Japan Job Guide PDF
Japan Job Guide PDF
Japan Job Guide PDF
JASSO's homepage links to the following websites.
International Students
- Locations: Sendai, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka
- Languages supported: English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, etc. (varies by region)
- Consultation methods: Telephone and in person
- URL: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/info/
International Scholarship Division,
Student Exchange Department
2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630 Japan NOTE: Unauthorized use and reproduction of content
Phone +81-3-5520-6030 Fax +81-3-5520-6031 in this document is prohibited.
Independent Administrative Institution
Issued February 2018 / Not for sale
Japan Student Services Organization
Job Hunting in Japan 2
How to Conduct Job Hunting Activities 4
Status of the Employment of International Students 6
What Japanese Companies Expect 7
At last, you are about to go out into the world on your own with the memory of meeting Applications 32
From now on, you are going to be a "working person," and your personal strength will be From Screening Tests and Job 46
transformed into the strength that establishes society. Your work will not be limited to Japan, Offers to Joining a Company
but will influence the entire world. Written Tests 47
Interviews 49
Job Offers to Joining a Company 53
Thorough preparation is required for you to find a job that motivates you and a workplace that Before Starting Work 54
enriches your life. It takes courage to jump into a new world. You may also be a bit worried. Job Hunting Manners ❷ Manners to Make a Good Impression 56
Many former international students say that job hunting was a good opportunity to re-
Changing Your Status of Residence 58
❶ Points-Based Preferential Immigration 62
Treatment for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals
Now take courage! We sincerely hope that this booklet will show you the way to your dream.
Job Hunting Activities after Graduating 63
JASSO is always here to support you.
Job Hunting Reports 64
There is a tendency for the evaluation standards used Communication Skills 87.0
Unique recruitment methods by overseas companies and Japanese companies Individuality 63.8
during recruitment activities to differ. A large
Cooperativeness 49.1
Japan uses different recruitment methods to the ones you are accustomed to in your own country. It is number of overseas companies use a performance-
Spirit of Challenge 46.0
therefore necessary to carry out your job hunting activities with a full understanding of the differences in based system that bases their promotion and pay-
Integrity 43.8
scheduling, selection methods, recruitment standards, and other such elements. rise standards on each individual’s capabilities,
Stress Tolerance 35.5
work record and results, and they seek employees
capable of being effective immediately at the point Sense of Responsibility 24.2
■ What Does Job Hunting in Japan Entail? of recruitment. The standards for evaluations are Logical Thinking 23.6
2 3
How to Conduct The keys are when you start and gathering information!
Begin job hunting activities early and acquire enough information to allow you to act
Job Hunting Activities efficiently. This is the key to successfully finding employment in Japan.
First, let's look at what you need to do and when you need to do it.
Hypothetical Job Hunting Schedule for FY 2019
(This schedule varies by each company, so be sure to gather related information in a proactive manner.)
July August September October November December January February March April May June July August September October November December January
● Start of PR activities ● Start of screening activities ● Start of provision of official job offers
Job Hunting Schedule
What you should prepare for conducting job hunting activities Begin preparing before the start of PR activities and selection activities to be fully prepared before beginning your job search.
Self-analysis and evaluation(P9)
Industry and corporate research (P13),examining job types(P19), visiting alumni(P28)
■ Books and
Information sources ■ University career center ■ Newspapers informational magazines ■ Internet ■ Public Offices Back cover
・Corporate recruitment ・Job hunting trends for ・Industry trends ・Corporate recruitment ・Job-opening information cards
and content to be information the current academic year ・Screening test preparation information not available at university
・Individual consultation for ・Japanese social trends ・Information from recruiting ・Requesting information and ・Internship information
gathered companies
job hunting (economics and politics) starting applications ・Information for foreign nationals
・List of graduates ・World affairs ・Kaisha Shikiho (Japanese ・Applying for seminars ・Individual counseling on finding
Company Handbook) and
・Job hunting reports from ・Job information ・Word-of-mouth information employment
Gyokai Chizu (Map of the
former international students Business World) ・Quarterly job hunting journal
4 5
Status of the Employment of What Japanese Companies Expect
International Students Before starting your job hunting activities, it is important to know what Japanese
companies expect of international students.
Number of international students intending to work in Japan Reasons for hiring international students
As of May 1, 2016, the number of international ■ Changes in the number of applications from There are three main reasons why Japanese ■ Reasons for hiring international students
students has grown to 239,287, 2 times larger than international students intending to work
(人) Number of applications
companies hire international students. The first
it was a decade ago (according to the Japan Student Number of visas approved Number of visas denied
21,898 reason is to secure excellent human resources
To cultivate and expand overseas
business in the home countries of 23.1
international students
Services Organization (JASSO)). 22,000
regardless of their nationalities. The second reason To cultivate and expand overseas
At the same time, in 2016 a total of 21,898 foreign 20,000
is to hire important human resources that serve business in general 44.7
nationals, including international students, applied 18,000 17,088 19,435
as a bridge to the global business world. The third To enhance business by acquiring human
for a change of status of residence for the purpose 16,000 14,170 reason is for diversity, to secure human resources
resources with specialized skills
14.1% 9.2%
From Survey on Career and Retention for International Students
From The Employment of International Students by Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, 2015)
Companies in 2016 (Immigration Bureau, Ministry of Justice)
Industries and job types at places of employment Skills which employers consider to be important when hiring international students
Ma ny inter national ■ Industries and job content at places of employment Japanese skill is considered most important by ■ Skills/traits which employers consider to be
students are hired to work Industry type Composition ratio (%) Industry type Composition ratio (%) Industry type Composition ratio (%) companies when hiring international students. important when hiring international students
in commerce (trading), Translation/Interpretation 24.0 Commerce (trading) 20.6 Food 2.4 The second most important skill set is thought to Manufacturing Nonmanufacturing
computer-related service, Sales/Marketing 15.2 Computer-related services 9.4 Electronics 2.3 be communication skills. Companies also consider Skill/Trait(%)
industry(%) industry(%)
and restaurant industries, Overseas work 9.9 Food and drinks industry 5.3 Machinery 2.1
Technology development (IT) 6.4 Hotels and Inns 3.0 Automotive 1.5
vitality and enthusiasm to be important. Vitality Japanese language skills 64.8 75.7
with many of them working Trade work 5.4 Construction 2.6 Chemicals 0.6 is defined as ones strength to overcome hardships Communication skills 55.2 65.4
in translation/interpretation Technology development (other than IT) 4.3 Education 2.5 Fiber 0.6 and obstacles whereas enthusiasm makes people Vitality 41.9 33.6
and sales/marketing. Please 3.7 Travel industry Steel Enthusiasm 28.6 29.0
Planning 2.3 0.3 want to enter the company. When looking at Specialization 26.7 22.4
think about what kind of Public relations/advertising 3.0 Transportation 2.0 Other manufacturing industries 5.8
each industry type, a trend can be seen in the English language skills 19.0 11.2
industry you would like to Management/Administrative work 2.9 Finance and insurance 1.1 Manufacturing 15.7
Accounting work 2.8 Health care 0.2
manufacturing industry where importance is Imagination 14.3 14.0
work in and the type of job Education 1.7 placed on professional skills and English skills. Leadership 9.5 7.5
Other non-manufacturing
you would like to have. Research studies 1.6 industries 35.3 Where the applicant attended university 4.8 3.7
0.8 University academic record 1.9 1.9
Health care Non-manufacturing 84.3
International finance 0.4 From Survey on Career and Retention for International Students
From The Employment of International Students by Japanese
Other 17.8 Companies in 2016 (Immigration Bureau, Ministry of Justice) (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, 2012)
6 7
Self-analysis and Evaluation
Job hunting starts with self-analysis and evaluation
Self-analysis and evaluation involve once again asking yourself questions regarding your strong and
weak points, preferences, expertise, skills, interests, dreams for the future, values, and outlook on
Self-analysis and
life, then organizing your thoughts. In other words, self-analysis and evaluation enable you to know
your unknown real character by gazing back over your past, reflecting on your current self, and
visualizing your ideal future self.
Preparing for
■ Objectives of self-analysis and evaluation
❶ To identify the type of job that you want to do, and the type of job you are suited to
Examining Industries
Job Hunting Activities
and Companies
❷ To help you make a good impression in your initial application and interview
As shown in the figure below, let's start with reflecting on yourself from various angles.
Which industry has the job that I want? 13 How do others see me?
What does Japan
mean to me?
Examining Job Types
Visiting Alumni
Learning the reality of jobs and required skills 19
Think about key events or achievements in your life -- these might be
within your family, at school, with friends, at a conference or seminar, or
What qualities do I have?
at your par t-time job. What role did you play? What did you contribute?
Visiting Alumni Prepare a list of these key events and achievements that demonstrate
your qualities to a potential employer.
The best opportunities to hear what working people really think 28 What does my past say Think back to your childhood. What are some of the events or situations
about me? that might have affected you deeply, or that made a strong impression
→ P10 o n y o u a s a c h i l d? Yo u r p a s t c a n p r o v i d e i m p o r t a n t c l u e s t o y o u r
personality and character.
Internships What sort of person do I
Consider your goals and aspirations, both personal and career-related.
want to be?
Internships are valuable opportunities to experience working 30 → P11
What does Japan mean Think about why you came to Japan to study, and why you want to work
to me? in Japan. Consider also your feelings for your home countr y.
→ P11
How do others see me? Consider how you appear to others. Ask your close friends and people
→ P12 you trust to provide an objective evaluation of you.
8 9
■ What does my past say about me? — Construct your own personal history ■ What sort of person do I want to be? — Create your own future timeline
Find out more about your past by constructing your own personal history. The timeline below is a great way to help you clarify your goals and aspirations for the future.
The personal history should begin at around six years of age and progress through each stage of The future timeline is where you set out your life plan for the years ahead. What do you want to achieve
in the world?
your schooling. In Japan, education is divided into elementary school, junior high school, senior high
Where do you want to be in three, five, 10, 20, and 30 years? In all aspects of life, it is important to set
school, and then university.
yourself concrete goals that you can work towards. In particular, how would getting the job at your
It is important to write your ideas about the personal history on paper, rather than just thinking about
preferred company fit into your life plan?
Self-analysis and
Even after you have finished, it’s necessary to revise your personal history from time to time.
■ How to make your future timeline
■ How to make your personal history ■ Procedure on making your future timeline
❶ Divide your future timeline into specific milestones: three, five, 10, 20, and 30 years from now.
■ Procedure on making your personal history
❷ List your life plan and work goals at each milestone.
❶ Divide the history into sections marked elementary school,
Do not worry about whether they are achievable or not -- concentrate on the big picture of where
Examining Industries
junior high school, senior high school and university.
you want to be.
and Companies
❷ In each section, write down what you were good at, what you struggled with,
❸ Try to identify the reasons underlying your choice of goals and objectives.
and what you thought about Japan. Why are they important to you?
❸ List at least three events or situations that had a strong impact on you at that time.
❹ How did each one make you feel? How did you respond? What did you learn? How can I achieve
Years from now Life plan Work goals Reasons
<What sorts of things should I write about?>
Examples: a conference or presentation, a lecture, school or university clubs or societies, friendship After
Behavioral characteristics five years
What I What I was
What I
Schooling was good not so good After
thought IWhat events How did they
(age) at (strong at (weak or situations make me feel What did I learn 10 years
about Japan had a strong and how did I from them?
points) points)
impact on me? respond?
20 years
Visiting Alumni
(7-12) After
30 years
Junior high
(13-15) ■ What does Japan mean to me? — Why did I choose to come here as an international student?
Senior high In interviews, employers will often ask international students questions such as:
(16-18) ❶ Why did you choose to study in Japan?
❷ Why do you want to get a job in Japan/work for a Japanese company?
University You should be prepared for these sorts of questions.
Your answers should mention
In the past: what got me interested in Japan?
things from your past as well as
In the future: what is the role of Japan in my future?
your aspirations for the future.
At the interview, you should talk not only about events that have had a big
What is your connection with Japan? Note
impact in your life, but also describe what you thought, how you responded, and
● Japanese products/films/manga etc. ● Consider the relevance to Japan.
what you learned from the experience. Examining your past in this way allows ● Japan has strong links to my home country ● Even the smallest idea or motivation can tell an
● Connections with family members and friends important story about you.
you to identify key turning points in your life and analyze your personality and ● Studying Japanese ● Concentrate less on events or situations and
characteristics. This is a key part of your personal history. ● Japanese people I know in my home country more on how they affected you or what you felt
about them.
10 11
■ Objective self-analysis — the Johari Window
The Johari Window is an objective self-analysis tool that you can use to reveal important insights
Examining Industries and Companies
about yourself.
The Johari Window is an interpersonal self-awareness model developed by psychologists Joseph Which industr y has the job that I want?
Luft and Harry Ingham at the San Francisco State University. It involves analysis of how you see “Industry” refers to a broad classification such as manufacturing, commerce, distribution and
yourself and how others see you with respect to known and unknown constructs. retail. The first step in identifying potential employers is to choose the industry and company
Self-analysis and
you want to work in.
Do your research on different industries. Find out what sort of jobs are available in each
industry. This will help you to identify where you will find the types of jobs that you should
Known Not known
apply for.
