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c Archaeology Guidelines

C Ohio Historic Preservation Office


Archaeology Guidelines
Archaeology Guidelines

Ohio Historic Preservation Office

Ohio Historical Society

Columbus, Ohio
Copyright 1994 by the Ohio Hi storical Society, Inc. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

Reprinted 20 I I

The publication of Archaeology Guidelines has been made possible in part by the Sidney
Frohman Fund of the Ohio Historical Society and by a grant from the U.S. Department of
the Interior's National Park Service, administered by the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office. However, its contents do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the
Department of the Interior.

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office receives federal assistance from the U.S.
Department of the Interior's Historic Preservation Fund. Under Title V I of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination
on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicap. If you believe that you have been
discriminated against, or for further information, write: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S.
Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240

Ohio Historic Preservation Office

Ohio Histo2: Center
800 East 171 A venue
Columbus, Ohio 43211-24 74

(6 14) 298-2000
Acknowledgements 7
Introduction 9
Purpose 9
Philosophy of Documenting Archaeological Resources 10
Human Remains & Associated Burial Objects II
Section I 06 Review 12
Section One: The Review Process 15
A. The Review Process 15
B. Ohio Historic Preservati on Office Response 16
C. Required Action 17
1. Phase I: Survey 18
2. Phase II : Evaluative Testing 19
3. Phase IJI: Data Recovery 20
Section Two: Research Designs for Investigations 23
Section T hree: Report Standards 25
A. Report Format 25
B. Report Outlines 26
Phase I 26
Phase II 32
Phase Ill 34
C. Criteria for Ohio Historic Preservation Office
Review of Archaeological Reports 34
Section Four Personnel Qualifications 37
Section Five: C uration Standards and Guidelines 39
A. Standards 39
B. Defin itions (adapted from 36 CFR Part 79) 42
Section Six: Glossary 47
Appendix: G uideli nes for Investigations 53
Phase I 53
A. Field Visit 53
I. Prehistoric 54
2. Historic 54
3. Urban 55
B. Background Research 55
I. Prehistoric 55
2. Historic 58
3. Urban 59
C . Field Investigation 60
I. Prehistoric 60
2. Historic 63
3. Urban 64
D. Analysis 65
Phase II 66
A. Background Research 66
I . Preh istoric 66
2. Historic 66
3. Urban 68
B. Field Investigation 68
I. Prehistoric 70
2. Historic 80
3. Urban 82
C. Analysis 86
Phase III : A Sample Outline for a Data Recovery Project 87

The preparation of these guidelines benefited from the assistance and the advice
of many individuals. At the risk of excluding some who may have contributed,
special recognition is due to the members of the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office Archaeology Guidelines Advisory Committee. At various points in time
they included James Addington, David Brose, Jeff Brown, Tom Cinadr, Bill
Dancey, Martha Otto, Kevin Pape, Hawk Pope, C. Michael Pratt, Julie Quinlan,
Franco Ruffini, Susan Scherff, Shaune Skinner, and Alan Tonetti. Additionally,
Ohio Historic Preservation Office staff provided advice and responded to
numerous requests for review and assistance in producing these guidelines. They
include Tom Cinadr, Mary Beth Hirsch, Julie Quinlan, David Snyder, Bonnie
Such, Alan Tonetti, and Tom Wolf. Tom Wolf oversaw the editing, design, and
layout. John McClain, a student intern, assisted with the final editing, and Tom
Cinadr assisted with the layout. Thanks also to the states which provided copies
of their archaeology guidelines from which we derived ideas. Finally, support
for the preparation of these guidelines was provided by W. Ray Luce, State
Historic Preservation Officer.

Franco Ruffini

Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer


These guidelines contain the standards and specifications by which the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office reviews, evaluates, and comments on
archaeological survey methods, results, recommendations, and reports,
including, but not limited to, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation
Act, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA), Sections
149.53 and 149.54 of the O hio Revised Code, and Historic Preservation Fund
subgrants. They supersede all othe r letters, memoranda, guidelines, standards,
and specifications previously issued by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office on
these matters. Generally, they are intended to ensure that the work and
information generated from archaeological investigations are completed in
accordance with the Secretary ofthe Interior's Standards and Guidelines for
Archeology and Historic Preservation and the current state of the discipline.

The guidelines contained in this document presume that the archaeologist will
prepare a full research design for locating and evaluating archaeological
resources using the criteria for eligibility for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places, the State Registry of Archaeological Landmarks, and the State
Registry of Historic Landmarks. This research design should develop a
geographic/temporal context based on the current literature, established historic
contexts, the archaeologist's own research, or a combination of the above. This
research design must be ab le to provide for the location of all significant
archaeological sites (as defined by thei r eligibility for listing in the State
Registries or the National Register).

Included as an Appendix are guidelines to be used in lieu of a research design

prepared for a specific undertaking. If the archaeologist does not develop a
research design, use of the guidelines in the appendix for a survey project should
result in the identification of properties which would be potentially significant.
Inclusion of these guidelines should not be seen as recommending thei r use as
standard practice. They represent maximum effort for potentially

minimal results. The guiding principle fo r archaeology in Ohio is the
development o f a comprehensive research program resulting in a product
meeting professional standards. The guidelines in the appendix are intended to
be used only when the archaeo logist cannot provide data that would
conclusively warrant less or more stringent directions and their use will not
necessarily provide the best product.

These guidelines are intended to encourage innovation and experimentation in

the development and implementation of a research design. As time and staffing
levels permit, it is recommended that the research designs be approved in draft
by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office prior to implementation. This may
reduce the need for revisions invo lving requests for further work. The Ohio
Historic Preservation Office staff may request revisions in the research design
that require more field work or that may require less. It is a goal of the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office to keep cultural resource surveys cost effective and
this pre-approval process should be useful toward this end, particularly in
situations where the archaeologist has questions regarding research design
and/or methodology.

The nature of archaeological resources is such that expectations are generall y

modified by experience gained from fieldwork and analyses. It also should be
recognized that archaeology, as a scienti fic discipline, is always changing, and
that there is an inherent uncertainty involved in archaeological investigations.
Continued coordination with the Ohio Histori c Preservation Office is required as
the very nature of archaeology precludes rigid mechanical approaches to the
identification, evaluation, or protection o f archaeological resources.

Philosophy of Documenting Archaeological Resources

Many historic properties are archaeolog ical in nature. The Ohio Historic
Preservation O ffice has adapted the definition of an archaeological resource
from 36 CFR Part 79 (see page 42).

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office requires the use of the Ohio
Archaeological Inventory (OAI) form or equivalent form acceptable to the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office to record archaeological resources. The OAI form is
used to record the material remains (artifacts and features) and to document the
places (sites) in which they are found to the extent that the relationships among
these elements can be recognized and described. The OAI fo rm is used to

I 0 Introduction
document such resources in a manner that enables comparison, both written and
electronic, of the data contained therein and between archaeological resources.
There are several ways to delineate the resources. The method chosen must be
justified by the investigator in the research design.

Isolated finds may be treated differently than sites. First, it must be clearly
demonstrated in the project report that such occurrences are, in fact, isolated
finds. Once established, they may be recorded on an isolated find form
(available from the Ohio Historic Preservation Office) with information to
include the nature of the isolated find and its location. Multiple isolated finds
from a single project may be recorded on a single form. The fact that an
archaeological investigation resulted in the recovery of only a few flakes or a
single tool does not preclude the necessity of completing an OAI form. With the
exception of documented isolated finds, if an archaeological resource exists, it
must be recorded on an OAI form.

Resources such as historic cemeteries, buildings, and other structures, including

their ruins, may require the preparation ofOAJ forms. The determining factor is
whether or not the resources contain information of archaeological interest (see
page 43).

Other particular resources may require the preparation of Ohio Historic

Inventory (OH I) forms (see Ohio Historic Inventory Manual) or Ohio Historic
Bridge Inventory (OHBI) forms. These forms may be useful in documenting
destroyed or damaged buildings, or structures of architectural and/or historic
interest when there is sufficient documentation (i.e., photographs, architectural
drawings, insurance maps, etc.) to complete the minimum level of information
requested on such forms. The level, value, or significance of that information is
not at issue until the National Register of Historic Places Criteria of Evaluation
are applied, which is done after the resources are recognized and recorded.

Human Remains and Associated Burial Objects

Human remains and associated burial objects may be encountered during

investigations that fall under the review authority of the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office. Depending on the circumstances, i.e., location on federal,
state, other type of public land, or private property and/or the policies of the
agency with jurisdiction, various laws and reg ulations may be applicable, e.g.,
the Nati ve American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). Early

Human Remains and Associated Burial Objects II

consultation with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and other relevant
groups and agencies is recommended to ensure full compliance with appropriate

In general, adherence to the following principles is recommended:

• The preferred treatment for human re mains and associated burial objects
is in situ preservation.

• Human re mains and associated burial objects should always be treated


• When necessary, human remains and associated burial objects should be

disinterred completely and in accordance with proper archaeological

• Human remains and associated burial objects may have scientific,

cultural, and/or religious values whic h should be considered in their
treatme nt. Their treatment should be considered on a case-by-case basis
with all potential treatments (avoidance, disinterment, study,
curation, and/or reburial) recognized as options.

• Consultation with specific descendants and/or the appropriate,

culturally affiliated groups regarding the treatment of human remains and
associated burial objects should be undertaken.

It should be noted that the recovery and disposition of certain classes of artifacts
i.e., funerary objects, sacred objects, and items of cultural patrimony, are a
subject to regulation pursuant to NAGPRA under certain circumstances.

Section 106 Review

The National Historic Preservation Act (N HPA) of 1966, as amended, was

enacted because of public concern that many of our nation's historic properties
were not receiving adequate anention when the federal government sponsored
public works projects. In the early 1960s, federal historic preservation law
applied only to a handful of nationally significant historic properties, and
Congress recognized that new historic preservation legis lation was needed
protect the many other historic properties that were being affected by federal

12 Introduction
Section I 06 of the NHPA requires that every fede ral agency take into account
how each of its undertakings affects historic properties. An agency must also
afford the Advisory Counci l on Historic Preservation (AC HP) an opportunity to
comment on the agency's project. Federal regulations specify the process by
which an agency affords the ACH P an opportunity to comment on the agency's
proposed undertaking. The ACHP's regulations, "Protection of Historic
Properties," appear in the U.S. Code ofFederal Regulations as 36 CFR Part 800.
The federal agency involved in the proposed undertaking is responsible for
initiating and completing the Section I 06 review process, and it works with the
State Historic Preservation Office and the ACHP to do so. In Ohio, the State
Historic Preservation Officer is the Chief of the Historic Preservation Division
(also known as the Ohio Historic Preservation Office) of the Ohio Historical

A federal undertaking can be any of a broad range of projects, activities, and

programs including construction, rehabilitation and repair projects, demolition,
licensing, permitting, loaning, loan guarantee, grants, and federal property
transfer. Whenever one of these activities may have an effect on an historic
property, the sponsoring agency is obligated to seek the ACHP' s comments. For
purposes of Section I 06, any property listed in or eligible for listing in the
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) is considered historic.

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office coordinates state participation in the

implementation of the NHPA and is a key participant in the Section I 06 review
process. The role of the Ohio Historic Preservation Office is to consult with and
assist the federal agency in identifying historic properties, assessing effects upon
them, and considering alternatives to avoid or mitigate those effects. The Ohio
Historic Preservation Office reflects the interests of the state and its citizens in
the preservation of their heritage and helps the sponsoring agency identify those
persons interested in a fede ral undertaking and its effects upon historic
properties. For fu rther information on the Section I 06 review process, please
consult The National Historic Preservation Act: Section 106 Regulations and
Information, avai lable from the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.

Section 106 Review 13

Section One
The Review Process

A. The Review Process

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office has di vided the review process into two
parallel tracks: review for effect on historic buildings, structures, and objects,
and review for effect on prehistoric and historic a rchaeological resources. The
remainder of these guidelines describes the procedures involved in the
archaeological review.

If undertaken during an archaeological survey, the survey and inventory of

historic, architectural, engineering, and cultural resources should be done in
accordance with applicable standards, such as the Secretary ofthe Interior's
Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation and How to
Complete the Ohio Historic Invento1y .

The first step in the review process is the submission of project documentation
to the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. Complete documentation includes:

• Cover letter.

• Name of agency (Federal/State) or organization and type of assistance.

The name of the project owner or his a rchitect/enginee r where applicable.

• Project Location: the location and boundaries of the project area should
be indicated on a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute topographic
map or a map of sufficient scale that will allow the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office staff to locate the project boundaries on a USGS 7.5
minute map. In addition, street address and street maps a re required for
projects in urban areas.

• Project Description: the nature and extent of the unde rtaking; size of
project (in acres); the extent and nature of ground disturbance
anticipated; the previous and current land use; the known historic and
archaeological resources withi n the project area and its vicinity, with

references for information given. This is a precursor to, not a substitute
for, an archaeological assessment.

When complete documentation has been received, the archaeological review

proceeds with the archival examination of the project area to determine if known
archaeological sites are recorded within or near the project area. Archaeological
resources arc recorded in the OAI files maintained by the Ohio Historic
Preservation OHice at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus. The files are the
official repository of archaeological resource information and currently contain
information on over 20,000 archaeological resources. Similar files for more than
65,000 historic buildings, structures, and objects are maintained by the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office in the OH I files. Comparison of project maps with
map information in the OAI and O Hl files enables the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office to determine the presence or absence of recorded sites within
the project area. Other sources consulted may include the National Register files,
the Determination of Eligibility (DOE) files, the Historic American Buildings
Survey, and the Historic American Engineering Record, among others.

The absence of known sites in or near the project area does not imply the real
absence of sites. In order to evaluate the potential effect of an action on
archaeological resources, the possibility of significant unknown sites being
located within the project area must be considered. The review includes a
consideration of patterns of known site distribution and models of prehistoric
and historic settlement derived from previous archaeological surveys, settlement
pattern studies, and local or regional histories, among other types of scholarl y

B. Ohio Historic Preservation Office Response

Other factors considered in the review process include previous survey or

excavation within or near the project area and the nature and extent of previous
land use and ground disturbance that would affect the preservation of
archaeological sites. Agricultural use alone does not eliminate the need fo r
further consideration. Areas which have been extensively graded or altered
(through contemporary surface mining, construction, etc.) may sometimes be
eliminated from further consideration. Note, however, that historic mining areas
and other types of historic land disturbances may have gained significance in
their own right.

