Data Shit Turbina Solar
Data Shit Turbina Solar
Data Shit Turbina Solar
TopWorx engineers are happy to provide technical assistance on GO® Switch products. However, it is the customer's responsibility to determine the safety and suitability of the product in their application.
It is also the customer's responsibility to install the switch using the current electrical codes in their region.
Introduction Specifications - SPDT Specifications - DPDT Setting Up A 70 Series GO Switch Attachment of Conduit or Cable All GO Switches are "pure" contact Air and Hydraulic Cylinders
GO® Switches operate on the principle of For Optimum Performance Attach conduit or cable correctly. switches, meaning they have no A ferrous cylinder cushion or piston will actuate the switch. To determine the
magnetic attraction, reacting to ferrous Sensing Distance: Sensing Distance: GO Switch 70 Series end sensing switches – When using long runs of conduit or voltage drop when closed, nor do they correct thread length, measure the distance from the head cap surface to the
metal or magnetic targets as they come 71 & 72: .040" (1.02mm) 2,000 PSI .090" (2.3mm) end sensing (2000 PSI) use three permanent magnets and a push- cable, place supports close to the switch have any leakage current when open. cushion and add 1/2" for seal nut.
within the switch's sensing range. 73-77, 7L: .100” (2.54mm) 2,000 PSI pull plunger to control a set of mechanical to avoid pulling switch out of position. For multi-unit installation, switches may
73-77: .072” (1.83mm) 5,000 PSI Range with Target Magnet: be wired in series or parallel, as shown Thread seal nut onto switch. Screw switch into cylinder by hand until switch
contacts. The center magnet simultane- – If switch is mounted on a moving part,
Although switches vary in design according 73-77: .060” (1.52mm)10,000 PSI up to .20” (5mm) ously attracts the primary magnet and below. touches cushion. Back out 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Tighten seal nut.
be sure flexible conduit is long enough
to their intended applications, all GO repels the bias magnet, pushing the con- to allow for movement, and positioned
Switches use permanent magnets which, Range with Target Magnet: Differential: necting rod and common contact into the to eliminate binding or pulling. Series Wiring Cylinder Applications Switch Sealing Torque Values
when actuated by the presence of a fer- Up to .35” (Model 71 & 72 up to .15") Approx. .020"(.5 mm) normally closed position, closing a contact Any number of GO Switches may be wired
– For installation in hazardous locations,
rous or magnetic target, change the state circuit. When a ferrous or magnetic target check local electrical codes. in series, without voltage drop. By contrast, Models 71-72: Models 73-76 & 7L:
of electrical contacts. Differential: Thread Option: enters the sensing area of the switch, it solid state switches have about two volts 3/8" Diam/12mm 5/8" Diam/18mm
Mounting Approx. .020" (.5mm) 7G, 7H: 5/8"-18 UNF; M18 x 1 – All conduit connected electrical devices, Torque Jam Nuts to:
attracts the primary magnet, which pulls drop across the switch when operated. In a Torque Jam Nuts to:
including GO Switches, must be sealed
■ 70 Series GO Switches are unaffected 7I: 1"-14 UNF the connecting rod and common contact. 12 volt solid state system with four switches 15 lbs-in to achieve seal at 2,000 PSI 15 lbs-ft to achieve seal at 2,000 PSI
against water ingression through the
by weld fields and RF interference. Thread Options: The normally closed and normally open in series, 8 volts is dropped across the 30 lbs-in to achieve seal at 5,000 PSI 25 lbs-ft to achieve seal at 5,000 PSI
Response time: conduit system. In figure 1, something
■ 70 Series GO Switches may be mounted 71, 72: 3/8-24 UNF; M12 x 1 contacts change state. switches. Only 4V is left to operate the Do not exceed 45 lbs-in Do not exceed 30 lbs-ft
8 milliseconds common has occurred, the conduit
adjacent to or surrounded by ferrous 73-76, 7L: 5/8-18 UNF; M18 x 1 load. When using GO Switches, 12V is still
system has filled with water. Over
metals however the proximity of ferrous The sensing distance is the maximum available to operate the load. (Except 7L -
Temperature Rating: a period of time this may cause
metals will affect sensing distance. For the Response time: distance between the switch and target approx. 5V drop)
-40°F (-40°C) to 221°F (105°C) the switch to fail prematurely. In figure
maximum rated sensing distance, avoid 8 milliseconds when the switch first operates; the trip
HiTemp option to 400°F (204°C) 2, the termination of the switch has
mounting near ferrous metals. point. The differential, also known as
been carefully filled with electronics
■ GO Switches sense ferrous materials Temperature Rating: deadband or hysteresis, is the distance Parallel Wiring
Contact Material: grade RTV to prevent water ingression
such as mild steel, 400 series and 17/4 71-77: -40ºF (-40ºC) to 221ºF (105ºC) Std. that the target must move from the sensing When solid state switches are placed in
Palladium silver with Sawtooth® surface and to prevent premature switch failure.
