt, loaded or empty, lifting from carriers, maximum
inclines depend upon nature of material handled and method of loading

Fig. 1G This arrangement combining two conveyor units is often necessary where limited space and high belt
tension make the sweeping curve impracticable


w w

Fig. 1H For conveying on both upper and return belt often used with flat belt for packages


T h—’ 15 To 20 ~3To ~fi

+3104—4= 30 ——————i

All dimensions in millimetres.

Fig. lJ Idlers spacing for belt conveyor

IS 11592:2000

7.9 Calculate the resistances (tensions) for all condi- Table 6 Maximum Recommended BeltSpeeds (m/s)
tions including empty belt, loaded belt, liftidrop and (Clauses 7.4,8 .1.3,8.2.2 and 8.3.3)
other accessories.
600 to 750 to 950 to 1200
7.10 From the tension requirement, determine the ab- 650 800 1050 to
sorbed power. 2000

7.11 Select type of drive and determine slack side ten-

Factor\ I
7.12 Find out the minimum recommended belt ten-
sions for limiting belt sag to 0.5 to 2 percent of the
distance between adjacent idlers on the carrying side.
This sag in no case shall exceed br$yond2 percent. —
Table 4 Lump Size Factor
7.15 Compare slack side tension values obtained
(Clause 7.4) from 7.11 and 7.14 and use higher of the two values
to calculate maximum operating tension. Also calcu-
Material Lump Size Lump Air
Size Borne late maximum starting tension.
Factor Factor 7.16 Multiply maximum operating tension by the mini-
Ftne Grain < 10mm o 4 mum safety factor with reference to type of belt, joints
m Dust
and take-up, etc.
Granular <25 mm I o
7.17 Select a belt having breaking strength in excess
Sized and Quantity of largest lump is 2
Unsized <20 percent of maximum of value obtained from 7.16. -Check this result with
permissible lump size (for recommended maximum and minimum and maximum
the selected belt width) belt widthhtumbers of plies for troughing and sup-
Sized Quantity of largest lump is 3 0 porting the load.
<60 percent of maximum
permissible lump size (for 7.18 Tentatively decide belt specification including
the selected belt width) cover thickness grade and construction.
Unsized Largest lump does not 4 0
7.19 Check adequacy of belt for starting and breaking
exceed maximum per-
missible lump size (for the
tension calculated in 7.15.
selected belt width) 7.20 Finalise belt selection.
Sized Largest lump does not 4 0
7.21 Determine drive power considering transmission
exceed maximum per-
missible lump size (for the losses after selecting machinery between drive pulley
selected bett width) and source of power. Consideration shall be given here
to limiting requirements of starting tensions and cor-
Table 5 Abrasiveness Factor
responding minimum acceleration time requirements.
(Clause 7.4)
7.22 Determine the various pulley sizes namely, drive
Abrasive- Type of Material ‘Abrasi- pulley, head pulley, tail Tttlley, snub pulley, take-up
ness veness pulley, etc. Due considerations shall be given to
Factor recommendations made in IS 1891 (Part 1) while
Non Free flowing materials, such as cereal 1 making the selection for pulley sizes.
Abrasive grains, wood, chips, wood pulp, fullers
earth, flue dust, soda lime, char, loam 7.22.1 Basis for selection of pulley sizes for PVC beh-
sand, ground gravel. ing (see IS 3181) for underground use are as follows:
Mildly Materials, such as aggregate, run-of- 2
Abrasive bank sand and gravel, slate, coal, salt, PVC Tensile Strength Minimum Pulley
sand stohe. Belt (Minimum) Diameters for
Abrasive Materials, such as slag, spar, limestone 3 Type Satisfactory Flexing
concentrates, pellets.
Very Iron ores, taconite, jaspar, heavy 4
Abrasive minerals, flint rock, glass crdlet,
Longi- Trans- Drive Driven Low
granite, traprock, pyrites, sinter, coke. tudinal verse Pulley Pulley Tension
(kN/m (kN/m mm mm Pulley
Width) Width) mm
7.13 Calculate slope tension and return side friction
tensions. 3 580 245 450 350 250
4 700 265 500 400 300
7.14 Depending upon conveyor configuration, that is 5 875 280 650 550 400
inclination/decli nationregeneration, location of drive, 6 1140 350 800 700 550
compute the minimum required slack side tension. 8 1400 350 900 700 550

IS 11592:2000

Table 7 Maximum Section of the Handled Material in mz for Triple Roller Troguhed
Belts According to Fig. 2 with Equal Length Carrying Idlers
(Clauses 7.6,8 .3.2,8.4.3, and 8.4.5)


Belt Surcharge Trough Angle

Width Angle
mm 20° 25” 30° 35° 40” 45”
500 0° 0.009 8 0.0120 0.0139 0.0157 0.0173 0.0186
I0° 0.014 2 0.016 2 0.0180 0.0196 0.0210 0.0220
20” 0.018 7 0.020 6 0.0222 0.0236 0.0247 0.0256
30° 0.023 4 0.025 2 0.0266 0.0278 0.0287 0.0293
)50 o’ 0.018 4 0.022 4 0.0260 0.0294 0.0322 0.0347
10“ 0.026 2 0.029 9 0.0332 0.0362 0.0386 0.0407
20° 0.034 2 0.037 7 0.0406 0.0433 0.0453 0.0469
30° 0.042 7 0.045 9 0.0484 0.0507 0.0523 0.0534
ioo (r 0.027 9 0.0344 0.0402 0.0454 0.0500 0.0540
Io“ 0.040 5 0.046 6 0.0518 0.0564 0.0603 0.0636
20” 0.053 5 0.059 1 0.0638 0.0678 0.071 0.0736
30° 0.067 1 0.072 2 0.0763 0.0798 0.0822 0.0840
1 000 0° 0.047 8 0.0582 0.0677 0.0763 0.0838 0.0898
10° 0.067 4 0.077 I 0.0857 0.0933 0.0998 0.105
20° 0.087 6 0.096 6 0.104 0.111 0.116 0.120
30” 0.109 0.117 0.134 0.129 0.134 0.136
1200 0° 0.070 0 0.085 3 0.0992 0.112 0.123 0.132
10° 0.098 8 0.113 0.126 0.137 0.146 0.154
20° 0.129 0.142 0.153 0.163 0.171 0.176
30° 0.160 0.172 0.182 0.190 0.196 0.200
I 400 0° 0.098 0 0. I 20 0.139 0.1-57 0.171 0.184
10° 0.138 0.158 0.175 0.191 0.204 0.214
20° 0.179 0.197 0.2)3 0,220 0.237 0.245
30° 0.221 0.238 0.253 0.264 0.272 0.277

I 600 0° 0.130 0.159 0.185 0.208 0.228 0.244

1o“ 0.182 0.209 0.233 0.253 0.270 0.283
20° 0.236 0.261 0.282 0.300 0.314 0.324
30° 0.293 0.3 I 5 0.334 0.349 0.360 0.366

I 800 0° 0.167 0.203 0.237 0.266 0.292 0.313

I 0° 0.233 0.268 0.298 0.324 0.346 0.363
20” 0.302 0.334 0.361 0.384 0.401 0.414
30° 0.374 0.403 0.427 0.446 0.460 0.468

2000 0° 0.207 0.253 0.294 0.331 0.362 0.388

10° 0.290 0.332 0.370 0.403 0.429 0.450
20” 0.376 0.4 I 5 0.448 0.476 0.490 0.514
30° 0.465 0.501 0.530 0.554 0.571 0.581

8 I
IS 11592:2000

Table 7 — Concluded
.. .
I Belt Surcharge
- I rougn .4ngle
Width Angle
mm — 20” 25° 30° 35° 40” 45° -

2 2001) 0° 0.257 0.311 0.363 0.4~8 0.446 0.478

10“ 0.357 0.408 0.455 0.494 0.527 0.552
20° 0.461 0.508 0.549 0.584 0.610 0.629
30” 0.569 0.613 0.649 0.677 0.697 0.710

2.10011 0° 0.303 0.368 0.428 0.482 0.528 0.566

1o“ 0.423 0.484 0.539 0.586 0.625 0.656
20” 0.547 0.604 0.653 0.694 0.725 0.748
30° 0.677 0.729 0.772 0.806 0.830 0.845

2 600’J 0° 0.360 0.439 0.510 0.573 0.628 0.672

Io“ 0.502 0.575 0.640 0.695 0.741 0.777
20” 0.648 0.716 0.774 0.822 0.859 0.885
30° 0.801 0.863 0.914 0.953 0.982 0.999

2 800’) 0° 0.413 0.505 0.585 0.660 0.721 0.774

10° 0.578 0.663 0.737 0.803 0.885 0.897
20” 0.749 0.827 0.894 0.950 0.993 1.025
30° 0.928 0.998 1.063 1.104 1.137 1.158

I NOTE — Suitable adjustment maybe made in case of other values of surcharge angle and troughing angle.

II Indicates sizes generally not available in the c&ntry and meant for information only.

7.23 Finalized drive power considering transmission possible. Actual inclination of the conveyor shall not
losses after selecting machinery between drive pulley exceed the maximum allowable value (see IS 873.0).
and the source of power. In case of declination, the angle of declination shall
7.24 Finalise the drive element’s specification like cou-
not exceed 12° in any case.
pling, belt/chain drive, gear box. 8,1.3 Table 6 shows the maximum recommended belt
7.25 Determine drive shaft diameter and other termi- speeds for different sizes of belts based on speed fac-
nal shaftings. tor (speed factor -= lump size factor + abrasiveness
factor). For systems with ploughs and trippers, lower
7.26 Select proper bearings for the duty conditions speeds of belt shall be adopted.
and service life.
8.1.4 Physical Condition of Material
7.27 Consider location and type of take-up and find
out the amount of take-up tension and the take-up Care shall be taken to analyse the physical condition
movement. of the material to be conveyed which are classified as
7.28 Calculate coasting time of individual conveyors
and correct the coasting times for the conveyor system. a) Oily .or liable to react with rubber products,
7.29 Consider if hold back and brake are required .b) High temperature,
simultaneously or one will be sufficient. Determine c) Non-abrasive,
the type and location of hold bacldbrake. d) Mildly abrasive,
7.30 Calculate the braking force and torque required. e) Abrasive,
f) Very abrasive,
g) Sharp abrasive,
8.1 Characteristics of Material Affecting Conveyor h) Easily degradable,
j) Mildly corrosive,
8.1.1 The proper design of a belt conveyor/conveyor k) Highly corrosive,
system is greatly influenced by the characteristics of m) Explosive or creating harmful dust,
the material to be handled. Generally, the material is
n) Very dusty,
classified as shown in IS 8730.
p) Inflammable,
8.1.2 Care shall be taken for the inclination of an
q) Hydroscopic, and
inclined/declined conveyor, carrying lumps of
material, as these are likely to slide down, wherever r) Sticky.

IS 11592:2000

Table 8 Maximum Section B of the Handled Material in mz for Two Equal Idler Troughed Belts
According to Fig. 3 and for Flat Belts According to Fig. 4
(Clauses 7.6,8 .3.2,8.4.3, and 8.4.5)



Belt Width Surcharge Two Idler Troughed Belts Flat Belt

mm Angle Trough Angle

15“ 20” 25°

300 o“ . — — —
10° . — — 0.00.14
20” — — — “0.0029
30” — . . 0.0044
400 o“ 0.0059 0.0077 0.0092 —
1o“ 0.0085 0.0102 0.0115 0.0028
20” 0.0112 0.0127 0.0138 0.0057
30° 0.0140 0.0154 0.0163 0.0087
500 0° 0.0100 0.0129 0.0154 —
1o“ 0.0143 0.0170 0.0192 0.0047
20” 0.0188 0.0212 0.0232 0.0094
30° 0.0235 0.0257 0.0273 0.0145
650 0° 0.0179 0.0231 0.0274
1o“ 0.0257 0.0304 0.0342 0.0083
20° 0.0337 0.0380 0.0413 0.0169
30° 0.0421 0.0459 0.0486 0.0259
800 0° 0.0277 0.0360 0.0429 —
1o“ 0.0399 0.0473 0.0536 0.0130
20” 0.0524 0.0594 0.0647 0.0265
30° 0.0656 0.0718 0.0763 0.0406
I 000 0° 0.0449 0.0579 0.0690 —
10° 0.0644 0.0765 0.0862 0.0210
20” 0.0846 0.0956 0.104 0.0427
30° 0.106 0.116 0.123 0.0653
I 200 o“ 0.0663 0.085-1 0.102 —
Io“ 0.0950 0.112 0.127 0.030-8
20” 0.125 0.140 0.153 0.0626
30° 0.156 0.170 0.181 0.0958
1400 0° — — — —
1o“ — — — 0.0425
20” — — — 0.0864
30” — — — 0.132
1600 0° — — — —
10° . — — 0.0560
20° — — — 0.114
30° — — — 0.175

NOTE — Suitable adj ustments maybe made in case of other values of surcharge angle and troughing angle.

IS 11592:2000

Table 9 Slope Factor K

(Clauses 7.6,8 .3.2,8.4.4 and Fig. 5)

Conveyor Slope Conveyor slope Conveyor Slope

Inclination, Factor K Inclination, Factor K Inclination, Factor K
Degrees Degreea Degrees

2 1.00 25 0.68

4 0.99 16 0.89 26 0.66

6 0.98 18 0.85 27 0.64

8 0.97 20 0.81 28 0.61

Lo 0.95 21-22 0.78-0.76 29 0.59

12 0.93 23 0.73 30 0.56

14 0.91 24 0.71



~ ~.9



0° 5° 10° 15° -2{

FIG. 5 FACTOR K AS A FUNCTION OF 8 FOR ASCENDING CONVEYOR Selection of various components of the con- 8.2 Belt Speed

veyor system shall be made taking the relevant physi-
8.2.1 Belt speed depends on the following factors:
cal conditions of material into account.
a) Capacity required and belt ~idth;
8.1.5 Flowability, Abrasion and Other Miscellaneous
b) Loading and unloading conditions;
Characteristics of Materials
c) Size, shapes, flowability and other characteri-
“ Based on size, ‘shape, angle of repose and angle stics of the material conveyed,
of surcharge, the flowability of bulk materials is given
d) Belt construction;
in IS 8730.
e) Inclination of belt conveyor, and Due consideration shall be given to abrasion f) Idler construction and diameter.
and other miscellaneous characteristics of material in
selection of belts. These properties of material are 8.2.2 Belt speed shall be selected from the recommen-
classified in IS 8730. dation given in Table 6. Higher belt speeds may be
considered under special design conditions.


IS 11592:2000

Table 10 Maximum Cap-city of a Belt Conveyor in tonnedhour

(Clauses 7.6,8 .3.2,8.3,3 and 8.4.5)
Capacity based on:
Bulk density of material, p = 1.0 t/m3
Belt speed v= l.orn/s
Slope factor K= 1.00

Belt Surcharge ‘hiple Equal Roll Roller ‘Ikoughed Belt, .lkmrgh Angle
Width Angle
mm 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45”
0° 35 43 50 56 62 67
500 10° 51 58 65 -70 75 79
20° 67 74 80 85 89 92
So 84 90 96 100 103 105

0° 56 80 93 106 116 125

650 10° 94 107 119 130 139 146
20° 123 135 146 156 163 169
30° 6 153 165 174 182 188 192

0° 100 123 144 163 180 194

800 10° 145 168 186 203 217 229
20° 192 212 229 244 255 265
30° 241 260 274 287 296 302

0° 172 209 243 274 301 323

1000 10° 242 277 308 336 359 378
20° 315 348 374 399 417 432
30° 392 421 446 464 482 489

0° 252 307 357 403 443 475

] 20(3 10° 355 407 453 493 525 554
20° 464 511 551 587 615 633
30” 576 619 655 684 705 720

o“ 352 432 500 565 615 662

1400 10° 497 569 630 687 734 770
20° 644 709 767 792 853 882
30” 795 857 911 950 979 997

0° 468 572 666 749 820 878

1600 10° 655 752 839 911 972 1019
20° 849 939 1015 1080 1130 1166
30° 1054 1 134 1202 1256 1296 1 317

0“ 601 731 853 957 1051 1127

1800 10° 839 965 1073 I 166 1245 1307
2W 1087 1202 1299 1382 1443 1490
30” 1346 1451 1537 1605 1656 1685

0° 745 911 1058 1191 1303 1397

2000 1o“ 1044 1195 1332 1451 1544 1620
20° 1359 1494 1613 1713 1793 1850
30” 1674 1803 1908 1994 2055 2091
N(JKE— Suitable adjustments maybe made in case of other values of surcharge angle and troughing angle.