16 Section One • The Review Process

The review of project documentation usuall y results in one of four responses
defining the archaeological sensitivity of the area by the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office to the agency or app licant:

• No recorded sites occur within the project area and none arc expected.

• No recorded sites exist in the project area but the area has not been
adequately surveyed and the re is a reasonable probability that sites exist.
The reasonable probability is determined by a consideration of the factors
outlined above.

• Recorded sites occur within the project area and other unrecorded sites
may exist.

• Recorded sites occur within the project area and it is unlikely that
additional sites exist.

In addition to evaluating the archaeological sensitivity and the presence or

absence of previously recorded resources within the project area, the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office wi ll render an opinion on the necessity of
perform ing an archaeological survey. The phases of an archaeological survey arc
di scussed below.

If sufficient information is avai lab le on both the presence of archaeological

resources and the nature and extent of the project, the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office will render an opinion on the probable effect of the project on
archaeological resources in the project area. It is possible for resources to exist
within the project area, but for the project to be designed in such a way that there
wou ld be No Effect or No Adverse Effect on the resources. Responses from the
Ohio Historic Preservation Office to the agency involved will include both
information on the presence or likelihood of sites. a nd an opinion on potential

C. Req uired Action

If, in the op inion of the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, there are no sites and
none are expected or there will be no effect, no further investigation will be
recommended. It should be stressed, however, that should evidence for
archaeological resources be revealed duri ng construction or be provided after the
project commences, the Ohio Historic Preservation Office must be informed

Required Action I 7
immediately a nd consulted as to the appropriate action. Federal law has
established procedures for the treatment of properties discovered during the
implementation ofthe unde1taking [36 CFR Part SOO. ll (d)(l)].

When it is determ ined that previously recorded or unrecorded archaeological

resources may exist in the area of project impact, the Ohio Historic Preservat ion
Office will recommend that a survey be undertaken. While the agency is
responsible for identifying all cultural resources within the project area, these
guidelines address only the identification, evaluation, and data recovery of
archaeological resources. A phased approach is used in Ohio ; the phases
correspond to the required tasks of identification, evaluation, and data recovery,
where appropriate. The general purpose of each phase is described in the
follo wing section. More detailed guidelines appear in Section Two, starting on
page 23.

I. Phase I: Survey

The Phase I survey is intended to provide a description of the archaeological

resources within the project area. (Because, in general, little is known about
the archaeological sites which may be encountered in an area, all
archaeological sites should be recorded on OAI forms.) The methodology of a
research design for a Phase I survey must, therefore, be adequate to make it
highly probable that all sites wi ll be detected. Sites may be identified through
a combination of documentary research. informant interviews, surface
reconnaissance, and subs urface testing. Any or all of these techn iques may be
used in a particular survey. The Phase l survey should res ult in the discovery
of unrecorded sites and the confirmation of the existence and location of
previously recorded sites in the project ·area. The goal of a Phase I survey is to
identify and record on OAI forms both prehistoric and historic archaeological
resources within the project area.

The results of the Phase I survey are to be incorporated in a report meeting the
minimum standards and specifications of the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office (see Report Standards, starting on page 25). The report serves as the
basis for comment by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office on the adequacy
of the Phase I survey and the need for additional work. Eac h site identified
during Phase I survey should be given comprehensive and detai led
documentation individually and separately from other sites. If no

18 Section One • The Review Process

archaeological resources are discovered and the report reflects an adequate
consideration of the potential for archaeological resources, the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office will recommend that no further investigations are needed.

2. Phase II: Evaluative Testing

A Phase H investigation is designed to sample the archaeological resources

identified during the Phase I survey and allow a decision to be made about
significance, defined as eligibility of the site for listing in the National Register
of Historic Places and/or the State Registries. A Phase II investigation will
invo lve an intensive study of individual sites through techniques designed to
reveal information on stratification, the presence of features, paleoenvironment,
artifact inventory, chronology, and site boundaries, among others, as defined in
the research plan. The goal of the investigation is to provide evidence sufficient
to relate the site to others in the local area, region, state, or nation. Site
significance should be evaluated by reference to relevant criteria (National
Register, State Registries, etc.), and such factors as establishing the place of the
site in settlement patterns and/or by making reference to any available historic
context summaries and research topics. The results of the Phase II study are
documented and summarized in a report reviewed by the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office. A statement as to the author's opinion of the resources'
eligibility must be included in the report.

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office's comments on the Phase II report will
include an evaluation ofthe adequacy ofthe report in terms of the standards
and specifications for Phase II reports (see Report Standards starting on page
25) and the discussion of site significance. The Ohio Historic Preservation
Office response will also include an opinion regarding eligibility and the need
for additional consideration of the resources. If sites are determined not
eligible on the basis of the Phase II results, the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office will comment that no further field investigations will be needed. If
archaeological resources are determined to be eligible, the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office wi ll recommend either that the significant sites be avoided
by project activities or that, if an effect is unavoidable, the scientific
information contained in the site be recovered by data recovery (Phase Ill)

Phase II: Evaluative Testing 19

If significant resources located within the project area will be affected by the
project, and this effect cannot be avoided, the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office will determine that the project will have an adverse effect on these
resources. In some cases this can be mitigated through the completion of an
approved data recovery plan (Phase Ill). A determination by the Ohi o Historic
Preservation Office of no adverse effect through data recovery would be
appropriate when the information that is contained within the archaeological
site is the primary reason for significance, and that the recovery of that data
would not detract from its significance. Some archaeological sites, such as
some containing human remains, derive a major portion of their significance
from location, setting, context, or other values that would be lost or damaged
by a data recovery program. For such exceptional sites the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office may not consider a no adverse effect determination based
on a data recovery plan. Prese rvation in place is usually the preferred option
when the site would not be subject to even greater danger when left in place.

3. Phase Ill: Data Recovery

Phase Ill investigations are intended to mitigate the adverse effects to

signiticant sites through data recovery. Data recovery investigations generally
involve large-scale excavation of arc haeological material from a site. Because
ofthe variety of environmental settings and site types, Phase III investigations
must be designed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office. The sample outline for a Phase III data recovery
project on pages 87-88 provides the basic components of a Phase III
investigation, but individual investigations will be designed to recover
information related to the significance of the site, that is, the investi gations
will be problem oriented and designed to answer specific questions.

The results of Phase lll studies are incorporated in a report which is reviewed
by the Ohi o Historic Preservation Office. Although the content and focus of
Phase III reports may vary. it is expected that they will address specific
problems outlined in historic contexts. The justification for the requirements
placed on federal agencies by the NHPA is the protection of significant
scientific information. Phase Ill investigations must focus on the research
problems which make the site significant.

20 Section One • The Review Process

Completion of Phase III studies and approval of the report will, in most cases,
satisfy the agency's responsibilities regarding archaeological resources. The
Ohio Historic Preservation Office will respond to a complete and adequate
Phase Ill report with an opinion that the project wi ll have no adverse effect. In
some cases, the no adverse effect finding may be given prior to Phase III studies,
conditioned upon the submission of a complete Phase III report.

It must be emphasized that the agency or applicant remains responsib le for the
consideration of archaeo logical resources discovered during construction.
Accidental discoveries need to be reported immediately to the Ohi o Historic
Preservation Office (and the Secretary of the Interior, according to 36 CER Part
800. 11 (d)(l ), when applicable) and steps must be taken by the agency or
applicant to prevent any further damage to these resources until an appropriate
strategy for investigating, eval uating, and protecting them has been developed in
coordination with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.

Phase Ill: Data Recovery 2 1

Section Two
Research Designs for Investigations

A research design is an organizational device that identifies objectives of a study

and the procedures that can be adopted to achieve the objectives successfully. In
archaeology, a research design typically includes an explanation of the
problem(s) addressed by the research. a formulation of the hypotheses to be
tested, definitions of artifact and ecofacts appropriate to the problem, the
selection of methods and techniques of data collection and analysis, the choice
of a sampling design which governs the distribution and intensity of coverage,
and a specification of how project results are to be evaluated in reference to the
problem. In the present context. it is important for the research design to define
what is potentially significant. This potential significance is outlined by
addressing infonmtional needs within specific contexts and property types,
and/or within the geographic/temporal framework. The information necessary to
evaluate a resource 's potential eligibility should be drawn from, but not be
limited to the following.

• Research questions relevant to the geographic area and temporal period.

• Types of historic properties that have (or arc likely to have) addressed
research questions.

• Probability assessments ofthe types of properties existing within a

project areas (new types may have to be added).

• Methodologies proposed to locate properties. This wou ld incl ude a

disc ussion as to size and relative distribution based on type. The
methodology should address what standards a rc being used and why.
For example, if it is establ ished that sites of less than 5 meters in
extent may exist in the proj ect area and that they may address one or
more research questions, an interval of greater than 4 meters would
have to be adequately explained . This is not to say that sampli ng
intervals of 5 meters or greater would not be acceptable in some
instances. However, the researc h design would have to show clearly

why these resources less than 5 meter in extent, which might not be
discovered, would be acceptable losses.

• Overviews, summaries, or syntheses of what has been done, which

discusses the sampling intervals, depths, size, and overall spacing. This
section should also include if and how the methodology was modified and
for what reasons. The research questions may have to be revised in light
of methodological constraints or alterations. Observations in the field
may also necessitate modifications. Deeply buried deposits or historic
disturbances often wil l require an alteration of a sampling strategy
prepared prior to a field visit.

• Identification criteria. If a potentially significant property is located, will

some limited evaluative testing take place and what form will this take?
The research design should also provide information on how boundaries
will be addressed at the evaluative level.

A good research design develops a series of goals and the methodology for
reaching them. The design would show how to do an evaluation of the resources
in the project area and would be tailored to the expected resources. If the
archaeologist does not have the information necessary to develop a research
design specific to the task at hand, the guidelines outlined in the appendix (page
53) should be used. But even the usc of these guidelines wou ld require a report
meeting the requirements in Section Three (page 25).

24 Section Two • Research Designs for Investigations

Section Three
Report Standards

A. Report Format

The following format is required for all public archaeology projects under the
Ohio Historic Preservation Office's review authority, including reports prepared
under the guidelines in the appendix, and is recommended for others. It is based
on the standards recommended for archaeological reports for federal projects as
outlined in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines .for
Archeology and Historic Preservation.

The report is designed to provide a systematic bo dy of da ta fo r future evaluation

and research. The report format is not designed to exclude categories of
information not listed, nor to offer a rigid format. It represents a minimum level
of documentation, and may be modified in consultation with Ohio Historic
Preservation Office to accommodate the special circumstances of particular
projects and project phases. A complete report submission includes:

• A copy of each final report.

• Photographs, maps, etc., on high-quality (preferab ly acid-free) paper.

Blue-line drawings or equivalents should not be included in final

• Images of a quality equal to black and white photographs.

• Howard Pcrmal ifc bond paper, or equivalent. High rag conte nt bond is

• A dry-process (Xerox or equivalent) photocopy.

B. Report Outlines

Phase I

A. Title Page

I. Title of the report, including proj ect name, township, and county.

2. Author(s), principal investigator, address, and telephone numbers.

3. Client for whom report is prepared, address, and telephone number.

4. Lead public agency (e.g., Ohio Department of Transportation, Federal

Communications Commission, Housing and Urban Development), if

5. Dateofreport.

B. Abstract

I. Summary of location, scope of work, methods, find ings, and


2. Statement of the size of a rea surveyed and size of proj ect area.

3. A list of inventory forms completed as part of the proj ect is to be

included in the report. A photocopy of the first page of each fo rm may
be substituted for the list. Orig inal inventory forms are to be submitted
to the Oh io Historic Preserva tio n O ffi ce sepa rate ly.

C. Table of Contents - top ical headings with corresponding page numbers.

Authors of sections must be indicated if diffe rent from principal authors.

D. Lists of figures, plates, maps, and tables with corresponding page numbers.

E. Graphics

I. Quality maps and illustrations are req uired. Scale and north arrow must
be included on maps and photos.

2. Diagnostic arti facts recovered or observed must be ill ustrated with a


26 Section Three • Report Standards

F. Introduction

I. Discuss thoroughly the purpose and circumstances of the contracted

services including location of project, description of the proposed
proj ect, project administration, organization, constraints, and

G. Research Design (see Section Two on page 23)

I. Provide a statement of the problem (including kinds of properties

looked for), basic assumptions, activities, and techniques, including
strategies and methods required for problem solution and hypothesis
testing, and a specification of the relevant data and how they will be
utilized fo r an adequate understanding of the resource. The information
in numbers 2-4, immediately following, must be included. Any
variations or modifications made to the research design during the
survey should be noted.

2. Field Visits

a) Prehistoric: Document project environment and extent of previous


b) Historic/Urban: Record presence of above-ground remains and

existi ng buildings, structures, and objects.

3. Bac kground Research

a) Prehistoric

( I) Documentary research on environment must include local

physiography, geomorphology, soils, hydrology, flora, fauna,
climate, and geology.

(2) Provide a review of relevant culture histories, previous research

including chronology, settlement and subsistence patterns, site
types, and any other available data which may be important for
determining wha t types of cultural resources are likely to be
present, how these may be recognized, and which methods wi ll
be effective in their location, identification, a nd evaluation.

Report Outlines I Phase I 27

(3) Identify known archaeological resources utilizing the Ohio
Archaeological Inventory, Ohio Histo ric Inventory, National
Register of Historic Places, State Registries, prior surve ys,
manuscripts, maps, historical documents, and other sources.

(4) Record interviews with informants providing names and

date of interview, as we ll as illustrati ons of any representative
mate rial remains.

b) Historic
In add ition to a) above, provide:

(I) Information regarding the transformation of the landscape si nce

European settlement and settlement history.

(2) Relevant information contained in the Ohio Historical Society

and local historical society fi les.

(3) Research including general or specific secondary histories,

previous survey reports, historic property registers, historic
maps, atlases, photographs, and primary documents such as
deeds, tax assessments, etc., as applicable.

c) Urban- Same as a) and b), above.

4. Field Methods and Techniques

a) Describe and justify data collecting techniques, sampling, and artifact

retrieval procedures. If probability zones are established, they should be
illustrated on a project map.

b) Describe environmental (weather and surface) conditions during survey

and their effects on survey results.

c) Record the procedures and results of field survey to include:

28 Section Three • Report Standards

I) Prehistoric

Include dates of fieldwork, list of personnel, and their duties

(Professional qualifications for all key personnel, including field
supervisors, must be included in an appendix, or placed on file
with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and refe renced in the
report), results of walkover of entire project area, results of surface
survey, a nd.