Examining Industries
A Things that both I C Things that others see
❶ To identify the industries and companies that you would like to work in.
and Companies
and others are aware of in me but I am not aware of
❷ To help you to understand what motivates you to apply for the job. You can use this
about 20 of your strong and weak points. Read newspapers and magazines, and listen to the news.
❸ Now sort the items from both ❶ and ❷ into the A, B and C quadrants.
Visiting Alumni
2 Find out what industries there are.
Personality aspects that These are your natural or inherent qualities, qualities that both you and
others are aware of. They represent your strong points that you should Consult the internet and relevant publications.
A both myself and others
emphasize to potential employers.
are aware of
Personality aspects that I These are qualities that others are not aware of, qualities that may
surprise others. You can use these qualities to show potential
3 Identify all of the industries that interest you and/or that suit your skills.
know but others do not employers that you have more to offer than they first thought. Look for industries that appear to be consistent with your long-term career goals.
Personality aspects that
These are personality aspects that are apparent to others from what we
C others see in me but that say and do, but which we are not normally aware of. These represent Also explore industries that are connected with those industries you identified in Step 3.
I am not aware of weak points that need to be addressed.
12 13
■ Where to get information for your research Main industries Main jobs and job types
■ Food ■ General affairs, human resources, and labor・・・P20
■ Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries ■ Finance, accounting, and treasury・・・P20
Source of information Details
■ Construction ■ Legal affairs, screening, and patents・・・P20
Websites: recruitment agencies, companies (i.e. employers), chambers of ■ Clerk, secretary, and receptionist・・・P20
commerce, JETRO, etc. ■ Housing and interior design
Own research ■ Textiles, pulp, and paper ■ Advertising and public relations・・・P20
Publications: industry maps and industry guides from different companies ■ Research studies and marketing・・・P21
■ Chemicals and petroleum
University employment agency (typically a Career Center or dedicated ■ Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics ■ Planning and product development・・・P21
Self-analysis and
section of the university administration) ■ Corporate planning・・・P21
■ Iron, steel, and mining
■ Sales・・・P21
Employment agencies Hello Work (government employment service) ■ Metals and nonferrous metals
Hello Work for New Graduates ■ Sales promotion and merchandising・・・P21
■ Rubber, glass, cement, pottery, and ceramics
Employment Service for Foreigners (Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka only) ■ Basic research・・・P22
■ Machinery and plant engineering
■ Applied research and technology development・・・P22
Visiting Alumni Alumni associated with your university ■ Electronic and electrical equipment
■ Production and manufacturing technologies・・・P22
■ Automobiles and transportation equipment
Joint briefing sessions and individual company presentations held outside ■ Quality, production management,
■ Precision and medical equipment and maintenance・・・P22
Information from the university
■ Printing and office equipment ■ Architectural and civil engineering design,
Examining Industries
briefing sessions Joint briefing sessions and individual company presentations held at the surveying and quantity surveying・・・P22
■ Other manufacturers
and Companies
■ Construction management・・・P22
in a timely manner!
create a variety of products
The key is the capacity to
■ Machinery and electronic equipment design・・・P22
■ Industry classifications Manufacturers support the Japanese economy and Japan as producers of various goods. There are
all sorts of manufacturer. They can be divided into many industries according to what they produce. For
example, there are automobile manufacturers who produce cars, electronics manufacturers who produce
“Industry” refers to the classification of business operations. Industries are classified as either TV sets, PCs, mobile phones, and other devices, and food manufacturers who produce instant noodles,
manufacturing (the process of transforming input materials into products that provide specific snacks, beverages, etc. In addition to producing daily goods that are familiar to us, manufacturers also
produce materials, such as lumber and iron, which are used to produce semi-conductors, electronic
functionality) or non-manufacturing (anything that is not manufacturing). components, houses and automobiles.
■ Specialized trading companies (housing) ■ Trade clerk and overseas clerk・・・P20
Construction Real estate ■ Specialized trading companies (textiles and apparel) ■ Clerk, secretary, and receptionist・・・P20
Visiting Alumni
■ Specialized trading companies (pulp and paper)
Housing and interior design Traffic ■ Research studies and marketing・・・P21
■ Specialized trading companies (chemicals,
Making goods pharmaceuticals, and petroleum) ■ Planning and product development・・・P21
Textiles, pulp, and paper Transportation ■ Corporate planning・・・P21
(manufacturing) ■ Specialized trading companies (rubber, glass, and cement)
(⇒P15) ■ Sales・・・P21
Chemicals and petroleum Food services ■ Specialized trading companies (iron, steel, and metals)
■ Specialized trading companies (machinery) ■ Sales promotion and merchandising・・・P21
Providing services
Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics
Hotels, travel and sightseeing ■ Specialized trading companies (electronic and electrical
equipment, communication equipment, and game products)
Iron, steel, and mining Human resources ■ Specialized trading companies (precision and
medical equipment)
Machinery and plant engineering Education ■ Specialized trading companies (printing, office
supplies, and office equipment)
Electronic and electrical equipment Medical and welfare services
corporations with corporations ■ Specialized trading companies (sports and
people with corporations and
Trading professionals connecting
everyday items)
Automobiles and transportation equipment Public safety and security
■ Specialized trading companies (education)
Precision and medical equipment Newspapers ■ Mail order and Internet sales
From buying and selling products at stores to purchasing oil, natural gas, or other energy resources,
Printing and office equipment Publishing and advertising
trading companies serve as channels between corporations and consumers, as well as between
Banks Broadcasting and news service agencies There are two prominent types of trading company: general trading companies that handle
Providing information
(⇒P17) diverse products ranging from ramen to airplanes, and specialized trading companies that only handle
Moving goods/ Securities and investment trust management Software and information processing specific products, such as food, textiles, and fuel. The former feature comprehensiveness and the latter
expertise. Each employs business know-how acquired through doing business globally. They also have
(⇒P15,16) Life and accident insurance Communications and networks an abundance of internationally minded human resources because of their partnerships with overseas
companies. In addition to acting as business intermediaries, trading companies have broken into market
Trading Internet technologies development, business management, and other areas in recent years.
14 15
Main industries Main jobs and job types Main industries Main jobs and job types
■ Banks ■ General affairs, human resources, ■ Department stores ■ General affairs, human resources,
and labor・・・P20 ■ Supermarkets and labor・・・P20
■ Securities and investment trust management
■ Finance, accounting, and treasury・・・P20 ■ Convenience stores ■ Finance, accounting, and treasury・・・P20
■ Credit, loans, and leasing
■ Legal affairs, screening, and patents・・・P20 ■ Distribution and chain stores ■ Legal affairs, screening, and patents・・・P20
and retailing
■ Life insurance ■ Home centers
■ Clerk, secretary, and receptionist・・・P20 ■ Clerk, secretary, and receptionist・・・P20
■ Accident insurance ■ Planning and product development・・・P21 ■ Consumer cooperatives ■ Advertising and public relations・・・P20
■ Credit unions ■ Drug stores
■ Corporate planning・・・P21 ■ Planning and product development・・・P21
■ Specialty stores (general)
■ Labor credit associations
Self-analysis and
■ Sales・・・P21 ■ Corporate planning・・・P21
■ Specialty stores
■ Credit associations ■ Sales promotion and merchandising・・・P21 ■ Sales・・・P21
(cameras and office automation)
■ Finance and venture capital ■ Financial advisor・・・P24 ■ Specialty stores ■ Sales promotion and merchandising・・・P21
(glasses and precious metals)
■ Business finance ■ Exchange dealer and trader・・・P25 ■ Pharmacist・・・P23
■ Specialty stores (food)
of the economy" supporting Japan
Whether in surplus or shortage, the "lubricant
■ Consumer finance ■ Loan and financial planner・・・P25 ■ Sales staff and attendant・・・P25
■ Specialty stores (electrical equipment)
■ Mutual aid associations ■ Security analyst・・・P26 ■ Specialty stores (fashion and clothing) ■ Store manager・・・P25
■ Actuary・・・P26 etc. ■ Specialty stores (automobiles) ■ Supervisor・・・P25
■ Commodity exchange
■ Specialty stores (books and music) ■ Buyer・・・P25 etc.
Examining Industries
society connecting producers and
The architect of a consumer
■ Specialty stores (interior design)
and Companies
■ Specialty stores (other retail)
Money is required as an intermediary for the functioning of an economic society which is built on the ■ Mail order
cycle of production and consumption. The term "finance" refers to this flow of money, and it advances
money from those with a surplus to those experiencing a shortage in order to adjust temporary deficiency The flow of products from production to consumption is called "distribution," and businesses that sell
and excess. products to consumers are called "retailers."
Japanese financial institutions include public sector financial institutions whose objectives are The key to retailing is quickly understanding the constantly changing needs of consumers and
economic development and stability of national life. They also include private sector financial institutions accurately responding to them. Retailers include specialty stores, such as electronics retail stores, where
that engage in indirect financing of loan corporations with funds (accumulated in the form of deposits) and special product knowledge and an extensive range of products are offered to provide a wide variety of
direct financing of intermediate trading of stock certificates and bonds. In addition, there are credit and selections. Retailers also include convenience stores, which have become the new retailing style, and
loan companies, as well as lease companies for lending store equipment. mail order businesses that are growing rapidly through Internet sales. On the other hand, supermarkets
Main industries Main jobs and job types Main industries Main jobs and job types
■ Real estate ■ General affairs, human resources, and labor・・・P20 ■ Software and information processing ■ General affairs, human resources,
■ Finance, accounting, and treasury・・・P20 and labor・・・P20
■ Transportation, distribution, ■ Communications
and warehousing ■ Legal affairs, screening, and patents・・・P20 ■ Finance, accounting, and treasury・・・P20
■ Clerk, secretary, and receptionist・・・P20 ■ Internet technologies
■ Electricity, gas, and energy ■ Legal affairs, screening, and patents・・・P20
■ Advertising and public relations・・・P20 ■ Communications business services
Masss media
Information and communications
■ Food services ■ Planning and product development・・・P21 ■ Clerk, secretary, and receptionist・・・P20
■ Data communications
Visiting Alumni
■ Hotels, travel, and sightseeing ■ Corporate planning・・・P21 ■ Planning and product development・・・P21
■ Game software
■ Medical, welfare, and care services ■ Sales・・・P21 ■ Corporate planning・・・P21
■ Sales promotion and merchandising・・・P21 ■ Newspapers
■ Leisure services ■ MR・・・P23 ■ Sales promotion and merchandising・・・P21
■ Publishing
■ Consulting and research ■ Pharmacist・・・P23 ■ Programmer・・・P27
■ Broadcasting
■ Human resources and outsourcing ■ Medical technician and nurse・・・P23 ■ System engineer・・・P27
■ Nutritionist・・・P23 ■ Advertising
■ Education ■ System maintenance and operation・・・P27
■ Welfare worker, care worker, and home helper・・・P23 ■ News service agencies
■ Building management and maintenance ■ Nursery school teacher・・・P23 ■ System consultant・・・P27
to create a prosperous life
Providing intangible goods
■ Beauty, cosmetics, and hair dressing ■ Specialized consultant・・・P24 ■ Editing and production・・・P26
■ Agricultural cooperatives ■ Financial advisor・・・P24 ■ Reporter and writer・・・P26
(including JA financial institutions) ■ Translator・・・P24 ■ Designer・・・P26
■ Nonprofit, special, and independent, ■ Interpreter・・・P24
administrative institutions ■ Sales staff and attendant・・・P25
The appearance and rapid progress of communications tools, such as mobile phones and the Internet, have made our lives
■ Other services ■ Buyer・・・P25 significantly more convenient. We can now order what we want from online shops and use search engines to acquire a variety
■ Esthetician・・・P25 etc. of information about things we want to know. You could say that this has all been made possible by innovative information
technology (IT).
Telecommunications carriers are largely divided into two categories: primary telecommunications carriers with their
"Services" is a financial term that refers to intangible goods, such as utility and satisfaction, which do own communication lines, and secondary telecommunications carriers that provide services using lines leased from primary
not leave any commodities remaining after their sale or purchase. Businesses that handle such goods are telecommunications carriers.
called service industries. In addition to simply designing software, the software industry has recently begun consulting services for their customers.
There are many service industries in the world. For example, we use transportation and traffic services, Information and communications industries offer significant possibilities for new business opportunities and are expected to
such as trains and airplanes, and leisure services, such as amusement parks and movie theaters. If we grow further.
want to eat delicious food, we use food services, such as restaurants and cafes, to relax. In addition, we The term "mass media" collectively refers to newspaper companies, news service agencies, publishers, broadcasters,
advertising agencies, record companies, production companies, and freelance journalists. They communicate a large amount of
use medical services when we are injured or sick. Service industries seek the convenience and satisfaction information to a multitude of people. This characteristic of the industry has resulted in significant impact on opinion-making.
of consumers to make their lives richer.
16 17
■ Finding the right company
Self-analysis and
performance management
recent performance and areas of superiority; and
[List of occupation groups]
the workplace environment, in other words, can
you imagine yourself working there?
