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Chapter 1

Guidelines for Transient Analysis in

Water Transmission and Distribution Systems

Ivo Pothof and Bryan Karney

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


. Introduction

Despite the addition of chlorine and potential flooding damage, drinking water is not gener‐
ally considered a hazardous commodity nor an overwhelming cost. Therefore, considerable
water losses are tolerated by water companies throughout the world. However, more ex‐
treme variations in dry and wet periods induced by climate change will demand more sus‐
tainable water resource management. Transient phenomena transients in water supply
systems WSS , including transmission and distribution systems, contribute to the occur‐
rence of leaks. Transients are caused by the normal variation in drinking water demand pat‐
terns that trigger pump operations and valve manipulations. Other transients are
categorised as incidental or emergency operations. These include events like a pumping sta‐
tion power failure or an accidental pipe rupture by external forces. “ number of excellent
books on fluid transients have been written Tullis Streeter and Wylie Thorley
, which focus on the physical phenomena, anti-surge devices and numerical modelling.
However, there is still a need for practical guidance on the hydraulic analysis of municipal
water systems in order to reduce or counteract the adverse effects of transient pressures. The
need for guidelines on pressure transients is not only due to its positive effect on water loss‐
es, but also by the contribution to safe, cost-effective and energy-saving operation of water
distribution systems. This chapter addresses the gap of practical guidance on the analysis of
pressure transients in municipal water systems.

“ll existing design guidelines for pipeline systems aim for a final design that reliably resists
all reasonably possible combinations of loads. System strength or resistance must suffi‐
ciently exceed the effect of system loads. The strength and load evaluation may be based on
the more traditional allowable stress approach or on the more novel reliability-based limit
state design. ”oth approaches and all standards lack a methodology to account for dynamic

© 2013 Pothof and Karney; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

hydraulic loads i.e., pressure transients Pothof Pothof and McNulty . Most of
the current standards simply state that dynamic internal pressures should not exceed the de‐
sign pressure with a certain factor, duration and occurrence frequency. The Dutch standard
NEN Requirements for pipeline systems includes an appendix that provides some
guidance on pressure transients NEN .
One of the earliest serious contributions to this topic was the significant compilation of Pe‐
jovic and ”oldy . This work not only considered transient issues such as parameter
sensitivity and data requirements, but usefully classified a range of loading conditions that
accounted for important differences between normal, emergency and catastrophic cases, and
the variation in risk and damage that could be tolerated under these different states.
”oulos et al. introduced a flow chart for surge design in WSS. The authors address a
number of consequences of hydraulic transients, including maximum pressure, vacuum
conditions, cavitation, vibrations and risk of contamination. They proposed three potential
solutions in case the transient analysis revealed unacceptable incidental pressures

. Modification of transient event, such as slower valve closure or a flywheel

. Modification of the system, including other pipe material, other pipe routing, etc. and
. “pplication of anti-surge devices.

”oulos et al. list eight devices and summarise their principal operation. They do not provide
an overview of the scenarios that should be included in a pressure transient analysis. Jung
and Karney have recognised that an a priori defined design load does not necessarily
result in the worst-case transient loading. Only in very simple systems can the most critical
parameter combination can be defined a priori Table . In reality, selecting appropriate
boundary conditions and parameters is difficult. Further, the search for the worst case sce‐
nario, considering the dynamic behaviour in a WSS, is itself a challenging task due to the
complicated nonlinear interactions among system components and variables. Jung and Kar‐
ney have extended the flow chart of ”oulos et al. , taking into account a search
for the worst-case scenario Figure . They propose to apply optimisation tools to find the
worst-case loading and a feasible set of surge protection devices.
“utomatic control systems have become common practice in WSS. Since WSS are spatially
distributed, local control systems may continue in normal operating mode, after a power
failure has occurred somewhere else in the system. The control systems may have a positive
or negative effect on the propagation of hydraulic transients. On the other hand, the distrib‐
uted nature of WSS and the presence of control systems may be exploited to counteract the
negative effects of emergency scenarios. Therefore, existing guidelines on the design of WSS
must be updated on a regular basis in order to take these developments into account.
Typical design criteria for drinking water and wastewater pipeline systems are listed in
section . Section presents a systematic approach to the surge analysis of water systems.
This approach focuses on guidelines for practitioners. The key steps in the approach in‐
clude the following preconditions for the surge analysis surge analysis of emergency sce‐
narios without provisions sizing of anti-surge provisions and design of emergency
Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 3

controls evaluation of normal operations and design of control systems. The approach
has been applied successfully by ”oth Deltares formerly Delft Hydraulics and HydraTek
and “ssociates Inc. in numerous large water transmission schemes worldwide. Especially
the integrated design of surge provisions and control systems has many benefits for a
safe, cost-effective and energy-efficient operation of the water pipeline system. Section
summarises the key points of this paper.