(a) State perce nt of ground visibility and how it was dete rmined.

(b) Indicate methods utilized to determine density and extent

(horizontal and vertical) and integrity of recovered ma terials.

(c) Provide profiles from selected test units

(d) Provide graphic and written summa ry descri ptions of all

surface collection stations. Descriptions should include
spacing and number of transects.

(e) Provide mapping showing the location and size of test units
(provide graphic and written description with appropriate

(f) Discuss types of levels excavated (natural, cultural or

arbitrary) and justification for techniques.

(g) State test unit interval. Describe natural and/or cultural

stratigraphic levels, features, and I or material remains
encountered within each test unit.

2) Historic/Urban

Use all precepts stated in the above for Prehistoric criteria plus:

(a) Measurement references to historic features in fee t/inches.

(b) Completed forms for isolated historic artifacts.

Report Outlines I Phase I 29

H. Anal ysis

I. Specify co unts of materials recovered {by number or weight as

appropriate) and their provenience. Descriptions of materials should
include, type of material; metric attributes; other alterations, such as
heat alteration, edge damage, weathering; etc.

2. List cultura l/chronological type names (e.g., Brewerton comer notched)

and material type (e.g., Upper Mercer C hert), when possible.

3. Specify and tabul ate by type historic ceramics (paste, ware,

manufacturer, and date); metal (manufacturing technique and date);
glass (color and type).

4. Tabulate faunal or floral material by taxon and number, if possible.

5. Summarize human remains by individuals for location, deposition,

position, orientation, depth, stature, sex, age at death, etc., as

6. Site forms: A list of Ohio Archaeological Inventory, Ohio Historic

Inventory, Ohio Historic Bridge Inventory, and Ohio Historic
Landscapes Survey forms must be included or a photocopy of the first
page of each f01m.

I. Curation

I. All at1ifacts, samples, specimens, field notes, journals, log books, field
forms, analysis, maps, drawings, photographic slides and negatives,
and project con-espondence should be deposited in a facility which
meets the standards outlined in Section Five (starting on page 39).
Provide a specific statement of the present location and, if different, of
the facility whic h will serve as the permanent curation location.
Append to the report a letter of agreement for permanent curation
signed by an authorized representative of the approved curatorial
facility. Open-ended agreements arc acceptable subject to verification
by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. It is the responsibility of the
archaeologist to obtain permission for permanent curation prior to the
initiation o f fieldwork.

30 Section Three. Report Standards

J. Eligibility Assessment

I. When sufficient data are available, each site is to be evaluated in terms

of its eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places,
the State Registry of Archaeological Landmarks, and the State Regi stry
of Historic Landmarks, as applicable. The investigator must state the
justification for considering the eligibility of any resource. In al l such
considerations the federal guidelines for completing National Register
of Historic Places forms, (36 CER Part 60), should be applied in
assessing archaeological properties located within the area of the
proposed project's potential effects. All such assessments shall include
site by site evaluation of data potential, recommendations for
recovering such data, and statements of the probable significance of
such data in terms ofNational Register of Historic Places criteria or
State Registries criteria, as appropriate.

K . Conclusions

I .The concluding section should present a management summary including

a brief discussion of the follo wing:

a) Scope of project

b) Location of project

c) Methods employed

d) Findings

e) Evaluation of findings including.

( I) the significance of each site in terms of its scientific

(archaeological), historical and/or cultural val ue (If the
examination did not offer an opportunity to gain data sufficient
to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion, offer recommendations for
further research).

(2) primary impact

(3) secondary impact (if known)

Report Outlines I Phase 1 31

(4) analysis of research design. methodology, and expectations
versus actual results

f) Possible mitigation measures

L. References cited:

Follow American Antiquity style guidelines.

M. Required appendices

I. Provide a scope of service and other project documentation.

2. Include vitae of all key project personnel or reference location at Ohio

Historic Preservation Office.

Phase II

A. Title page (sec Phase I requirements on page 26)

B. Abstract (see Phase I require ments)

C. Table of Contents (see Phase I requirements)

D. Lists of Figures, Plates, Tables, Maps (sec Phase I requirements)

E. Introduction (see Phase I requirements on page 27)

F. Research Design

I. Background Research- Summarize previous investi gations, and

tabulations of Phase I artifact and feature information to include:

a) A description of regional/local settlement pattern(s)

b) summary of types of data expected from investigation

c) For historic/urban, in addition to the above, a history of ownership,

occupation, land usc, and development

2. Field Methods and Techniques

a) Describe and justify the methods used to determine the archaeological

resources' potential and integrity

32 Section Three. Report Standards

b) Testing

Address each of these goals:

(I) Boundary definition of sites

(2) Identification of features (representative drawing and

photographs should accompany report)

(3) Artifact distribution

(4) Dating

(5) Identification of stratified deposits

(6) BotanicaV fauna I information potential

H. Analysis

I. Tabulate all artifacts by type, provenience, level and feature, along with
quantitative descriptions of artifacts as specified for Phase I.

2. Categorize artifacts for comparison.

3. Provide the results of cross-mending and distributional plotting, when

appropriate, to assess site structure.

4. When present, provide results of flotation.

5. Include the results of radiocarbon samples, when available. I. National

Register Eligibility

I. Provide an assessment of site eligibility with appropriate references to

the criteria for the National Register of Historic Places (36 C FR Part
60), the State Registry of Archaeological La ndmarks a nd the State
Registry of Historic Landmarks, as applicable.

J. Assessment of Project Impact

I. Discuss impact of project on archaeological resources using graphics

when appropriate.

2. Suggest mitigation alternatives.

Report Outlines I Phase II 33

K. Conclusions (see Phase I requirements)

L. Refere nces cited (see Phase I requireme nts)

M. Appendices (sec Phase I requirements)

Phase Ill

All applicable sections of the report outlines for Phase I and Phase II reports,
pages 26 and 32, should be included in a final rep011. In addition, while the
content a nd focus of Phase Ill reports may vary, they sho uld address the
research questions identified in the data recovery plan (cf. Phase Ill, A Sample
Outline for a Data Recovery Proj ect, page 87).

In some cases it may be appropriate to reference earlier reports for the

information necessary. The Ohio Historic Preservation Office should be
consulted prior to making such references.

C. Criteria for Ohio Historic Preservation Office Review of

Archaeological Reports

Reports must satisfactorily address the questions below in order to be accepted

by the Ohio Histo ric Preservation Office.

• Are the methods and techn iques of the investigation adequately j usti fied
and described? Are the objectives of the investigati on clearly stated?

• Is the researc h design coherent? Are the methods and results appropriate
to the purposes and goal?

• Have previous related investigations been considered and incorporated

into the work?

• Has the present investigation bee n related to the broader theoretical,

methodological, and descriptive concerns in anthropology, archaeology,
and history and/or concerns listed in established historic contexts?

• Are all sites adequately described and mapped?

34 Section Thre e • Report Standards

• Are artifact in ventories, photographs, drawi ngs, a nd descriptions

• Are artifacts described accord ing to appropriate categories and

nomenclature and labeled with inventory numbers?

• Arc sites recorded using standa rd Qhjo Historic Preservation Office

codes and numbers?

• Arc artifacts, sites, features, and their distribution interpreted in terms

of human cultural behavior?

• Arc sites placed in their environmental and cultural (historical)


• Are statistical manipulations and special techniques correctly applied

and described?

• Is the significance of sites adequate ly justified by reference to

appropriate significance criteria, previous research, the type and
quantity of data derivable, and the relevance of these data to broad
anthropological/archaeological problems?

• Is the project fully described so the potential for impact is known

and/or discussed?

• Are locations of shovel tests and other sampling units clearly described
and mapped?

• Are there recommendations to minimize or avoid impacts? Do these

recommendations accurately reflect the impact on that which makes the
resources signi ficant?

• Is the potential Nat ional Register and/or State Registries e ligibility of

all sites considered?

• Arc maps, photographs, and drawings appropriate, clear, and

adequate ly labeled a nd numbered?

• Is the list of refere nces and persons consulted co mplete?

• Is the disposition of artifacts clearly described? Arc provisions for

storage and curation adequate?

Criteria for Review of Archaeological Reports 35

• Have site forms been referenced and provided separately? Numbers assigned 1. _.t
be included in the body of the report.

• Are any special conditions or biases that may have affected the survey results
identified and discussed?

• Has the appropriate report format (Phase I, II, lll) been followed?

36 Section Three • Report Standards

Section Four
Personnel Qualifications
T hese guidelines are to be used in evaluating the qualifications of individuals
directing, supervising, and/or conducting archaeological investigations under
the review authority of the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. Typically this
includes archaeological work undertaken in compliance with federal, state, or
local laws and regulations as well as projects funded with grants administered
by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. The guidelines are designed to ensure
that project personnel have the training appropriate to the tasks they are

Note that while the four categories identified below reflect the pyramidal,
hierarchical personnel structure normally associated with large, complex
projects, on small projects the project director, the field director, the field
supervisor, and the crew can be a single individua l.

I. Project Director: Individual(s) with overall responsibility for an

archaeological investigation. This incl udes developing a research design
and methodology commensurate with its objectives. The project director
must meet the personnel qualifications for archaeology in the Secretary of
the Interior's Standards and Guidelines fo r Archeology and Historic
Preservation and/or be certified by a professional archaeological
association, such as the Society of Professional Archaeologists.

2. Field Director: Individual(s) with responsibility for the execution of the

research design and methodology in the field. The field director must meet
the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines or be certified by
the Society of Professional Archaeologists in field archaeology, or be
certified by a professional archaeological association. In lieu of the above,
proficiency as a field director will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis,
taking into account the individual 's education, prior field experience, and
reports and publications.

The project director or the field director must be in the field whenever fieldwork
is being conducted.

3. Field Supe rvisor: Individual who oversees work in the field under the
direction of the project director and/or the field director. The field
supervisor must have a degree in anthropology, history, or a closely related
field or equivalent experience, at least four months of superv ised
archaeological fieldwo rk, and six months of additional field work.

Typically this person supervises a field crew, but may act as field crew as
well. In order to ensure adequate supervision the ratio of field crew to field
supervisor must not exceed 5 to I .

4. Field Crew: Gi ven the level of supervision outlined here, maximum

fle xi bility is permissible in the selection of field workers. This approach
accommodates a wide var iety of applications ranging from projects with
paid professional staff to projects in which volunteers may participate. The
key is adequate supervision and accountability.

38 Section Four . Personnel Qualifications

Section Five
Curation Standards and Guidelines
A. Standards
Standard 1: Collections from archaeological resources of archaeological
interest must receive curation in a repository.


I. The classes of material remains which should be curated can be determined

from the research problems contained in pertinent research designs or
historic contexts for archaeological resources.

2. At least a representative sample of each class of material remains and all

associated records should be curated. The disposition of non-curated
material remains from archaeological investigations should be documented
in accordance with standards and guidelines such as those adopted by the
American Association of Museums.

3. A collection should be deposited in a repository located as close as possible

to the collection's poi nt of origin.

Standard II: Collections to be curated must be accompanied by

documentation stating that the property owners from whose properties the
collections were taken have relinquished ownership or have consented to
the curation arrangements.


I. Archaeologists have a responsibility to work with property owners and

repositories during all stages of archaeo logical investigations to obtain the
necessary agreements fo r curating collections.

2. Copies of agreements should be included in reports of archaeological


Standard Ill: Collections must be analyzed, processed, cataloged and
curated in a timely manner.


I. Archaeologists and other researchers should analyze, process, and catalog

collections from archaeological investigations without delay. The level of
analys is should be dictated by the research design. Processing and
cataloging should be done according to the requirements of the repositories
agreeing to curate the collections.

2. Following analysis, processing, and catalogi ng, collections should be

deposited in repositories without delay.

Standard IV: Repositories being considered for curation of collections must

have adequate and secure curation capabilities. They will have the following
characteristics: adequate space, facilities, and qualified professional
personnel for the analysis, conservation, curation, storage, and maintenance
of collections.

Gu idelines:

I. The exact nat ure of what wi ll be adequate controlled space and facilities
will vary depending on the volu me and the kinds of collections to be

An acceptable repository should have, at minimum, a laboratory where

specimens can be cleaned, labeled, preserved, conserved, studied, and
stored. The repository should have a secure storage facility and record-
keeping systems that ensure orderly maintenance of the collections, and
thei r protection from environmental degradation.

2. Associated records should be stored in environmentally controlled, secure,

and fire resistant archives. Preferably, a second set of associated records
should be stored in another location.

3. Professional staff should be available to care for the particular materials

being curated, to maintain a comprehensive catalog, and to identify
potential problems in access, handl ing, or preservation of collections.

4. The repositories legally designated as curation locations should have

organizational rules, bylaws, or other regulat ions providing for

40 Section Five • Curation Standards and Guidelines

monitoring ofthese facilities. They should have standards and guidelines
for the disposition of their assets upon dissolution which meet or exceed
those recommended by the American Association of Museums.

Standard V: Repositories must allow access to collections within a

reasonable time when requested for research or other legitimate pur poses.

I. Researchers or others with legitimate interests in collections may be

charged reasonable fees so that repositories can recover costs incurred in
providing access to and use of collections.

2. Evaluation of the qualifications of~esearchers shou ld be guided by the

professional qualifications in Section Four starting on page 37. Students
should be sponsored by a person meeting those qualifications.

3. Evaluation of other legitimate purposes, such as access to sacred objects for

religious purposes, should be made in consultation with appropriate
representatives of the interested parties, including those requesting access,
the owners of the collections, and state or local officials.

4. When repositories do not permit material remains to be readily accessible

because handling would be physically damaging to them, researchers and
others with legitimate interests should request that repositories find
alternative methods for examination or other uses.

Standa rd VI: Curation needs must be considered at all stages of

archaeological investigations, including planning, survey, analysis,
processing, cataloging, and conser vation.


I. Contractors and agencies should consider the need to curate collections in

the development of any identification, evaluation, and treatment plans. This
should include information on the availability, capability, and requirements
of repositories which may be utilized by the contractors or agencies.

2. Agencies should ensure that contractors and subcontractors have

adequately provided for the curation of material remains including
appropriate stipulations in contracts and by determini ng whether

Standards 41
collections have been appropriately deposited following contract completion.

