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International Journal of PharmTech Research

CODEN (USA): IJPRIF, ISSN: 0974-4304, ISSN(Online): 2455-9563

Vol.9, No.12, pp 574-580, 2016

Formulation and Evaluation of Peel-off Gel Masks from Red

Rice Bran Extract with Various Kind of Bases

Wira Noviana Suhery*, Nia Anggraini

STIFAR Riau/Kamboja Street, Simpang Baru, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstract : Rice bran is a side product of rice milling which contains antioxideant
compounds such as tocopherols, tocotrienos, and gamma oryzanol. Red rice bran has
higher antioxidant activity (IC50 43.2249 ppm) compared with white rice bran. This
study aims to formulate and evaluate peel-off gel mask containing red rice bran extract.
Dosage formulations of gel peel-off mask made in various types of bases that F1 (using
base of polyvinyl alcohol, F2 (base of HPMC) and F3 (base of gelatin). Further
preparation gel peel-off gel mask evaluated physical properties (organoleptic,
homogeneity, pH, power of spread, test the strength of the film layer and irritation test)
and antioxidant activity during the 8 weeks of storage. The results showed that the F1
shows the physical properties of the most well during 8 weeks of storage. While F3
showed the highest antioxidant activity than the other formulas with percent inhibition
Keywords : Red Rice Bran Extract, Peel-off Gel Mask, Antioxidant.

Premature aging is the process of skin aging faster than it should. This is commonly caused by various
factors both internal and external. The aging process in the skin characterized by the appearance of wrinkles,
scales, dry, chapped, look dull and wrinkled . The skin becomes older faster and appear black spots more are
caused by free radicals1,2.

The use of cosmetic skin care is an effort to protect the skin from free radical effect. Numerous studies
have reported on the preparation of formulations for anti aging such as the preparation sheet masks 3, face masks,
creams4,5, and other . A peel-off mask is applied as a liquid film that is thinly spread with fingers on the face or
body part. It is allowed to dry for several minutes, then pulled away from face with fingers. It peels-off as a thin
plasticized film. It is usually preferred that such masks require a relatively short period of time to dry down to
be pulled-off. Such peel-off masks usually provide deep pore cleansing and skin debris removal6. Peel-off gel
mask containing antioxidants are one form of cosmetic practical to treat the skin to prevent premature aging.
Antioxidants are compounds that can counteract or reduce the negative impact oxidants in the body7.

Some antioxidants can be produced from natural materials, such as fruits 8, seeds9, herbs10, vegetables11,
and spices12. One of the natural antioxidants that have high antioxidant activity found in the red rice bran. Rice
bran is a side-product of rice milling. Colored rice is one of such variety. In these varieties, high amounts of
anthocyanin pigment are deposited in the rice coat to form its red colors. Rice bran of red rice contains phenolic,
Wira Noviana Suhery et al /International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2016,9(12): 574-580. 575

flavonoid and anthocyanins compounds. Phenolic compounds have a spectrum or species are numerous,
ranging from the simple to the complex that binds to glucose group as glikon. One group of phenolic
compounds that have antioxidant benefits are a group of flavonoid compounds. The group is divided into
several groups among flavone, flavone-3-ol, flavonone, flavaran-3-ol and antocyanidin13,14.

Antioxidant activities of 40% acetone extracts of pigmented rice bran, measured in the range of 0 to
1500 μg/mL. At 500 μg/mL concentration, red rice bran, which had the highest total phenolic (259.5 μg/mg)
and total flavonoid (187.4 μg/mg) contents, showed the highest antioxidant activity: 83.6%, 71.5%, 1.2%, and
16.4% for DPPH radical assay15.

In addition to the red rice bran also contains gamma oryzanol compound of 1-2%, which serves as a
natural antioxidant. The largest source of gamma oryzanol rice bran, followed by brown rice, milled rice, and
husk16,17,18. Based on the preliminary test of red rice bran etanol extract known it has a very strong antioxidant
potential which percent inhibition is 96.997 % and IC50 value of 43.2349 ppm.

When a drug is used topically , then the medicine will come out of its carrier and diffuse into the
surface of the skin tissue. It really depends on the type of the base used. A base that has a high viscosity will
cause the diffusion coefficient of a drug in the base to be low, so the release of the drug from the base will be
small19. Besides the content of the base also affects the activity of antioxidant preparations. Base hydrophilic
with a hydrophilic active substance has a strong affinity when compared with the base lipophilic with
hydrophilic active ingredient. Besides, it's kind of different bases will also affect the physical properties of the
preparation. Based on the above, then do research on the formulation and evaluation of peel-off gel mask from
red rice bran extract with various kind of bases.

1. Material:

Red rice bran, Etanol 96%, HCl 37%, DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazly) Polivinil Alkohol (PVA),
HydroxyPropylMethylCellulose (HPMC), Gelatin, Gliserin, Nipagin, Aquadest.

