The Benefits and Drawbacks of e
The Benefits and Drawbacks of e
The Benefits and Drawbacks of e
1. Engineering mechanics
Friction :Introduction , Laws of coulomb friction, equilibrium of bodies involving dry friction, belt friction, Inclined plane -
Friction of screw and nuts - Pivots and collars - uniform pressure, uniform wear - friction circle and friction axis: lubricated
surfaces - boundary friction - film lubrication, Clutches, Single plate, multi plate, cone clutch, centrifugal clutches.
Brakes And Dynamometers: Simple block brake - Internal expanding brake band brake of vehicle. Dynamometers - absorption
and transmission types, General description and methods of operation.
Centre of gravity: centroid, Moment of Inertia : Centroid of plane, curve, area ,volume & composite bodies, moment of inertia of
plane area, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis theorem, principal moment inertia, mass moment of inertia of circular ring,
disc, cylinder, sphere and cone about their axis of symmetry.
Kinematics of rigid body: Introduction, plane motion of rigid bodies, velocity & acceleration under translation & rotational
motion, Relative velocity, projectile motion, force, mass & acceleration, work & energy, impulse & momentum, D’Alembert
principles & dynamic equilibrium. Virtual work.
2. Fluid Mechanics
Unit - I
Introduction and types of fluids, Types of fluid flows(Fluid kinematics), Pressures and Head, Static Forces on Surface and
Buoyancy, Motion of Fluid Particles and Streams, Static Forces on Surface and Buoyancy, The Energy Equation and its
Application, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation.
Unit - II
Measurement of Pressure: PASCAL’s law, Types of pressure, Pressure measurement devices, Hydrostatic force on plane and
curved surface, total pressure and center of pressure. Flow through pipes, Stokes’ law, transition from laminar to turbulent flow,
types of turbulent flow, isotropic, homogenous turbulence, scale and intensity of turbulence, measurement of turbulence, eddy
viscosity, mixing length concept and velocity distribution in turbulent flow over smooth and rough surfaces, resistance to flow,
minor losses, pipe in series and parallel, power transmission through a pipe, siphon, water hammer, three reservoir problems and
pipe networks.
Unite III
Measurement of discharge- Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Nozzlemeter, Rotometer. Measurement of velocity-Pitot tube. Orifice-
classification. Flow through reservoir opening i.e. orifice, trajectory of free jet, hydraulic coefficients, Experimental
determination of hydraulic coefficients, Small and large orifice, Time of emptying a tank with orifice. Mouthpiece- classification,
External cylindrical mouthpiece, Convergent –divergent mouthpiece, Borda’s mouthpiece. Notches and weirs-discharge over
rectangular notch and triangular notch. Velocity of approach, End Contractions. Cippoletti notch. Time of emptying a tank with
notch or weir, Ventilation of weir, Sutro weir.
Unit - IV
Boundary layer thickness, boundary layer over a flat plate, laminar boundary layer, application of momentum equation, turbulent
boundary layer, laminar sub-layer, separation and its control, Drag and lift, drag on a sphere, a two dimensional cylinder, and an
aerofoil, Magnus effect. Introduction to compressible flow. Compressible Flow :Basic equations, Mach number, Mach cone,
Area-velocity relationship, Propagation of sound wave, Stagnation properties.
3. Machine design
Unit I Mechanical Engineering Design:
Technical Drawing Standard, Design methods, Aesthetic and Ergonomics consideration in design, Material properties and their
uses in design, Manufacturing consideration in design, Fits And Tolerances, Design considerations of casting and forging, Basic
principles of Machine Design, Modes of failures, Factor of safety, Design stresses, Principal stresses and strains, Theories of
failures Standards, I. S. codes, Preferred Series and Numbers.
Thick cylinders: Design of thick cylinders-Lame’s equation. Design of :Cotter joint, knuckle joint, Turn Buckle.Power Screw -
Screw Presses, C- Clamps along with the Frame, Screw Jack.
Design for Fluctuating Loads: Variables stresses, reversed, repeated, fluctuating stresses. Fatigue Failure, Endurance limit,
Design for finite and infinite life.
Design of shaft - power transmitting, power distribution shafts, Module (excluding crank shaft) under static and fatigue criteria.
Keys - Types of Keys and their selection based on shafting condition.
Couplings Design of Split muff couplings, Flange couplings, Bush pin flexible couplings, Design of Springs.
Design of gear tooth: Lewis and Buckingham equations; wear and dynamic load consideration. Design & force analysis of spur,
helical, bevel & worm gears.
Design of sliding & journal bearing: method of lubrication, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic, boundary etc. Minimum films thickness
& thermal equilibrium.
Unit I Basics,
Mechanical Behavior of materials, Introduction to Crystal Structure, Diffusion, Fick’s laws of diffusion, Factors affecting
Unit II
Mechanism of solidification, Homogenous and Heterogeneous nucleation, crystal growth, cast metal structures. Phase Diagram I:
Solid solutions Hume Rothary rule substitution, and interstitial solid solutions, intermediate phases, Gibbs phase rule.