3. Archaeologists should inform their employer of any special needs that

material remains to be collected might have and arrange for cm·ation in
appropriate repositories. For example, if it is likely that perishable material
remains such as bone, seeds, basketry, or cloth might be collected , special
curatorial arrangements such as climate-controlled storage will be
necessary. Almost all material remains removed from submerged sites
requi re special attention such as controlled dryi ng and chemical
preservation; many need stabilization of metal oxidation as well.

4. Agencies, contractors and subcontractors should become familiar with the

requirements of reposi tories to be used for collections, and ensure that
professionals curate the collections. For example, some repositories require
that material remains to be deposited are cataloged in a particular way or
are stored in containers of a particular size or type. It is safer and more
efficient to plan to meet these requirements before or during archaeological
investigations rather than to recatalog or repack material remains prior to
delivery to a repository.

Standard V II: In situations where collections are to be curated in

r epositor ies other th an acceptable curation facilities owned, controlled , or
operated by the individua ls, instit utions, or agencies responsible for t he
r ecovery of the collections, there must be a legally binding cont r act between
the legal agents of t he parties responsible fo r t he t ransfer.


I. Where collections arc to be curatcd in repositories other than acceptable

curation facilities, such arrangements should only be temporary.
Individuals, institutions, or agencies responsible for the recovery of
collections should continue to search for an acceptable repository follo wing
completion of the archaeological investigations.

B. Definition s (adapted from 36 CFR Part 79)

Ar chaeological resou rce means any surface, subsurface, or submerged location
which contains material remains of prehistoric or historic human life or activities

42 Section Five . Curation Standards and Guidelines

that are of archaeological interest and the depositional environment in which
they were interred or accumulated.

Archaeological interest means capable of providing scientific or humanistic

understandings of past human behavior, culture change, c ultural adaptation, and
related topics through the application of scientific or scholarly techniques such
as, but not limited to, controlled observation, contextual measurement,
controlled collection, analysis, interpretation, and explanation.

Material remains means physical evidence of prehistoric or historic human

habi tation, occupation, use, or activity. Classes of material remains, and
illustrative examples inc lude, but are not limited to:

• Whole or fragmentary pieces of prehistoric or historic structures and

features such as houses, mills, piers. fortifications, raceways, mounds,
and earthworks.

• Whole or fragmentary prehistoric or historic artifacts of human

manufacture and natural objects used by humans such as tools, weapons,
porcelain, basketry, rock crystals, feathers, and pigments.

• Pre historic or historic by-products, waste products or debris resulting

from manufacture or use of human-made or natural materials such as
slag, dumps, cores, and debitage.

• Prehistoric or historic organic material suc h as vegetable and animal

remains and copro lites.

• Prehistoric or historic human remains such as bone, teeth. mummified

flesh, buria ls, and cremations.

• Whole or fragmentary pieces of petroglyphs, pictographs, intaglios, and

other works of artistic or symbolic representation.

• Whole or fragmentary pieces of shi pwrecks such as pieces of a ship's

hull, rigging, armaments, apparel, tackle, contents, and cargo.

• Depositional environment in whic h the products and by-products of

human activity and the plants and animals with which they interact are

• Environmental specimens such as pollen, soil, bumt clay, and tree co re


Definitions 43
Collection means material remains recovered from prehistoric or historic
archaeological resources as we ll as associated records documenting the

Associated records means a ny records that were generated or copied during the
course of archaeological work to document prehistoric or historic archaeological
resources. Some records such as field notes, profile drawings, artifact
inventories, or oral histories may be originals that were generated as a result of
the a rchaeological fieldwork, analysis, and report preparation whi le others such
as deeds, survey plats, historical maps, or diaries may be copies of original
public or archival documents that were studied and duplicated as a result of
historical research in connection with the work. Classes of associated records
(and illustrative examples) include, but are not limited to:

• Records relating to survey, testing, excavation, record ing, a nd analysis of

archaeological resources such as site forms, field notes, drawings, maps,
photographs, slides and negatives, films, video and a udio cassette tapes,
oral histories, artifact inventories, laboratory reports, computer cards,
tapes, disks, diskettes and printouts, antiquities permits, reports, and
accession, catalog, and inventory records.

• Records relating to the identification of archaeological resources usi ng

remote sensing data such as aerial and satellite photographs and images,
magnetometers, side scan sonar, subbottom profilers, radar, and
fa tho meters.
• Copies of public records relating to the archaeological resources such as
deeds, survey plats, m ilitary and census records, birth, marriage, and
death certificates, imm igration and naturalization papers, tax forms, and

• Copies of archi val records relating to the archaeological resources such

as historical maps, drawi ngs and photographs, manuscripts, architectural
and landscape plans, diaries, ledgers, catalogs, and receipts.

Curation means the management and care of collections according to common,

professional museum practices, including, but not limi ted to:

• Inventorying, accessioning, labe ling, and cataloging collections.

44 Section Five • Curation Standards and Guidelines

• Identifying, evaluating, and documenting collections.

• Storing and maintaining collections under appropriate environmental

conditions and physically secure controls.

• Periodically inspecting collections and taking any necessary actions as

may be necessary to preserve them.

• Providing access to and facilities for studying collections.

• Cleaning, stabilizing and conserving collections.

Religious o r sacred object means archaeologically recovered material remai ns

that have been historically, habitually, or exclusively used in religious or
spiritual activities.

R epository means a facility such as a museum, archaeological center,

laboratory, or storage facility managed by a university, museum, or other
educational or scientific institution, or state or local government agency, that can
provide professional, systematic, and accountable curation and preservation on a
long-term basis, and can provide access to archaeological collections and
attendant records. Repositories should have staff or consultants who meet
pertinent professional qual ifications and whose expertise is appropriate to the
nature and content of the collection.

Definitions 45
Section Six

Accidental Discoveries. Resources discovered during implementation of an

undertaking. See procedures outlined in 36 CFR Part 800. 11 (b).

Adverse Effect. The finding of a Section I 06 review in which it is determined

that the proposed fede ral action wi ll adversel y affect historic properties.

Adviso ry Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). The Advisory Council on

Historic Preservation was established under Section 20 I of the National Historic

Preservation Act of 1966.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). A series published by the federa l

government which contains codification of the general and permanent rules
published by agencies of the federal government.

Controlled Surface Collection. An investigative technique designed to provide

a representative sample of the material remains exposed on the surface of an
archaeological site.

Environmental Impact Statement (E IS). A report providing a level of

documentation required under provisions of the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 432 1-434 7). Under the Act, agencies of the federal
government shall, in consultation with the Council on Environmental Quality,
compile a detailed statement concerning environmental impacts of major federal
actions significantly affecting the qualify of the human envi ronment.

Executive O rder 11593. Directs Federal agencies to inventory and nominate to

the National Register of Historic Places cultural properties under their
jurisdiction or control. Executive Order 11593 requires Federal agencies to seek
and to consider comment from the federal Advisory Counci l on Historic
Preservation before implementing any proposed action affecting properties
eligible for listi ng on the National Register. See also 36 CFR Part 800.

Executive Order 12372. This document establishes procedures for the

cooperative implementation of proposed federal assistance programs, federal

requirements for plans, and direct federal development projects, through
consultation which acco mmodates the concerns of the state and local elected
officials. Replaces OMB Circular A-95.

Federal Assistance. The term Federal Assistance, (or Federal Financial

Assistance, Federal Assistance Programs, or Federally Assisted Program) means
programs that provide federal assistance through grant or contractual
agreements, and includes technical assistance programs or programs providing
assistance in the form of loans, loan guarantees, or insurance.

Federal Ownership or Control. Fede ral ownership or control for federal

nominations to the National Register of Historic Places means property for
which a federal agency holds fee simple title and other properties over which the
federal government has jurisdiction, including those on the Outer Continental

Federal Preservation Officer. The official designated by the head of each

fede ral agency responsible for coordinating that agency's activities under the
National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, and Executive Orde r 11593.

Historic Context. A mechanism created for planning purposes that organizes

information about historic properties based on a shared theme, specific time
period, and geographical area.

Historic Property. A district, site, building, structure, or object included on, or

eligible for inclusion on, the National Register of Historic Places, the State
Registry for Archaeological Landmarks, or the State Registry for Historic
Landmarks. The term eligible for inclusion in the National Register includes
both propet1ies formall y determined as such by the Secretary of the Interior and
all other prope rti es that meet the criteria for listing in the National Register.

Intensive Level Survey. Systematic, detailed field (and archival) inspection of

an area designed to identify fully architectural, archaeological, and historic
prope rties, and calculated to produce a level of docume ntation sufficient,
without any further data, to eval uate their National Register eligibility or to
evaluate them agai nst predetermined criteria of significance within specific
historic contexts.

Mitigation. Any acti on which reduces or eliminates adverse effects which would

48 Section Six • Glossary

result from a proposed action. Mitigation may include project redesign or
relocation, data recovery and documentation, etc. (See 36 CFR Part 800).

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (P.L. 102-575). An

act of Congress which expanded the ational Register of Historic Places and

authorized a program of matching grants-in-aid to assist states and the National

Trust for Historic Preservation in carrying out historic preservation activities.

National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The national list of districts,

sites, buildings structures, and objects significant in American history,
architecture, arc haeology, engineering, or culture. It is maintained by the
Secretary ofthe Interior under authority of Section l Ol (a)( I)(A) ofthe National
Historic Preservation Act, as amended.

National R egister of Historic Places Criteria for Evaluation . The criteria

used by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service to
evaluate the eligibility of properties for listing on the National Register of
Historic Places. The criteria are:

The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archaeology,

engineering, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and
objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, and association, and:

A. that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution
to the broad patterns of our history; or

B. that are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or

C. that embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method

of construction, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess
high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable
entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or

D. that have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in

prehistory or history.

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAG PRA). A

fede ral statute that requi res federal agencies and museums that receive federal

Native Am erican Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 49

funds to consult with Indian tribes, Native Alaskan entities and Native Hawaiian
organizations regarding the proper care and deposition of Native American
human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural

No Adverse Effect. The finding of a Section I 06 review in which it is

determined that the proposed Federal project will not adversely affect historic
properties located within the impact area of the project (see 36 CFR Part 800.9).

No Effect on Properties. The finding of a Section I 06 review in whi ch it is

dctennincd that there is no effect on historic properties that arc or may be
located within the impact area of the proposed projec t (see 36 CFR Part 800.9).

No Properties in Impact Area. The finding of a Section 106 review that no

properties meeti ng National Register eligibility criteria (or already listed on the

National Register) are located within the impact area o f the proposed project

(see 36 CFR Part 800.9).

Ohio Arc haeological Council (OAC). A non-profit organization of

professionally competent archaeologists whic h provides aid and advice to all
citizens and state and federal agencies; serves as a clearinghouse for
archaeological and cultural/historical data pertinent to the aboriginal peoples and
early pioneers of Ohio; promotes conservation and preservation of
archaeological sites and records; disseminates information on Ohio archaeology
to the public; and addresses major problems related to the archaeology of Ohio.
O hio Archaeological Inventory (OAJ). An ongoing, statewide survey of
a rchaeological sites. The OAI is mai ntained by the Ohio Historic Preservation

Ohio Historic Bridge In vento ry (OHBI). An ongoing, statewide survey of

bridges stored in sepa rate files with the Ohio Historic Inventory.

Ohio Historic Inventory (OHI). An ongoing, statewide survey of buildings,

structures, and si tes of a rchitectural and historical sign ificance. The OHI is
maintained by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.

Ohio Historic Landscapes Invento ry. An ongoing statewide survey of historic

designed landscapes stored in separate fi les with the Ohio Historic Inventory.

50 Section Six • Glossary

Ohio Historic Preservation Office (OHPO). A division of the Ohio Historical
Society, also known as the Historic Preservation Division, which carries out
mandated functions of the National Historic Preservation Act for the state.

Persons Interested/I nterested Party. In a Section I 06 review, those

organizations and individuals that are concerned with the effects of a federal
undertaking on historic properties.

Reconnaissance Level Survey. I) Small-scale archival or field research,

designed to provide a general impression of an area's architectural,
archaeological, and historical properties and their values, but not calculated to
produce a level of documentation sufficient to nom inate a property to the
National Register or determine its eligibility for listing. 2) An examination of all
or part of an area accomplished in sufficient detail to make generalizations about
the types and distributions of historic properties that may be present.
Research Design. A statement of proposed identification, documentation,
investigation, or other treatment of a historic property that identifies the project's
goals, methods, and techniques, expected results, and the relationship of the
expected results to other proposed activities or treatments.

Secretary's Standards and Guidelines. (48FR44 716-44742) The Secretary of

the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic
Preservation provide technical information about archaeological and historic
preservation activities and methods. The Standards and Guidelines are prepared
under the authority of Section I 0 I (f), (g), and (h), and Section I I 0 of the
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The subjects covered in
the Standards and Guidelines include: preservation planning, identification,
evaluation, registration, historic research and documentation, architectural and
engineering documentation, archaeological investigation, historic preservation
projects, and preservation terminology.

Section I06. The section of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 that
states: The head ofany Federal agency having direct or indirect jurisdiction over a
proposed Federal or federally assisted undertaking in any State and the head ofany
Federal department or independent agency having authority to license any undertaking
shall, prior to the approval ofthe expenditure ofany Federal funds on the undertaking or
prior to the issuance ofany license, as the case may be, take into account the effect of the

Section 106 5I
underraking on any district, site, building, structure, or object that is included in
or eligible for inclusion in the National Register. The head ofany such Federal
agency shall afford the Advismy Council on llistoric Preser vation (established
under Title 11 of this Act) a reasonable opportunity to comment with regard to
such undertaking.

State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). The official appointed or

designated pursuant to Section 101 (b)(l) ofthc National Historic Preservation
Act to administer the state historic preservation program or a re presentative
designated to act fo r the State Historic Preservation Officer.

State Registry of Archaeo logical Landmarks. A list of significant

arc haeological properties in Ohio mai ntained by the Ohio Historical Society
pursuant to Section 149.5 1 of the Ohio Revised Code. State Registry of Historic
Landmarks. A list of significant historic properties in Ohio maintained by the
Ohio Historical Society pursuant to Section 14 9.55 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). A federal

statute that establishes mining and reclamation standards for coal operators with
surface coal mining operations or with surface effectme nt from underground
coal mining operations. The standards provide for the creation of State programs
to permit surface coal mining operations (including surface effectment from
underground coal mining operations) and to assure that adequate procedures are
undertaken to reclaim surface areas as contemporaneously as possible with the
surface coal mining operations. In Ohio, the State program, which was approved
in 1985, is administered by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division
of Reclamation. The Act establishes the Office of Surface M ining within the
U.S. Department o f Interior as the federal agency charged with carrying o ut the
provisions of the Act and with overseeing the State programs.

