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Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI


Specification for

Thermal insulation
materials —
Part 4: Bonded preformed man-made
mineral fibre pipe sections

UDC 662.998:677.522-462
BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI

Cooperating organizations

The Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Standards Committee, under

whose direction this British Standard was prepared, consists of
representatives from the following:
Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electricity Supply Industry in England and
Electrical Appliances Wales*
Association of Consulting Engineers Heating and Ventilating Contractors’
Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers’ Association
Association Limited Hevac Association
British Combustion Equipment Institute of Energy
Manufacturers’ Association Institute of Refrigeration*
British Gas Corporation* Institution of Gas Engineers*
British Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lloyd’s Register of Shipping
Association* Manufacturers’ Association of Radiators and
Building Services Research and Information Convectors Ltd.
Association Ministry of Defence
Chartered Institution of Building Services* National Coal Board
Department of Energy Technology Society of British Gas Industries
Department of Health and Social Security* Water-tube Boilermakers’ Association*
Department of the Environment (PSA)

The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
following, were directly represented on the Technical Committee entrusted
with the preparation of this British Standard:
Albury Laboratories Limited Eps Association
Asbestos Cement Manufacturers’ Association Eurisol (UK) Association of Manufacturers of
Limited Mineral Fibre Insulation
British Ceramic Research Association Fibre Building Board Development
British Rubber Manufacturers’ Association Organization Ltd.
Combustion Engineering Association Gypsum Products Development Association
Cranfield Institute of Technology Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Department of Industry (National Physical Process Plant Association
Laboratory) Royal Institute of British Architects
Department of the Environment (Building Structural Insulation Association
Research Establishment) Thermal Insulation Manufacturers’ and
Department of the Environment (Housing Suppliers’ Association (TIMSA)
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the and Construction) Thermal Insulations Contractors’ Association
direction of the Refrigeration, Energy Industries Council Yarsley Testing Laboratories Ltd.
Heating and Air Conditioning
Engineering Equipment Users’ Association Coopted member
Standards Committee, was
published under the
authority of the Board
of BSI and comes
into effect on
30 November 1982

© BSI 07-1999 Amendments issued since publication

First published March 1968
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
First revision November 1982

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference RHE/9
Draft for comment 80/74589

ISBN 0 580 12852 0

BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI


Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Sampling and testing 1
5 Composition 1
6 Moisture content 1
7 Physical requirements 1
8 Fire hazard (assessment of self-heating hazard) 1
9 Chemical requirements 2
10 Standard shapes and sizes 2
11 Dimensional tolerances 2
12 External finish 2
13 Marking 2
Appendix A Information to be supplied when ordering 4
Appendix B Method of test for alkalinity 4
Table 1 — Thermal conductivity values 1
Table 2 — Finishes and overlaps 3
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 07-1999 i
BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI


This revision of this Part of this British Standard is one of a series published
under the direction of the Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Standards
Committee to specify requirements for a particular range of insulating materials.
It supersedes the 1968 edition which is now withdrawn.
Mineral fibre insulation is not normally designed or recommended for the support
of loads, therefore no test for compressive strength is included in this Part.
Other Parts of this standard are:
— Part 1: Magnesia preformed insulation;
— Part 2: Calcium silicate preformed insulation;
— Part 3: Metal mesh faced mineral wool mats and mattresses;
— Part 5: Bonded mineral wool slabs (for use at temperatures above 50 °C);
— Part 6: Finishing materials; hard setting composition, self-setting cement
and gypsum plaster.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 07-1999
BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI

1 Scope Table 1 — Thermal conductivity values

This Part of this British Standard specifies Mean temperature Thermal conductivity
composition, moisture content, physical and °C W/(m•K)
chemical requirements for bonded preformed
man-made mineral fibre pipe sections, generally for 50 0.043
use at elevated temperatures. Ceramic fibres are 100 0.052
excluded. 150 0.064
Information to be supplied when ordering is given in 200 0.078
Appendix A. 250 0.093
300 0.110
2 References
350 0.129
The titles of the publications referred to in this
standard are listed on the inside back cover. NOTE 1 BS 874 requires the test report to state which method
of test was employed, the bulk density of the material, the hot
face temperature and cold face temperature (generally within the
3 Definitions range 10 °C to 50 °C), the conditioning procedure and the
moisture content before and after the test.
For the purposes of this Part of this British
NOTE 2 In order to comply with the requirements of Table 1,
Standard, the definitions given in BS 874, BS 2972, products of different bulk density may be supplied for use at
BS 3533 and BS 5422 apply. different service temperatures. The required service temperature
should be stated by the purchaser.
4 Sampling and testing 7.2 Bulk density. For any particular product, the
variation from the manufacturer’s declared value
Sampling and testing shall be in accordance with
for bulk density, calculated at the nominal
the appropriate clause in BS 2972. For thermal
thickness, shall not exceed ± 15 %.
conductivity determinations and for the assessment
of fire hazard, a flat slab representative of the pipe NOTE The bulk density of the material will normally lie within
the range 50 kg/m3 to 200 kg/m3. The manufacturer’s declared
section shall be used for the tests. value for bulk density may vary with the size of section.
7.3 Heat stability. When a sample is heated in
5 Composition accordance with 21.1 of BS 2972:1975 at the stated
The material shall be of man-made mineral fibre maximum temperature of use, the material shall
made from rock, slag or glass, processed from a maintain its general form and shall not suffer
molten state into a fibrous form, and shall be bonded visible deterioration of the fibrous structure.
with a suitable binder. 7.4 Temperature limitations. Not all products
can give satisfactory service at high hot face
6 Moisture content temperatures. The manufacturer shall state the
When conditioned at high humidity in accordance recommended maximum service temperature and
with 40.4 of BS 2972:1975, the moisture content of limiting thickness.
the material shall not exceed 5 % by mass.
8 Fire hazard (assessment of
7 Physical requirements self-heating hazard)
7.1 Thermal conductivity. When tested in The material shall comply with the requirements
accordance with the appropriate method of test for of 18.1 to 18.3 of BS 2972:1975 and with the
thermal conductivity given in BS 874, the thermal requirements of 27.1 of BS 5422:1977, as
conductivity shall not exceed the values given appropriate.
in Table 1.

© BSI 07-1999 1
BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI

9 Chemical requirements 11 Dimensional tolerances

9.1 Alkalinity. When tested by the method Preformed pipe sections shall be in accordance with
described in Appendix B, the pH value recorded the nominal dimensions stated by the manufacturer
shall be between 6.0 and 10.0. (or supplier, as appropriate), subject to the following
9.2 Corrosive attack. The material shall not tolerances.
include significant quantities of substances that will Length: ± 3 mm
promote corrosive attack on the surfaces with which
Thickness: ± 3 mm
it is to be in contact. Where necessary, trace
quantities of water-soluble chlorides shall be Uniformity: the local thickness at any
estimated in accordance with section 22 of point shall not differ from
BS 2972:1975. the average thickness by
NOTE 1 Water-soluble chlorides are normally present in trace more than 3 mm
quantities in most commercial thermal insulating materials. In
the presence of moisture and oxygen and under certain adverse
Internal diameter: – 0, + 1.5 mm (or + 1 %),
metallurgical conditions chloride ions are capable of initiating whichever is the greater).
stress corrosion cracking in susceptible metal alloys such as
austenitic stainless steels.
It is not practicable to indicate a safe upper limit for chloride
12 External finish
content since water can leach out soluble chlorides from Sections shall be finished plain (no applied finish) or
substantial volumes of insulating materials and allow them to be
concentrated at the metal-insulation interface, in addition, water with one of the finishes given in Table 2.
from outside sources such as the process itself or wind-driven Overlaps shall be as specified in Table 2.
spray can substantially increase the chloride content of the
insulation. NOTE Other finishes may be supplied by arrangement between
In conditions potentially conducive to stress corrosion cracking, the purchaser and the manufacturer.
appropriate safeguards should be adopted (see BS 5970).
NOTE 2 Some organic matter may be present either in a fibrous 13 Marking
form or as a bonding agent. It is suggested that the composition
of the product be checked with the manufacturer for use in Each package containing pipe sections, or the
process conditions where organics may present a hazard, articles themselves, shall be clearly marked with
e.g. processes involving powerful oxidizing agents or thermal the following:
insulation on pipework and plant in a flammable atmosphere.
a) the manufacturer’s name, mark or symbol;
10 Standard shapes and sizes b) the manufacturer’s type designation, grade
10.1 Shape. Standard sections shall be cylindrical and maximum service temperature limit;
or semi-cylindrical. Very large diameters may be c) the nominal dimensions (length, thickness and
catered for by multi-segmental sections. internal diameter of the section);
10.2 Sizes. The standard ranges of sizes shall be as d) the number of this British Standard,
follows. i.e. BS 3958-41).
Length: 0.5 m to 1.2 m
Diameter: to fit standard pipes of external
diameter up to 610 mm
Thickness: 19 mm to 120 mm.
NOTE 1 The full range of thicknesses may not be available for
a specific pipe diameter; the thinner sections are generally only
available for small diameter pipes.
NOTE 2 Not all suppliers provide the full range of standard
sizes. Sections of other dimensions may be available by
arrangement with the manufacturer.

