Cross Linking PE
Cross Linking PE
Cross Linking PE
With the help of cross-linking agents, polyethyl- more linkages per length of polymer chain, resulting
ene (PE) is transformed from being a simple com- in larger property changes. Because cross-linking
modity thermoplastic into a more useful engineering prevents molecules from slipping by each other in
material. Cross-linking is often an unwanted result the amorphous regions of the resin, it particularly
of free-radical degradation processes—but inten- affects temperature-dependent properties, giving the
tional, controlled cross-linking can be useful in XLPE more thermoset-like qualities, including:
medical, foam, pipe, wire & cable, and other PE
applications for increasing heat resistance, physical • higher long-term service temperatures, includ-
properties, and long-term durability. This chapter ing better heat and dimensional stability (and as
will cover additives that cause cross-linking and little as 1% of the creep of the precrosslinked
discuss related issues, addressing: polymer);
• improved impact resistance and environmental
• What is the value of cross-linking PE? stress-cracking resistance (ESCR);
(Section 15.1)
• higher tensile strength and stiffness properties,
• What are the main types of agents and other especially at high temperatures;
methods that cause cross-linking? (Section 15.2)
• better “shape memory” or “memory effect,” in
• How do these different agents and methods which a heated and deformed XL material
compare? (Section 15.3) holds its shape when cooled, and then returns
to its original shape when reheated;
• improved cell formation in foams (stronger
15.1 Cross-Linked PE: cell walls limit the cell size distribution and
Advantages and Applications prevent cells from blowing open);
• improved chemical and solvent resistance
The cross-linking of PE typically occurs during (though some solvents cause the XL material
the degradation of the polymer, but PE cross- to swell);
linked in a controlled way has useful properties.
Methods for intentionally cross-linking extruded • better electrical resistance and dielectric
and molded PE have created an important niche of properties;
applications. Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE or • and in some cases, improved weatherability.
PEX) is used for more resilient foams, pipes, tubing,
film, sheet, cable coverings, and rotational moldings. Other properties may also be improved, depend-
(Polypropylene (PP) is not normally cross-linked, ing on the degree of cross-linking in the polymer,
but cross-linked polypropylene (XLPP) is also the cross-linking agent or process, and the initial
discussed briefly in this chapter.) properties of the polyolefin [3-3, 15-2, 15-4].
Cross-linking agents tie together carbon atoms These properties make XLPE useful especially
from different chains of the polymer, transforming for extruded hot water pipe, foam insulation, large
what were once viscous linear segments into an containment tanks, and wire and cable coverings.
insoluble gel network that no longer melts or flows For power cable coverings or insulation, XLPE
like a typical polyolefin. The degree of cross-linking withstands higher temperatures from electrical
that occurs is determined by the percentage of overloads and short circuits than alternative materi-
polymer chains interconnected in this network, or in als such as PVC can withstand. Its memory effect
other words, the density or proportion of the gel can be exploited for joining together components
component. Higher cross-link density is the result of in these applications. Cross-linking properties are
also useful for more durable, multilayer, silane- • Because cross-linking encourages a mechanism
crosslinked PE pipe, which has become more of polymer degradation, effective processes
competitive with copper and other pipes for water must suppress unwanted oxidative degeneration
and fluid transport [15-2, 15-5]. of the polymer (by keeping oxygen out of the
However, there are at least two general caveats resin and process).
about crosslink-induced properties. One penalty for • Less-branched polymers and polymers with
the property improvements is that cross-linked methyl groups (such as PP) tend to be more
materials no longer truly melt at high temperatures, susceptible to degradation from unwanted chain
limiting their recyclability. The other is that exces- scission (breakage), rather than cross-linking.
sive cross-linking initiated in the melted polymer
can result in brittle materials that lack crystalline • Primary antioxidant radical scavengers in a
regions—regions that also contribute to valuable compound, otherwise useful as heat stabili-
mechanical properties. Thus ASTM pipe specifica- zers, can suppress the desired cross-linking
tions (F 876-93) limit the degree of cross-linking in mechanism.
XLPE pipes to between 65% and 89% [3-3, 15-5].
And perhaps most importantly is the timing of the
cross-linking in the process. Fast-acting peroxides
that decompose at lower temperatures may initiate
15.2 Cross-Linking Agents cross-linking prematurely in the process—before the
resin is fully formed into its final shape by extrusion
The main commercially useful methods for or molding. Thus a peroxide must be chosen that fits
cross-linking use agents whose sole purpose is to the temperature/speed profile of the process. For
promote free-radical processes that essentially initi- high-voltage XLPE cable coverings, for example,
ate PE degradation. This ultimately creates bonds peroxide cross-linkers are specifically chosen to fit
directly between carbon atoms on adjacent polymer the production rates of high-output “continuous
chains. Some cross-linking agents, such as silanes, vulcanizing” processes, which include a long curing
integrate themselves between polymers to form chamber several meters long [3-3, 15-2].
