Abuse of Dominant Position

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Abuse of dominant power-

exploitative & exclusionary

G R Bhatia
Partner & Head of Competition Law
Luthra & Law Offices

© 2014 Luthra & Luthra Law Offices www.luthra.com

Why Competition?
 Competition is BENIGN:

 Reduces prices

 Improves quality

 Boosts choice

 Promotes efficiency

 Encourages innovation


 Ensures AVAILABILITY OF GOODS in abundance of acceptable

quality at affordable price (AAA)

Why Competition Law?
 Helps maintain free and fair competition in
markets which is a critical challenge.

 The need for a law and an umpire is critical.

 Need to infuse competition imperative.

 MRTP Act focused on curbing monopolies. It

was limited in sweep and rigidly structured.

Goals of the Act

 To prevent practices having an adverse effect on


 To promote and sustain competition in markets.

 To protect the interests of the consumers.

 To ensure freedom of trade carried on by other


Five Dimensions of the Act
 Anti-competitive Agreements [Sec. 3]
 Abuse of Dominance [Sec. 4]
 Combinations, include acquisition of shares,
voting rights, assets/control, mergers,
amalgamations and takeovers
 Advocacy - maximum impact with least
 Advisory- to tame anti competitive public
action .
All these dimensions of law are in force
Risks of Abuse of dominance

 On conclusion of an enquiry, the CCI may:

 Issue directions to discontinue abuse of dominance

 Impose penalty such penalty which may be upto 10% of the average
turnover for the last three preceding financial years upon such
person or enterprise which are parties to such abuse

 Pass such other orders as it may deem fit to a member of a group

 Direct division of an enterprise enjoying dominant position to ensure

that such enterprise does not abuse its dominant position

 A person responsible for the conduct of business of an enterprise

shall be deemed guilty and liable for punishment unless he proves
(a) that abuse took place without his knowledge or
(b) that he had exercised all due diligence

3 tier process
 Determination of Relevant Market
 Determination of dominance of
enterprise or group
 Determination of abuse of dominant
position in terms of Section 4(2) of
the Act

Relevant Market - Foundation
 The purpose of determining relevant market is identify
the economic space in which a firm may be able to
exercise its market power.

 „Relevant Market’ includes relevant product market

and relevant geographic market.

Relevant Product Market – comprises all those

products or services which are regarded as
interchangeable or substitutable by the consumer.

In the Case of:

United Brands v. Commission – It was

argued that bananas were in the same
market as other fruit. The ECJ held that
the banana constitutes a separate
market since it has special features
distinguishing it from other fruits, like it
is the only fruit which can be consumed
by infants and the elderly.

Relevant Market – Foundation

 Relevant Geographic Market – refers to market

comprising the area in which the conditions of
competition are distinctly homogenous.

 This could be a „small town‟, „state‟, across the

nation or even global.

Determination of Dominant
Position - Factors
 Market share of the enterprise

 Size and resources of the enterprise

 Size and importance of the competitors

 Economic power of the enterprise

 Vertical integration of the enterprises

 Dependence of consumers on the enterprise

Determination of Dominant
Position – Factors (Contd.)
 Dominant position as a result of statute

 Barrier to entry

 Countervailing buyer power

 Market structure and size of market

 Social obligations and social costs

 Contribution to the economic development

 Any other factor (residuary factor)

Abuse of Dominant Position

 The Act does not prohibit dominant position – it only

frowns upon the „abuse‟ thereof.

 Dominant Position refers to a position of strength

enjoyed by an enterprise or group in the relevant
market, in India, which enables it to -

 Operate independently of competitive forces

prevailing in the relevant market; or
 Affect its competitors or consumers or the relevant
market in its favor.
 ‘Group’ is open ended.

Types of Abuses
 Exploitative Abuses– i.e., conduct which results in
exploitation of others in the value chain, for e.g.,
 imposition of unfair or discriminatory conditions
 imposition of unfair or discriminatory prices e.g., predatory

 Exclusionary Abuses – conduct which interferes with the

competitive process, for e.g.,
 Making conclusion of contract subject to acceptance of
supplementary obligations
 Denial of market access
 Limiting production of goods, provision of services; scientific
 Using dominance in one relevant market to enter into or protect
other relevant market

How an Inquiry can be initiated
 Suo motu; or
 Upon receipt of an information from
any person, consumer or their
association or trade association, or
 Upon receipt of a reference from
Central/State Government or
statutory authority

Powers of the DG

 Requisition of information from the parties

 Requisition of information from ex-employees,
distributors etc.
 The DG can summon and record evidence
during investigation.
 DG can exercise the powers of „Search and
Seizure‟ (“Dawn Raids”).
 DG are vested with the powers of a Civil Court
to aid Inquiry/Investigations

A word of caution in
 Email, SMS, FAX, Communication in any e-mode are
admissible evidence- irretrievable once clicked/sent.
 Skillful communication is imperative.
 Do not sound guilty .
 Do not use expression like “destroy after reading”.
 Avoid the exaggerated use of “power” words(e.g.
“we‟ll destroy them”, “we will nail them to the
 Avoid giving the false impression that a customer is
being given favored treatment( e.g. “None of our
other customers is getting this special

A word of caution in communication
 Do not give false impression that some action is
being taken as a result of an agreement between
competitors ( e.g. “Everyone in the industry
agrees that prices are too low”).
 Be carful with the use of the word “market” (e.g.
“we are dominant”).
 Marking a document “personal and confidential”
or keeping it in your “personal” files or home
office or computer does not mean that it won‟t be
 Do not use the term “market” when referring to
distribution channels.
A word of caution in
communication (Contd.)
 Do not use terms such as “control”, “power”
or “dominance” when referring to the
company‟s present or future position;
 Do not use vivid words or images suggesting
combat (“crush”, “destroy”, “block access”,
“conquer”, “dominate”) to describe the
company‟s marketing practices.
 Do not use the term “market” to refer to parts
of a nation. For cities, regions, and other
limited geographic areas, use terms such as
“area", "region” or the like.
Conditions precedent
 Prima facie opinion
 Reference to DG to submit an
Investigation report
 Post receipt of report, the CCI
mandated to invite objections and
 Mandated to give an opportunity of
being heard before Inquiry by CCI a
pre condition
Thanks for being Attentive

Luthra & Luthra

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