Aspen Institute 2018 Overview and 2017 Annual Report

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2 Letter from Dan Porterfield, President and CEO

6 Policy Programs
16 Leadership Initiatives
20 Public Programs
26 Youth & Engagement Programs
30 Seminars
34 International Partnerships
38 Media Resources


40 2017-2018 Selected Highlights of the Institute's Work
42 Live on the Aspen Stage

46 Capital Campaigns
48 The Paepcke Society
48 The Heritage Society
50 Society of Fellows
51 Wye Fellows
52 Justice Circle and Arts Circle
55 Philanthropic Partners
56 Supporters

90 2017 Annual Report

96 Our Locations
98 Aspen Institute Leadership
104 Board of Trustees


There is nothing quite like the Aspen Institute. It is In the years to come, the Aspen Institute will deepen
an extraordinary—and unique—American institution. our impacts. It is crucial that we enhance the devel-
We work between fields and across divides as a opment of the young, address the urgent challenges
non-profit force for good whose mission is to con- of the future, and renew the ideals of democratic so-
vene change-makers of every type, established and ciety. I look forward to working closely with our many
emerging, to frame and then solve society’s most partners and friends as we write the next chapter on
important problems. We lead on almost every issue the Institute’s scope and leadership for America and
with a tool kit stocked for solution-building—always the world.
valuing reason, hope, drive, creativity, freedom, in-
tegrity, and humanity. In an era of unparalleled tech- All the best,
nological advancement and dramatic social change,
we are needed now more than ever.

Over the past 15 years, the Institute has grown and

deepened its impacts in extraordinary ways under
the transformational and visionary leadership of Dan Porterfield
Walter Isaacson. We offer the world dozens of policy President and CEO
programs, policy leadership programs, public pro-
grams, youth and engagement programs, seminars,
international partnerships, and more—programs that
span the globe and help communities and leaders
everywhere to thrive.

Dan Bayer


Washington, DC
Gazing out the windows of the Institute’s new Washington, DC headquarters—with panoramic
views of Rock Creek Park, Dupont Circle, and Georgetown—makes you feel as if you are standing
on an urban mountaintop. The 90,000-square-foot space at 2300 N Street NW was designed by
OTJ Architects and built by Davis Construction. The designers chose to work in the modernist
idiom of renowned Bauhaus architect Herbert Bayer, who designed the Institute’s Aspen
Meadows campus. The new headquarters offers staff a more collaborative work environment
and provides larger, enhanced gathering spaces for public events. Support from the Institute’s
generous donors (please see page 46) made the whole venture possible.

Photos by Riccardo Savi and Sam Abdelhamid


Nonpartisan initiatives that
drive dialogue and action on
today’s challenges

Aspen Institute policy programs are unlike those of other organizations.

They draw on the Institute’s unparalleled convening power as a nonparti-
san group to create forums for analysis, problem solving, and consensus
building. Programs gather evidence and bring it to bear on a wide range
of domestic and global issues, gathering leaders and experts to reach
constructive and innovative solutions. Each program is unique in its sub-
stance and approach. Together the Institute’s programs share a common
mission and methodology: convene people of diverse perspectives to
engage in informed dialogue that leads to action.

Institute Trustee Madeleine K. Albright co-chairs a meeting

of the Stevens Initiative Advisory Council. (Leigh Vogel)

ASCEND AT THE ASPEN INSTITUTE challenges into plain sight and creates partnerships, programs, and policies to address them. Its early-stage
initiatives are collaborations of grassroots experts living
in developing countries, women, young leaders, and
Ascend is the national hub for breakthrough ideas and
public and private sector pathfinders. The Aspen Global
collaborations to move children and families toward
Innovators Group’s portfolio of programs in the areas
educational success, economic security, and health and
of leadership, entrepreneurship, and health innovation
well-being. Ascend embraces a two-generation approach
includes: Aspen Management Partnership for Health,
in its work and brings a racial equity and gender lens to
Aspen New Voices Fellowship, Artisan Alliance, Spotlight
its analysis. Ascend directs a nationally recognized fellows
Health, Aspen Ideas Incubator, and The Bridge podcast.
program and a state fellowship in Colorado. In addition,
Ascend leads a national network active in more than 40
states, fuels new approaches to state and county policy,
and accelerates innovation for children and families. ASPEN HIGH SEAS INITIATIVE
Ascend also recently launched the Aspen Family Prosperity
Innovation Community to strengthen parents’ and families’
employment, economic security, and health and well-being. The Aspen High Seas Initiative is working to bring the
national park idea to the ocean with the creation and
expansion of large marine reserves. The high seas cover
ASPEN ECONOMIC STRATEGY GROUP areas beyond national jurisdiction–64 percent of the ocean surface and 43 percent of the Earth. Scientists
tell us that at least 30-40 percent of the ocean needs
to be protected to restore and maintain its health. The
The Aspen Economic Strategy Group gathers a diverse
program spreads global awareness of the importance of
range of distinguished leaders and thinkers to address
the high seas through film and other media, harnesses
significant structural challenges in the US economy in a
technologies for exploration and enforcement of marine
nonpartisan spirit. Led by co-chairs Henry Paulson and
reserves, and promotes ocean stewardship among
Erskine Bowles, the group fosters an open exchange of
young people.
new economic policy ideas and finds viable solutions to
economic challenges. The Economic Strategy Group also
fosters relationship-building among the next generation
of policy leaders in Washington.
“Every four-four decision, where we throw
up our hands and uphold the decision of
COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS the lower court, is a failure on the part of the Court. So we worked very hard to reach
consensus and to find ways to agree that
The Aspen Forum for Community Solutions supports
collaboration among many kinds of groups to enable
might not have been very obvious. I hope
communities to effectively address challenges. we continue to go the extra mile to build
Its Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund, a funding bridges across differences and to develop
collaborative with major foundations and individual
donor partners, has invested millions in communities in
more consensus.”
its commitment to equity across the country. The fund ­— Elena Kagan, associate justice of the US Supreme Court
works for higher rates of reconnection to education and at an event hosted by the Justice & Society Program
employment among “opportunity youth” who are out of
school or out of work. Forum for Community Solutions
is an organizer of the Collective Impact Forum, and
also partners with groups like Neighborhood Funder’s
Group and the Center for Community Change to connect
grassroots leaders to influencers who can accelerate the
reduction of intergenerational poverty across America.


The Aspen Global Innovators Group widens access to

health and prosperity for people living at the world’s
margins. Its network of innovators brings overlooked
Leigh Vogel

The Latinos and Society Program convenes meaningful
dialogues across communities with a focus on influencing
better solutions to challenges affecting Latinos and
the nation, infusing the work of the Aspen Institute
with Latino voices and ideas and developing Latino
leadership capacity. The program’s policy work focuses
on educational achievement, economic advancement,
and civic participation.


Students participate in a event run by Facing History and Ourselves, The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs
a partner of the Citizenship and American Identity Program. (Nick Kozak)
is a global network of organizations that propel
entrepreneurship in emerging markets. ANDE members
provide critical financial, educational, and business-support
ASPEN INSTITUTE CITIZENSHIP AND services to small and growing businesses based on the
AMERICAN IDENTITY PROGRAM conviction that they will create jobs, stimulate long-term economic growth, and produce environmental and social
benefits. ANDE members include capacity-development
In a time of rising inequality, increasing diversity, and providers, corporations, development-finance institutions,
widening polarization, the question of what it means donor agencies, foundations, investment funds, and
to be American—and how we create a unifying story research and academic institutions from around the world.
of “us”—is of prime consequence. The Citizenship and Launched with 34 members in 2009, ANDE now comprises
American Identity Program explores this question more than 280 members operating in over 150 countries.
through a range of cross-ideological activity, from public ANDE has regional chapters in Brazil, Central America and
forums to leadership gatherings to seminars. We focus Mexico, East Africa, East and Southeast Asia, India, South
on three aspects of citizenship: values, systems, and Africa, and West Africa. ANDE will also be launching a new
skills. The values segment focuses on articulating and chapter in the Andean region of South America in 2018.
updating the creedal and cultural content of American
civic identity. The systems segment includes policy
proposals and projects to build social cohesion. The skills ASPEN PLANNING AND
segment teaches leaders to construct coalitions and a
sense of shared fate across increasingly rigid class and
race divides. Three of the program’s core projects are the
Better Arguments Project, which encourages Americans
to reach across political, cultural, and economic divides The Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program helps clients
and engage one another in more productive debates; plan and evaluate efforts to shape public policy and
What Every American Should Know, an initiative to build promote changes in attitudes and behavior. Program
civic and cultural literacy in America; and the Narrative staff and consultants work both internally with other
Collaboratory, which aims to generate narratives of citizen Institute programs and externally with foundations and
power and to share the tools to exercise such power. nongovernmental organizations based in the US, Africa,
and Europe to assess their contribution to positive change.
Current clients address issues as diverse as reducing the
incidence of child marriage worldwide, strengthening
ASPEN INSTITUTE LATINOS AND advocacy for access to reproductive health services in
SOCIETY PROGRAM sub-Saharan Africa, and organizing faith-based activists to promote greater educational opportunity for people
of color in the US. The program also leads the Institute’s
The Latinos and Society Program seeks to increase internal program-review process.
awareness and understanding of the growing Latino-
American population in the United States and its
connection to the well-being of all Americans. As the
largest ethnic group in the US, projected to reach 30
percent of the population by 2060, the successes and
failures of Latino-Americans will affect the trajectory of
the entire country: their participation and leadership in
all sectors of society is critical to the nation’s prosperity.


ASPEN STRATEGY GROUP new routes to business sustainability and long-term value creation. Signature programs include the Long-
term Strategy Group, First Movers Fellowship, and Ideas
Worth Teaching.
How can America’s national security establishment better
adapt to nascent threats and challenges? As current global
trends defy traditional notions of international relations,
what common problems do nations face in the 21st CENTER FOR NATIVE AMERICAN YOUTH
century? This program focuses on transnational issues
that blend foreign and domestic subjects. Founded in
1984 with a concentration on strategic relations, arms- The Center for Native American Youth believes Native
control issues, and the US-Soviet relationship, the group American youth should lead full and healthy lives, have
traces its roots to annual conferences in the 1970s for equal access to opportunity, and draw strength from
university and think tank researchers associated with arms- their culture and one another. Created by former US
control projects. As the group evolved, it grew to include Senator Byron Dorgan, CNAY works to improve the
legislators, government officials, business and industry health, safety, and overall well-being of Native American
representatives, and journalists. The current program youth. These youth face serious challenges, including
has moved beyond its Cold War origins and today spans some of the highest rates of unemployment, poverty,
three generations of policymakers representing a range alcohol and substance abuse—and an epidemic in which
of perspectives. The approach, however, has remained Native youth attempt suicide at 2.5 times the national
constant: to use a bipartisan lens to identify the most rate. Despite these challenges, Native youth across the
contentious foreign policy and national security concerns country are undertaking inspiring initiatives to build a
facing our nation, and to assess America’s evolving bright future for their communities. CNAY focuses on
interests. Recent workshops, briefings, and reports have the resilience and strength of these individuals and
covered how the new administration should construct its supports them through youth recognition, inspiration,
national security decision-making structures, the rise of and leadership; research, advocacy, and policy change;
radicalism in the Middle East, the crisis with Russia, the serving as a national resource exchange; and developing
future of American defense, and the global leadership role Native youth media opportunities that focus on strengths
of the United States. The Aspen Ministers Forum and Track and solutions. CNAY also manages the National Native
II dialogues with Brazil, China, and India are also organized Youth Network of former President Obama’s Generation
under the auspices of the Aspen Strategy Group. Indigenous initiative.


The Bridge, the Institute’s program on race, identity,

and inclusion, kickstarts honest conversations by using
the candid six-word memoirs of the Race Card Project,
which has collected more than 200,000 stories on race,
gender identity, ethnicity, religion, and more. The Bridge’s
mission is to create spaces where people can explore
these issues for deeper understanding of other people’s
lives. The program works with communities, corporations,
schools, and the media to help raise awareness, share
knowledge, and activate learning using a variety of tools
and resources. Its aim is to break down barriers and
explore how race and identity can influence individuals
and institutions. Its vision is to engage people in honest
Dancers in a Cheyenne River Youth Project show,
dialogue to help diminish differences, combat disparities, a partner of the Center for Native American Youth. (Amber Richardson)
and create a more open world. We all have a story.



The Aspen Business & Society Program helps established The Aspen Institute Center for Urban Innovation exists
and emerging business leaders put values at the heart of to harness the innovative power of cities to make them
practice. Through dialogue, teaching awards and curated great places for all of their residents, especially those in
leadership networks, the program designs and facilitates underserved neighborhoods, to live, work, connect, and
opportunities for executives and educators to explore flourish. At their best, cities are engines for inclusion,

economic advancement, and innovation. How can they
continue to be? The Center is a white-board space where
smart, passionate, creative people find the answers to
that vital question together. Since its launch in 2015,
the Center for Urban Innovation has hosted convenings
and researched subjects including: how local-level
regulations can help or hinder innovation and economic
inclusion; how cities can prepare for the advent of
autonomous vehicles; how inclusive innovation happens
in businesses, philanthropies, local governments, and
non-profits; and the challenges that women and people
of color face in accessing capital. In line with the Aspen
Institute’s focus on values-based discussion, the center
seeks to understand and articulate the values implicated
in innovation, disruption, inclusion, and reinvention.
Fox News analyst Juan Williams moderates a panel at the Communications and
Society Program’s State of Race Symposium. (Laurence Genon)

COLLEGE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM policy, racial inclusion in communications, institutional innovation, and diplomacy and technology. Its major
activity for 2017-18 is conducting the Knight Commission
The College Excellence Program identifies and accelerates on Trust Media and Democracy. The program also runs
the adoption of practices and leadership strategies that a project on the future of public libraries. Leaders from
improve equity in students’ college access as well as the across disciplines and perspectives engage in moderated
success of all students in learning, degree completion, discussions that culminate in specific conclusions and
and post-graduation employment. Over the past 50 recommendations. The program distributes conference
years, increased college access has benefited millions of reports to key policymakers and opinion leaders around
Americans. But now the nation must get more students the world and to the public online.
through college with the skills and abilities needed for
success after graduating. College Excellence helps colleges
align their programs, practices, and policies to the success COMMUNITY STRATEGIES GROUP
of today’s students, both while they are in college and in
the world they inhabit after college. The program’s flagship
initiatives include the Aspen Prize for Community College
The Community Strategies Group helps leaders in rural
Excellence, which awards $1 million biennially to the
and urban communities create more vibrant regions that
nation’s best community colleges and replicates exceptional
advance and sustain prosperity and well-being for local
college outcomes nationwide; the Aspen Presidential
people, places, and firms, always including those on the
Fellowship for Community College Excellence, which trains
economic margins. This group helps community leaders
the next generation of community college leaders; the
connect with and motivate each other, and equips them
Siemens Technical Scholars, which recognizes the value that
with the best ideas, tools, and strategies to improve
community colleges can provide students, communities,
community and family economic results. The group’s
and businesses through excellent programs that prepare
hallmark approach is tailored, peer-to-peer exchanges in
students for middle-skill jobs in STEM fields; and the
which community-based leaders advise each other and
American Talent Initiative, which expands socioeconomic
create immediate back-home action plans. Community
diversity at leading colleges and universities.
Strategies also brings together practitioners and
residents in specific geographic regions to collaborate
and find common aims, and connects community
COMMUNICATIONS AND innovators with regional and national experts and
SOCIETY PROGRAM funders. It distills community lessons into action guides, good-practice profiles, virtual peer-learning exchanges,
and online resources. The group builds and manages
The Communications and Society Program serves as a multiple networks of community-based practitioners and
venue for global leaders and experts to exchange insights regional leaders from across the country who are focused
on the societal impact of advances in digital technology on advancing family economic success, community-
and network communications. It creates a space in the development philanthropy, and wealth-building
policymaking world where both veteran and emerging approaches to regional economic development.
decision-makers can explore new concepts and develop
policy networks. The program convenes approximately
10 leadership roundtables each year on subjects such
as artificial intelligence, broadband and spectrum



This is a nonpartisan, public-policy education and civility-

building program for members of the US Congress, in
which more than 30 percent of the current Congress has
participated. At a time of congressional gridlock and
extreme partisanship, the program offers Republican and
Democratic legislators the opportunity to explore policy
alternatives and learn from internationally recognized
academics and experts. It assists legislators in developing
a deeper understanding of public-policy options and
the personal relationships necessary to help Congress
meaningfully address our nation’s problems. Although the
program does not endorse specific legislation, for more
than three decades it has provided a forum for policy-issue
discussion that has often sown the seeds for significant
Panelists discuss the fair food movement at an
policy initiatives. Current subjects include international Economic Opportunities Program book talk. (Laurence Genon)
economic and security issues; extremism; energy policy;
policy challenges in the developing world; and US policy
with regard to Russia, Asia, and the Middle East. The opportunities to find quality work, start businesses,
program annually sponsors 25 breakfast meetings and and build assets and economic stability. Its staff works
four conferences for members of Congress. No lobbyists, closely with national and local leaders—practitioners,
congressional staff, or outside observers are permitted. policymakers, employers, foundation leaders, academics,
The program also provides policy education initiatives as a and advocates—to illuminate and encourage policies and
resource for key congressional staff members. practices that have the potential to help lower-income
Americans succeed. The program has particular expertise
in workforce training and education, microenterprise
development and business ownership, financial services
CYBERSECURITY AND and asset-building, and business practices that support
TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM quality jobs. To support these fields, the staff leads evaluations and applied research to learn what works
and document it; facilitates leadership development
The attacks of the last decade by nation-states, organized- and capacity-building opportunities; and communicates
crime groups, and even individual hackers threaten to promising approaches to broad and diverse audiences.
undermine trust in not just our institutions but also in the The program comprises several interrelated initiatives
very information that powers our society, from financial that dive deeply into particular approaches to expanding
and medical records to the media that keeps us informed. opportunity: FIELD, Workforce Strategies Initiative, UpSkill
Launched in 2017, the Institute’s Cybersecurity and America, and Good Companies/Good Jobs. The program
Technology Program offers educational resources, shares recently created the Economic Opportunity Fellows
knowledge across industries and sectors, and brings Network, which will increase the connections of leaders
together government and private-sector leaders to discuss within and across its fellowship programs.
challenges and offer policy solutions that will help create
a safe and secure online environment. Through both
public events and a closed-door strategy group that brings EDUCATION AND SOCIETY PROGRAM
together thinkers from Washington, Silicon Valley, academia,
journalism, and the private sector, the program helps shape
the future of our nation’s security online and ensure that the The Education and Society Program advances equity for
internet remains a key driver of American innovation. traditionally underserved students by inspiring, informing,
and influencing education leaders across policy and
practice. By providing venues for authentic learning and
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM honest off-the-record dialogue and producing a range of resources and tools, Education and Society assists
education leaders in designing, implementing, and
The Economic Opportunities Program advances continually improving strategies to ensure that students
promising strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- prepare for college, career, civic engagement—and life. The
and moderate-income Americans connect to and thrive program convenes a wide range of stakeholders that are
in a changing economy. Over its more than 25 years, diverse by design—networks of urban superintendents and
the program has focused on expanding individuals’ their teams, state chiefs and their cabinets, elected officials

and their staffers, federal, state, and local policymakers FOOD AND SOCIETY AT THE
and practitioners, civil rights organizations, teachers, union
leaders and reformers, and Republicans and Democrats—
to question conventional wisdom, elevate evidence over
Food and Society brings together leaders and decision-
ideology, and promote innovation that addresses vexing
makers in the food and beverage industry and the
challenges facing the country’s public education system.
public health community—scientists, nutritionists,
environmentalists, entrepreneurs, chefs, restaurateurs,
farmers, and food makers of all kinds—to find solutions
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM to production, health, and communications challenges in the food system. Initiatives include examining the current
state and prevalence of gene editing in food production
The Energy and Environment Program convenes non- and assessing whether, where, and how it can be used to
partisan policy dialogue and neutral forums focused on foster equity and reduce food insecurity; finding common
key energy, conservation, and environmental topics and ground in the current assortment of soda-tax initiatives
how to promote environmental sustainability and hu- to make them result in meaningful health improvements;
man well-being in a technological world. The program’s developing seeds for crops that taste better as well as
mission is to take up enduring questions about nature producing higher yields; building on current strategies
and society and prompt to reduce food waste; and making restaurants better,
new thinking among diverse harassment-free places to both work and dine. The goal
participants by deliberately is for people of all income levels to eat better and more
testing assumptions and healthful diets—and to enjoy them bite by bite.
policies related to sus-
tainable water use, clean
energy, climate change, and FUTURE OF WORK INITIATIVE
conservation. It promotes
values-based dialogue
among thought leaders
The Aspen Institute’s Future of Work Initiative identifies
from business, government
concrete ways to address the challenges American workers
agencies, nongovernmental
and businesses face given the changing nature of work in
organizations, and academia
the 21st century. The growth of the independent workforce,
to address complex energy
increased importance of education and skills as a result of
and environmental policy Crisis and Opportunity: The Future of new technologies and increased automation, and focus on
challenges in a collegial Nuclear Energy, a report from the
Energy and Environment Program, short-term profits over long-term value creation will bring
atmosphere that allows explores solutions to the challenges dramatic changes in the years ahead. Rather than waiting
deliberation, creativity, col- facing nuclear power.
to react to future disruptions, business and policy leaders
laboration, and compromise
must invest in workers and strengthen preparedness
to flourish. Like the Aspen Institute as a whole, the Energy
for the jobs of the future. The Initiative focuses on policy
and Environment Program seeks to inspire and explore
solutions at the federal, state, and local levels to improve
new ideas and provoke action in the real world.
economic security for both traditional and independent
workers, expand investment in and access to effective
education and training programs, and reduce pressure on
FINANCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM businesses to prioritize short-term profits and encourage investment in long-term value creation.

The Aspen Institute Financial Security Program is

dedicated to solving critical financial challenges facing HEALTH, MEDICINE AND
America’s households and creating a more inclusive
and prosperous economy in which all Americans have
the opportunity to save, invest, and own. Working at
the intersection of policy and financial markets, the
program uses an array of strategic dialogues, briefings, The Health, Medicine and Society program creates
and publications to build consensus among industry opportunities for government, industry, academic, and
leaders, policymakers, and consumer advocates. The goal advocacy leaders to explore critical issues in health,
is to find breakthrough solutions that help hardworking health care, medical science, and health policy in the US.
families meet short-term needs and achieve their long- It facilitates knowledge exchanges and advances strategic
term financial goals. And to foster effective public policies thinking among decision-makers through nonpartisan,
that will shape the rapidly evolving financial system in multi-disciplinary public policy programs and dialogue,
a way that reduces wealth inequality and improves the including roundtables, briefings, conferences, and other
financial security of all Americans. forums. These gatherings encourage collaborative


networks among leading policymakers, health events. The Sandra Day O’Connor Conversation, a tribute
professionals, scientists, and advocates in a broad range to the retired Supreme Court Justice, focuses on the Su-
of fields, while helping to inform and advance policies to preme Court and the structural safeguards of democracy
improve the health of individuals, families, communities, embodied in the Constitution.
the nation, and the world. Its signature programs include
Spotlight Health, the opening segment of the Aspen
Ideas Festival, which is produced in collaboration with PROGRAM ON PHILANTHROPY
the Institute’s Aspen Global Innovators Group; and the
Aspen Health Strategy Group, which brings together
some of the sharpest minds in the nation to identify and
promote strategies to address America’s most complex
and controversial health challenges. The Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation
seeks to maximize the impact of social-sector leaders in
contributing to the Good Society at home and abroad. It
hosts the Aspen Philanthropy Group, an agenda-setting
HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM body of foundation leaders at the cutting edge of change.
It spurs dialogue among leaders from the private, public,
and social sectors in convenings, leadership development
Years have passed since 9/11, yet holes remain in initiatives, and strategic partnerships. Among the program’s
America’s defenses against terrorism. The change in current working-group series is the Nonprofit Data Working
administration has increased the discussion of American Group, an effort to ensure high-quality and accessible
withdrawal from global institutions. Traditional and statistical data on activity in the social sector; and a grant-
emerging security partners are facing their own internal making collaboration with JPMorgan Chase to strengthen
turmoil: where does America’s security posture stand? community-based nonprofits through leadership meetings,
How ready and resilient are we for another attack on our publications, and targeted grants. Leadership development
homeland? How committed are we to our alliances and initiatives include the Aspen Social Enterprise Philanthropic
partnerships? This program works to identify gaps in the Group, the Fellowship for Emerging Nonprofit Leaders,
nation’s defenses against terrorism and other security and the Seminar for Mid-America Foundation CEOs.
vulnerabilities and recommends ways to close them. The program’s Artist-Endowed Foundations Initiative
Through reports, roundtable discussions, and public
forums, it strives to convince policymakers, industry leaders,
and the public at large to find ways to reduce America’s
national security vulnerabilities. The Aspen Security
Forum is convened under the auspices of this program. “We live in a world where the Russians
have massive nuclear stockpile and are
JUSTICE & SOCIETY PROGRAM firmly entrenched in Syria. They have a foothold in Southeast Ukraine. Those are
facts on the ground. And America has an
For four decades, the Justice & Society Program has
brought together individuals from diverse backgrounds obligation to push back against that, not
to discuss the meaning of justice and how a just society to allow that continued expansion that
ought to balance fundamental rights with the exigencies
of public policy to meet contemporary social challeng-
has taken place and to be serious in the
es and strengthen the rule of law. Through its public way that we deal with them.”
programming component—periodic roundtables at the
­— Mike Pompeo, then-CIA Director and current
Institute’s Washington, DC office and presentations by
US Secretary of State, at the 2017 Aspen Security Forum
leading jurists—the program brings to the table public
officials, established and emerging opinion leaders, and
grassroots organizers to share their perspectives in a
neutral and balanced forum. Recent and ongoing multi-
year projects focus on law and policy issues including
religious pluralism, state public-health policy, and US and
global judicial independence. The annual Justice and
Society Seminar, held in Aspen and co-founded by the
late US Supreme Court Associate Justice Harry A. Black-
mun, continues to be led by preeminent judges and law
professors. The Justice Circle was launched in January
2014; through the Circle, friends maintain an ongoing
connection to the work of the program and enjoy special
Dan Bayer

strengthens the charitable impact of private foundations
created by artists, a rapidly growing force in cultural
philanthropy. The program hosts philanthropy conferences
such as the Aspen Children’s Forum, which engages
philanthropists committed to advancing the health and
well-being of children. It also collaborates with other policy
programs on the Summit on Inequality and Opportunity,
which engages policymakers, philanthropists, social
investors, and nonprofit leaders on ways to combat
inequality and advance opportunity. Finally, it partners with
the Global Philanthropy Forum on an annual conference for
individual philanthropists and social investors committed to
advancing international causes.

PROGRAM ON THE WORLD ECONOMY Participants at the Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation’s
2017 Aspen Children’s Forum. (Dan Bayer)

Begun in 1981, the Program on the World Economy youth programs. The program hosts the annual Project
promotes sustainable economic growth and financial Play Summit, where 400 leaders gather to push forward
stability in the world economy by convening prominent the movement to build healthy communities through
leaders from both industrial and developing nations. It sport. In 2018, the program added a new conversation
uses an interdisciplinary approach to generate pragmatic series, Future of Sport, a venue to think through some big
solutions to major economic and financial challenges and questions in the sport industry.
to advance cooperation on key issues facing the global
economic and financial system.
SERVICE YEAR ALLIANCE The Stevens Initiative is an international effort to build
global competence for young people in the United
The Service Year Alliance, an initiative between the Aspen States and the Middle East and North Africa region by
Institute, Be the Change, and Service Year Exchange, expanding and enhancing the field of virtual exchange:
is working to make a year of paid, full-time service — a online, sustained, international, collaborative learning.
service year — a common expectation and opportunity The Initiative conducts a number of activities to increase
for all young Americans. A service year before, during, or cross-cultural understanding and build language,
after college gives young people the chance to transform communication, digital literacy, problem-solving, and
their lives, make an impact in their community, and other skills young people need to succeed in the
become the active citizens and leaders our nation needs. 21st-century economy. In addition to offering financial
Expanding service years has the power to revitalize awards to organizations conducting virtual exchange
cities, uplift and educate children at risk, and empower programs, the Stevens Initiative raises awareness of the
communities struggling with poverty. field; creates a clearinghouse of tools and resources;
convenes leaders and experts to spur innovation; and
conducts evaluations, impact measurement, and research.
The Initiative is a tribute to the legacy of Ambassador
Chris Stevens, who was killed in Libya in 2012 and
dedicated himself to building understanding between
people from different countries.
The Sports & Society Program convenes leaders, fosters
dialogue, and inspires solutions that help sports serve
the public interest. Its signature initiative is Project Play,
which develops, shares, and applies knowledge that
helps stakeholders build healthy communities through
sport. Its seminal report, “Sport for All, Play for Life: A
Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game,” has been used
by hundreds of organizations – from foundations to sport
providers to professional leagues – to introduce or shape




The Aspen Global Leadership Network is a worldwide community of

entrepreneurial leaders committed to making the world a better place.
The network fellows are selected to be part of one of 14 geographic or
sector-specific initiatives around the world—all modeled after the Aspen
Institute’s flagship Henry Crown Fellowship Program. Fellowship gath-
erings provide space for introspection, probing dialogue, and problem
solving. The vast majority of fellows are senior business leaders, and they
are asked to bring their leadership to bear on a pressing societal concern
by launching a venture of their choosing. Fellows are using their busi-
nesses and positions to promote the free flow of information, bridge the
educational achievement gap, fight rare diseases, stop domestic violence,
and help the elderly. Today, the Aspen Global Leadership Network num-
bers more than 2,700 fellows in 60 countries and continues to grow. The
network connects fellows online as well as at regular events including
its flagship event—the Resnick Aspen Action Forum, an annual gathering
that brings together Aspen Global Leadership Network fellows and oth-
er leaders from Aspen Institute programs and partners, spurring them to
move from thought to action.

