Stimulant Containing Energy Drinks What You Need.

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What You Need to Know

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by John P. Higgins, M.D., M.B.A., M.PHIL., FACC, FACP, FAHA, FACSM, FASNC, FSGC;
Kavita M. Babu, M.D., FACEP, FACMT; Patricia A. Deuster, Ph.D., M.P.H., FACSM; and Jane Shearer, Ph.D.
Apply It!

affeine-containing energy drinks are frequently consumed by up to 80%
of athletes, 53% of service members, and 30% of secondary school stu-
At the end of this article, you should
dents, and they are heavily marketed to children and adolescents (1). Ad-
be able to apply your knowledge to:
vertised for and used to boost performance and stamina, they can contain
- Identify the main active ingredi-
various other ingredients (vitamins, sugars, herbal extracts, proprietary
ent in energy drinks as caffeine.
compounds) as well as high concentrations of caffeine and other stimulants that can cause
- Clearly communicate the poten-
serious central nervous system adverse effects. Currently, the evidence for safety, efficacy,
tial adverse effects of energy
and performance benefits is limited and conflicting.
drinks to your clients.
Within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), energy drinks are classified as
- Pinpoint critical gaps in energy
either dietary supplements or foods/beverages, both of which provide loopholes regarding
drink regulation, labeling, edu-
their specific contents. Unlike sodas and soft drinks, the caffeine and other stimulants in
cation, and surveillance.
energy drinks are not regulated and often are not listed on the label (2). The scientific com-
Key words: Energy Drinks, munity, media, government, athletic departments, and the general public have expressed
Caffeine, Adverse Effects, Taurine, safety concerns regarding energy drinks, especially for certain vulnerable populations.
Recommendations Particularly vulnerable populations include those younger than 18 years of age, pregnant
or breastfeeding women, individuals taking stimulant or other caffeine-based medications,
and those with certain cardiovascular or medical conditions. Despite these concerns, the
global energy drink market is forecast to reach 61 billion in U.S. dollars by 2021 (3).
The majority of energy drink-related health concerns seem to be linked to caffeine.
However, it is important to note that other stimulants, high levels of sugar, and/or other
energy drink substances, such as taurine, may interact and potentiate the impacts of caf-
feine. In response to these concerns, some groups and legislators have developed policies
and educational approaches to limit consumption of energy drinks, particularly in vulner-
able populations (4).