2. Preparation of the red rice bran extract

Red rice bran has been sieved ( 500 g ) in autoclaf at a temperature of 121°C for 3 minutes, followed by
a drying oven at a temperature of 100°C for 1 hour. Then put in a dark glass bottle was added 96% ethanol
which has been acidified with 37 % HCl to pH 1. The sample was macerated for 30 hours and then filtered. The
filtrate obtained was concentrated using a rotary evaporator to obtain brown rice rice bran extract20.

3. Antioxidant Activity Determination of Red Rice Bran Extract

Red rice bran extract dissolved in methanol were plated out in triplicate in a 96-well microtiter plate.
The methanolic DPPH (50 µM) solution (Aldrich) was added to alternating columns of the test samples and
methanol was used for control of test samples, in the remaining columns. The plate was shaken for 2 minutes
and incubated for 20 minutes in darkness at 37˚C, in a water bath. The percentage of decolourisation was
obtained spectrophotometrically at 520 nm. The percentage of decolourisation was plotted against the
concentration of the sample, and the IC 50 values were determined. The DPPH absorbance decreases with an
increase in DPPH radical scavenging activity. Results were expressed as IC 50 concentration where 50%
inhibition of the DPPH radical is obtained. This activity is given as the percent of DPPH radical scavenged,
which is calculated with the equation:

DPPH radical scavenging activity (%) = [(Abscontrol - Abssample)/(Abscontrol)] × 100

where Abscontrol is the absorbance of DPPH radical + methanol and Abssample is absorbance DPPH radical +
Wira Noviana Suhery et al /International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2016,9(12): 574-580. 576


3. Formulation of peel-off gel mask from red rice bran extract as show in table 1.

Table 1. Formula of peel-off gel mask from red rice bran extract

Concentration (%)
FB1 FB2 FB3 F1 F2 F3
Polivinil alkohol 14 - - 14 - -
HPMC - 2 - - 2 -
Gelatin - - 30 - - 30
Gliserin 5 5 5 5 5 5
Nipagin 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
Alkohol 96% 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5
Aquadest ad 100 100 100 100 100 100
Red rice bran extract - - - 0,5 0,5 0,5

4. Evaluation Parameters

a. Organoleptic : The consistency and the colour was checked visually. The odour was evaluated manually by
smelling the product.
b. Homogeneity : This parameter was checked visually.
c. pH : 1% solution was prepared and checked for the pH using pH meter.
d. Observation of physical stability at room and cold temperatures by observing organoleptic during storage
e. Spreadability : A small amount of the mask was applied on paper charts coated transparent glass given the
particular load ( 1 g , 2 g , 5 g ) and then left to stand for 60 seconds . Then calculate the area given by
the dosage is calculated .
f. Irritation test : This parameter checked with patch test. Irritated skin at the patch site may indicate an
g. Peeling time : A small amount of the mask was applied on the skin, left for fewminutes and the time was
noted until it formed a mask.
h. Antioxidant activity : This parameter was checked with calculate percent inhibition (DPPH radical
scavenging activity (%).

Results and Discussion

In this study, the sample used is the red rice bran, which has a high antioxidant activity. Before the
sample extraction process, first performed the stabilization process. Stabilization is done to eliminate the
unfavorable properties of rice bran that is easy to rancidity, as fatty acids in the bran increased during the
storage process. Stabilization is done using autoclaf at a temperature of 121° for 3 minutes and proceed with
drying oven (heater) at 100° for 1 hour. The purpose of this process is to deactivation of lipase. Intensive lipase
activity in bran resulted in the bran rancid during storage.

Sample extraction is done by maceration using ethanol solvent acidified to pH 1 with the addition of
HCl. The purpose of the addition of HCl that is because HCl able destruction o plant cells so that the
antioxidant compounds found in cells can be extracted properly and bran stable in acidic than alkaline
conditions, under acidic conditions showed high antioxidant activity20.

Measurements of antioxidant activity were conducted at wavelength 520 nm. Which is the maximum
DPPH wavelength at concentration of 80 ug / mL. Based on testing the antioxidant activity IC 50 values
obtained to red rice bran extract is 43.2349 ppm and percent inhibition is 96.997 %, at a concentration of 1000
ppm .

Based on the evaluation of bases and peel-off gel mask gel mask of organoleptic , homogeneity can be
seen in the table 2. The results showed that all of formulas is stable and homogeneity during 8 week of storage.
Measurement of pH at each formula indicates decrease in pH , this is because the red rice bran extract of the
Wira Noviana Suhery et al /International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2016,9(12): 574-580. 577

preparation that is acidic . In addition to the decrease in pH can occur due to hydrolysis acidic compounds
which can be triggered by a rise in temperature during storage . The evaluation results obtained pH range from
4.7 to 6.3 , where the normal skin pH range is 4.5 to 7. It can be that the pH of the formulas included in the pH
range of normal skin.(Table 2 & 3)