China Fellow Leong Cheung exchanges ideas with other AGLN fellows at the 2017 Resnick Aspen Action Forum. (Dan Bayer)


Henry Crown fellow Suzanne Malveaux, far right, moderates an Action Forum panel on the many “great re-sets” taking place in society, technology, and the economy with
(from left) AGLN fellows M. Sanjayan (Catto), Carlos Viviani (Catto), Jocelyn Mangan (Henry Crown), and Wayne Franklin (Health Innovators). (Dan Bayer)


This initiative captures the energy, talent, and resolve Launched in 2013 by two Henry Crown fellows with the
of an emerging generation of leaders in Africa and support of David M. Rubenstein, the China Fellowship
engages them in confronting the foremost challenges of Program aims to energize the new generation of
their countries. Founded in 2001 by four Henry Crown private sector business leaders in China to step up in a
fellows, it is a collaborative venture of the Institute, the meaningful fashion to meet the challenges presented by
Databank Foundation (Ghana), Infotech Investments the country’s vast economic and social transformation.
(Tanzania), LEAP Africa (Nigeria), the Letsema Foundation
(South Africa), and CETA Construction and Services
(Mozambique). The initiative has three distinct programs ENVIRONMENT LEADERS FELLOWSHIP
in West Africa, East Africa, and South Africa.

Established in 2007 as the Catto Fellowship Program

ASPEN INSTITUTE-RODEL with support from the late Henry Catto and his wife,
FELLOWSHIPS IN PUBLIC LEADERSHIP Jessica, this initiative seeks creative solutions to global environmental problems by gathering emerging leaders
to work collaboratively as a fellowship across public,
This program, introduced in 2005 through the vision and private, and nonprofit lines.
support of Aspen Institute Trustee Bill Budinger, seeks
to strengthen US democracy by bringing together the
nation’s most promising young elected political leaders, FINANCE LEADERS FELLOWSHIP
both Democrats and Republicans, to explore democratic
values and the responsibilities of public leadership.
The Fellowship helps recipients excel in public service Launched in 2016 thanks to the vision of a Henry Crown
through thoughtful and civil bipartisan dialogue. fellow, this fellowship develops high-integrity leaders
in the global finance industry and challenges them to
advance the positive impact of finance on society.
Inspired by two Henry Crown fellows and begun in 2004,
this initiative develops values-based leadership talent in Launched in 2015, this fellowship strengthens the
six countries of Central America to tackle the challenges leadership of innovators across the US health care
the region confronts. A partnership of the Institute, ecosystem and to connect, inspire, and challenge them
TechnoServe, INCAE, and FUNDEMAS, the initiative was to create new approaches to improve the health and well-
formalized in 2007 as an independent nonprofit foundation. being of all Americans. Greenville Health System is the
founding funder and a thought partner in this initiative.

HENRY CROWN FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM between Aspen Institute Trustee Hayne Hipp and his wife Anna Kate, who founded the program in 2003; the Aspen
Institute; and Wofford College, where it is based.
Started in 1997, this flagship leadership initiative
challenges the next generation of leaders, largely from
the US business sector, to use their talents and energies MIDDLE EAST LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE
to make a difference in the world. The program honors
the memory of Chicago industrialist Henry Crown
(1896-1990), whose career was marked by a lifelong Launched in 2009 by three Henry Crown fellows, this
commitment to integrity, industry, and philanthropy. initiative identifies leaders from across the Middle East
and motivate them to apply their energies, skills, and
resources to the important societal challenges in their

Founded as the Indian Leadership Initiative in 2006 PAHARA-ASPEN EDUCATION FELLOWSHIP

and renamed in the memory of renowned business
leader Kamalnayan Bajaj, this fellowship develops a new
generation of values-based, action-oriented leaders to Inaugurated in 2007 through a collaboration of two
engage more vigorously with the challenges of their Henry Crown fellows, this program identifies high-
communities and country. potential leaders who are reimagining public education
and provides them with an opportunity to broaden their
perspectives, build networks of like-minded change
LIBERTY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM agents, and hone their skills in values-based leadership to improve US public education.

Liberty Fellowship is an incubator for exemplary

leadership in South Carolina, empowering the state and
its leaders to realize their full potential. It is a partnership

Clockwise from top left: Middle East Leadership Initiative fellow Lana Abu-Hijleh won the 2017 John P. McNulty Prize for catalyzing a global youth leadership movement with her Youth Local
Councils. (Photo courtesy John P. McNulty Prize) Over 200 Central America Leadership Initiative fellows came together in San Salvador, El Salvador to reflect on leadership, find ways to support
each other, and reaffirm their commitment to making a positive impact in their communities. (Neto Flores) Sarah Friar, second from left, a Finance Leaders fellow and CFO of commerce
company Square, launched her venture “Ladies who Launch” to provide female entrepreneurs opportunities to network and knowledge share at the local level. (Photo courtesy of Sarah Friar)
Fellows from Jordan, South Carolina, and China share advice around leadership challenges during their “Leading in an Era of Globalization” seminar in Aspen. (Dan Bayer)



Opportunities for members
of the public to engage with
experts and each other

Public programs open the Institute to wider audiences, offering

opportunities to engage in thoughtful, nonpartisan inquiry. They
range from major conferences—such as the Aspen Ideas Festival,
CityLab, and the Aspen Security Forum—to more intimate discus-
sion series. Programs take place in Aspen, Colorado; Washington,
DC; New York City; San Francisco; and other locations in the US
and abroad.

US Representatives Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) and Will Hurd (R-TX) at the 2017 Aspen Ideas Festival. (Dan Bayer)


Clockwise from top left: Students discuss campus activism at the 2018 Summit on Inequality and Opportunity. (Laurence Genon) Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
at the 2017 Aspen Security Forum. (Dan Bayer) National Symphony Orchestra conductor Giandrea Noseda at a Washington Ideas Roundtable. (Riccardo Savi) Scholars at the
2017 Aspen Ideas Festival. (Dan Bayer)



This regular lunch series, held in Washington, DC, The Aspen Institute hosts dozens of public programs
presents informal conversations with notable authors year-round for residents and visitors alike, including
of current books. It provides the chance to listen to and Great Books, the Edlis-Neeson Great Decisions Series,
talk with biographers, political scientists, journalists, Sharing Shakespeare, the McCloskey Speaker Series, the
scholars, and other writers about their work. The past Hurst Lecture Series, and Our Society Reimagined. These
year’s series featured, among others: Washington Post programs offer unique and affordable opportunities for
columnist David Ignatius’ cyber thriller The Quantum a diverse mixture of participants to find inspiration in a
Spy, Presidential historian Robert Dallek on Franklin D. variety of ways. Thanks to the generosity of donors, the
Roosevelt: A Political Life, Erica Armstrong Dunbar’s Never program offers need-based scholarships to teens and
Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their adults to take part in Aspen-based events.
Runaway Slave, Ona Judge, former USA Today editor
Joanne Lipman’s That’s What She Said, and our Aspen
Institute colleague Eric Motley’s memoir Madison Park: ASPEN IDEAS FESTIVAL
A Place of Hope. The series is underwritten by Lifetime
Trustee Alma Gildenhorn and her husband, Ambassador
Joseph Gildenhorn. The Aspen Ideas Festival is the nation’s leading public
gathering of leaders from around the globe and across
many disciplines to engage in deep and probing
ASPEN AT ROOSEVELT HOUSE discussion of the ideas and issues that shape our lives and challenge our times. Launched in 2005, Ideas Fest
takes place on the Aspen Institute’s campus in Aspen,
The Institute’s main venue in New York, Roosevelt House, Colorado, and in venues throughout the town of Aspen
is the historic home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and itself. Some 350 presenters, 300 sessions, and 4,000
the Public Policy Institute of Hunter College. Each academic attendees participate each summer. The Festival’s mission
year, the Institute and Hunter College present joint is to create a stimulating and invigorating environment that
programs at the House focused on critical public policy links the foremost thinkers in the world today with civically
issues such as the economy, the arts, and the environment. minded leaders in business, the arts, politics, sciences,

humanities, and philanthropy. Participants and attendees ASPEN SECURITY FORUM
come together in a setting of rare intimacy to share ideas,
raise challenging questions, and inspire thought to action.
The Aspen Institute produces the Aspen Ideas Festival in
What are the key security threats we face as a nation and
concert with its partner, The Atlantic.
how safe are we today? The Institute’s Homeland Security
Program presents this three-day forum in Aspen, Colorado,
bringing together leaders in government, industry, media,
ASPEN INSTITUTE ARTS PROGRAM think tanks, and academia to explore key security issues. Themes include counterterrorism strategy and intelligence
challenges, cyber security and critical infrastructure,
The Aspen Institute Arts Program supports and invigorates partnerships and alliances, and geopolitically strategic
the role of arts and culture in public life through initiatives, regions of importance to national security.
public and private gatherings, and strategy work across
the United States and globally. The program brings
together artists, advocates, educators, foundations, and ASPEN WORDS
government officials to exchange ideas and develop
policies and programs that strengthen the reciprocal
relationship between the arts and society. Program
Aspen Words encourages writers, inspires readers, and
activities include the Creative Youth Alliance; ArtStrikes;
connects people through the power of stories. One of
Civic Practice Scholars; and Race, Arts, and America. The
the nation’s leading literary centers, its programs include
Arts Program also offers curated conversations, events,
Summer Words, a writing conference and literary festival;
and performances in New York City and elsewhere around
Winter Words, a speaker series presenting the best of
the country, as well as arts-focused discussions for the
contemporary literature; the Aspen Words Literary Prize,
Washington Ideas Roundtable Series and film screenings
a $35,000 annual award for fiction with social impact; and
for the New Views Documentaries and Dialogue Series.
a writers-in-the schools program and writing residencies.
The Aspen Arts Strategy Group meets in various American
Recent speakers include Ann Patchett, Adam Gopnik,
cities to strategize on ways the arts can solve problems in
Azar Nafisi, Luis Alberto Urrea, and Tracy K. Smith.
realms such as education and community development.
The Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence Program brings
distinguished artists to participate in the Aspen Ideas
Festival and other Institute programs throughout the year.

Clockwise from top left: Republican Governors Doug Burgum and Mary Fallin at a McCloskey Speaker Series event. (Riccardo Savi) Exit West by Mohsin Hamid was named the inaugural winner
of the Aspen Words Literary Prize. (Erin Baiano) Washington Post columnist David Ignatius signs copies of his book The Quantum Spy, featured in the Gildenhorn Book Series. (Laurence Genon)


leaders for public audiences year-round. These events,
underwritten by the Hurst Family Foundation, are open to
all Roaring Fork Valley residents and other participants at
a modest ticket price.


This summer program in Aspen features talks by leaders

who have a far-reaching impact on society. Past speakers
have included former President Jimmy Carter and former
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo speaks to The Atlantic’s James Fallows at CityLab Paris.
First Lady Rosalynn Carter, Secretary of Defense Robert
(Melanie Leigh Wilbur) Gates, US Representative John Lewis, US Supreme Court
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Twitter co-founder
Evan Williams, among many others. The series is made
CITYLAB: URBAN SOLUTIONS possible by a donation from the McCloskey Family
TO GLOBAL CHALLENGES Charitable Foundation.

The Aspen Institute, The Atlantic, and Bloomberg THE MORRIS LECTURE SERIES
Philanthropies gather the world’s foremost mayors and
urban leaders annually for “CityLab: Urban Solutions to
Global Challenges.” In Paris in October 2017, the summit The Morris Series focuses on innovation and leadership,
brought together some 40 mayors and city staff from bringing cutting-edge thought and industry leaders
around the world as well as civic leaders, practitioners, to the San Francisco area on topics ranging from
academics, and business leaders to advance bold, understanding the American dream in a changing
scalable ideas and emerging trends transforming cities world to innovation in global food and agriculture, the
into more livable and sustainable places. CityLab 2018 moonshot technologies of the future, and how capital will
will take place in October in Detroit.


IN MEMORY OF PRESTON ROBERT TISCH “If I wanted to build a multicultural city, I had to think about public spaces. There
is a dangerous tendency to rest in a bed
Founded in 2009, the Institute’s flagship discussion series of denial on these issues. We have to
in New York City is underwritten by Laurie, Steve, Jonathan,
and Lizzie Tisch to memorialize the legacy of their father, stop telling historical lies.”
Preston Robert Tisch, an extraordinary business leader,
philanthropist, and public servant. The series features ­— Mitch Landrieu, then-mayor of New Orleans and
moderated conversations with influential leaders from all recipient of the 2017 Preston Robert Tisch Award in
walks of civic life. It also includes the annual Preston Robert Civic Leadership
Tisch Award in Civic Leadership. Highlights have included
conversations with women’s sports pioneer Billie Jean King,
former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, media
visionary Arianna Huffington, civil rights leader and US Rep
John Lewis, and Ford Foundation President Darren Walker.


The Hurst Community Fund hosts Great Ideas Seminars,

modeled after the Institute’s flagship Aspen Seminar,
for middle-school and high-school students in Aspen
and throughout the Roaring Fork Valley. In addition, the
Hurst Community Fund supports the Hurst Lecture Series,
enabling the Institute to present renowned and inspiring
Erin Baiano


Spotlight Health, a three-day event, is the opening

session of the Aspen Ideas Festival held annually on the
Institute’s Aspen, Colorado campus and is the world’s
leading creative health forum. Presented through both
a domestic and global lens, Spotlight Health features
the world’s leading thinkers and doers in health and
medicine, focusing on cutting-edge issues in health and
health care. A mixture of formats including keynotes,
one-on-one interviews, interactive sessions, and
Aspen Strategy Group Director Nicholas Burns with former national security advisors panel discussions foster learning, encourage informal
Condoleezza Rice, Susan Rice, Thomas Donilon, and Stephen Hadley at a conversations with speakers, and spark new ideas.
Hurst Series program. (Riccardo Savi)

move in an increasingly globalized world. Conversations

are curated in partnership with Aspen Institute policy WASHINGTON IDEAS FORUM
programs in an effort to bring the full breadth and
depth of the Institute’s work to the West Coast. This
last year, the series featured David M. Rubenstein on Since 2008, the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic have
global economics; Farah Pandith and David Ignatius hosted an annual two- day session of interviews and
in conversation with Nicholas Burns on the future of conversations in Washington, DC, pairing today’s key
extremism in the United States; Secretary Penny Pritzker newsmakers with the nation’s leading journalists in an
on what it means for the commerce sector to innovate; attempt to ask big questions, identify overarching themes,
and Tom Friedman on the future of work, politics, and and bring together diverse perspectives for civil dialogue.
populations. The series is made possible with the support
of Institute Trustee Diane L. Morris.


The Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series reflects the

founding principles of the Aspen Institute—a commitment
to nurturing the whole individual—by bringing a range of
experts, innovators, and leaders to Aspen to discuss their
research and share the latest revelations about the link
between mindfulness, physical activity, and emotional
well-being. Past speakers include Deepak Chopra, Dr.
The 2017 Washington Ideas Forum gathered leaders to discuss issues such as gene
Neal Barnard, Daniel Levitin, and Goldie Hawn. The series editing, the future of work, and the history of race in America. (Kris Tripplaar)
is generously underwritten by Gina and Jerry Murdock.


SOCRATES PROGRAM This monthly Washington-based lunchtime discussion
series focusing on world affairs and arts and culture is
The Aspen Institute Socrates Program is designed to made possible by the generous support of Institute
provide emerging leaders values- and ethics-based Trustee Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family
learning through expertly moderated, text-based Socratic Foundation. Programs from the past year featured political
explorations that facilitate the exchange of ideas. Socrates commentators E.J. Dionne and Norm Ornstein, Washington
hosts programs several times a year in Aspen, Wye River, Ballet artistic director Julie Kent, former Philadelphia Mayor
various US cities, and internationally in collaboration with Michael Nutter, and Gianandrea Noseda, music director of
Aspen Institute partners. Recent topics include Learning the National Symphony Orchestra.
from the Life of Abraham Lincoln, the Politics of Discontent
and Blockchain, and Trusts and Government. Since 1996,
the Socrates network has grown to include over 5,000
leaders, including investors, policy experts, entrepreneurs,
academics, journalists and artists from across the US and
30 countries. Socrates alumni stay engaged with the
program, connecting with each other by collaborating
professionally and sharing networks.

Empowering generations of
thoughtful, socially conscious,
and diverse young people
engaged in solving critical
issues of the day

Youth & Engagement Programs is dedicated to empowering youth

ages 14-24 from diverse backgrounds to tackle critical issues.
Through innovative programming and partnerships nationwide,
the division provides youth with the training and tools they need
to succeed in the modern economy and lead the change that they
want to see in their communities. The work fuels the powerful
transfer of social capital and significantly broadens the reach of
the Institute beyond the constituencies it has traditionally served.

A cohort of San Francisco Bay Area high school students visits the Oakland Museum of California at AspenX. (United Roots Media)


Clockwise from top left: AspenX students learn about their city’s history at the Oakland Museum of California. (United Roots Media) Students listen to opening remarks at Aspen Challenge
Philadelphia. (Dan Bayer) The winning Aspen Challenge teams from Philadelphia and Chicago at the Aspen Ideas Festival. (Hal Williams)


Aspen Challenge, launched in partnership with the Bezos AspenX is a two-day program for high school students
Family Foundation, elevates youth voice and empowers that connects virtual and experiential learning around a
students to tackle critical problems in their communities. topic of local, national, and global significance. Through
Participants use their imagination, enthusiasm, both digital platforms and in-person dialogue moderated
competitive spirit, and a sense of global citizenship to in the style of the traditional Aspen Institute seminar,
address challenges posed by community leaders and AspenX provides a unique opportunity for students to
industry experts. explore difficult topics in conversations with peers from
the same community who have different perspectives and
The Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship, a place-based,
multi-site initiative that partners with local communities,
develops a global community of entrepreneurial leaders The Bezos Scholars Program is a year-long leadership
committed to the greater good. Selected groups of up development program for public high school rising
to 24 fellows convene for nine seminars over 15 months seniors and educators. It begins with a scholarship to
to build the skills necessary to effectively lead change attend the Aspen Ideas Festival and continues through
in their communities. Programming includes intensive the following school year, when teams return home to
values-based dialogue, community-focused impact launch Local Ideas Festivals intended to have impact
projects, and engagement with community stakeholders. on their peers, schools, and broader communities for
years to come. For 12 years, scholars have mobilized
communities around a range of issues including
alleviation of rural poverty, increasing digital literacy,
creating healthier food environments, and inspiring
conservation leadership.


Hurst Great Ideas Student Seminars are modeled after the

Aspen Institute Executive Seminar, which has convened
leaders from around the world for over 65 years. Each
of two four-day seminars, one for tenth graders and one
for eighth graders, convenes a diverse group of 24-28
students to learn problem solving and critical thinking
skills in an environment conducive to thought and
fellowship. A variety of classic and contemporary texts
form the starting points of a lively, intensive conversation Barnard College sophomore Camille Allen at Civil Discourse in a Fractured Age
in which the questions posed by the group are frequently convening. (Laurence Genon)
as illuminating as the timeless wisdom of the texts.



Launching in November 2018 in Washington, DC, NXT The Young Adult Forum is a one-day annual convening
Beat is a national festival designed for and by youth who at the Aspen Ideas Festival for young people ages 14 to
are purpose-driven and ready to make a difference in 24 from across the US and the world. The event includes
the world. Convening a vast network of young people an interactive evening of presentations, small group
from urban and rural communities nationwide, NXT Beat discussions, performances, and opportunities to engage
sparks their entrepreneurial spirit to solve problems in with other participants.
their communities and beyond. Attendees will connect
with youth from different backgrounds, engage in
thoughtful civil discourse around topical issues, and gain YOUTH COMMISSION ON SOCIAL,
new skills to take home. EMOTIONAL, AND ACADEMIC
By engaging educators, families, and community leaders,
researchers, and policymakers in communities across the
country, the Commission—a cohort of 18 people ages 14-
Teen Socrates is a three-day seminar modeled after the 24 appointed for a two-year term advising the Institute’s
Institute’s Executive Seminar which takes place each National Commission on Social, Emotional, & Academic
year over Presidents’ Day Weekend in Aspen, Colorado. Development—explores how schools can fully integrate
Teenagers between 15 and 17 from the Roaring Fork social, emotional, and academic development to support
Valley and across the country convene to take part in the whole student. The Youth Commission gives young
lively, intensive roundtable discussions dedicated to leaders the chance to help re-envision what constitutes
enhancing leadership, problem solving, and critical success in America’s K-12 schools.
thinking skills.

Students at the Young Adult Forum reflect on countering stereotypes and Climate activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez calls for unity and positivity to fight hate
achieving equality in education. (Leigh Vogel) at the 2017 Young Adult Forum. (Riccardo Savi)



Small gatherings where
experts and leaders reflect,
connect, and share ideas

Aspen Institute executive leadership seminars help leaders reflect

on timeless ideas and values. Through text-based dialogue with
expert moderators and accomplished peers, seminar participants
refine their tools of intellectual analysis, test the wellsprings of
their convictions, and enhance their capacities to think more
creatively in solving the problems that confront society.

Seminar participants refresh mind, body, and spirit at Maroon Bells. (Kalissa Hendrickson)



For more than 65 years, this roundtable has challenged

leaders in every field to think critically and deeply. This
seminar, the flagship offering that launched the Institute
in 1950, provides a unique opportunity to step away
from the demands of the present and reflect with other
leaders in moderated, text-based Socratic dialogue
on the concept of a good and just society. What is the
good society, how does it become a reality, and what
is our role in making it happen? The settings—Aspen,
Colorado, and on Maryland’s Eastern Shore—are
ideal for rejuvenating the mind, body, and spirit of
participants, who emerge personally renewed and
professionally refocused.


In a longstanding collaboration with the Association

of American Colleges and Universities, these seminars
engage faculty, senior academic administrators, and
college presidents in an exchange of ideas about Seminar participants are encouraged to express their core leadership values.
(Dan Davis)
education, citizenship, and the global polity. Sessions
address the need for a liberal arts institution’s faculty
and leadership to exchange ideas with colleagues
from other colleges and disciplines while exploring the
ideas and values that underlie their teaching. Modeled
after the Aspen Executive Seminar and offered at the
Institute’s Wye River campus near the Chesapeake
Bay in Maryland, the seminars focus on issues such as
citizenship, civil dialogue, and the public purpose of

Small breakout sessions foster communal bonds and deepen engagement.
Building on the Institute’s historic strength in (Dan Davis)

professional development through text-based dialogue,

custom seminars address specific leadership issues
facing major corporations, government agencies, and
nonprofit organizations. Seminars are led by moderators
who help organizational teams identify and align
fundamental institutional and personal values, think
critically and creatively about strategic and operational
issues, and build a culture of cooperation and trust.

In the seminar room, participants hone their ability to listen across boundaries.
(Dan Davis)

Dan Bayer



A network of partners that
address global challenges and
develop values-based leaders

The Aspen Institute’s ten international partners are located in Prague, Czech Republic;
Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; Rome, Italy; Bucharest, Romania; Madrid, Spain; New
Delhi, India; Tokyo, Japan; Mexico City, México; and Kyiv, Ukraine. The partners con-
duct independently developed and financed programs, conferences, and seminars on
regional-specific issues, global challenges, and leadership development. Each partner
works closely with the Aspen Institute to develop unique programming and also to
stay true to a mission of values-based leadership and enlightened dialogue.


The first English-language seminar was held in Otsu, Japan in October 2017. Inaugural Young European Leaders of the Aspen Initiative for Europe
(Photo courtesy of Aspen Institute Japan) pose in front of the Duomo in Orvieto, Italy. (Marcelo Lago)

Aspen Institute Central Europe Institut Aspen France

Aspen Institute Central Europe is a nonpartisan platform Institut Aspen France was founded in 1983 as a
for policy innovation and inclusive dialogue that nonpartisan international center for discussion and
facilitates exchange of ideas, fosters open society, and dialogue. It provides a forum for debate by bringing
promotes values-based leadership. Based in Prague, the together a wide array of prominent stakeholders, including
Institute operates across central Europe and focuses on French and international decision-makers from the private
strengthening interdisciplinary and regional cooperation. and public sectors, academic experts, and political and
Activities are divided into leadership, policy, and public civic leaders. These players bring to the table a wealth of
programs. One of the flagship programs is the Aspen perspectives to address some of the world’s most complex
Young Leaders Program, which supports emerging problems while reflecting on the concept of the common
Central European leaders in their development. Aspen good. Aspen Institute France gatherings are meant to have
Institute Central Europe also publishes a quarterly an impact beyond the conference room: they are designed
magazine, Aspen Review. to inspire real-world action.
Aspen Institute Central Europe Institut Aspen France
Palackého 740/1 110 00 Prague 1 203 rue Saint Honoré 75001 Paris, France
[email protected] Ph: +33 1 81 69 55 30 [email protected]

Aspen Institute España

The Aspen Institute Germany
Aspen Institute España, headquartered in Madrid,
was incorporated as a foundation in December 2010. Aspen Institute Germany, founded in Berlin in 1974 as
The Institute aims to promote social responsibility the first international Aspen Institute, is committed to
and contribute to the strengthening of civil society, promoting values-based leadership, constructive dialogue
providing a neutral forum for public dialogue and among conflicting parties, and Euro-Atlantic cooperation
reflection through conferences, seminars, and roundtable to support and enhance a strong open society. It pays
discussions. In this pursuit, the Institute takes on particular attention to forming sustainable networks and to
the values, features, and goals of the Aspen model, the establishment of an open and critical discourse among
adjusting them to the realities of the Spanish context decision-makers and experts from the fields of politics,
and incorporating Spain’s close ties with other regions in business, academia, media, culture, and civil society from
Europe, Latin America, and the Mediterranean. Europe, the US, Russia, and the Western Balkans.
Fundación Aspen Institute España Aspen Institute Germany
Calle Princesa 18 • 1o Izq. • 28008 Madrid, Spain Friedrichstrasse 60, 10117 • Berlin, Germany
Ph: +34 91 547 6742 Ph: + 49 30 804 890 0
[email protected] Fax: + 49 30 803 3568 [email protected]

Ananta Aspen Centre Aspen Institute Kyiv
Ananta Aspen Centre is an independent and not-for-profit The Aspen Institute Kyiv, launched in November 2015,
organization in India that seeks to foster positive change is dedicated to promoting values-based leadership in
in society through dissaemination of knowledge. The Ukraine and neighboring countries. The Institute aims
Centre facilitates discussions on issues of international to nurture open dialogue among Ukrainian leaders
significance, values-based leadership, and cross-sector facilitating the exchange of ideas that contribute to a
outreach by engaging the civil society, government, good society, supporting and promoting the integration
private sector, and other key stakeholders. of Ukrainian leaders into national, regional, and global
dialogue. Among other activities, the Institute has a
Ananta Aspen Centre
well-established leadership program and is developing a
First Floor, 124 Janpath, New Delhi
number of program initiatives.
India 110001
[email protected] The Aspen Institute Kyiv 100 Velyka Vasylkivska St, Tower A
Kyiv, Ukraine 0315
Aspen Institute Italia

Aspen Institute Italia is a leader in promoting enlightened

dialogue in Europe and across the Atlantic, organizing a Aspen Institute México
number of conferences, seminars, and roundtables each
year on economics, business, politics, and security. Its Aspen Institute México launched in March 2014 in Mexico
quarterly journal, Aspenia, is read in Italy and abroad, and City as a nonpartisan center for debate and discussion.
has been judged one of the world’s finest foreign affairs Among its main objectives is to foster the development of
journals. Aspen Italia conferences gather prominent figures young leaders and their networks, promoting the values
in every field thanks to its more than 300 international and principles of democracy such as freedom, the rule
members. Aspen Italia focuses on the most important of law, and economic efficiency; and to expand relations
problems and challenges facing society in settings that with rising leaders from other countries in the region.
encourage frank and open debate. The aim is not to reach The activities are divided into seminars, policy and public
unanimous agreement or reassuring conclusions but to programs, and leadership initiatives.
bring to light the complexity of our world.
Aspen Institute México
Aspen Institute Italia Av. Ciudad Universitaria 298
Piazza Navona 114 • 00186 Roma, Italy Col. Jardines del Pedregal
[email protected] México D.F. 01900 Tel: +52 (55) 5631-0592

Aspen Institute Japan

Aspen Institute Romania
Aspen Institute Japan is a nonprofit organization committed
to enhancing values-based leadership in contemporary Aspen Institute Romania was launched in Bucharest
society. Since it was established, in 1998, the Institute has in 2006 and is dedicated to promoting values-based
been providing the leaders and future leaders of Japan leadership in Romania and the Central and Eastern
with reflective experiences through moderator-led dialogue European region. The Institute encourages open-
based on extensive readings of texts from both classic and minded and informed debate among leaders about the
contemporary authors and from the Western and non- challenges facing societies today, and provides a neutral
Western world. Based on its flagship program, the Executive and balanced venue for discussing and acting on critical
Seminar, the Institute today offers various seminars tailored issues. It does this through a series of activities including
to the needs of national and local government officials, leadership programs that harness individual potential and
young business leaders, university students and high leadership; policy programs that serve as nonpartisan
school students. The number of seminars it annually holds forums for analysis, consensus building, and problem
has grown to over 30. In addition to those seminars, it also solving on a wide variety of issues; and public programs
offers periodic lecture programs for seminar alumni to that provide a commons for people to share ideas.
strengthen the Aspen community in Japan.
Institutul Aspen Romania /
The Aspen Institute Japan Aspen Institute Romania
Harks Roppongi Bldg., 2nd Fl. • 15-21, 25, Italiana Street, 1st Floor, Suite 3, Intercom 03
Roppongi chome, Minato-City, Sector 2, Bucharest, Postal Code 020974
Tokyo, Japan 106-0032 Phone: +4021 316 4279
Ph: +81 3 6438 9208 • Fax: +81 3 3405 1668 [email protected]



The Aspen Institute produces digital
content and publications that promote
innovative thinking and solutions. is the online home for the Institute’s countless conversations on the vexing problems it tackles. It is a
tool for those curious to explore new ideas each day and for guests seeking to attend events. Its fresh design mirrors an
online audience that is more mobile and social than ever. It’s also home to our blog, which every day publishes thought-
provoking ideas, insights, and reports from Institute staff, guests, and fellows.