Phase Diagram II : Construction of equilibrium diagrams involving complete and partial solubility, lever rule. Different types
invariant reactions – Eutectic, Eutectoid, Peritectic, Peritectectoid reactions etc.
Iron carbon equilibrium diagram. Heat treating of metals.
Unit III
Extractive Metallurgy: Minerals of economic importance, combination techniques, size classification, Flotation, gravity and other
methods of mineral processing; agglomeration, pyrohydro- and electro-metallurgical processes; material and energy balances;
principles and processes for the; iron and steel making – principles, role structure and properties of slags, metallurgical coke,
blast furnace, direct reduction processes, primary and secondary steel making, ladle metallurgy operations including deoxidation,
sulphide shape control, inert gas rinsing and vacuum reactors; secondary refining processes including AOD, VAD, VOD, VAR
and ESR; ingot and continuous casting; stainless steel making, furnaces and refractories.
Unit IV
fracture – Griffith theory, basic concepts of linear elastic and elasto-plastic fracture mechanics, ductile to brittle transition,
fracture toughness; failure analysis; mechanical testing – tension, compression, torsion, hardness, impact, creep, fatigue, fracture
toughness and formability.
5. Manufacturing
Unit I
Basic manufacturing process & Machines
Manufacturing Processes, Theory of metal cutting, Metal Casting Processes, Metal Joining Processes, Foundry Technology,
Metal Shaping and Forming, Plastic, Ceramic and Glass Processing. Super Surface finishing process.
Lathe, Shaper, Planer & Slotter, Drilling, Milling, Grinding, gear cutting machines, abrasive process and broaching, CNC
Unit II
Advance manufacturing
Computer Aided Manufacturing, NC/CNC Machine Tools, Programmable Logic Controllers, Group Technology and CAPP,
Flexible Manufacturing System, Robot Technology, Integrated Production Management System.
Unit I-Introduction of Mechanisms and Machines:
Planar and Spatial Mechanisms, Kinematic Pairs, Kinematic Chains, Kinematic Diagrams, Kinematic Inversion, Four bar chain
and Slider Crank Mechanisms and their Inversions, Degrees of Freedom, range of movement - Kutzbach and Grubler’s criterion,
Number Synthesis, Grashof’s criterion.
Unit II- Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms:
Position analysis (Analytical Techniques) Dimensional Synthesis: four bar and slider crank mechanism. Velocity and cceleration
Analysis: Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams, Instantaneous Centre of Velocity, Rubbing Velocity, Velocity and Acceleration
Images, Corioli’s component of acceleration. Special Mechanisms: Straight line mechanism, Indicator diagrams, Hooke’s Joint,
Steering Mechanisms.
Unit III Gears and Gear Trains:
Gears: Terminology, Law of Gearing, Characteristics of involute and cycloidal action, Interference and undercutting, centre
distance variation, minimum number of teeth, contact ratio, spur, helical, spiral bevel and worm gears, problems. Gear Trains:
Synthesis of Simple, compound & reverted gear trains, Analysis of epicyclic gear trains.
Unit IV Cams and Followers:
Introduction: Classification of cams and followers, nomenclature, displacement diagrams of follower motion, kinematic
coefficients of follower motion.
UNIT - I: Gyroscopes
UNIT - II: Flywheels,
Governors- Watt, Porter and Proell governors- Spring loaded governors - Hartnell and Hartung with auxiliary springs
UNIT - IV: Balancing: Balancing of rotating masses- Analytical and graphical methods. Unbalanced forces and couples. "V" and
multi cylinder inline and radial engines-primary and secondary balancing.
UNIT - V: Vibrations: Free Vibration of mass attached to vertical soring - oscillation of pendulums- Transverse loads -
vibrations of beams with concentrated and distributed loads. Dunkerly's method - Raleigh's method. Whirling of shafts - critical
speed - torsional vibrations - one, two and three rotor systems
7. Applied Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic systems; States, processes, heat and work; Zeroth law; First law; Properties of pure substances and steam,
Mollier diagram; Second law, Carnot cycle, entropy, irreversibility and availability, energy analysis; Thermodynamic relations;
Properties of mixtures of ideal gases; Thermodynamic cycles - Otto, Diesel, dual and Joule, Third Law of Thermodynamics
9. Automobile engineering
Introduction to Automobile & Automobile Performance, Chassis, Frame & Body, Transmission System: Clutch, Gear Box,
Automatic Transmission, Propeller Shaft, Differential, Final Drive and Rear Axle, Axle, Suspension and Steering System, Front
Axle, Suspension System, Steering System, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres , Battery, Lighting System , Accessories and Safety System
Automobile garage for maintenance and repair, Regulation and Standardization of Vehicles, Modern Vehicles.