Design of Centralized PI Controller For Interacting Conical Tank System

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(12), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i12/89920, March 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Design of Centralized PI Controller for Interacting

Conical Tank System
K. Suresh Manic1, S. Devakumar2, V. Vijayan2* and V. Rajinikanth2
Caledonian College of Engineering, University College, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat; [email protected]
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai – 600119, Tamil Nadu, India;
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Background/Objectives: The objective of this paper is to design centralised controller for liquid level in the two
interacting conical tank system. Methods/Statistical analysis: Two Centralised Proportional and Integral (PI) controller
tuning method (Davison method and Tanttu and Liestehto method) are used for simulation and implemented in real
time process. Findings: Centralised PI controller reduces the interaction between the two interacting conical tank and
improves the system performance. The performances are compared in terms of Integral Square Error (ISE) and Peak
Overshoot. It is observed that Tanttu and Liestehto method produces better response than Davison method. Applications/
Improvements: Level control in two interacting conical tank is used in chemical industries and water treatment plants.

Keywords: Centralised Controller, Multivariable System, Two Interacting Conical Tank System

1. Introduction Tanttu and Liestehto12 method. The designed controllers

are tested for servo and regulatory operations and their
Most of process industries are multivariable processes performances are compared. The controllers are com-
and highly interactive between the input and output vari- pared based on Integral Square Error (ISE) and Maximum
ables. These interactions will disturb the process variable Peak Overshoot (MP) value. ANFIS method is used in
of other loops and it is very difficult to design a controller distillation column13. Setpoint filter is used to reduce
for multivariable systems. Decentralized controller can the peak overshoot14-15. Bacterial Foraging Algorithm
be designed for that kind of processes. But decentralized also used to tune PID controller16-17. Decentralized PID
controller not producing better performance for highly Controller is designed for 3x3 Multivariable System using
interactive processes. So centralized controller method Heuristic Algorithms18. Skogestad method is used for
is needed for controlling the multivariable system effec- designing PID controller for interacting Spherical tank19.
tively. Centralized controller has nxn PID controller for Gain scheduled PI controller is used for nonlinear sys-
multivariable system having nxn transfer function. This tem20. Multivariable controllers are designed for unstable
centralized controller method reduces the interaction and four tank system21-22.
between the processes1-6. A dynamic matrix controller Two Interacting Conical Tank (TICT) systems are
is implemented for two interacting conical tank system7. considered in this paper for implementation of the above
Decoupling controller also can be used for multivari- said controller. It is an example for 2x2 nonlinear systems.
able system8. The centralized controller can be used for When the height of liquid level in the tank increases the
non-square also9. For tuning centralized PID controller, area of the tank also increases. When two conical tanks
various tuning methods are used. The methods include are connected, then it gives more complexity in control-
the Davison method10, the Macijowski11 method and the ling the system due to the interaction between the tanks.