Undertaking. Any project, acti vity, or program that can result in changes in the
character or use of historic properties, if any such historic properties are located
in the area of potential effects. The project, activity, or program must be under
direct or ind irect jurisdiction of a federal agency or licensed or assisted by a
federal agency. Undertakings include new and continuing projects, activities, or
programs and any of their elements not previo usly considered under
Section I 06.

52 Section Six • Glossary

The following guidelines are set forth to ensure a consistent and uni fo rm
approach to the treatment of archaeological properties in the absence of an
explicit research design for a specific project. The Ohio Historic Preservation
Office has consulted with other states, non-Ohio Historic Preservation Office
archaeologists, the Ohio Archaeological Council, and has referred to the
archaeological literature, federal guidelines, and other states' standards in
developing these g uidelines.

The guidelines have been developed for. three distinct situations: prehistoric,
historic (non-urban), and urban contexts. These situations are not mutually
exclusive and certain investigations may combine two or more approaches.
Moreover, most of the general procedures outlined below will be included in any
investigation and will be appropriate in considering historic or prehistoric
archaeological sites. The following sections, therefore, are organized by general
procedures. Reports generated using this appendix must meet the requirements
outlined above in Section Three of the Archaeology Guidelines.

These guidelines have not been designed for archaeological investigations of

submerged archaeo logical resources, i.e., shipwrecks and in undated terrestrial
archaeological resources. Archaeological investigations of Lake Erie submerged
lands that involve the collection of artifacts require a permit from the Ohio
Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). ODNR consults with the Ohio
Historical Society prior to the issuance of such permits pursuant to Section
1506.32 of the Ohio Revised Code.

When human remai ns are discovered, the principles outlined in the introduction
to the Archaeology Guidelines should be followed.

Phase I
A. Field Visit
A field visit should provide the investigator with information on topography,

the extent of prior disturbance, and indicators of the presence or absence of
archaeological resources. An initial field visit should be scheduled for all
investigations. The results of the field visit should be combined with background
documentary research to develop a research design. The initial field visit should
also be used by the archaeologist to become familiar with field conditions and
types and densities of cultural resources present.

1. Prehistoric

The field visi t should include consideration of the local topography and
environment that would have affected the formation and preservation of
archaeological sites. Although some of this information is available from
maps of topography, soils and geology and from documents, there is no
substitute for an examination of the local field conditions. The extent of level
areas, minor physiographic features (slight rises, depressions, slopes) which
might have influenced land use, modem vegetation patterns, the extent of
alluvial and colluvial deposition and erosion, and the presence of other
significant environmental features (rock outcrops, springs, etc.) should all be
noted during the field visit.

The other important category o f information available from a field visit is that
of prior ground disturbance. An attempt should be made to ascertain and
document the nature and extent of previous disturbance(s). Documentation
should take the form of photographs, maps, representative test unit profiles,
and/or construction records. If disturbance has seriously affected the
preservation of archaeological sites or influenced the extent or the intensity of
investigations, the Ohio Historic Preservation Office must be provided with
sufficient documentation to allow concurrence with the investigator's

In evaluating the effect of disturbance and small-scale environmental

conditions, the nature of prehistoric settlement and site formation processes
must be considered. Archaeological resources, for example, may be preserved
beneath recent disturbance. Likewise, wet or marshy areas may be of modem

2. Historic

In addition to the considerations outlined above for prehistoric archaeological

54 Appendix
resources, the field visit should note conditions influencing or indicating historic
archaeological resource formation and preservation. Perhaps the most obvious is
the presence of above ground remains and features, such as foundations and
topographic or vegetational anomalies indicating wells, privies, or property
boundaries. The location of existing buildings, structures, and objects will guide
the search for archaeological features, as well as the presence of property
boundaries and roads. Thus, the field visit can provide information not otherwise

3. Urban
A field visit is necessary to evaluate the possibility of prior destruction of
archaeological resources, the visual evidence for potential archaeological
deposits and to make a photographic and written record of existing conditions.
In the urban environment, visual evidence for archaeological deposits is often
lacking, especially in an open situation such as a large parking lot or modem
highway. In such cases no amount of surface inspection will detect the presence
or absence of archaeological deposits. However, if the project area currently
contains buildings, structures, and/or objects, it is sometimes possible to predict
the likelihood of the survival of archaeological resources by an assessment of
basement depths, for example.

B. Background Research
This segment of the study is an essential precondition for effective field work
and interpretation of the results. Background research should include, but not be
Limited to, documentary research on the environment and culture history using
maps, previous survey results, and local or regional syntheses, and interviews
with persons knowledgeable about archaeological resources in the local area.
I. Prehistoric

Prior to the initiation of fieldwork, it is useful to distinguish zones of relatively

greater or lesser probability in order to make necessary and appropriate
adjustments in the scope and intensity of planned fieldwork. It is essential to
establish beforehand a reasoned and documented basis for differentiating
probability zones in portions of the study area. Archaeological probability refers
to the potential that a specified zone contains archaeological resources, a
corollary of the concept that human behavior is patterned. The determination

Phase 1/ Background Research I Prehistoric 55

of probability or archaeological potential must involve a consideration of the
factors influencing the formation of all types of archaeological resources. A zone
cannot be designated low probability for all types of resources simply because a
single resource type, such as Late Woodland villages, would not be expected.

In general, the responsibility of the investigator, in background research, is to

develop expectations as to the probability of archaeological resources occurring
within the project area and the probable distribution and significance of these
archaeological resources. If the project is located in a part of the state where
survey data are available and where cultural chronology and settlement patterns
have been well-defined, these expectations will be derived from a consideration
of the known regional settlement patterns and the local conditions. However, in
the report, the investigator is responsible for referring to appropriate regional
studies and documenting the local conditions.

In areas where survey data are lacking and little is known of regional settlement
patterns, the development of predictive models of archaeological resource
location may be appropriate. These models need not be elaborate for small
projects and may involve the application and testing of models developed for
other regions. However, designation of probability zones without any
justification or the uncritical and untested application of predictive models
developed for other regions is not an acceptable scientific procedure.

To place the investigations within a fuller context and to examine the ecological
and cultural historical parameters affecting the choice of archaeological resource
location, background investigations of various sorts must be conducted during
Phase I. Some background information should address and critically evaluate
environmental characteristics that are pertinent to a definition of cultural
chronology and prehistoric settlement patterns, pertinent to establishing relevant
cultural ecology, and pertinent to devising predictive models for the location of
archaeological resources. Some background environmental information is useful
simply to orient the reader of the Phase I report to the project area. Since
information on modern environmental conditions may be important for
understanding the prehistoric

56 Appendix
environment, the Phase I survey should, at a minimum, assemble pertinent data
on the following aspects of the project area:

• Geomorphology • Fauna • Flora

• Soils • Climate • Hydrology
• Geology

Phase I reports should integrate and interpret these data and use them to identify
a reas in which archaeological resources are likely to be present and those in
whi ch they a re less like ly to be present. These expectations should be explicitly
stated and defended by reference to the above categories of information and to
local or regional models of settlement.

Phase l background investigation also involves a broad-based review of

manuscripts, maps, aerial photographs, historical doc uments, field notes, prior
survey reports, and other material relative to the project area that may assist in
the identification of archaeological resources.

The literature search should include an examination of relevant culture histories

and previous archaeological and historical research to allow the development of
explicit predictions regarding the location of sites in the project area. The
geographical a rea from which background information should be drawn will
vary according to proj ect size and the availability of comparative data. Where
information on the specific project area or environs is not avai lable, predictions
about site locations should be developed from regional settlement patterns,
investigations of si milar environments outside the local area, or othe r
environmental data.

The goa l of this phase of the background investigations is not the production of
culture histories per se, but to provide a summary of previously established
a rchaeological resource distributions which can, in tum, be used to predict the
likely distribution of archaeological resources within the projec t area. The range
of information used for this summary will vary wi th the history of
archaeological investigations in the area. If the a rea has been subjected to
extensive a rchaeological investigations, a valley-wide or county-wide synthesis
may be adequate. For poorly studied areas, counties or even the entire
physiographic region may need to be assessed to synthesize prehistoric and
historic settlement pattern expectations. The results of this phase of the

Phase 1/ Background Research / Prehistoric 57

background research should be included in the report as documentation and
justification for site location predictions in the project area.

Another component of the background investigation includes interviews with

informants. There are persons (such as professional archaeologists, local
residents, members of local chapters of the Archaeological Society of Ohio,
and local or county historical societies) who may be familiar with the proj ect
area and with the locations of recorded and unrecorded archaeological and
historical sites. Known locati ons provided by informants should be recorded,
collections examined and documented (photographs. drawings of
representative artifacts, summary statistics, etc. arc all appropriate), and the
names and addresses of informants recorded.

2. Historic

In addition to the general sources of information outlined above for

prehistoric resources, investigators should consult sources of environmental
and historical information which may direct them to the locations of historic
archaeological sites. Background research should include a consideration of
the following categories of information:

• the transformation of the landscape since European settlement- this

might include maps prepared by early settlers and surveyors, atlases
(Sanborn, etc.), county histories, early editions of the U.S. Geological
Survey topographic maps, and early photographic records, courthouse
plats, etc.

• settlement history - this might come from regional and local histories,
maps, and infonnants. Both primary and secondary sources may be

• survey files of the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and local

historical organizations on the results of previous historic
structure inventories.

The minimum level of documentary research for a Phase I archaeological

investigation in the historic environment includes the examination of the

• applicable historical and archaeological survey or excavation report.

58 Appendix
• applicable federal, state, and local historic property registers or inventories.
• historic maps, atlases (especially the Sanborn or other insurance maps),
photographs, and other primary sources as appropriate to achieve the overall
objective of identificat ion of significant cultural resources in the project area
and an assessment of their condition of preservation.

• in some cases, additional primary documents such as deeds, tax

assessments, insurance surveys, census data, road dockets, city directories.
or other public and/or private records. In general, however, detailed research
into such records beyond a level necessary to fulfill the Phase I objective of
resource identification and preli minary assessment of the condition of
resource preservation is not required at the Phase I level. Additional or more
detai led historical documentation may, however, be required in successive
work phases.

3. Urban

In addition to the information sources outli ned above for prehistoric and
historic contexts (beginning on page 55), the follo wing considerat ions may
apply to urban situations where documentary research is an extremely
important technique in the identification of urban archaeological sites.
Documentary research must be performed as early in the project planning
phase as possible a nd well in advance of construction. At a minimum, this
research should obtain the following information:

• the pre-urba n natural environment, focusing on its relationship to

prehistoric and early historic (contact or post-contact) peoples;

• information on the development of the project area over time, from its
pre-urban horizons through to its urban florescence, typicall y during
the twe ntieth century. The scope of the Phase I research should
incorporate discussions of broad social, economic, architectural,
technological , ethnic, and other historical and c ultural trends in the
project area. specifically as these relate to the possibility that s igni ficant
subsurface a rchaeological resources arc or arc not likely to be
preserved. For example, the effect of municipal services such as water,
sewer, and trash disposal should be considered.

Phase 1/ Background Research I Urban 59

• the effects of the urbanization process on the project area. In particular, this
phase of investigation should assess the possibility that earlier construction
destroyed or has disturbed archaeological resources through grading,
blasting, excavation for cellars, subways, sewers, etc. The information
should discuss the extent to which earlier construction techniques and
projects affected the potential preservation of buried archaeological
resources. Earl ier sewers, etc., may themselves be historic archaeological
reso urces (i.e., wooden sewers or water pipes or the very early usc of
pottery pipes) and must be documented in the repon.

The minimum level of documentary research for a Phase I archaeo logical

investigation is the same as for historic resources outl ined on pages 58-59.

It should be noted that in some cases the documentary research will indicate that
archaeological resources are or were once present in the project area. It may be
possible to demonstrate by documentary research into previous land uses that
such archaeological rcsow·ccs arc no longer likely to be preserved. In cases
where the documentary record is found to be sufficientl y complete, specific, and
unambiguous in its demonstration of the destruction of potential archaeological
resources, a report detailing this finding may allow the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office to conclude that no fun her field work is necessary.

C. Field Investigation
Field investigation will be done after the field visit and background research to
either confirm or invalidate the expectations developed during those steps. The
field methodology should refl ect informed decisions based on familiarity with
the relevant background information. There are no standard techniques which
may be mechanically applied in all situations. All methodologies sho uld be
derived from and justi fied by the situation and the background information of
the area. The procedures o utli ned here are a suggested minimum. Alternati ves
are acceptable if justified in the Phase I report. In developing alternatives, the
goal of Phase I fieldwork is the identification of all archaeological sites within
the project a rea.

60 Appendix
I. Prehistoric

Fieldwork according to the following minimum standards is expected for Phase I


a) Investigators should conduct a thorough ground surface inspection or

walkover of the entire project area, including a thorough examination of
areas whe re the ground slopes for the presence of rockshelters, rock
ledges, or caves that may contain archaeological resources.

b) In areas where adequate ground surface visibility is already available (for

example, in a plowed field) investigators should employ an empi rical
criterion derived from environmental science to determine the percentage
of nonvegetated ground surface that is open to direct inspection. Such
areas should be systematically inspected at intervals of 5-l 0 meters. If
archaeological resources are visible at ground surface, a controlled
surface collection of these resources should then be made. Use of a grid
or piece plotting may be employed. One must be able to define
provenience for each object to the level of the sampling framework, i.e.,
3-4 meters along a transect.

c) In project areas of less than 15 degrees slope where adequate ground

surface visibility is not readily available (less than 50% several methods
may be employed in the attempt to identify archaeological sites.

(I) Shallow (less than 15 e m) plowing and dis king of formerly plowed
fields may be used to improve ground surface visibility, li mited to the
depth to which a plow has gone before. Prior to plowing a pasture or
fallow field, subsurface testing must be employed to determine the
extent and depth of any plowzone. A stratigraphic profile must be
included in the report. After plowing, di sking, and washing follow
the procedures outlined in b) above.

