HRM Chapter 6 With Ans
HRM Chapter 6 With Ans
HRM Chapter 6 With Ans
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1. Which of the following is true?
A. Benefits can help attract, retain and motivate employees.
B.In most organizations, all employees receive the same benefits.
C.Employers have the right to reduce or remove benefits without the consent of the employees concerned.
D.Organizations with flexibenefit schemes provide less benefits than organizations that do not offer such
2. Under the Sarawak Labour Ordinance, any employee earning more than the wage ceiling is not protected by the law.
The current ceiling is ________.
3. According to the Employment Act, which of the following is not true?
A.Female employees are entitled to maternity leave five times.
B.Female employees are entitled to 60 days maternity leave every time they give birth.
C.Female employees are entitled to paid maternity leave if they have no more than five surviving children.
D.Female employees are entitled to paid maternity leave if they have no more than five surviving children.
4. Which of the following benefits is not mandatory under the Employment Act?
A. Maternity leave
B.Paternity leave
C.Annual leave
D.Sick leave
5. The purpose of the Employees Social Security Act 1969 is
A. to provide savings to workers who have an accident. ensure employers maintain a safe and healthy workplace. compensate employees for any accident that may befall them. ensure workers who are injured in a workrelated accident are compensated.
6. With a flexibenefit scheme ________.
A. employees can choose the benefits they want from a menu of benefits
B.employees are offered a fixedpackage of benefits by their employer
employees are less motivated to perform their work well
D.employees can choose their working hours
7. Which of the following is true?
A. Employers can decide which benefits to provide to employees.
B.The Employment Act protects employees throughout Malaysia.
C.Employers cannot give a higher level of benefits than those laid down in the Employment Act.
D.Employees who are union members usually get a higher level of benefits than those found in the Employment
8. Which of the following is true concerning sick leave, according to the Employment Act?
A. Once an employee has taken more than his statutory medical leave, any further sick leave will be unpaid.
B.If employees are on leave and fall sick, they must be certified sick by the company panel doctor.
C.Employees have the right to paid sick leave no matter which doctor certifies them as ill.
D.Employers have to pay all medical bills incurred by their employees.
9. Which of the following is not true about the Employees Provident Fund?
A. Selfemployed persons can contribute on a monthly basis to the Fund.
B.Employers must contribute 12% of an employee’s monthly wage to the Fund, and no more.
C.Employees can withdraw all of the money from the Fund at age 55, even if they are still working.
D.Employees must contribute 11% of their monthly wages to the Fund, but they can contribute more if they wish.
10. Employees must contribute 11% of their monthly wages to the Fund, but they can contribute more if they wish.
A.Employers do not need to introduce safety measures as employees will be compensated if they are involved in
an accident.
B.Employees cannot sue their employer for damages when they are involved in an accident.
C.Employees are likely to be more careful with their work and have less accidents.
D.Employees who make false SOCSO claims can be dismissed for misconduct.
11. One of the purposes of offering benefits to employees is to attract talented workers. To achieve this objective,
employers should ________.
A.advertise the benefits they are offering in job advertisements
B.ensure the benefits offered are attractive to talented workers
C.offer cafeteria benefit schemes
D.offer cafeteria benefit schemes
12. The difference between benefits and rewards is that benefits are
A. given to all employees, whereas rewards are only offered to senior staff.
B.given to all employees, whereas rewards depend upon performance.
C.required by law, whereas rewards are optional., whereas rewards are nonfinancial.
13. Recognition of good work is best given to employees by ________.
A.their manager
B.their colleagues
C.the HR manager
D.their subordinates
14. Effective reward systems depend largely upon ________.
A. the level of wages offered to employees
B.the quality of training given to employees
C.the ratio between rewards and benefits offered
D.the setting of fair and appropriate output targets
15. Bonuses can be ________.
A. based on individual performance