Company management can be divided into three Workplace Clerical and administration 20
environment General affairs, human resources, and labor Finance, accounting, and treasury
parts: the company philosophy and management Evaluations and
rewards Legal affairs, screening, and patents Distribution and inventory control
style; business strategy and performance; and Trade clerk and overseas clerk Clerk, secretary, and receptionist
Examining Industries
resou rces. Work place env i ron ment ca n be Human
resources and
and Companies
divided into three parts: the human resources and 20
organization; the job itself; and evaluations and
rewards. Advertising and public relations Research studies and marketing Planning and product development
Corporate planning
■ Company size
Sales 21
Japan has approximately 3.8 million businesses and small and medium businesses (SMB) Sales (mainly new customer development) Sales (mainly existing customers) Sales promotion and
Visiting Alumni
Comprehensive employee welfare schemes on various duties and enjoy a wide range of
experiences MR Pharmacist Medical technician and nurse Nutritionist Welfare worker, care worker, and
More likely to be results-oriented, with
home helper Nursery school teacher Lecturer and instructor Business consultant
Opportunities to be involved in major projects opportunities to ascend rapidly through the IT consultant Specialized consultant Financial advisor Translator Interpreter Announcer
Employers of international students by size (companies of unknown size excluded) Sales and services 24
Sales staff and attendant Store manager Supervisor Buyer Esthetician
Employees Employees
Industry type Industry type
Less than 1,000 1,000 + Less than 1,000 1,000 +
Machinery and electronics 526 465 Computer-related 1,219 297
Exchange dealer and trader Loan and financial planner Security analyst Actuary
Food 294 52 Education 369 48
Transportation equipment
(automobiles, etc.) 114 189 Food and drinks industry 448 44 Creative 26
Editing and production Reporter and writer Designer Game creator
Chemicals 85 74 Hotels and Inns 385 71
18 19
Research studies These occupations involve the study of market trends. Individuals in
Self-analysis and
General affairs personnel organize workplace environment, operate in- distribution channels and sales strategies. Collaboration with research
human resources, and
house events, and communicate various messages, etc. Human resources divisions and production divisions is indispensable, because those are the
labor personnel support new employee recruitment, education, and other organizations that actually commercialize products based on targets set
manpower-related operations. Labor personnel manage employee working for pricing, etc.
conditions and arrange for items related to benefits and social insurance.
Corporate planning Corporate planning personnel utilize their expertise in corporate planning
Finance, accounting, These occupations involve work related to money used in corporate activities. to support presidents, executives, and other members of top management.
Finance and accounting personnel manage money that their company receives
and treasury They have many opportunities to associate with management and
Examining Industries
and spends each day and create documents to be submitted to in-house are entrusted to make important decisions affecting the future of their
and Companies
departments, shareholders, and related government offices. Treasury personnel company.
conduct budget and account settlement operations, and in some cases, are
responsible for implementing duties in accordance with corporate strategies.
What you You need to have the ability to collect, organize, and analyze information and grasp
should do trends. You also need to be able to get things done in order to actualize ideas. You
Legal affairs, Legal affairs personnel are in charge of legal clerical work in overall
while in should use activities inside and outside school to develop communication skills
corporate activities. They also contact and consult with corporate lawyers.
screening, Screening personnel check the legality of various contracts arising during school
and the ability to propose ideas. It is also important to develop thinking skills while
planning events, writing reports, or pursuing graduation work.
and patents the execution of business. Patent personnel apply for and register new
comprehensively control processes ranging from placing orders and
inventory control procuring materials to inventory control and product delivery.
Trade clerk and Individuals in these occupations are in charge of customs procedures,
Individuals in these occupations target companies and individuals to propose and sell company products and
making declarations, arranging for couriers and warehouses, and making and
overseas clerk collecting payments in order to support the smooth import and export of goods services. They listen and respond to customers' demands in order to acquire the trust of the customer, which
leads to sales. They also formulate and lead systems to produce profits.
Clerk, secretary, Clerks are in charge of a broad range of work, including handling phone
Visiting Alumni
calls and entering data, as well as buying goods and performing general
and receptionist affairs work relating to benefits. Secretaries are required to perform Sales (mainly Individual sales representatives visit homes to introduce and sell
work ranging from managing the schedule for their supervisor to taking company products, while corporate sales representatives visit
care of their supervisor's daily affairs. Receptionists are in charge of new customer companies to obtain contracts. New customer development involves
attending to visitors and directing them to the relevant locations. development) visiting companies/individuals inside an assigned area.
What you These occupations provide support to ensure the smooth execution of corporate
business operations, and involve coordination of the movement of people, goods, Sales These sales representatives target regular customers and client
should do companies. It is fundamental for both individual and corporate sales
while in
money, and information. You should become a director of your seminar class or (mainly existing representatives to establish trust with their customers. In addition, they
group to gain experience being responsible for operating an organization or group,
school and to develop skills for preventing/solving problems and managing others.
customers) are required to proactively gather information, etc., and make cutting-
edge proposals, based on a relationship of trust.
Sales promotion Sales promotion personnel assist in setting goals for each division,
office, or sales representative, developing tools and providing data.
and merchandising Merchandising personnel communicate product characteristics and other
information to sales channels to provide ways to effectively sell products.
These occupations are required at all types of company. Individuals in these occupations plan and develop new
products and devise sales strategies. The results of the work conducted by individuals in sales occupations directly
What you affect the sales of their company. Building trust is important in maintaining
Advertising To promote the sale of products and services and to enhance corporate should do a good relationship with newly developed and existing clients. As a way
image, advertising and public relations personnel communicate financial while in to train yourself to carefully listen to what others say, you should develop
and public relations results, corporate activities, and other company information to the world. communication skills and the ability to accurately understand the other party's
The work is conducted with cooperation with advertising agencies. demands. It is also useful to build a wide network of personal connections.
20 21
Technologies and research Specialized
These occupations involve researching new technologies and creating products in These occupations only exist in specific industries. They require advanced skills and specialized knowledge
collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules. of individual fields. In many cases, one of the criteria for you to get a job is having specific qualifications
or certification.
Basic Basic research personnel develop new areas with the expectation
Self-analysis and
of creating an advantage in the future. In many cases, they conduct MR MR is an abbreviation for "medical representative." They represent
joint research with universities and public institutions. In the medical pharmaceutical companies and communicate the efficacy and
supply field, joint research with overseas groups is also prominent. It is characteristics of the pharmaceuticals manufactured by their company
necessary to have foresight to see in which industry area the research to doctors and other medical staff.
theme that one is involved in will become useful.
Pharmacist Pharmacists dispense medications in accordance with prescriptions
issued by doctors. Their job also has an aspect of the service industry
Applied research and Applied research personnel use the results of basic research to conduct
because they give instructions and advice to patients and customers on
research that will lead to specific technologies/products. Technology
Examining Industries
how to take medicine, such as informing them about possible side effects
development personnel aim to establish technologies to effectively
and Companies
development produce and provide company products and services.
and allergies. They also order pharmaceuticals and control their inventory.
Production and Production and manufacturing technologies personnel are in charge of Medical technician There are several types of medical technician, including "medical
technologists" who examine specimens, "clinical radiologists" who diagnose
work ranging from planning and designing production lines, selecting and nurse and treat patients using radiation, and "clinical engineers" who operate
individual equipment, and determining specifications, to installing and
technologies maintaining equipment. Within a team, they jointly conduct operations and maintain artificial organs. Nurses are in charge of health and hygiene
with a division of roles, such as electricity, machinery, and controls. management and treating the diseases of the elderly and other patients.
Today, as production of multiple models has become mainstream, the
Welfare worker, Welfare workers provide consultation and care related to welfare, to those
Architectural and Architectural and civil engineering design can be largely divided
care worker, who have disabilities or difficulties in performing normal daily activities.
into three categories: "housing" for individual homes and apartment
civil engineering buildings, "other architecture" for office buildings and large stores, and and home helper
Care workers assist the elderly and physically-challenged in developing
independence, and give advice on how to provide care. Home helpers visit
Visiting Alumni
"civil" for parks, roads, and tunnels. Surveying involves determining the homes of the elderly and physically-challenged to provide services.
surveying, the topography of sites. Cost management personnel calculate and
and cost management manage budgets related to construction work.
Nursery school Nursery school teachers substitute for parents in providing instructions
on general daily living in accordance with the age of the children at
Construction Construction management personnel execute control over construction teacher nursery schools, preschools, etc. In recent years, the scope of their
and civil engineering work, and act as field foremen. Their job content
management varies depending on the content of construction work and the scale of
work has been expanding into day-care centers inside department
stores, leisure facilities, and companies.
the project. They arrange for workers, control quality, and also manage
schedules. In the case of large buildings or civil engineering work, they
sometimes coordinate with subcontractors.
Lecturer and The job content of these occupations varies. In the case of a private
tutoring school, for example, lecturers and instructors mainly work to
instructor improve the academic ability of their students and give advice on how
Machinery and They are the core of commercializing machinery and electronic equipment to pass entrance exams for the schools each student wants to attend.
manufactured by electronic equipment manufacturers and machinery
electronic manufacturers. They fully utilize CAD to ensure design that is advanced
In the case of providing education to working adults, lecturers and
instructors can be responsible for teaching classes in a school setting.
equipment design and stable in functionality and is also user-friendly and beautiful. They can also visit companies to conduct employee training. There are
also sports instructors who provide instruction at sports gyms.
These occupations place importance on accurate and effective performance of
What you work and specialized knowledge in product development and realization. Your Business consultant Business consultants act as advisers to business managers and give advice on
should do attitude should be one that motivates you to deeply pursue what interests you. management issues from an objective standpoint. They also clarify issues and
while in It is also useful to acquire qualifications and licenses to enhance your expertise. problems regarding businesses, human resources, and systems, to formulate
school You should learn research methods that are in accordance with demands through improvement plans and to suggest procedures to execute such plans.
report writing and other work based on materials and data.
22 23
IT consultant IT consultants are expected to provide consulting that is directly Sales staff and Sales staff and attendants attend to customers at department stores,
connected to management. Such consulting services include things supermarkets, mass retailers, and individual specialty stores. They
such as acting as an advisor for the implementation of a new system
attendant introduce products according to the customer's taste. They also devise
at a computer manufacturer, drawing up tentative IT strategy plans, ways to encourage customers to visit their stores by preparing direct
analyzing results, and establishing systems, and outsourcing their marketing, flyers, and product lineups suited to their customer base.
Self-analysis and
improve business operations meeting the needs of individual industries, sales staff, they are also required to find ways to increase profitability.
such as finance, distribution, and medicine. Also, there are consultants
who are involved with a specific operation at a company, such as sales,
patents, or taxation business. Supervisor Supervisors work with businesses such as supermarkets, mass
retailers, convenience stores, restaurants, and fast food restaurants,
managing multiple locations. They monitor store operation from the
Financial advisor Financial advisors are consulted on and give advice on the
management of the assets of individual customers (deposits and
aspects of sales and management, and if necessary, they provide
savings, insurance, securities, real estate, etc.), land use, inheritance
Examining Industries
issues, and other related general financial topics.
and Companies
Buyer Buyers analyze trends and the preferences of consumers to procure
products and raw materials to be placed on store shelves. They search
Translator Translation jobs in Japan involve correctly converting original foreign out and create goods in accordance with their company concept
text into Japanese using accurate expressions. Literary translation or goods having characteristics that will allow them to differentiate
deals with novels, children's books, and other publications, and audio- themselves from competitors.
visual translation involves providing subtitles for movies and TV dramas
from overseas. Business translation is conducted in technical fields,
such as IT and medicine, and in companies, for the translation of Esthetician Estheticians listen to how their customers want to look, and their
contracts, reports, etc. worries, and give advice on how to maintain beauty. They also perform
Visiting Alumni
Announcer Announcers use their voice and words to communicate information to
many people. In addition to working in TV, they sometimes perform as
radio personalities and MCs for events.
What you
should do
These occupations exist in specific industries and require advanced and
specialized knowledge. Your attitude should be one that motivates you to
deeply pursue what interests you. It is also useful to acquire qualifications and These occupations are only available in the finance industry. Individuals in these occupations utilize their
while in licenses to enhance your expertise. As a way to train yourself to carefully listen advanced special knowledge of economics trends, stock markets, and financial products in order to operate
school to what others say, you should develop communication skills.
funds and the capital of individuals and corporate customers.
Exchange dealer Exchange dealers buy and sell Japanese yen and foreign currencies on
behalf of their customers to produce marginal profits in exchange rates.
and trader Traders understand the trends of bonds and stock prices and provide
These occupations involve selling products and providing services at department stores, specialty stores, Loan and financial As specialists in fund management, loan and financial planners earn
profits based from funds that are entrusted to them. Loan planners
and mass retailers. Individuals in these occupations also understand consumer needs and promptly propose planner bankroll their company funds at financial institutions, such as banks.
products, grasping overall trends to allow them to formulate sales strategies.
Financial planners invest assets in securities and bonds to earn a margin.
24 25
Security analyst Security analysts analyze the future of industries or individual
companies and stock price trends based on their wide range of
knowledge of economics, industries, and the world. Some security
analysts flourish on their own while others work at insurance companies
or in the asset management divisions of ordinary companies.
With the development and spread of information and communication technologies, there is an increased
demand for computer system engineers at computer companies and other companies.
