How To Configure A Cisco Layer 3 Switch

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The key takeaways are that VLANs are used to segment traffic, a Layer 3 switch provides inter-VLAN routing, and static routes are configured on the ASA firewall to route traffic between VLANs.

VLANs 10 and 20 are created and ports are assigned to each VLAN using the switchport access command. Trunk ports are also configured between switches to allow both VLANs.

SVIs are configured for each VLAN and assigned IP addresses. The Layer 3 switch interface connected to the ASA is configured as a routed port. Default routing is also configured pointing towards the ASA.

How to configure a Cisco Layer 3 switch-

InterVLAN Routing
Cisco Catalysts switches equipped with the Enhanced Multilayer Image (EMI) can work as
Layer 3 devices with full routing capabilities. Example switch models that support layer 3
routing are the 3550, 3750, 3560 etc.

On a Layer3-capable switch, the port interfaces work as Layer 2 access ports by default, but you
can also configure them as “Routed Ports” which act as normal router interfaces. That is, you
can assign an IP address directly on the routed port. Moreover, you can configure also a Switch
Vlan Interface (SVI) with the “interface vlan” command which acts as a virtual layer 3 interface
on the Layer3 switch. If you don’t have a Layer3 switch available, you can also configure
InterVLAN routing using a simple Layer2 switch and a Router (also called Router-on-a-Stick).

On this post I will describe a scenario with a Layer3 switch acting as “Inter Vlan Routing”
device together with two Layer2 switches acting as closet access switches.

Moreover, a Cisco ASA firewall will provide Internet connectivity for all internal subnets. A
Routed Port will be configured between the Layer3 Switch and ASA internal interface to route
packets towards the internet (via the ASA).

The focus of this article is to show you how to configure the Layer2 and Layer3 switches to
provide routing between VLANs. At the end of this article you will find also important
routing configuration commands for the ASA and also how to use Access Control Lists (ACL)
on the Layer 3 switch to control traffic (permit or deny) between VLANs at Layer3 level.

This is a fairly popular network scenario that I have seen in many enterprise networks.

See the diagram below to get the whole picture:

Interface Fa0/48 of the Layer3 switch is configured as a Routed Port with IP address
and connected to ASA inside interface (

Two Vlans are created on the L2 and L3 switches, Vlan10 and Vlan20. On the Layer3 Switch,
for Vlan10 we will create an SVI with IP address and for Vlan20 an SVI with IP
address These two IP addresses will serve as the default gateway addresses for hosts
belonging to Vlan10 and Vlan20 on the Layer2 switches respectively. That is, hosts connected to
Vlan10 on the closet L2 switches will have as default gateway the IP address
Similarly, hosts connected to Vlan20 on the closet switches will have address as
their default gateway.

Traffic between Vlan10 and Vlan20 will be routed by the L3 Switch (InterVlan Routing). Also,
all interfaces connecting the three switches must be configured as Trunk Ports in order to allow
Vlan10 and Vlan20 tagged frames to pass between switches. Let’s see a configuration snapshot
for all switches below:

Cisco L2 Switches (same configuration for both switches)

! Create VLANs 10 and 20 in the switch database

Layer2-Switch# configure terminal
Layer2-Switch(config)# vlan 10
Layer2-Switch(config)# name SALES
Layer2-Switch(config-vlan)# exit

Layer2-Switch(config)# vlan 20
Layer2-Switch(config-vlan)# name ENGINEERING
Layer2-Switch(config-vlan)# exit

! Assign Port Fe0/1 in VLAN 10

Layer2-Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/1
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 10
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# exit

! Assign Port Fe0/2 in VLAN 20

Layer2-Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/2
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 20
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# exit

! Create Trunk Port Fe0/24

Layer2-Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/24
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Layer2-Switch(config-if)# exit
Cisco Layer 3 Switch

! Enable Layer 3 routing

Layer3-Switch(config) # ip routing

! Create VLANs 10 and 20 in the switch database

Layer3-Switch# configure terminal
Layer3-Switch(config)# vlan 10
Layer3-Switch(config)# name SALES
Layer3-Switch(config-vlan)# exit

Layer3-Switch(config)# vlan 20
Layer3-Switch(config)# name ENGINEERING
Layer3-Switch(config-vlan)# exit

! Configure a Routed Port for connecting to the ASA firewall

Layer3-Switch(config)# interface FastEthernet0/48
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# description To Internet Firewall
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# no switchport
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# ip address

! Create Trunk Ports Fe0/47 Fe0/46

Layer3-Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/47
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# exit

Layer3-Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/46

Layer3-Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# exit

! Configure Switch Vlan Interfaces (SVI)

Layer3-Switch(config)# interface vlan10
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# ip address
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# no shut

Layer3-Switch(config)# interface vlan20

Layer3-Switch(config-if)# ip address
Layer3-Switch(config-if)# no shut

! Configure default route towards ASA firewall

Layer3-Switch(config)# ip route
Optional ACL Configuration on L3 Switch

! Create ACL to control traffic between VLAN 10 to VLAN 20

Layer3-Switch(config)# ip access-list extended ACL1020
Layer3-Switch(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip host host
Layer3-Switch(config-ext-nacl)#deny ip
Layer3-Switch(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip any

! Apply ACL to VLAN10 SVI

Layer3-Switch(config)#interface vlan 10
Layer3-Switch(config-if)#ip access-group ACL1020 in

The configuration above creates an Access Control List to restrict access between Vlan10 to
Vlan20. Specifically, it allows host to access only host and all other traffic
between Vlan10 to Vlan20 is denied. Moreover, access to anything else (i.e Internet) from
vlan10 is allowed. The ACL above is applied on vlan10 SVI in the “in” direction.

Important ASA Routing Configuration

ASA(config)# route outside <– This is default route towards internet
ASA(config)# route inside <– static route to reach vlan10
ASA(config)# route inside <– static route to reach vlan20

The above ASA sample configuration shows the necessary static routing required on the ASA to
route packets back to vlan10 ( and vlan20 ( via IP which is the
Layer3 switch IP.

See also my other article about a Layer 2 / Layer 3 Switch Design and Configuration example
with aggregation and access switches and Port Channels for link redundancy.

About the Author

Harris Andrea is a Cisco Certified Professional with more than 18 years of experience
working with Cisco network technologies. He is the author of two Cisco Books
(“Cisco ASA Firewall Fundamentals” and “Cisco VPN Configuration Guide”) which
have been embraced by thousands of Cisco professionals all over the world. You can
find more Cisco configuration guides and tutorials on his blog here

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