A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
a) They are somewhat important and can be considered at the final stages of the project.
b) They are important to my project but are not something I need to consider until I have
finished collecting my data.
c) They are very important at many stages of the research process. They have implications
for what and who can be researched and for how research can be conducted.
d) They are of little importance to the topic I plan to study.
44. Denscombe outlines 6 types of research questions. Which of the following is a type of research
a) Interesting
b) Unique
c) Uninteresting
d) Empowerment
a) Practitioner expertise and judgment; evidence from the local context; critical evaluation of
the best available research evidence; perspectives of those who may be affected by a particular
decision (Briner et al. 2009: 19).
b) Websites, business newspapers and feedback from management
c) Practitioner expertise and judgment; websites, business newspapers and feedback from
d) This book and the library
47. Having no research questions or poorly formulated research questions will lead to poor research
Internal validity.
Studies which measure the same variables in the same cases over
time are called:
Women who offend may be more depressed than men who offend,
while non-offending women may be less depressed than non-
offending men.
suppressing effect
confounding effect
intervening effect
In this case the variable "offending" is the:
confounding variable.
intervening variable.
moderating variable.
suppressing variable.
determine what the size, sign and significance of particular paths are in
an explanatory model of behaviour.
all of these.
Partialling out diet increases the relationship between age and memory
all of these.
None of these.
The criterion variable is the:
independent variable.
correlation coefficient.
dependent variable.
none of these.