IS 11592:2000

Table 11 Maximum Capacity of a Belt Conveyor in tonnes/hours

(Clauses 7.6,8 .3.2,8.3.3 and 8.4.5)
Capacity based on:
Bulk density of material, p= 1.0t/m3
Belt speed V= l.Om/s
Slope factor K= 1.00

Belt Width Surcharge Two Idler Troughed Belts Flat Belts

mm Angle Trough Angle

15“ 20” 25°

0° . — . —
300 Io“ — — — 5.0 —
20° — — — 10.5
30” . — — 15.8

0° 21 27 33 —
400 I0° 30 36 41 10.0
20” 40 45 49 .20.5
30° 50 55 58 31

0° 36 46 55 .
500 10° 53 61 69 17
20° 67 76 83 34
30° 84 92 98 52

0° 64 83 98 --
650 10“ 96 109 123 30
20” 121 137 148 60
30° 151 165 175 93

o“ 99 129 I54 —
800 10” 143 171 193 47
20” 188 214 233 95
30° 236 258 274 146

0° 161 208 248 —

1000 10° 232 275 310 75
20” 304 344 374 154
30° 381 417 443 235

0° 238 306 367 —

I 200 1o“ 342 403 457 111
20° 450 504 551 225
30° 561 612 651 345

0° — . — —
I 400 10° — — — 153
20” — — — 311
30° — — . 475

0° — — . —
1 600 10° — — — 201
20° — — — 410
30° — . — 630

NOTE — Suitable adjustments may be made in case of other values of surcharge angle and troughing angle.

IS 11592:2000

8.2.3 Higher belt speeds may be adopted after taking 8.4.3 Figures 2 to 4 show -the most usual trough
into consideration the resultant effect arising out ofi sections for which the cross-sectional area. A of the
material is given in Tables 7 and 8 which are calculated
a) creation of turbulence at loading points and
on a belt width, tilled with material, of width b (below
acceleration in cover wear;
2000 mm):
b) encouraging of low density material to become
air borne; b = 0.9 B -0.05 ... (2)
c) increase in product size degradation; and For belts of width greater then 2000 mm,
d) reduction in life of chutes and transfer devices.
b= B- O.25 ... (3) It is important also to check the adequacy of Tables 7 and 8 indicate cross-sectional area
the type of belting, its joining and safety devices for
from materials having surcharge angles of 0°, 10°,
the conveyors.
20° and 30°. The choice of right surcharge angle
8.2.4 Extreme care shall be exercised while selecting depends on the conveyed material and the distance it
speed, as lower speed will make the installation costly has to travel. For normally flowing material, surcharge
but on the other hand a higher speed is likely to create angle of 20° shall generally be chosen as standard
problems of spillage, dust generation and loss of tine value. Easily flowing or almost fluid materials, how-
powdery materials. ever attain surcharge angle of less than 20° and may
drop down to OO. Surcharge angle higher than
8.3 Widths of Belt 20° occur only for materials featuring a very high
8.3.1 The width of belt is predominantly governed by internal friction.
two factors, the lump size of the material conveyed 8.4.4 The slope factor, K, in equation [1) takes into
and the capacity requirements of the conveyor. account the decrease of the section of the handed-ma-
8.3.2 Tables 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 give cross-sectional terial on the belt when a gradient is involved. Table 9
area, slope factor and carrying capacity respectively read with Fig. 5 gives values of K, the slope factor, for
of belt conveyors. different inclinations of a conveyor.

8.3.3 The width of belt for the capacity requirement 8.4.5 Tables 10 and 11 give the belt conveyor capaci-
can be read off from Tables 10 and 11, This shall, ties for horizontal conveyors, that is, K= 1.0 based on
however be checked for minimum belt width from the load cross-section as given in Tables 7 and 8 for a
Table 6 for given lump size factor. The greater of the material of bulk density of 1.0 t/m, and “belt speed of
two values shall be adopted. 1.0 mfs. To calculate the capacity of a specific con-
veyor, the corresponding value given in Table 10 and
8.3.4 The standard width of belts in millimetres as Table 11 shall be-multiplied by the actual bulk density
specified in IS 1891 (Part 1) are as follows: of the material, the belt speed and the slope factor.
300, 400, 500, 600, 650, 800, 1000, 1200, To take surges and unevenness in loading
1400, 1600, 1800 and 2000. operations into account, the capacity of belt conveyor
calculated according to 8.4.5 shall be generally limited
8.4 Capacity of Belt Conveyor
to 90 percent. In case of conveyors with belt widths
8.4.1 The capacity of a belt conveyor is determined up to 600 mm, the capacity shall be reduced to
primarily by the following three factors: 75 percent.
a) Cross-section ofload on the belt — The cross- 8.5 Driving Force and Power Calculation
sectional load on the belt will vary with the
width of belt, the type of carrying idlers used 8.5.1 Peripheral Force Required on the Driving
which determines the amount of troughing Pulley(s).
given to the belt, and the nature of the material The required peripheral force, TEon the driv-
being handled, which determines the quantity ing pulley(s) ofa belt conveyor is obtained by adding
af material that can be safely loaded on to a up all the resistances,
given cross-section;
TE= R + R, + R,Pi+ R,Pz+ Rs~ ... (4)
b) Speed of belt; and
c) Slope factor. =f. L.g. [mC+m, +(2m~+mG)cosi$J+
R,+ R,Pl+ R,Pl+ R~~ ... (5)
8.4.2 General formula for calculation of the capacity
of all types of belt conveyors shall be as follows: = ixf. L. g.. [m, + m, + (2m, + mG)cos 6]
+mG. H.g+R,Pl+R,Pz ... (6)
C=3600p A VK, Max ... (1)

IS 11592:2000

where sides of belt and the belt advancement

T~ = driving force on the driving pulleys in N; . 0.020, is a basic value for normally aligned
R = main resistances in N comprising of
belt conveyors; and
i) rotational resistance of the carrying . 0.012, is a basic value for down hill
and return idlers due to the friction
conveyors requiring a brake-motor.
in idler bearings and seals, and
ii) belt advancement resistance, result- 1 Underfavorable conditionssuch as fixed and properly aligned
ing from the impression of the idlers installations with easily rolling idlers and low internal ffiction
in the belt, the recurrent flexing of material j’may be as low as 0.016 (basic value of 0.020 reduced
by 20 percent) and for unfavorable conditions such as poorly
the belt and of the material;
aligned belt conveyors with badly rolling idlers andhigh internal
R, = secondary resistances in N comprising ofl friction material,j’may be as high as 0:030 (basic value of 0.020
i) the inertial and frictional resistances increased by 50 percent). The basic value 0.020 conforms to
majority of cases.
due to the acceleration of the material
2 The basic value, 0.020 ofJis only applicable to installations
at the loading area, used at around 70 to 110 percent of their nominal capacity,
ii) resistance due to the friction on the conveying products with an average internal friction coefficient,
side walls of the skirt board at the equipped with three-roll carrying idlers for the upper side of the
belt, a 30° side troughing angle, belt speeda of about 5 mk,
loading area, surrounding temperatures of about 20”C and 108 to 159 mm
iii) pulley bearing ~esistance with the diameter carrying idlers with labyrinth grease seals, together with
exception of the driving pulley idler spacing of 1 to 1.5 m for the carrying aide of the belt and of
around 3 m for the return side of the belt.
bearings, and
3 The value,j may, increase above the value 0.020 range up to
iv) the resistance due to wrapping of the 0.030 in the following cases:
belt on the pulleys; a) for handled materials with a high internal friction
R,o, = special main resistances in N comprising coetlicienta;
b) for troughing angle of over 30°;
c) for belt speeds of over 5 nr/s;
i)drag resistance due to forward tilt of d) for carrying idler diameters lower than the above mentiond,
the idler in the direction of movement e) for surrounding temperatures of less than 20”C;
of the belt, and f) fora decrease of the belt tension;
ii) resistance due to friction against chute g) for flexible carcass belts and those with thick and flexible
flaps or skirt plates, when these are covers;
h) for poorly aligned installations;
present over the fill length of the-bel$
j) when operating conditions are dusty and wet and/or sticky;
R,Pz= special secondary resistance in N k) for idler spacing of markedly more than 1.5 m for the
comprising ofi carrying side upper atrand of the belt and 3 m for the return
i) resistance due to friction with belt and side (lower strand]of the”belt.

pulley cleaners, 4 The artificial friction coefflcient,~ may decrease under the basic
value of O.020 if the conditions stated in Note 3 are reversed.
ii) resistance due to friction with the
5 When the installation is running under no-load conditions, the
chute flaps or skirt plates, when value of~ can be either lower or higher than under full-load
present over a part of the conveyor operating conditions, depending on the mass of the moving parts
length, and on the conveyor belt tension. Downhill conveyors which
require to be braked by brake-motor, shall, w-a safety measure,
iii) resistance due to inverting the return be calculated with a value lower by 40 percent than used for the
strand to the belt, calculation of driven belt conveyors. The result of this is a basic
value off= 0.012.
iv) resistance due to discharge ploughs,
6 Value of~may increase above the value of O.030 under certain
and adverse conditions and/or type installation as for example in case
v) resistance due to tripers; of underground mines.

RS~ = slope resistance in N, that is, the resistance a’) = numerical coefficient, being a function of
due to lifting or lowering the material on in- conveyor length L (see Fig. 6)
clined conveyors; and
Total resistance without slope resistance and
= m=.H.g ... (7) without special resistance
NOTE — H is taken as positive for ascending installation Main resistance
and negative for descending installation.
1) For conveyom with centre distances less than 80 m,the value of ~
J = artificial coefficient of ftiction, dimension- is unsure, as indicated by the batched area of Fig. 6. Where the smaller
less comprising of rolling resistance of the secondary resistances and the greater values arepossible especially
idlers along the carrying and return for short high speed feed conveyors of large capacities.

IS 11592:2000




g 3.6





10 20 30 50 100 200 1000 5000 m

FIG. 6 VALUES OF COEFFICIENTCXAS FUNCTIONOF CONVEYOR LENGTH L Calculation for secondary resistance, R, (for

.—R~~ ... (8) symbols, see Table 1)
m= = mass per metre, of handled material in
kglm where
= 1000 rQ/V ...(9) R, = intertial and frictional resistance at the
where loading point and in the acceleration area
Q =volumetric conveyor capacity inm3/s; between the handled material and the belt
=AVK; and ...(10) in N
H = lift of the conveyor between the discharge . Q.lOOO. p.(V-VJ ... (12)
area in m. In case a belt tripper is used H R&, = frictional resistance between handled
shall include .Iift of the tripper also. material and the skirt plates in the Equation (6) is generally use for determining acceleration area in N
the driving force Tw If the conveyor slope is less than
18°, the factor cos 8 in equations (5) and (6) shall be = p2.Q2.1000p.g.1,
omitted. Equation (5) is applicable for all conveyor
lengths. However equation (6) can be used for approxi- ...(13)
mate calculations for conveyors length more than 80 m.
IS 11592:2000

RW = wrap resistance between belt and pulley, R~C= frictional resistance due to belt cleaners
in N (not to be calculated for drive pulleys) in N
= A,p. p, ...(23)

for fabric carcass belt
,(14) NOTE — The frictional resistance due to belt cleaners. Rb, shall
be calculated in accordance with formula (23). For guidance, a
value between 360 and 530 N/m length of each scraper may be

resistance due to friction at the discharge
...(15) plough in N
B.K= ...(24)
for steel cord belt
0.4 trough factor up to 30° trough
NOTE —The values of wrap resistance Rw shall generally be
calculated in accordance with formulae (14) and (15), For 0.5 trough factor above 30° and up to 45°
guidance. following table gives the values of wrap resistance trough
Locaticul of Degrze of Wrap Wrap Resistance coefficient of friction between carrying
?’Ldley of Belt N idlers and belts
Tigb[ side 150° to 240° 230 0.3 to 0.4
Slack side 150° to 240° 175 coefficient of friction between material and
All other pulleys — 140 skirt plates
pulley bearing resistance (not to bc! cal- 0.5 to 0.7
culated for driving pulleys) in N 0.6 to 0.7 between belt and belt cleaner
Pressure between belt cleaner and belt
0.005~ Rv .. .(16) = 3 (10)4 to 105N/mz
K, = scraping factor in N/m
acceleration length at loading area m
= normally 1500 N/m
v? - v; 8.5.2 The formulae given in 8.5.1 for the calculation
, Min ...(17) of the peripheral force at the driving pulley tire suit-
able only for uniformly and continuously loaded in-
coefficient of friction between material and stallations. For belt conveyors running over rough
belt ground with slope changes or only sloping in the down
0.5 to 0.7 hill direction, for which partial loading of the belt is
coefficient of friction between material and frequently the case, the computing of the peripheral
skirt plates force shall be carried out for different operating con-
0.5 to 0.7 ditions, for example:
8.5.1,4 Calculation for special main and secondary a) empty conveyor;
resistances. R,Pland RSP1 b) fully loaded throughout;
R,v= special resistances in N c) loaded on some sections of the conveyor with a
— (R$,l +-R~P2) ...(18) rising, level or slightly dropping run where
— (Ri + R,, + R,=+ R> each section requires positive force to move it,
and empty on the remaining sections which
would be regenerative if loaded; and
RI = resistance due to idler tilting d) loaded on regenerative sections and empty on
= g. c, KOL,(ma + nl~) cos 5 sin i ... (20) sections with a rising, level or slightly
in case of carrying idlers equipped with descending run.
three equal length rollers. The highest peripheral force on the driving pul-
= g . P#i (fn~) cos ~ cos 6 sin i ... (21) ley, whether positive or negative, found in this manner
in case of return idlers equipped with two shall be used for the design of the driving system.
rollers. 8.5.3 Belt Conveyor Operating Power Requirements
R,k = resistance due to friction between handled
material and skirt plates in N The power required at the driving pulley(s) of
a belt conveyor shall be:
.—wz.Q2.1OOOp.g.1,~ PDP= ~ kw
... (22) ... (25)
V2b~ 1000

IS 11592:2000

Table 12 Efficiency for Various

TE v + (Rwd ‘Rbd)v ~,
PA=— ... (26) ‘Ikansmission Units
1000 1000 [Clause (Note 1)]
after taking drive pulleys loss into acount
~pe of Drive Percentage
where Etllciency
Enclosed gear units —
RWd= Wrap resistance between belt and pulley Single reduction heticatlstraight cut Up to 98
for drive pulley and is to be calculated as Double reduction helical/straight cut Up to 96
given for RW,and Triplereduction helicaf/straight cut up to 94
Spiral bevel/helical/worm gear Use manufac-
R,, = Pulley bearing resistance for drive pulley turers’ rating
and is to be calculated as given for R~. Double reduction up to 96
Triple reduction up to 94 The motor output power (shaft) shall be:
Chain drives — Totally enclosed and oil lubricated Up to 98
V-Belt drives 95
(27) Tooth belt drives 95-98
Fluid drives Use manufac-
for conveyors requiring Tositive power turer’s rating
= PAqz for regenerative conveyors ... (28)
1 The percentage given for gear units are based upon well
NOTES ventilated boxes tilled with the manufacturer’s recommended
1 Efficiency of various transmission elements shall be taken into lubricants.
accounl while adopting the values ofq,.Forguidance,Table12 2 Multiply together appropriate percentage for each reduction from
may be referred.However where necessary, the actual eftlciency prime mover to head pulley to obtain overall efficiency of
may be taken into account. transmission.
2 While deciding on the motor power to be adopted, consideration
shall be given to the actual likely condition of usage of installation.
d) the type, location and arrangement of the belt
3 rJ,= 1.otoo.95.
tensioning devices; and Additional power required due to tripper e) the load case of the installation: starting,
a) If a belt conveyor has n, number of trippers-the nominal rating, braking, stopped either at no
power requirement shall be: load or completely or partially loaded. The tensile forces exerted on the belt shall be
Pa=~(l+ntp)+ ‘R”;;;: ‘v ‘w ... (29) such that, at any rating, the peripheral forces applied
to all the driving pulleys are transmitted to the belt by
friction without slipping and the belt sag between the
~-= factor for extra power for each tripper and supporting idlers does not exceed a safe limit.
shall be taken from Table 13 or Table 14 as
the case may be. Transmission of the peripheral force at the
b) Table 13 gives the values of factor~for a tripper drivirrg pulley(s)
which is either fixed or separately driven and For the transmission of a peripheral force for TE
Table 14 is for belt propelled trippers and is from a driving pulley to the belt the minimum tensile
restricted to those lengths and slopes where force Tz~inon the return belt shall be calculated from
these are applicable. the formula:
c) The lift of the tripper shall be included in the
conveyor lift (H). (30)
d) The peripheral force required on the driving
pulleys for a belt conveyor with ‘n,’numbers of .,.. ” 1
2 l~sg—
... (31)
trippers shall be 7’~(1 + @)N and further ep~- 1
calculations shall be based on this force only.
8.5.4 Belt Forces
E max
Maximum peripheral force, in N, often The tensiIe forces on the belt, being different occurs when starting up or when braking
at different point on belt of the conveyor, depend upon: the completely loaded conveyor. For
guidance, with ratio of TEand TEmmmay
a) the path of the conveyor;
be taken from Table 15 depending upon
b) the number and arrangement of the driving the characteristics of selected drive.
P“ the coefficient of friction between the
c) the characteristics of the driving and braking driving pulley and the belt and -can be
systems; determined from Table 16.
-IS 11592:2000

Table 13 Factor /3 for Extra Power Required for Separately Driven ‘Mpper
[Clauses (a) and (b)]

Conveyor Tripper Slope
0° 19.50 6“ -10° 11”-15° 16°-20°

5 — — — “0.27 0.23

10 — — 0.29 0.24 0.19

Is — . 0.20 0.17 0.15

20 — 0.21 0,17 0.14 0.12

30 — 0.19 0.11 0.10 0.08

45 — 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.08

60 —- 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.08

75 — 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.08
90 0.11 0.10 0:08 0.08 0.08
120 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08
i 50 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07
180 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
210 007 0,07 0.07 0.07 0.07
250 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
300 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
6(X3 0.07 0.07 0.07 — 0.07
1000 0.07 0.07 0.07 — 0.06

