Forecasting MethodsandApplicationsABookreview
Forecasting MethodsandApplicationsABookreview
Forecasting MethodsandApplicationsABookreview
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the variance-covariance matrixof the errorsis completelyknown,which given by each. Both textsdo a nice job of detailingthe organizational
is nevertruein practice.It is possibleto give a moredetailedtreatment of difficulties and practicalitiesof businessforecasting(forone thing,telling
asymptotictheoryand its usefulnesswithoutdivinginto measuretheory thestudentto keep in mindthatthegoal of theforecastis to aid decision
and regularity conditions.But the book covers the centrallimittheorem making,notto overwhelmsomeonewithclevermathematical models).Fi-
(CLT) onlyin the Appendixof Chapter2. The proofof theCLT belongs nally,bothtextspresentnumerouspracticalhomeworkproblems,although
in the Appendix,but a discussionof it shouldbe moreprominent. MWH has manymore.DB has an inordinatenumberof problemswhose
A second exampleof thebook's shortcomings is in the motivationand onlytask is to "discuss" (makingthesedifficult to grade).
presentation of the F statistic.The F statisticfirstappears in Chapter4, To highlightthe differences, DB has additionalmaterialon forecast
whereit is introducedwithoutany motivation.Where does thatformula graphics,and a moreextensivediscussionof unitrootsand Dickey-Fuller
come from?The answerarrivesin Chapter7 withinthecontextof Wald, tests.It also givesmorespace to ARCH and GARCH models,increasingly
LM, and LR tests.The F statisticis revisitedas an alternative to theWald, important toolsthatare onlymentionedin MWH. DB includesa fullerdis-
LM, and LR tests,when in fact it is proportionalto the Wald test!No cussion of forecastaccuracymeasures,devotingan entirechapterto this
mentionis ever made thatthe numerator of the F statisticappears again important topic. (Afterall, if a forecastis to be used in a decisionit is a
and again in the derivationof theWald, LM, and LR tests.Making these good idea to knowhow well it has performed.) This is whereDB is at its
kindsof linksis important forconveyingunderstanding to students. best (no doubtbecause theauthorhas done originalresearchin thisarea).
The bottomline is this.Thereis definitely a usefulrole foran introduc- MWH coversmoretopicsthanDB, suchas an extensiveoverviewof de-
torygraduateeconometricstextthatis less technicaland moreaccessible compositionmethodsincludingthecensusX-12-ARIMA,Loess, and STL
to studentswho do nothave extensiveundergraduate econometricsback- techniques.It also providesa fullerexplanationof regressiontechniques,
ground.It is essentialthatsuch a textavoid being purelyempiricaland includingmulticollinearity, econometricmodels, multipleregression,re-
cookbook in style.Econometricsrepresentsa step in thatdirection,but gressionwithARIMA errors,dynamicregression, and evennonparametric
further stepsare needed,includingsome morecarefulediting. local regression.It presentssectionson stationarity and Portmanteau tests.
MWH also includessectionson intervention analysis,state-spacemodels,
TimothyJ.VOGELSANG nonlinearmodels (otherthanneuralnets),and multivariate autoregressive
Cornell University models.A chapteris devotedto thespecial difficulties facedin long-range
forecasting, and a nice chaptercoversjudgmentalforecasting, includinga
REFERENCES discussionof how to combinejudgmentaland statisticalforecasts.Finally,
Davidson,R., and MacKinnon,J. G. (1993), Estimationand Inferencein an entirechapteris devotedto theresultsfromtheM competitions.(This
Econometrics,Oxford,U.K.: OxfordUniversity Press. is not surprising, since Makridakisarrangedthese;for those unawareof
Greene,W. H. (1997), EconometricAnalysis(3rd ed.), Saddle River,NJ: thesecompetitions, theywere an organizedeffortto investigatehow well
PrenticeHall. varioustimeseries methodsperformin practice.)
J.,and DiNardo,J.(1997), EconometricMethocds
Johnston, (4thed.), New DB has manyof the typicalflawsof a firstedition,whichsometimes
York:McGraw-Hill. make the book difficult to follow.For example,thereare a numberof
typos,some of which could be misleadingto students.There are also
misinterpretations that should have been caught.For example,on page
Forecasting: Methods and Applications (3rd Ed.). 25 adjustedR2 is said to compensateforthe possible overfitting caused
"(when)a varietyof righthand-sidevariablesare triedand the'bestmodel'
HYNDMAN. New York: Wiley, 1998. ISBN 0-471-53233-9. xiv + is selected."