*Author for correspondence

Design of Centralized PI Controller for Interacting Conical Tank System

2.  Real Time Experimental Setup Table 1.  Conical tank specifications
Part Name Details
The experimental setup of the two interacting conical
Stainless steel body (SS316),
tank system are shown in Figure 1. It consists of two coni- Conical tank Height = 75 cm,Top Diameter = 30cm,
cal tanks connected in interacting manner. Two pumps Thickness = 2mm
which delivers liquid flow to the two tanks individually. Differential Capacitance type,
Two control valves connected between the motor pumps Pressure Range: (2.5-250) mbar,
and the conical tanks which act as a final control element. Transmitter Output:(4-20)mA
Two differential pressure transmitter measure the water Pump Centrifugal 0.5 HP
level in conical tanks. The entire setup is connected to a
Control valve Size 4 " pneumatic actuated,
PC through a USB based data acquisition card. The objec- Type: Air to open, Input: 3 – 15 psi
tive is to control the levels of the two conical tank system I/P Converter Input: 4-20 mA, Range: 3-15 psi
(h1 and h2) by varying the inflow to the tanks.
Rota meter Range: 100-1000 LPH
The mathematical model of the Two Interaction
Pressure gauge Range: (0-30) psi
Conical Tank (TICT) system is given by
Air regulator ¼" BSP, Range: 20 psi
h1 dA(h1 ) Interfacing USB based data DAQ card
fin1 − − β1 h1 − sign ( h1 − h 2 ) β12 | h1 − h 2 |
dh1 3 dt
dt π R 2 h12
3 H2
(1)  h1 (s)   G11 (s) G12 (s)   u1 (s) 
h (s) =    (3)
 2  G21 (s) G22 (s) u 2 (s)
h 2 dA(h 2 )
fin2 − − β2 h 2 + sign ( h1 − h 2 ) β12 | h1 − h 2 | Where, h1 and h2 are outputs (level of the tanks), u1 and
dh 2 3 dt
= u2 are the inputs (water flow rate).
dt π R 2 h 22
The transfer function G11(s), G21(s), G12(s) and G22(s)
3 H2 are obtained by conducting step test. By keeping constant
(2) inflow rate to the tank, the steady state responses of open
The Table 1 provides a complete technical specifica- loop systems are obtained. From the open loop responses
tion about the real time experimental setup of the two of two interacting conical tank system, the transfer func-
interacting conical tank system. tions are obtained as follows.
The generalized transfer function matrix of a 2-by-2
system is represented as below.  2.7 3.1 
 4.166s + 1 6.5833s + 1  (4)
G p (s) =  
 1.6 2.4 
 2.8333s + 1 9.4167s + 1 

Relative gain Array (RGA) matrix is computed for the

transfer function is given by

 4.4022 - 3.4022 
RGA =   (5)
 - 3.4022 4.4022 
From the above matrix, the input- output pairing is
identified as Fin1-h1 and Fin2-h2.Here, Fin1 and h1 are
the input flow rate and water level of the conical tank1.
Similarly, Fin2 and h2 are the input flow rate and water
Figure 1.  Two Interacting Conical Tank System. level of the conical tank2.

2 Vol 9 (12) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
K. Suresh Manic, S. Devakumar, V. Vijayan and V. Rajinikanth

3.  Design Of Controller 4.  Result and Discussion of Real

Time Process
3.1  Davison Method For TICT, three tuning methods (Davison method
Davison has proposed a multivariable PI controller where and Tanttu and Liesleh to method) are used. The ISE and
the matrices Kc and KI are given by Peak overshoot values of both methods are compared
which shown in Figure 2, Figure 3 and Table 2. In this

=δ [G (s = 0) ] −1 (6)

K I = ε G (s = 0) ] −1 (7) 50

Tank-1 Level in cm
40 Davison
Here δ and ε are the fine tuning parameters. The Tanttu and Lieslehto
fine tuning parameters range is from 0 to 1. The recom- 30

mended values are 0.1-0.3.


3.2  Tanttu and Liesleh to Method 10

Tanttu and Liesleh to are based on IMC controller. In 0

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
which controller for the individual transfer function has Time in Sec
to be designed.
The transfer function is a first order system with dead Figure 2.  Servo Response of Tank 1.
time, the PI controller by IMC is given by

 1  Davison
 k pij  Tanttu and Lieslehto
k cij =   (8) 50

τ ij 
Tank-2 Level in cm

 τ c,ij 
 

τ Iij = τ ij (9) 20

where τ ij is the desired closed loop time con-
stant. Let us assume that τ cij = ατ ij , where α is 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time in Sec
a single tuning factor. Hence the matrix Kc, is
given by Figure 3.  Servo Response of Tank 2.
 K p,11 K
p,12 
K = (1/ α )  (10) Table 2.  The comparisons of different method’s ISE
c K ,21 K ,22 
 p p  values of TICT
Method MP in % Integral Square Error (ISE)
−1 h1 h2 h1 h2
 K ,11 K I ,12  DAVISON 15.72 22.64 7.60e+06 6.04e+06
K I = (1/ α )  I  (11)
K I ,21 K I ,22  TANTTU 14.00 16.07 7.48e+06 5.52e+06

Vol 9 (12) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Design of Centralized PI Controller for Interacting Conical Tank System

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