Table 14 Factor ~ for Extra Power Required for Belt Propelled ‘IYippers
[Clauses (a) und (b)]

=57m 0° 1“-5” -
Tripper Slope

11°-150 16°-20°

5 — — — 0.52 0.44

10 — — 0.54 0.46 0.35

15 — — 0.36 0.30 0.25

20 — 0.40 0.30 0.23 0.19

30 — 0.32 0.21 0.17 0.14

45 .— 0.27 0.18 0.15 0.13

60 — 0.21 0.15 0.12 0.11

75 — 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.10

90 019 0.17 0.12 0.10 0.09

120 0.14 0.13 0.10 .— —

I 50 0.13 0.12 0.10 — —

180 0.11 0.10 — — —

210 0.11 0.10 — — —

250 0,10 — — — —

IS 11592:2000 Minimum tensile force to limit the belt sag Table 15 Values of Drive Coefficient&

The minimum tensile force Tn,iflwhich shall be exerted (Clause

on the belt to limit the amount of belt sag between the
sl Type of Drive Drive
two sets of idlers shall be: No. Coefficient

~ ~~(m~+mG)g
mm for carrying side ... (32)
8S ‘
Three phase squirrel cage motor with pin 1.8. to 2.2
> ~m~.g O
——, for return side ... (33) bush coupling on line start
8S ii) Three phase squirrel cage motor with fluid 1.5tol.6
coupling and direct on the line start
iii) Three phase squirrel cage motor with 1.2tol.5
s = maximum allowable belt sag special fluidcouplingwithdelayedchamber
= 0.005 to 0.02. iv) Three phase squirrel cage motor with 1.2
Values lower than these never be reached at any point special fluid coupling with delayed chamber
with panel and scoop control
on the installation. The maximum allowable belt
v) Three phase squirrel cage motor with flexi- 1.2
sag [(S = hla),d~], is generally fixed at between 0.005 ble coupling and start/delta start, slip-ring
and 0.02 motor with slip gear startinrz control Variation of the tensile forces and maximum by a formula which is universally valid. It is only in the
terrsileforce on the belt simple cases, which, however, occur relatively
The necessary tensile force and its alteration along often, that is, in the case of horizontal conveying or
the conveying length shall he determined for each load with a small gradient, and ifthere is a single driving
case as a function of the number, the arrangement and pulley, and if low braking forces for stopping the plant
characteristics of the driving and braking devices, and are required, that the maximum tensile force applied
according to the type and location of the tensioning to the belt can be calculated, approximately, by using
devices, by suitably adding to or subtracting from the formula (34) (see Fig. 7):
minimum forces exerted on the belt the motion resis-
tances, the forces due to the weight of the belt and the
conveyed products, and the peripheral forces applied ...(34)
to oil the driving pulleys. The minimum necessary
NOTE — The coefficient takes into account the fact that
tensile force is fixed either by the ability of transmit- the peripheral force should be higher when starting the
ting the peripheral force at a driving pulley or by the plant up then when at its nominal rating. According to the
limitation of belt sag. This highest value of the neces- drive characteristics, the coefficient is between 1.2 and 2.2

sary tensile force for a given load case is generally

maintained with all the other load cases even if they 8.6 Belt Specification
do not require it, as normally it is not reasonable and 8.6.1 A conveyor belt consists of two elements, the
not practicable to produce different take-up forces with carcass and the cover. The carcass is the reinforcing
different load cases. The maximum tensile force T~m, member and may be of either textile reinforcements or
exerted on the belt which has to be used for the choice steel cords and supplies the tensile strength and the
and the dimensioning of the belt can not be indicated body to the belt to hold the shape. In case of textile




IS 11592:2000

Table 16 Friction Coefficient Between Driving Pulley and Rubber Belting


Pulley Leg Smooth Bare RubberLagging Pulyurethane Caramic Lagging PVC Belt Type
Rim Steel with Herringbone Laggingwith withHerringbone
Pulley PatternedGrooves .Herringbone PatternedGrooves

Dry condition operation [ 0.35,00.4 0.4 to 0.45 0.35 to 0.4 0.4 to 0.45 0.25 tO 0.35

Clean wet condition o.I 0.35 0.35 0.35 to 0.4 0.15 to 0.30
(water) operation
Operation under wet 0.5 to 0.1 0.25 to 0.3 0.2 0.35 Less than 0.25
and dirty (clay or loam

Operation under very 0,05 0.23 0.2 0.3 0.15

wei and dirty condition I

reinforcement, the carcass is normally buildup of plies mum number of plies for adequate load support
of textile fabric. The strength of fabric and the number of or maximum width for adequate load support for
plies in the carcass of the belt maybe varied together to various types/constructions as also impact load-
suit the strength requirements. However, the strength of ing.
carcass has a practical limit. If the belt is too tough, b) Adequate flexibility to trough on the specified
troughing and training the belt will be very difilcult. angle of idlers.-Thismay be checked h-n manu-
Thereftrre,the belt with lesser number of plies with stron- facturers’ recommendatory tables pro-vialing
ger fabric is generally preferred because it is more flex- maximum number of plies for adequate troughmg
ible both in troughing and going round the terminal pul- or minimum width for adequate troughing for
leys. The steel cord beking is used to meet the condition various types/constructions.
of small elongation and good troughbility in conjunc- The selected belting carcass shall be
tion with higher operating tensile forces. PVC belting is
subsequently cross-checked for compatibility with the
generally selected for underground mining applications
vertical curves occurring on the conveyor (see 8.9).
where fire hazard exists.
8.6.3 Selection of Cover
8.6.2 Selection of Belt Carcass The properties needed for the cover of belt in-
8,6.2.1 Tensile forces calculated in accordance with
clude resistance to cutting, gauging, tearing, abrasion,
formula (34) (see is then used in selection of
aging, moisture absorption and in some conditions to
belt carcass based on full thickness tensile strength
oils, chemical and heat.
(FTTS) (belt type). The grade and thickness of top cover of belt Full thickness tensile strength (FTTS) method
depend upon a number of conditions, the most
The value of tensile forces (see multiplied by important of which are:
factor of safety gives the required value of full
a) abrasive qualities of the material being handled.
thickness tensile strength of the required belt. The full
thickness tensile strength of belt tixes the ‘Type’ of b) loading cycle, that is, the frequency with which
belt to be selected. The factor of safety may vary from the belt receives the load.
9 to 12.5 in case of textile belts and 7 to 10 in case of c) lump size of the material.
steel cord belts depending upon the application, type d) loading and unloading conditions.
of belt joint, type oftakb-up device and type of starting e) temperature of the material to be handled.
for convertors. For general guidance a factor of safety o chemical activity of the material.
of 10 is normally used for textile belts with vulcanized g) contamination of the material with oils,
joints and on a conveyor with gravity take-up and 7 for h) fire resistant cover needed or not.
steel cord belting. The back cover thickness of a belt is generally After the selection, the selected carcass shall 1,0 to 3.0 mm for textile rubber belts and 0.8 to
he checked for the following two constraints: 1.2 mm for PVC belts. In case of steel cord belts, back
a) Adequate ‘body’ to support the load of the cover thickness is minimum 4.0 mm and range up to fill
material carried for the specific width of the belt. thickness of face cover.
This may be checked from manufacturers’ Care shall be taken for the determination of back
recommendatory tables providing either mini- cover thickness for belts on tandem drives and other

1s 115Y2 : 2(NMJ

other special applications, where there is consider- troughed belts (see Fig. 2) consisting of
able wear and tear in the back side of the belt. In such four/two outer rolls, which are inclined
cases the back cover thickness may be increased to upward and a ‘horizontal central roll.
3 mm and above as maybe necessary. 2) Two roll throughing idlers for troughed The cover grade is determined by characteris- belts (see Fig. 3) consisting of two identical
tics of the material handled. The recommended idler rolls, inclined upward 10 facilitate the
values of rubber cover grade selection are given in
belt to from a trough.
IS 1891 (Part 1). 3) Horizontal carrying idler for supporting flat
loaded belts (see Fig. 4) consisting of a
8.6.4 Standardization of Belt Constructions single horizontal idler roll positioned
Where belting specifications are being selected for a between brackets which attach directly to
number of conveyors in a plant it is worthwhile to the conveyor frame.
consider .standardization of carcass and covers for a b) Type of carrying idlers
particular width of belting. This is to be looked into 1) The most commonly used type to carrying
.in terms of expected life and inventory. It may be noted idlers consists of three in line idler rolls of
here that the adequacy of belting constructions with equal length. For a given width of belt, roll
respect to actual service conditions that exist on each inclination and surcharge angle of the
individual installation should be ensured whilst material, the three equal length roll
standardizing. troughing idler forms the belt into the best
troughed shape to carry a maximum load
8.7 Pulleys
8.7.1 Based on percentage tensile force (ratio between 2) Troughing idler arrangement having a
the working tensile force and maximum allowable ten- relatively long horizontal roll and two short
sile force of the selected belt), diameters of pulleys upward inclined rolls does not form a given
shall be selected from the recommended values given belt into a trough for maximum load cross-
in IS 1891 (Part 1) and shall conform to IS 8531. section but is useful under certain
8.7.2 The drive pulleys may be lagged, wherever nec- conditions, for instance where conveyor’s
essary, to increase the coefficient of friction between load must be spread for manual inspection,
the belt and the drive pulley. picking up or sorting. The inclined end rolls
turn up the belt edges to prevent or greatly
8.7.3 The lagging thickness shall vary between 6 to minimize spillage.
12 mm and the durometer hardness on head pulley
3) In an offset troughing idler, the inclined
shall be 55 to 65 Shore A scale, whilst on the snub
rolls (two numbers on both the sides) and
and bend pulley shall be 35 to 45 Shore A scale. The
the horizontal roll are located in two
softer rubber tends to resist the build up and allowing
different vertical planes.
of solid objects to get embedded in the rubber rather
than damage the belt. 4) Catenary type — Troughing idler consists
of a flexible catenary member on which
8.7.4 In case of steel cord belting and PVC belting, integral small diameter rolls or multiple roll
special consideration shall be made in selection of assembly is mounted. The rolls can be
pulley diameters and lagging, its type, thickness, moulded either in the flexible member,
material and application. which rotates as an assembly in fixed
bearings at the ends of the catenary member
.8.8 Idlers
or in the individual rolls which may rotate
8.8.1 General Types of Idlers on bearings supported by the flexible
catenary member. There are two basic type of belt conveyor idlers:
5) Garland type — This type of idlers are
a) Carrying idlers which support the loaded run suspended from stringers by suitable
of the conveyor belt; and suspension methods. This type of idlers
b) Return idlers which support empty return run consist of rolls connected in between with
of the conveyor belt. flexible links and can be used for both on
carrying and return side. Carrying idlers
6) Impact cushioned idlers — Impact type
a) General configurations — Carrying idlers can idlers having rolls made of resilient
have three types of general configurations: material, are used at loading points where
1) Five/three roll throughing idlers for the-lump size and the weight of the handled

IS 11592:2000

material may seriously damage the belt, if displaced belt engages the discs, the
the belt was rigidly supported. The most idler assembly will pivot. Where
frequently used type of impact idlers garland idlers are used there is no
consists of a three roll assembly, each roll necessity to use the training idlers.
being made of spaced resilient discs. Similar iii) Fixed guide idler rollers, consisting of
impact idlers are made to support flat loaded a roll on a vertical or nearly vertical
belts also. For moderate impact absorption, axis, sometimes are used to restrain a
idler rolls are covered with a thick layer of conveyor belt from transverse
tough rubber. In case the impact at the feed displacement, such fixed idlers shall be
and exceed-s 50 Nm, impact idlers shall used with great care for unusual
invariably be used. The impact resistance circumstances, as insurance against
Ihat a belt can withstand without any possible damage to the belt, from
damage can be obtained from the belt appreciable transverse displacements
manufacturer. Where garland type carrying because continuous contact with fixed
idlers are used, garland impact idlers, guide rollers of the belt edge greatly
connected in between with flexible links, accelerates the belt edge wear and may
shall be used as impact idlers. ruin or appreciably reduce the normal
7) Transition idlers — Transition type life of a costly belt.
troughing idlers are used adjacent to the Return idlers
head and tail pulleys on wide,.high tension,
low stretch belts, supported on 20° or above Return idlers are of three general types to perform
troughing idlers. With these idlers the various functions:
loaded belt is properly supported near the a) Normal return idlers — These idlers are used
head and tail pulleys without excessive to support the flat return belt and consists of a
stretch of the belt edges. The transition long single roll, fitted at each end with a
idlers are designed with concentrator (end) mounted bracket. Idler roll length, bracket,
rolls and long centre rolls, to suit the design and mounting hold spacing shall allow
troughed belt contour between the last for adequate transverse belt movement without
regular troughing idler end the adjacent
permitting the belt edges to come in contact
pulley. In case of adjustable transition idlers,
with any stationary part of the conveyor w its
the end rolls are adjustable. Troughing
angle of transition idlers shall be kept as
b) Training return idlers — These idlers are used
10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, and 30°.
to train and align the return run of the belt and
8) Trahing idlers — Training idlers are used
can be mounted to train or align the return belt
to train or align the belt to a central position
in a manner similar to the tra:ning idlers
since conveyor belts tend to displace
specified in 8.8.l.2(b)(8).
transversely. In case of transverse belt
displacement, both troughing idlers and flat c) Self-cleaning return idlers — The idlers are
used to clean the belt carrying sticky material
carrying idlers can -be so arranged that they
which adhere to the belt. The sticky material
automatically move the belt to its central
can be abrasive thereby causing high wear rate
position on the idlers. For this purpose the
or the material may buildup and adhere to the
troughing or flat belt carrying idlers, as
return idlers causing misalignment of the belt.
units, are pivotally mounted, with the pivot
axis approximately vertical. The three Several types of self cleaning return idler rolls
general methods of pivotally mounting the are available. For very sticky material metal-
idlers are as follows: cage, rubber disc, or double covered helically
shaped self-cleaning return idlers are used. Disc
i) Small approximately vertical rolls, on
rolls, helical and metal-cage idlers present only
either end of the carrying idler, are
very narrow surfaces for adhesion and thus
mounted so that when the belt dikplaces
reduce the tendency to build up.
a little, contact of these rolls w[th the
belt will cause the idler to pivot.
8.8.2 Idler Specification
ii) Rotary discs are provided at the outer
ends of the inclined rolls, so that when The carrying and return run idlers shall conform to
the under surface of the slightly IS -8598.

IS 11592:2000

8.8.3 Tilting ofldler Idlers at the feed point of the conveyor shall-be
closely spaced to avoid higher belt sag due to Angle of tilt shall be provided on the side roll-
impact of load.
ers if specified by the purchaser.
To determine the idler spacing towards or at angle of tilt on side rollers of idlers shall the head, the following factors other than the
be .in the direction of belt run for the unidirectional limiting belt sag shall be considered:
conveyors and it shall be ‘zero’ degree for reversible 1) There shall be no side spill of the material
belt conveyor. as the belt flattens out in going from the Angle of tilt on side rollers of idlers shall be last troughing idlers on to the head pulley.
assmall aspossible (generally 2°)andinanycase, it 2) The load shall not change its cross-section
shall not be more than 3°. between idlers that is the edges of the belt
shall not flatten down.
8.8.4 Idler Spacing
3) The load on each idler shall not exceed the Carrying idler spacing load rating value.
The following points shall be considered carefully In normal circumstances, conveyors arranged
while determining the idler spacing for carrying idlers with the pitch as indicated in Table 17 may be
of a belt conveyor: found to be suitable.

a) Increased idler spacing increases the belt sag The spacings of carrying as well as return idlers
and hence the power loss due to friction is for belt widths of 1200 or more as given in Table 17
greater. shall be checked for the idler load capacities.
b) Very low belt sag means higher belt tensions A set of self aligning idler shall be provided at
and therefore, cost of the belt is high. drive end and return end of conveyor and at an inter-
c) The practical upper limit of belt sag is 2 percent val of 15 m on the carrying run wherever feasible and
of the idler spacing after which the force 30 m at the return run. In case or short convertors, at
required to pull the load increases steeply, least one set of self-aligning idlers shall be provided
However, for all practical cases, the belt sag at the carrying and return run. In case of steel cord
shall be limited to 0.5 to 2.0 percent of the idler belting, the distance of self-aligning idlers on carry-
spacing. ing run may be reduced to 10 m.
d) The belt tensions, especially for a long centre Calculation of transition distance
conveyor, very considerably along the length
of the conveyor, which means different idler The distance between the terminal pulley and the
spacings are required to limit the belt sag to a adjacent fully troughed idler set at either at the head
fixed value. Proper care shall be taken to or tail end of a conveyor, .is known as transition
determine the idler spacings for such distance. This spacing shall not be short so that the
conveyors. The idler spacings in the carrying edges of the belt are stretched too much as the belt
side (PC)and in the return side (P,) of the belt loses its tmughed shape and flatterns down the rim of
can be determined from the equations (32) and the pulley. The transition distance, therefore, shall be
(33).for graduated idler spacings by deciding a such as to limit the edge tension to a maximum of 130
safe maximum allowable belt sag (S); and percent of maximum rated belt tension and prevent
finding other terms of the equations. For buckling of centre portion of belt. In addition,
example, in a long centre conveyor, with occurrence of zero or negative tensions in the centre
uniform slope, there can be three sections, the of the belts also shall be avoided when the belt tension
first might be one-tenth of the conveyor length is low such as occurring at tail end of some conveyors.
(independent of loading section) with a To minimize this stretch, usually the pin of the
carrying idler spacing of 100 percent of the terminal pulley is set in line with the tops of the
average, the secbnd section of three-tenth of horizontal rolls of the troughing idlers. Alternately
conveyor length at 85 percent of average the rim of terminal pulley may be set at a line located
spacing, and the remaining three-fifth of at one-third of the depth of troughed section .of the
conveyor length at 125 percent of average conveyor. The transition distance shall be calculated
spacing. The maximum spacing shall be so from the following formula:
selected as to ensure that the belt do-esnot loose
its troughed shape. If the slope of the conveyor )“
varies, the idler spacing shall be arranged to
suit the belt tensions at various points.
x = o.707y 2
... (35) I
IS 11592:2000

Table 17 Recommended Idler Spacing

[Clauses 8.8.4.l(g) and]
in rnillimetres.