stainless steel. 71-77,7G, 7H: HiTemp to 400ºF (204ºC) area in order to allow the switch to reset. parallel, there is about 100 microamps
configuration A drip loop with provision for water to
■ Sensing and differential of switch may 7L: -40ºF (-40ºC) to 160ºF (71ºC) leakage through each switch. If ten solid
escape has also been installed.
vary depending on target travel direction. state switches were wired in parallel, the
Contact Material: Contacts: To apply the 70 Series GO Switch and total leakage current would be 1000 micro-
■ Avoid contact between target and For hazardous locations install per Electri-
Palladium silver with Sawtooth® surface Double Pole Double Throw, 2 Form C. obtain the least differential, the direction amps or one milliamp - sufficient current to
switch. Configure mounting of switch and/ cal Code. Dry contact devices, such as GO
configuration the target approaches the switch must be indicate an "ON" condition to a programma-
or target so that target passes within the Switch, maybe installed intrinsically safe
considered. Below are two possible orien- ble logic controller (PLC). Any number of
sensing area. Sensing range will vary with matched barrier. When installed as
Contacts: tations that illustrate the differences in GO® Switches may be wired in parallel,
according to model number and mass of explosion proof, lead seal fittings required
Single Pole, Double Throw, Form C target movement and the affects on switch with no current leakage and without
target used. within 18" of switch.
differential. drawing operating current. (Except 7L -
■ Target magnets, available through
TopWorx, will increase the sensing range approx. 5V drop)
The measurements shown are nominal
of the switch. Reference sensing ranges in and can vary as much as .030-.050”
corresponding sections throughout the Electrical Ratings: Resistive depending on the material and size of
catalog. 3A @ 120VAC/1A @ 24VDC target used in the application. As you can Conduit
■ For optimum performance, provide Electrical Ratings: Resistive see, the best scenario for least differential 6
sufficient mass of target, and choose the is to orient the switch and target as shown 6
71-77: Target Material: 6
appropriate GO Switch model to match the 4A @ 120VAC/3A @ 24VDC Ferrous metal; Optional target magnets in Orientation B. However, in this applica- 6 6
6 666 6
application requirements for operating 2A @ 240 VAC/1.25A @ 48VDC tion, the possibility of getting debris be- Water 66
frequency, type of load, etc. Enclosure Materials: tween the switch and target must also be
■ Greater target mass and target move- 7L: considered. Figure 1. Incorrect Visit for Americas
Stainless Steel type 303, 316 optional
ment fully into and out of sensing range will .25A @ 120VAC/24VDC (approx. 5V drop) comprehensive information 3300 Fern Valley Road
increase contact pressure. This is helpful in When trying to determine differential of an on our company, capabilities, Louisville, Kentucky 40213 USA
Conduit Outlet:
low current controls applications. Target Material: application, it is directly proportional to the and products – including +1 502 969 8000
1/2”-14 NPT. One location
■ For heavy or inductive loads, arc sup- Ferrous metal; optional target magnets distance the target will travel in the applica- model numbers, data sheets,
tion. For example: a linear valve stroke is Thread sealing
specifications, dimensions, Europe
pression devices, or interposing relays are Repeatability: compound
recommended for contact longevity. Con- Conduit Outlet: .002" (0.05mm) typical under identical 1”. A switch is applied to indicate the and certifications. Horsfield Way
tact factory for specifics. 1/2" -14NPT. One location operating conditions clo sed posit ion of the va lve. Conduit Bredbury Industrial Estate
■ Do not use excessive force on external Using Orientation A, the differential is [email protected] Stockport SK6 2SU
threads when installing. (36 in/lbs. max) Enclosure Material: 0.090 “. The ‘deadband’ is therefore 9% of 6 United Kingdom
Stainless steel type 303, 316 optional; travel. If the switch were re-oriented, as +44(0)161 406 5155
■ Configure mounting so bracket dissects 6