(2) Hand excavation of .5 m x .5 m or equivalent units may be employed

where plowing, disking and washing are not feasible and must be
employed in areas with an undisturbed topsoil. Unit interval (the
distance that separates two adjacent units) should be 15 meters or
less. All shovel units, whether in low or high probability areas,
should be excavated in natural stratigraphic

Phase 1/ Field Investigation I Prehistoric 61

levels or I 0 em levels within natural levels. The use of hand or
powered soil augering devices in place of shoveled units is
acceptable, if stratigraphic control is maintained and if the volume of
all auger tests in a given interval equal a 25 em squared test unit.

All soil from each natural level in each unit must be screened through
Y.. inch mesh hardware cloth to test for the presence of archaeological
resources. Troweling through the removed soil is not an acceptable
alternative to screening. Each shoveled unit must be excavated to
levels in which no archaeological materials could occur or to
bedrock, or in the case of deep soil profiles, to at least 50 em depth
below ground surface. If sterile soil or bedrock has not been reached
at a depth of 50 em, procedures for deep testing (see (4) below)
should be followed.

(3) In each portion of the project area where complex, stratified soil
profiles are defined (i.e., where more than a simple plow zone/topsoil
and underlying subsoil exist), a min imum of four additional .25 m x
.25 m shoveled units or one I m x I m test unit at no greater than 30
m intervals must be hand excavated to sterile soil in natural strata and
in I 0 em levels within natural strata, and the soil screened through Y..
inch hardware cloth. The objective of this additional effort in
stratified areas or potentially stratified areas is to define the
stratigraphy and to establish whether or not archaeological sites are
present. This additional testing should cease once this goal has been

(4) Deep testing is required in areas where archaeologically sensitive

surfaces may have been covered by buried soil horizons. A
geomorphologist should be consulted in the identification of buried
soil horizons. Testing methodologies should be developed in
cooperation with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. The
interval for testing in deeply stratified contexts is the equivalent of
a I m x I m unit (screened) for each 30m interval. Deep testing
should continue through pre-Wisconsin soils, or until soils
associated with pre- 14,000 B.P. are identified unless the project
impact is narrowly confined and the depth of impact restricted, in
which case testing should continue 0.5-1 m below the depth of
impact. Deep testing units can incorporate units excavated using

62 Appendix
power augering or backhoe trenches. One hundred sixty auger tests
per 30m, (auger diameter of3.5 inches) is the equivalent of one I
m x I m unit (for 4 inch diameter auger = 127 auger tests; for 8
inch diameter auger= 32 auger units).

Backhoe trenches should be excavated perpendicularly to stream

channels or in areas which are likely to be the site of buried
archaeological sites. In areas that are likely to contain deeply
buried archaeological deposits, testing should continue to pre--
Wisconsin surfaces during the Phase I survey even if a site is first
defined at ground surface or in any of the later deposits. In such
cases, care should be exercised to minimize the effects of such
testi ng on sites encountered prior to reaching pre-Wisconsin strata.
This includes all alluvial areas. If a surface find confirms the
presence of archaeological resources prior to deep testing, the deep
testing could be included in the Phase II work. However, if no
surface archaeological resource exists and the presence of alluvium
is found, Phase I must include deep testing.

Additional geomorpho logical or soil studies may be appropriate

where particularly complex or unusual conditions of soil
deposition exist. I fin doubt the Ohio Historic Preservation Office
should be consulted.

All deep tests should be conducted in a manner consistent with the

U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health

Administration's Standards for Excavating Trenches.

2. Historic

The details of investigation for historic archaeological resources will be

determined by the results of the background research and by expectations
developed in regard to probable resource types in the project area. In addition
to the techniques outlined for prehistoric archaeological resources, and in
some cases in place of some of them, specific techniques designed to locate
historic resources are appropriate. The distinctive characteristics of historic
resources should be taken into consideration as well as the generally greater
avai lab ility of independent documentation for their presence and nature.

Phase 1/ Field Investigation I Historic 63

Systematic inspection of plowed fields and subsurface testing at regular intervals
will generally be sufficient to locate historic resources. In the absence of
information to suggest a more appropriate subsurface testing interval, an interval
of 5 m should be used. Mechanical stripping is not recommended in locating
historic archaeological resources except in extraordinary cases and in
consultation with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. It may be useful to open
units larger than the standard .5 m x .5 m shovel test unit or systematic augering
might provide information on presence or absence of historic resources.
Whenever historic resources are discussed or reference is made to features
within a historic site, measurement references must be in feet/inches as the
standard document references will be in feet/inches.

Isolated historic artifact finds should be treated in the same manner as

prehistoric resources. However, prior to calling any historic artifact an isolated
find, a record search should be conducted to determine if previous historic
occupation was known in the area.

3. Urban

Archaeological investigation in urban situations will be undertaken where the

field visit, informant interviews, and documentary research suggest that
archaeological resources are present or are likely to be present. Phase I field
testing is also required if insufficient documentary data exist to permit a valid
assessment of the archaeological resource potential of the project area.

The purpose of testing during a Phase I survey is to determine the presence or

absence of resources, their location and depth, and to provide information on the
testing strategy required fo r a Phase II survey. Where the project area is
accessible, testing is expected. Guidance on subsurface testing in urban areas is
contained in the following section on Phase II survey (page 66).

lfthe results of the field visit, informant interviews, documentary research, and
field testing (where appropriate) indicate that archaeological resources exist or
are likely to exist in the project area, but such resources are so deeply buried that
the proposed project will not intrude upon them, or if they are in a portion of the
project area that will not be disturbed, the report should clearly document that
this is the case.

If the results of the field visit, informant interviews, documentary research,

and testing indicate that archaeological resources exist or are likely to exist in
64 Appendix
the project area, and that the proposed project will disturb or destroy them, then
a Phase II archaeological investigation will be recommended. The development
of a Phase II testi ng program should be undertaken in consultation with the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office.
D. Analysis

Artifacts recovered during Phase I testing should be treated according to current

standards of archaeological documentation. A summary of metric attributes
should be provided, as appropriate. Basic identification and tabulation of
artifacts should be the primary concerns of analysis, rather than more specific
problem-oriented analysis. Radiocarbon dating, for instance, wi ll not normally
be a goal of Phase I analysis, nor will the analysis of minimum number of
individuals or vessels.
In general, artifacts should be classified by material (lithic, ceramic, metal, etc.)
and functional type (e.g., projectile point, nail, flake) and tabulated by count and
percentage. Whenever possible, cultural/chronological types (e.g., Brewerton
comer-notched point, Fayette Thick, Levanna Cord-on-Cord, etc.) and named
material types for lithic artifacts (Upper Mercer flint, Flint Ridge chalcedony)
should be specified. When in doubt, under specify, for an unambiguous general
label is preferable to an unsupported or questionable specific label. The goal of
Phase I testing is to document the existence of archaeological resources and
provide some guidance to Phase II investigations.

For historic archaeological resources, in addition to above ground classes of

material items, analysis should specify and tabulate ceramics by type (paste,
ware, manufacturer, if known); metal by type and manufacturing technique, if
known; date, if known, or by mean date or chronological parameter, and what
techniques and artifacts were used to establish the date; and glass by color and
type. Other materials should be tabulated by type and number. Abundant and
generally non-diagnostic materials (e.g., slag) may be indicated as present or
absent. Identifiable faunal or floral remains should be tabulated by taxon and

Human remains should be analyzed and descriptions presented of basic human

osteology and content, (i.e., the types and numbers of bones present, the
estimated number of individuals, and estimates of stature, sex, age at death,

Phase 1/ Analysis 65
along with the location, deposition, position, orientation, depth, etc., by
individual). As noted in the introduction to the Archaeology Guidelines, the
removal and subsequent treatment of human remains will usually require
consultation with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.

Phase II
A. Background Research
I. Prehistoric

The purpose of background research in Phase II investigations is to define the

potential eligibility of the archaeological resources for listing in the National
Register of Historic Places. This wi ll normally involve:

a) a summary of the results of previous investigations. This should

include tabulation of Phase I artifact and feature information.

b) the definition of the local and/or regional settlement patterns of which

the archaeological resource under study was a part. Regional surveys,
cultural resource management surveys, previous archaeological
investigations in the region or of similar resources may be relevant to
this task. The investigator should demonstrate a thorough grasp of the
relevant literature.

c) a discussion of geomorphology, soils, local climate, and biota as they

relate to archaeological resource formation and preservation processes,
and local or regional settlement systems.
d) a summary of the types of data that the archaeological resource is
expected to exhibit, on the basis of a consideration o f analogous
archaeological resources and previous information from the
archaeological resource under study.

2. Historic

Supplementary documentary research beyond that conducted at the Phase I

level is necessary to place the project area and its archaeological resources or
classes of resources into their proper historical and cultural contexts. This
allows a more comprehensive understanding of the significance of the
archaeological resources and their eligibility fo r the National Register of
Historic Places. This phase of documentary research is more intensive and

66 Appendix
specific than that conducted at the Phase I level and should address the
following considerations:

a) a more in-depth understanding of the historic character of the project

area including the history of property ownership, occupation, land-
use, and development. As an example, if the area was primarily
industrial in character, the industrial and technological history of the
project area should be documented. If the project area was largely
residential, more detailed information on, for example, its socio-
economic and ethnic character should be assembled.

b) specific documentary data on archaeological resources to be

examined by field testing (see Phase II, Field Investigation, Historic
on page 79) are particularly important in this phase. This is necessary
so that the empirical data derived from the archaeological testing can
be interpreted more fully and in historical context.

c) documentation of significant persons or events associated with the

project area or sites in the project area should be undertaken. This
will allow a more informed evaluation of the project area in light of
the National Register criteria.

Phase II documentary research outlined above must be conducted prior to any

field testing so that archaeological data will not be evaluated and interpreted
in a vacuum and so that basic decisions may be made as to fi eld strategy and
appropriate techniques.

The minimum level o f documentary research for a Phase H archaeo logical

investigation includes primary and secondary documents not previously
consulted at the Phase I level. They should be examined and assessed for the
project-relevant information they contain. Typical classes of documents that
should be consulted include deeds, tax assessments, insurance surveys, census
data, road dockets, city directories, maps and atlases, city plots, building
permits, lithographs, photographs, and other public and private records as
may be available for achieving the goals of the Phase II investigation. The
National Register Bulletin, Researching a Historic Property, provides further

Phase II / Background Research I Historic 67

3. Urban
Additional and intensive background research will usually be necessary to
define the significance, extent, and distribution o fthe artifact concentrations
and features identified in the Phase I study. Since Phase I field testing in
urban situations will normally be very limited, background research is a
particularly c rucial component of urban Phase II studies in defining the
nature and the significance of the expected site. It is partic ularly important
in urban si tuations that a major portion of the documentary research must be
completed prior to fieldwork, since the results of this research will guide
Phase II methodology and determine the a ppropriate techniques a nd testing
locations. Partic ular attention should be given to the history of city services
suc h as water, sewer, and trash collection as they affect the nature of
archaeological resources. These historic resources are also part of the
archaeological record and must be included in the repot1, as appropriate.
Investigators should consult the reports of earl ier archaeological
investigations, ordinances and resolutions, health department records, utili ty
company records, and other municipal records and maps. The differences
between public policy and actual practice should be recognized in predicting
the existence of archaeological resources.

B. Field Investigation
Field investigation in Phase II studies should be oriented toward the recovery
of information critical to the determination of eligibility, research potential,
and integrity. Specific methods and techn iques will, therefore, be developed on
the basis of the results of background research. Evaluation of significance is
the goal of Phase II investigations using, as appropriate, the following

• Boundary definition is a necessary goal, both to allow a complete

evaluation of significance and to allow an evaluation of proj ect
effects. In order to establish site boundaries, an appropriate
a rchaeological site eval uation strategy must be identified. For
proj ects which provide a transect of a portion o f a site (e.g.,
pipeline or sewer line rights-of-way) the extent of the site within
the right-of- way must be defi ned. It is o ften necessary to define the
extent of the whole site, including the portions outside the project
area. Whenever possible, project planners should consider the
possib ility of extendi ng investigations outside project impact areas
to allow a more accurate defin ition of site
68 Appendix
boundaries and a more complete characterization of the site. For
projects encompassing one or more archaeological sites, the boundaries
of the site(s) within the project area must be determined. Methods
appropriate to prehistoric and historic period sites are detailed below.

• Determining the presence and nature of archaeological features is a

goal of Phase II studies. Although the presence of features is not
necessary or sufficient to establish National Register eligibility,
features a re often important sources of scientific information and must
be considered as factors in the determination ofNational Registe r
eligibility. In considering the importance of features, the precise nature
of the information they may produce must be established.

• Although detailed studies of artifact distribution and activity areas are

appropriate to Phase III data recovery investigations, the potential of a
site to yield such information should be considered at the Phase II level.
Thus, Phase II field investigations should establish surface artifact
distributions and the relation of surface lace distributions to subsurface
features and artifacts. This can best be done by a more intensive
application of methods used in Phase I studies.

• Phase II investigation sho uld aim for the recovery of chronologically

diagnostic artifacts, the recovery of datable radiocarbon samples, and
the recording of geomorphological data which may provide
approxi mate chronological limits to the occupation of the site. The
Ohio Histori c Preservation Office encourages the collection and dating
of carbon samples in Phase II and Phase Ill investigations, both for the
purpose of determining the National Register eligibility o f the site and
for the broade r goal of building regional chronologies.

• Because ofthe importance of stratified sites in defining regional or

local chronologies, culture histories, and cultural system
interrelationships, the identification of stratified deposits should be a
primary goal of Phase II studies. Although datable stratifi ed

Phase II / Field Investigation 69

deposits at a prehistoric site in Ohio are important, they are not
always necessary in determining a site eligible for listing on the
National Register.

• Botanical and faunal material can yield important information on

environ ment, diet, and subsistence practices. The potential of the site
to yield such samples sho uld be evaluated by the systematic
collection and examination of soil samples. The development of a
va lid sa mp ling design should be part of all Phase II methodologies.

• Analysis and comparisons of human remains provide much

information about many aspects of prehistoric and historic cultures,
incl uding, but not limited to, social behavior, demography, history,
disease etiology and consequences, and diet. Human remains
discovered during Phase II investigations should be treated in a
respectful and dignified manner as outlined in the Introduction to the
Archaeology Guidelines. Standards of data collection and reporting,
such as those developed by the Paleopathology Association, should
be used.