Belt Width Troughed Belt Ftat Belt Return Idler Sets

Carrying Idler Sets for Materials of Bulk Trotrghed and Flat Belt
Density (t/m3)

0.40 to 1.20 1.20 to 2.80

Recommended Spacings

400 .—
I 500 1200
650 1000
1200 1000
1000 3000
I 400
1600 t 000 1000 750

where fully troughed idler shall be in accordance

B sinA b) The rim of the tail pulley shall be in accordance
Y = — when pulley is in line with ...(36)
3 with so as to aviod the belt getting
top centre idler roller damaged due to liftrng and rubbing against the
loading chute or skirt boards.
B sinA c) The first fully troughed idler is generally set
— when pulley is elevated ...(37)
4.5 about 150 mm behind the end of the loading
by one-third of the trough depth above the chute or wherever the material first strikes the
line of the centre idler roller belt so that neither the idler is hurt by the impact
E= the elastic modulus measured at the of the material, nor any darnage is done to the
maximum rated belt tension (RMBT) in belt where it is backed up by the idler.
N/inn and is provided by the manufacturer d) The spacing of first few idlers under the skirt
AT = the induced belt edge stress in the board shall be made closer, generally 0.33 to
transition in N/mm and is selected from 0.75 of normal idler spacing to prevent the belt
Table 18 in relation to the ratio of belt from sagging away from the boards or the
tension at the transition to maximum rated rubber guard strip.
belt tension. An alternative method of e) Rubber covered idlers or alternatively mounting
calculating AT is given in Annex F. the idler stand on rubber ‘filler blocks shall be
considered if the impact of the material is severe Special consideration for spacing the idlers
at the feed point. Provision of impact shall be
ut head end
The distance from the head pulley to the nearest f) When idler spacing is graduated, the idlers just
troughing idler shall not be more than the spacing of ahead of the loading point shall be set closer
the idler which is considered proper for the load on than the average spacing so that the belt takes
the belt and tension on the belt. the load of the material away from the skirt Special considerations for spacing the idlers boards without abrupt change of load cross-
at loading point section.
@ In case of a long conveyor having a continuous
The following points shall be considered while decid- loading zone for almost entire length of the
ing the idler spacing at the loading point: conveyor, for example, when fed by mobile
a) The distance between tail pulley and the first plough feeder or by mobile reclaimer provision

IS 11592:2000

of impact table in the feeding machine is tension act downwards or against the belt
recommended in place of providing conti- supports; and
nuously closed spaced cushioned idlers for the b) Concave curves, where components .of belt
entire length of the travel. The receiving tension act upward tending to lift the beh off
conveyorshallhave normally spaced troughing its supports.
idlers without any skirt. 8.9.2 Convex Curves Idler spacing on curves (convex or concave) The transition of the belt from inclined to
Following points shall be taken into consideration: horizontal or less inclined maybe done with help of a
turning pulley or a group (minimum three sets) of
a) The spacing of the idlers on concave curves troughed idlers. The belt shall not be bent with the
shailbenormal spacing, andfor convex curves, aid of a turning pulley where the belt speed is high
it shall be 40 to 50 percent of the normal enough to cause the load to leave the belt by an
spacing of the idlers or if the spacing is variable, appreciable distance (see 8.13.3 on discharge
the spacing on that part of the length of trajectories). However, even if the beh speed is not
conveyor. high, the later method shall generally be adopted.
b) The number of idler spacings shall not be less The minimum radius of the curves shall not
than three for any type of curves.
be less than 12 times the width of belt for practical
purposes where troughing idlers of 30° troughing
Table 18 Induced Belt Edge Stress angle or less are used. However, two factors, as fol-
(Clause lows, shall be considered in design to ensure that the
path of the belt follows a satisfactory radius:
Ratio of Belt Tension at AT
lkansition to Maximum Rated a) Overstress of belt edges
Belt Tension
(TJ B.Esin A
Minimum radius, ‘C = m ...(38)
1.0 ;.30Tm 4.5(Tm– ~)
0.9 0.35Tm
b) Luck of tension at belt centre
0.8 0.45Tm
0.7 0.55Tm B.Esin A m
0.6 to 0.3 o.60Tm Minimum radius, ‘c = ...(39)
9(L – 4.5)
0.2 0.40T~
0,1 0.20T=
1 TCwill be checkedfor all load conditions.
0.05 O.lOT~
2 Racths to be checked forallload conditions and maximum radius
to be adopted.
8.8.5 [dler Selection Belt modulus ‘E’ required by formulae (38) It is extremely important to select proper idlers
and (39) is a product of specific modulus for the ma-
as they considerably influence the performance of a
terial of belt carcass and rated tensile strength. For
belt conveyor. The selection of idler is governed by calculation, values of specific modulus, E,, can be
many factors, namely, the type of service, loading, taken from Annex G.
surrounding conditions, the characteristics of the
material handled, the belt speed, etc. E = Es x Rated Tensile Strength ...(40) Typical methods for selection of idler based 8.9..2.4 Idler spacing shall be in accordance
on a particular service conditions of a belt conveyor with
are given in Annexes B, C and D for guidance. Any 8.9.3 Concave Curves
method of selection of idler may be used for arriving When the belt curves upwards from horizontal
at suitable idler sizes.
to an incline section or from an inclined section of Annex E gives the method for calculation of the belt to a more inclined section, the freeIy sagging
idler bearing load. belt forms a curve that composes part of a catenary.

8.9 Curves in Belt Conveyors The minimum radius shall be such that the
belt will not lift off the carrying or return idlers even
8.9.1 There are two kinds of curves in belt conveyors:
under worst condition when the belt is fully Ioaded up
a) Convex curves, where the components of belt to the start of the curve and empty thereafter.

IS 11592:2000



All dimensions in mil]imetres.


w z
x The radius of the curve is proportional to the c) Lack of tension at belt edge
belt tension but inversely proportional to the mass of
belt per metre. B.EsinA
Minimum radius Rc = metres ... (46)
4.5 (~ -4.5) The minimum radius, RC,of the curve is rec-
ommended as 45 metres for practical purposes. How- Belt modulus ‘E’ required for formulae (45)
ever following three factors shall be considered in and (46) can be calculated with the help of equation
design to ensure that the path of the belt follows a (40) and Annex G.
satisfactory radius: The empty belt may be held from rising too
a) Lift off far by the use of one or more hold-down pulleys set
Minimum radius for empty belt, high enough to clear load when the belt is on the
T .B.l 000
R,= c metres ... (41)
9.8 mB Table 19 read with Fig. 8 gives typical values
for ordinates with 8 = 20°.
Minimum radius for loaded belt,
8.10 Drive Selection
TC.B.l000 meme~
RC= ... (42)
9.8 (m~ + m~ ) 8.10.1 Basis of Selection

Minimum radius for partially loaded belt The fundamental equation for a belt conveyor
(loaded up to beginning of curve), drive is given by equation (30) -in For most
efficient drive, the ratio of maximum tensile force,
Rc=T,mmB.1000 T,, and the minimum tensile force, T2,that is the slack-
... (43)
9.8 m~ side tensile force in the belt, should be as high as
possible. Table 20 gives the value of ratios of forces
Tc,mJX= T,~AX ‘&’ [m. + m, cos ~ - [Rs + R,,, + 7’1,T2 minimum and T~ for different arcs of contact
R,P21 ... (44) on driving pulley(s).
[R, + R,,, + R,,,] shall be caluclated for distance
in which belt is empty and shall exclude For the selection of type of drive, minimum
the length of cruve. number of pulleys and least flexing of the belt consis-
tent with the lowest practical belt tension is preferred.
T,,,,,X shall be worked out from equations (33)
and (5) considering the belt is only 8.10.2 Types and Selection of Drives
partially loaded. Single, unsnubbed, bare/lagged pulley drive
.b) Overstress at centre of belt
The simplest drive arrangement consists of one steel
13.EsinA pulley connected to the source of power, having belt
Minimum radius ‘C =
wrapped around it on an arc of 180°. This can be used
9 (Tm-~) ‘etres ““”’45)
for low capacity, short centre conveyors handling

IS 11592:2000

non-abrasive material. The pulley may be lagged to

increase the coefficient of friction and avoid pulley
or T2/T~allow for some extra tension before
wear for abrasive materials. eP$ – 1 Snubbed, bardlagged pulley drive slipping would occur between pulley and belt. A
correctly designed drive will allow maximum
The ratio of maximum belt tension to effective belt allowable tension force of the belt until the belt has
tension for the drive is decreased by snubbing,the belt
been brought to its running speed. It shall be ensured
at head pulley which may be bare or lagged. The arc
that the drive system including drive motor, coupling,
of contact is increased from 180° to 210° and can
gear box, pulley and chain drive, etc, does not exert
further be increased to 260° by providing snub/drive
pulley. In majority of normal medium to large capacity even at the starting condition, any more tensile force
belt conveyors, handling mild abrasive to fairly than the recommended transient capacity of the belt.
abrasive materials, 210° snub pulley drive with head The above applies to normal duty conveyors
pulley lagged with hard rubber is adopted. with single or dual drive provided with controlled start Tandem drive of motor (that is fluid coupling, centrifugal hydraulic
slip, eddy current, clutch) by use of devices for speed
Where the belt tensile fo~ces are very high and it js
and acceleration control.
necessary to increase the angle of arc of contact,
tandem drives are used. The tandem pulleys are both To avoid these undesirable aspects it is
driven and share the load resulting in a lower effective necessary to limit the torque developed during startup,
tension for a given power transmitted. The tandem and extend the acceleration period as reasonably long
drive with arc of contact from 300° to 440° or more as possible, and this is achieved by acceleration
can function with one or two motors. The location of control. The acceleration control can be provided by
such drive is usually determined by the physical using a dc motor as the prime mover, but the motor
requirements of the plant and its accessibility. and associated switchgear are both large and Drive pulleys with twin drive expensive. A most effective means of control is to
interpose a hydraulic coupling or torque converter
For belt conveyors, use of twin drive pulleys can be between the electric motor and input shaft of the drive
considered as given in Annex H. unit’s reduction gear. This allows the compact, high
8.10.3 Drive motors speed, ac motor to be employed, whilst providing, the
desired acceleration control. It is important, however, At the start of the belt, the tension is normal
to ensure that on multi-motor dual drives that all
tension plus additional tension to overcome the iner-
electric motors and hydraulic couplings have the same
tia of the load. This increased starting tension is det-
torque and speed characteristics respectively, and that
rimental to the belt specially for long conveyors and
the speed differential between the drive pulleys is
it is necessary to design the drive system to suit the
within the slip characteristics of motors and couplings.
strength of the selected belt. Except in short and low
When selecting hydraulic couplings it shall be
speed conveyor, the belt tension during the start will
tend to be as much as the drive capable of exerting remembered that the slip characteristics can be
and in cases of repeated over-ioading, the belt may modified by adjusting the volume of oil in the working
fail due to fatigue. circuit. Two basic forms are available. In one type the
-oil filling can only be adjusted with the unit stationary Safety factor at starting and braking and remains constant thereafter. In the other type the
condition filling may be adjusted during operation so that both
Safety factor for the belts when calculated in accor- the rate of filling and the final quantity can be varied.
dance with the following formula shall not fall below The first type is very widely adopted for conveyor
six in case of textile fabric belt and below five in case drives up to approximately 110 kW but it is obvious
of steel cord belt when the conveyors are starting up that the latter type gives a wider range of adjustment
or braking: and is amenable to external control. It is commonly
selected in multi-motor installations where individual
N~.B powers of 75 kW and larger are used. The rate at which
sF=— .,,. (47)
TSB this slack belt is accumulated and, therefore, the rate
at which the take-up unit has to be designed to operate Belt manufacturers commonly rate conveyor is directly proportional to the rate to acceleration, so
belts so that they are able to withstand the frequent the longer and more controlled the acceleration the
extra loads that occur in starting. Also drive factors, smoother and lower the rate of take-up.


IS 11592:2000

Table 19 Value of Ordinates for Convace Curve


L)is- Radius of Curve (RJ in metres

kmce —
t’I’OM 50 65 80 95 110 125 140 165 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
hint in

1.5 0.022 0.017 0.014 0.011 0,010 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.00460 .00410.00370.00340.003 1
3 0.090 0.069 0.056 0.047 0,040 0.036 0,032 0.027 0.025 0.02 t 0.018 0.016 0.015 0.013 0.012
4,5 0.202 ().155 0.126 0.106 0.092 0.081 0,092 0.061 0.056 0,048 0.042 0.037 0.033 0.030 0.028
6 0.361 0.277 0.225 0.189 0.163 0.144 0.128 0,109 0.100 0,085 0.075 0.066 0.060 0.054 0.050

7.5 0.565 0.434 0.352 0.296 0,255 0.225 0.201 0.170 0.156 0.133 0.117 0.104 0.093 0.085 0.078
9 0.816 0.626 ().507 ().427 0.363 0.324 0.289 0.245 0.255 0.192 0:168 0.150 0.135 0.122 0.112

105 0.853 0.692 0.582 0.502 0.441 0.394 0.334 0.306 0.262 0.229 0.204 0,183 0.167 0.153
1~ 1.117 0.905 ().760 0.656 0.577 0.515 0.436 0.400 0.343 0.300 0.266 0.240 0.218 0.200

13.5 1.147 0.964 0.831 0.731 0.652 0.553 0.506 0.434 0.379 0.337 0.303 0.276 0.253
15 1.418 1.191 1,027 0.903 0.805 0.683 0.626 0.336 0.469 0.416 0.375 0.341 0.312
16.5 1.443 1.244 1.093 0.957 0.827 0.757 0.649 0.567 0.504 0.454 0.412 0.378

lx 1.720 1.482 1.305 1.161 0.984 0.902 0.772 0.675 0.600 0.540 0.491 0.450

19.5 1.742 1.530 1.364 1.156 1.059 0.907 0.793 0.705 0.634 0.576 0.528

21 2.023 1.776 1.589 1,341 1.229 1.052 0.920 0.817 0.735 0.668 0.613
22.5 2.041 1.819 1.541 1.411 1.208 1.057 0.939 0.844 0.767 0.703
24 2.325 2.072 1.754 1.607 1.375 1.203 1.068 0,961 0.873 0,800

25.5 2.341 1.982 1.815 1.553 1.358 1.206 1.085 0.986 0.904

27 2.628 2.224 2.036 1.742 1.523 1.353 1.217 1.106 1,013

28.5 2.480 2.270 1.942 1.698 1.508 1.356 1.232 1.129

30 2.750 2.517 2.153 1.882 1.671 1.503 1.366 1.252

31.5 2.777 2.375 2.076 1.843 1.658 1.506 1.380

33 3.050 2.609 2.279 2.024 1.820 1.654 1.515

34.5 2.853 2.492 2.213 1.990 1.808 1.656

36 3.108 2.715 2.410 2.167 1,969 1.804
.37.5 3.375 2.947 2.616 2.352 2.137 1.958
39 3.653 3.189 2.831 2.545 2.312 2.118

40.5 3.441 3.054 2.746 2.494 .2.285

42 3.703 3.286 2.954 2.683 2.458
43.5 3.975 3.527 3.170 2.879 2.637
45 4.256 3.776 3.394 3.082 2.823
46.5 4.034 3.625 3.292 3,015
4x 4.300 3.864 3.509 3.214

49.5 4.567 4.111 3.733 3.419

51 4.860 4.366 3.964 3.630

52.5 4.629 4.202 3,848

54 4.900 4.448 4.073

55.5 5.178 4.700 4.303

57 5.464 4.960 4.541

58.5 5.226 4.784

60 5.500 5.035

61.5 5.292

63 5.555

64,5 5.825

66 6.101

67.5 6.384

IS 11592:2000

Table 20 Arc of Contact and Ratio of Tensions

(Based on ~ = 0,25 for bare pulley and 0,35 for lagged-pulley)