Actuary This refers to insurance actuaries. Individuals in this occupation utilize
a high level of statistical expertise to provide mathematical support
to allow insurance companies to maintain sound management while
setting adequate premiums and insurance payments for each insurance Programmer Programmers follow specifications to create computer programs. Their
Self-analysis and
subscriber. job includes creating flow charts to determine process procedures,
coding for entering programs, and confirming operations.
Since specialized knowledge and a deep understanding of finance is required,
What you you should maintain a high level of interest in economic news. You should
should do acquire the ability to collect, organize, and analyze information through your
while in participation in team seminar or group activities. You should also acquire the System engineer System engineers grasp the goals and demands of customers and
design systems accordingly. This occupation requires the ability to
school ability to quickly grasp information and to understand the meaning of new
listen to others, propose ideas, and otherwise communicate.
Examining Industries
and Companies
Network engineer Network engineers develop systems that are specialized for networks
within computer systems. Currently, the utilization of networks between
locations inside and outside companies, and between companies and
consumers, is a significant theme for corporate strategy. Accordingly,
network engineers are receiving particular attention among IT
These occupations are involved with artistic works or product creation. Communication skills are required to
explain ideas to customers. Some individuals in these occupations flourish on their own while others work in
Editing and Editing and production personnel create print media, such as magazines
and books, and Web content, etc. They multitask to conduct a variety of
production work, including making plans, arranging for staff, making appointments System System maintenance personnel regularly inspect computer systems,
and adjust systems in accordance with the replacement of computers or
for on-site reporting, and coordinating plans with sales representatives. maintenance peripheral devices. System operation personnel are system operators.
and operation
Reporter and writer Newspaper reporters are employed by newspaper companies. Their job
System consultant System consultants provide expert advice and planning when
Visiting Alumni
is to learn how to conduct on-site reporting and write newspaper articles. companies implement computerized business systems. They meet with
Writers have their own specialized fields, such as music and business, customers to clarify the demands and issues, and propose appropriate
and write text to be printed in magazines, books, and advertisements. solutions.
Designer Graphic designers are involved with printed materials. Some graphic
Sales Sales engineers accompany sales representatives or visit customers on
designers specialize in advertisements and others specialize in
their own and explain the technical aspects of company products and
publications. In addition, there are Web designers who are engaged engineer systems. They assist in securing contracts. Sales engineers are a type
in Web production, fashion designers in the apparel field, and interior
designers in the construction field. of sales representative, but at the same time are expected to conduct
activities focused on obtaining the trust of customers.
Game creator Game production involves scenario writers who come up with stories,
designers who create characters, programmers who establish a system, Customer Customer support personnel respond to inquiries from users regarding
music personnel, and directors/producers who control the entire company products and services. The content of the support varies
project. The title "game creator" is a general term for these occupations.
support according to the industry.
These occupations involve showing the appeal of plans, products, and services
What you to a wide range of the general public. You should acquire skills in planning,
What you These occupations require a deep understanding of IT technologies and
should do and in presenting your ideas in an understandable manner. You should also should do computer network systems, as well as specialized skills. You should acquire
while in acquire communication skills and Japanese language skills to allow you to while in the ability to propose the optimum solutions and plans for the client and to
communicate messages. It is advisable to experience working part time in school accurately manage operations based on specific procedures.
mass media, and producing student newspapers and informational magazines.
26 27
Visiting Alumni ■ How to make an appointment to visit an alumnus (example)
♠ … Alumni ◆ … Students
Self-analysis and
"This is ______ speaking."
■ Process of visiting alumni "This is my first time calling you. I am XXX, as student at YYY University. I am currently
looking for a job and wanted to ask you some questions about your company. Could I take a few
If you are familiar with someone that graduated before you and minutes of your time?"
that now works at the company that you want to work at, you
First, look for someone who should contact that person directly. If not, you can consult with
"Yes, of course."
Examining Industries
the career center or Employment Department of your school.
graduated before you.
and Companies
Of course, the person does not have to be an alumnus of your
school. You should fully utilize your connections in clubs, at "Thank you. I would like to work in the ZZZ industry and have a keen interest in your company.
part-time jobs, and in your network of friends. This is why I took the liberty of calling you today. My professor, Dr._______ provided me with your
If you want to contact someone that has been introduced to
you, you should use good manners when contacting him// "Are you a seminar student of Dr.________, too?"
Make an appointment. her by telephone or e-mail. There is also a way to contact the
Human Resources Department of the company directly to have "Yes. I have been researching various companies on the Internet. I am very interested in your
them introduce you to an alumnus.
Be sure to wear a suit or jacket to be polite even if you are visiting "You can give my name to the receptionist on the first floor."
someone you know well. This is all the more true when meeting the
Day of the visit person for the first time. As everyone knows, being late is strictly
"I will do that. Thank you so much for your time. I am looking forward to meeting you. Goodbye
prohibited. Also, pay attention to your language and attitude.
Visiting Alumni
for now."
Write in your job-hunting notebook a summary of the visit and
what you felt. Then, you should once again examine the things
After the visit closely to see if the company meets your expectations. Be sure
to send a thank-you e-mail or letter to the individual you met with. Key ● Upon visiting an alumnus, you must give full consideration to the position of the other party.
points ● Be sure to avoid contacting the person in early morning, late at night, just after the
business day has started, or before and after the lunch break. When using a mobile
■ Examples of questions when visiting an alumnus phone, make phone calls in a quiet place with good reception.
● You should use polite phrases, such as "I am sorry, but," "I realize you are busy, but,"
● Specific content of work ● Workplace atmosphere and "Pardon me, but."
● Do not begin a phone call with your business, but rather ask if it is a convenient time
● Failures and difficulties at work ● Assignment and career paths
for the other person.
● Reasons for entering the company ● The company's characteristics as compared to ● Be sure to repeat and take notes of the date and location to meet. In particular, it is
● Screening process (tests, interviews, etc.) competitors easy to make a mistake with one o'clock (ichi-ji in Japanese) and seven o'clock (shichi-ji
● Treatment and benefits ● What students should study while in school in Japanese), so use 24-hour time and say "13 hundred hours" (jūsan-ji in Japanese) and
"19 hundred hours" (jūku-ji in Japanese).
● You should use a cheerful tone of voice to leave a good impression, especially when
Asking questions about the information listed in the company brochure or website will greeting or thanking the other party right before hanging up the phone.
be taken as an indication of a lack of research, so be sure to ask about other things. Be sure to quietly hang up the phone after confirming that the other party has already
done so.
28 29
Internships ■ Internship classifications and how to begin an internship
Self-analysis and
Internship classification ❶ covers internships conducted as part of a career education course.
Therefore, students are told to go to companies to participate in internships for work experience.
■ Reasons for participating in internships Companies where the students participate in internships were found by the company, and to which
company students will be sent for an internship is decided within each course.
Since internships aim to realize the goals of the students that participate in them through work Internship classification ❷ covers internships posted by career service divisions of universities,
experiences, many companies do not provide monetary compensation for internships. Therefore, if career centers, etc. After carefully reading the posted information, students apply for the internship
students are clear on what they want to learn and remember from their internship, they will be able to
through the career service division of their university/career center, or directly through the company.
Examining Industries
experience things that they would not be able to in a normal classroom setting.
Internship classification ❸ covers internships posted on job search websites, company websites,
and Companies
As seen in the graph on the right, international students who participate in internships are more
etc. Some companies have a selection process (document screening and interview, etc.), and only
successful at getting hired than international students who did not participate in internships.
those applicants who are successfully selected are allowed to participate in the internship.
The benefits (also the goals) of participating in internships are as follows:
❶ Students can experience Japanese labor practices, etc. ■ Styles of internship
■ Relationship between internships
❷ Students can improve their communication skills. and job offers
Style Training content Duration
❸ Students can learn how to greet people, take phone Students that did
❺ Students can clearly find out what they want to study at 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 62.0 64.0 66.0 68.0
Lecture Students listen to a description of the industry, 1 or 2 days
school. company, and job, in a lecture setting. (short-term)
From International Student Survey (Quality of Life, 2012)
Visiting Alumni
■ Able to learn about Japanese corporate customs and work practices.
Experience Students are entrusted with tasks that are similar to 1 to 2 months
● I experienced Japan-specific "business culture" through my internship. Since the culture and customs differ to my home those for actual workers. In some cases, students are (long-term also available)
country, it was good for me to understand this "business culture" before starting work for a Japanese company. asked to produce the same result as actual workers.
● As there was a team talk before work began, we had to arrive 30 minutes before the set working hours every day.
I just couldn't understand this.
● I really found out that the atmosphere of Japanese companies differs from companies in my native country. At Japanese ■ In case of Employment Service Centers for Foreigners that target international students
companies, people are given directions that are simple and easy to understand.
Employment Service Centers for Foreigners are public employment security institutions under
■ Useful for job hunting
the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. They offer dedicated services such
● I realized that the knowledge taught at schools is strongly connected with society. In addition, I was able to utilize my
knowledge and skills from school and learn from actual society things that cannot be studied in school. as providing information related to foreign nationals, career consultations and introductions,
● I was able to discover my strengths and weaknesses in business, and I think I will be able to use what I have learned in support and information on foreigner employment for businesses, etc.
future job hunting activities. ◎ Placements are secured in various fields ranging from famous companies to excellent local
● Explanations at company briefing sessions are usually given by personnel department employees, so the biggest result
of the internship was being able to speak with employees from other departments.
◎ Through cooperation with schools, consideration is given to ensure smooth internship
■ Understanding of industries and job types experiences for international students.
● For two weeks, I was lectured in a travel agency, and I prepared a presentation for the final day. The lectures had a variety ◎ Lecturers, etc. are provided to students before participating in an internship.
of topics, from in-house finances to IT, and I was taught just about everything. ◎ Students can continue to receive employment support at the Employment Service Center for
● By actually experiencing work during my internship that I thought would be difficult, I was able to discover motivation Foreigners even after participating in an internship.
even in trying circumstances. In this way, I was able to broaden my interest in work.
◎ The Japanese government covers the cost of accident and liability insurance during internships.
30 31
Starting an application is the entrance to job hunting
Starting an application involves requesting application materials and information from individual
When you start an application, the company will send you employment information, company
information, announcements of briefing sessions, etc., via e-mail or direct mail.
As your first step, let's actively start applications for companies that you are interested in.
Starting applications from
the company information page of an employment information website
Briefing Sessions
The batch application feature (see page 34) allows you to search for companies according to
the type of industry, occupation, etc., and to start applications for multiple companies. This
feature is useful for selecting companies in the initial phase of job hunting.
Application Forms
Asagaku Navi (operated by Gakujo Co., Ltd.) http://www.gakujo.ne.jp/
Company Briefing Sessions Shushoku Walker Net (operated by J Broad Co., Ltd.) http://www.s-walker.net/
Let’s develop an eye for companies 37 Diamond Shushoku Navi (operated by Diamond Human Resources Co., Ltd.) http://www.shukatsu.jp/
Note: The list above indicates employment information websites that are operated by member companies of the New Graduate/Youth
Employment Committee, Association of Job Information of Japan (AJIJ).
Each company has its own schedule for accepting applications, so it is important to keep
checking frequently.
Application announcements are sometimes sent to prospective graduates in direct mail, etc.
32 33
■ Starting mass applications from employment information websites ■ How to start an application
offering. Top screen
Briefing Sessions
Company details
Application Forms
is one.
* You can check your responses to the questionnaire
on the activity record (history) screen.
When using multiple information websites, be sure not to start redundant The method of starting an application varies from company to company. In some
applications. Starting an application does not mean that you must take the cases, you only need to send your simplified information. In others, you may need
screening test for that company. to send an essay introducing yourself or responses to a questionnaire.
34 35
■ How to use smart phones
Smart phones are continually on the increase, and skillful use of smart phones is a new and useful
Company Briefing Sessions
trend in job seeking.
Let's develop an eye for companies
❶ Use in applications and company information briefing reservations
Smart phones can access websites designed for PC use, so applications and company Company briefing sessions, seminars, and similar events are held after applications have been submitted
information briefing appointments can be easily done from a remote location. and before moving onto the selection process. Attending the briefing sessions, etc., provides the
opportunity to listen to explanations provided by employment officers and get a feeling for the atmosphere
❷ Use of PC e-mail accounts
within the company.
E-mails from companies sent to your PC mail address can be checked remotely, and you
can write a reply as necessary. URLs in e-mails can be opened so that you can browse the
information. ■ Company Briefing Types
❸ Participate in online company information briefings Company briefing sessions can be split into three types. Briefing sessions held independently by
Participate in online company information briefings using web-video, and watch in realtime. companies, briefing sessions held jointly by several companies, and seminars held for a variety of
purposes. It is recommended that the main features of each of the sessions are fully understood to
❹ Use applications that are convenient for job hunting ensure that attendance is effective.
