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Submitted to Gondwana University, Gadchiroli in partial
fulfillment of the examination of Master of Labour Studies

Submitted By
Mr. Rudranarayan Ramasis Singh
MLS - Third Semester (Final Year)
S.P. College of Law, Chandrapur

Guidede By
Prof. Sanjay M. Tarwatkar
Department of Labour Studies
S.P.College of Law, Chandrapur



2018 - 2019

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This is to certify that Mr. Rudranarayan Ramasis Singh

is a student of S.P. College of Law, Chandrapur, Department of

Labour Studies and he has worked on the research project

synopsis topic “To Study the Causes of Absenteeism Among

the Workers in Multi-Organics Pvt. Ltd., M.I.D.C.,

Chandrapur” This Project Synopsis is carry out in partial

fulfillment of the requirement of Master’s Degree in Labour

Studies, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli.

Place : Chandrapur

Date :
Dr. A. C. Hastak
S. P. College of Law, Chandrapur

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This is to certify that Mr. Rudranarayan Ramasis Singh

is a student of S.P. College of Law, Chandrapur, Department of

Labour Studies and he has worked on the research project

synopsis topic “To Study the Causes of Absenteeism Among

the Workers in Multi-Organics Pvt. Ltd., M.I.D.C.,

Chandrapur” This Project Synopsis is carry out in partial

fulfillment of the requirement of Master’s Degree in Labour

Studies, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli under my Guidance

and Supervision. The synopsis work is complete to my entire

satisfaction and is for evolution.

Place : Chandrapur

Date : Prof. Sanjay M. Tarwatkar

Project Guide & Co-ordinator
Department of Labour Studies
S. P. College of Law, Chandrapur

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I Mr. Rudranarayan Ramasis Singh hereby declare that

the work of this project synopsis is original and have been taken

up by me in partial fulfillment of my Practical training work un-

der the guidence of Prof. Sanjay M. Tarwatkar and that it is

not submitted for any other university exam.

Place : Chandrapur

Date : Mr. Rudranarayan Ramasis Singh

M.L.S. Third Semester
Dept. of Labour Studies
S. P. College of Law, Chandrapur

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Sr. No. Topic Pg. No.

1 Introduction

- Introduction to topic

2 Significance and Scope of the Study

3 Objectives of the Study

4 Hypothesis

5 Introduction to Organisation

6 Research Methodology



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“Absenteeism is the practice or habit of being an absentee and an

absentee is one who habitually stays away”.
“Absenteeism is total man shifts lost because of absenteeism is a

percentage of the total number man shifts scheduled to work”. In other

words, it signifies the absence of an employee from work when he is
scheduled to be at work; It is unauthorized, unexplained avoidable and

willful absence form work.

For calculating the rate of absenteeism, two facts are taken into
consideration. The number of persons scheduled to work and the
number actually present. A worker who reports for any part of a shift is

to be considered present. An employee is to be considered scheduled to

work when the employer has work available and the employee is aware of it,
and when the employer has no reason to expect, well in advance, then the

employee will not be available for work at the specialised time. Any
employee may stay away from work if he has taken leave to which he is
entitled, or on the ground of sickness or some accident, or without any

previous sanction of leave. Thus absence may be authorized or

unauthorized, willful or caused by circumstances beyond ones control.

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The phenomenon of absenteeism does not exist only in Indian
industry; it is a universal fact. The difference is only in terms of magnitude.
The rate of absenteeism varies from 7% to nearly 30%, in some

occupations, it has risen to the abnormal level of 40% due to some

reasons. The extent of absenteeism may differ from industry to industry,
place to place and occupation to occupation. It may also differ according

to the make up of the work force. Absenteeism may be extensive in a

particular department of an industry or a concern.
In western industrialized countries absenteeism among younger

workmen is extensive on Mondays after the weekend, particularly among

unmarried men who after a late night on Sunday, perhaps with their girl
friends, find it difficult to get up and come on time and concentrate on
work, and it is lowest on pay day.

In the USA, it has been observed that curiously enough, the extent of
absenteeism is greater among youngsters than among the older employees,
greater among women than men. The young men are generally found to

absent for variety of reasons, including restlessness and a sense of

irresponsibility. In some cases, absenteeism of particular worker is due to
reasons connected with the job, a worker for example, may be absent

because he does not like his job for some reasons, or because he has
unsatisfactory relations with his supervisor or with other employees.
Absenteeism may also be due to sickness, real or feigned.