Arc of
Con&act on
Ratio T1/T2 Ratio TJz’E Ratio T1/TE Type of
Drive I
Bare Lagged Bare Lagged Bare Lagged
Pulley degree
p[llley pulley pulley pulley pulley pulley

180 2.19 3.00 0.85 0.50 1.85 1.50 Plain

I 90 2.29 3.19 0.78 0.46 1.78 1.46 Snubbed

200 2.39 3.39 0.72 0.42 1.72 1.42 do

210 2.50 3.61 0.67 0.38 1.67 1.38 do

220 2.61 3.83 0.62 0.35 1,62 1.35 Snubbed

230 2.73 4.13 0.58 0.32 1.58 1.32 do

240 2.85 4.33 0.54 0.30 1.54 1.30 do

360 4.80 9.02 0.26 0.13 1.26 1.13 Tandem

380 5.25 10.19 0.23 0.11 1.23 1.11 do

400 5.72 11.51 0.21 0.09 1.21 1.09 do

420 6.25 13.00 0.19 0.08 1.19 1.08 do

440 6.90 15.29 0.17 0.07 1.17 1.07 Tandem

460 7.67 1.5.90 0.15 0.063 1.15 1.063 do

480 8.15 19.21 0.14 0.055 1,14 1.055 do

500 8.86 21.21 0.13 0.050 1.13 1.05 Tandem

600 13.71 39.06 0.08 0.030 1.08 1.03 do I

8.11 Coasting be provided on conveyors which tend to reverse the

direction of run when power is off or under very heavy
8.11.1 Coasting Time
It is important to note that the drives of a conveyor Any conveyor requiring greater power to lift
system which consists of more than one belt conveyor
the load than the power required to move the belt and
in which at least one belt feeds on to another, have to
the load horizontally, shall be provided with hold-back
be interconnected electrically so that if one conveyor is
or brake arrangement.
stopped for any reason, the one feeding on to it must
stop. If Lhephysical properties of conveyor are such A regenerative downhill conveyor does not
that it would coast for a longer time than the one on to need a hold-back, but it shall be equipped with an
which it feeds there will be pile up of material at the automatic brake capable of bringing the fully loaded
transfer point. In general, in any conveyor system with conveyor to rest within a reasonable time, when power
more than one conveyors, the length of the deceleration is off.
cycle of any successive conveyor calculated in
8.11.3 Acceleration Time
accordance with 8.11.4, shall be at least equal to or
greater than that of the preceding one. Therefore Acceleration time for the load of a conveyor
The time taken to accelerate the load on any conveyor
.,. (48) is given by (for symbols see Table 1). For conveyors with belts conforming to (mc+m, +2mB+mG+mp)L.V.

la = ... (49)
IS 1891 (Part 2) carrying hot material, this aspect takes T~–~
special importance as otherwise belt is liable to be
damaged by burning. where
8.11.2 Hold-back and 13rake.~ T~ = 1.5 T~ for steel cord belts; and Hold-back arrangement and/or brake shall = 1.6 T~ for tensile fabric belts.

IS 11592:2000 Time taken by the motor to accelerate the proportional to the deceleration time, additional
conveyor braking force, Fad,required is:
The time which the drive motor needs to accelerate
~ = PA.1000 t~ –t: newtons
theconveyor assuming the components treated as hol- ad ... (57)
low cylinders is given by (for symbols see Table 1): V“t; If the brake is connected to the drive pulley

tm— ... (50) shaft, the drive pulley is required to transmit to the
F. belt a braking force equal to:
PA.l OOO td–tj meq –mi.L
m= (mC+ m, + 2m, + mti+ m, +m.JLkg ...(51) newtons ... (58)
,q v“td” .—
(GD)2 2nN 2 The difference in the values of
m= ... (52)
4L “(160V and is the braking force required to deceler-
ate the drive and drive pulley and is not transmitted
(qp\x PM- PA).looo to the belt.
F,, = ...(53)
8.11.5 Braking or Deceleration Forces
P, = ralio of average starting motor torque and
full load motor torque depending upon The braking force required for any conveyor
type of coupling to and starting of motor is the algebraic sum of inertia force, frictional
(see also r~sistance force, and gravity material load forces,
NOTE — The GLY value in the above equation shall be inclined or declined. The frictional resistance forces
cumulative value of all the equivalent GD2 of motor, reducer, drive and gravity forces, if any, are equal to T~,the effective
pulley, coupling and drive pulley in Nm all referred to the motor driving force.
shaft axis. The braking force is given:

JH,.L. } –

(For Motor) (for H,S. Coupting) (For Gear Box)

a) In case of horizontal, inclined or declined and
non-regenerative belt conveyors, by

F~ = me~— – T~ newtons .. . (59)

(For S.S, Coupling) (For Drive Pulley) b) In case of regenerative decline belt conveyors
by The allowable time taken for the motor to
accelerate the loaded belt has to be greater than or Fb = m~ — + T~ newtons ... (60)
equal to the minimum acceleration time to stay within tmax
the maximum allowable belt tension, while starting
8.12 Take-Up
the conveyor fully loaded that it tm2 ta.
8.12.1 Functions
8.11.4 Deceleration Time
Main functions of take-up are: By equating energy of a conveyor
the kinetic
to the power absorbed, the time, t~in seconds to bring a) ensuring adequate tension of the belt leaving
Lheconveyor to ~est from its running speed of V m/s the drive pulley so as to aviod any slipping of
with usual notations is given by: the belt;
b) permanently ensuring adequate belt tension at
v’ the loading point and at any other point of the
td = meq ... (55)
1 OOOPA conveyor to keep the troughed belt in shape
and limit belt sag between carrying idlers; The resisting frictional retarding force is:
c) compensating for operating belt length
variation due to physical factors (instantaneous
<I ‘YE newtons ... (56) tensions, permanent elongation, outside
temperature, temperature of conveyed material, If the deceleration time, td, is to be reduced dampness, etc); and
to “t’d”since the total retarding force is inversely d) making available, if needed, an adequate extra

IS 11592:2000

length of belt to enable rejoining without up devices shall include a system for adjusting belt
having to add an extra piece of belt. tension. Automatic take-up has following features:
8.12.2 Types a) It is self-adjusting and automatic.
b) Greater take-up movement is possible. Two types of take-up generally used are:
c) It is suitable for horizontal .or vertical
a) fixed take-up devices that are adjusted installation.
periodically, and d) It is prefemed for long centre conveyors.
b) automatic take-up devices (constant load type). e) It can be located at drive end (preferred for low
tensions). Fixed take-up devicc,s
f) In case of underground mines, provision of loop
In this type of take-up devices, the take,up pulley re- at drive end maybe made to cater for take-up and
mains fixed between successive periodic adjustments. small extension of belt conveyor lengths.
Take-ups of this type generally used are; Winch take-up (automatic)
a) Screw take-up — In this system the adjustment
Winch take-up device can also be used as automatic
is manually effected by means of two screws
take-up arrangement when automatic tension regulation
acting upon the pulley bearings and which are
(ATR, by employing load cells, electronic sensing
tightened simultaneously or successively. The
devices etc) is provided to signal for the winch motor
screw is normally of non-expendable type and
to run in one direction or reverse for specific number of
sliding surfaces are suitably protected against turns or to stop as governed by predetermined values of
ingress of dirt. In this system, the applied belt tensions for any particular installation. This is
tension is not fully determinable. This generally “highlyrecommended for long centres high capacity belt
leads to excessive tension of belt (when tension conveyors since it fetches-lessspace (horizontalhertic~)
is insufficient, belt slips and quickly deterio- and also do not unnecessarily put the belt always in
rates). This excessive tension is unavoidable heavy tension as imparted by the constant counter
and shall be taken into account when deter- weights necessary for operation at maximum design
mining the size of the belt, designing the load in a gravity take-up. The heavy tension is gravity
mechanical components and calculating the type-up arrangements continues to exist in the belt even
adjustments. For this reason, these devices are when it is not running.
used only in case of short conveyors of up to
60 m lengths and under light duty cycle 8.12.3 Selection of Take-Up
condition. The choice of take-up and their location has to be
b) Wnck take-up — In this system, thetension is decided depending on the configuration and length of
adjusted by means of a mechanical motorized the conveyor and available space. But acceleration and
device which does not automatically compen- braking of conveyors have certain effects on the take-
sate for belt length variations. A tension up. These have to be taken into account while deciding
indicator may be included between winch and the location of take-up. For guidance effect of
pulley. This system also requires careful acceleration and braking on counterweight take-up is
checking of tension and leads to excessive belt given in Table 21.
tension in order to aviod too frequent take-ups. Typical take-ups are shown in Fig. 9 to 12.
However, it may be used for long conveyors
and under heavy duty conditions provided that 8.12.4 Take-Up Weight
these conveyors are equipped with belts having
After having decided the location of take-up, the belt
very low elongation coefficient under the effect
tension at this location, the take-up weight can be cal-
of load and over a long period, for example,
culated as follows:
steel cord belts which are used almost
exclusively. Take-up weight mechanical advantage = belt
tension at point of take-up – weight of take-up Automatic take-up
pulley and its frame + friction force of take-up
In this system, take-up pulley is mounted on slides or carriage rope, sheave, etc ...(61)
on a trolley and travels freely while a constant ten-
sion is automatically maintained to ensure normal 8.12.5 Take-Up Movement
conveyor operation in all cases. The most frequently It consists of two parts:
used type is gravity weight operated take-up device.
Hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical take-up devices of a) Allowance for belt elongation, and
various types are also used. All types of automatic take- b) Allowance for contingenciesand factor of safety.,

IS 11592:2000

Table 21 Effect of Acceleration or Braking-on Counter Weight Take-Up

[Ql,w,oo Q
19 ‘l\
Q. ~~.~)

Conveyor Preferred Take-Up Acceleration Effect Braking Effect
Geometry Location
Horizontal head drive Following drive on return None Tends to Iitl counterweight.
side of belt Brakes not usually large
enough to cause trotible.
[ncline, head drive Following drive on return Little or none Little or none
side of belt

Decline, tail drive At or near head Tends to Iitl counterweight if None

declination is low
Decline then horizontal At or neti head Critical — iitls countemveight None
portion, tail drive and feeds slack to foot of
Combination of incline, and Following head or low point Little or none Critical when stopping with
decline, head drive in return run decline loaded — Lifts
counterweight and slack runs
to foot of decline’)
Combination of incline and Following head or point in Critical — Iitts counterweight Little or none
decline, tail drive return run and feeds slack to foot of
I)Such take-up problems ~an be handled by a very heavy single counterweight, a double counterweight. by tail-end bmkes, or head
and tail driving.

b) Belt jointing system; d) Determine the load facto~

c) Belt carcass determining the elastic and perma-
nent stretch values which shall be provided by ~ _ Value at – Value at
LF - x
the manufacturer; Belt rating
d) Ratio of operating tension to the maximum al- Total length of belt ... (62)
lowed tension; e) Actual belt = v~~x Belt elongation at
e) Starting up system and magnitude of resulting elongation reference lead ... (63)
dynamic force on the belt; t) Allowance for contingency and safety
f) Position of take-up device; =0.300 m+ 0.5 percent of belt
.!3 Possibility, when take-up device has reached length in mm ... (64)
the end of its adjustment length, of its being
g) Belt reserve for splicing. It shall be equal to al-
brought back to its former position by cutting
lowance for one minimum splice length.
and rejoining the belt;
h) Weather conditions in which the installation is 8.12.5,4 Where take-up movement worked out is very
operated (wide temperature deviations between large, it maybe necessary to reduce the take-up move-
day and night); and ment or make use of combination of gravity and winch
J Influence on some types of belts of the physi- take-up or use more than one gravity take-up. In any ease,
cal characteristics of conveyed materials (heat the values of take-up shall be not less than the values
or excessive moisture content) especially if cov- specified in Table 1of IS 4776 (Part 1).These values are
ers are not carefully checked and maintained applicable to underground installations also using belts
periodically. conformingtoIS318 1[seeIS 4776 (F&t 2)]. Take-up movement may be worked out as fol- 8.13 Conveyor Loading and Discharge
8.13.1 For a successful belt conveyor installation, it is
a) Delermine the belt elongation according to absolutely necessary that the conveyor belt be loaded
manufacturers recommendations, properly and discharged properly. The requirements of
b) Check the operating tensions at critical points loading and discharge are so important that they need
through the circuit. Calculate average belt ten- very careful consideration while planning the layout
sion throughout the circuit with belt starting and detailing of the loacling/unloading facilities. Be-
when fully loaded. sides contributing to a good performance of the con-
c) The average tension with conveyor empty and veyor without spillage, a properly designed loading
stopped. and discharge system would add considerably to the
belt conveyor life.
.. .

IS 11592:2000


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IS 11592:2000

need very careful consideration while planning the the material. The slope shall be fixed based on
layout and detailing of the loadingh-mloading facili- the properties of the material such as moisture
ties. Besides contributing to a good performance of contents, stickiness, flowability etc.
the conveyor without spillage, a properly designed r) Avoiding direct impact of the material on to
loading and discharge system would add considerably the roller and the bottom most back portion of
to the belt conveyor life. the chute being minimum 150 mm away from
8.13.2 Conveyor Loading the idler. Some of the main considerations for proper Skirt board
loading of the material and transfer of the material on To retain the material on the belt after h leaves the
to the belt conveyor are as follows: loading chute and until it reaches belt speed, skirt
boards are necessary. These skirt boards are usually
a) 1Placing of material centrally on the belt.
an extension of the sides of the loading chute. The
b) Avoiding too frequent surging of loads.
length of skirt board is generally between 0.6 m to
c) Material velocity being in the direction of belt 1.0 m for every 0.5 mk speed of belt depending on
travel and as close to the velocity of the belt as
the loading conditions but in any case not less than
possible. 1.6 m in length. The skirt board preferably should
cl) Loading of the lumps near the centre and riding terminate above an idler rather than between the idlers.
a cushion of fines. The skirt boards are normally covered with rubber
e) Keeping the loading in case of transverse strips of adjustable type both at the back and at the
transfer as near to 90° as possible. sides being provided with suitable shape for
f) Avoiding horizontal angularity of transfer centralizing the material on the belt. At times, the skirt
greater than 90° boards are provided with rubber screen, that is, rubber
flapper to minimize the dusting due to air turbulence.
~) Providing a suitable skirt plate extending along
the sides of the belt serving to confine the load 8.13.3 Conveyor Discharge
while it is in a state of agitation before it settles
down into a quite moving stream. The material can be discharged-from the belt
conveyor in different ways to achieve the various
h) Feeding the sloping conveyors where the size
desired results. The discharge can be accomplished
of lump or absence of fines would indicate
either at the end of the conveyor or at a definite point
danger of lumps rolling specially for downhill
or points in between which can extend along side the
belt conveyor, either on one or both sides, at a point
j) Inclining the loading chute both forwards and or for a considerable distance. The flexibility of
outwards. dischrage arrangement of belt conveyor facilities its
k) Keeping the width of the chutes generally not use in the maximum fill of long bins and the erection
greater than two-thirds the width of the of large and various shaped storage piles.
receiving belt, inside width being 2.5 to 3 times
the largest dimensions of uniformly sized The simplest arrangement of discharge from
lumps. a conveyor belt is by material passing over an end
pulley and falling on to a pile or onto the other con-
m) Providing the back or bottom plates of the chutes
veyor through a suitable loading chute. A fork in the
in a manner so that the material preferable is
discharge chute with a gate or flapper can permit the
guided from the back of the chute to the belt. In
material to flow either in one or in both directions as
case of fines and lumps, it may be necessary to
provide a grizzly so that the screened fines may
receive the lumps over them. If several specific points of discharge are re-
n) Provision of stone boxes for heavy, abrasive and quired, the fixed trippers may be provided. Moveable
lumpy material so that the impact is absorbed trippers, if provided, can discharge intermittently either
by the stone boxes where the blow of the on one or both sides of the belt conveyor. Sometimes,
abrasive material is taken on the retained ploughs can also be used for discharging the material
material at that point. either on one or both sides at intermediate locations.