Figure 1. Pressure Transient design (Jung and Karney 2009).

4 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

. Pressure transient evaluation criteria for water pipelines

In any transient evaluation, pressure is the most important evaluation variable, but certainly
not the only one. Component-specific criteria must be taken into account as well, such as a
minimum fluid level in air vessels, maximum air pressure during air release from an air
valve or the maximum fluid deceleration through an undamped check valve.
The maximum and minimum allowable pressure is directly related to the pressure rating of
the components. Thin-walled steel and plastic pipes are susceptible to buckling at a combi‐
nation of external pressure and minimum internal pressure.
The design pressure for continuous operation is normally equal to the pressure rating of the
system. During transient events or emergency operation, the system pressure may exceed
the design pressure up to a certain factor of the design pressure. Table provides an over‐
view of maximum allowable incidental pressure M“IP in different national and interna‐
tional codes and standards.

Code Maximum Incidental Pressure Factor [-]

DVGW W303:1994 (German guideline) 1.00

ASME B31.4 (1992), IS 328, BS 8010, ISO CD 16708:2000 1.10

NEN 3650-1:2012 1.15

BS 806 1.20

Italian ministerial publication 1.25 – 1.50

Table 1. Overview of maximum allowable incidental pressures (MAIP) in international standards, expressed as a factor
of the nominal pressure class.

The minimum allowable pressure is rarely explicitly addressed in existing standards. The
commonly accepted minimum incidental pressure in drinking water distribution systems is
atmospheric pressure or the maximum groundwater pressure necessary to avoid intrusion
at small leaks. If the water is not for direct consumption, negative pressures down to full
vacuum may be allowed if the pipe strength is sufficient to withstand this condition, al‐
though tolerance to such conditions varies with jurisdiction. Full vacuum and cavitation can
be admitted under the condition that the cavity implosion is admissible. Computer codes
that are validated for cavity implosion must be used to determine the implosion shock. The
maximum allowable shock pressure is % of the design pressure. This criterion is based on
the following reasoning The pipeline including supports is considered a single-mass-
spring system for which a simplified structural dynamics analysis can be carried out. The
ratio of the dynamic response i.e., pipe wall stress to the static response is called the dy‐
namic load factor DLF . The dynamic load factor of a mass-spring system is equal to . It is
therefore recommended that a maximum shock pressure of no more than % of the design
pressure be allowed. This criterion may be relaxed if a more complete Fluid-Structure-Inter‐
action FSI simulation is performed for critical above-ground pipe sections.
Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 5

. Systematic approach to pressure transient analysis

The flow chart in Figure integrates the design of anti-surge devices and distributed control
systems. It is emphasised that a surge analysis is strongly recommended upon each modifi‐
cation to an existing system. The systematic approach also applies to existing systems.

Preconditions (steady)
Basic Pipeline design 3.1
Pumping station design

Surge analysis without provisions 3.2

Criteria Yes


List possible solutions 3.3

Modify Pipeline or
Pumping station

Design anti-surge devices and

emergency controls

Define normal operating procedures and

control systems

No Emergency Yes
controls Finish Surge Analysis

Figure 2. Integrated design for pressure transients and controls.

6 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

”ecause system components are tightly coupled, detailed economic analysis can be a com‐
plex undertaking, However, the net present value of anti-surge equipment may rise to %
of the total costs of a particular system. Therefore, the systematic approach to the pressure
transient analysis is preferably included in a life cycle cost optimisation of the water system,
because savings on investment costs may lead to operation and maintenance costs that ex‐
ceed the net present value of the investment savings.