Briefing Sessions
If you master the use of smartphone apps, you will be able to conduct smart job hunting
just like the example below. Company Briefing Sessions Seminars
(Independent) Joint-Briefing Sessions (Open Seminars)
Mr. A’s smart phone job hunting diary Job hunting schedule for
employment in FY 2018 Briefing sessions held by a Briefing sessions held by Seminars held by companies
single company. The main many companies gathered that do not include detailed
Oct 15 feature of these briefings is in the same forum in hotels selection. Held for the
In the school cafeteria, I happened to see my mentor, of an overseas student who had been that they provide detailed and event halls around the purpose of promoting an
made a tentative offer by a Japanese company, so I started talking to him. "Congratulations!" I explanations on the business country. You are advised understanding
Application Forms
the company is involved in, to actively use them as an of the company and the
said. "It's all thanks to this," he replies as he showed me his smart phone. It was the same model the work each department oppor tunit y to compare work it is involved in. You
as mine, so he showed me which application to use. carries out, as well as other companies and see a are advised to actively use
Oct 30 details. Reservations are cross-section of various them a s an oppor tunit y
required in advance to attend industries. to come into contact with
Participated in the Careers Advice Team's job hunting guidance session. Industry and company company briefing sessions. the company and industry
research shows that the Internet is very effective, so I immediately checked some job-placement The number of participants is prior to making your final
websites. At that moment, it felt like my job search had started for real. limited, so early reservations decision.
are recommended.
Dec 1
Over the past few days I have been using a quiz app to study business manners that I should
master for job hunting. I assume that's why I was praised at my part-time job and told that my
manners have improved!
■ Collecting Information on Company Briefing Sessions
Feb 1
The full-scale job hunting season is almost here. Today, I installed an exclusive job hunting It is necessary to register for attending company briefing sessions in advance. Check the application
support app that allows me to manage all of my job hunting information in one place. I'm methods and register for your attendance accordingly.
interested in Company A, so I will store information gathered from the website by using a Information on joint briefing sessions can be collected from job information sites, posters available
document management tool. on bulletin boards in schools, and job information magazines.
Mar 1
Participated in my first joint briefing session event. I checked the route to the venue and time Contact from Companies Company Website Job Information Sites
required on my smart phone, so I arrived with plenty of time. I mentioned the event on a social
Once applications have been They are contained in new [ Eve n t] p a g e s a r e a l s o
networking site, and my friend who is an overseas student who was also attending contacted me
submitted to the companies graduate recruitment available on websites, and it
and we met up. holding briefing sessions, information pages on the is possible to run searches
Apr 1 you will be contacted by [Recruitment] section by location, date/time and
The deadline for application forms has drawn close. Today I used an app that allows me to e-mail or other methods with of their websites. type of event, etc.
regard to schedules, etc.
exchange job hunting data while at home. Before filling out my application sheets, I will refer to
the sample applications of senior students to prepare my submissions.
Jun 1 School Posters Job Information Magazines
Last night, I kept thinking, "Tomorrow is the interview," so I couldn't get to sleep. I started
Posters are available on Advertisements for events and lists of event information are
performing a simulation via an interview practice app, and soon fell asleep. I used the app today bulletin boards in careers available in magazines related to job information placed in career
as well, before I left home. So, this is it... centers, etc. centers.
36 37
■ Preparation for and attitude in company briefing sessions ■ How to write a resume
■ Things to do on the day before Your resume is one of the official application documents. As a rule, your resume should be handwritten unless
● Conduct your own research on the participating companiesto. otherwise directed. You should fill out your resume carefully and legibly.
・Go to corporate websites and read them carefully to understand their management philosophies, business
Write the date of submission.
introductions, employment information, etc.
Write the date of mailing if sending by post.
・Check out news related to the companies via news websites, newspapers, magazines, etc.
■ At the venue on the day of the briefing session Write in hiragana if the instruction is in hiragana.
● Be aware that human resource personnel are watching, and behave in a way to leave a good impression Write in katakana if the instruction is in katakana.
・Pay attention to your conduct and speech in the halls and bathrooms as well as the reception desk
・If you are allowed to choose your own seat, create a positive impression by sitting as close to the front as Attach a photograph of you in a suit, taken at
a photo studio. Write the name of your school,
possible and asking questions without fail
department, and your full name on the back of
● Actively ask questions to resolve any issues that your research could not provide answers to
the photograph.
● Get a sense of the company atmosphere and the mood of the employees that cannot be understood from
Briefing Sessions
websites or PR brochures
If you have your personal seal, use a red
ink pad and affix your seal correctly.
● Don't be late ⇒ Check in at least 10 minutes early ● Something to write with
● Set your mobile phone on silent mode. ⇒ Don’t cause ● Organizer/memo pad
a nuisance. ● Map to the venue Write your address accurately. If you live
Things to note
● In addition to greeting the human resource personnel What to bring ● Letter of invitation to the
and executive officers, you should also greet people briefing session in an apartment/condominium, be sure to
at the reception desk and other locations ● Company information materials include its name and room number.
● If you have a question, first state your name and then ● Personal seal
Application Forms
speak in a cheerful, clear fashion. When you receive ● Resume (Bring your personal
an answer, you should express your gratitude. seal and resume, just in case.) Use the Japanese era name for years in dates.
● Know how to conduct yourself and have good ● Copy of the application form
Use Arabic numerals.
manners without paying too much attention to it.
38 39
Application Forms ■ How to acquire an application form
The way you acquire an application form varies from company to company.
You should check "how to send an application" and "the flow of recruitment" listed on employment
To fully express your attractive character information websites and individual company websites in advance, so as not to miss the
Employers use the application for m as an initial screening process based on applicant opportunity for taking the test.
The application form constitutes a formal request to a potential employer to take the employment Distributed at Company Inclu d ed wit h gener al
Company website materials provided by the
test. Briefing Sessions company
Notwithstanding some differences in format and content between employers, the application form
will normally include basic information such as your university and contact details, as well as short Usually available as a D istr ibute d at Compa ny Included in the information
descriptive pieces outlining your reasons for applying (your motivations), your personal qualities download from the company Briefing Sessions and similar pack sent out by the
and what makes you suitable for the job. website, although sometimes events. company.
you can enter the information
directly into an online form.
Briefing Sessions
■ Contents of Entry sheet
■ Notes on filling out application forms
■ Basic details
This is essentially the same as the information
on your resume. ❶ If you are submitting a handwritten applications, be sure to make multiple copies for
See How to write a resume…P39 creating drafts.
You cannot use correction liquid. Make a draft first and then a clean copy.
Application Forms
■ Composition ❷ When handwriting, fill out the form carefully and legibly.
Most application forms include short-answer
Incorrect characters or missing syllables/characters are unacceptable. Even if you don't have
questions on three topics: your reasons for
applying, your personal qualities, and your key good handwriting, fill out the form carefully.
academic achievements. You should make sure ❸ Avoid leaving blank spaces.
that you have answers prepared for these three
questions at the very least. Students often have
Use the space effectively so that you don't leave any blank space.
difficulty keeping their written answers short ❹ Be sure to make a copy of the completed form.
enough to fit within the word count. You need a copy to check what you wrote before going to a seminar or interview.
❺ Write down the "school name/department/your name" on the back of the photograph to
be attached.
Photographs sometimes come off during sorting at a company.
❻ Have a person who is good at Japanese look over the completed form.
In describing your qualities, choose
one quality and describe that in detail. Make sure to have someone check to see if there is any mistake with Japanese characters or
Be sure to talk about how that quality expressions.
makes you suitable for the job.
❼ Submit the form early, not when a deadline is approaching.
・Some companies start screening based on the order of arrival.
Use this section to talk about your academic
achievements at university, including the
・Many students submit their forms at the last minute before the deadline. In some cases, the
challenges you faced and what you gained company may end up not spending enough time reading your application form.
from the experience. ・In the case of the Internet, you may have a difficult time sending your application form
Describe your motivations for applying,
because the server is congested before the deadline.
and why you want to work at this particular ・In many cases, students end up not being able to make the deadline and are excluded from
List your licenses and qualifications. Use
company. Explain what you can contribute the screening process.
the formal titles or descriptions. Include any
to the company.
qualifications attained in your home country.
40 41
■ How to write an application form ■③ Key academic achievements
Most application forms include short-answer questions on three topics: reasons for applying, your Don’t just list your academic achievements—describe the challenges you faced along the way and
personal qualities, and your key academic achievements. what you gained from the experience.
and how you think you can contribute to the organization. ● Describe what you gained from these experiences and how they contributed to your personal
or professional growth.
● Where possible, include numerical results or reports of your achievements.
● It is important to do your research first so that you have a good understanding of the
company and the industry in general. ( →Industry and Company Research P13)
POINT ● Under “Reasons for Applying” explain why you are keen to join the company. ■ How to structure your answer
● Explain clearly how you have the skills required for the job and describe how you can
contribute to the organization, with reference to your particular qualities and attributes.
1 Nominate one key achievement in your academic career (i.e. the main point)
Briefing Sessions
■ How to structure your answer
1 State why you are attracted to the company (i.e. the main point) 2 List one or more events or situations that illustrate how you worked towards your goal
Application Forms
3 State how you would be useful to the company—describe your qualities and
attributes and how these would contribute to the organization ■④ Common short-answer questions on the application form
Application forms that include blank spaces for applicants to draw pictures or paste photos have
■② Self-promotion become popular in recent years, particularly among organizations that are looking for new recruits
with the capacity to contribute from the outset.
Describe your personality, including your qualities and attributes, and how you would apply these Also, employers are starting to move away from the standard “tell us about yourself in 200
in your job. characters” question and focusing more on clarity of expression and concepts.
This suggests that employers are using the application form as a way to identify new recruits who
● Self-analysis is a good way to identify your qualities and attributes. ( →Self-analysis and have the capacity to contribute from the outset and who are able to demonstrate their competencies.
Evaluation P9) As you prepare your application forms, always keep in mind what it is that employers want to see
POINT ● Rather than trying to describe all of your qualities, it is more effective to focus on just one and
describe it in detail. from their new recruits.
● Describe some situations where you demonstrated this quality.
● It is important to explain how you would harness this particular quality in performing the job Application form example questions
you are applying for.
● If you were a food, what would it be? Tell us in no more than 400 characters. (Food)
■ How to structure your answer ● What type of job are you looking for with us? How will you contribute to our
42 43
Job Hunting Manners
Favorable Job Hunting Styles
Companies do not intend to hire students who stand out with their appearance and unique character. They
are checking to see if you are well-groomed and dressed based on social common sense. There is no need
to dress yourself up with expensive items. Be sure to dress, behave, and speak neatly so as to give a better
impression to the other party.
Hair style
Long hair is not preferable. Be careful not
to have any sleep-mussed or untidy hair, or
any dandruff! Hair style
Face If you have long hair, bind it with an elastic band
or a hair pin. Be careful not to have any sleep-
Be clean shaven. Extremely thin eyebrows
mussed hair!
are not preferable. Pay attention to your
teeth and breath.
Glasses Heavy makeup is not preferred. Pay attention to
Avoid colorful and loud frames. Watch your teeth and breath as well.
out for dirty lenses.
Cologne Avoid colorful and loud frames. Watch out for
dirty lenses.
It is better not to wear any cologne.
Avoid wearing strong perfume.
Be sure to trim your nails short and wash them
to remove any dirt.
Shirt Nails should not be too long. It is not good
White is the basic color. Be sure to choose a shirt to wear flashy nail polish or nail art.
that fits you around the collar and sleeves. Pay
attention when wearing a colored or patterned Blouse
T-shirt or dark undershirt, because they can White is the basic color. A shirt in a solid, pale
be seen through a white shirt. Watch out for a color is also acceptable. Avoid wearing a shirt
dirty collar and cuffs. You should wear a clean, in a primary color or with patterns. Be sure
washed shirt. not to wear a shirt that is cut too low. Choose
something pleasant and clean.
Do not wear any accessories. Accessories
Simple pierced earrings should be fine. You
Tie should remove all your rings.
Avoid flashy ties.
Suit Solid dark blue, gray, or black suits are the
Dark blue, gray, or black are the basic colors. basics. As a rule, wear a single suit with two or
Choose a solid or finely striped tie. Ordinarily, three buttons, not a double suit.
wear your tie with a single knot, not a double knot. Skirt/trousers
Trousers Your skirt must be of a length that allows your
knees to be half covered when you are standing.
Trousers with a standard width and single-fold Wearing trousers will give an active image.
hems are preferable. Be sure to iron them to make Trousers with single-fold hems are mainstream.
creases. Your belt and shoes should match. Be sure to iron them to make creases.
Shoes Watch
You should avoid wearing a flashy watch. You
Watch Shoes
You should choose simple and comfortable
must not use your mobile phone to check the You should avoid wearing a flashy watch. You You should choose simple and comfortable black
black shoes. Be sure to check for scuffing on the
time during the interview or test. must not use your mobile phone to check the time shoes. Be sure to polish your shoes properly.
heels, and polish your shoes properly.
during the interview or test. Pumps with heels that are from three to five
centimeters high are best.
Socks Briefcase Bag
White socks and sneaker socks are taboo. A black or brown briefcase is mainstream. A A black or brown bag is mainstream. A bag big Pantyhose
Choose socks that are the same color as your briefcase big enough for A4 size documents is enough for A4 size documents is convenient. Be Choose something plain with no patterns,
suit, or that are black or dark blue. convenient. Be sure to avoid backpacks and sure to avoid backpacks and casual bags. and a color similar to your skin tone.
casual bags.
