Building World-Class Finance and Performance Management Capabilities
Building World-Class Finance and Performance Management Capabilities
Building World-Class Finance and Performance Management Capabilities
It is also one There are several trends that should affect the speed
of implementation and level of sophistication of
new business analytic and performance management
to achieve on an
operational basis.
Trends Impacting Business
Analytics and Performance
Investors are upset. Regulators are active. All is not Understanding performance inside the walls of an
well with financial transparency and investor relations. enterprise is no longer sufficient – it is expected that
The CEO and entire management team are now under the performance of a supply chain made up of multiple
significantly increased pressure to respond to new companies will be understood and compared to
financial transparency requirements introduced through competing supply chains within an industry.
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the United States and
planned revisions to International Accounting The increasing use of global operating models, includ-
Standards. Many finance organizations are placing ing the widespread use of manufacturing facilities in
renewed attention to their abilities to forecast and low-cost countries, requires performance management
report financial performance through changes in solutions capable of easily integrating information
the economic cycle, to communicate effectively with from multiple information platforms, data structures,
investors, and to work across the business to manage and sources.
Furthermore, the pace of business has accelerated.
Investors don’t want managed earnings, but they don’t Companies are seeking the ability to sense and respond
want surprises, either. The days of smoothly managed to changes in the environment more rapidly than
quarterly results are over as companies struggle with competitors. Performance reporting processes must be
an uncertain economic environment, increasing levels adapted to keep up. From the moment a business event
of sophistication in competitors, and changes in occurs until it is reported in the consolidated financial
accounting standards. While investors are pleased statements, a number of stakeholders are interested in
to have more transparent financial results, they are real-time reporting related to the transaction. Finance
demanding that management teams demonstrate a organizations are expected to have common financial
higher level of expertise in forecasting how changes languages capable of reporting at speed across
in the industry or economic environment are likely to geographies, languages, and currencies.
impact future earnings, future cash flows, and future
capital investment requirements.
Demands on Finance
Executive compensation systems designed to align
management teams with shareholder value measures Business leaders are insisting that the finance organiza-
are under pressure in multiple geographies and indus- tion be a source of impartial financial and management
tries as gaps between investor results and executive information, have the insight to analyze and under-
compensation have widened. Management teams are stand that information, and bring a point of view based
rethinking which high-level measures to target and on a clear understanding of industry and company
how to implement appropriate performance reporting value chains. They expect finance to understand
systems to manage the company. customer, product, and channel profitability. Further,
they want CFOs to put the processes and metrics in
Government organizations are also under increased place to ensure that employees across the company
pressure to implement performance management solu- can measure and report results as they make decisions
tions and demonstrate higher service levels with lower and take actions aligned with corporate strategies.
cost structures. Clear definitions of government entity
scorecards and performance levels are increasingly Companies are being pushed into positions of competi-
important in the process of justifying spending levels tive disadvantage when other organizations, outside
and requesting new funds. of their control, may have the ability to collect infor-
mation, assess performance, and take action on shorter
The basis of competition is shifting from individual cycle times than they can. In these cases, the company
companies to entire supply chains within industry can find itself losing ground as members of its supply
sectors. Supply chains are being formed, modified, chain or direct competitors have insight into weak-
and restructured as industry boundaries blur and nesses before it is prepared to respond or make
competitive environments become more sophisticated. internal adjustments.
Many companies are shifting attention from driving along supply chains to dramatically lower inventory
revenue to optimizing growth in shareholder value. levels and associated working capital. Demand pattern
They need improved business analytics to support the analytics can identify changes in customer buying
revised growth agenda with both increases in revenues cycles and minimize the lead times required to produce
and improvements in profitability. Industry analytics for expected demand levels. Sophisticated demand and
and value chain analytics can help make optimal deci- price elasticity analytics can apply real options theory
sions on where to invest resources to capture segments to determine the optimal mix of products to be pro-
with high growth potential. Customer analytics can help duced from available production capacity.
identify, acquire, retain, and sell to customers to drive
new revenues and protect existing revenue streams. Corporate and financial risk management have moved
Related credit analytics can increase the number of up the list of priorities as companies face continued
customers targeted while holding credit risk and related pressure to understand and manage enterprise risk.
bad debt to optimal levels. Finally, product and pricing An emerging set of analytics is being constructed
analytics can help improve the offers made to cus- to address enterprise-level risks and optimize the
tomers and improve the average price received in allocation of resources to manage those risks.
specific customer segments.
These trends impacting both business analytics and
Working capital effectiveness and operating cost leader- performance management will place pressure on many
ship goals have recently created an urgent need for management teams to make substantial improvements
improved business analytics. Analytics focused on to existing capabilities in the near future (see Figure 1).
operating cost reductions can optimize synchronization
Approximately what percentage of your finance function’s time is devoted to these activities?
Source: CFOs Driving Finance Transformation for the 21st Century CFO Research Services
In three years
40% 39%
35% 32%
30% 27% 27%
25% 21% 20% 20%
15% 14%
Corporate strategy Consultative Fiduciary Transaction
development decision support responsibilities Processing
Written by:
Michael R. Sutcliff
Global Managing Partner,
Finance & Performance Management service line
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