P) Keeping the transfer heights to the minimum. A carefully designed discharge chute is
q) providing minimum angle of slope. Keeping necessary for successful operation as besides meeting
in conformity with the static angle of repose of the operational requirements of discharging or
the material, it should preferably be about 20° apportioning the-material in to the various directions.
to 30° higher than the static angle of repose of It can also eliminate collection of the material adhering

IS 11592:2000

to the belt, avoidance of spilled material and 8.14 Structura}s

controlling of dusty or dry powdary and fine material.
8.14.1 General following are some cfthe main features
While designing the structural, due attention shall
for designing a good discharge chute:
be given to the provisions laid down in IS 7155 (-in
a) The upper end of the discharge chute shall eight parts). In addition, the following main points
enclose the cleaning device and catch material shall also be taken into consideration:
cleaned from the belt if necessary by employing a) The design of the structural members, besides
a separate dribble chute, taking care of the surge loading, shall also take
b) Calculate the trajectory of the material and into account the likely loads coming on account
ensure that material falling from the end of the of any spillages due to failure of protective/
dischaEge pulley falls on the back plate of the coasting devices.
loading chute. b) A maintenance walkway of:800 mm minimum
c) Provision of removable of liners in case of width along the run of the conveyor in a gallery
abrasive material. shall be provided. If specified by the purchaser,
d) Providing sliding surface at an angle of about and additional walkway on the other side may
20° to 30° higher than the static angle of repose. also be provided. In case of double conveyors,
e) Avoiding abrupt changes of direction in the side walkways (see Fig. 12) may be provided
chute to eliminate material build up and on two sides cf conveyors in addition to the
plugging. central walkway, if required by purchaser.
c) Walkwary runner — Size of the selection shall
f-) Provision of rock boxes in the discharge chute;
where necessary, for abrasive, lumpy and heavy be adequate to satisfy strength and deflection.
material. d) Toe guard — Toe guard shall be provided
around all openings on floor and also on sides
9 Providing cross-sectional area of 4 times, the of conveyor gallery walkway as a safety
load cross-section and minimum three lumps.
measure. The toe guard shall have a minimum
8.13.4 Trajectory of Material depth of 65 mm and a thickness of minimum
6 mm. Gallery walkway supporting angle shall The path or the trajectory of the material
be considered-as toe guard provided dimension
after it leaves the belt is a parabola when the material
limitation as shown in Fig. 12 is satisfied.
is discharged over the head pulley, and is determined
by two considerations: e) Hand rail — Hand rails shall fu”lfil the
following requirements:
a) Thepoint where the material leaves the belt. This 1) Hand rails shall be provided around all
is the point at which the centrifugal force on the openings. It shall also be provided on one
material acting radially outward is balanced by side of walkway in conveyor gallery having
[he gravitational force or its component in the slope more than 7°.
radial direction as the case may be. 2) The hand rails, either single or double (as
b) The direcriorr in which the material moves at indicated in Fig. 13) shall be provided.
the instant it leaves the belt. However in case of belt height more than Practical determination of the trajectory is 1 m from floor level, double handrails, that
explained in Annex J. is, one at top and other at half way height
from floor, shall “beprovided.
3) The hand railing shall be supported either
1 In drawing the belt running into the pulley, care shall be taken
for the actual slope of the centre portion of the belt. Actual slope
from conveyor stand/post or from inde-
is often greater than that is assumed for the following reasons: pendent support. For conveyor standlpost
a) The rim of the head pulley is sometimes set above the line havrng more than 3 m spacing, the railing
along the rims of the carriers centml rolls. shall have independent supports.
b) There is always some sag in the belt which causes an increase
4) The section for hand railing shall be of
in actual slope,
galvanized pipe of 32 mm nominal bore
2 The effect of air resistance being negligible in most of the ca$es,
is not taken into account in determining the trajectory.
unless specifically required by purchaser.
3 The trajectory obtained as discussed here locates the bottom of 5) The hand rail post shall be 32 NB (A)
the stream of material. galvanized piW or minimum ISA 65 x 65 x 6
8.13.5 Typical arrangements of loading and discharge galvanized unless specified otherwise.
chutes are shown in Fig. 1. f) The walkway along the inclined conveyor shall

IS 11592:2000






be provided with anti-skid surface and shall be not less than 1 m along the length of conveyor
designed for a single moving load of 300 daN on either side from any structure of the
or a live load of 250 dapa whichever is larger. conveyor. In case of double conveyors, a central
Use of gratings or chequered plates or precast walkway of minimum 1000 mm width shall
conci-ete slabs with their top surface left be provided ensuring that at least 800 mm is
unfinished may be considered for providing available at drive or head pulley end. In
anti-skid surface. In case of conveyor install- addition, at head or tail end a clear walkway
ations with more than 10° inclination, stepped space of not less than 1 m on either side shall
walkways without any intermediate landings be provided.
shall be provided. However in case of gratings, m) The drive end structure shall be made
provision of gallery seal plates shall be sufficiently rigid to prevent any vibration and
considered in structural design. shall be provided with sufficient maintenance
g) For corrosive and open atmospheric conditions space all around, which shall not be less than
of working, due consideration shall be given 800 mm to the nearest obstacle. The design of
to 3.8.2 to 3.8.4 of IS 800 and 6.3 and 6.4 of structure shall be in accordance with 8.14.8.
IS 6521 (Part 1) in the design of structural n) Transfer homes shall be so designed so as to
components. provide sufficient head room for removal of
h) Supporting of gallery frames on the trestles heaviest parts and lifting of the belt to enable
using roller supports shall be prefer~d. Suitable changing of the conveyor belting. Wherever
precautions shall be taken to protect the roller provision has to be left in the transfer tower
guides/slotted holes/guides etc, from accumu- for keeping a heavy equipment forming a part
lation of dust or material carried through the of the conveyor such as pulley, motor gearbox,
conveyor. Such installations shall be regularly the structural shall be designed to take care of
inspected for their proper operation. the concentrated load in addition to the
distributed load of 350 dapa.
-i)Where conveyor gallery frames have to be
connected to junction houses or other P) All structural design shall conform to related
buildings, it is desirable that such connections Indian Standards such as IS 800, IS 875 (in
be made so that the gallery frames are free to five parts), IS 7155 (in eight parts), etc taking
into account the various environmental
move in the longitudinal direction.
conditions including earthquake and wind
k) Wherever conveyor has to run in an under-
ground tunnel, a clear walkway space of 1000
8.14.2 Structural Design
mm shall be provided along the length of
conveyor on either side. For conveyors used in Whenever designing the structure for con-
underground mines, this clear space shall be veyors, the total of following three load _groups shall

Is 11592:2000

be taken into account: storage yard appliances, the values are

a) Main loads, generally lower while for reclaimers, they are
to be taken as minimum values.
b) Additional loads, and
d) Forces at conveying elements for the useful
c) Special loads.
load — Belt tensions shall be ‘taken into The main loads comprise of all the perma- consideration for the calculation as far as they
nent loads which occur when the equipment is used have an affect on the structure,
under normal operating conditions as specified by the
e) Permanent dynamic effects — Following
purchaser. The main components of main loads are:
points shall be considered under this head:
a) Dead loads — These are load forces of all fixed
and movable construction parts, always present 1) In general the dynamic effect of the falling
in operation of mechanical and electrical plants masses at the transfer points, the rotating
as well as of the support structure. parts of machinery .etc, shall be considered
as acting locally.
b) Useful loads — The effective load carried on
the conveyor is considered which is determined 2) The inertia force due to acceleration and
from designed output in m3/h. The following braking, of moving structural parts, like
points are considered while deciding the tripper and shuttle conveyor, shall be taken
designed output: into account. These can be neglected for
1) Where the belt load is limited by automatic appliances working outdoors if the accele-
devices, the load on the conveyor will be ration or deceleration is less than or equal
assumed to be that which results from the to 0.2 rn/s2.
output thus limited. f) Inclination of the conveyor—The effect of
2) Where there is no output limiter, the design inclination of conveyors shall be taken into
output is that resulting from the maximum account for design of structures. The incli-
cross-sectional area of material conveyed nations shall be according to appropriate
on the conveyor multiplied by the conveying conveyor layout.
speed. Unless otherwise specified in the g) Loads on gang ways, #atforms and ~oof—
agreement, the cross-sectional area shall be Loads on these structures shall be considered
determined assuming a surcharge angLeof as given below:
20°. Figures 2 to 4 show the maximum 1) Live loads, only for the design of cladding
sections of product conveyed as a function roof truss, purlins shall be according to
of surcharge angle and for the trough angle IS 875 (in five partsj.
for different conveyor design. 2) Live loads to be considered for gallery frame
3) Where the design output resulting work design shall be in accordance
from (b) (1) or (b) (2) on with 8.14.l(f). For the design of gallery
upward units is lower than that of down- walkway, platform, etc, member, the
ward units, the downward units may have worst combination shall be considered as
the same output as the upward units. indicated in 8.14.l(f).
4) Dynamic loadfactor — In order to take into 3) The platform members shall be suitably
account the dynamic loads which, could be designed for live load of 2500 Pa (uni-
applied to the conveyor, the load as formly divided load) or 3000 N whichever
calculated above together with weight of is worst.
belt shall be multiplied by factor 1.1. For 4) The stairs shall be designed for a single
trippers and other movable equipments, the moving load of 1000 N and the railings
factor shall be 1.5. and the guards shall be able to withstand a
c) Incrustation — The degree of incrustation (dirt horizontal load of 300 N.
accumulation) depends on the specific material 5) When higher loads are to be sup-
and the operating conditions prevailing ineach ported temporarily. under
given case. For guidance, a load of 10 percent to (g)(4) above, the sizing of the
of the theoretical effective load calculated member shall be done accordingly.
according to shall be taken into h) While designing the trestles supporting the
account as the load on the conveyor devices conveyor gantry, 80 percent of live load
due to dirt accumulation. The actual values can considered for walkway under (g) shall be
deviate to either higher or lower values. For taken.

IS 11592:2000 Additional loads be considered in the calculation as special

loads. While calculating load, reference may
These are loads that may occur intermittently during
be made to IS 1893.
operation or the equipment or when the equipment is
not working. Those loads either replace certain main c) Bujfer eflects-For equipment like tripper,
loads or are loaded to the main loads. The main paddle feeders etc, having speeds belowO.7 m.k,
components of additional loads are: no account shall be taken of-buffer effects. For
speeds in excess of 0.7 m/s, account must be
a) Snow and ice load — The loads due to snow taken of the reaction on the structure by
and ice shall be considered as in case of collision with buffer, when buffering is not
incrustation load [see (c)]. In case, the made impossible by special devices. It shall be
customer does not prescribe load values due to assumed that the buffers are capable of
particular climatic conditions, snow and ice absorbing the kinetic energy of the machine
load need not be included. with operating load upto a certain fraction of
b) Temperature load Temperature effects need
— the rated traveling speed VT— this fraction is
only be considered in special cases, for fixed at minimum 0.7 VT. The resulting loads
example, when using materials with very on the structure shall be calculated in terms of
different expansion coefficients within the same the retardation imparted to the machinery by
component. Alternatively, the temperature the buffer in use.
effects may be taken care of by providing d) Wind load—Wind loads on the structure of the
suitable connection details to permit conveyor installation shall be calculated taking
movements due to thermal effects such as into consideration the recommendation made
slotted holes etc. in IS 875 (in five parts). The lattice girders
c) Spillage load — During the operation of belt supporting the conveyor shall be suitably braced
conveyor or at the time of repair/replacement at top and botton chord levels to transmit the
of belts, the material on the belt is spilled on to wind load to the end portals connected to the
the conveyor structure. The structure shall, trestles.
therefore, take into account loading due to this e) Conveyor installations transporting ~ne
effect. A load of 1 kPa may be considered.
materials like sulphur, fine chemicals, ores, and
d) Non-permanent dynamic effect — The main coal with high percentage of fines, require a
forces due to the “acceleration and braking of continuous hood over the conveyor. This hood
moving parts such as traveling tripper, paddle is also required where protection from mois ure
feeders etc. occurring less than 2 x 104 times contamination is required and where J ust
during the life time of the appliances shall be control equipment are provided as essential
checked as additional load. As additional loads, requirement. Due consideration shall be given
they may be disregarded if their effect is less
to these loads in design of structures for
than that of the wind forces during the
operation. If the main forces are such that they
have to be taken into account, the wind effects f) Foundation for conveyors structures shall be
shall be disregarded. suitably designed and constructed so that it does
not settle. Due consideration shall given to the Special loads action of deformation in structures due to
These comprise the loads which shall not occur during settlement of foundation, if settlement can not
and outside the operation of the equipment but the be avoided.
occurrence of which is not to be excluded. The main g) In case of galleries, temperature expansion
components of special loads are: joints shall be introduced at intervals of
approximately 180 m to divide galleries in to
a) Clogging of chutes—The weight of the
blocks. In each block, one four-legged rigid
clogging is to be calculated using a load which
support guaranteeing stability of structure in
is equivalent to the capacity of the chute in
longitudinal direction shall be provided. This
question, with due reference to the slope angle.
shall also take care of all longitudinal forces
The material normally within the chute may
foreseen in the given block.
be deducted. The actual bulk weight must be
taken for calculation. h) Other loads, if any, for the provision of
b) Loads due to earthquakes—As far as the following:
delivery contract contains data concerning the 1) Water pipe line for dust suppression, plant
effects due to earthquakes, these loads have to cleaning or fire fighting etc.

IS 11592:2000

2) Dust extraction/ventillation ducting. 8.14.5 Limiting Deflection

3) Electric cables and cable racks. Deflection for various structural members supporting
j) In case of conveyors exceeding 250 m in length, conveyor structure shall not exceed the following
crossovers sha!l be provided from ground to limits:
ground with cat ladder or from side walkway
to otherside walkway andlor central walkway
a) Conveyor gantrylbridge ~
at a spacing not exceeding 180 m.
b) Trestle supporting grmtry/tower Height
S.14.2.5 Skid used in open-cast and
mounting in the transverse direction 1000
underground mines, in case of shiftable conveyor is
c) Stringer supporting conveyor m
shown in Fig. 14.
structural member directly 900
8.14.3 Vibration supporting in the tripper
It’no resonance is to occur in adjoining structures and d) Member supporting the tripper ~
buildings, then the amplitude of vibration of the 325
foundation shall not exceed the values specified in 8.14.6 Camber shall be provided for span greater than
Fig. 15. The design of foundations and structures 20 m. It shall be either zero or positive to neutralize
supporting heavy machineries such as crushers, the deflection due to dead load only.
screens and vibrating feeders shall be in accordance 8.14.7 Cladding for Galleries/Tower Structure
with IS 2974 (Part 1) or IS 2974 (Part 3) or IS 2974
(Part 4). In view of the economy in structural members/
foundations, easy availability and ease in working,
8.14.4 Design Considerations for Stringer and Stand faster speed, easy repairs, the material shall be either
Supporting Intermediate Portion of Conveyor of “G I sheets or aluminium sheets, Provision of Figure 16 gives the general layout of translucent sheets at intervals shall also-be considered
intermediate portion of conveyor for the purpose of for natural lighting inside galleries during daytime.
identification of loads. 8.14.8 Design of Head and Tail Frame Design of stringer Head and tail frames shall, preferably, be
designed as braced portal frame. Following loads shall
The design of stringer shall be carried out considering
be considered for the design:
the stringer as either a simply supported beam or a
continuous beam as the case may be. The following a) Maximum belt tension,
loads shall be considered for the design of stringer: b) Dead load of head or tail pulley together with
a) A concentrated load consisting of material the belt being supported by head or tail pulley.
conveyed considering normal capacity of c) In order to take into account the dynamic effect,
conveyor, weight of belt and weight of carrying the above loads as calculated in 8.14.8 .l(a)
idler unit. and 8.14.8.l(b) shall be multiplied by 1.25.
b) A uniformity distributed load consisting of d) Self weight.
weight of decking plate, belt top cover, belt side e) Additional loads, both live and dead load, from
cover and weight of stringer itselfi and maintenance platform and/or drive unit if
c) A concentrated load consisting of weight of belt supported from frame.
and weight of return idler rinit. In addition, suitable cross-bracing connecting De$gn of stand or post the frames shown in Fig. 17) shall be provided to
reduce the effect of vibration.
Stand/Post shall be designed considering end
conditions provided, namely, both ends hinged or one 9 ACCESSORIES
end hinged and other end fixed etc. The load to be
9.1 General
considered for the design of stand or postshall include
weight of stand unit and weight of cabled in addition The various accessories required for a conveyor could
to the loads specified in, be briefly stated as follows:
a) Drive elements like motors, gear boxes, chain Supporting stools flexible and fluid couplings,
and chain drives,
clutches and brakes;
Typical arrangement is shown in Fig. 17 for supporting
stools between conveyor galleries bottom and top of b) Trippers both belt driven and motorised, fixed
stool. and moving;

1S 11592:2000



r r


,\ ll\





1.25 I I I I 1111


1 I I
I N .

I I I 1~

g 0.050



100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000


1 Resonance in the neighboring structures will be negligible if the amptitude of vibration is less than 0.20 mm.
2 For foundations of rotary type of machines of low frequency (O to 300 c/rein), it is possible to state that if no resonance is to occur in
adjoining buildings and structures, then the amplitudes of vibrations of a foundation shall not exceed 0.30 mm.


. . .