Volume 22 | Number 3 17

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

ENERGY DRINK INGREDIENTS drinks required to achieve a benefit varies widely and depends
Although energy drinks contain a myriad of ingredients, caffeine on the concentration of caffeine, volume consumed, and the body
and other caffeine-like stimulants are the most pharmacologi- mass of the consumer. Amounts as little as 1 to 2 mg of caf-
cally active. Once ingested, caffeine is rapidly and completely feine per kilogram body weight have been reported in the lit-
absorbed, generally reaching peak concentrations within 30 to erature to be ergogenic, although most performance studies
120 minutes. Pharmacologically, consuming more than 6 mg showing benefits were conducted with 3 mg to 6 mg of caf-
of caffeine per kilogram seems to saturate hepatic caffeine me- feine per kilogram (9).
tabolism. However, there are significant interindividual varia- The specific mechanism(s) by which caffeine enhances ath-
tions in caffeine metabolism and sensitivity as well as its impacts letic performance has been controversial and difficult to estab-
on alertness and/or performance. When added to energy drinks, lish because caffeine is distributed to all tissues of the body on
caffeine is typically added as a synthetic pure alkaloid (as in pill ingestion. However, experiments using isolated muscle prepara-
format) rather than a naturally occurring constituent of plant- tions suggest that caffeine directly potentiates skeletal muscle
based beverages (as in tea or coffee). For example, guarana and force, work, and power (11). From a mental perspective, caffeine
yerba mate, which can be contained as part of the energy blend also may improve auditory and visual vigilance and mitigate fa-
(added vitamin, mineral, and herbal mixtures) of energy drinks, tigue (12). However, it is important to note that the evidence for
also are natural sources of caffeine, and whose levels and caffeine energy drinks enhancing performance is not as strong as results
content often are not part of the package labeling. obtained from studies using the pure alkaloid caffeine or caffeine
Levels of caffeine in energy drinks vary widely but may con- consumed in pill format. This difference in performance be-
tain between 71 and 316 mg of caffeine per 8 oz serving, which tween alkaloid caffeine and energy drinks may be related to var-
greatly exceeds the FDA-imposed limit of 71 mg of caffeine per iance in the populations studied, amount consumed (often not
12 fl oz of soda. As such, energy drinks are considered high controlled for body mass), type of exercise, energy drink tested,
sources of caffeine. In addition, energy drinks frequently include concentrations of caffeine administered, test circumstances,
significant amounts of carbohydrate (8% to 15%, usually glucose), and the sensitivity of the outcome metrics.
taurine (an amino acid), niacin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin (B12), Aside from caffeine, very little evidence suggests that the vita-
riboflavin (B2), ginseng extract, glucuronolactone (a glucose min, mineral, and herbal constituents of energy drinks elicit any
metabolite), inositol (B8), guarana (contains caffeine, theobro- ergogenic benefits. However, the carbohydrate contained in en-
mine, and theophylline), ephedra, Yohimbine, gingko, kola nut, ergy drinks may be ergogenic, especially when used during exer-
theophylline, vitamins, herbs, and/or L-carnitine (5). The U.S. cise lasting longer than 90 minutes (13).
Poison Control Center reported 552 adverse events between
2000 and 2012, with one death and 24 serious events due to
energy drink exposure: 44.7% were in children younger than ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ENERGY DRINK USE
6 years of age. Together, the FDA and Poison Control results From October 2010 to September 2011, 4,854 calls to U.S. Poi-
constitute a signal that regulatory actions may be needed (6). son Control Centers regarding energy drink exposures were
The health consequences of these additives — alone or in logged (14). Additives such as alcohol or other stimulants, in
combination — are poorly described. Evidence to substantiate combination with the energy drinks, occurred in 3,192 (66%)
claims that ingredients other than caffeine contribute to perfor- of the cases. In the remaining 1,480 nonalcoholic energy drink
mance enhancement is negligible (7). The literature describing cases (34%), 51% were children younger than 6 years of age,
adverse events from these additives alone is limited; however, 77% were unintentional, and 61% were males (14). The adverse
some herbals in energy drinks have been associated with minor effects of energy drink use are primarily related to the toxicity of
to moderately severe adverse effects including seizures, myocar- caffeine and other psychoactive stimulants. The characteristic
dial infarctions, ventricular tachycardia, and gastrointestinal up- constellation of symptoms and findings associated with caffeine
set. Likewise, the literature describing adverse events from the toxicity includes vomiting, tachycardia, hypotension, widened
additives and their interactions with caffeine is even more lim- pulse pressure, diaphoresis (excess sweating), mydriasis (pupil di-
ited; however, some have raised concern about a possible tau- lation), altered mental status, and hypokalemia (low potassium).
rine and caffeine interaction (8). Other adverse effects can be grouped into cardiac, neurologic,
gastrointestinal, renal, and psychiatric adverse effects. The in-
gredients and the possible mechanisms underlying some of these
ENERGY DRINKS AND PERFORMANCE adverse effects are listed in Table 1.
Caffeine contained in energy drinks has ergogenic potential The cardiac adverse events associated with acute caffeine tox-
and may affect both physical and mental performance. Exer- icity and energy drink consumption include tachycardia, hyper-
cise data evaluating both pure caffeine and energy drinks gener- tension, supraventricular tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation (8).
ally show an increase in athletic performance by approximately Myocardial infarction (heart attack), coronary artery spasm/
2% to 4% (9,10). These benefits extend to muscular, sprint-type, thrombosis, vascular dissection, cardiomyopathy (weak/abnormal
and endurance exercise. The amount of caffeine in energy heart muscle), and sudden cardiac death also have been reported.
18 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® May/June 2018

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1: Reported Adverse Effects Associated with Selected Energy Drink Constituents
Ingredient Proposed Mechanism Adverse Effects Reference
Caffeine Sympathetic stimulation Increases heart rate, peripheral resistance, (8,30)
blood pressure, and stroke volume. Reduces
myocardial blood flow during exercise.
Glucose Reduces endothelial function Attenuation of blood flow (31)
Delays gastric emptying and impedes Gastrointestinal upset (5)
absorption of fluid in the gastrointestinal tract.
Glucoron- Reduced endothelial function Attenuation of blood flow (31)
Guarana Sympathetic stimulation – twice the Increases heart rate, peripheral resistance, (32)
caffeine as coffee; also contains blood pressure, and stroke volume.
theobromine (a stimulant similar
to caffeine).
Kola nut Sympathetic stimulation (caffeine Increases heart rate, peripheral resistance, (33)
and theobromine) blood pressure, and stroke volume.
Taurine Increase in mean arterial pressure and Increases blood pressure and blood clotting. (31)
platelet aggregation.
Yohimbine Sympathetic stimulation Increases heart rate, hypertension, (34)
anxiety, and agitation.
Yerba mate Sympathetic stimulation – contains both Increases heart rate, peripheral resistance, (5,35)
caffeine and theobromine. blood pressure, and stroke volume.