44 45
Written Tests
Be sure to get used to questions in Japanese
The difficult screening step for international student is taking "written tests."
International students are expected to take the same tests as other Japanese students, so careful preparation is
From Screening
Written Tests
As a rule, written tests are in Japanese and you are required to have the ability to read and comprehend Japanese.
You should refer to Shushoku Shikiho (Recruitment Quarterly; Internet version is also available) and Kaisha
Shikiho (Japanese Company Handbook) to find out which tests are required for the company that you want to
join and prepare yourself early.
Offers to Joining
Aptitude tests: Tests to measure an individual's job aptitude and tolerance for stress, in which students
intuitively answer questionnaire-like questions. Such tests include "SPI3," "CAB," and "GAB."
General knowledge tests: Questions are based on various fields,
a Company
including social studies, Japanese, English, culture, mathematics, science, and current affairs.
Composition and essays: Tests in which students write about their ideas on a given topic.
Web tests: Tests on the Internet, including "Test Center" and the "Tamatebako Series."
Other tests: "ENG," "GFT," "Kraepelin," "IMAGES," "SCOA," etc.
Joining a Company
Job Offers to
Written Tests ■ "SPI3"is the test used most commonly by Japanese companies
Interviews Mathematics and Dynamic aspects Ambition Emotional aspects Social relation aspects*
Japanese science
- Social - Desire to achieve - Sensitivity - Flexibility
Get accustomed to the question patterns! --- Answer many practice questions!
Employment environment in Japanese companies 54 Carefully allocate time, because there are many questions!
Read the questions and possible answers first,
and then read the long sentences! --- Eliminate the need to read twice!
In some cases, use the elimination method! --- Useful for some questions!
Don't make mistakes when adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing! --- Be fast and accurate!
The Global SPI is available in English and Chinese, but the Japanese-language
SPI is the main test. You should use test preparation books, websites, and other
materials to fully research and prepare for this test.-
46 47
■ SPI3 Workbook (example)
● Language course
(1) Choose the most suitable proverb for the meaning of the following sentence. Use your own words to express yourself
If you treat others well, eventually you will be rewarded.
① Reward from a previous life ② All things come to those who wait ③ Pardon makes offenders Interviews are the most important part of the screening process. Use the self-analysis and evaluation
④ The good you do for others is good for yourself ⑤ What goes around, comes around and the examination of industries and companies that you have conducted as a base to prepare
(2) Choose the item with the closest meaning to the underlined part of the example sentence. yourself to use your own words to communicate to the interviewer why you are applying for the job,
Written Tests
(Example) I cannot push myself too hard what your strengths are, and what views you have.
① Effective outlook ② Effective medicine ③ Ask the teacher ④ Generous ⑤ Listen to music
(3) Choose the word with same relationship as that of the 2 words shown in the example.
(Example) Interference: Non-inteference ■ Types of interviews
Extension: ① Interruption ② Suspension ③ Short-term ④ Curtailment ⑤ Reduction
(4) Choose the most suitable object that shows the meaning of the following words. In Japan, the interview and examination process generally takes place over three separate sessions.
Make a name for oneself This allows a number of different observers to evaluate the applicant’s behavior and thought
① To develop a reputation ② To forget someone's name ③ A name plate won't stay up processes at different times, in order to determine whether the applicant is a suitable recruitment
④ To avoid responsibility ⑤ To participate in an election campaign
[Answers] (1)→④ The good you do others is good for yourself (2)→① Effective outlook (3)→⑤ Reduction (4)→① To develop a reputation The most common interview formats are group discussion, group interview and one-on-one
interview. Other formats include completing a task as a group, and delivering a presentation. Here,
● Non-language course we will look at the three most common interview formats: group discussion, group interview and
(1) Mr. A commutes to work from his house by car. At a speed of 50 kph on the way there and 60 kph on the way back, one-on-one interview.
the return journey takes 15 minutes less. How many kilometers away is his workplace from his house?
① 55 km ② 60 km ③ 65 km ④ 70 km ⑤ 75 km
① Group discussion
(2) There is 200 g of a 3 % saline solution and 400 g of a 4 % saline solution.
Joining a Company
If these two saline solutions are mixed together, what percentage is the salinity?
■ General ■ Format
Job Offers to
① 2.6 % ② 3.6 % ③ 4.6 % ④ 5.6 % ⑤ 6.6 %
(3) Gasoline stands P, Q and R sell petrol and diesel. A group discussion involves four to six applicants Applicants: multiple groups of
Q sells petrol for 2 yen per liter more than P, and 5 yen less than R. The average price of diesel at the 3 stores is 82 yen discussing a topic nominated by the employer. The four to six people each
per liter, which is 4 yen higher than the cost of diesel at R, and 23 yen less than the average cost of petrol. interviewers observe the discussion and rate the Interviewers: multiple
If the price of diesel at P and Q is the same, what is the difference in the price of P's petrol and diesel? applicants objectively. The aim is to determine how well Timing: first interview
① 18 yen ② 19 yen ③ 20 yen ④ 21 yen ⑤ 22 yen each applicant functions as part of a group. Note: Varies between employers
(4) When the following statements are true, which of the below is certain?
A. If you like Spring, you like tennis. B. If you like winter, you like skiing. ■ Procedure
48 49
② Group interview ■ Interview process
■ General ■ Format
Never be late. Be sure to arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the set
Group interviews are often used when dealing with a Applicants: two to six Arrival time so that you can be calm for the interview. Be sure to switch your
large number of applicants, as a way of eliminating Interviewers: multiple at the venue mobile phone off before going into the building. In winter, take off your
underperforming applicants and identifying those suitable Timing: first and second interviews coat before going inside.
for a one-on-one interview. In a group interview, there is Note: Varies between employers
usually less time available to each applicant to respond
You should assume that the interview starts at the reception. At the
to the interviewer. Also, unlike the one-on-one interview,
Written Tests
applicants in a group interview are effectively competing reception desk, be sure to clearly state the name of your school, your
amongst themselves to progress to the next stage. Reception name, and that you have come for the interview. Do not forget to thank
the person who directs you to your destination, and be sure to lightly
■ Procedure bow to any company employees you pass along the way.
The interviewer devises a set of questions based on the Student Student Student
Wait quietly until you are called in for the interview. Put your belongings
application forms and resumes. The same questions are
Waiting room at your feet rather than on the table. Avoid talking to other students or
posed to each applicant in turn.
going in and out of the waiting room frequently, even if you have wait
for a long time.
■ Important
・Remember: first impressions are very important!
Knock on the door two or three times. When you are told to come in, you
( → Job Hunting Manners ① “Favorable Job Hunting should say "Excuse me" and enter the room. Be sure to open and close the
Styles” P44,45) Entering the door quietly. After entering the room, politely bow once to the interviewer(s)
Interviewer Interviewer
・ Speak clearly and confidently. Do not mumble your interview room and walk to the side of the prepared seat, then state your school name,
words. department, and the your name, in a cheerful manner, and politely bow again.
・ Prepare answers to common questions that are short When the interviewer asks you to sit down, say "Thank you" and sit down.
and to the point.
・ Prepare a spoken description of your qualities and
Joining a Company
attributes that lasts for about one minute. Be sure to place your bag at your feet and sit with good posture without leaning
Job Offers to
・ Be polite and respectful while other candidates are against the back of the chair. Use polite language and accurate Japanese and
speaking. During the interview answer questions concisely and in a manner that is easy to understand, while
making eye contact with the interviewer. In the case of a group interview, you
should pay attention to other students when they are being asked questions.
③ One-on-one interview
When the interview is finished, stand up then thank the interviewer(s) for taking the
time to interview you. Walk to the door, politely bow again, and say "Goodbye."
■ One-on-one interview ■ Format Leaving the room Close the door quietly as you leave the room.
50 51
■ Responding to questions
The questions at the interview are often the same as the questions on the application form. The interviewer
Job Offers to Joining a Company
may ask questions while reading from your application form. Your answers must be consistent with the
information provided on the application form. For this reason, it is important to read through your application
Act according to your plan until you join a company
form before you come to the interview. Until you receive a job offer from a company of your choice, you should persevere in your job hunting
The interviewer may also ask you for background information to supplement the details on your job activities. You should understand the flow of the process from receiving a job offer to entering a company, and
application. Prior to the interview, you should prepare a number of answers to potential questions that you are act in deliberate fashion.
Written Tests
likely to encounter.
You should also make sure that you have done your self-analysis and industry and company research so that ■ Flow of the process from receiving a job offer to entering a company
you are equipped to answer any other questions that the interviewer may ask you. Remember that you only
have a short time to promote yourself to the interview panel. For maximum impact, try to keep your answers
After the final screening process, a job offer is issued by the company
concise and to the point. notifying the applicant that it would like to hire him/her. In many cases, the
Practice structuring your answers in three parts: first notification is by telephone, and then a "formal offer letter" is sent. If
Main point → Evidence (events or situations that demonstrate the main point) → Relevance to employer Job offer you have already accepted a job offer from another company or you have
no intention of entering the company in question, you should be honest
and decline the offer as soon as possible.
Typical answers to interviewer questions ♠ … Interviewers ♦ … Students
♠ What did you work hard on when you were at university? After receiving a job offer, you will be asked to submit a document
confirming your intent to join the company. This document is called a
♦ I put a great deal of effort into improving Main point "declaration." Companies that host a social gathering for those who are
my cross-cultural communication skills. offered employment may ask you to sign/affix your seal on the document
Submitting at the gathering. Be careful not to miss the deadline if you are mailing the
♦ I tried to hone my language skills by engaging with people of different Evidence document, which may cause the job offer to be canceled.
nationalities, cultures and backgrounds, both on Facebook and in real life. a declaration * This "declaration" is not legally binding, so you can continue your job
Joining a Company
♦ This experience has given me excellent communication skills. I believe Relevance to
hunting even after submitting the document. Be sure to check the hiring
Job Offers to
that I can use this for XXX at your company. employer schedule of each of the companies that you have interviewed for, so that
you don't have to repeatedly decline job offers more than necessary.
In the end, you will decide on one company to join. If you have multiple job
■ Typical interview questions Deciding to join a
offers, you should consult with the career center of your university, your
professors, your family members, etc., to decide which company to join
as soon as possible. If you delay your declining of job offers, you not only
● Have you ever used our products? What did you think of it/them? company impact the range of possible employment of other students, but you may also
[Preparing for the interview] Some companies ask you to participate in a social gathering, job offer
■ Practicing on your own Joining a company ceremony, or training before joining the company. Be sure to check the
Use your mobile phone or other device to take video of yourself answering a schedules of such events.
question. Watch the video and observe your eye contact, clarity of speech and use of
■ Mock interview
Ask a friend or the university career counselor to act as interviewer in a mock
interview situation.
What if you're not able to ● Don't panic. Calmly think about possible reasons and
An interview is an objective evaluation of your suitability for the job. So where
receive a job offer? come up with countermeasures.
possible, you should enlist the help of a third person to observe your performance
● Look into fall hiring, and gather information on companies that
and provide you with suggestions for improvement.
hire employees throughout the year.
● Consider registering yourself with a temp staff or employment agency.
● You can continue job hunting even after graduating. See page 63.
52 53
Before Starting Work
❸ Health insurance
One-off payments paid to the insured to provide for basic needs of laborers and their
families to cover medical expenses for sickness or injuries out of the workplace, childbirth,
or death.
Premiums shall be borne by the employer and the insured equally.
Employment environment in Japanese companies
❹ Welfare annuity insurance
For non-Japanese nationals working in Japan, labor related laws shall apply to the laborer to secure the same Insurance benefits for the old age, disability, or death of the laborer.
working conditions as a Japanese laborer. Premiums shall be borne by the employer and the insured equally.
At the same time, duties to enter and pay taxes towards insurance systems such as roudou hoken (labor
Non-Japanese laborers who have enrolled into welfare annuity insurance for 6 months or
Written Tests
more are entitled to claim a Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payment within 2 years of returning to
insurance) or shakai hoken (social healthcare) become obligatory. his or her home country.
In principle, non-Japanese laborers in Japan shall be assured the same working conditions Taxes imposed are the national "Income Tax" and the local "Municipal Tax".
as Japanese laborers, including wages, working hours, retirement, and dismissal. The employer shall deduct (withhold) these taxes from the laborer's wages.
Moreover, non-Japanese laborers must settle tax obligations (unpaid taxes, etc.) for the
❶ Equal treatment
An employer (companies, etc.) shall not engage in discriminatory treatment for working year before returning to their home country.
conditions based on the nationality of the laborer.
❶ Income Tax
❷ Specifying work conditions Tax rates are imposed based on annual income between January and December, regardless
An employer shall specifically state in writing the contract period, place of work, working of nationality.
hours, and other conditions upon establishing a work contract. Income tax shall be deducted from monthly wages based on estimated annual gross
❸ Remuneration
Proper tax amounts shall be adjusted at the end of the year (year-end adjustment).
Joining a Company
An employer shall establish the wage and currency, and pay that amount to the laborer
Job Offers to
directly at least once per month. ❷ Municipal Tax
Also, regardless of nationality and gender, an employer cannot employ a person under the Taxes imposed by the local government of the region the laborer is registered under as of
minimum wage. January 1 every year, regardless of nationality.