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The term absenteeism, for the first time, was define in a circular
of the labour Department, Government of India. It was issued to
provincial government. The circular defined absenteeism rates as the
total man shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total
number of man shifts scheduled in other words for calculating the rate
of absenteeism it is first necessary to knew the total number of persons
who are scheduled to work and the number of persons who are
actually present in their works.
A Worker is to be considered scheduled to work when the work
has been available and the worker has been knowledge of it. In spite of
this, the employee has sufficient belief in advance regarding workers
availability of work at the specified time.
Thus, a worker is considered present who reports for any part of
the shift. The point can be explained by means of an example: Suppose
a worker is on a regularly scheduled vacation. In that case, the worker
is not considered as scheduled to work absent. Similarly, a worker is
not considered absent in case of an employer ordered lay off. On the
other hand, a worker is considered an absent form, scheduled work
who request of time other than a regular vacation period.

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He is considered as absent so long as he does not return to work
or due to the duration of absence his name is not removed from the roll
of active worker’s. in the same way a worker who quites his work
without any advance intimation is also considered as absent from
scheduled work so long as his name is not remove form the roll of
active workers. On the other hand it there is a strike in the factory when
worker are neither considered as scheduled to work nor as absent.
Generally, the rates of absenteeism are calculated on an yearly basis.

The problem of absenteeism in industrial establishment is based
on various grounds, in fact, the causes for absenteeism are many and
varied, which may be classified in the following categories.

(1) Sickness:
Sickness is one of the important factors which is responsible for
absenteeism to a considerable extent. The vitality of Indian industrial
workers is very low, bad nursing and working condition, poor diet and
in sanitary condition of living makes them as easy prey to many
epidemics like Small pox, Maleria, Cholera, etc. Therefore, when they
suffer from epidermis as well as from various diseases. They are
naturally forced to remain absent from their works.

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(2) Work System:
The next reason which is important in connection with
absenteeism is know as shift system, generally worker went to be at
home at nighttime, outing to greater discomfort of work during night,
worker prefers to work during daytime.Therefore comparison to the
day shifts the percentage of absenteeism is higher during the night shifts.

(3) Rural Exodus:

The most important case of absenteeism is the rural exodes of
industrial worker over labour force is almost drawn from rural areas.
They are not entirely divorced from agriculture to them industrial work
is simply a source of additional income. Therefore they discontinue,
service at the time of harvesting of crops and sowing of crops, besides,
due to housing problem in urban areas workers generally leave their
families being in their villages. They have to keep in touch with their
member of fimily. Furthermore they have to visit their villages for
certain social and religious ceremonies. Thus the frequent urge of rural
exodus is yet other cause of higher rate of absenteeism.

(4) Industrial Accidents:

Accidents is also a cause of absenteeism due to defective
arrangements in industries, lack of skill and training of workers,
accident generally occur in such occasion, therefore a worker remain
absent from his work.

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(5) Bad habits and lack of Responsibility:
Some workers also remain absent on account of their drinking
and gambling habits consequently the degree of absenteeism is greater
just after payday. It is because on such occasion, some worker spend
their money on gambling and drinking and ignore their duties.
Their factories on the other hand these who are not indulged in
these bad habits, generally go to their village to make purchases for the
ensuring months. Due to this reason, the rate of absenteeism is
comparatively high after the payday.

(6) Behaviour of superior and jobber :

The misbehavior of superior and hobbler is also responsible for
absenteeism worker’s want sympathetic behaviour from their
immediate supervisory, therefore in the absence of sympathetic
behavior, workers ignore their duties and remain absent.

(7) Bad Working Condition:

Working condition is also a cause of high absenteeism. In coal
mines, where working condition is unattractive, the rate of absenteeism
is high. Thus, in brief sickness, shift system, rural exodus, industrial
accidents, bad habits and lack of responsibility, behavior of foremen
and jobber are some of the causes, which are responsible for
absenteeism to a considerable extent.

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1) The problem of absenteeism is disturbing the planning of company’s

ranges generally between 9 % to 30 % or in the same case over to
around 40 % of the work force.

2) The rate of absenteeism in this regard is focusing the attention of the

researcher from industry to industry, place to place, company to

company and occupation to occupation or job to job it also different

to the composition of the work force.

