SCS Series: Smoke Control Station SCS-8, SCE-8, SCS-8L, SCE-8E
SCS Series: Smoke Control Station SCS-8, SCE-8, SCS-8L, SCE-8E
SCS Series: Smoke Control Station SCS-8, SCE-8, SCS-8L, SCE-8E
SCS Series
Smoke Control Station
SCS-8, SCE-8, SCS-8L, SCE-8E
The SCS-8 Smoke Control Station and optional SCE-8 Smoke
Control Expander, SCS-8L Smoke Control Lamp Driver, and
SCE-8L Smoke Control Lamp Driver Expander are used with
the NOTIFIER AM2020/AFP1010, NFS-640, NFS-3030, NFS2-
3030 Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs), NCA or NCA-2 Net-
work Control Annunciator displays, or the INA, to provide the
capability to control and display the status of AHU fans or damp-
ers. Each SCS can control and monitor eight AHU fans or damp-
ers. The SCS-8L and SCE-8L must be installed in a UL-Listed
Graphic Annunciator backbox. The SCE is used with the SCS,
expanding the capability to control and monitor a total of 16 AHU
fans or dampers. Only one SCE can be used for each SCS and
a maximum of 32 pairs can be used with each NOTIFIER control
panel. With the maximum configuration of 32 pairs, the system
has the capability to control and monitor 512 separate AHU fans
or dampers. The SCS can be used with theIntelligent Network
Annunciator (INA) Release 2.8 (or higher) and with the NFS-640
(without NCA display option) in HVAC mode only.
The SCS/SCE, when used with the AM2020/AFP1010, NFS(2)-
3030, or NCA(-2) display with ONYX® Series FACPs, complies
with UL smoke control requirements (Category UUKL) for dedi-
cated and non-dedicated systems as well as NFPA 90A, 92A,
and 92B standards for smoke control. The SCS/SCE also com-
plies with UL 916 Energy Management category PAZX. Each SCS-8/SCE-8 also has two LEDs and one momentary
switch with the following functions:
Features • ALL AUTO LED (Green).
The SCS-8/SCE-8 or SCS-8L/SCE-8L is capable of two modes • MANUAL LED (Amber).
of operation: Firefighter’s Smoke Control Station (FSCS) or • LOCAL ACKNOWLEDGE/LAMP TEST momentary switch.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Each SCS-8L/SCE-8L module has eight independent switch
In the FSCS mode, the SCS/SCE has the capability to: help groups as well, however, since the SCS-8L/SCE-8L is a lamp
maintain a tenable environment in evacuation routes; help driver version of the SCS-8/SCE-8 each switch group consists of
restrict the movement of smoke from the fire area; help provide contacts for connection of a three-position switch and contacts
conditions in non-smoke areas that will assist fire officials con- for connection of three lamps or LEDs. Each SCS-8L module
duct search and rescue operations and to find and combat the also has contacts for connection of two LEDs and one momen-
fire; and assist in protecting life and property. tary switch. The SCS-8L/SCE-8L modules must be installed in a
UL approved Custom Graphic Annunciator panel.
In the HVAC mode, the SCS/SCE has the capability to monitor
and control the building heating, ventilating and air conditioning. Temperature and humidity ranges: This system meets NFPA
The HVAC mode is not consistent with UL and NFPA standards requirements for operation at 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F); and
for smoke control. This mode should be used for fan shutdown at a relative humidity (noncondensing) of 85% at 30°C (86°F)
and building heating, ventilating, and air conditioning purposes per NFPA, and 93% ± 2% at 32°C ± 2°C (89.6°F ± 1.1°F) per
only. ULC. However, the useful life of the system’s standby batteries
and the electronic components may be adversely affected by
Communication to the SCS is accomplished over a two-wire
extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is rec-
serial interface employing an EIA-485 communication stan-
ommended that this system and all peripherals be installed in an
dard. Power for the SCS is provided via a separate 24 VDC reg-
environment with a nominal room temperature of 15°C to 27°C
ulated power loop. If power is lost, a trouble signal will result at
(60°F to 80°F).
the control panel.
Each SCS has two rotary decimal switches for addressing
and eight dipswitches for mode configuration.
Fan and Damper Operation
Each SCS-8/SCE-8 module has eight independent switch
with the SCS/SCE
groups that consist of the following: For a fan or damper to be used in a smoke control system, the
• Miniature locking toggle switch, three-position ON/AUTO/ system must not only be able to control the device, but it must
OFF. be able to verify what state it is in (ON/OFF or OPEN/CLOSED).
The capability to control a fan or a damper is accomplished
• Four annunciator protocol points (two control and two moni- through the use of an intelligent control module. The control
tor). module is used to control the ON/OFF state of a fan or the
• ON/OPEN indicator (Green). OPEN/CLOSED state of a damper. The capability to monitor the
• OFF/CLOSED indicator (Yellow). state of a fan or a damper is accomplished through the use of an
• Trouble LED (Amber). intelligent monitor module. The monitor module is used to
monitor the ON/OFF state of a fan or the OPEN/CLOSED state