Table 2. The result of evaluation bases of peel-off gel mask

No Parameters
1 Organoleptic Consistency : Consistency : Consistency :
Semisolid Semisolid Semisolid
Colour : White Colour : Transparent Colour : Dark
Odor : Specific Odor : Specific Yellow
Odor : Specific
2 Homogeneity Homogeneity Homogeneity Homogeneity
3 pH 5.6 (1st week) 6.2 (1st week) 5.0 (1st week)
5.2 (8th week) 5.3 (8th week) 4.7 (8th week)
4 Physical stability at Stable Stable Stable
room and cold
5 Spread ability at 25.50 cm2 (1st week) 12.56cm2(1st week) 3.79cm2 (1st week)
load 5 g 29.44 cm2 (8th week) 12.87cm2(8th week) 6.83cm2 (8th week)
6 Irritation test Not Irritate Not Irritate Not Irritate
7 Peeling Time 16 minutes, 27 second 19 minutes, 13 17 minutes, 44
second second
8 Percent Inhibition 34.60% (1st week) 26.36% (1st week) 63.13% (1st week)
33.67% (8th week) 25.25% (8th week) 61.85% (8th week)

Table 3. The result of evaluation peel-off gel mask red rice bran

No Parameters
F1 F2 F3
1 Organoleptic Consistency : Consistency : Consistency :
Semisolid Semisolid Semisolid
Colour : Brownies Red Colour : Dark Red Colour : Dark Brown
Odor : Specific Odor : Specific Odor : Specific
2 Homogeneity Homogeneity Homogeneity Homogeneity
3 pH 5.5 (1st week) 6.0 (1st week) 5.0 (1st week)
5.1 (8th week) 5.1 (8th week) 4.7 (8th week)
4 Physical stability Stable Stable Stable
at room and cold
5 Spread ability at 24.38 cm2 (1st week) 9.61 cm2 (1st week) 2.98 cm2 (1st week)
load 5 g 27.32 cm2 (8th week) 11.33cm2(8th week) 4.80cm2 (8th week)
6 Irritation test Not Irritate Not Irritate Not Irritate
7 Peeling Time 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 23 minutes,
37 second 14 second 26 second
8 Percent Inhibition 78.75% (1st week) 83.34% (1st week) 88.81% (1st week)
77.74% (8th week) 83.24% (8th week) 87.28% (8th week)

The observation of the physical stability at room and cold temperature during 8 week of storage
indicates that all of formulas is not separation and preparation is stable. Spread ability is done by using weights,
the goal is to see how much power and the ability of spreading on the surface of the skin. Based on observations
obtained with a base spread power range from 2.404 to 25.504 cm2 , F1 with a range from 15.896 to 24.389 cm2,
Wira Noviana Suhery et al /International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2016,9(12): 574-580. 578

F2 with a range of 6.154 to 9.616 cm2 , and F3 with a range of 2.333 to 2.984 cm2 . Based on results F1 have
spread power more dilute than F2 and F3. (Table 3).

Figure 1. pH test for 8 weeks of storage of peel-off gel mask of red rice bran

Figure 2. Antioxidant activity at 1st week and 8th week of peel-off gel mask of red rice bran

Figur 3. Spread ability for storage of peel-off gel mask of red rice bran
Wira Noviana Suhery et al /International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2016,9(12): 574-580. 579

Figure 4. Picture of peel-off gel mask of red rice bran

Irritation test of peel-off gel mask is done by three panelists on each formula . The test is performed on
inside the arm with a diameter of 2 cm during 24 hours (Patch test). From the analysis of all panelists showed
no skin irritation occurs to panelists.

Test the speed of drying up is done by applying a gel mask perfomed peel- off on the back of his hand
to smear 5 cm long and with an area of 2.5 cm . Then calculated the time necessary preparations to form a dry
layer. Then layer formed exfoliated and observed. From the results obtained speed range observation dries base
with a range of 16-17 minutes , while the dosage range at speeds dries gel peel- off mask ranges between 20-25
minutes . These test results show that the time to dry on the F 1, F2, and F3 is still in the categories of a mask
product dries on the market is 15-30 minutes. The higher the viscosity of the preparation , the longer it dries
required by preparations to dry out. While based on the results of exfoliation film , F 1 produces the most elastic

Based on determination of antioxidant activity that percent inhibition of the base showed no antioxidant
activity in FB1 and FB2 as percent value of less than 50% inhibition to free radicals. While the value of percent
inhibition FB3 showed their antioxidant activity can counteract free radicals amounted to 63.1396%. This
happens because FB3 contain amino acids that act as antioxidants are compounds cystine21 (Table 2).

Antioxidant activity of F1 have percent inhibition 78.75% (the first week) and 77.74% of eighth week,
F2 in the first week amounted to 83,34% and 83.24% of eighth week, and F3 on the first week amounted to
88.81% and the eight week amounted to 87.85%. The results show that F3 is the higher antioxidant activity
more than F1 and F2. This is because the base containing gelatin already have high antioxidant activity.

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