IDEAS: The Magazine of the Aspen Institute

The magazine recently increased its frequency from two to three issues a year, with a new name, new logo, and new
mandate to promote not just the ever-increasing initiatives and programs of the Institute but the ideas driving them.
Thought leaders and Institute colleagues contribute essays that position the magazine as a national destination for the
most influential voices guiding imaginative, forward-looking public thinking. With its incisive, forward-thinking design,
the magazine offers an ideal platform for companies and individuals who wish to reach the exclusive Institute audience.
Anyone interested in advertising may contact Nicole Corea, the associate publisher, at [email protected].

Aspen Ideas To Go Podcast

A weekly show about big ideas, Aspen Ideas To Go is a hosted and curated podcast that brings programming from
Institute events including the Aspen Ideas Festival, Aspen Security Forum, CityLab, Aspen Summit on Inequality and
Opportunity to an audience far beyond those able to attend Institute events.

Aspen Insight
Aspen Insight takes you through the halls of the Aspen Institute and introduces you to the people tackling the world’s
most complex challenges. From the opioid crisis to the Syrian Civil War to cybersecurity Aspen Insight brings you stories
about the issues we work on and the experts able to make sense of them. In such a divided society, finding common
ground can feel like an impossible task. Aspen Insight shows listeners how the Institute is finding it.

Five Best Ideas of the Day

Published each weekday at noon, the Five Best Ideas of the Day highlights five thought-provoking, current, and
influential ideas from around the web, and delivers them straight to your inbox.




2017-2018 Selected Highlights
of the Institute’s Work
■■ In July in Aspen, the Economic Security Summit: ■■ In partnership with the John S. and James L. Knight
Constructing the New Middle Class brought together Foundation, the Institute’s Communications and Society
leaders in industry, academia, government, and program formed the Knight Commission on Trust,
philanthropy to find new solutions to the new financial Media and Democracy to examine the troubling lows
challenges facing American households. to which trust in major institutions has fallen in a rapidly
changing information ecosystem--and to identify the
■■ The Socrates program honored Institute trustee and emerging values and social obligations that should
former secretary of state Madeleine Albright with the guide those who produce and consume news.
Socrates Award, in recognition of her tireless work as a
champion of young leaders. ■■ In San Diego, the Latinos and Society program hosted
Innovation and Culture at the Border in partnership
■■ The Institute’s summer schedule came to a festive with the Institute of the Americas, a conversation on
finale with the Society of Fellows’ Leonardo da Vinci innovation and culture along the US – Mexico border
Celebration, which brought together scholars and art highlighting success stories with a particular focus on
historians to explore the life and mind of the original American Latinos in CaliBaja.
Renaissance Man.
■■ The communications department launched Aspen
■■ The annual Public Service Award was given to David Insight, a podcast that takes listeners through the halls
Boies and Ted Olson, renowned lawyers who set aside of the Aspen Institute to learn from the people working
past political differences to find common ground every day to improve the planet.
across both sides of the aisle and make significant
contributions to American jurisprudence.

■■ Among the announcements made at this year’s Project presented to an individual who has had a positive
Play Summit was the rollout of Project Play 2020— an impact on his or her community and who embodies the
initiative that marks the first time that industry and non- broad Aspen Institute ideal of values-based leadership.
profit groups have come together to develop shared
goals around making sport accessible to all children, ■■ In December, the Institute moved to its new Washington,
regardless of zip code or ability. DC headquarters at 2300 N Street, NW. This space was
designed to increase collaboration across our programs
■■ The Cambridge Cyber Summit brought together top and provide exceptional convening space for our
government, business, and technology leaders to seminars, policy roundtables, and public events.
explore the latest threats and trends in cybersecurity.
The event featured a keynote address by then-White ■■ The Aspen Challenge teamed up with the Dallas and
House Homeland Security Advisor Thomas P. Bossert. Philadelphia school districts to issue challenges to
high school students and educators. Each year, the
■■ The fifth annual CityLab was held in Paris. The two-day Aspen Challenge provides inspiration, tools, and a
summit explored solutions for the many challenges platform for young people to design solutions to issues
facing today’s city leaders, such as climate change, in their communities.
terrorism, refugee populations, autonomous vehicles,
and even loneliness. ■■ The Inequality and Opportunity Summit showcased a
series of conversations featuring the newest research,
■■ Youth Local Councils founder and Middle East policies, and emerging innovations in the fight. This
Leadership Initiative fellow Lana Abu-Hijleh was year’s summit, held on International Women’s Day,
announced as the recipient of the 10th annual John welcomed a diverse range of speakers including
P. McNulty Prize. Abu-Hijleh and other prize laureates educators, youth activists, and a family court judge.
were honored at the annual McNulty Prize reception in
New York City. ■■ The Institute held its spring board meeting in San
Francisco for the first time. The city is home to many
■■ At the 34th Annual Awards Dinner, the Aspen Institute fellows and supporters who play an important role in
honored President and CEO Walter Isaacson with the advancing the mission of the Institute.
Henry Crown Leadership Award. Isaacson was joined in
conversation by Priscilla Chan, Co-Founder of the Chan ■■ In April, the inaugural Aspen Words Literary Prize was
Zuckerberg Initiative and recipient of the Institute’s awarded to Mohsin Hamid, author of Exit West. The
Public Leadership Award. award honors a work of fiction that illuminates a vital
contemporary issue and demonstrates the transformative
■■ In November, the Aspen named Daniel R. Porterfield, power of literature on thought and culture.
PhD, as the organization’s next president and CEO. Dan
is the former president of Franklin & Marshall College. ■■ In the spring, New York Times columnist David Brooks
joined the Institute to lead a new initiative dedicated to
■■ The 8th Annual Preston Robert Tisch Award in Civic understanding and reducing the growing fragmentation
Leadership was presented to Mitch Landrieu, then- of American society.
mayor of the City of New Orleans. The award is



Elaine Chao Jose Antonio Vargas Jeff Flake

US Secretary of Transportation journalist US Senator from Arizona

Kevin O’Leary Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Xavier Becerra

chairman of O’Shares Investments novelist Attorney General of California

Brian Grazer Priscilla Chan Alonzo King

founder of Imagine Entertainment co-founder of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative artistic director of Alonzo King LINES Ballet

Cecile Richards J.D. Vance Nancy Pelosi

president of Planned Parenthood author minority leader of the US House of Representatives

Photo credits from top left to right (opposite page):
Riccardo Savi, Ian Wagreich, Kris Tripplaar, Richard Jopson, Marget Long, Riccardo Savi,
Dan Bayer, Melanie Leigh Wilbur, Ian Wagreich, Dan Bayer, Laurence Genon, Kris Tripplaar,
Ian Wagreich, Clint Spaulding, Dan Bayer, Dan Bayer, Dan Bayer, Riccardo Savi,
Dan Bayer, Laurence Genon, Kris Tripplaar, Dan Bayer, Dan Bayer, Kris Tripplaar

Ava DuVernay John Lithgow Julie Kent

filmmaker actor artistic director of The Washington Ballet

Dolores Huerta Michael Nutter Steven Mnuchin

civil rights activist former mayor of Philadelphia US Secretary of the Treasury

John Kelly Sally Yates Terry McAuliffe

White House Chief of Staff former US deputy attorney general former governor of Virginia

Astro Teller Ai-Jen Poo Martin Baron

executive director of the
CEO of Google X executive editor of The Washington Post
National Domestic Workers Alliance



Making a Difference, Together

The Office of Institutional Advancement supports the Aspen Institute

by engaging philanthropic leaders who provide critical resources,
thoughtful dialogue, and deep expertise in support of the Institute’s
commitment to nonpartisan ideas, leadership, and action. Institutional
Advancement has the distinct privilege of partnering with Trustees,
Society of Fellows members, and close friends of the Aspen Institute,
who not only believe in our mission but are dedicated to helping bring
it to life.
Dan Bayer

Building the Future of the Institute
The Institute’s recently renovated Aspen Meadows Reception Center and Pavilion and new
Washington, DC Headquarters will serve as important gathering places for people from all over the
world to exchange ideas, commit to values-based leadership, and take action to address some of
the world’s most complex problems. In Aspen, the renovation reflects Herbert Bayer’s original vision
and classic Bauhaus design. This aesthetic also influenced the building choice and design in DC,
which carries the spirit of the Aspen Meadows campus all the way to Washington. The Institute is
extremely grateful to our generous friends whose support helped make these new spaces possible.

The Aspen Institute Headquarters

Lead donors: With generous support from:
Michelle Smith Patricia Alper Cohn Ann M. and Tom C. Korologos
Carrie Walton Penner and Greg Penner Henrietta Holsman Fore Diane L. Morris
Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr.
Marilyn and Michael Glosserman Steelcase
Sheila and Patrick W. Gross

The Aspen Meadows Campus

The name of the Aspen Meadows Reception Center was changed to honor Walter Isaacson in recognition of his service as
President and CEO of the Aspen Institute. The newly added pavilion was named after Institute Trustee Madeleine K. Albright.
Spaces in the Reception Center that were made possible by friends of the Institute through the recent campaign include
the Mercedes T. Bass Castle Creek Deck, the Davis Commons, the Diane L. Morris Lobby, the Bren and Mel Simon
Terrace, and the Laurie M. Tisch Terrace and Gardens, Limeslicers Bar, and the Moderators Bridge.

Reception Center Renovation and Pavilion Expansion Donors

Lead donors: With generous support from:

Bren and Mel Simon Mercedes T. Bass/Mercedes T. Bass Patty Quillin and Reed Hastings
Charitable Foundation Charitable Corporation Diane L. Morris
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Paul O’Connell
Jackie and Mike Bezos Margaret and Andrew M. Paul
Noreen and Kenneth Buckfire Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
Bonnie M. and Kenneth L. Davis William Wrigley, Jr.
Alix Mattingly and Alan Harter

Walter Isaacson Center Donors

Lead donors: With generous support from:

The Crown Family Donna and Jim Barksdale John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation
Leonard and Judy Lauder Mercedes T. Bass / Mercedes T. Bass Diane L. Morris
Charitable Corporation Gina and Jerry Murdock
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Jane and Marc Nathanson
Jackie and Mike Bezos Carrie Walton Penner and Greg Penner
Zoë and Bill Budinger Margot and Tom Pritzker Family Foundation
Penny S. and James G. Coulter Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick
Katie Couric Ricardo and Maria Laura Salinas
Bonnie M. and Kenneth L. Davis Ali and Lew Sanders
Fullerton Family Charitable Fund Bren and Melvin Simon Charitable
Nina Rodale Houghton Foundation
Soledad and Robert J. Hurst / Michelle Smith
Hurst Family Foundation Gillian and Robert Steel
Cathy and Walter Isaacson Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund

The Walter Isaacson Center and Madeleine K. Albright Pavilion (Dan Bayer)


Lifetime of Leadership
The Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke Society honors philanthropic leaders who have made
exceptional, long-term contributions in support of the Aspen Institute’s mission. Paepcke
Society members as of December 2017 are listed below:
Mary H. and Paul F. Anderson Cathy and Walter Isaacson
Barbara and Robert O. Anderson Alex Kaufman
Donna and Jim Barksdale Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein
Mercedes T. Bass / Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation Julia and David Koch
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Laura, Gary, Josh and Eliana Lauder
Jackie and Mike Bezos / Bezos Family Foundation Leonard A. Lauder
Susan and Richard Braddock Dr. Laurie Ann Levin and Gerald M. Levin
Patrice King Brickman / Patrice and Scott Brickman Family Foundation Marlene A. and Frederic V. Malek
Melva Bucksbaum William E. Mayer
Zoë and Bill Budinger Bonnie and Tom McCloskey
Connie and Jim Calaway John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation
Jessica H. and Henry E. Catto, Jr. Eleanor and Philip Merrill
Merle Chambers / Chambers Family Fund Julienne M. Michel
Renée and Lester Crown Diane L. Morris
The Crown Family Clare Muñana / Blue Family Foundation
Bonnie M. and Kenneth L. Davis Gina and Jerry Murdock
Ann and John Doerr Jane and Marc Nathanson
Byron and Kimberly Dorgan Charlotte Perret Family Trust
Antonia Paepcke DuBrul Margot and Tom Pritzker Family Foundation
Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick
Jane Eisner and Michael D. Eisner / Eisner Foundation Mary Anne and James E. Rogers
Samia and A. Huda Farouki David M. Rubenstein
Esther B. and James L. Ferguson Ricardo and Maria Laura Salinas
Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Bren and Melvin Simon Charitable Foundation
Friedman Family Foundation Michelle Smith
Fullerton Family Charitable Fund Gillian and Robert Steel
Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
Jane and Sidney Harman / Harman Family Foundation Jessica and Christopher Varelas
Annie and Jerry Hosier Marion and Frederick B. Whittemore
Nina Rodale Houghton Paula Paepcke Zurcher
Soledad and Robert J. Hurst / Hurst Family Foundation June and Bryan Zwan


Investing in Our Future
Comprising Trustees, Lifetime Trustees, members of the Society of Fellows, and friends, the
Heritage Society recognizes a special circle of benefactors who are making a difference today
and for generations to come. Bequests and other planned gifts provide important funding to
help the Institute fulfill its mission, perpetuate lifelong learning, inspire enlightened leadership,
and foster its work to help build the “Good Society.”

“The Aspen Institute is synonymous with inspired leadership and generation of values.
For 70 years it has influenced science, the arts, philosophy and human behavior. My Co-
Chairmanship of the Lifetime Trustees and role as Chairman Emeritus were precursors
to my naming the Institute in my trust and joining the Heritage Society. Come join us…”
­ — Ann Korologos, Chairman Emeritus, Lifetime Trustee, and Heritage Society Member

Clockwise from top left: Elizabeth and Walter Paepcke at the Goethe Bicentennial in 1949 in Aspen. (Ferenc Berko) The Aspen Ideas Festival’s Afternoon of Conversation
in the Benedict Music Tent. (Dan Bayer) The Society of Fellows held a three-day celebration of Leonardo da Vinci’s life and works. (Dan Bayer)


A Community of Active Ambassadors
The Society of Fellows is a national community of Aspen Institute supporters who actively
participate in the Aspen Institute’s programs, act as advocates and ambassadors, and help
sustain the Institute’s mission.
Members come from the worlds of business, finance, Fellows receive special invitations to more than 50 richly
government, the sciences, non-profits, and the arts. The curated, intimate programs featuring leading experts on
commitment of these leaders to engage with each other an array of topics each year. These programs range from
in the discussions at the intersection of timeless values, discussion receptions with thought leaders in private
current events, and leadership is the foundation for the homes, to multi-speaker, half-day forums over breakfast
effectiveness and success of the Society of Fellows. Fellows and lunch, to multi-day, roundtable symposia. Regular
understand the importance of fostering leadership based programming is offered in Aspen, Washington, DC,
on values, encouraging individuals to reflect on the ideals New York, and San Francisco.
and ideas that define a good society, and promoting civil
dialogue on the important issues of our day.

“What I love about the Aspen Institute is that everyone, from the staff to the leadership
to the members, really cares deeply about the quality of the conversations and the
non-partisan mission of the Institute. It makes me excited to be a part of it.”
­ — Francis Najafi, SOF Member

Society of Fellows members examine the future of education at a discussion reception. (C2 Photography)

Bob Woodward discusses the changing political state of Washington with Wye fellows. (Paul Fine)

“When I became CEO of Hilton International Co., I decided it was time to broaden my
brain beyond hotels. I signed up for a two-week executive seminar moderated by Bill
Moyers and his wife, Judith. From Mortimer Adler’s presentations to our very diverse
group’s production of Sophocles’ Antigone, it confirmed my suspicion that there was a
world beyond hotels­—and I could find it in the Society of Fellows.”
­ — Curt Strand, SOF Member since 1987

“Being a member of the Society of Fellows­—­especially a founding member of the

Vanguard Leadership Board­—­has been a life-altering experience. I treasure the
meaningful connections and friendships; appreciate the exchange of diverse ideas and
perspectives; and truly enjoy being a part of a small, vibrant community of creative,
inspiring, and admired influencers.”
­ — Larry P. Thomas, Vanguard Member

Launched in 2006 by residents of the Chesapeake Bay area, the Aspen Wye Fellows program
is a special donor and public outreach initiative on the Institute’s Wye River campus located on
Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Wye fellows support and share in the Institute’s interest in global,
meaningful dialogue through inspiring conversations, book talks, and discussions with some of the
most stimulating leaders and policy experts of our time.


Launched in 2014, the Justice Circle enables friends of the Justice & Society Program at the
Aspen Institute to stay connected to the program’s work, while gaining greater access to JSP’s
events and distinguished network of legal minds.

Justice Circle Co-Chairs

Tristan Duncan and Sharon Owsley

Justice Circle Members

Shakeeb Alam Boyden Gray and Associates Lady Booth Olson
Jeffrey and Gail Bayer James and Andrea Gordon Leon and Cynthia Polsky
Jay Bernstein Arthur N. Greenberg Locke Lord LLP
Chris and Andrea Bryan Diane and Bruce Halle Rynthia Rost
Leslie Corwin Richard and Sylvia Kaufman Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher LLP
John and Mary Lou Dasburg Shook, Hardy and Bacon L.L.P. Mara and Ricky Sandler
The El-Hibri Foundation Farhan Latif Kashif Shaikh
Stephen Friedman Leonard A. Lauder Barry and Evelyn Strauch
The Pillars Fund John L. Loeb, Jr. Toyota
Garfield and Hecht, P.C. Donna Melby
Annie and Jerry Hosier Andy Michels and Debbie Shon

Justice Circle Associates

Michael M. Baylson Diana Erbsen Orin L. McCluskey
Barbara Berenson Holly Atkinson and Galen Guengerich Mary-Christine Sungaila
Marty Budd Vilia B. Hayes
Malik Dahlan Henry L. Hecht

Arts Circle members, passionate about the role of arts and culture in public life, provide the Arts
Program with vital funding for its education, advocacy and community-building work. Thanks
to generous membership support, the program continues to use history as a lens to focus its
cultural conversations among artists, educators, and public officials to examine pressing issues
and uncover creative solutions based in empathy and understanding.

Arts Circle Chairs

Jane and Michael Eisner

Arts Circle Members

Judy Hart Angelo Meg and Bennett Goodman Ann and William A. Nitze
Jody and John Arnhold Jan and Ronald Greenberg Megan Quitkin
Mercedes T. Bass Agnes Gund Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick
Kim Bendheim Barbara Harman Vicki and Roger Sant
Rheda Becker and Robert Meyerhoff Jane Harman Michelle Smith
Susan J. and Jeff Campbell Sharon and Larry D. Hite Gillian and Robert Steel
Suzanne and Bob Cochran Judy and Leonard A. Lauder Linda Klieger Stillman and Robert Stillman
Suzi and David Cordish Toby Devan Lewis Laurie M. Tisch
Paula and James S. Crown Renee Lucier and Tom Hiner Alice Walton
Anna Deavere Smith Jennifer and David Millstone Alison and Boniface Zaino
Alan Fletcher and Ronald J. Schiller Rebecca and Tyler Morse Barbara and David Zalaznick
Donna and Jon Gerstenfeld Jane and Marc B. Nathanson

C2 Photography


“It is only through the wonderful generosity of our supporters and
closest friends that the Institute has become the nation’s preeminent
forum for nonpartisan dialogue. Scholarships, and the endowments
that make them possible, create truly transformative experiences at
our programs. Please consider extending your support and in turn,
helping us make an impact that will compound in perpetuity.”
­ — Eric L. Motley, PhD, Executive Vice President,
Institutional Advancement & Corporate Secretary

Clockwise from top left: Vanguard Leadership Board member Larry Thomas. (C2 Photography) A conversation on social justice with Arena Stage’s Artistic Director Molly Smith and
Lizan Mitchell, a cast member from its production of A Raisin in the Sun. (Laurence Genon) Leah Wright Rigueur moderating an SOF symposium on civil rights. (C2 Photography)
Ann Nitze, Francis Najafi, and Alireza Ittihadieh at the 2017 Summer Celebration Dinner. (Riccardo Savi)

Creating Opportunities to Create Change
Valuable resources from the Institute’s generous donors create opportunities at the Aspen
Institute that not only buttress great programs and fellowships but also significantly broaden the
reach of those programs through scholarships. Named scholarship and endowment funds help
the Institute build a global community of people who enrich our events and more accurately
mirror the brilliant diversity of voices and views in our broader society. In 2017, this community
included high school leaders from cities like Newark, Oakland, and St. Louis, international
journalists, emerging Latino professionals, civil servants, veterans, and health care providers.

Named Scholarships and Endowment Funds

Mortimer J. Adler Scholarship Fund The McCormick Fund
Albright Scholarship Fund for Veterans Jim and Elaine McDade Scholarship Fund
Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation Scholarship Fund David T. McLaughlin Leadership Fund
Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation Scholarship Fund McNulty Prize Scholarship Fund
Berwick Chair Endowment Muñana Fund for International Partners
Bezos Scholars Program Murdock Innovation and Design Scholars
Melva Bucksbaum Endowment Fund Nakasone Scholarship Fund
Bush Foundation Aspen Scholars Nathanson Public Diplomacy Scholarship
Braddock Scholarship Program Paul H. Nitze Fellowship
Budinger Distinguished Socrates Scholar Fund Polsky Scholarship Fund
Calaway Education Fund Margot and Thomas Pritzker Fund for International Fellows
Henry Crown Endowment Fund The Red & Blue Badge Scholarship for
Cundill Scholar Fund
Cultural Understanding
The Arthur Vining Davis Aspen Fellows Scholarship
Resnick Leadership Fund
Dena’s Scholars Endowment Fund
Rose Associates Scholarship Endowment
Friedman Joint Venture Fund
Rubenstein Leadership Fund
Diane and Bruce Halle Scholarship Program
Ricardo Salinas Scholarship Fund
Harman-Eisner Artist-in-Residence Endowment
Harman Family Endowment Fund Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer Scholarship Fund
Hurst Community Fund Kathleen Daubert Smith Scholarship Fund
Walter and Cathy Isaacson Scholarship Fund Society of Fellows and Trustee Leadership Fund
Bicky and George Kellner Scholarship Fund Stanton Fund
Patrick Kelly Symposia Scholars Fund Robert K. Steel Fund
Henry Kissinger Fellowship Stradivarius Fellowship
Klein Leadership Fund Laurie M. Tisch Endowed Scholarship Fund
Kobayashi Scholarship Lynn B. Thoman Fund
Leonard A. Lauder International Fund Gus and Marie Tyler Scholarship Fund
Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Foundation WKK Scholarship Fund
Socrates Society Endowment Fund


Individual Donors
$100,000 and above Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton John A. Powell
Sabrina and Antonio Gracias Margot and Tom Pritzker
Patty Alper and David I. Cohn
Sheila P. and Patrick W. Gross Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick
Mary H. and Paul F. Anderson
Mercedes T. Bass Wang Huai Mary A. and James E. Rogers
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg William Hunt María Laura Medina and Ricardo
Jacklyn G. and Miguel A. Bezos Gayle G. and Woody L. Hunt Benjamín Salinas
Bloomberg Philanthropies Cathy and Walter Isaacson Vicki and Roger Sant
Laurie Michaels and David Bonderman Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein Howard D. and Sheri Schultz
Zoë and Bill Budinger Judy and Leonard Lauder Lynn Schusterman
Terri and Tony Caine William E. Mayer David Shaw
Howard Cox The John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Brian N. Sheth
Paula and James S. Crown Foundation Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith
Renée and Lester Crown Diane L. Morris Family Foundation
Patricia A. Crown Gina and Jerry Murdock Gillian and Robert K. Steel
Bonnie and Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. Dionne and Francis Najafi Jane Jie Sun
Jane and Michael D. Eisner Jane and Marc B. Nathanson Laurie M. Tisch
Jacqueline and Michael W. Ferro, Jr. Sean Parker Christopher and Jessica Varelas
Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Carrie Walton Penner and Greg Penner Nancy Wall and Chuck Wall
Emanuel Friedman Charlotte Perret Wayne Weaver

$50,000-$99,999 Bonnie P. and Tom D. McCloskey, Jr. Katie Couric and John Molner
James S. McDonnell III Jane R. and Marshall C. Crouch III
Robert J. Abernethy
Jennifer and David Millstone Nancy C. and A. Steven Crown
Fan Bao
Clare Muñana Mary Lou and John Dasburg
Donna and Jim Barksdale
Jenny and John A. Paulson Diane von Fürstenberg and Barry C. Diller
Sallie and Thomas Bernard
Perri Peltz and Eric Ruttenberg Kathleen and John G. Doerr
Giancarla and Luciano Berti
Susan Taylor and Robert C. Pew III Jane P. and William H. Donaldson
Amit and Vanisha Mittal Bhatia
Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha Suzanne Donohoe
David Blood
Anne N. and J. Christopher Reyes Thelma Duggin
Merilee and Roy J. Bostock - Bostock
Robert Rosenkranz and Alexandra Munroe, Gail and Richard Elden
Family Foundation
The Rosenkranz Foundation Laura M. and L. Brooks Entwistle
Susan and Richard S. Braddock
Leslie M. Saiontz Idit and Moti Ferder
Christy and Daryl R. Burton
Ali and Lewis A. Sanders Tara Carson and Barbara Fergus
Joseph Chen
Carole B. and Gordon Segal Pamela and David B. Ford
Kim and Rob Coretz
Nancy Swift Furlotti and Erel Shalit Carla D’Arista Frampton and
Penny and James G. Coulter
Isa Catto Shaw and Daniel Shaw George T. Frampton, Jr.
Margaret Culver
Bren Simon Richard A. and Susan P. Friedman
Ann H. and L. John Doerr
Marina Wu and David Su Flo Fulton-Miller and Scott D. Miller
Sandra and Paul Edgerley
Linda and Dennis H. Vaughn Justin Gmelich
Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson
Alice L. Walton Emily Gold Mears
Katherine Farley and Jerry I. Speyer
Melani and S. R. Walton Meg and Bennett Goodman
Henrietta H. and Richard L. Fore
Gary Wang Anna K. and Hayne Hipp
Alma and Joseph B. Gildenhorn
Stuart Winston Sharon and Larry D. Hite
Marilyn G. and Michael J. Glosserman
Sha Ye Francis Hoffman
Karen Z. Gray-Krehbiel and
Alison and Boniface Zaino Ranji Nagaswami and Robert Hopkins
John H. Krehbiel, Jr.
Arjun Gupta Annie and Gerald D. Hosier
$25,000-$49,999 Nina Rodale Houghton
Mariane Abi Daoud and Hussein Hachem
Diane and Bruce Halle Madeleine K. Albright Hui Huang and Jonathan Anderson
Jane Harman Kathleen Allaire Suzanne Bober and Stephen Kahn
Rachel Kohler and Mark S. Hoplamazian Paul A. Allaire Ann M. and Tom C. Korologos
Soledad and Robert J. Hurst Karen Heim-Amadon and Greg Amadon Eric and Sarah Lane
Hugh F. Johnston Judy H. Angelo Rochelle and Max Levit
Manisha and Roy Kapani Anonymous Melony and Adam J. Lewis
Mark Kimsey Jody G. and John P. Arnhold Toby Devan Lewis
Michael Kimsey Katherine and David G. Bradley Jennifer Mei and Hanmin Liu
Karen and Liam Krehbiel Aviva and Martin Budd Marianne and Sheldon B. Lubar
Laura and Gary M. Lauder Jenny and James D. Calaway Julie Wan and Richard Ma
Sharon Handler Loeb and John L. Loeb Jr. Connie L. and James C. Calaway Sarah and James M. Manyika
Julian Zheren Ma Gretchen Cole Craig C. Martin
Marlene and Frederic V. Malek Craig Corona Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin

John L. McDonnell, Esq. William Davis Monica Lozano
Rheda Becker and Robert E. Meyerhoff Catherine and Jerome H. Debs II Ruby Lu and Victor B. Viard
Mervin Morris Cheryl and Joe Della Rosa Renee Lucier and Tom Hiner
Elisabeth and Karlheinz Muhr Elizabeth Beaman and Scott M. Delman Rong Lusending
Ferguson Nazareth Elaine and Claiborne Deming Marilyn Lynch
David Newberger Jan and Neal Dempsey Gina G. MacArthur
Ann K. R. and William A. Nitze Dee and David Dillon Holly and John W. Madigan
Helen Ward and Wally Obermeyer Rebecca Donelson and Robert C. Blattberg Charles N. Martin, Jr.
Sharon Owsley Sue Doran and Drew Brasher Ann P. and John L. McGoldrick
Anne and Arnold Porath Micole and John Carroll Doyle Katherine and Ryan McIntyre
Lisa S. Pritzker Jacqueline Weld Drake James McLaren
William J. Resnick and Michael Stubbs Lauren K. and John P. Driscoll Kim Metcalf-Kupres
Josie and Carl Sewell III Lisa and Ralph Eads Martha and Adam Metz
Victoria and Ronald A. Simms Salma Rachid and Amin El Maghraby Anne B. Devereux-Mills and David Mills
The Simms/Mann Family Foundation Ola Dajani and Hisham El-Khazindar Mary V. Mochary
Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr. Gail and Alfred Engelberg Elizabeth and Joshua D. Mondry
Shirley and Albert H. Small Clayton and Sheldon Erikson John Moore
Sue and Aziz D. Syriani Kati Everett Mary J. and Garrett Moran
Sun Tao Thomas H. Fagadau Susan E. and Robert S. Morrison
Heather Watts and Damian Woetzel Shannon Fairbanks Rebecca and Tyler Morse
Beatrice and Anthony Welters Samia and A. Huda Farouki Daniel M. Neidich and
Annelise and David Winter Sherry and Joseph Felson Brooke Garber Neidich
Yan Yan and Cheng Ming Jaimie and David J. Field Denise M. Dupre and Mark E. Nunnelly
Barbara and David Zalaznick Susan and Richard Finkelstein Marne Obernauer, Jr.
Leah J. Zell Lawton W. Fitt and James I. McLaren Susan and William Oberndorf
Alejandra and Paul L. Foster Tomoe Odahara
$10,000-$24,999 Karen and James S. Frank Joanna Ossinger and Daniel Moss
Emanuel J. Friedman Philanthropies O’Toole Family Foundation
Oded Aboodi Sheila and David Fuente John N. Palmer
Gayle and Michael Ahearn Amanda and Glenn Fuhrman Todd Park
Muna E. Al Gurg Donna and Jon Gerstenfeld Margaret and Andrew M. Paul
Anonymous (4) Deborah and Dennis Glass Andrew L. Pecora
Doris and Laurence Ashkin Joseph and Carson Gleberman Peter Pi
Gail Bayer Don Glendenning Doren M. Pinnell
Kim Bendheim Harriett and Richard E. Gold Betsy and Robert S. Pitts
Ronit and William Berkman Alfred G. Goldstein Cynthia H. and Leon Polsky, Esq.
Jill and Jay Bernstein C. B. Gray Ellen R. Porges and Andrew Dannenberg
Wilma and Stuart Bernstein Arthur N. Greenberg Julie White Ratner and Dennis Ratner
Leslie Berriman and Nion McEvoy Agnes Gund Barbara S. Reese
Sandra K. and Archer W. Bishop, Jr. Walter Haydock Pixie and Jimmy Reiss
Steve Black Jamie and Bush Helzberg Toni Rembe
Lloyd and Laura Blankfein Roch and Carol Hillenbrand Condoleezza Rice
Amy Morgan and Gary Block Barbara and Gerald D. Hines Kate Roberts
Jo and Bill Brandt Ellen and Irv O. Hockaday, Jr. Lyn M. Ross
Deborah and Gabriel Brener Lillie Hodges and Brett Hodges Rynthia Rost
Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg and Helga Fisch and Richard Hodosh Jean and Thomas D. Rutherfoord, Jr.
Arturo Brillembourg Judith Z. Steinberg and Paul J. Hoenmans Cari B. and Michael J. Sacks
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Lynne and Joseph Horning Mara and Ricky Sandler
Susan and Robert E. Brown, Jr. Tori Dauphinot and Ken Hubbard Mary B. and Patrick Scanlan
Noreen and Kenneth Buckfire Ann F. and Edward R. Hudson, Jr. Lorraine and Mark Schapiro
C. E. and S. Foundation Diane G. and William J. Hunckler III Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer
Susan J. & Jeff Campbell Shana and Clint Johnstone June and Paul C. Schorr III
Nancy P. and Clint Carlson Elise E. and Russell C. Joseph Danny Sebright
Tara Carson Joleen and Mitch Julis Jacquelin S. Sewell
Ruth Carver The Kapnick Foundation Betsy and Paul Coombe Shiverick
Kristina and William H. Catto Geraldine Karetsky and Larry Naughton Susan E. Siegel and Robert Reed
Hojung Chang and Jeremy Cheung Beth and Michael Kasser Mary and David M. Solomon
Alain Chuard Jill and Curtis Kaufman Bing Song
Janet F. Clark Sylvia and Richard F. Kaufman Erika and Karim Souki
Phyllis and David Z. Cook Hyunja and Jeff L. Kenner Sara C. and James A. Star
Bunni and Paul Copaken Erica and Jeffrey A. Keswin Linda Klieger Stillman and Robert Stillman
Suzi and David Cordish Suzanne Cole Kohlberg and James Kohlberg Michael J. Stubbs
Henry Cornell Sheila and H. Michael Kurzman Patrick F. Taylor Foundation
Leslie Crown Ann and Edward Lamont Robin Loewenberg Tebbe and
Sylvie and Gary T. Crum Cynthia and David Hamilton Langstaff Mark A. Tebbe
Bo Cutter Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Mary H. Thompson
Elissa and Gary Davis Zsuzsanna Karasz* and John Lipsky Karen and James Tucker
* Deceased


Mish Tworkowski and Joseph Singer Mercedes Condy Carol and Mike Hundert
Marie and Andy Unanue Beth and Phil Cooper Ellen Hunt
Alexia and Roderick K. von Lipsey Judith and Archibald Cox, Jr. Mary Ann Hyde
Christopher V. Walker Steven Crown Elly Ibbotson and Timur Umarov
John and Carol Walter Family Foundation Angela and Charles L. Cunniffe Karen F. and George James
Tillie Walton Andrea L. Cunningham and Rand Siegfried Mary and Thomas A. James
Monique Clarine and Ralph Wanger Jerry A. Davis Jennifer and Sekou Kaalund
Marjorie and Jay Warren Melinda and Scott A. Delmonico Anne Kaiser and Robert P. Taylor
Alexa and Blaine Wesner Tom deSwaan Diana J. Kalman
Jenny and Tom Williams Samuel A. Di Piazza, Jr. Laura and Michael Kaplan
Judy and Fred Wilpon Susan and Brian N. Dickie Benton Kastman
Diane Wilsey Dobkin Family Foundation Jane and Gerald Katcher
Sharon and Clark Winslow Robin Dolch Kitty Kelley
Carolyn and William J. Wolfe Carol and Dixon Doll Family Foundation Jon Kelly
Kate Wolters Kim and Byron L. Dorgan Kevin and Karen Kennedy
Bonnie C. Woo Marsha and David Dowler Lam Kin Chung
William Wrigley, Jr. The Dreman Foundation Susan and Stephen Kinney
Elie Charles and Naomi Wurtman Antonia P. DuBrul Susan and John Klein
Ray Yang Kay L. and Tom T. Dunton Robert and Jeanne Knox
Linda K. Yates and Paul R. Holland Ingrid O. and Thomas J. Edelman Serena Koenig and Mark Tompkins
Nancy R. Lazar and George R. Zachar Elizabeth W. and Edward Ellers Dorothy and Sidney Kohl
Elisha and Jeff Zander Vivian and Roger Farah Cathy and Jonathan Koplovitz
Christina Zhu and Xing Fan Diana Farrell Jill and Peter Kraus
Nadia Zilkha Beth and Michael Fascitelli Henry Lambert and Carey Bond
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Kurt Lauk
$5,000-$9,999 Marilyn and Larry Fields Joann Ledingham
David Fischer Darielle and Earl Linehan
Amy and David Abrams Leana Fisher and Judith Fisher Jody Guralnick and Michael Lipkin
Lizbeth S. and John W. Adams Erin Fitzgerald Susan and Fred Lodge
Rita and Jeffrey Adler / Rita and Jeffrey Adler Barbara and Aaron Fleck Mona Look-Mazza and Anthony Mazza
Foundation Karine and Edward P. Flinter Sandra Familet and Chauncey Lufkin
Maram Aljazireh Arminio Fraga Donn Lux
Anonymous (2) Susan Gordon and Scott Francis Polly Scott and James R. Maher
Wendy Aresty Mary and Howard Frank Leslie and Kurt Malkoff
Ann and Bill Bain Jacob A. Frenkel Niki Manby
Nina McLemore and Donald I. Baker Marilyn and Chuck Frias Nicola and Jeffrey Marcus
Lisa and George Baker Carole Gaba and Richard Gordon Carol S. Marks
Claudia and Richard Balderston Renée K. and Steve Gardner Jill and Erik Maschler
Judith Barnard and Michael Fain Eydie and Donald Garlikov Travis Mason
Jeffrey A. Bayer Kristen and Larry Gellman Brandy and Richard McAniff
Ashley P. and James Beaty Dale Goodman and Leonard Genet David H. McCormick and Dina Powell
Renée and Robert A. Belfer Christine A. Gerschel and Peter L. Dahl Julie McDermott
Karen and Berl Bernhard Virginia and Gary Gerst Bonnie McElveen-Hunter
Carrie Besnette Hauser - Eric Gertler Janet and Thomas McKinley
Colorado Mountain College Dr. Lisa Braun Glazer and Dr. Jeffrey Glazer Kathryn McKinley
Manfred Bischoff Melissa Glynn Lisa and Willem Mesdag
Alison Blood Dit and Mark A. Goldberg Sara and William Morgan
Allison and Randall Bone Thorey and Barry J. Goldstein Lynn and Stanley Motta
Katherine Boone and Zack Taylor Jeannette and Jerry A. Goldstone Rebecca K. and Raymond M. Murray, Jr.
Susan Boswell Lenore S. and Bernard A. Greenberg Fund Stephanie and Michael Naidoff
Janine Bourke Jan and Ronald K. Greenberg Annette Nazareth
Michael Bourke Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Maryam R. and Howard H. Newman
Simonetta Brandolini Hilary Gallin and Michael B. Greenwald D’Ann F. and John R. Norwood
Patrice K. Brickman Joann and David L. Grimes Sue A. and James Oates
Mark Brown and Steve Brint Margaret McDowell and James Grossman Ann O’Brien
Kim Brizzolara Llura and Gordon Gund Jennifer Olson and Scott Thompson
Carolyn Brody James Haga Susan Christine O’Neal
Beth A. and Michelle Brooke-Marciniak Julia Hansen Guillermo Ortiz
Inette and Joshua Brown Mary Ann and James R. Harris Margaret and Paul Pace
Jacolyn and John Bucksbaum Joan W. Harris - The Irving Harris Foundation Pamela Paresky and Christopher Gates
Jane L. and Calvin Cafritz Ellen Bronfman Hauptman and Thomas A. Patterson
Diane Campbell Andrew Hauptman Wendy J. Paulson and Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Martin G. Carver Tom and Meg Healey Amy M. and Brian Pennington
Laurel and John H. Catto Becky and William Heldfond Hensley and James Peterson
Katherine and David D. Chase Gustavo Hernandez Elizabeth Phelps
Christine M. Karnes and Richard Check Mayra Hernandez Cathy and Hunter Pierson
Dan Bayer

Marcella Larsen and Chip Chilson Katie and Rob Holton Dee Poon
Felipe Medina and Simonetta Cittadini Sue and R. R. Hopkinson Jill and Jon Powell

Mary and Charles Preusse Emma and Michael Anselmi Robin and Neal Buchalter
Charles R. Reeves Paul and Terry Arango Carolyn S. Bucksbaum
Jude Reyes Jill and Paul Aschkenasy Brittany Buffalino
Jeff and Laura Roberts Luis Atala Hope Gleicher and Andy Burness
Stephanie and Mark Robinson Barbara and Don Averitt Hope and William J. Bynum
Dana Rogers Rebecca T. Ayres Catherine and Bill Cabaniss
Michelle and Herbert Rosenfeld Michelle and Brad Bachmann Kendall Cafritz
Nancy and Miles L. Rubin Denise Bachrodt Susan M. and Brett Caine
David Sadroff Cheryl and Orrin Baird Laura Caldwell
Shirley and Yossi Sagol Susan M. and Stephen Baird Eeva and Christopher Calero
Pamela and Arthur Sanders Zoe Baird Rick Calero
Linda and Jay Sandrich Marilyn and George L. Baker Linda Calhoun
Linda and H. Del Schutte, Jr. Marilyn and John Balson Lauren Callaghan
Shannon Schuyler Cara and Robert Barnes Marion A. Cameron
Wendy and Michael Sidley Jill Barrett and Jeremy Spaulding Shelley Senterfitt and Ken Canfield
Gordon Silver and Carla Ginsburg Pat and Charles Barry Karen E. Wagner and David L. Caplan
Nancy and Mark J. Silverman David and Ann Barry Charles T. and Elizabeth Capute
Madeline and Michael D. Silverman Edie Barvin Tate and Blake Casper
Linda Sonders and Edward Templer Calkins Barbara Bascom Annie and Coley Cassidy
Andrea and Glenn Sonnenberg Cornelia Greaves and Buddy Bates Jorge E. Castillo
Gillian Sorensen Patricia J. and Michael J. Batza, Jr. Jennifer Catto
Anthony Spadaro Jeffrey and Gail Bayer Denise and Michael Cetta
Constance and Stephen H. Spahn Karen Beard Merle Chambers
Steven Spencer Madeleine Morrison and Chuck Bellock Jessie Chaney and Abate Riccardo
Srinija Srinivasan Vivian and Norman Belmonte David F. Chazen
Garen and Shari Staglin Louise and Clayton I. Bennett Terrence and Theresa R. Checki
Gayle and Paul Stoffel Deborah and Robert Bennett Susan Rennie and Catherine Chen-Rennie
Harry Strachan Marilyn Berens Julius Christensen
Evelyn M. and Barry S. Strauch, M.D. Barbara Berenson, Esq. Rona and Jeffrey B. Citrin
Shelley and Joel D. Tauber Barbara and Bruce Berger Deborah and Tony Clancy
Jeffrey J. Taylor Darryl Berger Vince Clark
Anne and Bill R. Tobey, Jr. Elena M. Berk Linda M. and Steve R. Clineburg
Sarah M. and Frank Torti, Jr. Marnie Bermingham Betty and Nick Coates
Tom and Diane Tuft Jeanne and Bruce Bernard Suzanne and Robert Cochran
Orit and Yoav Ventura Ellen and Richard Bernstein Marcie Cohen
Amy and Jeffrey Verschleiser Sheena and Keith Berwick Claudia L. and William T. Coleman III
Mark A. Walker Suman Bery Sandra and Michael Collins
Andrea E. Wallack Surjit Bhalla Noel R. and Thomas Congdon
Sandra and Stanford Warshawsky Rina Shah Bharara and Niteesh Bharara Ashley and Michael Connolly
Lucinda B. Watson Kristen and Charles Bieler Pamela and Donald Conover
Christie and Jeffrey P. Weiss Linda Binder Camille Cook and Laura Hutcheson
Edith Kallas-Whatley and Joe R. Whatley Allison Binney Jean and Bernard J. Cooney
Carlotta and Wendell Willkie Nancy L. Blank Cornelia and Richard Corbett
Irene and Alan L. Wurtzel Madeline and Alan Blinder Catherine Corman
Mary and Harold Zlot Ellen Block Dale Coudert
Zlotnik Family Charitable Fund Kimberly Bloom Lucinda and Charles Crocker
Susan M. and Lawrence C. Blount Caroline and Keating Crown
$1,000-$4,999 Sally Blount Christine Culver
Betty Ann Blum Druscilla French and Stephen M. Cumbie
Virginia Aaron Ellen and Richard Bodorff James and Yan Curtis
Mohamed Abdel-Kader Enrique Bolanos Dorothy Walsh D’Amato and
Jennifer and Timothy Adams Amy Bondurant C. Richard D’Amato
Lizbeth Adams Tasce and Zack Bongiovanni Ellen and Gary Davis
Deborah and Jim Adler Tobey and Justin Borns Yolanda and Mark Davis
Shannan and Joshua Adler Caroline Boutte Martin Davis
Carolyn C. and Mark S. Ain Robert Bowden Madge Henning and Warren N. Davis
Assilah Al Harthy Leslie G. Bowman Susan and Francois De Saint Phalle
Nielly and Mark Alderman Meta and William B. Boyd Marina De Santis
Katherine and David F. Allen Lotta B. and Stuart M. Brafman Anna Deavere Smith
Judy L. Allen Deborah S. and Mark Breen Roxanne J. Decyk and Neil Lewis Watts
Linda and John Allman Ginny and Charles Brewer Mercedes M. Deshon
Tanya and Paul Alston Ella and Scott Brittingham Kittie and Bill Devers
H.E. Sheikha Al-Zain Sabah Al-Naser Al-Sabah Jose Briz Susan DeVore
Laura Caldwell and Charles Amadon Molly M. Brooks Claire Dewar
Mone Anathan Sarah Broughton and John Rowland Laci Dinan
Reamy Ancarrow Hilary and Rainer Bruns Diane and Philip Dinkel
Anonymous (2) Andrea and Christopher D. Bryan Muffy and Andy DiSabatino

Megan DiSabatino and Nicola Caiano Muni Fry Henry L. Hecht
Tellie and George W. Dixon Marjorie Layden and Daniel Fung James Heerwagen
Jacqueline A. and Joseph E. Doddridge William M. Futrell Emily Krasnor and Scott Heiferman
Joyce and Steven Doehler Peter Gallagher Ellen M. Heller and Shale D. Stiller
Lou and Carl Doll Vikram Gandhi Heller Family Foundation
Falon Dominguez Shelby and Frederick Gans Susan and Robert Helm
Amy and Tripp Donnelly Lolly and David Garcia Heidi and Keith Hemstreet
Diana Lady Dougan Luis Garcia Kathryn and Bill Henderson
Berkeley and Jason Downie Brent Gardner-Smith Kaya Henderson
Melissa and Ken M. Doyle Sara Garland John L. Hennessy
Sheila Draper Sylvia Garrett Casady M. Henry
Heather and Todd duBoef Boris Gartner Claudia and Tom Henteleff
Maja and Nicholas DuBrul Richard Garvin Linda Vitti Herbst and Clarence A. Herbst
William Dudley Shirley and Lew Gayner Jerry H. and Linda Herman
Donna and William S. Dudley Catherine Gellert Cindy and Will Herndon
Virginia W. and Harry J. Duffey III Lori and Bruce Gendelman Susan Hesketh
Patricia and William Duncan Miheala and Mircea D. Geoana Bruce and Vicki Heyman
Nancy S. Dunlap Judith and William H. Geoghegan Juliane M. Heyman
David Dunn Anne E. and David R. Gergen Catherine and Thomas E. Hill
Melonie Nance and Umamaheswar Duvvuri Ann and Gordon P. Getty Sharon and John Hoffman
Leatrice and Mel Eagle Lynne McGrath and Paul Gilmore Joanna H. and Col. Robert A. Holden, (Ret.)
Sylvia A. Earle Katherine K. and Christopher T. Gilson Felipe Holguin
Marcy and Leo Edelstein Mona Girotra Tamara Holliday
Carolyn Edgar David Gitlitz Ron Hopkinson
Daniel Eilemberg Jeanne Glatt Ann Marie and Terry Horner
Sarah and Andrew Ellenbogen Donna and Martin Gleason Beth C. and Jeff H. Horstman
Lauren McCloskey Elston and Ryan Elston Molly Globus Erica Hartman-Horvitz and Richard A. Horvitz
Linda and Alan S. Englander Kay and Garry Godfrey Sue Hostetler
Susan Engs Janice and Bulent Goktuna Amory Houghton, Jr.
Bess and Ted Enloe III Wendy and Fred T. Goldberg, Jr. Holly Huffines
Diana Erbsen Michelle and Jared Goldberg Karen T. Hughes and K. Alexandra Hughes
Ashley and Andrew Ernemann Jean Golden Lawrence Hui
Billie and Gregory Erwin Sallie Golden Kathryn Hundertmark
Alena Esina Lynda Goldstein Carolyne T. Hyde
Kalah Espinoza Carol and Marc Goldstein Barbara and Joseph R. Hyde III
Kiki and Steven Esrick Teri and Andy Goodman Liba Icahn
Dafri and Michael Estes Constance M. Goodyear Nike Irvin
Bruce Etkin Nelson Gordman Gugy Irving
Marita and Jonathan Fairbanks Eran Gorev Keiko and Ken Ito
Linda and Rob Faktorow Joanne and Matthew Gouaux Irja Brant and Alireza Ittihadieh
Evelyn N. Farkas Thomas Grape Martha and Mel W. Jackson
Peter Feer Cheryl Gray Trudy and John Jacobson
Anne and Alan D. Feld David M. Gray Natalie and Bixby Jamison
Martin S. Feldstein Eileen and Richard Greenberg Pam and Jerry Jana
Suzanne Felson Elizabeth and Alan R. Griffith Henry Jasen
Susan and George Fesus Cynthia Gronroos Alison Jeanes
Karen Kaludis and Thomas Filbert Jane and Allen Grossman Lynda G. and William W. Jeanes, Jr.
Sakurako and William S. Fisher Rebecca Henry and Harry Gruner Sherry and David Jeffery
Jodie and Steven Fishman Laurel and Vinod Gupta Elizabeth Jeffett
Cristina Rose and Scott FitzRandolph Linda L. Haan Dr. Jane Jenkins
Marcia and Donald Flaks Tang Haisong Richard M. Jennings
Natalie Foley Mr. Victor Halbertstadt Edith H. and C. Hastings Johnson
Audrey and Stephen Forrer Shannon J. Hales Hastings Johnson
Michael Forscey The Aspen Skiing Company Family Fund Cara Grayer Johnson and Jerry L. Johnson
Lindsay Forster Elizabeth and Robert Hammond Joy Johnson
Lindsy and Adam J. Fortier Jan Koran and Steven Handler Linda E. Johnson
Avril Fortuin Roanna Handy Marci and Stan Johnson
Anne and George Foss Elizabeth and Blake Hansen Teresa and Steve Johnson
Catherine and Christopher Foyle Rachel and Reid Hansen Anne and R. S. Jones
Isabelle and Scott Freidheim Sally and Steve Hansen Kathleen K. and Warren D. Jones
Arely and Jose A. Freig Leelee T. and Bill Harriman Tory and Mark Joseph
Charlotte Moss and Barry S. Friedberg Zara and Daniel Harris Shannon and William N. Joy
Karen and Marc Friedberg Gay and Wyman Harris Sally and Alfred B. Kagan
Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland Linda and Mitch Hart Nancy Kamei
Orly Friedman and Matthew Miller Nadine and Ghassan Hasbani Courtney M. and Scott Kane
Golda and Sheldon Friedstein Marilyn J. Hayes Nora and Geoffrey Kanter
Michael Froman Cheryl G. and Edward Healton Ann and Stephen Kaufman
* Deceased


Christian Keesee Jon B. Lindeman, Sr. Marci and Ronnie Morgan
Elizabeth B. Keffer Judy and Sam Linhart Chrissi and Michael C. Morgan
Patrick J. Kelley Renee Linnell Christine Blish and Tom Morrison
Martha and George A. Kellner Katherine and David Liola Ellen-Jane and Ben Moss
Lindsay Schanzer and Alexander Kelloff Tito Liotta Mary Alice and Donald A. Munson
Lisa See and Richard Kendall Nancy and James R. Loewenberg Julie C. Muraco
Alex and Scott Kendrick Mary Revell and Eugene Lopez Marcie J. and Robert Musser
Katherine Kendrick Miguel Loya Ilene and James A. Nathan
Erin Keogh Mary and Robert E. S. Lupo Linda Nathanson
Freia K. and Warren W. Kershow Martha Luttrell Sifiso Ndwandwe
Wendy Kesser Jill Hornor and Yo-Yo Ma Katherine Neisser
Paul Kinney Janette and Robert Macaulay Nancy E. and Michael J. Neuman
Tracy Straus and Joel Kipnis Mathilde L. and Parker A. Maddux Jeremy Neuner
Joanne and John Kirby Mark Mahaney Sheila and Michael H. Newman
Nancy and Henry A. Kissinger Norah L. and Russ A. Mail Judy Ney
Annette and Melvyn N. Klein Trish and John Malin Cecilia and Robert D. Nobel
Anatole Klepatsky Judy Mann Queen Noor
Sally and James D. Klingbeil Sherry and Charles W. Manning Ann Norwood
Missy and Chris Klug Gail P. and Frederick J. Manning Danielle and Paul Noto
Pippa and Alex Klumb Stephen J. Marcus Jacqueline Novogratz and Chris Anderson
Susan and Barry Koh Mohamed Marei Stephanie and Diarmuid O’Connell
Colleen Kollar-Kotelly and John T. Kotelly Joan and Michael Marek Eileen O’Connor
Elizabeth and Perry Koon Janice and Evan Marks Janet and Tom O’Connor
Lisa and Chris Kopecky Amy Haines and Richard Marks Alycia Steinberg and Damian O’Doherty
Lindsey Kozberg Stephanie P. Marshall Carol and Brian O’Hare
Karen Kribs and James Cain Denise Monteleone and James Martin Blanca U. and J. C. O’Leary
Stanley Kritzik Martha and Todd Martin Claire and Michael Olshan
Alison Lewis and Craig Krumwiede Mark Mason Michelle and Chris Olson
Ellen and Fred R. Kucker Kim Master and Noah Lieb John F. Olson
Arthur H. Kudner III Shireen Alameddine and Adib Mattar Edward O’Reilly
Cari and Jeff Kuhlman Liza DeGraff and Jonathan Mauck Nedra and Mark Oren
David Kunin Jacquelyn Mayfield Laurie Crown and Richard Ortega
Laura and Dale Kutnick Andrew McAfee Talli and Geoff Oxnam
Ginny Johnson and Toren Kutnick Sharon T. Mcbay Christine and Michael Pack
Varyk Kutnick and Clare Madden Worthy F. McCartney Elaine Pagels
Kalsoom and Muslim Lakhani Daniel T. and Chrissy McCaslin Jean L. and Allen G. Parelman
Gaylene Salomons and Rickey Lamitie Orin L. McCluskey Patricia and Stephen Parkhurst
Diana and Chris Lane Debra and Clint McDonnough Sue and Kirk Patrick
Marian and Leonard Lansburgh Jodie W. McLean and Pierre DeLucy Patricia M. Patterson
Sally and James Lapeyre, Jr. Jamie L. Brewster McLeod and Glen McLeod Esther Pearlstone
Donald W. Larsen, Jr. Rosemary B. McNatt Amy Elias and Richard L. Pearlstone
Wendy U. Larsen Ruta Medellin Jeremy Pemberton
Judith and George R. Lawrence Penny Meepos Michele Pena
J. Welby Leaman Geeta and Krishen Mehta Kim Pendergast and Joseph Lazaroff
Joany Lebach Nancy E. Meinig Susan and Paul Penn
Elaine and Robert LeBuhn Deborah and Lee Meisel Mary Ann Peoples
Isaac Lee Teresa and Craig Melville Vicki Reynolds and Murray Pepper
Barbara and Jonathan O. Lee Gail and J. Alec Merriam Robert M. Perkowitz
Darren Leeman Steven Merrill David Perlmutter
Judith and Donald Lefton Eleanor and Robert M. Meyers Essie and Jordon Perlmutter
Edward Lenkin and Roselin Atzwanger Bernice and Jerry Michael Donna and Richard Perlmutter
Erin Lentz Renee and Bruce Michelson William Peruzzi
Ruth Owades and Louis Lenzen Louise and Tom Middleton Carol H. and Brooke Peterson
Palmer and Aynsley Letzerich Susan Forlifer and Robert Middleton Kathleen K. and Gerald Petitt
Karen and Bruce Levenson Maxine and William* Millar Elizabeth and Charles W. Petty, Jr.
Felicia and Ronald Levin Susan and Lloyd Miller Doug H. Phelps
Lucia D. Swanson and Theodore A. Levine Patrice and Herb Miller Ali and David Phillips
Margi and Thomas Levitt Melinda and Morris Mintz Kathryn Phillips
Joan Levy and Simon Arnstein Gurpreet and Raghavendra Misra Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering
Karen and Walter M. Levy Nancy and Charles Mitchell Julie C. and Gregory Pickrell
Suzanne Leydecker Hayley Mitchell and Clayton Gentry John S. Pistole
Mary Schmidt-Libby and Russell Libby Wendy Jones and J. Todd Mitchell Laura and Walter H. Plosila
Dori and Robert Libson Joanne and Joel Mogy Dorothy and Aaron S. Podhurst
Sylvia and David Lichtenger Shelah and Marc S. Moller Pat and William F. Podlich
Christine and Andrew Light Mary and Justin Moninger Diane and Arnold L. Polinger
Erkki Liikanen Nancy and George Montgomery Cintra Pollack
Dan Bayer