IS 11592:2000






r r


NOTE — Belt top cover and belt side cover maybe replaced by semi-circular type belt cover in one piece.


c) Ploughs; selected considering various factors such as starting

d) Special lowering chute for example, spiral, bin- torque, pull-out torque, starting current (for selection
lowering rock ladders and telescopic chutes; of cables considering voltage drop during starting
e) Belt cleaners both internal and external; conveyor drive), speed/torque characteristics of load,
8 Hold-backs; type of coupling used and following electrical
parameters effecting motor design:
g) Control gears;
h) Protective.devices for example, emergency stop a) Rated voltage and frequency;
switches and cable, overload switches, over load b) Variation in voltage, frequency and combined
devices, belt slip, chute plugging, take-up voltage and frequency variation;
movement; belt sway overspeed tripping, etc;
c) Construction, for example, type of mounting;
j) Decking plates; and d) Class of insulation;
k) Skirt plates.
e) Ambient temperature;
9.2 Motor Selection
o Speed;
9.2.1 General .!0 Type or enclosure and degree of prtection; The motor for belt conveyor drive shall be h) Direction of rotation;

IS 11592:2000


j) Location of terminal box looking from drive multiplied by the drive efficiency of the motor. The
end shaft; motor shall be capable of giving higher torque than
k) Short circuit load of terminal box; required at steady-state of operating condition under
rn) Number of cables and size of cables for cable worst permissible conditions of voltage and frequency
terminal box; vatiation, The starting time of the conveyor shall not ~
exceed locked motor withstand time of the motor. In
n) Type of starting;
case of low starting torque requirements, where
p) Vibration limit; and acceleration time is more than thermal withstand time,
q) Type of earthing and number of earthing suitable protection like locked rotor relay and speed
terminals. monitoring device shall be provided to the drive. Motor shall have continuous ratio at least equal In general, squirrel cage three-phase
to the power required by the conveyor divided by the alternating current induction motors are the simplest,
efficiency of the drive unit. most economical and minimum maintenance drive For downhill regenerative conveyors, the motor units for conveyors coupled with fluid couplings.
rating shall be at least equal to the power required Motor acceleration time, t~, shall be within

Is 11592:2000

the thermal characteristics of the motor, that is, the 9.3.3 Stepless or in-xtage reduction may be accom-
motor shall withstand the starting current for that plished satisfactorily by means of a V-belt drive in
period. Otherwise the motor shall be specially portable and very small capacity installations so that
designed. additional advantage of changing the speed ratio to
meet different capacity requirements of the conveyors
9.2.2 Selection
are obtained.
9.2.2,1 For conveyors of small capacities up to drive
9.3.4 For drive motor of power requirements up to
power of 40 kW, squirrel cage induction motor with
30 kW, worm reducers may also be considered.
direct on line start-shall be used. Motorised head pulley
up to 10 kW can be used. 9.3.5 For drive motor of above 30 kW, helical gear
box shall be preferred. For medium length conveyor of medium
cupacit y up to drive power of 150 kW to ensure torque 9.3.6 The gear box shall be rated with the following
control of drive, the following type of drives be used: minimum service factor for electric drives, in
accordance with IS 7403.
a) Slip-ring induction motor with resistance
starting; or Duration of Service Service Factor
b) Squirrel cage motor with controlled eddy- 2 hours per day 0.9
current coupling; or 8 hours per day 1.1
c) uc motors with static power amplifiers; or 12 hours per day 1.25
d) Squirrel cage motor with scoop controlled fluid 24 hours per day 1.5
coupling or traction type fluid coupling. The rating of the gearbox shall not be less than For long conveyors of heavy capacity, for the rating of the installed motor.
stabilizing the desired value of load torque of driving
motor, not only during starting but also during normal 9.3.7 The selection of gear type, that is, spur, worm
operation of the conveyor, the following electric drives and helical, shall be done trddng into consideration
are recommended: various aspects such as layout, torque, elfeciency,
economics, etc.
a) Squirrel cage motors with controlled electro-
magnetic (eddy-current) couplings; or 9.4 Couplings
b) -Squirrel cage motors with thyristor frequency
9.4.1 The use of flexible couplings shall be preferred
converters with sufficient overload capacity; or
up to 30 kW and may also be considered for small
c) Squirrel cage motor with scoop controlled fluid conveyors requiring less than 50 kW.
coupling or traction type fluid coupling; .or
d) Slip-ring motor with resistance start. 9.4.2 Fluid couplings shall preferably be used when
conveyor power requirement exceeds 30kW. For slip- When high voltage motors are used, the rating ring induction motors requiring power up to
for motor is not the criteria for type of starting. Method 630 kW, flexible coupling maybe used.
of starting shall be determined by the system
parameters. 9.4.3 The choice between an allowable slip type
coupling, for example, fluid coupling, and a solid For selection of motor and its starting methods, coupling, for example, pin-bush coupling, shall always
consideration shall be given to the type of coupling be considered for any conveyor requiring higher motor
selected (see and drive requirements. power than 30 kW. Fluid coupling provide following The geatbox shall be selected to suit the drive advantages:
system (see to and the requirements a) Smooth acceleration of belt thereby reducing
of 9.3. T.Emiix 9
b) Quicker acceleration of motor reducing its
9.3 Speed Reducers
heating during its starting; and
9.3.1 Selection of the type of speed reducers can be c) Reduction in oversizing of cables for motors to
determined by preference cost, power limitations, compensate terminal voltage drop duTin.g
space limitations and drive location. starting.
9.3.2 The gearbox shall be enclosed type running in
9.5 Ladders and Spiral Chutes
an oil bath to give quietness of operation and saving
of power. 9.5.1 Ladders and spiral chutes are used to lower loads

IS 11592:2000

vertically by gravity. They retard the rate at which the 9.6.6 With any construction, a chute or guard shall be
load descends and prevent its landing with an impact. provided at each discharge point to prevent scattered
material from collecting under the upper run and
9.5.2 Ladder chute for bulk material is a vertical square
fouling the idlers or else falling on the return belt.
pipe, the inside of which holds alternately spaced
shelves. The material being lowered is held up by 9.7 IMppers
failing from shelf to she\f. The layer of material
covering the shelves protects”them against rapid wear, 9.7.1 Trippers are devices used to discharge bulk
materials from a belt conveyor at points upstream from
9.5.3 When a fragile load (such as coke, coal, coal the head pulley. Essentially, trippers consist of a frame
briquettes) has to be lowered from a great height supporting two idling pulleys, one above and forward
(within a hopper, for instance), special devices like of the other. The conveyor belt passes over and around
partitions, with rubber diaphragms or spiral chutes the upper pulley and around and under the bwer
may be used to arrest the material degradation. pulley. The belt usually inclines to the upper pulley
9.5.4 A bulk or unit load lowered along a spiral chute and may run horizontal or it may then incline again
SIides down the spiral surface and reaches the lower from the lower pulley. By this construction material
level without impact. A spiral chute is a trough which is discharged to a chute as the belt wraps around the
IOIIL)WS a helix securedaround a vertical column or upper pulley. The chute can be arranged to catch and
suspended rod, sometimes mounted within a vertical divert the discharged material in any desired dkection
pipe of large diameter. The chute may have a (see Fig, 18).
rectangular, rounded or oblique-angled cross-section 9.7.2 Trippers can be stationary (fixed) or movable.
depending on the shape generated. The spiral chutes Stationary trippers are used where the discharge of
have the property of automatically keeping the speed material is to occur at a specific location. More ‘than
of the load within definite limits. one stationary tripper may be used on a belt conveyor.
Trippers shall have dimensions as given in IS 14386.
9.6 Ploughs
9.7.3 All trippers absorb a certain amount of power
9.6.1 Ploughs are used to discharge/divert free flowing
from conveyor belt drive. This is because belt flexes
ond non-abrasive materials which can be carried with
over the tripper pulleys and also the material is to be
a little or no troughing, from belt conveyors. Plough
raised to sufficient height to allow for necessary chute
can be used on belt troughed with idler rolls inclined
head room.
at 20°. A flat steel plate or closed pitched one piece
idler roller of a span more than the belt width may be 9.7.4 Movable trippers can be moved by a cable and
used under the troughed belt where it flattens to winch by the belt itself, or by an electric motor
discharge/directldivide the material flow. mounted on the tripper.

9.6.2 Ploughs are used in places where it is 9.8 Belt ‘llmner

inconvenient or impossible to install a tripper. Ploughs
The cleaning of a belt handling wet, sticky, corrosive
are cheaper than trippers and takes-up less head room.
or freezing materials is always difficult and very rarely
Fixed trippers are better in performance than ploughs.
is all the material removed before the carrying surface
9.6.3 The plough m:iy be fixed or traveling. The comes in contact with the return idlers. The consequent
movable plough can be operated manually or by rope- build up of material cm these idlers causes a reduction
h~iulagesystem, in the belt life ‘and the return idler life. This damage
can be greatly reduced by the use of turn-over conveyor
9.6.4 Several ploughs can be incorporated along one
belt system. The belt at both ends of the return strand
belt conveyor and can be arranged to discharge
is turned, each being in the same direction giving a
material to either or both sides of the belt
360° twist. This results in the carrying surface of the
simultaneously. When not in use the blades can be
belt never being in contact with any of the carrying.or
raised to clear the material on the belt. return idlers, the only contact being with the snubbing
9.6.5 The blades can be constructed of timber or steel pulley causing a reverse bend in the belt.
plate, the conveyor belt being flattended by means of
9.9 Belt Cleaner
movable platform of timber, steel plate or rollers. The
single discharge type shall be arranged at an angle to 9.9.1 It is necessary to clean the belt when snub pulleys
the belt when discharging at one side and when it is or bend pulleys or tandem drive pulleys make contact
desired to discharge the material to both sides with the dirty side of the belt on the return run. This
simultaneously, the blade can be arranged in ‘V’ form, is especially the case when handling materials which
the angle being determined by the speed of the belt. are likely to pack on the belt, such as sticky and wet




The discharge chutes may be as below and are shown in direction arrow ‘B’

One-way chute for one side Orw-way

R ---”
chute for cme side discharge (right hand)
#, ../’

Two-wav chute for discharge to both sides


Two-way chuta with flap valws for discharge to either side
discherge (left hand) eimultaneou;ly alternatively or to both sides simultaneously

Two-way chute with flap valve for discharge to one

side (left side) or alternatively forward
Two-way chute with flap valve for discharge to one
side right hand or alternatively forward
Three-way chute with flap vah.e for
discharge to both alternatively forward
R ,6

Three-way chute with two flap valves for dkcharge to

either sides alternatively, both sides simultanaousiy or
alternatively forward.


IS 11592:2000

m~terials, or those that are likely to have damp, greasy encountered, it is recommended to use water spray
or oily patches which eventually rot the belt. directed against the -return belt about 500 mm ahead
of the cleaner. It is also beneficial to have a very fine
9.9.2 There are three main types of external automatic
spray directed against the belt just before it passes
belt cleaners:
under the loading point; as this will tend to keep the
a) a rotary brush, material from adhering. Usually a small amount of
b) thecou’nterweighted wiper, and water will suffice. As the cleaner is specially effective
c) the spring-loaded wiper. in removing water, there is little danger of
objectionable dribble. In addition, internal belt cleaners of V-type
shall be used neartai lpu]leytoprevent material from Where cleaning is of primary importance, two
getting between the pulle_yand belt as it wraps round cleaners may be provided so that one can be removed
the tail pulley. These V-type_plough cleaners shall be at any time for servicing. In any case, arrange pulleys
adjusted to float on the return belt without exerting at the discharge end to allow ample room for cleaning
undue load on belt surface. These can also be made of equipment including dribble chute of flume.
adjustable counterweighted type. Their use is The blades of the spring type cleaner shall
recommended even on short conveyor lengths and engage the belt only where it is straight, never on a
where ful I length decking is provided from the feed to ptdley. One cleaner shall generally have at least
the discharge end as a safety measure. 300 mm of straight belt, two cleaners not less than
9.9.3 The ~otary brush is fitted with a drive pulley 750 mm.
and is rotated in opposite direction from it by a short 9.9.5 It is sometimes necessary to use steel scrappers
centre roller chain drive. A cantilevered weighted arm on the rims of snub pulleys. Tripper pulleys and
is attached to the brush for facing it to the belt, whilst deflector pulleys that engage the carrying side of belt,
at the same time, preventing jamming and unnecessary in order to prevent accumulation of material, may hurt
wear on the bristles. The speed of the tip of the bristles the surface of the belt or cause it to run out of line.
for brushes 200 to 300 mm in diameter shall generally The blade shall be located so that the scrapings can
be: be disposed of.
Dry materials 2.0 to 3.0 mls
Damp materials 5.0 to 7.5 rnls REQUIREMENTS
Wet and sticky materials 6.0 to 7.5 lnh
The conveyor shall conform to all the statutory The brush shall be mounted so that it can be requirements. In addition, the conveyor shall also take
adjusted toward the belt to compensate for wear on into account all the statutory requirements as
the tips of bristles and in such a way that the drive to mentioned in IS 7155 (in eight parts). Any additional
the bmsh is not affected. safety requirements to the extent specified by the
purchaser shall also be taken into account.
9.9.4 Because of high speed, brushes are short-lived.
The most effective as well as mast economic type of 11 PAINTING
belt cleaning apparatus is the spring-loaded type belt
wiper. Dry or very wet materials are easiest to remove. The complete conveyor system and the conveyor shall
be provided with suitable painting both primary and When particularly gummy materials with finished to suit the environmental conditions in
tendency to cling to the belt and solidfy, are accordance with requirements of the purchaser.


IS 11592:2000

(Clause 2)

1SNo. Title IS No. 7’Me

800:1984 Code of practice for general cons- 4776 Specification for troughed conveyors:
truction in steel (second revision) (Part 1): 1977 Troughed”belt conveyors for surface
875 Code of practice for design loads installation .(/irst revision)
(other than earthquake) for buildings (Part 2): 1977 Troughed belt conveyors for under-
and structures: ground installation
(Part 1) :1987 Dead loads—Unit weights of build- 6521 (Part 1) : Code of practice for design of tower
ing material and stored materials 1972 cranes: Part 1 Static and rail
(second revision) mounted
(Part 2) :1987 Imposed loads (second revision) 7155 Code of recommended practice for
(Part 3) :1987 Wind loads (second revision) conveyor safety:
(Part 4) :1987 Snow loads (second revision) (Part 1): 1986 General information (first revision)
(Part 5) :1987 Special loads and load combinations (Part 2): 1986 General safety requirements (first
(second revision) revision)
1891 Conveyor and elevator textile belting: (Part 3): 1986 -Belt conveyor and feeders (first
(Part 1) :1994 General purpose belting (fourth revision)
revision) (Part 4): 1990 Vibrating convey orlfeeder (first
(Part 2) :1993 Heat resistant belting (thiti revision) revision)
(Part 3) :1988 Oil resistant belting (second
(Part 5): 1990 Apron conveyorlapron feeder (first
(Part 4) :1978 Hygenic belting (first revision)
(Part 6): 1990 Selection, training and supervision
(Part 5) :1993 Fire resistant belting for surface
of operators (first revision)
(Part 7): 1990 Inspection and maintenance (first
1893:1975 Criteria for earthquake resistant
design of structures (fourrh revision)
(Part 8): 1994 Flight conveyor (scraper conveyor)
2974 Code of practice for design and
construction of machine foundations: (first revision)
Foundation for reciprocating type 7403:1974 Code of practice for selection of
(Part 1) :1982
machines (second revision) standard worm and helical gear
(Part 3) :1992 Foundatio-ns for rotary type boxes
machines (medium and high 8531:1986 Specification for pulleys for belt
frequency) (second revision) conveyors (/irst revision)
(Part 4) :1979 Foundations for rotary type 8598:1987 Specification for idlers and idler sets
machines of law frequency (first for belt conveyors @st revision)
revision) 8730:1997 Classification and codification of
3181:1992 Conveyor belt — Fire resistant bulk materials for continuous
conveyor belting for underground material handling equipment (firs/
and such other hazardous appli- revision)
cations ~ourth revision) 14386:1996 Belt conveyor — Traveling tripper
4240:1984 Glossary of conveyor terms and — Motorised — For belt widths
definitions @t tzwision) 650 mm to 1600 mm —Dimensions

IS 11592:2000


B-1 IDLER CLASSIFICATION 33-2.3 From this point of intersection proceed

horizontally to meet axis YJ. This will represent
The idlers are classified into six numbers series as
reference point B. Join point A and B. The segment of
given in Table 22.
the selection bar through which line AB passes, will
B-2 IDLER SEL-ECTIOiV indicate the series of idler conveyor most suitable for
B-2.1 Select required duty along Y,, axis of square I
(see Fig. 19), then move horizontally to meet line B-2.4 The dotted line drawn on the chart as an example
representating maintenance condition applicable. illustrates the selection of.suitable idler far following
From this point move vertically again to meet the duty:
curves signifying effect of stoppage on the system. a) 16 hlday continuous duty;
From this point move horizontally to meet Yzaxis.
b) Used under normal conditions and normal
This will represent reference point A. maintenance;
B-2.2 Select density of material to be “handled along c) System accepting occasional stc3ppage as
the axis Yq of square 11 (see Fig. 19) and move normal;
horizontally to meet the lines representing required d) Conveying trap rock with 1790 kg/m3 density;
belt width. From this point move vertically up or down
e) On belt width 6$0 mm; and
to join the lines representing conveyor speed desired.
o Moving at 1.0 ds speed.

Table 22 Idler Classification

(Clause B-1)

Idler Roller Bearing Type Belt Width Maximum Belt Suitable for
Series Diameter Speed, m/s

I 63.5 to 101.6 Ball 300-800 2.5 Fine material with small lumps-Non-
abrasive, intermittent duty.

[1 88.9 to 139.7 Ball 400-1000 4.0 Fine material, small sized lumps, slightly
abrasive, continuous duty.

111 101,6to 139.7 Ball 500-1200 4.0 Unsizes medium lumps, mixed with tine
sized small lumps, moderately abrasive,
continuous duty.

Iv 127 to 139.7 Ilall/roller/taper 500- I 400 4.0 Unsized, large lumps, mixed with small sized
roller medium lumps moderately abrasive
contimrous duty.

v 139.710219.1 Ball/roller/taper 800-2000 5.0 Large size lumps, highly abrasive, critical
roller duty.