Moreover, taxes and insurance payment shall generally be deducted from wages before Tax amounts differ based on the previous year's income, number of dependents, and other
payment. factors.
❹ Working hours, holidays, and leave
Working hours shall be up to 8 hours per day and up to 40 hours per week (however, ■ Welfare Program
❷ Unemployment insurance
Benefits for laborers in the event of loss of employment to provide for basic needs in order
to facilitate reemployment.
54 55
Job Hunting Manners Manners to Make a Good Impression
Don't jump into your business
first. State who you are, and then
address the main issue.
Main text
Write your business simply and
Attach your signature (your school
name, your full name, e-mail
address, telephone number, etc.) at
Telephone etiquette the end of the e-mail.
Telephones are familiar communication tools in our daily lives. When using them for job hunting
activities, you cannot talk as you would speak to your friends. Since the other party cannot see your face Key
● Separate your text into paragraphs to make your e-mail easier to read.
when you are speaking on the phone, your language and tone of voice will determine the impression points
● Once an e-mail has been sent, you cannot retrieve it, so be sure to check its
that you give. Be sure to be considerate and polite. content, and look for missing or incorrect characters once more before sending.
● Refrain from passing around or disclosing the e-mail address of individuals without
their permission.
Avoid making phone calls early in the morning, late at night, immediately before or after
● Avoid using emoticons (such as ":)") or Internet slang (such as "lol").
start and finish times, and during lunch breaks. When using your mobile phone, make the
● When using a free e-mail address, etc. be sure to choose a business-like e-mail
call from a quiet place with good reception.
Before making a phone call, you should have your notebook and calendar ready. ● Pay attention to the "Sender Name" displayed when you send an e-mail. Be sure to
You should be able to describe your name in kanji, alphabet, and katakana. correct the name if you have set a nickname, etc.
After introducing yourself and greeting the other party, you should check to see if he or ● If you need to communicate with the other party at once or you must offer an
she has time to talk to you. apology, make a phone call.
You should speak clearly using an easy-to-hear voice. State your business concisely. ● Unless it is an emergency, avoid using the e-mail function of your mobile phone.
Be sure to thank the other party and wait until he or she has hung up before you do so ● Be sure to write back promptly when you have received an e-mail.
56 57
Application for Change of
Status of Residence
Changing from "College Student" to a visa allowing you to work
In order to work in Japan, international students are required to change their status of residence from "College
Student" to a status of residence that allows them to work.
Changing Your ❶ Residence statuses which allow a person to work in Japan without regard to job type or industry:
Permanent Resident, Spouse or Child of Japanese National, Spouse or Child of Permanent
Status of Residence
Resident, and Long Term Resident
❷ Residence statuses which allow a person to work with restrictions regarding job type, industry,
and work content:
Qualification Guide
Highly Skilled Professional, Professor, Artist, Religious Activities, Journalist, Business Manager,
Legal/Accounting Services, Medical Services, Researcher, Instructor, Engineer/Specialists in
Humanities/International Services, Intra-Company Transferee, Entertainer, Skilled Labor, and
Status of Residence
background, professional career, annual salary, etc.
- The Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services status accounted for approximately 90% of the residence statuses held by
international students that changed their residence status for the purpose of working in Japan in Heisei 28(2016).
Preparing Required
Changing from "College Student" to a visa allowing you to work 59
Activities to engage in services, which require skills or knowledge pertinent to physical science, engineering or other natural science
fields, or to engage in services, which require knowledge pertinent to jurisprudence, economics, sociology or other human science
Qualification Guide fields, or to engage in services which require specific ways of thought or sensitivity based on experience with foreign culture, based
on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan.
job types
relations, interpretation, translation, language instruction, production technology, research and development, engineering,
programming, architectural design, system administration, etc.
after Graduating
❶ Major in the subject of the industry you want to pursue to get the necessary knowledge and graduate from university, or receive
at least equivalent education. Or, complete special training at a vocational school (only in cases coming under the necessary
completion requirements as set out by the Minister of Justice). Or, acquire a decent knowledge of the industry you want to enter
Checking documents required for application procedures 61 based on 10 years or more of business experience (includes time spent majoring in subjects related to the aforementioned
knowledge at a technical college, high school, second half of secondary school, or specialty course at a vocational school).
In cases in which the applicant is to engage in work related to information processing in which skills and knowledge are required, the
and criteria
examination on information processing skills or has obtained certification as set out by the Minister of Justice for information
processing skills.
after Graduating
❷ In cases in which the applicant is to engage in work that requires specific ways of thinking or sensitivity grounded in a foreign
culture, the applicant must have at least three years of experience for work in translation, interpretation, language instruction, public
relations, advertising, overseas transactions, clothing or interior design, product development, etc. In cases in which the applicant
is to engage in work such as translation, interpretation, or language instruction, no work experience is required if the applicant has
Procedures for changing your status of graduated from a university.
residence to continue job hunting 63 ❸ The applicant must receive no less compensation than a Japanese national would receive for comparable work.
Period of
Inquiries will be made concerning whether or not subjects majored in at university or vocational
school are related to knowledge and skills required for the work you intend to engage in.
- University graduates can engage in translation from or into their native language, interpretation, and/or language instruction
regardless of university major.
- In regards to computer technology related work, persons who pass an information processing skills examination as set out by
the Minister of Justice or has obtained certification in the field can engage in such work regardless of what their major was at
university or vocational school.
58 59
Qualification Guide Preparing Required Documents
Requirements for changing the status of residence Checking documents required for application procedures
Four points pertaining to the screening process for changing the status of residence are as follows: The documentation required for changing the status of residence will differ in accordance with the institution at which
you are to be employed. First of all, check which of the following four categories applies to the institute at which you are
❶ Applicant’s academic background (major, contents of research, etc.) and other background
Status of Residence
information indicating the possession of the required skills and knowledge, etc.
❷ Skills and knowledge, etc., possessed by the applicant being useful for the job sought. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
❸ Treatment of the applicant (remuneration) being applicable. ❶ Company listed on any of Japan’s stock Organizations or Organizations Organizations
exchanges individuals for which or individuals or individuals
❹ The scale and business results of the recruiting company indicating stability and continuity, and ❷ Mutual company involved in the insurance the withheld income (e x c l u d i n g t h o s e not covered by
being able to provide the applicant with the opportunity to perform the necessary duties. industry ta x sum listed on listed in category 2) Categories 1 to 3
❸ National or regional organization run by the total withholding that have submitted
Japan or an overseas nation record of employment s t a t e m e n t s
❹ Independent administrative institution inc ome included in of earnings in
Overseas Students Companies ❺ Special corporation or licensed corporation
❻ Public service corporation authorized by a
statements of earnings
or other statutor y
withholding ta x
records or other
national or regional public organization in Japan t a x r ep or t s for the statutory tax reports
Qualification Guide
Satisfying ❼ Public corporation listed in Appendix #1 of previous year is 15 for employees for
the Corporation Tax Act million yen or more. the previous year
Required Criteria
The documentation required for all categories is ❶ to ❹ . Documentation ❺ to ❾ are required for Category 3,
・Stability and continuity
・Academic Background and documentation ❺ to must be submitted in addition to documentation ❺ to ❹ for Category 4.
Skills and knowledge, ・Same remuneration as
・Major, Contents of etc., possessed by Japanese employees Four points pertaining to the screening process for changing the status of residence are as follows:
Research ・Possible to provide the ❶ Application for change of status of residence (with photograph of 4cm tall and 3cm wide)
・Work Experience
the applicant being applicant with the ❷ Passport or Resident Card (including Alien Registration Cards, which are considered to be Resident Cards)
(Practical Experience) useful for the job opportunity to perform the ❸ Documentation providing evidence of the company’s eligibility for any of the above-mentioned categories
necessary duties
Preparing Required
Category 1: Copy of a quarterly report or documentation providing evidence of the company being listed on any of Japan’s stock
exchanges (copy)
Documentation providing evidence that the establishment of the company was authorized by a competent authority (copy)
Category 2 and Category 3: Statements of earnings in withholding tax records or other statutory tax reports for employees for the
See the Guidelines for Authorization to Change to the "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/
previous year (copy affixed with seal of receipt)
International Services" Status of Residence of Overseas Students for further details. ❹ Documentation providing evidence of the titles of diplomas or advanced diplomas received (vocational school students only)
http://www.moj.go.jp/nyuukokukanri/kouhou/nyuukokukanri07_00091.html ❺ Documentation providing evidence of the applicant’s activities, etc.
Documentation clarifying the labor conditions given to the worker based on Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Labor Standards Act and
Article 5 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act in the event of a labor contract having been concluded
■ Things to note when changing the status of residence ❻ Documentation providing evidence of the applicant’s activities, etc.
after Graduating
1) A resume clarifying the institution, and details and period of work requiring skills and knowledge in which the applicant was
❶ Prepare the required documentation as early as possible. engaged with regard to the application
There are certain documents that must be prepared by recruiting companies, and it is (2) Any of the following documents providing evidence of academic background and work experience, etc.
recommended that these are gathered together as early as possible. a. Graduation certification issued by a university, etc., or other documentation providing evidence of having received education that
❷ The screening process takes between one and three months from the point of application, is found equivalent or superior thereto Applicants in possession of qualifications from the DOEACC
system need to submit DOEACC qualification certificates (limited to level A, B or C).
so applications must be sent in as early as possible.
b. Documentation providing evidence of the periods during which the applicant was engaged in the work listed in employment
Application acceptance begins in January as a basic principle (December for the Tokyo Regional
certificates (including certificates issued by universities, colleges and high schools, etc.,
Immigration Bureau and Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau) so that new graduates can begin or vocational schools listing the periods that the applicant majored in specialist subjects pertaining to the relevant skills and
work in April. Applications must be submitted again if any documents are insufficient, which raises knowledge).
the possibility of the process not being completed in time for starting work, so they must be *Documentation providing evidence of at least three years’ experience in relevant work in the event of the applicant performing
prepared as early as possible. duties that require an understanding of or sensitivity toward the basic concepts of overseas cultures (excluding when applicants
❸ Applications must be submitted by the person in question as a basic principle. who graduated from university are involved in translation, interpretation, or language teaching activities).
If the applicant is not able to apply in person, it is possible for an intermediary who has given a ❼ Certificate of the Registered Matters
notification of intermediary to the head of the relevant Regional Immigration Bureau to submit the ❽ Either of the following documents that clarify the contents of the duties performed
(1) Overview of the employing company listing details of the history, officers, organization, and business affairs (including main
clients and business results) of the company
❹ It is possible to reapply as a basic principle in the event of an application being rejected. (2) All other documentation produced by the employing company that conform to (1) listed above
An appropriate amount of the valid period of stay must remain. Reapplications will not be ❾ Certificate of the Registered Matters
authorized unless the reason for the application being rejected is improved. Either of the following documents that clarify the contents of the duties performed
Websites containing the procedures necessary for Immigration Bureau http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/ The information above is only a summary. For more details, please refer to the page of the Ministry of Justice below.
changing the status of residence Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners
http://tokyo-foreigner.jsite.mhlw.go.jp/ http://www.moj.go.jp/nyuukokukanri/kouhou/nyuukokukanri07_00093.html
60 61
COLUMN ❶ Points-Based Preferential Immigration Treatment
for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals Job Hunting Activities after Graduating
This is a system in which points are allocated in accordance with the academic background, Procedures for changing your status of residence to continue job hunting
work experience and annual salary, etc., of foreign nationals with status of residence that permit
employment, and applicants who score 70 or more points receive preferential treatment with In the event that you cannot find employment by the time you graduate, you may apply to change your visa from
regard to the easing of requirements for permanent residence, permission for spouses to work, and "College Student" to "Designated Activities (to continue seeking employment)" to continue job hunting activities for
Status of Residence
preferential processing of entry and residence procedures, etc.
(This visa is valid for six months and may be renewed only one time for another six months.(namely, 1 year in toal))
From December 2016, it is possible to continue job hunting activities for an additional year if the following
1 Outline and Objectives of the System conditions are satisfied during the second year after graduation.
People who are part of job hunting support programs implemented by regional public organizations (programs that
The Points-Based Preferential Immigration Treatment for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals
conform to the requirements established by the Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau) and who have received a
was enacted on May 7, 2012, for the purpose of promoting the entry of highly-skilled foreign
certificate providing evidence that they are part of a program operated by regional public organizations and have
professionals into the country.
no trouble residing in Japan may change their status of residence for their participation in job hunting activities as
The objective of this system is to promote the entry of highly-skilled foreign professionals into
part of these programs (residence of six months for specific activities) and be authorized to extend their period of
Japan by dividing their activities into the three categories of [Advanced Academic Research
residence one more time if they wish to continue their job hunting activities, including cases in which they take part
Qualification Guide
Activities], [Advanced Specialized Technical Activities] and [Advanced Business Management
in internships while participating in the program for a second year after graduation.
Activities], and awarding points in accordance with their [Academic Background], [Work
Experience], [Annual Salary], and other criteria depending on the characteristics thereof, and
granting preferential immigration treatment to those who achieve a predetermined total of points ■ Eligible individuals
(70 points).