. . Necessary information for a pressure transient analysis

The phenomenon of pressure transients, surge or water hammer is defined as the simultane‐
ous occurrence of a pressure and velocity changes in a closed conduit. Water hammer may
occur in both long and short pipes. The larger and faster the change of velocity, the larger
the pressure changes will be. In this case, 'fast' is not an absolutely term, but can only be
used relative to the pipe period, that is, relative to the pipe’s internal communications. The
most important parameters for the magnitude of transient pressures are
• Velocity change in time, Δv m/s or possibly the pressure equivalent

• “coustic wave speed, c m/s

• Pipe period, T s

• Joukowsky pressure, Δp Pa

• Elevation profile
The acoustic wave speed c is the celerity at which pressure waves travel through pressurised
pipes. The wave speed accounts for both fluid compressibility and pipe stiffness the more
elastic the pipe, the lower the wave speed. In fact, all phenomena that create internal storage
contribute to a reduction of wave speed. Since air is much more compressible than water, air
bubbles reduce the wave speed considerably, but this is the primary positive effect of air in
pipelines. The negative consequences of air in water pipelines, particularly in permitting or
generating large velocity changes, can greatly exceed this positive effect in mitigating cer‐
tain transient changes thus, as an excellent precaution, free or mobile air must generally be
avoided in water systems whenever possible and cost-effective. The maximum acoustic
wave speed in an excavated water tunnel through rocks is m/s and drops to approxi‐
mately m/s in steel, m/s in concrete and ductile iron, m/s in GRP, m/s in
PVC and about m/s in PE pipes.

æC D ö
rç + ÷
è eE Kø


c = “coustic wave speed m/s

Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 7

E = Young’s modulus of pipe material N/m

K = ”ulk modulus of fluid N/m

ρ = Fluid density kg/m

D = Pipe diameter m

e = Wall thickness m and

C = Constant depending on the pipe anchorage order .

The acoustic wave speed in water pipelines is shown in Figure .

Cast iron

Ductile iron

Asbestos cement
GRP (woven)

GRP (fibre)

PVC (ductile)



Figure 3. Graph of acoustic wave speed in water pipelines in relation to pipe material (E) and wall thickness (D/e).

The pipe period T [s] is defined as the time required for a pressure wave to travel from
its source of origin through the system and back to its source. For a single pipeline with
length L

T= Lc
8 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

This parameter defines the natural time scale for velocity and pressure adjustments in
the system.

Only after the pipe period the pressure wave will start to interact with other pressure waves
from the boundary condition, such as a tripping pump or a valve closure. “ny velocity
change Δv within the pipe period will result in a certain practical maximum pressure, the
so-called Joukowsky pressure, Δp.

Dp = ± r × c × Dv

“ slightly more conservative assessment of the maximum transient pressure includes the
steady friction head loss Δps = ρgΔHs.

Dp = ± ( r × c × Dv + r gDH s )

“ll these parameters follow directly from the basic design. The maximum rate of change in
velocity is determined by the run-down time of a pump or a valve closure speed. The pump
run-down time is influenced by the polar moment of inertia of the pump impeller, the gear
box and motor. The full stroke closure time of valves may be increased in order to reduce
the rate of velocity change.

Pressure waves reflect on variations of cross-sectional area T-junctions, diameter

changes, etc. and variation of pipe material. “ll these parameters must be included in a
hydraulic model.

Finally, the elevation profile is an important input, because extreme pressures typically oc‐
cur at its minimum and maximum positions.

. . Emergency scenarios without anti-surge provisions

“ pressure transient analysis or surge analysis includes a number of simulations of

emergency scenarios, normal operations maintenance procedures. The emergency scenar‐
ios may include
• Complete pump trip

• Single pump trip to determine check valve requirements

• Unintended valve closure and

• Emergency shut-down procedures.

“ pump trip without anti-surge provisions causes a negative pressure wave traveling into
the WSS. If the downstream boundary is a tank farm or large distribution network, then the
reflected pressure wave is an overpressure wave. If the check valves have closed within the
pipe period, then the positive pressure reflects on the closed check valves by doubling the
Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 9

positive pressure wave Figure . In this way, the maximum allowable pressure may be ex‐
ceeded during a pump trip scenario.