For example, a 28-year-old healthy motocross-racing man expe- psychosis improved after discontinuation of caffeine consump-
rienced a cardiac arrest after consuming 8 cans of energy drinks tion. Increased risk-taking behavior also has been reported in
in 1 day; at the hospital, he was found to have severe coronary ar- young adults who habitually use energy drinks (22). Physical
tery spasm believed to be secondary to the high caffeine and the dependence is a common consequence of repeated caffeine
taurine content of the energy drink (15). Electrocardiographic exposure. Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal include malaise,
findings included QT prolongation and repolarization abnormal- headache, depression, and decreased mental performance.
ities. Cases of sudden cardiac death after energy drink use have Concurrent energy drink and alcohol use presents unique
been reported; however, direct causation remains unclear in concerns. Individuals who consume alcohol with energy drinks
many events (16). report heavier alcohol consumption as well as increased stimula-
Reported neurologic adverse events after energy drink use in- tion and alertness. In studies of concurrent alcohol and energy
clude seizures, migraines, cerebral vasoconstriction, stroke, and drink use, a consistent pattern of increased alcohol-related harms
intracerebral hemorrhage (17). In one of the original papers de- emerged when compared with other drinkers (23).
scribing seizures, four adults had generalized seizures in proxim-
ity to energy drink use. In three of the four patients, the seizures
did not recur on cessation of energy drink use; the fourth patient SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS
was lost to follow-up (18). Caffeine can cause vomiting, a com- Our recommendations are listed in Table 2 and are summa-
mon gastrointestinal effect of the drug. Acute renal failure, rhab- rized here (8,24,25):
domyolysis (skeletal muscle breakdown), and metabolic acidosis
also have been described (19). The hypokalemia typically seen in 1. “Energy drinks should never be consumed by children
caffeine toxicity is likely due to beta-2 adrenergic receptor or adolescents.” American Academy of Pediatrics (26).
agonism and diuresis. “Energy drinks should not be used for hydration prior
Psychiatric effects, including anxiety, caffeine withdrawal, to, during, or after physical activity.” The National Fed-
psychosis, and risky behaviors, have been reported in the setting eration of State High School Associations (5). Warnings
of energy drink use. Psychosis has been associated with caffeine should be prominently displayed on the front of products
intake, and there are reports of worsening psychosis in proximity stating vulnerable populations, including those younger
to energy drink use (20). One case involved a young man with no than 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women,
psychiatric history who was hospitalized for psychotic symptoms caffeine-naïve or sensitive individuals taking stimulant-
after excessive consumption of energy drinks (21). In all cases, or caffeine-based medications, or those with certain
Volume 22 | Number 3 19

Copyright © 2018 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

TABLE 2: Recommendations Regarding Energy Drinks CONCLUSIONS

Energy drinks should not be: Emergency room physicians encounter patients who experience
• Consumed by children or adolescents (26).
adverse effects associated with energy drink consumption, with
• Used for hydration before, during, or after physical activity (5).
• Available in K-12 schools for sale, nor be advertised to
death being one possible outcome. Energy drinks are frequently
children at school. consumed, and there are reports of morbidity and mortality
• Marketed to nor consumed by vulnerable populations. with consumption. Individuals known to be susceptible to ad-
• Used before, during, or after strenuous activities. verse events include those of young age, small stature, caffeine-
• Consumed with alcohol. naïve or caffeine-sensitive, pregnant or breastfeeding women,
• Consumed close to bedtime. those with certain medical conditions and/or taking certain
Health care providers, athletic trainers, personal trainers, medications, and those with underlying cardiovascular or other
coaches, parents, and children should be educated about diseases. Consuming multiple energy drinks in one session is a
potential adverse events associated with energy drink use. clear risk for adverse events. Of critical importance, children
and adolescents seem to be at particularly high risk of complica-
tions because of their small body size, caffeine naivety, high caf-
cardiovascular or medical conditions, should avoid energy feine amounts in energy drinks, and hazardous consumption
drink use. patterns, including frequent and heavy use. Although most
2. Regulatory actions are warranted. Health Canada has healthy adults can consume a single energy drink without any
mandated changes to improve transparency and labels significant negative acute health effects, the long-term effects
instructing vulnerable individuals to avoid energy drinks of chronic consumption have not been well studied. Our ulti-
(27). The American Beverage Association also favors mate goal is to improve the health and wellness of the general
clearly labeled contents (28). The FDA wants labeling public and inform them of possible dangers associated with en-
and warnings to ensure the health and safety of suscepti- ergy drink consumption.
ble individuals and vulnerable populations (29).
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20 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® May/June 2018

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13. Pöchmüller M, Schwingshackl L, Colombani PC, Hoffmann G. A systematic review Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest and do not have any
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John P. Higgins, M.D., M.B.A. (Hons), M.PHIL.,
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energy drink consumption, especially in children and
adolescents. Likewise, open discussions to assess use
among athletes and education regarding the potential
impacts of energy drinks on sleep, the cardiovascular
system, gastric upset, and other adverse effects should
be addressed.

Volume 22 | Number 3 21

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