Nick Lincoln Anne and Mead Montgomery Jane R. and William M. Pope, Jr.
* Deceased

Steven Pope Louise and Robert Schwab Stephanie Taylor
Mark Popovich Michelle Schwartz Gillian Tett
Leslie and Wolfgang Pordzik Phyllis and David Scruggs Robert Thoburn
Shelly Porges and Richard J. Wilhelm Lisa See Larry Thomas II
Peter and Lisa Poulakakos Kimberly and Michael Seguin Susan B. and William L. Thomas
Carla and Charles Powell Alexa and Tom D. Seip Paige and Benjamin Tilghman
Catherine Anne Provine Jeannie and John Seybold Beverly and Richard Tilghman
John Vytautas Prunskis Katherine and Dhiren H. Shah Ann Tillotson
Josiane Collazo-Psaki and James Psaki Jane and Paul Shang Joan F. and Maurice* Tobin
Kelley and Mark Purnell Peggy and Paul Sharp Edith and Joseph Tobin
Nancy and David Pustka Marina E. and Oliver Sharpe Mark Tompkins
Jeffrey and Sandra Quartner Deborah and Robert Sharpe Cathy M. and Peter Toren
Sam Radin Sarah C. and Richard W. Shaw John Train
Eden Rafshoon Barbara E. and Michael D. Sheridan Tammy and Guillermo Trevino
Marsha Ralls Joseph Sherman Nancy Oliphant and Adam Trombly
Whitney Randolph Lydia and Douglas Shorenstein Roberta Turkat
David W. Reager Sara and Michael Shulman John Turner
Stacey and Presley O. Reed Barbara K. Shuster Gene L. Turok
Joanna Rees and John Hamm Robert Sidorsky Sandra and Sam Tyler
Tomás Regalado Lois Siegel Katherine Uniacke
Jean and Douglas Renfield-Miller Jill and Stuart Siegel Lynn M. and Ward Utter
Lisa Renstrom Martha H. and Alfred C. Sikes Erik Van der Kooij
Rotem and Shai Reshef Cecily Silberman Anu Vege and Abhijit Dubey
Myra L. and Robert S. Rich Mona Williams and Scott E. Sillers Cathy O’Connell and Fred Venrick
Pamela and Charles F. Richards, Jr. Amana and Scot Simmons Erin and Dash Victor
Valerie and Herschel Richter Josh Simms Rodrigo Villar
Jenny Rickard Cyrena Gouge Simons Paul A. Volcker
Mary and Fritz Riedlin Torrey Simons and Marcus Ryu Christopher E. Walling
Donna Di Ianni and Peter Rispoli Andrew C. Skewes Ty Warren
Elspeth and William G. Ritchie Veronica Slajer Viviane M. Warren
Marilyn and Charles Rivkin Christi and Eric Small Judy and Robert H. Waterman, Jr.
Judy T. and Emerson Robinson, Jr. Dawnette Smith Ann and Charles Webb
Katie and Amnon Rodan Lynn B. and Charles Smith Irmhild and Philip J. Webster
Daniel Rodriguez Jane K. and Brian M. Snow Evelene Wechsler
Alice and Bruce Rogers Beverly and John Snyder Karen and Martin S. Weiner
B. P. Rohman Nancy J. and David Snyder Jill and Jeffrey Weiss
Theodore Roosevelt IV Sarah and Paul C. Sohn Marion W. Weiss
Barbara and Donald Rosenberg Katie and Michael Solondz Lucie and Jerry Weissman
Michelle Rosenbloom and Liz Ann Sonders and Bob Meier Carrie and Joseph Wells
Howard Rosenbloom Charif Souki Dana and Michael Werner
E. Jay Rosenstein and Raymond Baron Nancy Chasen and Don Spero Margaret Wettergreen and Jamie Lewis
Ivette and Andrew Rothschild Lee A. Spiegelman Sharon and Richard Wheeden
Ronald Rubenstein Julie Nini and Martin J. Sprinzen Dorothy and Donald G. Whitcomb
Susie and Leslie Rudd Lauren Callaghan and Russell Sprole Brien White
Elexa Ruth Esther and Larry W. Stanton Brenda Wild and Tony Coia
Uwe Ruttke Christine and Thomas Stauch Dana Williams
Priscilla and Edmund Ryan Sandra and Stephen Stay Lisa and Edward W. Williams
Viveka Rydell-Anderson Joelle Steefel Joseph Wilson
George Saad and Jason Howell Michael and Mary Kathryn Steel Marie C. Wilson
Norma Saafir Phyllis and Ronald Steinhart Christa Montague and Paul Wilson
Gail and Richard Sachson Laura Makar and Luke Stephenson Regan Wilson and Christopher Lim
Sarah and Ken Sadler Michelle Stern Reginald Wilson
Maralee Beck and Andrew Safir Elizabeth and George Stevens Carol G. and Michael E. Winer
Linda Sandell Debbie and Jeffrey Stevenson Steve Winesett
Lois and Thomas C. Sando Collette S. and Warren Stickney Susan and Barton Winokur
Susan Small Savitsky and Gerald Savitsky Lou and Raymond Stover Ruth Winter
Erin Brooks and Kenneth Sawyer Curt Strand Mary and Hugh D. Wise III
Judith Schalit Barbara B. and Thomas W. Strauss Frank G. Wisner
Gloria Scharlin Sabine and Stephan Strothe Meg Withgott and Per-Kristian Halvorsen
Caryn and Rudi Scheidt Margaret Sullivan Robin S. Wittlin
Lisa and David T. Schiff Krista Swanson Corinne and Paul Wood
Linda and Robert Schmier Carol and James Swiggett Karen and Kent Woodard
Hilary Schneider Marcy Syms and Bob Lathan Judith Wyman
Susan and Sheldon Schneider Mary Frances and Stephen Szoradi Mei Xu
Susan Weidman Schneider Emily and Stewart Tabin Sharon and Lance Yateman
Alece and David Schreiber Makeda T. Tadesse W. Thomas York
Beth Shapiro Schulte and David Schulte Nicole and Lex Tarumianz Alice Young and Thomas L. Shortall, Esq.
* Deceased

Zhang Yu Kenneth Bok Nancy and Howard Cohen
Li Yuan Liz and John Bokram Christine Colby-Giraudo
Alix and Fabrizio Zangrilli Wendy S. and Charles Bolton Cinda Collins
Karen Zelden Elizabeth Bonan and Jim Barber Janice S. Collins
William Zhu Thrums Books William R. Collins
Judy and Leo Zickler Dan Brabec Julie Comins
Rachel and Paul M. Zimmerman Lisa Bracken Missey Condie
Teddy Zmrhal Becca Bracy Knight Lori Conkling
David W. Zolet Gary Bradhering Jill Conwell
Manal Adel and Samir Zraiq Dan Braga Brendan L. Cook
Sheri Brautigam Candice C. Simmons
Up to $1,000 Killeen Brettmann Annie Cooke
Lilly Bright Michelle Cortright
Sherry and Duane Abbott
Karen Brock Michael R. Costa
Katherine Abraham
Michelle Broderick John Michael Cottingham
Candace and Odeh Aburdene
Adrienne Brodeur Susan and John Cottle
Derek Acree
Gordon Bronson Nancy and John A. Covert
BJ and Michael B. Adams
Charles Bronstein Christine Ramsay and James P. Covey
Linda Adimora
Margaret E. and Charles H. Brooks Loren C. Cox
Ryan Adler
Karen B. Brooks Patricia O. Cox
Mada Alarab
Morgan Henschke and Matt Brown Stephen M. Cox
Allison Albericci
Neil Brown Cameron Crake
Michael J. Albert
Sass Brown Heather Cramer
Shannon Alexander
Steven R. Brown Barbara Cravitz and Herschel Cravitz
Steve Alldredge
Virginia Bruce Karyn Crisp
Brigitte Anderson
Nathnael Bulcho Joan Crowley
Yariela Anderson
Cynthia and Drew Buniski Annali and Mac Cunningham
Desiree Andrews
Adem Bunkeddeko Pamela Cunningham
Anonymous (4)
Bobbie Burkley Patricia Damoorgian
Sarah Ansari
Laura Bushnell John Dampman
Heather Ardley
Marcia Butler Warren Dastrup
Maria Armstrong
Buffy Cafritz Evelyn R. David
Jerry Augustin
Leanore Calem Lou H. Davidson
J. G. Augustson
Ed Calhoun Candra Day
Arthur Bailey
Tripp Callan Susan de la Houssaye
Thomas J. Baker II
Kathryn and Richard Camp John Deasy
Philip Balderston
Ba Campbell Robert Debs
Jackie Baldino
Martha Campbell Jason A. Denby
Lissa Ballinger
Lorraine M. and Alfred Campos Christian Devers
Zachary Bamberg
Kristin Carlson Alexis and Dusty Diaz
Michael Bandler
Richard Carrigan Suzette Diaz
Ginny Barahona
Julie Case Kirsten Dickerson
Aaron Bare
Valerie Caveney Barbara Dills
Kathleen K. Barger
Lynn M. Chaffier Paul Dimoh
Claudia Barrios
Kathleen Chaix Michael F. DiNiscia
Carol Batchelder
Vivian Chakarian Michael P. DiPaula-Coyle
Kirsten Bay
A. B. Chamberlin Stanton Dodge
Doug Bayer
Marie Chan Mary Dominick-Coomer and Sven Coomer
Hassan Bazzi
Pamela Chan Kaleta Doolin and Alan Govenar
Caitlin Beas
Donna and Stephen Chase David Doubleday
Anne Mehringer and John T. Beaty, Jr.
Debbie Chazen Jonathan Downing
Amiee W. and D. Brian Beazley
Larry Checco Margo Drakos
Susan Beckerman
Micki Chen and Steven Gross Kyle Dropp
Dawne Bell
Emily Cherofsky Noa and Ami Dror
Kathy Bell
Mien-Hwa Chiang Elizabeth Dubin
Nan P. Bell
Jennifer Childs Susan and James M. Dubin
Elaine Bellezza
Phaedra Chrousos Hannah Duncan
Gina Berko
Susa Clampitt Jennifer Duncan
Helaine and Michael Berkus
Chelsea Rae Clark John Dunne
Anthony (Tony) Bernhardt
Kristofer Clark Karen S. and Ralph E. Eberhart
Elyse Elliott and Jeremy Bernstein
Scott W. Clark Maria Echaveste
Alisha Bi
Ellen Cleary Lucille Echohawk
Amy Blair
David Clemons Philip Edmunds
Janice Blanchard
Jane Click Charlotte Edwards
Judith Bleiler
Kelly L. and John Close Kim Edwards
Marcus Blue, DDS, P.C.
Rosalyn Coates Tracy and Bubba Eggleston
Eugenie Bodick
Bruce Cohen Linda Egle


Elizabeth Eisen Peter Friend Nanette and Irvin Greif, Jr.
Matt Ellis Dorothy Frommer Bonnie and Paul Grenney
Beatrix Elting and George Johnson Houston Frost, Ph.D. Michael Gridley
Gayle Embrey Katherine Fry Gabriel Griffith
Vlad Enache Lady and Chip Fuller Hugh E. Grunden
Barbara and Robert Engl Kathleen Linehan and Edward Gabriel Joanne Guggenheim
Harriett H. Ennis Darcy Gaechter Pedie and Thomas Guggenheim
Paul Erskine Leslieann Gallagher Lori Gurtman
Georg Philipp Ettstaller Barbara Garlock Caroline Gutman
Sylvia Falk Sara B. Garton Alia Habib
Thomas Farb Courtney D. Gaskins Jody M. Hadlock
Barbara Farris Rohit Gaur Jason Haikara
James Feng Yale Gieszl Christian Halvorsen
Christy Ferer Sidney B. Gilman Rebecca L. Hammons
Michael Ferguson Nicoletta Giordani Ivy Hansen
Herbert Field Christine Giraudo Signe Hanson
Tammy K. Field Patrick Givens Portia Harcus
Christian Filli Carolyn and Bob Glah Brian Harrison
Holly and Paul Fine Diane and Herbert Glimcher Brendan Hart
Ellen Fish Austin Glover Jason Hartman
Michael E. Fisher Ethel and William Gofen Janie R. Hayden
Kathy Fitzgerald Mark Goffman George Hemphill
Chuck and Lisa Fleischman Steven Roy Goodman Chantal N. Henderson
Matthew Fleming Alexandra Gordon Kristen Henry
Alan Fletcher and Ronald J. Schiller Nikki Goss Ray Herras
Gwendolyn Floyd Terry Gotthelf Maria Herrera
Sheila Footer Steven Grand-Jean Paula Herrera
Merrilie D. Ford Odile Granter Wilson Michael Higgins
Karith Foster Donna and Bernard Grauer Gloria Hill
Ben Fountain Richard Graves Linda A. Hill
Chris Fowler Maria Gray Gretchen Hinkamp
Eustacia Su and Edmund Frank Shere Coleman and Paul Gray Doreen Hlavaty
Glenwood Springs High School Betty Greenberg Claudia Ho
Sandra and Harold Friedman Lisa and Joshua Greer Jennifer Ho

Samuel Hodges Maury and Gerald Kaplan Judy Kravitz
Jeff Hoffman Linda Kaplan Clare Kunkel
Ben Homer Heather Kaplinski Kyja Kutnick
Connie and Michael Hooker Linda Karaus Amy and Thomas Kwei
Martha F. Horner Jennifer Karr Lee Darren LaCroix
Ann marie Houghtailing Alexis Kaufmann Joseph Ladou, M.D.
Jason Houser Joan A. Keefe Bernard Lagrange
Paula Hovater Laura O. and Michael J. Keene Wesley J. Lai
Louise Hoversten Karen Keeney Byron LaMotte
Mark W. Howard Chris Keller Samuel G. Landercasper
Rebecca Howard Meredith Kellner Joshua Landis
Sandy Huber Dulcy Kenner Brownell Landrum
Stephen Huber Patricia Kenner Rosemary C. LaPointe
Wendy Huber Kristin Kenny Kessa Laxton
Adrienne Hulse Joseph Michael Keogh Stefanie Lear
Adam Hundt Cookie Kerxton Jacob Lebowitz
Kristina Hurrell Amber Keyes Brenda and F. Graham Lee
Barbara Reid and David Hyman Salman Khan Katherine I. Lee
Troy Hysmith Arushi Chowdhury Khanna Chuck Lehneis
Heather Ichord Natasha I. Kiemnec Kimberly Levin
Melissa and Shai Ingber Dawn Kikel Henry Levine
Evelyn and Monte Ingram Sasibai Kimis Suzann Levine
Igor Jablokov John Kirtland Bonnie Levinson and Donald Kay
Rusalene and John V. Jaggers Robert Klaber Lynne and Dan Levinson
Megan Janssen Harry D. Knight, Jr. Patricia N. and Donald T. Lewers
Susan Jenkins Stanley H. Kober Daphna Lewinshtein
Karen M. Jensen Kathryn and John Koch Herbert F. Lewis
Li Jiang Robert J. Koenke Susan Liautaud
Margeaux Johansson Catherine and Richard Kohnke Robert Lietzke
Sandra and Peter Johnson Linda Sirow and Harold Koplewicz Clement Lifermann
Jessica Johnston Elizabeth and Claude Koprowski George Lilly
Margaret Kadi Armel Kouassi Emily Lin
David Kahn Rob Kramer Mae Link
Justin J. Kalappura Jamie and James Kravitz Judie and Harry Linowes

Dan Bayer


Ferdinand Liotta Laura Mobley Claudia Putnam
Linda and Ace Lipson Bernard Moon Staton Rabin
Lindsay Lofaro Diane Moore and Joel Sax Pavel Raifeld
Paloma Lopez Rebecca Moore Sara Ransford
Karen and Courtney Lord Elizabeth C. Moose Stephen Reade
Adelia Lovati Justin W. Morgan Emily Reaser
Cate Love Kelly Morgan Denise M. Byrne and Peter A. Reiling
Ann and Mitchell A. Lowenthal Victoria Morris Nancy Reisman
Dale and Frank E. Loy Laurie Morrison Karin Reiter
Jessica J. Lucas Michael D. Mosettig Kirk Renaud
Mary Lamb Lucas Frances Mosle Margaret B. Rennels
Jessica K. Lundevall W. G. Moss Carolyn and Richard Restak
Holly Lynch Eric L. Motley Joyce Rey
Rachel MacHenry Margo Moyer Susan Reynolds
Peter Mack Kathleen Murphy Cynthia G. Rhodes
Marlene A. Maddalone Marjory M. Musgrave and Frank Peters Rafik Riad
Rachael Maddux Patricia Neeb Carla Ricchetti
Christy Mahon Werner Neff Amber Richardson
Robert Mahony Steven H. Nemerovski Aaren Riley
Patricia Maldonado Gail Nichols Marilee and Gregg Rippy
Patrick Maloney Abby McGanney Nolan John Ristine
Eric Maltzer Meredith Oakley Timothy Ritter
Zoe Manickam Carlos L. Obando Jonathan Robinson
Seth Marbin Barbara O’Connor Kenneth G. Robinson, Jr.
Stephen Marcus Deedy M. Ogden Brittanie Rockhill
David O. Marlow Jared Oren Lisanne Rogers
Lucretia and William Marmon Megan Ortiz Andrew Rogoff
Marla Marquit Hans J. Oser Edward G. Rogoff
Julia Marshall John G. Osthaus Lynda Rogoff
Doris Martin Ruth L. Owens Amy R. Rome
Paul Martineau Matt Owings Dorothy and Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr.
Eduardo J. Martinez George Paffendorf Steven Rosenberg
Ruba Mohammed Masrouji and Lynda Palevsky Kara Ross
Mohammad Alami Valerie Parker Richard Rubin
Joseph Massimini Carol H. Parlett JoAnne T. and Richard K. Rubinoff
Milagros Mateu Carolyn and John D. Parsons, Ph.D. William D. Ruckleshaus
Arline G. Mayer Andrea Wendel and Kevin Patrick Adrienne Rudge
Stephanie McCarthy Ryan Patrick Jana C. and Robert A. Rudnick
Tita McCarty Nicholas A. Peart Josef K. Ruth
W. Bruce McConnel Jon Peha Song Saa
Catherine C. McCoy Sarah E. Pelch Ellen Sabin
Roberta and Peter M. McCoy Simmy and Haven Pell Sally Sakin
Dorcas McDonald, Ed.D. Samuel G. Perry Susanna Samet
Erin McGuire Nancy E. Petrisko and Don Beckham S. S. Sands, Jr.
Patrick McKenna Angelo Maria Petroni Christine Sanwald
Donna and Mack McLarty Allison Pezzuti Yanhua and Edward Sappin
Thomas F. McLarty III Natalie Pfau Joy Sardinsky
William R. McLaughlin Amy Phuong Sarah Woodberry and Kenneth Sawyer
Slater McLean W. Devier Pierson Joseph Scantlebury
Terry McMillan Rhonda Piggins David Schaecter
Andrea and Robert McTamaney Ann Terry and Walter Pincus Patrick Schaefer
Laure and Olivier Mellerio Lisa Pingatore Joan Schaffer
John Melvin Claire Pitzer Jennifer and Robin Schiller
Rona Mendelsohn John Pitzer Morwin Schmookler
Luis Mendez Lopez Alan Platt Denise J. and James M. Schreiber
Anjali Menon Geneva Podolak Linda J. and Robert J. Schuerholz
Quentin Messer Harper Poe Helen Schulman
Hamlin Metzger Andrew Popinchalk Andrea Schultz
Amy Meyers Maureen & Greg Poschman Elizabeth and Richard Schwartz
Ayesha Mian Elizabeth M. Prescott Martha Schwieters
Marc Miller Judith Price Ellie Scott
Rosemary Miller Diana Prince Gail Scott
Veronika Miller Renee Prince Elizabeth Seeger
Marilyn Milloy Mary Proud Fran Seegull
Karen Minyard Marianna K. Prueger Margaret and Joel Shannon
Garrett Mitchell Marcia and Jerry Pruzan Barbara Shaw

Marcus Shaw Yafet Tegegnework Luanne H. Weigand
Megan Shean Shelly A. Thigpen Andreas Weigend
Susan and Martin J. Sherwin Hannah Thompson Sally Weinberg
Steven J. and Julie Shifman Paul Thompson Robert Weinberger
Stephanie Shipman Ali Thorne Tina Weiner
Tiffany Shlain and Ken Goldberg Stefani Thrasyvoulou Katarina Weir
Judith Showalter Zana Timroth Bryan Weisbard
Brandon Siegenfeld Hannah Tinti
Douglas J. Weiser
Randolph Sim Melanie and Bill Toler
Patricia Weiss
Joshua N. Simon Caroline Tory
Anar Simpson Jane and Jonathan Wells
Natalie Travers
Nicola Siso Giulio Tremonti Carol Wells-Federman
Randall Skattum Ryan Triplette Jennifer L. Weng
Gayle Skinner Barbara Trueman Laura Werlin
Michael Slater Justin Tsang Mary White
Mary Slimp Jillian Tucker Scott White
Anda and Ryan Smalls Lucy Tucker Lara and Marc Whitley
Maja Smith Steven Tucker Richard S. Whitt
Stephanie Smith Douglas Turner Sol Whitt
Suzanne Smith Jumana Twal and Ihab Hinnawi Nicholas Wiggins
Michael Sobczak Ksenia Tyutrina Carianne Wilder
Jaron Soh Holly Upper Julie E. Wille
Wendy Soone-Broder Herman Uscategui Kate Wilson
Ellen Sorrin Manvee Vaid Lindsay Wilson
Jane Sparks Ted Van der Linden
Georgeanna Windley
John Sparks Marja and Gerry Vanderbeek
Hang Kei Simon Wong
Sue Edelstein and Bill Spence Amanda Vanderpool
Carol A. Spomer Rolland Vasin Robert Woo
Tyler Stableford Jose Vazquez David Wood
Bari and Eric Stahl Adam Verner Alexandra Woods
Tanai Starrs Mary Viederman Atti Worku
Susan Staub Ashley Viola Temple Worth
Adrienne Stefan Virginia Vitucci Cole Wright
Tania and Michael Stepanian Marilyn Voigt Jason Wu
Jennifer Johnson and Andrew L. Stern Patricia Vrobel Jonathan Yaffe
Thomas A. Stevens Jennifer Causing and Peter M. Waanders Lainie Yarris
William Stirling Ruth Wade Karen Yelick
Elizabeth S. Stong Liz Wainger Kula Yoga
Tyler Storlie Kristen and James Waldron Coulter Young
Sarah Stott Jeremy Waletzky Lynn Young
Leslie L. Stoupas Townsend Walker
Lloydie Zaiser
Clay Stranger Ryan Walterscheid and Tracey McKinley
Rich Zajac
Francis Stuckens Becky and Craig Ward
Katherine Zebell
Karla Stukey Nancy Ward
Victoria Sturdivant O’Connell Donna and R. Thomas Ward Amanda Zehner
Matthew Sullivan Tracy Ward Tao Zhang
Laura Taylor Swain Ellen Warner Eilene Zimmerman
Chloe Tabah Riley Warwick Ruth J. Zuckerman
Abraham Tarapani Annie Waterman Howard A. Zwemer
Karin and Harry Teague George Wear Mary-Christine Sungaila
Lewis Teague Maria B. Weber


Dan Bayer

Society of Fellows
Trustee Fellows Jacqueline Grapin and Michel Le Goc Jane and Marc B. Nathanson
Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Ann K. R. and William A. Nitze
Madeleine K. Albright
Sheila P. and Patrick W. Gross Her Majesty Queen Noor
Jean-Luc Allavena
Arjun Gupta Jacqueline Novogratz and Chris Anderson
Mary H. and Paul F. Anderson
Jane Harman Sandra Day O’Connor
Donna and Jim Barksdale
Kaya Henderson Olara A. Otunnu
Mercedes T. Bass
Anna K. and Hayne Hipp Yumiko and Hisashi Owada
Karen and Berl Bernhard
Ellen and Irv O. Hockaday, Jr. Elaine Pagels
Sheena and Keith Berwick
Ivan Hodac Carrie Walton Penner and Greg Penner
Jacklyn G. and Miguel A. Bezos
Rachel Kohler and Mark S. Hoplamazian Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering
Susan and Richard S. Braddock
Annie and Gerald D. Hosier Dan Porterfield
Beth A. and Michelle Brooke-Marciniak Nina Rodale Houghton
Zoë and Bill Budinger Carla and Charles Powell
Ann F. and Edward R. Hudson, Jr. Margot and Tom Pritzker
Hope and William J. Bynum Jérôme Huret
Connie L. and James C. Calaway Denise M. Byrne and Peter A. Reiling
Soledad and Robert J. Hurst Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick
Enola Aird and Stephen L. Carter Cathy and Walter Isaacson
Rebecca and Troy Carter Condoleezza Rice
Natalie Jaresko
Pamela and César Conde Mary A. and James E. Rogers
William N. Joy
Penny and James G. Coulter Maria Laura Medina and
Salman Khan
Katie Couric and John Molner Ricardo Benjamin Salinas
Nancy and Henry A. Kissinger
Paula and James S. Crown Ali and Lewis A. Sanders
Yoshiko and Teisuke Kitayama
Renée and Lester Crown Linda and Jay Sandrich
Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein
Andrea L. Cunningham and Rand Siegfried Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer
Julia F. and David H. Koch
Ranjana and Tarun Das Cecilia Pirelli and Carlo Scognamiglio
Ann M. and Tom C. Korologos
Bonnie and Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. Shirley and Albert H. Small
Satinder K. Lambah
Ann H. and L. John Doerr Judy and Leonard Lauder Anna Deavere Smith
Jane P. and William H. Donaldson Laura and Gary M. Lauder Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith
Thelma Duggin Jill Hornor and Yo-Yo Ma Family Foundation
Karen and Arne Duncan Marlene and Frederic V. Malek Javier Solana
Sylvia A. Earle Robert H. Malott Gillian and Robert K. Steel
Jane and Michael D. Eisner Sarah and James M. Manyika Jennifer Johnson and Andrew L. Stern
Laura M. and L. Brooks Entwistle William E. Mayer Shashi Tharoor
Alan Fletcher and Ronald J. Schiller Bonnie P. and Tom D. McCloskey, Jr. Laurie M. Tisch
Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman David H. McCormick and Dina Powell Fausta Beltrametti and Giulio Tremonti
Juan Ramon de la Fuente The John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Paul A. Volcker
Richard Newton Gardner Foundation Eckart von Klaeden
Henry L. Gates, Jr. Laure and Olivier Mellerio Alexia von Lipsey and Roderick K. von Lipsey
Miheala and Mircea D. Geoana Diane L. Morris Cheryl and Vin Weber
Anne E. and David R. Gergen Elisabeth and Karlheinz Muhr Abigail and Leslie H. Wexner
Alma and Joseph B. Gildenhorn Clare Muñana Marion and Frederick B. Whittemore
Sabrina and Antonio Gracias Gina and Jerry Murdock Alice Young and Thomas L. Shortall, Esq.