Hydraulic grade

Hydraulic grade

Hydraulic grade

Figure 4. Pressure wave propagation following a pump trip

Check valves will generally close after pump trip. The transient closure of a check valve is
driven by the fluid deceleration through the check valve. If the fluid decelerates quickly, an
undamped check valve will slam in reverse flow. Fast-closing undamped check valves, like
a nozzle- or piston-type check valve, are designed to close at a very small return velocity in
order to minimize the shock pressure. ”all check valves are relatively slow, so that their ap‐
plication is limited to situations with small fluid decelerations.
10 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

Hydraulic grade line

Valve downstream

Hydraulic grade line

Overpressure wave

Underpressure wave

Valve half-way

Figure 5. Pressure wave propagation following valve closure

Emergency closure of a line valve creates a positive pressure wave upstream and negative
pressure wave downstream of the valve. “lthough the total closure time may well exceed
the characteristic pipe period, the effective closure may still occur within one pipe period, so
that the Joukowsky pressure shock may still occur. The effective closure is typically only
% of the full stroke closure time, because the valve starts dominating the total head loss
when the valve position is less than % open e.g., Figure . If a measured capacity curve
of the valve is used, simulation software will deliver a reliable evolution of the discharge
and transient pressures in the WSS.

Figure shows an example of a butterfly valve at the end of a km supply line wave
speed is m/s . “ linear closure in pipe periods s shows that the pressure rises
only during the last % of the valve closure. Therefore the pressure rise is almost equal to
the Joukowsky pressure. “ two-stage closure, with a valve stroke from % to % open in
pipe period s , shows a more gradual pressure rise during the closing procedure and a
lower peak pressure.
Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 11

Figure 6. Single and two-stage valve in 5 pipe periods (100 s)

In general, for each scenario multiple simulations must be carried out to determine the ex‐
treme pressures and other hydraulic criteria. Scenario variations may include flow distribu‐
tions, availability of signal transfer wireless or fiber-optic cable for the control system and
parameter variations. For example, the minimum pressure upon full pump trip will be
reached in a single pipeline, if the maximum wall roughness value is used. If an air vessel is
used as an anti-surge device, the minimum wall roughness and isothermal expansion must
be applied to determine the minimum water level in the air vessel. “diabatic pocket expan‐
sion in air vessels must be applied for other scenarios. The selection of input parameters so
that the extreme hydraulic criterion values are computed is called a conservative modeling
approach Pothof and McNulty . The proper combination of input parameters can be
determined a priori for simple single pipeline systems only. Table provides some guid‐
ance on the conservative modeling approach.

In more realistic situations a sensitivity analysis is required to determine the worst case
loading. “ more recent development for complex systems is to combine transient solvers
with optimization algorithms to find the worst case loading condition and the appropriate
protection against it Jung and Karney .

In most cases, the emergency scenarios result in inadmissible transient pressures. Possible
solutions include modifications to the system or transient event e.g., slower valve closure ,
anti-surge devices, emergency controls, or a combination of the above. The solutions will be
discussed in more detail in the next section.

. . Design of anti-surge devices and emergency controls

In order to mitigate inadmissible transient pressures, hydraulic design engineers have four
different management options at their disposal
12 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

. System modifications diameter, pipe material, elevation profile, etc.

. Moderation of the transient initiation event
. Emergency control procedures and/or
. “nti-surge devices.

. . . System modifications

Measure is only feasible in an early stage. “ preliminary surge analysis may identify cost-
effective measures for the surge protection that cannot later be incorporated. If, for example,
inadmissible pressures occur at a local high point that seem difficult to mitigate, the pipe
routing may be changed to avoid the high point. “lternatively, the pipe may be drilled
through a slope to lower the maximum elevation.
Selection of a more flexible pipe material reduces the acoustic wave speed. Larger diameters
reduce the velocities and velocity changes, but the residence time increases, which may ren‐
der this option infeasible due to quality concerns.
“ cost-benefit analysis is recommended to evaluate the feasibility of these kinds of options.

. . . Moderating the transient initiation event

“ reduction of the rate of velocity change will reduce the transient pressure amplitude. “
variable speed drive or soft start/stop functionality may be effective measures for normal
operations, but their effect is negligible in case of a power failure. “ flywheel increases the
polar moment of inertia and thereby slows down the pump trip response. It should be veri‐
fied that the pump motor is capable of handling the large inertia of the flywheel during
pump start scenarios. Experience shows that a flywheel is not a cost-effective option for
pumps that need to start and stop frequently.
If inadmissible pressures are caused by valve manipulations, the valve closure time must be
increased. The velocity reduction by a closing valve is not only influenced by the valve char‐
acteristic, but also by the system. The valve resistance must dominate the total system resist‐
ance before the discharge is significantly reduced. Therefore, the effective valve closure time
is typically % to % of the total closure time. “ two-stage closure, or the utilization of a
smaller valve in parallel, may permit a rapid initial stage and very slow final stage as an ef‐
fective strategy for an emergency shut down scenario. The effective valve closure must be
spread over multiple pipe periods to obtain a significant reduction of the peak pressure. Ex‐
isting books on fluid transient provide more detail on efficient valve stroking Tullis
Streeter and Wylie Thorley .