● Those who have graduated from a university (including two-year colleges) or a regular course at
a graduate school
2 Preferential Immigration Treatment ● Those who have graduated from a professional training college and got a diploma
Preparing Required
[Highly-Skilled Professional (i)]
planThree Categories of Activities of ■ Documents required for application
(1) Permission for multiple purposes of activities in
Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals Japan
Advanced Academic Research (2) Grant of a five-year period of stay (1) Application form for changing status of residence
Activities [Highly-Skilled Professional (i) (a)] (3) Easing of requirements for permanent residence (2) Passport and resident card (the former alien registration card), to show
Activities of engaging in research, research guidance, with regard to the period of stay (3) Certification showing the ability to pay all expenses to be incurred during the stay in Japan (proof
or education based on a contract entered into with a (4) Permission for the spouse of the highly-skilled of money transfer, copy of a bank statement, etc.)
public or private organization in Japan foreign professional to work (4) Bring your most recent university or college graduation certificate. If you studied at a technical
(5) Permission to accompany the parent(s) to Japan
or vocational school, you should also bring your transcript of results, your specialist degree
after Graduating
[Highly-Skilled Professional (i) (b)] (6) Permission to accompany a domestic worker to
Activities of engaging in work requiring specialized Japan under certain conditions (5) Recommendation letter from the university enrolled in just before application
knowledge or skills in the field of natural sciences or (7) Preferential processing of entry and residence (6) Documents verifying you have continued job hunting (job hunt records, screening result
humanities based on a contract entered into with a procedures document, etc.)
public or private organization in Japan If you secure a job while on a "Designated Activities" visa, you will be required to change your
[Highly-Skilled Professional (ii)] residence status to "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services."
Advanced Business Management Activities a. In conjunction with the activities of "Highly-Skilled
[Highly-Skilled Professional (i) (c)] Professional (i)", permitted to engage in almost all of
Activities of engaging in the operation or management the activities under the authorization for employment ■ Notes
of a public or private organization in Japan b. Granted an indefinite period of stay
c. Eligible for the preferential treatment of the above- ● You will have limited opportunities to find a job since many Japanese companies primarily target new
mentioned (3) to (6) graduates when planning their acquisition of human resources, and additionally, the period between
Points-Based Preferential Immigration Treatment *"Highly-Skilled Professional (ii)" is for foreign nationals
for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals April and September, in which you will continue job hunting, is when recruitment for the following year is
who have engaged in activities of "Highly-Skilled underway.
Professional (i)" for three years or more.
● You may be asked to wait to join the company until April of the following year even if you are offered a
● It will be difficult to gather information because you will be required to conduct job hunting activities under
Open for Professionals
In collaboration with related institutions, this site provides easy-to-understand information for foreign nationals on a schedule that differs from the one for regular "new graduate hiring." In addition, it will be difficult to
Japanese language learning, child education, employment, housing, medical care, and other details pertaining to life in Japan, communicate your eagerness to apply for a job because of the delay in timing.
as well as information for highly-skilled foreign professionals who live in Japan or who are considering living in Japan, such as
In the case you have been offered a position that starts in April of the following year, you may stay in Japan
preferential treatment for immigration, etc.
until you start work by changing your visa to “Designated Activities (for persons with job offers).” However,
you must apply to change your status of residence because the content of your activities differs from job
hunting activities.
62 63
Mr. Elliot Conti
Nationality: American
University: Osaka City University
Major: Faculty of Human Life Science (Masters Degree in Sociology)
Period of Study in Japan: April 2014 to March 2017
Company: Global Aichi (Incorporated Association)
JLPT Level: N1
64 65
Ms. Li Tanlin Mr. Kim Dong-won
Nationality: Chinese Nationality: South Korean
Place of study: Doshisha University University: Soka University
Major subject: Culture and Information Science Major: Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics
(Faculty of Culture and Information Science) Period of Study in Japan: May 2011 to March 2014, April 2016 to March 2018
Period of study in Japan: September 2012 to March 2017 Company: Teradata Japan, Ltd.
Place of work: NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd. JLPT Level: N1
JLPT Level: N1
66 67
Job Hunting in Japan:
Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong Ly
Nationality: Vietnamese
University: Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University
68 69
Job Hunting Manners ❸ What is a “First Impression”? COLUMN ❷ Reasons Why International Students Have
a Hard Time Job Hunting in Japan
A first impression is the feeling someone has when they come in contact with Here we will analyze why international students have a hard time job hunting in
another person for the first time. First impressions are used to initially evaluate Japan while looking at related data. We put together information regarding the
an applicant during an interview test. It is said that it is imperative to make a difficulties that experienced job hunters had trying to find a job in Japan and
good first impression in order to have a better interview. First impressions are what they wish they had prepared to make things easier.
not determined by you but rather by other people. Look at the points below and
Difficulties experienced by international students when job hunting
check what other people think. Improve any points where you are lacking.
The graph on the right shows the results of a questionnaire provided to experienced job
hunters about what they found difficult when job hunting. Among the results the three
1 Expression main difficulties appear to be as follows:
■ Did not understand enough about job ■ Difficulties experienced during job hunting
Your expression is the strongest facet of the visual impression that you give. A hunting activities
natural smile is an expression that gives a good first impression. In order to smile ■ Japanese level not high enough for use Didn’t know about the job hunting
system in Japan 33.8
naturally, it is crucial to be relaxed. So prepare properly in advance and go in with in business settings Didn’t know how to research
confidence. ■ Little employment information available
industries or companies
In addition, the way you look at others is also important. Your expression changes for international students I was unclear about my work duties
after entering the company
depending on the way you look at other people and things. Be sure to maintain eye Compared with other countries, preparations
I didn’t know what kind of people
contact with the person you are speaking with. for job hunting activities in Japan seem to the company was looking for 24.8
take time because of Japan’s unique hiring I didn’t know how to write
documents in Japanese 19.8
method and culture. In addition, a high level
2 Personal appearance of Japanese proficiency is necessary for use I found Japanese aptitude and
proficiency tests to be difficult 32.2
in business settings. Japanese that is used in
daily conversation is insufficient. It appears I found interviews conducted in
Cleanliness is an important part of one’s personal appearance. Japanese difficult
that students have difficulty particularly in
Cleanliness is most important and involves wearing clothes and arranging your hair job hunting activities because written test
There are few employment offers
for international students 38.5
and makeup so that you do not make the other party feel uncomfortable. Things that questions as well as documents which need The level of Japanese required by
affect your level of cleanliness include whether or not your clothes or shoes are dirty to be submitted are all in Japanese.
the the company was too high
or wrinkled (in the case of clothes), whether or not you have any sleep-mussed hair, Since there are few companies that advertise No difficulty in particular 7.0
whether or not your makeup is too heavy, and whether or not your nails are trimmed. with the intention of wanting to actively hire
Other 3.0
international students, it is difficult to search
for companies that are hiring international 0 10 20 30 40
3 Posture students. From Survey on Career and Retention for International
Students(Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, 2015)
Stretching the back muscles naturally makes a person look confident. This posture
makes the best first impression. Since you will be sitting a lot during interviews, What international students felt they were lacking while job hunting
be careful to also maintain good posture while in a seated position. It is important
The graph on the right shows the results of a questionnaire provided to experienced
to make each movement full. Make movements full by properly stopping your
job hunters on what they felt they were lacking while job hunting in Japan. Among the
results the two main things that they felt they were lacking appear to be as follows:
■ How to bow gracefully ■ Insufficient understanding of industries ■ What international students felt they were
Do not just bow your head down. Avoid bowing by only moving your head downward. and companies lacking while job hunting in Japan
A bow is performed by bending at the waist. ■ Insufficient Japanese skills Lack of linguistic skills 54.4
Hand position differs according to gender. Women place both hands together in Companies in Japan have unique business Lack of understanding about
front of their body whereas men drop their hands down to their sides when bowing. customs. Japanese corporate culture 28.3
It is more graceful to keep the fingers straight when bowing. It appears that inter national students
There is not acquaintance 18.8
have a hard time figuring out what kind
of skills companies demand and finding Knew of hardly any companies that
could utilize them as an employee 33.8
4 Manner of speaking the companies capable of utilizing them Didn’t know basic rules and
as employees. In addition, it seems that processes associated with job
many experienced job hunters felt that their Lack of understanding about the
What you should pay most attention to while speaking is the volume of your voice. skills Japanese companies expect 24.7
Japanese skills were not up to the level that employees to have
Speaking in a small voice will give interviewers the impression that you do not companies were looking for. Other 2.5
have any confidence. When speaking, speak slowly with a big voice and, most
From Research on Employment Support for International
importantly, speak with clear pronunciation. Many international students become Students by Japanese Universities(Ministry of Health, Labour,
Unknown 1.1
nervous and end up speaking too quickly. Make sure to speak as slowly as possible. and Welfare, 2014) 0 10 20 30 60
70 71
COLUMN ❸ Tips for Successful Job Hunting COLUMN ❹ Tips for the Second Half of Your Job Hunting
We put together tips on what kinds of efforts you should take during job In the second half of your job search, there will be many times when you will be happy and then
hunting taking information from Column ❷ (difficulties that international disappointed regarding job offers. Here we will look at what you should do when you receive
students looking for job had faced) into consideration. multiple job offers and what you should do if you still haven’t received any.
Did not understand enough about job hunting activities If you have received job offers from two or more companies
● Obtain an understanding early on about how job hunting is carried out in Japan Near the end stage of the job hunting process there are times when applicants will receive two
and make necessary preparations. or more job offers from different companies. In this case, you must turn down the job offers from
● Start job hunting activities in March of the year before you are scheduled to companies that you will not enter.
graduate. It is important to prepare early. When turning down job offers, please be aware of the following points.
● It is important to prepare for related expenses. For job hunting, you will need
money for clothing, including a suit, bag, and shoes as well as transportation ❶ Turn down job offers over the telephone, not via e-mail
money. Regardless of how many times you have been selected to receive job offers, you
● Receive career counseling on a regular basis to make sure that you haven’t made will not convey your sincerity by simply turning down a job offer via an e-mail.
any mistakes in your job hunting process. Please do your best to refuse job offers over the telephone.
● There are many international students who quickly give up job hunting because
of difficulties experienced. It is important to complete all job hunting activities ❷ It is ok not to tell other companies which company you have decided to work for
without giving up. When turning down a job offer, there are times when the company representative
● Collect various types of job hunting information from former international you are speaking with will ask you which company you chose to enter. You are
students who were hired or are working. not obligated to provide them with the name of the company that you will work
● Network with Japanese students and collect information from them. for.
❸ When you turn down a job offer and run into problems such as being held at a
Japanese level not high enough for use in business settings company for many hours
When turning down a job offer, companies may request that you come to their
● Obtain the proper skills for addressing people by interacting with Japanese location and explain to them about the situation.
of different social positions (your seniors, juniors, boss at your part-time job, When doing so, there are times when you will be held up for many hours at the
teachers, and company employees). company and pressured to sign a letter of acceptance in order to persuade
● Get in the habit of reading Japanese newspapers to obtain knowledge about you to change your mind. In such situations, quickly consult with your university’s
current affairs and Japanese reading comprehension skills. career center or career services division. For example, even if you sign a letter of
● There are many documents that you acceptance or written oath, they are not legally binding. If you feel that you are
will be submitting during job hunting ■ Correlation between BJT Business being forced to change your mind about the offer, deal with the situation in a calm
activities. Practice writing in Japanese Japanese Proficiency Test levels and manner.
job offers
on a routine basis. Companies take time and effort to provide applicants with job offers. Therefore,
● The Japanese that you use for daily J1 or there is a strong trend among companies for wanting students which they provided
conversations and the Japanese higher
with job offers to enter their companies. Try to be sincere with companies so that
that you use when working in a they agree with your decision.
Japanese company (or when job J2 64.2
hunting) are different. Strive to some
extent to gain proficiency in business Job hunting activities after companies start providing official job offers
Japanese. J3 or lower 57.6
● There is a recent trend also among Since many companies start employee selection activities around the same time, the busiest
52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 62.0 64.0 66.0 68.0
Japanese companies to place time during job hunting is one to two months after beginning such activities. Afterwards, because
importance on English proficiency. From International Student Survey (Quality of Life, 2012) there are many companies that will hold employment offer presentations (events in which official
Therefore, try to obtain proficiency in job offer notifications are provided) in October, companies aim to finish selection activities by the
English in addition to Japanese. time of the presentation and continue hiring activities in order to fill all open positions. However,
there are times when companies continue with hiring activities until March because they were
unable to fill all positions which means that you still have a chance to be selected by a company
Lack of employment information from October. There are many cases where small-to-mid-sized companies in particular start
selections after the selection peak period to avoid overlapping with employment periods of
● Not all Japanese companies hire international students. Therefore, actively attend large companies. Companies will finish selection activities once they fill in their open positions.
joint briefing sessions and interview meetings designed for international students. Therefore, apply early to companies that you are interested in.
● Make use of your university’s career center, outside job support organization To enter a company on April 1st, it is necessary to complete all change in residence status
(Emplyment Service Center for Foreigners), etc. procedures by the end of January. So try to obtain a job offer before that time so that you can
apply for change in residence status.
72 73