Gold Leaf Society Susan Miller* Gloria Christal

Dionne and Francis Najafi Nancy C. and A. Steven Crown
Robert J. Abernethy
Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation
Amy and David Abrams
Perri Peltz and Eric Ruttenberg Emily Gold Mears
Karen Heim-Amadon and Greg Amadon
Susan Taylor and Robert Cunningham Pew III Meg and Bennett Goodman
Vanisha and Amit Bhatia Barbara and Gerald D. Hines
Anne N. and J. Christopher Reyes
Christy and Daryl R. Burton Linda E. Johnson
Leslie M. Saiontz
Kim and Rob Coretz Toby Devan Lewis
Vicki and Roger Sant
Sandra and Paul Edgerley Marianne and Sheldon B. Lubar
Carole B. and Gordon Segal
Samia and A. Huda Farouki Craig C. Martin
Nancy Swift Furlotti and Erel Shalit
Sheila and David Fuente Flo Fulton-Miller and Scott D. Miller
Bren Simon
Karen Z. Gray-Krehbiel and Jennifer and David Millstone
Nancy Wall and Chuck Wall
John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin
Melani and S. Robson Walton
Sharon and Larry D. Hite Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha
Melony and Adam J. Lewis Susan Boeing and Christopher Redlich
Chairman’s Society
Sharon Handler Loeb and John L. Loeb Jr. Robert Rosenkranz and Alexandra Munroe,
Anu and Manoj Menda, Managing Giancarla and Luciano Berti The Rosenkranz Foundation
Trustees-RMZ Foundation Bostock Family Foundation Jean and Thomas D. Rutherfoord, Jr.
* Deceased


Ali and Lewis A. Sanders Carla D’Arista Frampton and Doren M. Pinnell
Gina and Sam Shapiro George T. Frampton, Jr. Betsy and Robert S. Pitts
Deanie and Jay Stein Karen and James S. Frank Anne and Arnold Porath
Alice L. Walton Emanuel J. Friedman Philanthropies Lisa Stone Pritzker
Beatrice and Anthony Welters Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton Julie White Ratner and Dennis Ratner
Annelise and David Winter Pamela Paresky and Christopher Gates Pixie and Jimmy Reiss
Donna and Jon Gerstenfeld Kathryn Gleason and Timothy Ring
President’s Society Nicole Giantonio and Jim Horowitz Christopher Roberts
Beth and Larry W. Gies Kate Roberts
Vicki Abeles
Deborah and Dennis Glass Lyn M. Ross
Oded Aboodi
Marilyn G. and Michael J. Glosserman Cari B. and Michael J. Sacks
Gayle and Michael Ahearn
Harriett and Richard E. Gold Shirley and Yossi Sagol
Paul G. Allen
Arthur N. Greenberg Mara and Ricky Sandler
Anonymous (5)
Agnes Gund June and Paul C. Schorr III
Molly Gochman and Michael Armilio
Ellen Bronfman Hauptman and Danny Sebright
Doris and Laurence Ashkin
Andrew Hauptman Jacquelin S. Sewell
Grace and Morton Bender
Jamie and Bush Helzberg Peggy and Carl Sewell
Ronit and William Berkman
Melinda B. and Jeffery D. Hildebrand Josie and Carl Sewell III
Jill and Jay Bernstein
Lillie Hodges and Brett Hodges Patsy and John Shields
Wilma and Stuart Bernstein
Helga Fisch and Richard Hodosh Betsy and Paul Coombe Shiverick
Steve Black
Judith Z. Steinberg and Paul J. Hoenmans Victoria and Ronald A. Simms -
Amy and Gary Block
Lisa and Michael Holthouse - The Simms/Mann Family Foundation
Laurie Michaels and David Bonderman
Holthouse Foundation for Kids David M. Solomon
Jo and Bill Brandt
Lynne and Joseph Horning Sara C. and James A. Star
Sue Doran and Drew Brasher
Diane G. and William J. Hunckler III Gideon and Zoey Stein
Gundula Brattke
Gayle G. and Woody L. Hunt Ann J. and Paul G. Stern
Deborah and Gabriel Brener
Irja Brant and Alireza Ittihadieh Patrick F. Taylor Foundation
Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg and Arturo
Shana and Clint Johnstone Robin Loewenberg Tebbe and
Elise E. and Russell C. Joseph Mark A. Tebbe
Susan and Robert Emmet Brown, Jr.
Joleen and Mitch Julis Mary Holmes Thompson
Aviva and Martin Budd
Allison and Warren Kanders Karen and James Tucker
Nancy P. and Clint Carlson
Manisha and Roy Kapani Marie and Andy Unanue
Ruth Carver
Beth and Michael Kasser Christopher V. Walker
Kristina and William H. Catto
Sylvia and Richard F. Kaufman Jeffrey C. Walker
Julia and Michael Connors
Betty Saks and Bart Kavanaugh John & Carol Walter Family Foundation
Phyllis and David Z. Cook
Erica and Jeffrey A. Keswin Sam R. Walton
Bunni and Paul Copaken
Mark Kimsey Tillie Walton
Jane R. and Marshall C. Crouch III
Suzanne Cole Kohlberg and James Kohlberg Alexa and Blaine Wesner
Sylvie and Gary T. Crum
Sheila and Michael Kurzman Jenny and Tom Williams
Gerry Cuddy
Ann and Edward Lamont Judy and Fred Wilpon
Elissa and Gary Davis
David Lee Diane Wilsey
Catherine and Jerome H. Debs II
Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Sharon and Clark Winslow
Elizabeth Beaman and Scott M. Delman
Rochelle and Max Levit Kate Wolters
Elaine and Claiborne Deming
Jim Lowrey William Wrigley, Jr.
Jan and Neal Dempsey
Gina Giumarra MacArthur Nancy R. Lazar and George R. Zachar
Claire Dewar
Holly and John W. Madigan Alison and Boniface Zaino
Dee and David Dillon
Charles N. Martin, Jr. Barbara and David Zalaznick
Gloria Story Dittus
Leslie Berriman and Nion McEvoy Elisha and Jeff Zander
Julia Douglas
Katherine and Ryan McIntyre
Justin Douglas
Betty and James* McManus Aspen Leaf Society
Micole and John Carroll Doyle
C. E. and S. Foundation
Jacqueline Weld Drake Lizbeth S. and John W. Adams
Kim Metcalf-Kupres
Lauren K. and John P. Driscoll Rita and Jeffrey Adler - Rita and Jeffrey Adler
John Moore
Lisa and Ralph Eads Foundation
Mary J. and Garrett Moran
Gail and Richard Elden Tracy and Dennis Albers
Susan E. and Robert S. Morrison
Gail and Alfred Engelberg Edward Alden
Marisa Muller
Clayton and Sheldon Erikson Anonymous
David L. Nevins
Judy Estrin James Aresty
David Newberger
Kati Everett Aspen Chamber Resort Association
Denise M. Dupre and Mark E. Nunnelly
Thomas H. Fagadau Lisa and George Baker
Helen Ward and Wally Obermeyer
Shannon Fairbanks Roger Ballentine
Susan and William Oberndorf
Sherry and Joseph Felson Sarah and Dan Bayer
Tomoe Odahara
Idit and Moti Ferder Jeffrey A. Bayer
John N. Palmer
Tara Carson and Barbara Fergus Adya Beasley
Patricia M. Papper
Jaimie and David J. Field Ashley P. and James Beaty
Margaret and Andrew M. Paul
Richard Finger Renée and Robert A. Belfer
Andrew L. Pecora
Alejandra and Paul L. Foster Kim Bendheim
Amy and Brian Pennington

Janie and John S. Bennett Sakurako and William S. Fisher Mona Look-Mazza and Anthony Mazza
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Barbara and Aaron Fleck Judy and Amory B. Lovins
Rebecca and Jeffrey Berkus Karine and Edward P. Flinter Sandra Familet and Chauncey Lufkin
Alan Berube Susan Gordon and Scott Francis Michele and Donn Lux
Carrie Besnette Hauser - Barry Friedman Leslie and Kurt Malkoff
Colorado Mountain College Carole Gaba and Richard Gordon Niki Manby
Ganesh Betanabhatla Joan and Launce Gamble Nicola and Jeffrey Marcus
Anita and James Bineau Simonetta Brandolini and Renee Gardner, Carol S. Marks
Mia Birdsong Friends of Florence Amy Haines and Richard Marks
Rebecca Donelson and Kristen and Larry Gellman Susan Marx
Robert Charles Blattberg Dale Goodman and Leonard Genet Jill and Erik Maschler
Kalita and Edward W. Blessing Julie Gerson Travis Mason
Alison Blood Virginia and Gary Gerst Sharon Maxwell-Ferguson and
Kimberly Bloom Gordon Silver and Carla Ginsburg Howell Lykes Ferguson
Allison and Randall Bone Dit and Mark A. Goldberg Nancy Mayer
Janine Bourke Alfred G. Goldstein Brandy and Richard McAniff
Michael Bourke Thorey and Barry J. Goldstein Bonnie McElveen-Hunter
Mark Brown and Stephen Brint Jeannette and Jerry A. Goldstone Bruce McEver
Kim Brizzolara Andrea and Jim Gordon, Janet and Thomas McKinley
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation The Edgewater Funds Simonetta Cittadini and Felipe Medina
Inette and Joshua Brown Lenore S. and Bernard A. Greenberg Fund Marilyn and Tom Melberg
Courtney and Michael Brown Hilary Gallin and Michael B. Greenwald Lisa and Willem Mesdag
Andrea and Christopher D. Bryan Joann and David L. Grimes Rheda Becker and Robert E. Meyerhoff
Carolyn S. Bucksbaum Margaret McDowell and James Grossman Mary V. Mochary
Jacolyn and John Bucksbaum Llura and Gordon Gund Sara and William Morgan
Stephen Bullock Avril Haines Joanna Ossinger and Daniel Moss
Ken Burns Nicki and J. Ira Harris Rebecca K. and Raymond M. Murray, Jr.
Jane L. and Calvin Cafritz Mary Ann and Jim Harris Stephanie and Michael Naidoff
Terri and Tony Caine Joan W. Harris - The Irving Harris Foundation Davia Nelson
Kellie H. and William Carlson Alix Mattingly and Alan Harter Eileen and Craig Newmark
Penney Evans and Dennis Carruth Becky and William Heldfond Paula and Jonathan Nickell
Christine Carter Cindy Hirschfeld Sue A. and James Oates
Martin G. Carver Katie and Rob Holton Marne Obernauer, Jr.
Laurel and John H. Catto David Houggy Jeanie and Patrick O’Shaughnessy
Katherin and David D. Chase Heidi Houston Farah Pandith
Rabia Chaudry Tori Dauphinot and Ken Hubbard Thomas A. Patterson
Christine M. Karnes and Richard Check Carol and Mike Hundert Doug H. Phelps
Janet F. Clark Daniel J. Ikenson Elizabeth Phelps
Dan Coats Karen Flannery James Ali and David Phillips
Patty Alper and David I. Cohn Hasan Kwame Jeffries Cathy and Hunter Pierson
Stephen Coll Dr. Jane Jenkins Pauline B. Pitt
James Connaughton Brenda Jewett Mary and Charles Preusse
Patricia Cook George Jewett Ashley and Jeffrey Quicksilver
Cornelia and Richard Corbett Jennifer and Sekou Kaalund Leah Wright Rigueur
Suzi and David Cordish Diana Jacobs Kalman Lauren and Bob Roberts
Judy and Archibald Cox, Jr. Carolyn and William Kane Stephanie and Mark Robinson
Angela and Charles L. Cunniffe Laura and Michael Kaplan Matthew Rojansky
Jerry A. Davis Marjie and Bob Kargman Debbi Fields Rose and Michael* Rose
Ronald Davis Benton Kastman Michelle and Herbert Rosenfeld
Melinda and Scott A. Delmonico Jane and Gerald Katcher Betsy and Andy Rosenfield
Deanie and Martin Dempsey Neal Katyal Nancy and Miles L. Rubin
Alexis Diaz Barbara Bluhm-Kaul and Donald Kaul Randall H. Russell
Susan and Brian N. Dickie Kenneth Keil David Sadroff
Carol and Dixon Doll Family Foundation Kitty Kelley Pamela and Arthur Sanders
Jill Dougherty Jon Kelly Mary and Patrick Scanlan
The Dreman Foundation Hyunja and Jeff L. Kenner Lorraine and Mark Schapiro
Elizabeth Dubin Betsy and Brill Key Caryn and Rudi Scheidt
Tristan L. and Tim Duncan Susan and John Klein Paul Schimmel
Kay L. and Tom T. Dunton Carol Susan and Robert E. Klein Trevor Schoonmaker
Ingrid O. and Thomas J. Edelman Dorothy and Sidney Kohl Alece and David Schreiber
Carolyn Edgar Cathy and Jonathan Koplovitz Linda and H. Del Schutte, Jr.
Anna May Feige and Timothy E. Feige Henry Lambert and Carey Bond Shannon Schuyler
Christy Ferer Gaylene Salomons and Rickey Lamitie Wendy and Michael Sidley
Marilyn and Larry Fields Ana Landa Maggie Grise and Adam Silver
Linda and Gregory Fischbach Jennifer Engel and Marian Lansburgh Nancy and Mark J. Silverman
David Fischer Carol and John Levy Madeline and Michael D. Silverman
Leana Fisher and Judith Fisher Darielle and Earl Linehan Mish Tworkowski and Joseph Singer
* Deceased


Dan Bayer

Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr. Claudia and Richard Balderston Claudia L. and William T. Coleman III
Camilla Smith Marilyn and John Balson Cynthia Ott and James Coleman
Andrea and Glenn Sonnenberg Robert Barnes Sandra and Michael Collins
Gillian Sorensen E. Jay Rosenstein and Raymond Baron Mercedes Condy
Erika and Karim Souki David and Ann Barry Noel R. and Thomas Congdon
Anthony Spadaro Cornelia Greaves and Buddy Bates William Cook
Constance and Stephen H. Spahn Betty-Jean and David Bavar Jean and Bernard J. Cooney
Steven Spencer Karen Beard Dale Coudert
Gayle and Paul Stoffel Chuck Bellock Howard Cox
Jessica and Jason Stoller Vivian and Norman Belmonte Charles Crocker
Evelyn M. and Barry S. Strauch, M.D. Clayton I. Bennett Druscilla French and Stephen M. Cumbie
Kelly and Lee J. Styslinger III Deborah and Robert Bennett Marc and Lisa Cummins
Eleanor F. and John M. Sullivan, Jr. Marilyn Berens Charles B. Curtis
Ellen and Stephen D. Susman Barbara and Bruce Berger James Curtis
Sue and Aziz D. Syriani Elena M. Berk Dorothy Walsh D’Amato and
Shelley and Joel D. Tauber Linda Binder C. Richard D’Amato
Jeffrey J. Taylor Janet and Robert Blaich Scott Davidson
Jonathan Tepperman Charlotte Blank Ellen and Gary Davis
Amy and Mark Tercek Nancy L. Blank Yolanda and Mark Davis
Gillian Tett Gretchen Bleiler Martin Davis
Larry Thomas II Ellen Block Alexandra de Borchgrave
Jennifer Olson and Scott Thompson Sally Blount Susan de Saint Phalle
Anne and Bill R. Tobey, Jr. Betty Ann Blum Alex Dell
Heather Triano Jane Bogart Kittie and Bill Devers
Elly Ibbotson and Timur Umarov Barbara Haskell and Leon Botstein Jeannine English and Howard Dickstein
Amy and Jeffrey Verschleiser Andrea Bowers Muffy and Andy DiSabatino
Cissy and Curt Viebranz Frances F. Bowes Amy and Michael Doherty
Susan L. Smalley and Kevin Wall Leslie G. Bowman Deneen Donnley
Andrea E. Wallack Marc Brackett Diana Lady Dougan
Monique Clarine and Ralph Wanger Mark A. Bradley Marsha and David Dowler
Wendy Whitman and Ryan Warren Stuart Brafman Berkeley and Jason Downie
Sandra and Stanford Warshawsky Deborah S. Breen Sheila Draper
Lucinda B. Watson Ginny and Charles Brewer Heather and Todd duBoef
Michael Weiser Shara and Jonathan Brice Antonia Paepcke DuBrul
Christie and Jeffrey P. Weiss Ella and Scott Brittingham Diane and Wayne Ducote
Leslie Marshall and William F. Weld Carolyn Brody Nancy S. Dunlap
Edith Kallas-Whatley and Joe R. Whatley Marian and Albert “Buzz” Brown, Jr. Carol S. Dweck
Carlotta and Wendell Willkie Nancy Brown Susan Dweck
Atti Worku Robin and Neal Buchalter Leatrice and Mel Eagle
Irene and Alan L. Wurtzel Noreen and Kenneth Buckfire Marcy and Leo Edelstein
Mary and Harold Zlot April Bucksbaum Linda and Alan S. Englander
Zlotnik Family Charitable Fund Glenn Martin Bucksbaum Susan Engs
Teddy Zmrhal Barb and Steve Buffone Bess and Ted Enloe III
Heidi Zuckerman Natalie Orfalea and Louis Buglioli Billie and Gregory Erwin
Barbara J. Burger Kiki and Steven Esrick
Fellows Andy Burness Dafri and Michael Estes
Catherine and Bill Cabaniss Judith Barnard and Michael Fain
Virginia Aaron Ludmila and Conrad Cafritz Marita and Jonathan Fairbanks
Vanessa and Karl Adam Susan M. and Brett Caine Linda and Rob Faktorow
John K. Adams Linda Calhoun Cara M. Familet
Carol and Ken L. Adelman Marion A. Cameron Vivian Farah
Jim Adler Samantha Campbell Peter Feer
Kay Allaire Shelley Senterfitt and Ken Canfield Anne and Alan D. Feld
Judy Ley Allen Robert Cantu Suzanne Felson
Linda and John Allman Karen E. Wagner and David L. Caplan Susan and George Fesus
Carolyn Small Alper Tate and Blake Casper Joseph Sebastian Fichera
Tanya and Paul Alston Jorge E. Castillo Susan and Richard Finkelstein
Dean V. Ambrose Denise and Michael Cetta Carol Fishman
Jim Anathan Merle Chambers Jodie and Steven Fishman
Anonymous (4) Mark Chichester Cristina Rose and Scott FitzRandolph
Jill and Paul Aschkenasy Rona and Jeffrey B. Citrin Marcia and Donald Flaks
Barbara and Don Averitt Tony Clancy Javier Font
Rebecca T. Ayres Vince Clark Lou Fouts
Michelle and Brad Bachmann Kelly L. Close Catherine and Christopher Foyle
Denise Bachrodt Kim Coates and Nick Coates Angie Franks
Cheryl and Orrin Baird Suzanne and Robert Cochran Anna and Matt Freedman
Susan and Steve Baird Marcie Cohen Chuck Frias
Nina McLemore and Donald I. Baker Brenda Wild and Tony Coia Charlotte Moss and Barry S. Friedberg
Marilyn and George L. Baker Tony Cole Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland


Golda and Sheldon Friedstein Spring Hollis Barbara and Jonathan O. Lee
Muni Fry Allison and Patrick Holloran Judith and Donald Lefton
Marjorie Layden and Daniel Fung Sue and R. Ronald Hopkinson Edward Lenkin and Roselin Atzwanger
Barbara and Michael Gamson John Horton Ruth Owades and Louis Lenzen
Shelby and Frederick Gans Erica Hartman-Horvitz and Karen and Bruce Levenson
Brent Gardner-Smith Richard Alan Horvitz Louise Levin
Eydie and Donald Garlikov Ada and Jim Horwich Felicia and Ronald Levin
Richard Garvin Leonora Horwin Lucia D. Swanson and Theodore A. Levine
Catherine Gellert Sue Hostetler Margi and Thomas Levitt
Lori and Bruce Gendelman Holly Huffines Walter M. Levy
Eric Gertler Karen T. Hughes and K. Alexandra Hughes Margaret Wettergreen and Jamie Lewis
Howard Gilbert Lawrence Hui Suzanne Leydecker
David Gitlitz Laura Hunt Mary Schmidt-Libby and Russell Libby
Jeanne Glatt Judy and Robert Huret Dori and Robert Libson
Dr. Lisa Braun Glazer and Dr. Jeffrey Glazer Camille Cook and Laura Hutcheson Sylvia and David Lichtenger
Melissa Glynn Robert Hutchings Judy and Sam Linhart
Erin M. Gogolak Carolyne T. Hyde Jody Guralnick and Michael Lipkin
Bulent Goktuna Barbara and Joseph Reeves Hyde III Zsuzsanna Karasz* and John Lipsky
Barbara Gold Mary Ann Hyde Susan and Fred Lodge
Michelle and Jared Goldberg Liba Icahn James Loeffler
Wendy and Fred T. Goldberg, Jr. David Ignatius Nancy and James R. Loewenberg
Jean Golden Corree Isley Jennifer and Mark Lotke
Sallie Golden Bisque Jackson Pamela Jo Rosenau and Marilyn Lowey
Adam Goldsmith Martha and Mel W. Jackson Miguel Loya
Lynda Goldstein Dorothy Jacobs Mary and Robert E. S. Lupo
Teri and Andy Goodman Trudy and John Jacobson Martha Luttrell
Nelson Gordman Mary and Thomas Alan James Janette and Robert Macaulay
Eran Gorev Lucie Jay Tilly and Parker Maddux
Steven Grand-Jean Elizabeth Jeffett Mark Mahaney
Thomas Grape Edith H. and C. Hastings Johnson Nancy R. Manderson
Cheryl Gray Joy Johnson Judy and Robert* Mann
Dean L. Greenberg Marci and Stan Johnson Gail P. and Frederick J. Manning
Karen Greenberg Teresa and Steve Johnson Joan and Michael Marek
Eileen and Richard Greenberg Anne and R.S. Jones Janice and Chip Marks
Jan and Ronald K. Greenberg Kathleen K. and Warren D. Jones Jeffrey Marlough
Cathy and Bob Griffin Tory and Mark Joseph Patricia Marquis
Cynthia Gronroos Suzanne Bober and Stephen Kahn Stephanie Pace Marshall
Jane and Allen Grossman Nora and Geoffrey Kanter Courtney Martin
Rebecca Henry and Harry Gruner Jill and Curtis Kaufman Denise Monteleone and James Martin
Vinod Gupta Ann and Stephen Kaufman Martha and Todd Martin
Linda L. Haan Lisa and Kenneth Kelley Mark Mason
Shannon J. Hales Bicky and George A. Kellner Estelle and William McArthur
Anne and Kurt Hall Katherine Kendrick Sharon Teddy Mcbay
Meg Withgott and Per-Kristian Halvorsen Ross King Worthy McCartney
Joanna Rees and John Hamm Paul Kinney Jodie W. McLean
Jan Koran and Steven Handler Joanne and John Kirby Rosemary Bray McNatt
Julia Hansen William Kirby Penny Meepos
Sally and Steve Hansen The Kirkpatrick Family Fund Diane E. Meier
Johann Hari Melvyn N. Klein Nancy E. and Peter* Meinig
Leelee and Bill Harriman Sally and Jim Klingbeil Deborah and Lee Meisel
Zara and Daniel Harris Chris Kluwe J. Alec Merriam
Gay and Wyman Harris Jane and William Knapp Steven Merrill
Linda and Mitch Hart Lisa Kopecky Eleanor and Robert M. Meyers
Cheryl G. Healton Colleen Kollar-Kotelly Debbie Shon and Andrew Michels
Lita Warner Heller Lindsey Kozberg Renee and Bruce Michelson
Heller Family Foundation Stanley Kritzik BJ Miller
Susan Helm Alison Lewis and Craig Krumwiede Lloyd Miller
Katherine and Bill Henderson Fred R. Kucker Melinda and Morris Mintz
Claudia and Tom Henteleff David Kunin Nancy and Charles Mitchell
Linda Vitti Herbst and Clarence A. Herbst Julie LaNasa and John T. Kunzweiler Joanne and Joel Mogy
Jerry H. and Linda Herman Constance and John Joseph Kurowski Shelah and Marc S. Moller
Susan Hesketh Amy and Thomas Kwei Nancy and George Montgomery
Juliane Marion Heyman Sally and James Lapeyre, Jr. Anne and Mead Montgomery
Christopher Hill Donald W. Larsen Jr. Chrissi and Michael C. Morgan
Richard H. Hillman Jeanne Lawrence Marci and Ronnie Morgan
Sharon Hoffman Joany Lebach Julie and Mark Morris
Tamara Holliday Elaine and Robert LeBuhn Kim Anstatt Morton

Julie C. Muraco Valerie A. Richter Laurence Steinberg
Marcie J. and Robert Musser Jenny Rickard Phyllis and Ronald Steinhart
Carlos Musso Donna Di Ianni and Peter Rispoli Freda Gail Stern
Matthew Myers Courtland Robinson Debbie and Jeffrey Stevenson
Ilene and James A. Nathan Judy T. and Emerson Robinson, Jr. Ellen M. Heller and Shale D. Stiller
Linda Nathanson Katie and Amnon Rodan Linda Klieger Stillman and Robert Stillman
Katherine Neisser Daniel Rodriguez Curt Strand
Judy Ney Theodore Roosevelt IV Tracy Straus
D’Ann F. and John R. Norwood Barbara and Donald Rosenberg Barbara B. and Thomas W. Strauss
Ann O’Brien Michelle and Howard Rosenbloom Jeremi Suri
Susan O’Bryan Joan and Barry Rosenthal Krista Swanson
Stephanie and Diarmuid O’Connell Alec Ross Carol and James Swiggett
Eileen O’Connor Robert Ross Marcy Syms
Janet and Tom O’Connor Ruthanne and Scott Roth Emily and Stew Tabin
Michelle and Chris Olson Ivette and Andrew Rothschild Bruce Taub
Susan Christine O’Neal Ronald Rubenstein Amanda Cox Taylor
Edward O’Reilly Susie and Leslie Rudd Anne Kaiser and Robert P. Taylor
Nedra and Mark Oren Stuart Russell Shelly A. and Peter* Thigpen
Greg Orman Douglas and Kristen Ryckman Robert Thoburn
Laurie Crown and Richard Ortega Viveka Å. Rydell-Anderson Joseph Tobin
Brian Overbo Norma Saafir Joan Tobin
Sharon Owsley Vivian and John Sabel Cathy Mitchell Toren and Peter Toren
Margaret and Paul Pace Gail and Richard Sachson Sarah McKinley and Frank Torti
Christine and Michael Pack Maralee Beck and Andrew Safir John Train
Alexander Papachristou Eva Sage-Gavin Guillermo Trevino
Jean L. and Allen G. Parelman Linda Sandell Nancy Oliphant and Adam Trombly
Yves Pascouau Karen and Nathan Sandler Roberta Turkat
Sue and Kirk Patrick Lois and Thomas C. Sando John Turner
Patricia M. Patterson Linda and Jay Sandrich Sandra and Sam Tyler
Esther Pearlstone Jan and John G. Sarpa Erik Van der Kooij
Amy Elias and Richard L. Pearlstone Susan Small Savitsky Dennis H. Vaughn
Dipika Rai and Douglas Peckham Judith Schalit Jonathan Vaughters
Kathryn Fleck Peisach and Harry Peisach Gloria Scharlin Ty Warren
Susan and Paul Penn Orville Schell Viviane M. Warren
Robert M. Pennoyer Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer Judy and Robert H. Waterman, Jr.
Mary Ann Peoples Lisa and David T. Schiff Roxanne J. Decyk and Neil Lewis Watts
Thomas M. Perkins Linda and Robert Schmier Evelene Wechsler
Robert M. Perkowitz Barbara and F. Eugene Schmitt Karen and Martin S. Weiner
Essie Perlmutter Susan and Sheldon Schneider Myriam Weinstein
Donna and Richard Perlmutter Victoria E. Schonfeld Marion W. Weiss
William Peruzzi Louise and Robert Schwab Marvin F. Weissberg
Carol H. and Brooke Peterson Michelle Schwartz Lucie and Jerry Weissman
Hensley and James Peterson Nina and William B. Schwartz III Carrie Wells
Kathy and Jerry Petitt Phyllis and David Scruggs Dana and Michael Werner
Kathryn Phillips Katherine and Dhiren H. Shah Brien White
Susan and William* Plummer Jane and Paul Shang Shelly Porges and Richard J. Wilhelm
Dorothy and Aaron S. Podhurst Jayne Shapiro Nancy and Larry Wilhelms
Pat and William F. Podlich Robert Sharpe Lisa and Edward W. Williams
Diane and Arnold L. Polinger Joyce Sher Hank Willis Thomas
Marnie Pope Bermingham and Steven Pope Joseph Sherman Reginald Wilson
Jane R. and William M. Pope, Jr. Barbara K. Shuster Carol G. and Michael E. Winer
Leslie and Wolfgang Pordzik Robert Sidorsky Steve Winesett
Jon Powell Lois Siegel Susan and Barton Winokur
Jody Rhone and Thomas Pritchard Jill and Stuart Siegel Ruth Winter
Catherine Anne Provine Cecily Silberman Mary and Hugh D. Wise III
John Vytautas Prunskis Amy A. and William Simon Robin S. Wittlin
Josiane Collazo-Psaki and James Psaki Christi and Eric Small Carolyn and William J. Wolfe
Kelley and Mark Purnell Lynn B. Smith Corinne and Paul Wood
Eden Rafshoon Beverly and John Snyder Frank Woods
Marsha Ralls Patti Solis Doyle Judy Wyman
Kenneth Ramberg Andrew Ross Sorkin Mei Xu
Ellen B. and Edward Randall III Charif Souki Caren Yanis
Whitney Randolph Selma Spaccarelli Wendy Yanowitch
Stacey and Presley O. Reed Nancy Spears Karen Zelden
Rotem and Shai Reshef Nancy Chasen and Don Spero Judy and Leo Zickler
Myra L. and Robert S. Rich Julie and Martin J. Sprinzen David Zolet
Pamela and Charles F. Richards, Jr. Sandy and Stephen Stay
* Deceased