intermediate “bridging” links that connect one The appropriateness of a peroxide for a process
chain to another. can be determined by its “half-life,” or the time
required for half of its mass to decompose at proces-
sing temperatures. A dicumyl peroxide cross-linking
15.2.1 Peroxide-Based Agents initiator, for example, degrades relatively quickly
Organic peroxide agents are the most common when compared with other peroxides, requiring only
agents used to initiate free radicals, and thus con- a few minutes for half of its mass to decompose at
trolled cross-linking, in PE (peroxide-created PE processing temperatures. Other peroxides with
XLPE is sometimes abbreviated “PEX-A”). The longer half-lives take more time for decomposition/
peroxides (ROOR) decompose in the heat of pro- initiation. Typically, a processing rate is timed to
cessing into peroxy radicals (RO•) that abstract allow a certain number of half-life periods to pass
(remove) hydrogen atoms from the polymer chain. before the polymer is considered to be sufficiently
This creates free radicals on the chain that can cross-linked. The opposite problem is premature
bond with carbon radicals on another chain, cross-linking in the extruder when process tempera-
though the radicals can also react with other tures are too high (Case 15.1) [3-3, 15-1, 15-8].
species in the compound. A number of competing
mechanisms and factors can affect the efficiency
of this cross-linking process: 15.2.2 Silane-Based Agents
Silane agents are composed of silicon bonded to
• Shorter, low molecular weight polymer chains oxygen and various carbon groups. They use a mul-
have less statistical chance of cross-linking tistep mechanism to form cross-linked networks
with other chains. between polymer chains. They first must be grafted
• Cross-linking agents have no effect within the onto a polymer’s backbone radical (using per-
crystalline regions of a polymer. oxides). Then they are available to form “siloxane
Problem: Premature cross-linking (“scorch”) and low outputs in peroxide-crosslinked XLPE extrusion.
Objective: Faster processing and higher processing temperatures without premature cross-linking in the
Solution: A peroxide cross-linker with a decomposition temperature above the normal range.
Processing temperatures used for the production of peroxide-crosslinked high-density polyethylene
are limited by the decomposition temperatures of the peroxides used, in order to prevent premature
decomposition of the peroxides and cross-linking of PE in the extruder. Temperatures with typical
peroxides have to be limited to 160 170°C, limiting the output of the extruder because of the higher
viscosity of PE at these temperatures.
Addressing this issue, Akzo Nobel released a higher temperature peroxide (Trigonox 311) with a
20 30°C higher peroxide decomposition temperature. Cross-linking at higher temperatures results in a
less viscous, more homogeneous melt, the company says. This improves extruder output and the qualities
of the final product. The peroxide is targeted for where XLPE processing at 180 190°C is needed, as with
cross-linked pipe extrusion, rotational molding, and thermoplastic vulcanizate applications.
bridges” ( Si O Si ) by combining with grafted that contain the cross-linking catalyst, peroxide, and
agents on other polymer chains, with the aid of silane agent in one compound. Products like Evonik
moisture in hydrolysis/condensation reactions. Degussa’s Dynasylan Silfin liquid reportedly contain
Silane/moisture-cured XLPE (sometimes abbre- vinyl silane, initiators, and catalysts—plus additives
viated “PEX-B”) is commonly used for low-voltage such as antioxidants, processing aids, and metal
cable insulation, and it also can be used for thick deactivators [14-30, 15-3, 15-4, 15-8].
products. Improved cross-linking processes and No matter the process, care must also be taken to
properties, along with new metallocene polyolefins, avoid temperatures rising above the decomposition
have reportedly allowed its use in more rigorous temperatures of additives such as aluminum trihy-
applications, such as under-the-floor hot water heat- drate and magnesium (di-)hydroxide mineral flame
ing pipes, and more resilient foams [15-2, 15-4]. retardants. As alternatives to mixers or twin-screw
Traditional silane-XLPE processes used by compounders, new kneader designs have been devel-
various manufacturers can differ, but they share the oped for the safe integration of cross-linking agents
following basic steps in common. First a prelimi- without over-heating or -shearing [15-8].
nary mixing and compounding process is required Cross-linked PP is difficult to make. Conventional
to graft vinyl silane onto PE, which, in the case XLPE-type methods tend to produce more chain
of two-step cross-linking, produces a pelletized scission in PP (as in controlled rheology PP appli-
copolymer that must be kept dry to prevent prema- cations) than the desired cross-linking reactions.
ture cross-linking. Then, during melt processing/ Thus molecular weight degradation predominates
compounding, this grafted material is mixed with a over cross-linking. But some researchers have
masterbatch that contains a cross-linking catalyst to made silane-crosslinked/moisture-cured XLPP,
speed up curing. This blend is processed into the using specific silane chemistries and/or coagent
final product shape, which is cross-linked typically grafting. They have determined ways to increase
in a process using steam or hot water (or it may be gel content (cross-linking degree) in PP to over
allowed to cure simply using ambient conditions 50 60%, at which point the material’s dynamic
over weeks of time) [3-3, 15-2, 15-4, 15-8]. storage modulus increases markedly [15-9].
Alternatively, as in Wacker Chemie’s Monosil
process, the extrusion steps can be combined into a 15.2.3 Radiation-Induced
one-step process for creating a grafted, readily cross-
linkable compound. Other suppliers such as Dow Cross-Linking
Corning and Momentive Performance Materials High-energy electron beams (E-beams), X-rays, or
have also tried to make one-step cross-linking easier beta, gamma, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation can
for processors by offering preblended masterbatches also be used to form free radicals and initiate