A) B) C) D)

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39. What is distinctive about "Mode 2" knowledge production?

a) It proceeds in a linear fashion building on existing knowledge.

b) It is driven primarily by an academic agenda.
c) It involves academics, policy makers and practitioners in problem solving.
d) It places limited emphasis on the practical dissemination of knowledge.

40.An understanding of business research methods is important because:

a) business research is laden with terminology and jargon specific language.

b) business research draws on complex research designs.
c) it is imperative to understandning frontline staff needs.
d) it helps you to avoid the common pitfalls of research methods, it helps you to critically
read others' research, and it helps you to better understand your own topics of interest.

41. What implications do values have on research?

a) They set the price the research is worth to be sold for.

b) They influence the number of researchers to be involved in the study.
c) The value of the dataset to other researchers.
d) The influence the ethical decisions of the researcher.

42. What is distinctive about 'Mode 1' knowledge?

a) The knowledge originates from the newspapers.

b) The knowledge originates from what might interest students.
c) The knowledge is driven by the academic agenda.
d) The knowledge is driven by the funding sources.

43. How important are ethical issues to your project?

a) They are somewhat important and can be considered at the final stages of the project.
b) They are important to my project but are not something I need to consider until I have
finished collecting my data.
c) They are very important at many stages of the research process. They have implications
for what and who can be researched and for how research can be conducted.
d) They are of little importance to the topic I plan to study.
44. Denscombe outlines 6 types of research questions. Which of the following is a type of research

a) Interesting
b) Unique
c) Uninteresting
d) Empowerment

45. What sources of information contribute to evidence-based management?

a) Practitioner expertise and judgment; evidence from the local context; critical evaluation of
the best available research evidence; perspectives of those who may be affected by a particular
decision (Briner et al. 2009: 19).
b) Websites, business newspapers and feedback from management
c) Practitioner expertise and judgment; websites, business newspapers and feedback from
d) This book and the library

46. A literature review is an important part of the research process because

a) it is a summary of what literature is available on your topic

b) it allows you identify and read key books and articles by some of the main figures who
have written in the field.
c) my supervisor likes to create more reading for me.
d) I like to visit the library and read generally around my topic.

47. Having no research questions or poorly formulated research questions will lead to poor research

a) I will only consider epistemological queries

b) Marks are allocated for having a research question and without them my project will be
c) I won't know what data analysis method to use.
d) The research is likely to be unfocused and I am likely to be unsure what data to collect.

48. What is data collection?

a) Collecting the research question and objectives together

b) Gathering the information (data) which will help you address your research question
c) Reviewing the literature review
d) Outlining how you will gather the information for your research question

In a longitudinal study, factors such as maturation

changes, mortality and practice effects would be
considered threats to what?

Internal validity.



Studies which measure the same variables in the same cases over
time are called:




Consider these results in order to answer the following two questions.

Women who offend may be more depressed than men who offend,
while non-offending women may be less depressed than non-
offending men.

In this case we have a:

moderating effect

suppressing effect

confounding effect

intervening effect
In this case the variable "offending" is the:

confounding variable.

intervening variable.

moderating variable.

suppressing variable.

Multiple regression can be used to:

determine the minimum number of predictors which can explain the

maximum variance in the criterion.

look at the predictiveness of a particular set of variables.

determine what the size, sign and significance of particular paths are in
an explanatory model of behaviour.

all of these.

Which one of these statements is true?

If one wishes to predict whether a convicted criminal is likely to re-

offend on the basis of his age and previous convictions then:
re-offending is the predictor variable.

age and previous convictions are the criterion variables.

age and previous convictions are the predictor variables.

none of these are true.

The correlation between the variables "age" and "memory ability" is -
0.40 but changes to -0.38 following partialling out of the variable
"diet". With this in mind, which of the following is correct?
Diet causes the relationship between age and memory ability.

Partialling out diet increases the relationship between age and memory

Diet greatly enhances the relationship between age and memory


Partialling out diet makes little difference to the relationship between

age and memory ability.

Path analysis enables:

the most likely causal relationships to be determined.

the causal relationship between several variables to be determined.

several possible casual pathways to be examined.

all of these.

The correlation between the variables sexual offending and

pornography is 0.50. However, after partialling out for family history,
the correlation changes to 0.0. This suggests what about the variable
"family history"?
Partialling has made no difference so family history is not the cause of
the relationship between sexual offending and pornography.

Family history could be the cause of the relationship between sexual

offending and pornography.

Family history is a suppressor variable in the relationship between

sexual offending and pornography.

None of these.
The criterion variable is the:

independent variable.

correlation coefficient.

dependent variable.

none of these.

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