Vanguard Chapter Megan and Tom Clark Janet Gordon
Missey Condie Nikki Goss
Kate Abraham
Lori Conkling Joanne and Matthew Gouaux
Shannan and Joshua Adler
Ashley and Michael Connolly Garth Graham
Michael J. Albert
Brendan L. Cook Odile Granter Wilson
Erica Alioto
Candice Cook Simmons Michael Gridley
Tabitha R. Almquist
Monty Lamont Cooper Kendra Lauren Gros
Laura Caldwell and Charles Amadon
Catherine Corman Brett Grossman
Brigitte Anderson
Michelle Cortright Elizabeth and Peter Hagist
Anonymous (4)
Kasey Crown and David Comfort Christian Halvorsen
Emma and Michael Anselmi
Caroline and Keating Crown Scott Hanley
The Aspen Skiing Company Family Fund
Charles Cutshall Elizabeth and Blake Hansen
Jerry Augustin
David Dabscheck Rachel and Reid Hansen
Jessi and Joe Baker
Susan de la Houssaye Brendan Hart
Philip Balderston
Lindsey de la Torre Jason Hartman
Lissa Ballinger Heidi and Keith Hemstreet
Alix Dejean
Aaron Bare Jason Alexander Denby Chantal N. Henderson
Claudia Barrios Anuj Desai Casady M. Henry
Kirsten Bay Chelsea and Chace E. Dillon IV Cindy and Will Herndon
Hassan Bazzi Paul Dimoh Claudia Ho
Davis Berg Laci Dinan Samuel Hodges
Katherine and James Berger Michael F. DiNiscia Jeff D. Holiday
Rina Shah Bharara and Niteesh Bharara Michael P. DiPaula-Coyle Ben Homer
Genevieve and Andrew Biggs Robin Dolch George Saad and Jason Howell
Ian Black Falon Dominguez C. Lloyd Huggins
Janice Blanchard Amy and Tripp Donnelly Adam Hundt
Marcus Blue, DDS, P.C. Margo Drakos Troy Hysmith
Kenneth Bok Kyle Dropp Heather Ichord
Tasce and Zack Bongiovanni Jacqueline and Jarka Duba Igor Jablokov
Sarah Borgman Anu Vege and Abhijit Dubey Natalie and Bixby Jamison
Dan Braga Jennifer Duncan Cara Grayer Johnson and Jerry L. Johnson
Jamie L. Brewster McLeod and Melonie Nance and Kristin and Benjamin Johnston
Glen McLeod Umamaheswar Duvvuri Andrew Karsh
Michelle Broderick Damien Dwin Brian Kaufmann
Gordon Bronson Dulcinea and Spencer Edge Emily Kay
Charles Bronstein Philip Edmunds Lindsay Schanzer and Alexander Kelloff
Karen B. Brooks Kim Edwards Alex Kendrick
Molly M. Brooks Tracy Eggleston Scott Kendrick
Morgan Henschke and Matthew Brown Sarah and Andrew Ellenbogen Kristin Kenny
Donna and Kenton Bruice Lauren McCloskey Elston and Ryan Elston Natasha I. Kiemnec
D. A. Budler Vlad Enache Michele Kiley
Brittany Buffalino Ashley and Andrew Ernemann Andrew Klaber
Nathnael Bulcho Georg Philipp Ettstaller Robert Klaber
Adem Bunkeddeko James Feng Missy and Chris Klug
Jonathan Burley Michael Ferguson Pippa and Alex Klumb
Kendall Cafritz James B. Ferrari Harry D. Knight, Jr.
Megan DiSabatino and Nicola Caiano Filipa and Joshua Fink Andrea Korber
Eeva and Christopher Calero Paulette and Joshua Fink Armel Kouassi
Tripp Callan Lindsay Forster Karen and Liam Krehbiel
Martha Campbell Lindsy and Adam J. Fortier Cari and Jeff Kuhlman
Eric J. Carr Chris Fowler Bernard Lagrange
Julie Case Isabelle and Scott Freidheim Wesley J. Lai
Annie and Coley Cassidy Arely and Jose A. Freig Samuel G. Landercasper
Valerie Caveney Houston Frost Joshua Landis
Lynn M. Chaffier Katherine Fry Diana and Chris Lane
Pamela Chan Lady and Chip Fuller Stefanie Lear
Trisala Chandaria Sam Gandy Aynsley and Palmer Letzerich
Jessie Chaney and Abate Riccardo Lolly and David Garcia Kimberly Levin
David F. Chazen Hayley Mitchell and Clayton Gentry Suzann Levine
Susan Rennie and Catherine Chen-Rennie Nicoletta Giordani Kim Master and Noah Lieb
Cristine Chiasson Mona Girotra Christine and Andrew Light
Jennifer Childs Patrick Givens Alice and Peter Light
Phaedra Chrousos Leila Toplic and Cyrill Glockner Regan Wilson and Christopher Lim
Casarae Clark Austin Glover Emily Lin
Chelsea Rae Clark Louisa Lyn Goldsmith Nick Lincoln
Kristofer Clark Carol and Marc Goldstein Renee Linnell
Scott W. Clark Alexandra Gordon Katherine and David Liola

Becky Heldfond and Jon Kelly, Vanguard Leadership board members, performing Antigone at their annual seminar. (Dan Bayer)

Tara and Hunter Lipton Jason Pileggi Lauren Callaghan and Russell Sprole
Michael Smith Liss Stephen Pineault Michael and Mary Kathryn Steel
Lindsay Lofaro Lisa Pingatore Stephanie Holder and Tom Stegman
Jessica J. Lucas Geneva Podolak Laura Makar and Luke Stephenson
Holly Lynch Cintra Pollack Collette Stallbaumer and Warren Stickney
Daniel Lynn Marianna K. Prueger Tyler Storlie
Peter Mack Pavel Raifeld Clay Stranger
Christy Mahon Diana Birkett Rakow Mary Frances and Stephen Szoradi
Patrick Maloney Aaren Riley Curtis Tamkin
Eric Maltzer Maxwell Rispoli Nicole and Lex Tarumianz
Carrie Mantha Jonathan Robinson Hannah Thompson
Chris Marlin Brittanie Rockhill Victoria Treyger
Dave Mayer Kristen Rogers Ryan Triplette
Daniel T. and Chrissy McCaslin Sarah Broughton and John Rowland Jillian Tucker
Farell and Ashby McElveen Ally L. and Scott Russell Lucy Tucker
Marcia McGowan Elexa Ruth Ksenia Tyutrina
Erin McGuire Torrey Simons and Marcus Ryu Holly Upper
Kathryn McKinley Landen Saks Brittany and Colter Van Domelen
Slater McLean Susanna Samet Amanda Vanderpool
Ryan McManus Christine Sanwald Jose Vazquez
Lexi McNutt Edward Sappin Adam Verner
Andrea and Robert McTamaney Patrick Schaefer Erin and Dash Victor
Maggie Melberg Morwin Schmookler James Waldron
John Melvin Beth Shapiro Schulte and David Schulte Jessica and Andrew Walker
Ayesha Mian David Segal Ryan Walterscheid
Orly Friedman and Matthew Miller Kimbelry and Michael Seguin Riley Warwick
Ryan Miller Marina E. and Oliver Sharpe John Hall and Dan Watson
Gurpreet and Raghavendra Misra Megan Shean Julie Lundy and Ezra Weinblatt
Mary and Justin Moninger Sara and Michael Shulman Katarina Weir
Kimberly Morgan Dawinder Sidhu Bryan Weisbard
Laurie Morrison Amana and Scot Simmons Jennifer Lehmann Weng
Ellen-Jane and Ben Moss Joshua N. Simon Julia and John Whipple
Julia Murphy Nicola Siso Nicholas Wiggins
Danielle and Paul Noto Andrew C. Skewes Jenn Wilcox Thomas
Alycia Steinberg and Damian O’Doherty Gayle Skinner Andrea Hailey and David Williamson
Julie Oliff Anda and Ryan Smalls Lindsay Wilson
Claire and Michael Olshan Andrew Smith Hang Kei Simon Wong
Jared Oren Jeremy Pemberton and Dawnette Smith Cynthia Wood
Matt Owings Stephanie Smith Jason Wu
Adish R. Padhani Suzanne Smith Ali Wyne
Ryan Patrick Jane K. and Brian M. Snow Coulter Young
Lindsay and Jeff Patterson Sarah and Paul C. Sohn Alix and Fabrizio Zangrilli
Elysia and Burnet Pearce Katie and Michael Solondz Cal Zarin
Sarah E. Pelch Cindy Song Rachel and Paul M. Zimmerman
Amy Phuong Jill Barrett and Jeremy Spaulding Sophie Levy Zuckerman and Eric Zuckerman


Aspen Wye Fellows

Nielly and Mark Alderman The Gunston School, Inc. Patricia and Stephen Parkhurst
Katherine and David F. Allen Sandra T. Hale Carol H. Parlett
Thomas J. Baker II Elizabeth and Robert Hammond Delphine M. Peck
Pat and Charles Barry Signe Hanson Elizabeth and Charles W. Petty, Jr.
Patricia J. and Michael J. Batza, Jr. Tracy Higgs-Wagner and Scott Wagner Laura and Walter H. Plosila
Jeanne and Bruce Bernard Catherine and Thomas E. Hill Anthony Principi
Ellen and Richard Bernstein Joanna H. and Robert A. Holden, (Ret.) Jeffrey and Sandra Quartner
Susan M. and Lawrence C. Blount Martha F. Horner David W. and Jeanne Reager
Ellen and Richard Bodorff Beth C. and Jeff H. Horstman Margaret B. Rennels
Caroline Boutté and Peter Gallagher Nina Rodale Houghton Brenda and Phil Rever
Meta and William B. Boyd Jason Houser Rebecca and Myron F. Richardson
Alan Brecher Gugy Irving Mary and Fritz Riedlin
Hilary and Rainer Bruns Pam and Jerry Jana Edgra and Ira Ringler
Ward Bucher Lynda G. and William W. Jeanes, Jr. Elspeth and William G. Ritchie
Elizabeth P. and Thomas J. Buckley Sherry and David Jeffery Alice and Bruce Rogers
Joseph P. Camerino Deborah E. Jennings Beverly and Peter Rohman
Charles T. Capute and Elizabeth Spurry Karen M. Jensen Adrienne Rudge
Kelly P. and Alejandro F. Castro Catherine Joyce Jana C. and Robert A. Rudnick
Chesapeake College Kristin and Timothy W. Junkin Alice Ryan
Linda M. and Steve R. Clineburg Sally and Alfred B. Kagan Priscilla and Edmund Ryan
Stephen M. Cox Karen Kaludis and Thomas Filbert Sarah and Ken Sadler
Joan Crowley Courtney M. and Scott Kane S. Stevens Sands, Jr.
Madge Henning and Warren N. Davis Gingie and Frank J. Keefer Kim E. Sedmak
Diane and Philip Dinkel Tee and John R. Kelly Earl L. Segal
Tellie and George W. Dixon Freia K. and Warren W. Kershow Alexa and Tom D. Seip
Jacqueline A. and Joseph E. Doddridge Robert J. Koenke Peggy and Paul Sharp
Joyce and Steven Doehler Susan and Barry Koh Barbara E. and Michael D. Sheridan
Lou and Carl Doll Elizabeth Koprowski Martha H. and Alfred C. Sikes
Melissa and Ken M. Doyle Byron LaMotte Esther and Larry W. Stanton
Donna and William S. Dudley Delia and Marvin Lang Christine and Thomas Stauch
Virginia W. and Harry J. Duffey III Patricia and Donald N. Langenberg Gail and Steve Steckler
David Dunn and Amb. Amy Bondurant Judith and George R. Lawrence René and Thomas Stevenson
Holly and Paul Fine Darren and Susan Leeman Sabine and Stephan Strothe
Merrilie D. Ford Joan Levy and Simon Arnstein Susan B. and William L. Thomas
Audrey and Stephen Forrer Patricia N. Lewers Paige and Benjamin Tilghman
M. Reamy Ancarrow and Michael Forscey Mary Revell and Eugene Lopez Beverly and Richard Tilghman
Anne and George Foss Norah L. and Russ A. Mail Ann Tillotson and William Futrell
Katharine and John W. Foster III Trish and John Malin Steven Tucker
Edward Gabriel Sherry and Charles W. Manning Bruce and Mary Ellen Valliant
Mary Garner Amy Haines and Richard Marks Sandra and Clinton A. Vince, Jr.
Sylvia Garrett Catherine C. McCoy Tracy Ward
Shirley and Lew Gayner Bernice and Jerry Michael Brenda Stone and Dan Watson
Judith and William H. Geoghegan Susan Forlifer and Robert Middleton Ann and Charles Webb
Lynne McGrath and Paul Gilmore Maxine and William* Millar Irmhild and Philip J. Webster
Katherine K. and Christopher T. Gilson Patrice and Herb Miller Sharon and Richard Wheeden
Donna and Martin Gleason Christa Montague Dorothy and Donald G. Whitcomb
Kay and Garry Godfrey Elizabeth C. Moose Paul Wilson
Charles P. Goebel Mary Alice and Donald A. Munson Georgeanna Windley
Richard Graves Cecilia and Robert D. Nobel Temple Worth
Elizabeth and Alan R. Griffith Carol and Brian O’Hare Sharon and Lance Yateman
Hugh E. Grunden Talli and Geoff Oxnam
* Deceased

German Ambassador to the US Peter Wittig addresses a group of Wye fellows

on the changing relationship between the two countries. (Tom Miller)


Corporate Partners
4G Capital Creative Metier Hamptons Expo Group LLC
A.K.T. Solutions LTD Credit Suisse Hansen Construction, Inc.
R.A. Abdoo & Co., LLC CrossBoundary Helping Hand Incentives
Abuja Technology Village Henry Crown & Company Hillios Inc.
Accenture LLP Cummings & Lockwood LLC Hines Interests Limited Partnership
Jim S. Adler & Associates Cunningham Companies Hivos Impact Investments
AECF Custom Managment Services Inc. Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker LLP
African Management Services Cyrus Capital Partners, LP IBM Corporation
AgDevCo D Code Economic Financial Impact Amplifier
Alliance Financial Group DAI Impact HUB GmbH
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Daimler AG Inherent Group
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Dairy Management Inc. Instituto Sabin
AOW Handmade Dalberg Trust Intel Corporation
Aramco Services Company Datacomb Intellectual Capital Advisory Service
Aramex International LLC DEG-Deutsche Investitions Interactive Advertising Bureau
Aramex New York Ltd Deloitte Interactive Corp (IAC)
Argonne National Laboratory Derraik E. Advogados Associad International Centre for Social Sending
Asha Impact Development Alternatives Incorporated International Development Research Centre
Associacao Quintessa Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. Interpay Africa
AT&T Inc. Dodge & Cox Invest Tech
Atlantic Asset Management Pty Ltd. Rebecca Donelson & Associates Investisseurs & Partenaires
Autodesk, Inc. Duke Corporate Jibu
Az Quest Dupont Fabros Technology, LP Johnson & Johnson
B Lab Company E Squared JP Morgan Chase Bank
Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A. Earth Heir Partners Sdn. Kaloud
Bank for International Settlements East Bay Advisors LLC Kauffman & Associates, Inc.
Bank of America eBay Inc The Klingbeil Trust
Bankable Frontier Associates, LLC Eco Fashion Talk Land O’Lakes, Inc.
Best Buy EcoEnterprises Fund Lean Enterprise Accelerator Program
Bethel Party Rentals Edge Growth LEAP
Beyond Capital Fund Edison International Levi Strauss & Co.
Bidaya Corporate Communications El Buen Socio LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG
Bloomberg LP Emmis Communications Corp. Lindblad Maritime Ent. Ltd
Bluemoon Endeavor Enterprises LLC The Little Market
BNY Mellon Ennovent India Advisors Live Nation
Bonderman OPS, LLC Enterprise Projects Ventures Ltd. Locke Lord LLP
BoutiqueMexico Esoko Networks Ltd. Manos del Uruguay
Breakthru Beverages EYGS LLP Maroon Creek Partners
Broad Revocable Trust Facebook, Inc. Mars Incorporated
Brunswick Group FAIRMARK SARL Martin Ventures
Business Place Network Fetola Massar Consulting & Technical Services
Calvin Cafritz Enterprises Fidelity Investments MasterCard Worldwide
Camaea de Comercio de Cali FINCA International MCE Social Capital
Capital One Finova Financial McKinsey & Company
CapitalPlus Exchange Corporation FMA LLC Medtronic, Inc.
Capria Ventures Ford Motor Company Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp
Center for Investigative Reporting FSG, Inc. Microsoft Corp.
CF Realty, Inc. G Holdings Inc Millstein & Co.
CFA Institute Garfield & Hecht, P.C. Mimeyco
Champion Industries, Inc. GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas Mish, Inc.
Chanel, Inc. Geico Direct Mountain Chalet Enterprises, Inc.
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. General Electric Company Mt. Daly Enterprises LLC
Charter Communications Genesis Analytics Pty Ltd. MTI Engineering and Testing Inc.
Chevron Corporation GlaxoSmithKline National Collegiate Inventors &
Citibank, NA Global Security Advisors Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
Clif Bar & Company Globe Capital Partners GMBH NetBiz Impact
Climb Real Estate Goal Netflix, Inc.
Closed Monday Productions Charles Paul Goebel Architect, Ltd. New Street Research LLC
Comcast Corporation Google, Inc. The Nielsen Company
Conceptual Systems International, LLC Granger Management Holding LLC Nike, Inc.
Consilium Capital Ltd. Greenville Health System NovantHealth
Consultoria En Negocios Sustentables GroFin Novartis International
Cornell Capital LLC Grow Africa Novastar Ventures Limited
Corporaction Inversor The Hambleton Inn Obermeyer Wood Investment Counsel, LLLP

Dan Bayer
Office FMA, LLC Rockefeller & Co., Inc. Transpacific Group LLC
Omidyar Network Services LLC Rocky Mountain Cattle Moovers, Inc. Tribe West LLC
Open Capital Advisors Ltd. SA SME Fund TriLinc Capital Management, LLC
Opportunity Collaboration LLC SAP Triple Jump B.V.
O’Toole-Ewald Art Associates, Inc. Schooner Kenya Ltd. TV Azteca
Overseas Private Investment Corporation SCOPE Insight UBS Switzerland
(OPIC) Semente Negocios Udemy Inc.
Palladium Sempra Energy
United Airlines
Paragon Pharmaceutical Management Co. Sentinel Trust Company
Unreasonable Alchemy, LLC
Parnassus Investments Shell International Petroleum Co., Ltd.
PCP Uganda Shook, Hardy & Bacon Unreasonable Group
Pearson Inc. Shorebank International Urban Expositions, LLC
Pearson Management Services Limited SJJ Development LLC USAA
Pebblechild Bangladesh Limited Snap-on Valor Equity Management
PepsiCo Inc. Social Venture Exchange Mexico Veco
Performa Investimentos Sorenson Impact Center Venture Vesting Holdings Ltd.
Pfizer, Inc. Sound Posting, LLC. Vera Solutions, Benefits LLC
PNC Institutional Asset Management Spring Financial Advisors Limited Verizon Communications, Inc.
Pomona Impact Starbucks Coffee Company VF Service LLC
Potencia Ventures Statoil Gulf Services LLC Vilcap Inc.
Pratt & Whitney Swordfish Investments Vista 360°, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Synchrony Financial Vox Capital
Prime Bloom Investments Syngenta Crop Protection LLC Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
PWC Services Ltd. Tak Ying Foundation Limited
Qualcomm Ventures, Target Corporation
Wennovation Hub Initiative LTD
Qualcomm Incorporated TechnoServe, Inc.
RE/MAX Premier Properties Textiil Wepay
Refuel Properties (PTY) LTD The 2017 Cardinal Trust Wright Capital Gestao
ResponsAbility Investments AG Thread Caravan Wyndham Hotel Group
Russell Reynolds Associates TIAA-CREF Xylem Inc
Rianta Capital Limited Tishman Speyer Properties Pearl B. Young Inc.
Rio Fuerte Enterprises T-Mobile US, Inc. Zions Management Services Company
Riverside Avenue, LLC. Toyota Motor North America Inc. Zurich Insurance Group


Foundation and Organization Partners
A G Foundation Ellen and Ronald Block Foundation ClimateWorks Foundation
ACCION International Bloomberg Family Foundation Inc. Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership,
ACDI/VOCA Bloomberg Philanthropies Clinton Foundation
Acumen Blue Foundation CO_Plataforma
Rita & Jeffrey Adler Foundation Blue Shield of California Foundation College Futures Foundation
Adler Schermer Foundation Maxwell V. Blum Family Foundation James M. Collins Foundation
Aetna Foundation, Inc. Bostock Family Foundation Columba Leadership
African Managment Initiative Boston Foundation, Inc. Columbus Jewish Foundation
Agora Partnerships The Brady Foundation, Inc. Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Ahearn Family Foundation Branson Center of Entrepreneurship - Comcast Foundation
Alexandra Foundation Caribbean The Commonwealth Fund
Alianca Empreendedora The Virginia & Charles Brewer Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc.
Alpenglow Foundation Family Foundation Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
The Alper Family Foundation, Inc. Brillembourg Ochoa Family Foundation Community Foundation of
Amani Institute British Council Greater Greensboro, Inc.
America Achieves Brittingham Family Foundation Community Foundation of New Jersey
American College of Sports Medicine Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Community Foundation of North Texas
American Endowment Foundation Carolyn S. Brody Family Foundation Community Foundation of Sarasota County
American Express Foundation BSpace Limited The Community Foundation Serving
Andean Textile Arts John and Jacolyn Bucksbaum Richmond & Greater VA
The Angelo Family Charitable Foundation Family Foundation Bert Condie Family Foundation
Appui au Developpement Autonome The Buddy Program Joan and Art Connolly Family Fund
The Arches Foundation Bush Foundation Cooperative Housing Foundation
Argidius Foundation Business Council for Peace Copaken Family Foundation
Arizona Community Foundation The Buffy & William Cafritz Family Foundation Corday Family Foundation
Arnhold Foundation California Endowment The Cordish Family Foundation INC.
Laura and John Arnold Foundation California Wellness Foundation Coretz Family Foundation
Arrowhead Foundation Inc. CARE USA Coydog Foundation
Art Dealers Association of America Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Cravitz Charitable Fund
Foundation Carlson Foundation Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
ASAP.GOV Carnegie Corporation of New York The Nathan Cummings Foundation, Inc.
Ashesi University College Ruth A. Carver Foundation Dallas Foundation
Asia Foundation The Stephen Case Foundation The Dana Foundation
ASME Casey Family Programs Danish Research Foundation
Asociacion Alterna Annie E. Casey Foundation Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation
Asociacion Socialab Colombia Castaways Foundation William Davidson Institute
Aspen Brain Institute Catalyst for Growth Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies Catalyst Foundation, Inc. Democracy Fund
Aspen Community Foundation Catholic Relief Services Den Danske Forsknings Foundation
The Aspen Institute For Advanced Studies The Kristina and William Catto Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Aspen Institute Japan Foundation, Inc Deutsche Gesellschaft
Aspen Valley Hospital Catto Shaw Foundation Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation
Associated Jewish Charities Of Baltimore Cedars Foundation Inc. DKM Foundation
Association of the United States Army Celanese Foundation Dobkin Family Foundation
The Austin Memorial Foundation Ceniarth LLC Dixon and Carol Doll Family Foundation
AXA Foundation Center for International Private Enterprise The Joe W. & Dorothy Dorsett Brown
Stephen W. & Susan M. Baird Foundation Center for the Study of Democratic Foundation
Baltimore Community Foundation Institutions, Inc. The Dreman Foundation, Inc.
BeadforLife CFP Foundation Driven to Succeed
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation The Chamlin/Sarnataro Family Dubose Family Foundation
Beck-Safir Foundation Charitable Fund Dunlap Family Fund
The Benevity Community Impact Fund Chan Zuckerberg Initiative LLC East Bay Community Foundation
Berg Family Charitable Foundation Charities Aid Foundation America East Tennessee Foundation
Berman Family Foundation Charles T Capute LLC Echoing Green
Jill and Jay Bernstein Family Foundation The David Franklin Chazen Foundation ECMC Foundation
Russell Berrie Foundation Chesapeake College The Thomas J. Edelman Foundation
Bertelsmann Foundation CHI Family Foundation, Inc The Edgerley Family Foundation
Berti Foundation Chiavacci Family Foundation Edison Foundation Institute for
Bezos Family Foundation The Chicago Community Foundation Electric Innovation
BF Foundation The Children’s Trust Edlis-Neeson Foundation, NFP
Bieber Family Foundation Christian Aid The Eisner Foundation
Riccardo Savi

Birmingham Jewish Foundation Citi Foundation El-Hibri Charitable Foundation

The Bishop Family Foundation City of Aspen Emory University
Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Clermont Foundation Endeavor Global, Inc.