I) Prehistoric

a) Boundary Definition. When possible, and when the investigator

has ascertained that the topsoil has been plowed, the site area
should be examined in an intensive walkover after plowing,
disking, and washing, if necessary, to produce adequate visibility.
Boundaries may be defined by the observed surface distribution of
artifacts, keeping in mind that the observed distribution of durable
items (lithics, fire cracked rock, sherds, etc.) on the surface is not
always, maybe only rarely, congruent with the variety of activities
making up a domestic, ritual, extracting, or staging area location.

Where surface visibility is restricted by vegetation, the placement

of additional subsurface units is an acceptable alternative. The
subsurface testing strategy should incorporate the results of
Phase I testing and employ additional tests to define the site
boundaries to withi n 5 m. A suggested strategy is to place tests at
larger intervals ( 15 m or less) in a grid or radial arrangement

expanding from the previously defined site area until artifact counts
indicate the approximate limits of the site. Additional tests at 5 m
intervals or less should then define the site boundaries.

Alternative strategies may be appropriate in certain cases. Such

strategies are welcomed if explicitly justified and discussed prior to
initiation with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. Portions of the
boundary definition may be combined with procedures to address
other Phase II concerns (e.g., location of features, stratigraphy, and
artifact distribution).

b) Artifact Distribution. The choice of methods to define artifact

distribution will, in part, depend on local conditions and the character
ofthe site. While alternative methods are welcomed, if justified, the
common basic techniques and standards include one or more of the

(I) Intensive surface collection usually involves a combination of a

walkover of the site area at small intervals (5 m or less) and
intensive collection of a systematic sample. Intensive surface
collection must also include plotting the artifacts found. These
procedures rely on adequate surface visibility. Replowing is
appropriate only if it can be ascertained that the topsoil has been
disturbed by plowing or other action. Where the potential for an
undisturbed topsoil exists, other sampling procedures should be
used (see Stratified Random Sampling and Systematic or
Intentional Sampling on pages 72-74).

(2) An intensive walkover and piece-plotting of surface artifacts (exact

provenience) is another technique. Artifact locations should be
plotted on maps (using transit and tape) and the artifacts collected
and stored by provenience unit (tied to a permanent datum and grid

(3) Another technique is the systematic collection of artifact samples.

Collection is generally either from provenience units no smaller than
2 m x 2 m in a regular grid syste m. This may be a particularly
appropriate procedure for large sites.

Phase II / Field investigation I Prehistoric 7 1

c) Feature Identification. The relative importance of features to the
determination of site significance wi ll vary from site to site. The
presence of features is not always essential or sufficient to define a site
as eligible for National Register listing. The investigator must consider
and explicitly define the importance of features to a determination of
significance. This decision wi ll guide the choice of methods and
techniques. Again, several techniques exist to discover and characterize
features. The use of one or more of these techniques will depend on
several considerations: site area, stratification, topography,
environmental features, Phase I survey results, and other sources of
information (collector information, accidental natural exposures of in
situ features, etc.).

All sources of possible information on the presence and location of

features must be considered in selecting a testing procedure. If no such
information exists and no implications may be drawn from topography
and environmental features, a random sampling procedure may be
appropriate to reliably demonstrate the probability of the presence or
absence of features. Where such information exists, expectations as to
the number and density of features should be used to plan the testing
procedure. Systematic or intentional testing may be appropriate.

!) Stratified Random Sampling. Where no indicators exist as to the

probable number or location of features, the investigator must make
an attempt to define statistically the adequacy of testing and the
probability of feature occurrence. A number of studies evaluating the
efficacy of sampli ng strategies can be found in the literature.

Several points about stratified random sampling must be emphasized:

(a) This approach is appropriate only where the setting of the site
and previous results provide no indication as to the presence or
location of features.

(b) If features are encountered during this sampling procedure the

question of their presence or absence has been answered and a

72 Appendix
mean and standard deviation for the frequency of features may be
calculated. It is, therefore, not necessary to complete the defined number
of tests in order to define the probability of features being present in the
site. If no features are encountered, the possibility remains that one or
more features may exist within the universe sampled.

(c) The selection of an appropriate confidence level and definition of a "few"

features in order to determine an appropriate sample size should be made
with the probable significance of the site in mind. Thus, several factors
may influence the sample size: site size (area); the date and cultural
affiliation of the artifact assemblage and the presumed date and
significance of the site in the regional settlement system; and available
information on comparable sites. The advice of Ohio Historic
Preservation Office staff should be sought if an y ques tions arise.

(d) In general, Phase II testing should not disturb the site more than is
necessary to determjne National Register or other eligibility. Since this
sampling approach tests a greater percentage of the area of small sites
than of larger sites, it is appropriate to select a sample size smaller than
20% of the total site area.

(e) This approach assumes no particular test unit size and, in fact, is
independent of unit size. Any test of a size that permits the identification
of features may be used. In general, test units should be at least I m x I m
to allow the identification of features.

(f) This approach will also provide a means of obtaining a representative

artifact sample and representative stratigraphic profiles. Test units should
be excavated, therefore, by strata and with all soils screened through '!.
inch mesh.

2) Systematic or Intentional Sampling. Systematic or intentional testing

schemes should be designed on the basis of avai lable information
regarding features. The purpose of this testi ng is to obtain a
representative sample of features and information regarding their
distribution withi n the site. Sample size will be determined by

Phase II / Field Investigation I Prehistoric 73

known or expected feature distributions based on available information.
Relevant factors will, therefore, include: site area, topography and
environmental features, soils, expected feature size and distribution,
disturbance, etc.

Test unit size should be selected with the above factors in mind, but units
must be at least of a size to permit positi ve identification of features (I m x
I m minimum). Test unit placement or intervals in a systematic sample will
be determined on the basis of the above factors and sample size.

In general, sample size and sampling strategy must be justified in terms of

the available information on features. Sample size must be determined by an
explicit testing design including a consideration of the factors listed above.
A sample size should be chosen which will result in the testing of each
defined sub-area within the site and which will yield quantitative statements
on feature occurrence.

3) Mechanical Topsoil Removal. Where it can be demonstrated that topsoil

has been disturbed (by plowing or other means), the mechanical removal of
topsoil to expose features may be appropriate. This technique should only
be used following the systematic collection of an artifact sample, and where
the information derived from material contained in the plow zone is
insufficient to establish a site's significance.

This, like the procedures described above, is a sampling procedure and

should be explicitly justified in terms of the available data. A systematic,
intentional, or random sampling design may be used (see (a) and (b) above),
but the chosen design must be justified and produce statistical results. The
number, size, and placement of mechanically stripped test units wi ll be
determined by the appropriate sampling design. Mechanical stripping of the
topsoil must be followed by hand-excavation with shovel, hoe, trowel, etc. ,
to clean the subsoil surface and expose features. Mechanical stripping
should stop when sufficient information is obtained to warrant a
recommendation that a site is significant.

74 Appendix
As noted above, since sampling for archaeological features by mechanical
topsoil stripping does not produce a controlled artifact collection, this
procedure must always be used in conjunction with and following the
systematic collection of artifacts by other means. In plowed fields with
adequate visibility, intensive surface collection (see Artifac t Distribution on
page 7 1) may be used. Where vegetation obscures the surface, and plowing,
disking, and washing is not possible or not convenient, intensive testing
may be substituted. The observed distribution of artifacts will be a factor in
determining the di stribution of test units. Mechanical topsoil removal on
historic sites is discussed in the section on Historic Feature Identification on
pages 81-82.
4) Remote a nd Ind irect Sensing Techniques. Resistivi ty,
magnetometers, sonar and radar scans, chemical tests, and other remote
or indirect sensing techniques have been refined and used wi th
considerable success in certain cases. The success of these techniques
however, is highly dependent on several factors: bedrock and soil
conditions, feature size and composition, the depth of features, as well as
the skill and sophistication of the user. Although remote sensing
techniques may prove, in certain instances, an efficient means to obtain
information on feature distribution, cost and efficiency must be weighed
against the reliability and completeness of the results. Remote sensing
techniques do not allow for the characterization of features and must,
therefore, be combined with a program of selective excavation or
exposure of features. They complement rather than replace subsurface
testing. Certain conditions - bedrock at or near the ground surface,
consistently or periodically high water tables, soils with hard pans,
fragipans, gravel concentrations, and high iron contents - may preclude
the use of these techniques.

The effecti ve use of remote sensing techniques requires adequate

provenience controls. When employed, these techniques must be used
with an established grid system, prefe rably with small intervals
between grid points (intervals of I m may be necessary for certain
techniques). Invest igators are to consult with both the Ohio Historic

Phase II / Field investigation I Prehistoric 75

Preservation Office staff and specialists in these techniques prior to their

5) Feature Characterization . To ensure comparability of results, certain

procedures are to be applied in the treatment of archaeological features
encountered in Phase II testing:

(a) Prior to excavation, features are to be troweled and cleaned to expose

them completely, mapped in plan view, and photographed.

(b) Features are to be sectioned and profiled by hand to reveal contours

and stratigraphy. Profile drawings and photographs should be made.

(c) If stratified fill is apparent or suspected, the feature is to be excavated

in natural stratigraphic levels or appropriate arbitrary levels (I 0 em
or less), with plan drawings and photographs, as appropriate.

(d) A sample of fill not less than 3 liters in volume is to be recovered

from each feature for flotation (see below) or from each discrete
level within a feature. The Ohio Historic Preservation Office
recommends that 25-50% of the fill from each feature be collected
for later sampling, flotation, and analysis (I 00%, ifless than 3 liters).

(e) A control sample of fill, not less than 3 liters in volume, is to be

recovered from off-site. The information on location and results of
analysis must be included in the report.

(f) All features are to be assigned unique and consistent feature


(g) All artifacts recovered from features are to be bagged and labeled by
provenience unit and feature number.

6) Stratigraphy. Stratified archaeological deposits are crucial to the

definition of regional chronologies and cultural relationships.
Documenting the potential for stratified deposits at a site will be a
primary concern in Phase II testing. This will frequently occur in

conjunction with other procedures (e.g., those designed primarily to
sample artifact distribution or locate features). In many cases, the
potential for stratified deposits will have been established during
Phase I testing, in which case Phase II procedures will simply
confirm that potential and document the extent of such deposits.
Regardless of the details, Phase II studies must enable the
investigator to make definitive statements regarding the presence and
extent of stratified deposits and to discuss the relationship of
stratification to National Register eligibility.

The investigation of stratigraphy should involve a consideration of

both the potential for stratified deposits - a characterization of the
geomorphology of the site - and the field results documenting this
potentiaL Supplemental geomorphological investigations may,
therefore, be an important part of Phase II testing, especially where
there are indications of alluvial, colluvial, or aeolian soil deposition,
or in rockshelters with substantial soil deposition.

In any case, field testing should include sampling of the soil through
Holocene levels to document the presence or absence of stratified
deposits throughout the site. The number and placement of such tests
will depend on the pedological characterization of the site (i.e., the
pattern of soil deposition, erosion, and development). Field results
may be obtained from columns excavated while testing for features
and artifacts, but must convincingly document the presence or
absence of stratified deposits and their distribution across the site.

7) Dating. The dating of archaeological components at a site is an

essential condition for evaluating site significance. In most cases, the
artifact assemblage resulting from surface collection and test
excavations will contain some temporally or culturally diagnostic
artifacts and permit at least a preliminary dating of the site or some
of its components.

Dating on the basis of diagnostic artifacts is often not precise.

There is considerab le uncertainty regarding the precise dates of
many artifact styles commonly considered time markers. Certain

Phase II / Field investigation I Prehistoric 77

artifact types considered diagnostic of a particular period may, in
fact, have been made and used through several culture historical
periods. Artifacts may be assigned to a certain class incorrectly.
Diagnostic arti facts may be fo und in general surface collections or in
questionable association with cultural features. These problems and
others beset the use o f artifacts as time markers.

Perhaps the most glaring problem is the absence of diagnostic

artifacts from sites which might otherwise be considered significant.
Sites with abundant features, fa unal and botanical remains, or human
skeletal remains may have few or no diagnostic remains.

The Ohio Historic Preservation Office recommends that d iagnostic

artifact dating and stratigraphic relationships be confirmed or cross-
checked with some absolute dating technique. Where diagnostic
artifacts are absent but the site is otherwise potentially significant, it
is essential that an effort be made to date the site absolutely.

The most common, most reliable, and least expensive absolute dating
technique, and the one most appropriate to the environmental and
archaeological conditions of Ohio, is radiocarbon dating. Phase II
investigations should include plans for the collection of carbon
samples from features encountered, regardless of w hich samples or
how many are to be processed. Radiocarbon dating should certainly
be pursued in investigations during which no diagnostic arti facts are
discovered or in which the sample of diagnostics is small or derives
from questionable contexts. The Ohio Historic Preservation Office
encourages radiocarbon dating for the purpose of evaluating the sites
tested and for establishing regional chronologies. Experimentation
with alternative abso lute dating techniques, such as
thermoluminescence, hydration of glasses or cherts, and
archaeomagnetism techniques is encouraged.

8) Botanical/Faunal Specimens. The potential of an archaeological site

to offer data on environment, subsistence, and diet is largely
dependent on recovery and analysis of samples of animal and plant
species contemporary with and used by its human occupants. The
identification o f this potential will, therefore, be one of the primary
concerns of Phase ll stud ies. Unless the site is stratified, the collection

78 Appendix
of samples from general contexts (i.e., not from definable features) will not
be productive. Therefore, attention should be focused at most sites on the
retrieval of faunal and botanical remains from features through screening (~
inch mesh or finer) and flotation. The flotation technique has been
extensively discussed in the literature and will not be described here. Any of
the several standard techniques and types of apparatus are acceptable, if
consistently applied and fully described in the report.

At stratified sites, potentially significant information may be gained from

the analysis of carefully excavated and provenienced columns. Flotation of
the soils from such columns should be planned for stratified sites, in
addition to the flotation of feature contents. In general, suc h columns should
be at least 30 em x 30 em in cross-section to provide sufficient volumes of
soil for flotation, and may be taken in conjunction with soils samples for
pedological or geomorphological analysis.

Analysis of flotation samples during Phase II investigations is oriented

toward the demonstration and definition of research potential as a condition
of National Register eligibility. The analysis, therefore, will not be
exhaustive or detai led, beyond the level necessary to define research
questions which might be addressed by data from the site. Sorting of
specimens to the generic or specific level and counts of specimens should
permit the development of research questions. Such analysis may require
the services of a specialist or the careful use of an adequate type collection.