. . . Emergency control procedures

Since WSS are spatially distributed, the power supply of valves and pumps in different
parts of the system is delivered by a nearly-independent power supply. Therefore, local con‐
trol systems may continue operating normally, after a power failure has occurred some‐
Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 13

where else in the network. The control systems may have a positive or negative effect on the
propagation of hydraulic transients. The distributed nature of WSS and the presence of con‐
trol systems may be exploited to counteract the negative effects of emergency scenarios.

If a centralised control system is available, valves may start closing or other pumps may
ramp up as soon as a pump trip is detected. Even without a centralised control system,
emergency control rules may be developed to detect power failures. These emergency con‐
trol rules should be defined in such a way that false triggers are avoided during normal op‐
erations. “n example of an emergency control rule is ESD valve closure is initiated if the
discharge drops by more than % of the design discharge and the upstream pressure falls by at least
. bar within seconds.

. . . Anti-surge devices

The above-described measures may be combined with one or more of the following anti-
surge devices in municipal water systems.

Devices, affecting
Pressure limiting devices
velocity change in time

Surge vessel By-pass check valve

Flywheel Pressure relief valve
Surge tower Combination air/vacuum valves
Feed tank

Table 2. Summary of anti-surge devices

“n important distinction is made in Table between anti-surge devices that directly af‐
fect the rate of change in velocity and anti-surge devices that are activated at a certain
condition. The anti-surge devices in the first category immediately affect the system re‐
sponse they have an overall impact on system behaviour. The pressure-limiting devices
generally have a local impact. Table lists possible measures when certain performance
criteria are violated.

The surge vessel is an effective though relatively expensive measure to protect the system
downstream of the surge vessel against excessive transients. However, the hydraulic loads
in the sub-system between suction tanks and the surge vessel will increase with the installa‐
tion of a surge vessel. Special attention must be paid to the check valve requirements, be‐
cause the fluid deceleration may lead to check valve slam and consequent damage. These
local effects, caused by the installation of a surge vessel, should always be investigated in a
detailed hydraulic model of the subsystem between tanks and surge vessels. This model
may also reveal inadmissible pressures or anchor forces in the suction lines and headers, es‐
pecially in systems with long suction lines > m . “ sometimes-effective measure to re‐
duce the local transients in the pumping station is to install the surge vessels at a certain
distance from the pumping station.
14 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

Operation Criterion Violation Improvement

bypass pipe, flywheel

larger pipe diameter
air vessel, accumulator
pump trip low pressure
surge tower, surge vessel, feed tank
air valve(s) at low pressure points in the system
other pipe material with lower Young’s modulus
pump trip high pressure air vessel with check valve and throttled by-pass
increase (check) valve closure rate by choosing an
pump trip reverse flow in pump
appropriate fast-closing check valve (e.g. nozzle type)
rate of fluid deceleration through apply spring to reduce check valve closing time
pump trip check valve (high pressure due to apply spring or counter weight with damper to increase
valve closure) check valve closing time and allow return flow
air vessel
slower valve closure
valve closure high pressure (upstream)
pressure relief valve or damper at high pressure points
Guideline for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission
higher pressure ratingand Distribution Systems 15
air vessel
valve closure low pressure (downstream) slower valve closure
air valves at low pressure points
use multiple valves
valve throttling pressure instability
adjust control settings
use air valves
drainage, filling entrapped air
prevent drainage on shut-down

Table 3. Possible mitigating measures in case of violation of one or more performance criteria

Air vent


"”non vented”

Figure 7. Non-aerated surge vessel

Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 15

One of the disadvantages of a surge tower is its height and thus cost and the siting chal‐
lenges . If the capacity increases, so that the discharge head exceeds the surge tower level,
then the surge tower cannot be used anymore. “ surge tower is typically installed in the vi‐
cinity of a pumping station in order to protect the WSS downstream. “ surge tower could
also be installed upstream of a valve station to slow down the over pressure due to an emer‐
gency valve closure.