Engelberg Foundation Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation Jordan River Foundation
Engineers Without Borders The Hampshire Foundation, Inc. Joy Foundation
Enterprise Development Centre Edward & Julia Hansen Foundation, Inc. The Joyce Foundation
(Pan-Atlantic University) Harman Family Foundation JPB Foundation
Eternal Threads The Harris Family Charitable Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co. Global Philanthropy
European Investment Bank The Irving Harris Foundation JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Barnard Fain Foundation The Hauptman Family Foundation Kapani Family Charitable Foundation
Fair Trade USA Heifer International The Kapnick Foundation
Family Health International Heising - Simons Foundation Karetsky Family Foundation
Joseph & Sherry Felson Family Foundation Helios Education Foundation The Katcher Family Foundation, Inc.
Floreat Foundation Helvetas Swiss Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
The Flunison Fund Lilly Christy Busch Hermann Kauffman Foundation
Fonkoze USA Charitable Foundation The Keith Campbell Foundation for the
Ford Foundation F.B. Heron Foundation Environment Inc
Foundation for the Carolinas The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Foundation to Promote Open Society The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation William T. Kemper Foundation
Francis Family Foundation The Hite Foundation Karen A. & Kevin W. Kennedy Foundation
Sam Francis Foundation Hong Kong Jockey Club Kenya Climate & Innovation Centre
J. S. Frank Foundation Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz Jeff and Erica Keswin Family Foundation
Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust Foundation KeyBank National Association
Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland Foundation Hosier Family Foundation Kimsey Foundation
Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Ken Hubbard Fund Kingfisher Foundation
Family Foundation William and Diane Hunckler Foundation Kiva
Richard Friedman Family Foundation Hundt Family Foundation Inc. Sam W. Klein Charitable Foundation
Friedman Family Foundation The Hunt Family Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Emanuel J. Friedman Philanthropies Robert and Soledad Hurst Family Foundation The Kresge Foundation
Friends of Florence The Hyams Foundation, Inc Kurzman Family Fund
Fundacion Bolivar Davivienda J. R. Hyde III Family Foundation The KYB Programme
Fundacion Capital IBRD World Bank Lamont Family Fund
Fundacion IES The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation
FundaSistemas I-Dev International Laura and Gary Lauder Philanthropic Fund
The Gaba Family Foundation iLab Lefkofsky Family Foundation
Shelby and Frederick Gans Foundation ImpactAssets Jane & Alan Lehman Foundation
Gap Foundation Indego Africa Lemelson Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Insitor Impact Asia Fund Les Dames D’Aspen LTD
GE Foundation Instituto De Cida Dania Empresarial Ronald and Fifi Levin Family Fund
Georgescu Family Foundation Instituto Jatobos The Lewis-Warburg Foundation
C. Gary and Virginia Gerst Foundation Instituto Xilonen Roy Lichtenstein Foundation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Invest2Innovate Ligado Network
GHR Foundation Jagriti Linehan Family Foundation, Inc
The Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Foundation George and Karen James Family Linked Foundation
Gitlitz Family Foundation Foundation Inc. The John L. Loeb Jr. Foundation
Glazer Foundation Thomas A. and Mary S. James Foundation Loewenberg Charitable Foundation
Albert B. Glickman Family Foundation Jaya Foundation Lords Education & Health Society
Global Communities Jewish Communal Fund Richard Lounsbery Foundation, Inc.
Global Development Incubato Jewish Community Federation & Leon Lowenstein Foundation
Global Partnerships Endowment Fund The Lubar Family Foundation, Inc.
GMAC Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Henry Luce Foundation
The Richard W. Goldman Family Foundation The Jewish Community Foundation Lumina Foundation
Goldman Sachs Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of Colorado Lundin for Africa Foundation
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of Lutheran World Relief
Meg & Bennett Goodman Family Foundation Greater Kansas City The M&T Charitable Foundation
John T. Gorman Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of MAAK Foundation
Government of Canada Greater Phoenix, Inc. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Great Lakes Higher Education Jewish Community Foundation of Foundation
Guaranty Corporation Los Angeles The Magnolia Charitable Foundation
Greater Houston Community Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of the Maher Family Foundation
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Milwaukee Jewish Federation Maine Community Foundation
Greater Texas Foundation Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Malott Family Foundation
Greater Washington Community Foundation Jewish Federation of Cleveland Management Sciences for Health
Griffinworx Inc Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Mango Fund Inc.
GrowthAfrica Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation The Mann Family Foundation
The Gunston School, Inc. The Jill and Erik Maschler Foundation The Markle Foundation
The Arjun Gupta Family Foundation The JLK Foundation, Inc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Haas School of Business - University of Johns Hopkins Program for International The MasterCard Foundation
California, Berkeley Education in Gynecology John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation
Habitat for Humanity International Robert Wood Johnson Foundation MEDA

Media Development Loan Fund Paulson Family Foundation Shared Interest, Inc.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation PayPal The Shelter Hill Foundation
Mercado Global The Pearlstone Family Fund, Inc. Shenandoah Foundation
Mercy Corps The Pearson Foundation Bruce and Cynthia Sherman
The Merrill Foundation, Inc. Penner Family Foundation Charitable Foundation
The Mesdag Family Foundation Perlmutter Family Foundation Shortlist Professionals, Inc.
MetLife Foundation Peter G. Peterson Foundation Siemens Foundation
Middlebury College Pettit Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Mid-Shore Community Foundation, Inc. Pew Charitable Trusts The Simms/Mann Family Foundation
David Mills Foundation Pisces Foundation Melvin and Bren Simon
Millstone Family Charitable Fund Pitkin County Charitable Foundation
Mind the Gap Pivotal Foundation Sinapis
The Morris and Melinda Mintz Fund Poarch Band of Creek Indians Sitawi
Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation Podhurst Family Supporting Foundation, Inc. Skoll Foundation
The Joan Mitchell Foundation, Inc. Pollock-Krasner Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Mitrani Family Foundation Hazen Polsky Foundation Small Enterprise Assistance Fund
Mobile Business Clinic The Pope Foundation, Inc. The Small Foundation
The Monahan-Couric Family Fund Posner-Wallace Foundation Albert and Lillian Small Foundation
Eugene & Sheila Mondry Family Foundation Powell Family Foundation The Small-Scale Sustainable Infrastructure
Anne & Mead Montgomery Princeton Area Community Foundation Inc Development Fund
Family Foundation Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker The Social Entrepreneur’s Fund
George and Nancy Adler Montgomery Family Foundation Social Impact Architects, Inc.
Foundation JB and MK Pritzker Family Foundation Solidaridad
C. Jay Moorhead Foundation Pro Mujer South Africa Institute
The Garrett and Mary Moran Promotora Social Mexico AC South African Life College
Family Foundation Prudential Foundation Spire Education INC
The Morgridge Family Foundation The Raikes Foundation St. Louis Community Foundation
N. M. Morris Family Foundation The Ratner Family Foundation Stanford University
Morris Family Foundation Inc. Resnick Family Foundation The Stanton Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation J. Christopher and Anne N. Reyes Starting Line Foundation
The Muhr Family Foundation Foundation Steelcase Inc.
Mulberry Mongoose RippleWorks Stichting Business in Development
Philip D. Murphy and Tammy S. Murphy Riversands Incubation Hub Stichting Enviu Nederland
Foundation The Rock Foundation Stichting Hivos
NACA Rockefeller Brothers Fund Stichting INGKA Foundation
Nathan Family Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation Stichting Spark
Jane & Marc Nathanson Family Foundation Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors Stiftelsen Reach for Change
National Association of Broadcasters Rodan Family Philanthropic Fund Robert Bosch Stiftung
National Catholic Community Foundation Rodel Charitable Foundation Alan Stone Family Charitable Foundation
The National Philanthropic Trust Root Capital, Inc. Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch
New Markets Lab Roots & Wings Foundation, Inc.
New Venture Fund Rose Community Foundation Surdna Foundation
New York Preparatory School, Inc The Rose Foundation Swiss Agency for Development
The Howard and Maryam Newman The Rosenkranz Foundation and Cooperation
Family Foundation Ross Family Fund Swisscontact
Newman’s Own Foundation Royal Academy of Engineering Synergy Social Ventures
The Nielsen Foundation RSF Social Finance Tamkeen Abu Dhabi LLC
None of the Above, Inc. Rudd Foundation Patrick F. Taylor Foundation
Nonprofit Enterprise and Thomas Rutherfoord Foundation Teagle Foundation
Self-Sustainability Team Sacks Family Foundation Tecovas Foundation
Novo Foundation Samhita Social Ventures W. Bryce Thompson Foundation
Oak Foundation The San Francisco Foundation The Thrift Shop of Aspen
The Obernauer Foundation, Inc. Sando Foundation Thunderbird School of Global Management
Bill and Susan Oberndorf Foundation Sangam TIAA Charitable Inc.
Once Upon A Time Foundation Santa Clara University Tides Foundation
Allan Gray Orbis Foundation The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch Family Foundation
The Osterweis Funds The SCAN Foundation The Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
The O’Toole Family Foundation Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan Family Foundation Tobey Foundation
Oxfam America, Inc. Caryn & Rudi Scheidt Jr Charitable Trust Town of Carbondale
Pack Foundation The Schiff Foundation Town of Snowmass Village
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Schultz Family Foundation The TreadRight Foundation
Pact Inc Charles & Lynn Schusterman Tuft Family Foundation
The Pactolus Family Foundation Family Foundation US Agency for International Development
Todd Y Park Family Foundation The Seattle Foundation US Department of State
Partners in Food Solutions Segal Family Foundation C&J Unanue Foundation
Passion Profit Limited The Seip Family Foundation Limited UNDP
The Andrew M. Paul Family Foundation Self Help Africa UNHCR


United Jewish Endowment Fund The Walmart Foundation Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation
United States Olympic Committee John and Carol Walter Winrock International
United Way for Southeastern Michigan Family Foundation, Inc. The Winslow Family Foundation
United Way of Greater Greensboro Walton Family Foundation Wison Foundation
United Way of SE Michigan The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Wofford College
Universidad De Los Andes Visual Arts World Economic Forum
University of Rochester Water for People World Resources Institute
UNLTD India Wechsler Foundation World Vision
Upaya Social Ventures Wege Foundation World Vision Australia
US Department of Commerce Weingart Foundation WWW Foundation
UTIC Weissberg Foundation Youth Business International
Value for Women Wells Fargo Foundation Youth for Technology Foundation
The Agnes Varis Trust The West Foundation, Inc. Youth Orchestra of The Americas
Verizon Foundation Western Colorado Community Foundation The Yulman Foundation
Victoria Foundation Western States Arts Federation Yunus Social Business Fund
Villgro Innovations Foundation Wildlife Conservation Society Barbara and David Zalaznick Foundation
Nancy & George Walker Foundation Vincent Wilkinson Foundation

Named/Underwritten Initiatives and Series

Aspen Across America The Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series, generously underwritten
Aspen Around Town, made possible by the generous support of by Gina and Jerry Murdock
Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in New York City,
Aspen Institute Leadership Series: Conversations with underwritten by Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha
Great Leaders in Memory of Preston Robert Tisch Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in New York City,
The Mercedes T. Bass Lecture Series underwritten by Merilee and Roy Bostock
Edlis-Neeson Great Decisions Series at the Aspen Institute Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in San Francisco,
underwritten by the McCloskey and Karpowicz Families
The Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series
Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in Washington, DC,
Hurst Lecture Series underwritten by Carolyn and William J. Wolfe
Hurst Student Seminars Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in Washington, DC,
McCloskey Speaker Series, made possible by a donation underwritten by Wilma and Stuart Bernstein
from the McCloskey Family Charitable Foundation Washington Ideas Roundtable Series, made possible from the
The Morris Series: Leadership & Innovation, made possible generous support of Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith
by a donation from Diane L. Morris Family Foundation

Gifts in Kind
Carol and Ken L. Adelman Jane Harman The Nature Conservancy
Mercedes T. Bass Janine and J. Tomilson Hill Wally Obermeyer and Ali Phillips
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Sharon and Larry D. Hite Obermeyer Asset Management
Bethel Party Rentals Heidi Houston Sharon Owsley
Jacklyn G. and Miguel A. Bezos Tori Dauphinot and Ken Hubbard Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha
Allison and Randall Bone Jay’s Valet Parking Robert Rosenkranz and Alexandra Munroe,
Merilee and Roy J. Bostock - Devon and Michael Karpowicz The Rosenkranz Foundation
Bostock Family Foundation Jackie and Andrew Klaber Bren Simon
Susan and Richard S. Braddock Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein Michelle Smith
Breakthru Beverage Colorado and J. Welby Leaman Erika and Karim Souki
Marne Obernauer Melony and Adam J. Lewis Gillian and Robert K. Steel
Suzanne and Robert Cochran Toby Devan Lewis Robert K. Steel Family Foundation
Bunni and Paul Copaken Sharon Handler Loeb and John L. Loeb Jr. Laurie M. Tisch
Bonnie and Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. Lugano Diamonds John Train
Moti Ferder Susan and Lawrence Marx The Vault
Adam and Katy Frisch Susan and Patterson McBaine Nancy Wall and Chuck Wall
Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton Bonnie P. and Tom D. McCloskey, Jr. Julie Lundy and Ezra Weinblatt
Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Wendell and Carlotta Willkie
The Greer Trust Diane L. Morris Judy and Fred Wilpon
Dan Bayer

Arjun Gupta Stephanie and Michael Naidoff Leah J. Zell

Statement of Financial Position
(Dollars in Thousands)

Prepaid Expenses
and other assets $4,709 Cash and cash
receivable, net Investments held for
deferred compensation
Grants and contributions
receivable, net
2017 $204,673
$ 333,207

$109 Inventory
Property and
equipment, net $102 Security Deposits

Deferred compensation
deposits and
deferred fees


2017 Accounts payable

and accrued
$ 44,332 expenses

Grants payable
$57 Capital lease obligations

Deferred rent and
lease incentive

Statement of Activities
(Dollars in Thousands)

$8,830 Sponsorship revenue
Contract revenue

centers fees REVENUE
$10,764 FROM
Seminar and OPERATIONS $55,354
event fees
2017 Project and federal grants

$ 141,378

$11,529 $449 Other

Investment income $208 Rental Income
appropriated for

$3,620 Youth
and engagement
$8,166 Fundraising and
Aspen Global Leadership development
Network and Innovation funds

Public programs
2017 $64,099
Policy programs
$16,877 $ 134,993
Campus activities

Program Administration
$11,966 Other restricted programs
Operations $723 Seminars
$5,204 Administration
Plant Fund


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (unaudited) December 31, 2017
(With Summarized Financial Information as of December 31, 2016)
(Dollars in Thousands)

ASSETS 2017 2016

Cash and cash equivalents $ 4,709 $ 8,438
Accounts receivable, net 6,154 4,185
Grants and contributions receivable, net 45,288 60,571
Prepaid expenses 5,420 1,795
Inventory 109 123
Investments 204,673 168,236
Investments held for deferred compensation 4,586 3,677
Property and equipment, net 62,166 49,067
Security deposits 102 100

TOTAL ASSETS $ 333,207 $ 296,192


Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 16,622 $ 8,753
Grants payable 6,911 4,555
Customer deposits and deferred fees 6,532 5,764
Capital lease obligations 57 103
Deferred rent and lease incentive 9,624 428
Deferred compensation 4,586 3,677


Net Asset
Board designated 97,452 84,062
Undesignated 3,031 920
Total Unrestricted 100,483 84,982

Temporarily restricted 129,741 132,845

Permanently restricted 58,651 55,085

TOTAL NET ASSETS 288,875 272,912






2016 $150,000



Assets Liabilities Net Assets





$ 288,875

Board Designated


STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES (unaudited) for the Year Ended December 31, 2017
(With Summarized Financial Information for the Year Ended December 31, 2016)
(Dollars in Thousands)


Project and federal grants $ 55,354 $ 43,680
Contributions 37,128 41,972
Seminar and event fees 10,764 11,160
Conference centers fees 9,789 10,963
Contract revenue 8,830 9,101
Investment income appropriated for operations 11,529 6,005
Sponsorship revenue 7,327 3,577
Other 449 510
Rental income 208 153
Net assets released from restrictions:
Satisfaction of time restrictions _ _
Satisfaction of program restrictions _ _



Program Services:
Policy programs $ 64,099 $ 49,508
Campus activities 16,877 16,970
Public programs 11,500 12,692
Aspen Global Leadership Network and Innovation funds 8,166 6,726
Seminars 723 912
Youth and engagement 3,620 1,634
Other restricted programs 1,413 1,365

Total Program Services 106,398 89,807

Supporting Services:
General and administrative 24,178 20,750
Fundraising and development 4,417 3,681

Total Supporting Services 28,595 24,431

TOTAL EXPENSES 134,993 114,238

Change in net assets from operations 6,385 12,883

Investment income in excess of appropriation 7,687 1,052
Provision for deferred taxes 3,506 _
Loss of early lease termination (1,615) _

CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 15,963 13,935


NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR $288,875 $272,912




Policy programs

Project and federal grants

Campus activities

Public programs

Aspen Global Leadership

Network and Innovation funds
Seminar and event fees

Youth and Conference centers fees


Other restricted
programs Contract revenue

Fundraising and
development Investment income
appropriated for operations

Administration 2017 V. 2016 EXPENSES BY CATEGORY

Sponsorship revenue

Communications Other

Plant Fund Rental income



The Aspen Institute headquarters

The Aspen Institute is headquartered in

Washington, DC, where a variety of policy program
events and meetings, roundtable lunches, and
book talks take place.

The Aspen Institute

2300 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
202-736-5800 | 202-467-0790 (fax)

New York City

New York City is home to an increasing number

of Aspen Institute activities, including policy work,
public programs, and special events. Many Institute
events take place at Roosevelt House on the Upper
East Side, the onetime home of Franklin and
Eleanor Roosevelt and now part of Hunter College.

The Aspen Institute

477 Madison Avenue
Suite 703 | New York, NY 10022
212-895-8000 | 212-895-8012 (fax)

Photo credits from left to right; top to bottom: Steve Johnson, Erin Baiano,
C2 Photography, Melissa Grimes-Guy Photography

The Aspen Meadows campus

The Aspen Meadows campus, in the quiet West

End of Aspen, Colorado, was created by renowned
Bauhaus artist and architect Herbert Bayer. Its 40
acres, bordered by mountain streams and fields of
wildflowers, are just minutes away from the center
of Aspen.

The Aspen Institute

1000 North Third Street
Aspen, CO 81611
970-925-7010 | 970-925-4188 (fax)

The Aspen Wye River campus

The Aspen Wye River campus, is located near

Queenstown on the Eastern Shore of the
Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Its conference
centers are set on 950 acres on the banks
of the Wye River.

The Aspen Institute

2010 Carmichael Road
P.O. Box 222 | Queenstown, MD 21658
410-827-7400 | 410-827-9295 (fax)



Daniel R. Porterfield, PhD David Langstaff

President and Interim Executive Vice President
Chief Executive Officer Seminars and Leadership Programs
[email protected] [email protected]

Amy DeMaria Eric Motley, PhD

Executive Vice President Executive Vice President
Communications and Marketing Institutional Advancement and Corporate Secretary
[email protected] [email protected]

Elliot Gerson Rajiv Vinnakota

Executive Vice President Executive Vice President
Policy and Public Programs Youth & Engagement Programs
International Partners [email protected]
[email protected]
James M. Spiegelman
Namita Khasat Vice President
Chief Financial Officer Chief of Staff
Executive Vice President Finance and [email protected]
Administration Corporate Treasurer
[email protected]


Ascend at the Aspen Institute Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program
Anne Mosle, Executive Director Monica Lozano, Chair
[email protected] [email protected]
Abigail Golden-Vazquez, Executive Director
Aspen Economic Strategy Group [email protected]
Melissa Kearney, Director
[email protected] Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs
Amy Ganz, Deputy Director Randall Kempner, Executive Director
[email protected] [email protected]

Aspen Forum for Community Solutions Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program
Melody Barnes, Chair David Devlin-Foltz, Executive Director
[email protected] [email protected]
Steve Patrick, Executive Director
[email protected] Aspen Strategy Group
Nicholas Burns, Director
Aspen Global Innovators Group [email protected]
Peggy Clark, Executive Director Jonathon Price, Deputy Director
[email protected] [email protected]

Aspen High Seas Initiative The Bridge

Michael Conathan, Executive Director Michele Norris, Executive Director
[email protected] [email protected]

Aspen Institute Citizenship and Business and Society Program

American Identity Program Judy Samuelson, Executive Director
Eric Liu, Executive Director [email protected]
[email protected]

Center for Native American Youth Homeland Security Program
Erik Stegman, Executive Director Clark Ervin, Chair
[email protected] [email protected]
Robert Walker, Executive Director
Center for Urban Innovation [email protected]
Jennifer Bradley, Director
[email protected] Justice and Society Program
Meryl Chertoff, Executive Director
College Excellence Program [email protected]
Josh Wyner, Executive Director
[email protected] Program on Philanthropy & Social Innovation
Jane Wales, Executive Director
Communications and Society Program [email protected]
Charles Firestone, Executive Director
[email protected] Program on the World Economy
Alexa Chopivsky, Director
Community Strategies Group [email protected]
Janet Topolsky, Executive Director
[email protected]

Congressional Program
Dan Glickman, Executive Director
[email protected]

Cybersecurity and Technology Program

John Carlin, Chair
[email protected]
Garrett M. Graff, Executive Director
[email protected]

Economic Opportunities Program

Maureen Conway, Executive Director
[email protected]

Education and Society Program

Ross Wiener, Executive Director
[email protected]

Energy and Environment Program

David Monsma, Executive Director
[email protected]

Financial Security Program

Ida Rademacher, Executive Director
[email protected]

Food and Society at the Aspen Institute

Corby Kummer, Executive Director
[email protected]

Future of Work Initiative

Alastair Fitzpayne,
Executive Director
[email protected] The New York Times crossword puzzle features the Institute in October 2017.
(Shireen Mathews)
Health, Medicine and Society Program
Ruth Katz, Executive Director
[email protected]


Service Year Alliance Stevens Initiative
MacKenzie Moritz, Chief of Staff Mohamed Abdel-Kader, Executive Director
[email protected] [email protected]

Sports & Society Program

Tom Farrey, Executive Director
[email protected]


Danielle Baussan Linda Lehrer

Director of Operations Director, New York Public Programs
Policy and Public Programs [email protected]
[email protected]
Cristal Logan
Kitty Boone Vice President, Aspen
Vice President Director, Aspen Community Programs
Executive Director, Public Programs [email protected]
[email protected]
Jamie Miller
Killeen Brettmann Vice President
Managing Director Director, Public Programs
Public Programs & Aspen Ideas Festival [email protected]
[email protected]
Deborah Murphy
Adrienne Brodeur Conference Services Director
Executive Director, Aspen Words [email protected]
[email protected]
Erika Mallin
Cordell Carter Executive Director, Program in the Arts and
Executive Director, Socrates Program Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence Program
[email protected] [email protected]
Dan Bayer


Jackie Shiff John P. Dugan

Director of Strategic Partnerships Director of Program Quality, Design, and Assessment
[email protected] [email protected]


Todd Breyfogle Spring Fu

Director, Seminars Managing Director
[email protected] China Fellowship Program
[email protected]
Rima Cohen
Managing Director Tonya Hinch
Health Innovators Fellowship Executive Director
[email protected] Henry Crown Fellowship Program
[email protected]
Willow Darsie
Managing Director Tom Loper
Leadership Programs & Partnerships, Managing Director, Resnick Aspen Action Forum
Aspen Global Leadership Network and Network Engagement,
[email protected] Aspen Global Leadership Network
[email protected]
Mickey Edwards
Vice President Jennifer Simpson
Executive Director Managing Director, Finance Leaders Fellowship
Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership [email protected]
[email protected]


Desiree Beebe Stephenie Maurer

Director, Special Events Vice President
[email protected] Institutional Advancement
[email protected]
Robyn Hashem
Director, Data & CRM Peter Waanders
[email protected] Director, Society of Fellows
[email protected]


Jennifer Jones Sun Kordel

Vice President, Finance Director, Financial Service & Oversight
[email protected] [email protected]

Lisa Jones Pherabe Kolb

Assistant General Counsel Managing Director, Communications
[email protected] and Public Affairs
[email protected]


Corby Kummer James Pickup
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher General Counsel
IDEAS: The Magazine of the Aspen Institute [email protected]
[email protected]
Becky Ward
Aaron Myers Director, Aspen Facilities
Director, Digital Strategy [email protected]
[email protected]
Lisa Zhu
Trent Nichols Vice President, Facilities & Human Resources
Director, Information Technology Services [email protected]
[email protected]


David Brooks Tom Loper

Executive Director Managing Director
[email protected] [email protected]


Jonathon Price Aspen Institute Japan

Director, International Partners Teisuke Kitayama, President
[email protected] Ken Ito, Executive Director

Aspen Institute España Aspen Institute Kyiv

Javier Solana, Chair Natalie Jaresko, Chair
José M. de Areilza, Secretary General Yuliya Tychkivska, Executive Director

Institut Aspen France Aspen Institute México

Jean-Luc Allavena, Chair Juan Ramón de la Fuente, Chair
Ioanna Kohler, Executive Director Adalberto Palma, Director

Aspen Institute Germany Aspen Institute Central Europe

Eckart von Klaeden, Chair Ivan Hodač, President
Rüdiger Lentz, Executive Director Jiří Schneider, Executive Director

Ananta Aspen Centre Institute Aspen Romania

Satinder K. Lambah, Chair Mircea Geoana, President
Kiran Pasricha, Executive Director and CEO

Aspen Institute Italia

Giulio Tremonti, Chair
Angelo Maria Petroni, Secretary General
Dan Bayer


James S. Crown Daniel R. Porterfield, PhD

Chairman of the Board President and CEO

Madeleine K. Albright Phyllis Coulter Juan Ramón de la Fuente

Chair Philanthropist President
Albright Stonebridge Group LLC Aspen Institute Mexico
Katie Couric
Jean-Luc Allavena Journalist; Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Chairman Founder and Executive Producer W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of
Aspen Institute France Katie Couric Media Humanities
Harvard University
Paul F. Anderson James S. Crown
Retired Senior Vice President Chairman of the Board Mircea Geoana
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. The Aspen Institute President
President Aspen Institute Romania
Donna Barksdale Henry Crown and Company
Philathropist Antonio Gracias
Andrea Cunningham Founder, Manager, and CIO
Mercedes Bass Founder and President Valor Equity Partners
Chairman and President SeriesC
Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Patrick W. Gross
Corporation Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. Chairman
CEO and President The Lovell Group
Miguel Bezos Mount Sinai Health System
Bezos Family Foundation Arjun Gupta
John Doerr TeleSoft Partners
Richard Braddock Partner
Chairman and Private Investor Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Jane Harman
Quadrant Director, President and CEO
Thelma Duggin Woodrow Wilson Center
Beth Brooke-Marciniak Executive Director
Global Vice Chair of Public Policy AnBryce Foundation Kaya Henderson
Ernst & Young Former Chancellor
Arne Duncan District of Columbia Public Schools
William D. Budinger Former US Secretary of Education
Founder, Former Chairman & CEO Hayne Hipp
Rodel, Inc. Michael D. Eisner Private Investor
William Bynum Tornante Company Ivan Hodač
CEO Former Chairman and CEO President
Hope Credit Union The Walt Disney Company Aspen Institute Central Europe

Stephen L. Carter L. Brooks Entwistle Mark S. Hoplamazian

Professor of Law Chief Business Officer President and CEO
Yale University Law School Uber Asia Pacific Hyatt Hotels Corporation

Troy Carter Alan Fletcher Gerald D. Hosier

Global Head of Creative Services President and CEO Principal
Spotify Aspen Music Festival and School Law Offices of Gerald D. Hosier, Ltd.

Cesar Conde Ann B. Friedman Robert J. Hurst

Chairman Educator Managing Director
NBC Universal Crestview Advisors, LLC

Natalie Jaresko Clare Muñana Ricardo B. Salinas
Chairman President Founder and Chairman
Aspen Institute Kyiv Ancora Associates, Inc. Grupo Salinas

Salman Khan Jerry Murdock Lewis Sanders

Founder and Executive Director Managing Director and Co-Founder CEO and Co-CIO
Khan Academy Insight Venture Partners Sanders Capital LLC

Teisuke Kitayama Marc B. Nathanson Anna Deavere Smith

Chairman Chairman Professor
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Mapleton Investments New York University
Aspen Institute Japan William A. Nitze Michelle Smith
Chairman President
Michael Klein Oceana Energy Company Robert H. Smith Family Foundation
Sunlight Foundation Her Majesty Queen Noor Javier Solana
Humanitarian Activist; President
Satinder K. Lambah UN Expert Advisor Aspen Institute España
Ananta Aspen Centre Jacqueline Novogratz Robert K. Steel
Founder / CEO CEO
Laura Heller Lauder Acumen Perella Weinberg Partners
General Partner Chairman Emeritus
Lauder Partners, LLC Olara A. Otunnu The Aspen Institute
Yo Yo Ma LBL Foundation for Children Shashi Tharoor (leave of absence)
Cellist and Songwriter Congressman, Lok Sabha
Elaine Pagels Indian Parliament
James M. Manyika Professor of Religion
Partner Princeton University Laurie M. Tisch
McKinsey & Company Founder
Carrie Walton Penner Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
William E. Mayer Chairman of the Board
Partner Walton Family Foundation Giulio Tremonti
Park Avenue Equity Partners Chairman
Chairman Emeritus Daniel R. Porterfield, PhD Aspen Institute Italia
The Aspen Institute President and CEO
The Aspen Institute Eckart von Klaeden
Bonnie P. McCloskey Chairman
President Margot Pritzker Aspen Institute Germany
Cornerstone Holdings, LLC President and Founder
Women on Call Roderick K. von Lipsey
David McCormick Managing Director
President Lynda R. Resnick UBS Private Wealth Management
Bridgewater Associates Co-Owner and Vice Chairman
Wonderful Company Vin Weber
Anne Welsh McNulty Managing Partner
Managing Partner Condoleezza Rice Mercury LLC
JBK Partners Stephenson Senior Fellow on
Public Policy
Diane Morris Hoover Institution
Chairman Former US Secretary of State
Morris Capital Management
James Rogers
Karlheinz Muhr Former President/CEO
Executive Vice Chairman Duke Energy
Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Lifetime Trustees

Berl Bernhard Gerald Greenwald Hisashi Owada

Former Partner Managing Partner International Court of Justice
DLA Piper US LLP Greenbriar Equity Group
Co-Chairman Thomas R. Pickering
Lifetime Trustees Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Vice Chairman
Retired President and CEO Hills & Company
Keith Berwick Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Keith Berwick Chair Charles Powell
The Aspen Institute Nina Rodale Houghton Member of the House of Lords
James C. Calaway Wye Institute Jay Sandrich
Chairman Emeritus Television Director
Lifetime Trustees Ann Frasher Hudson
Partner Lloyd G. Schermer
Lester Crown Javelina Partners Retired Chairman and CEO
Chairman Lee Enterprises, Inc.
Henry Crown and Company; Jerome Huret
Vice Chairman Emeritus Aspen Institute France Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini
The Aspen Institute Honorary Chairman
William N. Joy Aspen Institute Italia
Tarun Das Partner
Chairman Emeritus Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Albert H. Small
Ananta Aspen Centre President
Henry A. Kissinger Southern Engineering Corp.
William H. Donaldson Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Chairman Andrew L. Stern
Donaldson Enterprises Ann Korologos Senior Research Fellow
Co-Chairman Georgetown Public Policy Institute
Sylvia A. Earle Lifetime Trustees
Chairman Paul A. Volcker
Deep Ocean Exploration & Research Leonard A. Lauder Federal Reserve System (retired)
Chairman Emeritus
Richard N. Gardner The Aspen Institute; Leslie H. Wexner
Senior Counsel Chairman of the Board of Directors President and Chairman of the
Morgan Lewis Business and The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. Board
Financial Practice Group The Limited, Inc.
Frederic V. Malek
David Gergen Chairman Frederick B. Whittemore
Professor of Public Service Thayer Lodging Group, Advisory Director
Harvard Kennedy School; a Brookfield Company Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.
Senior Political Analyst
CNN Olivier Mellerio Alice Young
General Partner, Interfinexa Founder
Alma L. Gildenhorn Alice Young Advisory, LLC
Honorary Trustee Sandra Day O’Connor
Kennedy Center Chancellor
The College of William & Mary
Jacqueline Grapin Former US Supreme Court Justice
The European Institute
Dan Bayer

Lil Buck and Jon Boogz use a 2017 Aspen Ideas Festival performance to help people reconsider what movement can do. (Dan Bayer)
Riccardo Savi
The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC.
Its mission is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue for dealing
with critical issues. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado; and on the Wye River on
Maryland’s Eastern Shore. It also has offices in New York City and an international network of partners.

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