Marking BS 3958-4 on or in relation to a product is a claim by the manufacturer that the product has been manufactured in
accordance with the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of such a claim is therefore solely the manufacturer’s
responsibility. Enquiries as to the availability of third party certification to support such claims should be addressed to the
Director, Quality Assurance Division, British Standards Institution, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 4SQ in
the case of certification marks administered by BSI or to the appropriate authority for other certification marks.

2 © BSI 07-1999
BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI

Table 2 — Finishes and overlaps

Finish Typical quality Overlap

Longitudinal End

Cotton scrim Loomstate, weight 0.028 kg/m2 min., 38 mm min. a None

texture warp 650, weft 400 threads/metre,
Cotton canvas Loomstate, weight 0.1 kg/m2 min., texture 38 mm min.a 25 mm min.
warp 1 850, weft 1 500 threads/metre min.
Aluminium foil Foil thickness 0.008 mm min., 38 mm min.a None
laminate glass fibre reinforced, (sealing strip used)
paper laminated
Polyisobutylene Thickness 0.8 mm min. 38 mm min.a 25 mm min.
May be reduced to 25 mm for sections up to 200 mm in circumference.

© BSI 07-1999 3
BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI

Appendix A Information to be Appendix B Method of test for

supplied when ordering alkalinity
The following information shall be supplied with the B.1 Preparation of sample. From the bulk
order: sample, taken in accordance with BS 2972, cut five
a) the number of this British Standard, pieces, each of approximate mass 5 g, from separate
i.e. BS 3958-4; units where possible. Crush these pieces and mix
b) the dimensions of the sections required;
B.2 Determination of pH. Weigh 2 g of the
c) the finish required;
crushed sample and shake well for 10 min
d) the maximum service temperature to which with 100 mL of distilled or deionized water
the product will be subjected; (pH 6.5 to 7.5) at room temperature. Leave to settle
e) a note of any adverse condition in the for 5 min and measure the pH of the mixture, using
environment of the insulation, e.g. acidic fumes; a standard pH meter (see BS 1647 and BS 3145)
f) a note of any special requirements concerning and decanting the solution if necessary. Repeat the
fire safety. test on a further 2 g of the sample and report both

4 © BSI 07-1999
BS 3958-4:1982
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI

Publications referred to

BS 874, Methods for determining thermal insulating properties, with definitions of thermal insulating
BS 1647, pH scale.
BS 2972, Methods of test for inorganic thermal insulating materials.
BS 3145, Specification for laboratory pH meters.
BS 3533, Glossary of thermal insulation terms.
BS 3958, Specification for thermal insulating materials2).
BS 3958-1, Magnesia preformed insulation.
BS 3958-2, Calcium silicate preformed insulation.
BS 3958-3, Metal mesh faced mineral wool mats and mattresses.
BS 3958-5, Bonded mineral wool slabs (for use at temperatures above 50 °C).
BS 3958-6, Finishing materials; hard setting composition, self-setting cement and gypsum plaster.
BS 5422, Specification for the use of thermal insulating materials.
BS 5970, Code of practice for thermal insulation of pipework and equipment (in the temperature range
of – 100 °C to + 870 °C).

2) Referred to in the foreword only.

© BSI 07-1999
BS 3958-4:
BSI — British Standards Institution
Licensed copy: Prasad Kularni, L & T ECC DIVISION, Version correct as of 23/09/2009 12:38, (c) BSI

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