642 pp. $87.95. Two stylisticcriticismsare the choice of fontused for the equations
and theoveruseof footnotes.The eye-straining mathematical fontis rem-
iniscentof thatfoundin some commercialword-processing programs.At
Elements of Forecasting. times,it is confusingor impossibleto understandor interpret the given
equation.(On p. 22, forexample,thereadercannottell whethertheT - 1
Francis X. DIEBOLD. Cincinnati,OH: South-Western College Pub-
belongs inside or outside of the radical sign in the definitionof sample
lishing,1998. ISBN 0-538-86244-0.xiii + 392 pp. $76.95.
standarddeviation.)The footnotesinterrupt the flowof reading,and it is
These two textbooksare aimed at identical audiences: (advanced) not always clear whythe information in themis in a note ratherthanin-
undergraduate- or masters-levelbusiness studentswho have an interest cluded in themaintext.Moreover,theauthoroftenrepeatshimselfin the
in or will be usingforecastingtechniquesas partof theirjobs. The book footnotes(and in thetext),givingthesensethatthebook was notsubjected
by MakridakisWheelwright and Hyndman(MWH) is in its thirdedition, to close editing.The overallreadabilityand organizationof the textgive
whereasthatof Dielbold (DB) is a newcomer. the same feeling.
Both books reviewthe major highlightsof businessforecastingfrom A majorcriticismis thatDB oftenintroducestermsand phraseswithout
a modelingand organizationalperspective.Both intentionally leave aside definition or explanation.On page 163, thereaderis told thatall rootsof
theoreticaldevelopmentsand concentrateon practicalaspects. There is a certainpolynomialshouldbe "inside the unitcircle."The readernever
a greatdeal of overlapbetweenthe two books and one should consider learns what a unit circle is and how a root mightlie there(recall that
buyingone or theother,butnotboth.Here I outlinethematerialcovered the intendedaudience for thisbook is businessstudents).On page 197,
in bothbooks first,thenprovideby individualcritiquesand a discussion the operatorP is used withoutexplanation.The experiencedreaderwill
of unique materialpresentedin each. understand through thecontextthatP is meantas a projectionoperator, but
Both books assume verylittlebackgroundknowledgeof the student. theuninitiated mighteasily confuseit witha probabilitystatement. Later,
However,at least one priorcourse in statisticswould benefitthe student on page 296, anotheruse forP is given(to indicatea polynomial).Finally,
greatly.DB has more introductory materialthanMWH, such as expla- on page 331, in the contextof introducingneural nets,the "squashing
nationsof means and standarddeviations.Both books presentsmoothing function"(normallycalled theactivationfunction)is introducedbutnever
methods,althoughhere (and mosteverywhere else) MWH's explanations explained(neitherexplainedis thenew and odd terminology).
are of greaterdepthand clarity.Regressiontechniquesforforecastingare In its favor,DB is the firstbook I have seen with an entirechapter
covered,as are model and variableselectionand testing.Of course,both devotedto theimportant area of forecastinggraphics.The author'sinspi-
books cover ARIMA modelingin some detail. DB builds up to a full rationis drawnmainlyfromtheworksby Tufte.DB also bringsin theuse
ARIMA model more slowly,takingseveral chapters.MWH succinctly of cumsumchartsforregressionmodel parameters.However,one is left
coversARIMA and seasonal ARIMA. Both do an adequatejob withstan- wonderingwhytheauthordid nottakehis own advice,because thebook's
dard forecastinggraphics(such as ACF plots),althoughDB goes further latterhalfcontainsmorethana dozen examplesof less thaninspirational
(but has some problems).Neural nets are mentionedin both texts,with graphics.Justto cite one example,on page 138 the readeris treatedto
MWH givingthe fullertreatment. The interestingtopic of ex-postfore- the ACF and PACF of a whitenoise process (to imaginewhatthislooks
cast performance is also takenup by bothbooks,withsome uniquetwists like,draw a graphwithnothingon it). This phenomenacould have better