9) Human Remains. Analysis of human remains during Phase II

investigations is oriented toward the demonstration and definition of
research potential as a condition of National Register and/or State Registries
eligibility. The analysis, therefore, will not be exhaustive or detailed,
beyond the level necessary to define research questions which might be
addressed by the human remains and other associated artifacts found as a
result of the investigations. Basic human osteological analys is should permit
the development of research questions. Such analysis often requires the
services of specialists. Note that the principles outlined in the Introduction
of the Archaeology Guidelines apply.

Phase 11 / Field Investigation I Prehistoric 79

2. Historic

a) Bou ndary Definition . In addition to the techniques which were described

fo r prehistoric sites above, factors peculiar to historic sites may
necessitate modified procedures. Background documentary research may
indicate probable boundaries for these sites and tie them to visible natural
or artificial features. Even in the absence of documentary information
such features may suggest limits to historic sites.
The problem of boundary definition in the historic situation is the
defining of the relevant archaeological unit, the site. The boundaries of
historic archaeolog ical resources o ften coincide with the features of the
landscape, i.e., historic property lines, streets, political or traditional
boundaries, etc. Consequently, documentary research and analysis of
landscape features are of maj or importance in determining the limits of
historic archaeological resources. With limits defined prior to field
investigations, fieldwork designed to define boundaries is usually
unnecessary or is limited to documenting the presence or absence of
features within the defined limits of the site and may occur in conjunction
with fieldwork for other purposes.
b) Artifact Distribution. Although all the techniques previously described
for prehistoric sites may be applied to historic period sites, it is to be
expected that documentary evidence on the size and internal organization
of historic sites will guide the arti fact collection strategy.
The treatment of surface sheet deposits of historic period artifacts will be
guided by the available backgro und information and the possibility of
associating these deposits with a particular activity or dating them to a
particular period of interest.
Use of mechanical stripping on historic sites should be undertaken only
after a detai led sampl ing plan approved by the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office has been developed and implemented. Since many
of the research questions that are associated with historic sites deal
with the use of all the artifacts, such as minimum vessel count and
status inference, those artifacts contained in the topsoil/plowzone strata
must be considered. Mechanical topsoil removal on historic sites

SO Appendix
must include a means of recovery of the information contained within that
topsoiUplowzone layer. This strategy must be developed in consultation
with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and must be site-specific based
on the results of the locational and document research already completed.

c) Feature Identification. All the techniques described for prehistoric sites

may be applied to historic sites. However, the availabi li ty of information for
historic sites on feature type and distribution will generally suggest a
systematic or intentional sampling strategy. The larger size and more
substantial nature of many historic period features (e.g., foundations, wells,
privies) make the use of remote sensing techniques in conjunction with
selective subsurface testing appropriate in many cases. There are, however,
limitations to the use of these techniques, as noted above. Environmental
conditions, as well as the expected nature of features, must be carefully
considered in deciding whether to employ these techniques.

{I) Feature Characterization. The typically more substantial character

of most historic site features, the standardization of many later
artifact and feature types, and the avai lability of documentary
evidence will influence the treatment of historic site features.
Documentation through photographs and drawings (plan and
profile views) at each stage of exposure, cleaning, and excavation is
essential. Various historic site features (foundations for example) will
require an approach to excavation modified from that described for
prehistoric sites. Whenever possible, however, the general approach
used for prehistoric sites should be applied to historic site features. That
is, expose the feature, first in plan, then in profile where possible;
identify the stratification and excavate the feature by natural strata, if
present, or arbitrary strata, if stratification is suspected; then collect (by
strata) a sample of soil for flotation and analysis. The sample size for
flotation should be at least 3 liters (or 100%), although the soil sample
collected may be less than 25-50%, if the context and comparative data
suggest that a large sample would be redundant or unproductive.
Within stratified features this sample must be taken from each strata.

Phase II / Field Investigation I Historic 8 1

Sealed feat ures that may contain large quantities of artifacts, such as
deep privy or well shafts, may not require complete excavation at the
Phase II level. The emphasis in this phase should be on the recording
and evaluating o f such features. The assumption is that many such
features will contain large quantities of artifacts, some of which may
provide significant information if excavated. As there is no practical
way to test the entire depth of a well or privy shaft, at the Phase II level
of investigation it may be appropriate to excavate them down to the
beginning of (into but not through) archaeologically significant levels.

(2) Stratigraphy. The general approach suggested for prehistoric sites,

outlined above, applies to historic sites as well.

(3) Dating. The accurate and precise dating of historic period components
is usually an essential aspect of evaluating site significance. Sites
should be dated using ceramics, glass, and other datable classes of
artifacts as well as using historic records. And, radiocarbon dating may
be employed for early historic sites. Each of the principal components
of a historic site should be dated.

(4) Botanical/ Faunal Specimens. See discussion ofbotanical and faunal

specimens under Phase II field investigations for prehistoric sites on
page 78.

(5) Human Remains. See discussion of human remains under Phase II

field investigations for prehistoric sites on page 79.
3. Urban

Phase II work in the urban setting should be undertaken to define and

evaluate preserved archaeological components, to assess the research potential
(e.g., stratification, artifact content, environmental data), and to determine

a) Boundary Definition. The problems encountered in defining the

boundaries of an archaeo logical resource in an urban situation are
similar to those described for historic situations. The site in question
may be a single-event feature, a property, or a city block. The spatial
li mits of urban archaeological deposits are not usually defi ned by the
same parameters that set the boundaries of non-urban sites. The

82 Appendix
boundaries of urban archaeological resources (except prehistoric or
historic period Indian sites within c urrentl y urban settings) often
coincide with established physical features of the urban landscape such
as historic property lines, streets defining a block, and political or
traditional boundaries that define a neighborhood.

b) Field Investigation. Constraints imposed by urban conditions and the

results of documentary research will be important factors in the
development of the research design appropriate to individual projects.
The same goals outlined for prehistoric sites apply to urban sites, but the
techniques used will vary. The minimum level of fieldwork necessary
for a Phase II investigation in the urban envi ronment includes the

(I) An adequate sample size and valid testing strategy that take into
account the full nature and extent of the anticipated resources must
be developed in consultation with the Ohio Historic Preservation

(2) The sample will be primarily non-random. That is, the location and
size of test units will be based on available documentary evidence
and current site conditions.

(3) The objective should be to delineate the presence and distribution of

architectural evidence, site stratification, and featu res, and the
abi lity of this evidence to provide significant information when
interpreted in conj unction with documentary evidence.

(4) Sealed features that may contain large quantities of artifacts, such as
privy or well shafts, do not require complete excavation at the
Phase II level. The emphasis in this phase should be on the
recording and evaluating of such features. The assumption is that
many such features will contain large quantities of artifacts, some of
which may provide significant information, others of which may
not. As there is no practical way to test the entire depth of a well or
privy shaft, at the Phase II level of investigation it may be
appropriate to excavate to the beginni ng of (into but not through)
archaeologically significant levels.

Phase II / Field investigation I Urban 83

(5) The use of mechanized equipment such as backhoes, graders, front-
end loaders, pneumatic drills and the like, may be desirable for
efficient exposure of archaeological sites or portions of sites, where
extensive fill can be documented. The significance of the fill itself
must be determined as part of the Phase II investigation. Emphasis
should be placed upon the reasonable and judicious use of
mechanized equipment as a practical aid in conducting timely and
cost-effective archaeology in the urban environment. This
equipment is a complement to, not a substitute for, more traditional
archaeological field methodologies. The choice of when to employ
mechanical or hand excavation techniques in urban archaeological
settings must be carefully considered so as to optimize the
achievement of the overall goals and purpose of the testing
program. The proposed work plan should provide justification for
the field methods selected.

(6) Careful examination of hand or machine excavated soil matrices

should always be undertaken.

(7) Drawings and photographs should document each step of the

excavation procedure. A representative selection of these should be
planned for use in the final report.

(8) Safety precautions should be taken at all times. Nothing in these

guidelines is intended to require unsafe working conditions.

c) Special Circumstances in Urban Settings. If the proposed project is a

Section I 06 undertaking and it is likely to disturb significant resources
which have not been identified, a conditional determination of No
Adverse Effect may be made providing that:

(I) the agency, applicant, or developer agrees to sponsor a

professionally conducted and planned pre-construction testing
program developed in consultation with the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office.

(2) should significant resources be identified, the agency, applicant, or

developer agrees, in consultation with the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office, to sponsor a professionally conducted
archaeological data recovery program, coordinated with site

clearing, demolition, or construction. The data recovery program
must follow the standards of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards
and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation issued
pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act, and the guidelines
of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation contained in
Treatment of Archeological Properties: A llandbook.

(3) the agreement must be contained in writing in an exchange of letters

or a Memorandum of Agreement with the involved agency, the Ohio
Historic Preservation Office, and for federal projects, the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation. The agreement must contain a
procedure to be followed should the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office and the involved agency not be able to agree on the
significance or treatment of any resources identified; and

(4) the archaeological work is based on a planned detailed written

research design developed in consultation with the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office and the Advisory Council on Historic

In fact, archaeological investigations under the provisions noted above may

not develop as distinct or discrete phases of work with a normal reporting and
review period. Rather, they may require constant feedback from the field
investigations and close coordination with the Ohio Historic Preservation
Office. The nature of the program, in fact, may require rapid decisions on the
part of the sponsor and the Ohio Historic Preservation Office, with the
significance of the emerging data allowing for either an increase in the work
effort or a decrease of the program if few significant archaeological resources
are present. A finding that no property eligible for inclusion in the National
Register will be affected by the project may lead to the termination of the
program of fieldwork. If, on the other hand, field testing strategies are either
increased or substantially altered, the project has, in essence, entered into the
Phase III data recovery phase.

d) Monitoring. While in some cases legal responsibilities for the

preservation of archaeological resources can be accomplished through a
carefully planned survey with a contingent data recovery program
during construction, monitoring, as usuall y conducted, is never
acceptable. Monitoring is usually defined as the stationing of an

Phase II / Field Investigation I Urban 85

observer to identify archaeo logical resources revealed during
construction as a substitute for a planned survey program. This type of
monitoring does not meet agencies' legally-mandated responsibilities to
identify all significant resources, to consider the effect of thei r projects
on them, and to provide the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and the
Advisory Council an opportunity to comment. Such monitoring
frequentl y leads to the unnecessary loss of significant resources,
increased administrative conflict, expensive construction delays, and
greater data recovery costs.

C. Analysis

Analysis for Phase II studies should specifically address the potential of the site
to yield significant information. In general, more extensive analysis than that
performed at the Phase I level will be necessary. Both the types of information
potentially available from the site and the methods appropriate to their recovery
must be defi ned. The precise nature of the analysis required will thus be
determined on the basis of the character of the site and its research potential.
However, certain standard minimal types of analyses may be defined:

• The tabulation of all artifacts and ecofacts by type and by provenience

unit, stratum or arbitrary level, and feature.

• The categorization of artifacts and ecofacts in a manner that allows for

comparisons with other sites and collections. For stone tools this
includes, at a minimum, classification by functional/technological/
morphological type and raw material. For ceramics classification
should reflect type/ware and temper. For floral and faunal specimens an
attempt should be made to classify by taxon (genus or species) and
structural part or form (e.g., long bone, scapula, scales, nut, etc.)

• Appropriate techniques should be used to assess site suucture.

• When available, flotation, phytolith, and constant volume samp les

should be analyzed to define research questions and potential

86 Appendix
• Carbon samples should be analyzed if this technique will appreciably
improve the reliability of site chronology or help to define site researc h

• If Phase II testi ng results in a recommendation for Phase Il l

investigations, spcci fie research questions and justification must be
presented in the Phase II re port.

Phase III
A Sample Outline for a Data Recovery Project
When an arc haeological site that is listed on or eligible for the National Register
of Historic Places and/or the State Registries will be adversely affected by a
federal undertaking, mitigation of effects through data recovery may be
necessary. In general, data recovery involves relati vely large-scale excavations,
detailed laboratory analysis, and the production of reports containing significant
archaeological findings. Previous Phase I and II studies may indicate some of the
types of information to be sought, however sponsors and consultants should seek
to identify and recover other categories of information as wel l. It is essential that
Phase III research designs be developed in consultation with the Ohio Historic
Preservation Office and reviewed by the Advisory Council on Historic

A samp le o utline fo r a Phase III project is as fo llows:

A. Goal: To recover the significant data contained within a site through

archaeological excavation as a mitigation alternative prior to the tota l or
partial destruction of a site by the undertaking.

B. Procedures to Achieve Goal

I. Maxi mize data retrieval through the use of an explicit research design.

2. Determine intra-site and inter-site variab ili ty in artifact content, feature

types, settlement patterns, etc.

3. Disseminate recovered information throug h reports, publications,

lectures, exhibits, and/or tours for the public and professional

Phase Ill / Sample Outline 87

C. Background Research Activities

I. Formulate hypotheses to be tested.

2. Define suitable excavation strategies with assistance from pertinent

participating agencies, such as the Ohio Historic Preservation Office,
National Park Service, Advisory Council, etc.

3. Summarize previous work.

4. Analyze collections from site.

5. Use as many of the literature and documentary resources enumerated

under Background Research (pages 55 and 66) as are relevant.

D. Field Procedures

I. Conduct systematic excavation resulting in recovery of a representative

and comprehensive sample of the site. For certain projects, an intensive
sample ofless than I 00% of the site or that portion of the site in the
right-of-way may be acceptable.

2. Excavation may be limited to the project right-of-way. For certain

projects, inclusion of an excavated sample of areas outside ofthe
project right-of-way may be recommended.

3. Some of the methods described under Field Investigation (pages 60 and

68) may also be applicable.

4. Use state-of-the-art methods necessary to maximize data collection

regarding stratigraphy, features, artifacts, etc.

E. Artifact Analysis

I. The procedures described under Analysis on pages 65 and 86 are


2. Employ appropriate procedures for special artifact analysis and dating

techniques, such as radiocarbon and thermoluminescence, residue
analysis, artifact composition analysis, etc.

3. Test hypotheses and report results in an appropriate scientific manner.

4. Describe significance of information to understanding of Ohio


88 Appendix
F. Report Standards (cf. Section Three of the Archaeology Guidelines, page

G. Dissemination of research results to the public through popular publications,

slide shows, videotapes, exhibits, etc.

Phase Ill / Sample Outline 89


Slf'CE 1885

Ohio Historic Preservation Office

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