3) This study will be helpful to know how workers are satisfied with
their welfare facilities and working conditions of organisation.

4) The study will be helpful to suggest remedies to overcome causes of

absenteeism among the workers.

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(1) To know about personal and family backgrounds of workman.

(2) To know about economical condition of workman.
(3) To know about welfare facilities and recreational to getting the
(4) To know about the working condition of workman in the
(5) To study the how above factors affects on workers absenteeism.
(6) To study impact of absenteeism over organisational growth
(7) To study interrelation between absenteeism and management
employee relationship
(8) To study relationship between personal factors and absenteeism

(9) To study relationship between organizational factors and

(10) To suggest better remedies for overcoming the causes of


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1) Lack of welfare facilities leads to absenteeism.

2) Unhealthy relation among workers and management results in habit
of absenteeism.
3) Habit of alcoholism leads absenteeism among the workers.
4) Lack of motivating factors causes absenteeism among workers.
5) Lack of social security measures leads to absenteeism.
6) The workers shows positive response towards programs conducted

by company for elimination of absenteesm.

7) The workers are suffering from personal and organisation problems
which is the major reason for their absenteesm.

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Chandrapur based Multi Organics Pvt. Ltd., is started in the year

1976 with a very small amount of investment. But today after two and half

decades it become the Rs. 40 Crore group comparising of two units under

its flagship. These companies operate in areas as diverse as dyes intermedi-

ate, Pharmaceutical Products.

Today MOPL an acclaimed brand has four product range for dyes

intermediate sectors. It has strong technological support through in house

R & D facilities. R & D is an important hallmark is its overall strategy of

development. It is engaged in the idegination and further development of the

technology by in house R & D facilities and problem solving for production

and technical assistance to customers.

Export is its priority area 30% out of the total production MOPL

export to Japan, USA, South Africa, Russia, Germany and become first

company of Chandrapur districts in export the good and has sustained it till

in a now.

Multi Organics is India’s Leading Manufacturer of Chemical +

Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Specialty Chemicals and an Outsourcee to

Global Chemical Companies.

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Strong business ethics, low-cost & efficient manufacturing skills, commit-

ment to outstanding service and wide-ranging technology know-how make

Multi Organics a preferred partner for its customers.

Multi Organics’ products are used in a wide range of industries such

as Pharmaceuticals & API’s, Agrochemicals, Electronic Chemicals, Colorants

Dyes, Pigments & Food Colors, amongst others.

The company’s success is based on the know-how of its people and

their ability to identify new customer needs at an early stage and to work

together with customers to develop innovative, efficient solutions

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Research Methodology simply put is an endeavor to discover

intellectual and practical answer to problem universe.
Einestein and infilld state the resense of the human mind to find a
connection between world of science were born in dramatic conflict
between reality and our attempts at understanding the same.

This project is considered as partial descriptive and partial
diagnostic studies. Descriptive studies aim at the characteristic of a
particular group or situation descriptive study may be concerned with
the view of opinion about workers.
A diagnostic study is graced to the solution of a specific problem
by the discoveries of the relevant variable that are associated with it in
varying degree.


The universe of this study consists of 40 workers who were
enrolled in the Multi-Organics Pvt. Ltd., MIDC, Chandrapur list as to
be regular absentees.

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The sources of data collections or information are generally
classified as primary and secondary according to Pauline V. Young the
sources of information can be classified into documentary source and
field source.


The information given collected by individually and group of
workers constitutes primary source. Also interview scheduled was used
as a tool for primary.


Paper, Book, dairies, manuscript, letter etc.from the secondary
or documentary source by processing, editing, coding.
The researcher for this dissertation had decoded to use primary
source as questionnaire and secondary sources are magazine, towards
for data collection.

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1) P, Subbarao; “Personal and HRM”, Himalaya Publishing House,

IV Edition, 2010 New Delhi.
2) V.S.P. Rao & C.R. Mamoria; “Personal Management”, Himalaya
Publishing House, II Edition, 2005, New Delhi.
3) S. Mohan; “HRM” Neha Publisher & Distributor, 2011, New Delhi
4) G. Narsimha Murthy; “Human Resource Management-Strategic
Challenges”, New Century Publication, New Delhi.
5) K. Ashwathapa; “Human Resource Management”, Tata McGraw-
Hill Education, 2005
12) Annual report 2013-2017

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