Pump trip

Closing valve

Figure 8. Surge tower near pumping station or valve station.

“nother device that reduces the velocity change in time is the flywheel. “ flywheel may be an
effective measure for relatively short transmission lines connected to a tank farm or distribu‐
tion network. “ flywheel can be an attractive measure if the following conditions are met

. Pump speed variations are limited.

. The pump motor can cope with the flywheel during pump start-up, which means that the
motor is strong enough to accelerate the pump impeller - flywheel combination to the
pump’s rated speed. If the polar moment of pump and flywheel inertia is too large for the
motor, then a motor-powered trip may occur and the rated speed cannot be reached.
16 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

Hydraulic grade line, steady state

pump c

Hydraulic grade line, steady state

pump c

Figure 9. Effect of flywheel on transient pressure after power failure in the pumping station

“ by-pass check valve is effective at sufficient suction pressure, which becomes available au‐
tomatically in a booster station. Wavefront steepness is not affected until the by-pass check
valve opens. “ similar reasoning applies to the other pressure-limiting devices. Further‐
more, the release of air pockets via air valves is an important source of inadmissible pres‐
sure shocks. “ir release causes a velocity difference between the water columns on both
sides of the air pocket. Upon release of the air pocket’s last part, the velocity difference Δv
must be balanced suddenly by creating a pressure shock of half the velocity difference Fig‐
ure . The magnitude of the pressure shock is computed by applying the Joukowsky law

Dp = ± r × c × Dv

“ large inflow capacity is generally positive to avoid vacuum conditions, but the outflow
capacity of air valves must be designed with care.
Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 17

Figure 10. Pressure shock due to air valve slam.

. . Design of normal procedures and operational controls

The following scenarios may be considered as part of the normal operating procedures see
also appendix C. . . in standard NEN -
. Start of pumping station in a primed system.
. Normal stop of single pump or pumping station.
. Commissioning tests.
. Priming operation or pump start in partially primed system.
. Procedure to drain part of the system for maintenance purposes.
. Normal, scheduled, valve closure.
. Stop of one pumping station or valve station and scheduled start of another source.
. Other manipulations that result in acceleration or deceleration of the flow.
. Switch-over procedures.
. Risk assessment of resonance phenomena due to control loops.
18 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

Normal operating procedures should not trigger emergency controls. If this is the case, the con‐
trol system or even the anti-surge devices may have to be modified. “s a general rule for normal
operations, discharge set-points in control systems tend to exaggerate transient events while
pressure set-points automatically counteract the effect of transients. Two examples are given.
The first deals with a single pipeline used to fill a tank or supply reservoir. Suppose a down‐
stream control valve is aiming for a certain discharge set-point to refill the tank or reservoir. If an
upstream pump trip occurs, the control logic would lead to valve-opening in order to maintain
the discharge set-point. This will lower the minimum pressures in the pipe system between the
pumping station and the control valve. On the other hand, if the control valve aims for an up‐
stream pressure set-point, the valve will immediately start closing as soon as the downsurge has
arrived at the valve station, thereby counteracting the negative effect of the pump trip.
The second example is a distribution network in which four pumping stations need to main‐
tain a certain network pressure. The pumping stations have independent power supply.
Suppose that three pumping stations follow a demand prediction curve and the fourth
pumping station is operating on a set-point for the network pressure. If a power failure oc‐
curs in one of the discharge-driven pumping stations, then the network pressure will drop
initially. “s a consequence the pump speed of the remaining two discharge-driven pumping
stations will drop and the only pressure-driven pumping station will compensate tempora‐
rily not only the failing pumping station, but also the two other discharge-driven pumping
stations. If all pumping stations would be pressure-driven pumping stations, then the fail‐
ure of a single pumping station will cause all other pumping stations to increase their pump
speed, so that the loss of one pumping stations is compensated by the three others.
The simulation of the normal operating procedures provides detailed knowledge on the dy‐
namic behaviour of the WSS. This knowledge is useful during commissioning of the modi‐
fied system. For example, a comparison of the simulated and measured pressure signals
during commissioning may indicate whether the system is properly de-aerated.
It is emphasized that a simulation model is always a simplification of reality and simulation
models should be used as a decision support tool, not as an exact predictor of reality. The
design engineer of complex WSS must act like a devil’s advocate in order to define scenarios
that have a reasonable probability of occurrence and that may lead to extreme pressures or
pressure gradients.

