Describing Feelings and Reactions

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I. Look at the pictures and write an event that match with the image.

The event is
true and it has relation with your own experiences.

Mini dictionary
1. Shocked: sorprendido (emoción fuerte y negativa) 2. Upset: trastornado/ desconcertado
3. Excited: emocionado 4. Amazed: asombrado 5. Angry: enojado
6. Interested: interesado 7. Worried: preocupado 8. Surprised: sorprendido
9. Happy: feliz

1. Shocked at/ by 2. Upset about 3. Excited about

4. Amazed at 5. Angry about 6. Interested in

7. Worried about 8. Surprised by 9. Happy about

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