Biomedicine Meets Semantic Web: Juan Bernabé Moreno
Biomedicine Meets Semantic Web: Juan Bernabé Moreno
Biomedicine Meets Semantic Web: Juan Bernabé Moreno
Current information state and the underlying problems Figure 1 Before Semantic Web in place
The biggest challenge and effort driver in the IT resources
available in the life sciences is the integration of existing
disparate data sources.
The same investment is done over and over by several
projects because of emerging requirements that make the
integration with legacy systems very tedious
Potential benefits and challenges 2
The best known systems running this method are SRS from help researches to make sense of massive data available to
Lion Bioscience/Biowisdom[16] and Entrez[17] perform analysis on. The challenging side is the variety of
2) Data warehouses synonymous terms and polysemy or lexical ambiguity, defined
Central databases that keep a copy of data from different as "the ambiguity of an individual word or phrase that can be
sources into central schema (e.g..: Atlas)[18] used (in different contexts) to express two or more different
3) Query optimizers meanings” in [27]
They are basically applications that enable the user to The biggest effort driver is the unification of disparate data
create queries to different data sources in a comfortable way. that are labeled differently in different data sources. Thus,
They often rely on view integration, where the different where the ontology adds value is in “fixing” the terminology
schemas are integrated to form a global one, which is queried so that people can label medical entities in a consistent way.
in a high level language (e.g.: Discovery Link)[19]. Other Additionally, synonymy, acronyms and abbreviations can
examples are BioKleisli [21], K2 [22], TINet [20], P/FDM augment the ontologies.
[24], TAMBIS [23], etc The most popular example is the Gene Ontology [28]
4) Middleware frameworks Their entities have is-a and part-of relations to other entities,
Intended to query different data models by means of providing the basis for representing biological knowledge.
different interfaces. These relations support the creation of computer reasoning
applications, which can infer subsumption (is-a relations) or
composition (part-of relations) between entities.
IV. ONTOLOGIES The ad-hoc usage of the GO ontology allows the querying of
many Model Organism Databases (MODs) thanks to the
In a more and more data intensive world the computers play a disambiguation of meanings.
key role in helping people manage the information explosion. Looking beyond the mere terminology fixing, the GO is
Ontologies have become the cornerstone to structure the used as a basis for the term extraction and better information
complex knowledge domains and establish standards retrieval on the life sciences documents (i.e. the GoPubMed
Ontologies have been defined as "a way to express formally a project)
shared understanding of information" [25] Ontologies are commonly used to provide a common way of
describe the patient information in health records (see US
National Library of Medicine UMLS) [30]
A. Ontologies between Philosophy and Computer Science The description of audio visual information is also address
As indicated in [2] the fact that ontologies is a plural raises by the usage of ontologies to provide names for anatomy,
the major difference between the philosophical and computer pathology and observations in images (i.e. Open Microscopy
science approach to the term. Environment –OME-)
A philosophical ontology would encompass the whole of the
universe, but computer scientists allow the existence of
multiple, overlapping ontologies, each focused on a particular
Indeed an understanding of the ontology of a particular
domain may be crucial to any understanding of the domain.
The combination of ontologies, and communication between
them, is therefore, a major issue within computer science,
although such issues are problematic with the philosophical
use of the term. At the limit, an ontology that perfectly
expresses one persons understanding of the world is useless for
anyone else with a different view of the world. Communication
between ontologies is necessary to avoid this type of solipsism.