. Modelling of water supply systems for transient analyses

This section provides some guidelines on the modelling of a pipeline system with respect to
pressure surge calculations.
It is recommended to model the top of the pipes in computer models, because the dynamic
behaviour may change significantly at low pressures due to gas release or cavitation.
The modelling and input uncertainties raise the question of which model parameter values
should be applied in a particular simulation. The simulation results may be too optimistic if
Guidelines for Transient Analysis in Water Transmission and Distribution Systems 19

the model parameters are selected more or less arbitrarily. The model parameters should be
selected such that the relevant output variables get their extreme values this is called a con‐
servative modelling approach. The conservative choice of input parameters is only possible
in simple supply systems without active triggers for control procedures. Table lists the pa‐
rameter choice in the conservative modelling approach.

Critical Model Parameters

Output Criterion
Scenario (conservative approach)
max. pressure and high wave speed or low wave
any operation (cavitation not allowed)
min. pressure speed, high vapour pressure
upstream valve closure or
max. pressure due to cavity
pump trip (cavitation allowed from process high vapour pressure
upstream valve closure or high friction and
min. pressure
pump trip low suction level
high friction and
downstream valve closure max. pressure
high suction level
upstream valve closure or min. pressure and min. surge low friction and
pump trip (surge tower present) tower level low suction level
max. pressure,
downstream valve closure low friction and
max. surge tower
(surge tower or present) high suction level
critical model parameters
operation (conservative approach)
low friction and
upstream valve closure or
min. air vessel level low suction level and
pump trip (air vessel present)
isothermal air behaviour
low friction and
upstream valve closure or min. pressure (close to air
low suction level and
pump trip (air vessel present) vessel)
adiabatic air behaviour
high friction and
upstream valve closure or min. pressure (downstream
low suction level and
pump trip (air vessel present) part)
adiabatic air behaviour
low friction and
downstream valve closure
max. air vessel level high suction level and
(air vessel present)
isothermal air behaviour
low friction and
downstream valve closure max. pressure (close to air
high suction level and
(air vessel present) vessel)
adiabatic air behaviour
high friction and
downstream valve closure
max. pressure (upstream part) high suction level and
(air vessel present)
adiabatic air behaviour
high friction and
Single pump trip, while others run max. rate of fluid deceleration
low suction level

Table 4. Overview of conservative modelling parameters for certain critical scenarios and output criteria.
20 Water Supply System Analysis - Selected Topics

If control systems are triggered to counteract the negative effect of critical scenarios pump
trip, emergency shut down , then the extreme pressures may occur at other combinations of
input parameters than listed in Table . Therefore, a sensitivity analysis or optimisation rou‐
tine is strongly recommended to determine extreme pressures in these kind of complex wa‐
ter supply systems.

. Concluding remarks

Since flow conditions inevitably change, pressure transient analysis is a fundamental part of
WSS design and a careful analysis may contribute significantly to the reduction of water
losses from these systems. It is shown that pressure transient analyses are indispensable in
most stages of the life cycle of a water system. Section shows that existing standards focus
on a certain maximum allowable incidental pressure, but also emphasises that other evalua‐
tion criteria should be part of the surge analysis, including minimum pressures, component
specific criteria and maximum allowable shock pressures. It is recommended that pressure
shocks due to cavity collapse, air-release or undamped check valve closure should never ex‐
ceed % of the design pressure. The main contributions of this paper, as compared to exist‐
ing pressure transient design guidelines, include an overview of emergency scenarios and
normal operating procedures to be considered, as well as the integrated design of control
systems and anti-surge devices. These will lead to a safe, cost-effective, robust, energy-effi‐
cient and low-leaking water system.

Author details

Ivo Pothof , * and ”ryan Karney

*“ddress all correspondence to [email protected]

Deltares, MH Delft, The Netherlands

Delft University of Technology, Department of Water Management, Stevinweg, CN Delft,

The Netherlands

University of Toronto, Canada and HydraTek and “ssociates Inc., Canada


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