Report Example

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Name: Assessor: Gemma Elliot-Wetton (MSc, ASCC)
D.O.B: Date:

Body composition

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Your height and weight was measured to calculate your BMI. Your BMI helps indicate if you are a
healthy weight for your height and if you are at a higher risk of future health problems.

Height: 1.73m Weight: 77 kg

Your BMI: 25.7

Under Normal Overweight Obesity class 1 Obesity class 2 Obesity class
weight 18.5-24.9 25.0-29.9 30-34.9 30.0 -39.9 3
<18.5 ≥40

Your BMI is in the overweight category (just!). This means you are slightly overweight for your
height. Your weight would need to be less than 74kg for you to be in the normal category for BMI,
meaning a weight loss of 3 kg is advised.

Waist and hip circumference

High waist and hip circumferences indicate an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. The ratio
gives an initial indicator of body fat distribution in the trunk region.

Waist circumference: 103 cm Waist to hip ratio: 0.97

Hip circumference: 106 cm Score: Good

Your waist circumference: 103cm

Very low* Low* Increased* High*
<80cm 80-99cm 100-120cm >120
*Risk of disease for type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the future


Your waist circumference is in the high-risk category for future diseases including type 2 diabetes,
hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Weight loss, particularly from around the abdominal area
is advised. It is only just in this category and your waist to hip ratio is good, therefore only a small
amount of weight loss is advised. This is in line with your BMI measurement.
Body fat
Body fat was measured using skinfold callipers and was converted into a body fat percentage. Body
fat gives a more detailed measure of body composition than weight alone.

Your total body fat: 121.5mm

Excellent Good Average A little too much Too much
60-80mm 81-90mm 91-110mm 111-150mm 150mm+


You are in the “little too much” body fat category. This means you have a higher amount of body fat
than is ideal from a health point of view. From a health point of view, you should be in at least the
average category to help reduce risk of diseases previously mentioned. Therefore a decrease in
body fat is suggested of at least 12mm. This is in line with suggestions made with your BMI and waist
circumference. Your body fat as a percentage is 25% which is just in the overweight category.

Health Markers

Blood pressure
High or low blood pressure is associated with health problems including increased likelihood of
dizziness and fainting (low blood pressure) and increased risk of heart attacks and stroke (high blood

Your blood pressure: 140/77 mm/Hg

Optimal Normal High normal Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
<120/<80 120-129/80- 130-139/85- hypertension hypertension hypertension
mm/Hg 84 89 140-159/90- 160-179/100- ≥190/≥110
mm/Hg mm/Hg 99 109 mm/Hg
mm/Hg mm/Hg


Based on the readings taken today you are in the stage 1 hypertension category due to the top
number being between 140-159 (just!). As blood pressure can be acutely affected, readings on two
or more separate occasions give a better indication of your blood pressure. I know you are taking
blood pressure medication and I will check your blood pressure before each session we have to keep
an eye on it.

Total blood cholesterol levels were measured using a finger prick blood sample from your finger.
High total cholesterol levels effect how well your heart and blood vessels work and have been
associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Your total cholesterol level: 214mg/dl

Desirable Borderline high High
<200 mg/dl 200-239 mg/dl ≥240 mg/dl


Your total cholesterol can be converted to 5.5mmol/l. Your cholesterol is in the borderline high
category which is acceptable. I suggest you monitor it every few of months to keep check of it.

Diabetes risk score:

Measurements taken in the health check along with responses to a short questionnaire were used to
provide you with a score of how at risk you are of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years.
This score can be altered with lifestyle changes.

Your diabetes risk score: High: 1 in 3 chance of developing in the next 10 years.

Low Increased Moderate High


This is calculated based on your age, gender, ethnicity, family history, BMI, waist circumference and
blood pressure and you were just in the high category. It is likely to be giving a high reading due to
you taking blood pressure medication, your age, BMI and high waist circumference. A decrease in
waist circumference and BMI will lower this risk.

Cardiovascular disease risk score:

Data collected in the health check and responses to a short questionnaire were used to provide you
with a score of how at risk you are of developing cardiovascular disease. This score can be altered
with lifestyle changes.

Your cardiovascular disease risk score: Moderate

Low Moderate High


Your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is moderate. This is due to your age, the fact you take
blood pressure medication and your lack of physical activity. This risk will therefore be reduced with
increased physical activity levels.
Being hydrated is important for bodily functions to be carried out efficiently and can help with
optimum sports performance.

Your hydration score: 1.015

Very hydrated Hydrated Dehydrated Very dehydrated


Fitness for health

Cardiovascular fitness
A good level of cardiovascular fitness is important for you to carry out daily activities without
fatigue, take part in your chosen sport and decrease your risk of future health problems.

Your post exercise heat rate: 114 bpm

Excellent Good Average Below average Poor
59-81bpm 82-102bpm 102-111bpm 112-118bpm 119+

You are in the below average category which needs to be improved. Having a low level of
cardiorespiratory fitness has been associated with increased risk of disease and feelings lethargy in
response to everyday activities. Being in the good or above category is ideal. This can be achieved
by including more cardiovascular exercise including walking, cycling in the gym and performing
exercises in the gym.
Flexibility is important for you to be able to carry out the activities of daily living effectively and for
sports performance. Good flexibility reduces risk of injury and lower back pain.

Name Definition Relevance Normative Your score Interpretation

values L R
Active Assesses Limitation 13.9 cm 8.0 10 cm Below average
dorsiflexion range of leading to cm score.
lunge motion at problems
the ankle. with the
ankle, knee,
hip and
lower back.

Active knee Assesses Limitations >160° 119° 121° Below average

extension hamstring in hamstring score.
muscle flexibility can
length. lead to
problems in
low back,
knee and

Thoracic and Assess Limited None 4.0cm Poor score.

shoulder test strength range of available
and range motion here
of motion can promote
in upper poor posture
back, and back and
shoulder shoulder
range of pain.
motion and
ability of
blades to
Test Your Score Interpretation Advice
BMI 25.7 Overweight ≥3 kg weight loss
Waist circumference 103cm Slightly too high Weight loss to result in
decreased waist
circumference advised
Body fat 121.5mm A little too much body Weight loss to result in
fast ≥12mm body fat
Blood pressure 140/77mmHg Stage 1 hypertension Monitor before each gym
category session
Cholesterol 214mg/dl Borderline high Monitor every 4 months
Diabetes risk score 1 in 3 in next 10 High Weight loss will decrease
year this risk.
Cardiovascular Moderate Could be improved Increased physical activity
disease risk score levels
Hydration No score N/A N/A
Cardiovascular 114bpm Below average score More walking and gym
fitness programme
Flexibility Below average Poor score Mobility, flexibility and
activation work needed.

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