Design Example For Rainwater Harvesting System
Design Example For Rainwater Harvesting System
Design Example For Rainwater Harvesting System
Case Study
Starting with the tank empty then Vt-1 = 0. If, Calculations should be repeated using various
after any month, Vt exceeds the volume of the tank sizes until Vt is ≥ 0 at the end of every
tank, the water will lost to overflow. If Vt is ever month. The greater the values of Vt over the
a negative figure then demand exceeds the whole year, the greater the security of meeting
available water. Providing the calculated annual water demand when rainfalls are below average
runoff exceeds the annual water demand, Vt will or when dry periods are longer than normal. The
only be negative if periodic overflows reduce the greater the security, the larger the size and cost
amount of water collected so it is less than the of the tank shall be.
The maximum tank size and related data are
Tank size is not necessarily based on collecting shown in Table 7.1, while the monthly
total runoff (maximum volume of water catchment calculation is shown in Table 7.2
available) from the roof area. If the water
demand is less than the maximum volume of
water available then some overflow might occur
while demand is still met. If water demand is to
be met throughout the year, the tank should be
large enough so that Vt is never negative.
Pipe Sizing for Rainwater Installation
The conveyance system of the rainwater In building where high peak demands occur, a
harvesting should be designed to ensure the loading unit rating for such appliances is not
plumbing installation is economic, systematic, applicable and 100% of the flow rate for these
can be maintained efficiently and safe by appliances is required as shown in Table 7.4. The
following the standard guidelines and the same applies to automatic flushing cisterns for
requirement of local authority urinals.
In designing for water supply installation, an The pipe sizing can be determined using a well
assessment must first be made of the probable known practical formula known as Thomas-Box
maximum water flow. In most buildings it equation given as follows:
seldom happens that the total numbers of
appliances installed are ever in use at the same d5 ´H
time, and therefore, for economic reasons, it is q=
usual for a system to be designed for a peak 25 ´ L ´ 10 5
usage which is less than the possible maximum
usage. where
The probable maximum demand can be assessed q = discharge through the pipe (liter/s)
based on the theory of probability. This method d = diameter of pipe (mm)
use a loading unit rating which is devised for each H = head of water (m)
type of appliance, based on its rate of water L = total length of pipe (m)
delivery, the time the taps are open during usage,
and the simultaneous demand for the particular
type of appliance.
Table 7.3: Loading Unit Rating for Various Applications
Public bath 22
Effective Length of Pipe
Table 7.6: Frictional Resistance of Draw-off Taps Expressed as Equivalent Pipe Lengths
Figure 7.2: Loading Units
Figure 7.4: Pipe Sizing Chart
The calculation of main pipe size for rainwater The calculation of loading rating per unit
tank serving a typical bathroom of a commercial appliance from Table 7.3.
building, the appliances in the bathroom consist
of 5 W.C. flushing cisterns, 10 wash basins and 5 W.C. flushing system (WC) = 5 units
showers with nozzle. The layout of the system is
Wash basin (WB) = 10 units
shown in Figure 7.5.
Shower (SR) = 5 units
5 WC × 2 = 10 units
10 WB × 1.5 = 15 units
5 SR × 3 = 15 units
Total = 40 units
The head loss in 25 mm copper pipe due to
frictional resistance obtained from Figure 7.4 is
0.10. The head loss due to fitting of stop valve is
equivalent to 0.6 (Figure 7.3). Hence, the total
head loss can be calculated as follows:
Figure 7.5: Example layout of the Plumbing The available head is 5 meter, therefore the
System Serving a Bathroom residual head at appliances distribution point is: