Case Study 10
Case Study 10
Case Study 10
The curriculum of a student can have an impact on their behaviors and should be considered as
part of a behavior management plan.
Gizelle is nine years old and in 4th grade. Her problem behaviors in school include aggressing
toward her peers, taunting her teacher and peers, not working on task, leaving her seat without
permission, and destroying property. Her English class has six other students in it with one
h era n donet eache r
’sa ide.Dur ingc l
ass,Gi z el
le is required to complete an assignment on
punctuation, abbreviations, and capital letters followed by a coloring assignment.
When asked to do a lesson from her textbook, Gizelle often sees how long the lesson is and
refuses to do it. In her interview, Gizelle reported that she found the lessons too difficult.
Gizelle has test scores showing she is four years below her grade level in reading and it was
decided that she needed easier reading tasks. The team also concluded that Gizelle would talk
back to the teacher less if she had more choices.
Gi zelle’sa s
signme ntwa smodi fiedwi t
hh e rreadingle ve linmi nd.Shewa se xp ectedtor eadat a
fourth grade level while her tests showed that she was at a first grade reading level. The team
believe dGi zelle’sa pp
ropr i
a tebe h avi
orwoul di ncr
easei ft hea ssignme ntwa ss hortene
d ,ifshe
had more choices, and if visual cues were added to the instructions to help compensate for her
reading level. Her assignments were divided and she was allowed to choose which section she
did first. The assignments also included more examples of how to do the problems and
important words in the instructions were underlined.
Behavior was measured for 3-4 sessions while Gizelle completed the original assignment, 3-4
sessions with the modified assignment, then 3-4 sessions with a return to the original assignment,
and finally 3-4 sessions with the modifida ssignme n tagain.Obs erversl ook eda tGi zelle’sta
engagement and problem behaviors during the sessions. Observers also measured how much
attention the teacher gave.
Gizelle had an average of 15% for problem behaviors while working on the original assignment
and 0% for the modified assignment. She had an average of 16% task engagement while
working on the original assignment and 99% while working on the modified assignment. She
completed 90/137 of the problems from the original assignment and had 31% of those she
answered correct. She completed 126/126 items from the modified assignment and had 100%
Dunlap, G., White, R., Vera, A., Wilson, D., & Panacek, L. (1996). The effects of multi-
component, assessment-based curricular modifications on the classroom behavior of
children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Journal of Behavioral Education, 6,