Multi Organics PDF
Multi Organics PDF
Multi Organics PDF
Submitted By
Mr. Rudranarayan Ramasis Singh
MLS - Third Semester (Final Year)
S.P. College of Law, Chandrapur
Guidede By
Prof. Sanjay M. Tarwatkar
Department of Labour Studies
S.P.College of Law, Chandrapur
2018 - 2019
Place : Chandrapur
Date :
Dr. A. C. Hastak
S. P. College of Law, Chandrapur
Place : Chandrapur
the work of this project synopsis is original and have been taken
Place : Chandrapur
1 Introduction
- Introduction to topic
4 Hypothesis
5 Introduction to Organisation
6 Research Methodology
employee will not be available for work at the specialised time. Any
employee may stay away from work if he has taken leave to which he is
entitled, or on the ground of sickness or some accident, or without any
In the USA, it has been observed that curiously enough, the extent of
absenteeism is greater among youngsters than among the older employees,
greater among women than men. The young men are generally found to
because he does not like his job for some reasons, or because he has
unsatisfactory relations with his supervisor or with other employees.
Absenteeism may also be due to sickness, real or feigned.
The problem of absenteeism in industrial establishment is based
on various grounds, in fact, the causes for absenteeism are many and
varied, which may be classified in the following categories.
(1) Sickness:
Sickness is one of the important factors which is responsible for
absenteeism to a considerable extent. The vitality of Indian industrial
workers is very low, bad nursing and working condition, poor diet and
in sanitary condition of living makes them as easy prey to many
epidemics like Small pox, Maleria, Cholera, etc. Therefore, when they
suffer from epidermis as well as from various diseases. They are
naturally forced to remain absent from their works.
3) This study will be helpful to know how workers are satisfied with
their welfare facilities and working conditions of organisation.
1976 with a very small amount of investment. But today after two and half
decades it become the Rs. 40 Crore group comparising of two units under
Today MOPL an acclaimed brand has four product range for dyes
Export is its priority area 30% out of the total production MOPL
export to Japan, USA, South Africa, Russia, Germany and become first
company of Chandrapur districts in export the good and has sustained it till
in a now.
their ability to identify new customer needs at an early stage and to work
This project is considered as partial descriptive and partial
diagnostic studies. Descriptive studies aim at the characteristic of a
particular group or situation descriptive study may be concerned with
the view of opinion about workers.
A diagnostic study is graced to the solution of a specific problem
by the discoveries of the relevant variable that are associated with it in
varying degree.