VI 168.3 t0219.l Ball/roller/taper 1600-2000 4.0 Large capacity conveyor with lumps.



7 ~l? MAtNTEt4At4CX



100 SLAG
0 {--TRAP




1 Select required duty along Y, axis of square I, then move horizontally to meet line representing maintenance condition applicable from this point move vertically again to meet the curves signifying effect of
stoppage on the system. From this point move horizontally to meet Y1 axis. This will represent reference point A.
2 Select density of material to be handled along the axis Y. of square II and move Irorizmstallyto meet the lines representing required bolt width. From this point move vertically up or down to joint the lines
representing conveyor speed desired.
3 From this point of intersection proceett horizontally to meet axis Y,. This will represent reference point B. Join point A and B. The segment of the selection bar through lineAB passes, will indicate the series of
idler conveyor most suitable for use.

IS 11592:2000



Idlers are classified in four series as given in Idler spacing for troughed belts and flat belts are
Table 23. selected as shown in Fig. 20 and 21 respectively.

Table 23 Idler Classification
(Clause C-1)

Series Bearing Type Shaft Dia RoB Dia B-elt Width Application Range
at Bearing (mm) (mm)

Light Deep groove ball bearing 20 63.5,76.1,88.9, 300-800 For intermittent operation, rela-
101.6 tively low capacities and for
light weight materials of
limited lump size.
Medium Deep groove ball b&dring 20 88.9, 101.6, 108, 400- I 200 For intermittent operation, medium
114.3, 120, 127, capacities and for moderate
133, 139.7 weight, semi-abrasive materials
containing lumps larger and
heavier than those handled by
light duty series idlers, or for
continuous operation when
handling light weight, fine

Heavy duty Roller/taper roller/ball 25 101.6, 108, 500~ I 600 For continuous operation, high
114.3, 120, 127, capacities and for heavier
133, )52.4 weight, abrasive materials
where the size of lump is
limited by belt width.

Extra heavy Roller/taper rollerlball 25-30 139.7, 152.4 to 800-2000 For continuous operation, highest
duty 219,1 capacities and for the heaviest
and coarsest materials.


IS 11592:2000




~ 900

s 600
w \
~ 450
3 \
w 300


0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 L500 1.750


1500 3.000
1200 2.500
600 1.250 g
b50 1.000 ~-

0.750 ;
300 m
$ w
2 0.500 d
0’ z
0.375 {
z 150 x
y 135
~ 120
: 105
w 90






IS 11592:2000



The idlers are classified into five series numbers as Belt speed is an important factor in idler serJice life
given in Table 24 based upon roll diameters and and therefore governs its selection. It determines the
hewing sizes. The bearings may be either deep grooved rotational speed of idler based upon the diameter of
ball or taper roller bearings with shaft diameter as the roll. Belt speed also has a direct bearing on wear
shown in Table 24. life of idler roll surface, particularly for the return
Table 24 Classification-Idler Series Number
(clause D-1)
Ail dimensions in md]imetres.
D-3.1 Table 25 gives the service factor ‘A’representing
Idler Roll Dia Shaft Dia at Maximum the type of service of.conveyor installation, Table 26
Series Bearing Belt
Number Width
and “Table 27 give the service factors ‘B’ and ‘C’
applicable for troughing and return idlers respectively,
I 63.5 tO 127 17 650
representing the effect of material handled. The
II lt)l.6to 127 20 1200
product of service factors ‘A’ and ‘B’ ( ‘A’ and ‘C’ for
111 127. 133, 139.7 20 or 22 1600
return idlers) gives application factor used in the
Iv 139.7, 152.4, 159 250130 1600
selection of idler series number.
v 152.4,159 25,30 or 40 2000
V1 168.3, 219.1 30 or 40 2000
Table 25 Service Factor ‘A’
D-2.1 This selection of idler series depends on three ~pe of Service Factor ‘A’
conditions: Intermittent operation-(less than 6 hours per day) 6
Return idlers 6
a) Type of service;
Troughing idlers — Portable or temporary installations 6
b) Characteristics of material to be handled; and
Seasonat operation for stockpiling 12
c) Belt speed. Conveying materials with bulk density over 1920 kg/m3 15

‘D-2.2 ~pe of Service One shift operation—(6 to 9 hours per day)

Return idlers 9
The severity of conditions under which the idlers will 9
Troughing idlers — Classified material
be used, is the prime consideration for the selection up to 1280 kg/m3
of idlers. This includes the hours of operation per Classified materiat 12
day and overall life expected from the installation. up to 1920 kg/m3
In temporary installation such as dam construction Classified material over 15
1920 kg/m3
or quarrying, life may be a few years while for
Unclassified material, limited by belt widths only 15
permanent installations, several decades of life may
be expected. Two shift operation—(10 to 16 hours per day)
Return idlers 12
D-2.3 Type of Material Handled Troughing idlers — Classified material up to 12
1600 kg/m3
The weight of material on belt effects the load and
Classified material over 15
spacing of idlers and therefore has a direct bearing on 1600 kg/m3
idler selection. The material lump size modifies the Unclassified materiat, limited by belt width only 15
direct effect of weight by introduction of an impact
Continuous operation<over 16 hours per day)
factor. In case of return idlers, only weight carried by
All materials 15
idlers is that of belt itself.


IS 11592:2000

Table 26 Service Factor ‘B’ Table 27 Service Factor ‘C’

(Clause D-3. 1) (Clause D-3.1)

Maxi- Bulk Density of Material, kg/m3 Belt Width Bulk Density of Material, kg/m3
mum mm
Lump 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 Above 2000
up to I 200 1 200to2000
300 2.3 2.8 2.9
400 2.8 3.5 3.6
100 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
150 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 500 3.5 4,5 4.6
’200 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 630 4.6 6.2 6.8
250 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 800 8.0 9.2
6.6 —
300 56 84 112 140 168 196 224 13.0
1000 10.2 10.19
350 64 96 12/? 160 192 224 256
1200 13.6 14.2 16.6
400 72 108 144 180 216 252 288
1400 16.1 17.7 20.0
450 80 120 260 200 240 280 320
1600 18.0 21.8 22.6
1800 20.3 24.3 25.7
D-3.2 Figures 22 and 23 depict the relationshfi
between app~ication factor and belt speed for troughing
and return idlers. These curves are used for selection D-3.4.1 For Troughing Idler Selection
of idler series number for troughing and return idlers From Table 25 Factor A = 12
respectively. From Table 26 Factor B =48
D-3.3 The application factor (see D-3.1) when plotted, Therefore, trough-
tigainst the selected belt speed for installation in ing idler application Ax B= 12x48=576
Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 gives the best suited idler series factor
number for troughing and return idlers respectively D- From Fig. 20, for a belt speed of 1.75 m/s and
of the particular installation. an application factor of 576 a series II idler is selected.

D-3.4 Example D-3.4.2 For Return Idler Selection

Type of service 8 h/day one shift From Table 25 Factor A = 9

Type of material Crushed stone, From Table 27 Factor C = 8
1600 kg/m3 Application factor Ax C=9 X8=72
Maximum lump size 100 mm for return idlers
Belt speed 1.75 m/s D- From Fig. 23 for a belt speed of 1.75 m/s and
Belt width selected 800 mm an application factor of 72, a series II idler is indicated.

IS 11592:2000




$ 3.0

: 2.5 —
~ 2.0 \’ \

0.5 ~

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000






s 3.0
: 2.5
~ 2.0
-t-h--m, , \ —
I \
‘r,, \
I “\ \
lr- \“
0.5 ,

100 200 300 400 500 600



IS 11592:2000


E-1 The load on central idler-roll is the summation of where Ki is the application factor for the idlers as given
loads due to weight of material and weight of belt and in Table 28.
is given by (for symbols see Table 1)
E-3 The modified equivalent force on each bearing
considering the life of bearing is given by:

‘=[:’’1G:”p;+[+mBg”pc)newt0n Feqm =~fjKiBf ... (67)

E-2 The equivalent force on each bearing of the idler
is given by: where B~is the bearing life factor. The value B[ based
on 60000 working hours at the required belt speed
may be obtained from bearing manufacturers.
Feq=~. &Ki ... (66)
2 NOTE — The above is typical method of calculation and there
can be orher methods as w~lL

Table 28 Application Factor Ki

(Clause E-2)

Type of Factor Operating Conditions Service/Speed/Lump Factor

Service fhctor (Ks.) Hours of operation LrP to 6 0.7

6 to 10 1.0
10to 16 1.3
16t024 1.7

Service fwtor (Kv) Belt SpCd, I1tiS .Upto 1.0 0.8

1.0 to 2.0 0.9
2.0 to 3.0 1.0
3,0 to 4.0 1.1
4.0 to 5.0 1.2

Lump factor (K.) Maximum lump Unclassified Oto 100 1.0

dimension in material 100to 150 1.3
150 to 20U 1.7
200 to 250 2.0
250 to 300 2.3
300 to 350 2.7
350 to 400 3.0
400 to 450 3.3
450 to 500 3.7
500 to 550 4.0
550 to 600 4.3

Classified material Oto 100 1.3

100 to 150 1.6
150 to 200 2.0
200 to 250 2.3
250 to 300 2.7

Factor K,= K, K,,. K,

IS 11592:2000


F-1 ]nduced belt edge tension is the ratio of maximum F-3 Value of AT given in Table 29 will ensure that:
belt edge tension and the maximum rated belt tension,
a) edge tension does not exceed either in steady
T,,,.The induced belt edge tension may be more than operating conditions or in the temporary non-
lnaximum rated belt tension during peak belt loadings steady conditions from the maximum
in short time non-steady operating condition during recommended tension of the belt or belt joint
stw-ting and stopping the conveyor belt. in the steady condition by the ratio selected. —

F-2 Based on the recommendation of the manu- b) tension in the belt centre remains adequate and
always positive to prevent belt buckling.
Iacturer. the maximum belt edge tension under steady
operating condition is selected. The value of AT is F-4 A hgiher value of AT may be fixed, if agreed by
Laken from Table 29 (interpolating if necessary) the belt manufacturer, for the maximum transition
against the ratio of average belt tension at transition distance. If agreed by the manufacturer, the value of
10 maximum rated belt tension with the assumption maximum belt edge tension may be taken as twice the’
maximum rated belt tension in case of textile belts
that the gap (or overlap) between the rollers (idlers)
and 2.7 times the maximum rated belt tension in case
conforms to IS 8598.
of steel cord belts for belt edge tension in short time
non-steady operating condition.

Table 29 Values of AT
(Clauses F-2 and F-3)

hlaximwn Belt Edge 1.3T., 1.45T~ 1.6Tm 1.8Tm 2Tm 2.3Tm 2.7Tm
‘rension F 130% 145% 160% 180% 200% 230% 270%
Ratio of Average Criterion
Belt Tension at AT
Transition to T
1.5 T,,, — — — 0.45 Tm 0.75 Tm 1.2 Tm 1.8 Tm
1.4T,,, — . 0.3 T~ 0.6 T~ 0,9 T~ 1.35 T~ 1.95 Tm
I .3r,,, . 0,25Tm 0.45 Tm 0.75 Tm 1.05 Tm 1.5 T~ 2.1 T~
Maximum belt edge
1.2 T,,, 0.15 T,, 0.4 T~ 0.6 T,. 0.9 T~ 1.2 Tm 1.65 Tm 2.25 Tm
tensioo F percent
l.l T,n 0,3 T,. 0.55 Tm 0.75 Tm 1.05 Tm 1:35 Tm 1.8 Tm 2.4 T~
1.OT,,, 0,45 Tn, 0.7 Tm 0.9 Tm 1.2 Tm 1.5 Tm 1.95 Tm 2.55 Tm
0.9T,,, 0.6 T,,l 0.85 Tm 1.05 Tm 1.35 Tm 1.65 Tm 2,1 Tm 2.7 Tm
0.8 T,l, 0.75 T,,, 1 T,,, 1.2 T,. 1.5 Tm 1.8 Tm 2.25 Tm 2.4 Tm
0,7 T,,, 0.9 T,,l t.15 Tm 1.35 Tm 1.65 Tm 1.95 Tm 2.1 Tm 2.1 Tm
0.6T),, 1.05 T,n 1.3 Tm 1.5 Tm 1.8 Tm 1.8 Tm 1.8 Tm 1.8 Tm
t).5Tn, 1.2 T,,, t.45 Tm 1.5 Tm 1.5 Tm 1.5 Tm 1.5 Tm 1.5 Tm
No belt centre
0.4 T,, 1.2 T,,, 1.2 Tm 1.2 Tm 1.2 Tm 1.2 Tm 1.2 Tm 1,2 Tm
0.3T,,, 0.9 T,,, 0.9 Tm 0,9 Tm 0.9 Tm 0.9 Tm 0.9 Tm 0.9 Tm
0.2T,,, 0.6 T,,, 0.6 T~ 0.6 T~ 0,6 T~ 0.6 T~ 0.6 T~ 0.6 T~
0, I T,,, 0.3 T,,, 0.3 T,,, 0.3 T~ 0.3 T~ 0.3 T,n 0.3 T., 0.3 T,,,
0.05T~ 0.15 T,,, 0.15 T~ 0.15 T~ 0.15 Tn 0.15 T~ 0.15 T~ 0.15 Tn


IS 11592:2000

(Clauses and

G-1 For the calculation of belt modulus, the values for specific modulus for different types of material of belts
are given below:

Curcass Construction Range Typical

(Longitudinal Direction) Value
Cotton 7-1o 9 .
Polyamide 5-7 7
Polyester 10-20 16
Nylon/Nylon 6-8 6.5
Rayon 10-14 12

Steel cord 30-50 50


H-1 Drive pulleys with twin drive consists of two H-4 With this type of drive, the distance between the
pulleys of identical overall diameters each being two drive pulleys is not fixed as in the case of geared
independently driven. tandem drive and the extent of separation is not
critical, although practical considerations such as
H-2 The driving motors shall be of the same type and
mounting and housing usually make it convenient to
have the same torque/speed characteristics, as also
have the two drive units reasonably close together. The
shall be of the case with fluid couplings, when these
scope of having a greater length of belt between the
are fitted.
two drive pulleys, than is possible with geared tandem
H-3 In practice, the two drives will not share equally, drive, makes for greater flexibility in absorbing the
there being a small difference in power due to the effect of belt contraction or creep. Also the greater
contraction of the belt in drive head causing the flexibility of layout of dual drives normally makes it
secondary pulley to revolve at a lower speed than the possible to reeve the belt in such a way that.the non-
primary pulley. The difference in speed will be a carrying or clean side of the belt is in contact with
function of the belt tensions related to the stretch both drive pulleys, thus eliminating the liklihood of
characteristics of the belt and is normally well within difficulty due to material built-up on the face of the
the slip characteristics of either the electric motors or pulleys. In dual, drive units should be arranged, so
fluid couplings (when these are fitted). that both drive pulleys drive on the clear side of belt.

IS 11592:2000


J-1 For design of discharge openings and receiving

chutes, it is necessary to know the trajectory of material cOse=— ... (68)
leaving lhe head pulley in a conveyor system. -g”rP
Trajectory of material is fixed by the angle of
separation of material from the belt and the vertical J-2.2 For guidance, a graphical representation
ordinates from the tangent line drawn at the point of for determination of angle of separation is given in
separation on head pulley. Fig. 24. —


SEPARATION J-3.1 The length of vertical ordinates h,, h2, ........
J-2.1 The angle of separation, that is, the angle from from point at equal intervals placed on tangent line
vertical at which malerial will leave the belt as it drawn at the point of separation are calculated from
travels over discharge pulley is calculated from the the following formula:
followin~ formula:

r I I 1 1 1 I [



1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0



IS 11592:2000

pulley. The trajectory of the material depends upon

... (69) the configuration of the belt conveyor and is
graphically represented in the manner laid down
in J-2.2 and J-4.3.
J-3.2 For guidance the value of ordinates,, hz, ...........
in metres with 1 = 0.50 m per 1.0 m/s of belt speed are J-4.2 For Ascending and Horizontal Belts
given below:
If cos 61<1 (see J-2.1) then the tangent line shall be
h, h2 113 h4 h5 drawn at the point of separation (see Fig. 25). If
cos 0 = 1, the tangent line shall be drawn in the
0.012 0.049 0.110 0.196 0.306 direction of belt travel (see Fig. 25).

116 h, h8 h9 h 10 J-4.3 For Descending Belts

0.784 If cos Et<1 and angle of separation is more than angle

0.441 0.600 0.993 1.226
of inclination, 5, of the conveyor belt then the tangent
h II h 12 h 13 h“14 hlj line is drawn at the point of separation (see Fig. 25).
If cos .(3 2 1 and is less than or equal to angle of
1.483 1.765 2.071 2.402 2.757 inclination, 6, of conveyor belt, the tangent line shall
be drawn in the direction of belt travel (see Fig. 25).
TRAJECTORY OF MATERIAL J-5 For drawing the trajectory of top of the stream of
material of height HI, the radius rPin formula (68) is
J-4.1 The graphical representation of trajectory of replaced by (rP+ Hi ) and velocity V by :
material indicates the actual path which will be
followed by the material after it leaves the discharge

.1S 11592:2000




/“ T“P



Cose<l ande>6 \
Cose>l and e<6



Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Stan&rds Act, 1986 to promote
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