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Network Management
2G = Second-Generation CNAP = Cisco Networking Academy Program
3G = Third Generation CNE = Certified Novell Engineer 4G = Fourth Generation CNI = Certified Novell Instructor 5G = Fifth Generation CNS = Certified Novell Salesperson 6G = Sixth Generation COA = Certificate of Authenticity AAL = ATM adaptation layer COM1 = Communication Port 1 ACE = access control entry CompTIA = Computing Technology Industry Association ACK = acknowledge COP = Character Orientated Protocols ACLs = Access Control Lists CPU = central processing unit ACPI = Advanced Configuration and Power Interface CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check ACT = Application Compatibility Toolkit CRT = cathode-ray tube AD = Active Directory CSA = Certified Solaris Administrator AD DS = Active Directory® Domain Services CSID = called subscriber ID ADS = Automated Deployment Services CSMA/CA = Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line CSMA/CD = Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection AES = Advanced Encryption Standard CSP = Cloud Service Provider AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port CSU = Channel Service Unit ALTO = Application Layer Traffic Optimization CWMP = CPE WAN Management Protocol AM = Amplitude Modulation DACL = discretionary access control list AMD = Advanced Micro Devices DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Project Agency ANSI = American National Standards Institute dB = decibels AOSS = AirStation One-Touch Secure System DCE = Data Communication Equipment AP = Access Point DDE = Dynamic Data Exchange API = application programming interface DDN = Defense Data Network APIPA = Automatic Private IP Addressing DDoS = Distributed Denial-of-Service APM = Advanced Power Management DEC = Digital Equipment Corporation APN = access point name DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol APU = accelerated processing unit DISM = Deployment Image Servicing and Management ARP = Address Resolution Protocol DLCI = Data Link Connection Identifier ARPA = Advanced Research Projects Agency DLE = Data Link Escape ARPANET = Advanced Research Projects Agency Network DLL = dynamic-link library ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange DLNA = Digital Live Network Alliance ASP = Active Server Pages DMA = direct memory access AT = Advanced Technology DMZ = demilitarized zone ATA = Advanced Technology Attachments DNS = Domain Name System ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode DNSSEC = Domain Name System Security Extensions ATX = Advanced Technology Extended DoS = Denial of Service AUI = Attachment Unit Interface DOS = Disk Operating System AVR = Automatic Voltage Regulator DPI = Deep Packet Inspection BAP = Bandwidth Allocation Protocol DRAM = Dynamic RAM BCC = block check character DRM = digital rights management BD = Blu-ray Disc DSL = digital subscriber line BDC = backup domain controller DSU = Data Service Unit BDD = Business Desktop Deployment DTE = Data Terminal Equipment BGP = Border Gateway Protocol DVI = Digital Video Interface BGP-TE = Border Gateway Protocol – Traffic Engineering DVR = digital video recorder BHOs = Browser Helper Objects EB = Exabyte BIND = Berkeley Internet Name Domain EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code BIOS = basic input/output system EDT = Express Deployment Tool bit = binary digit EEPROM = Electronically Erased PROM BNC = British Naval Connectors EFI = Extensible Firmware Interface BOOTP = bootstrap protocol EFS = Encrypting File System BOP = Bit Orientated Protocols EGPRS = Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution bps = bits per second EIA = Electronics Industries Association BRI = Basic Rate Interface EIGRP = Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol BSA = Business Software Alliance EMI = Electromagnetic Interference BSOD = Blue Screen of Death ENS = Enhanced Network Selection CA = certification authority EoIP = Ethernet over IP CALs = Client Access Licenses EPC = Evolved Packet Core CB Radio = Citizens Band Radio EPROM = Eraseable PROM CCP = Compression Control Protocol ESD = electrostatic discharge CCTV = Close Circuit Television ETSI = European Telecommunications Standards Institute CDDI = Copper Distributed Data Interface EULA = End-User License Agreement CD-R = Recordable compact disc FAT = File Allocation Table CD-RW = Rewritable compact disc FB = Facebook CEPT = European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications FCC = Federal Communications Commission Administrations FDD = Floppy Disk Drive CGI = Common Gateway Interface FDDI = Fiber Distributed Data Interface CHAP = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol FiOS = Fiber Optic Service CIDR = Classless Inter-Domain Routing FIPS = Federal Information Processing Standards CIP = Certified Internet Professional FLSM = Fixed-Length Subnet Masking CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor FM = Frequency Modulation CNA = Certified Novell Administrator FOC = Fiber Optic Cable Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz 30 July 2011 FPP = Full Packaged Product L2TP = Layer Two Tunneling Protocol FPU = Floating Point Unit LAN = local area network FQDN = fully qualified domain name LBFO = load balancing and failover FSF = Free Software Foundation LCD = liquid-crystal display FSRM = File Server Management Resource Management LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol FTM = Faster Time to Market LED = light-emitting diode FTP = File Transfer Protocol LIF = Low Insertion Force FTTH = Fiber to the Home Li-ion = lithium ion GB = Gigabytes LLC = logical link control Gbps = Gigabits per second LLTD = Link-Layer Topology Discovery GGWA = Get Genuine Windows Agreement LPT1 = Line Printer 1 GHz = Gigahertz LTE = Long Term Evolution GPMC = Group Policy Management Console LUN = Logical unit number GPO = Group Policy Object MAC = media access control / medium access control GPRS = General Packet Radio Services MAN = metropolitan area network GPS = Globally Positioning System MAU = Medium Attachment Unit GPT = GUID partition table MB = Megabytes GPU = graphics processing unit Mbps = Megabits per seconds GSI = Genuine Software Initiative MBR = master boot record GSM = Global System for Mobile Communications MBSA = Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer GUI = graphical user interface MCP = Microsoft Certified Professional GUID = Globally Unique Identifier MCSD = Microsoft Certified Solution Developer HCL = Hardware Compatibility List MCSE = Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer HDD = Hard Disk Drive MCT = Microsoft Certified Trainer HDLC = high level data link control MDOP = Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack HDMI = high-definition multimedia interface MDT = Microsoft Deployment Toolkit HDSL = High-bit-rate DSL ME = Millennium Edition HDTV = high-definition television MGCP = Media Gateway Control Protocol HP = Hewlett-Packard MHz = Megahertz HPNA = Home phoneline network adapter MILNET = Military Network HSPA+ = Evolved High-Speed Packet Access MIME = Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension HTTP = hypertext transfer protocol MIMO = multiple-input multiple-output HWID = hardware ID MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology Hz = Hertz MMC = Microsoft Management Console I/O = input/output MMS = Multimedia Messaging Service I2RS = Interface to the Routing System modem = modulator / demodulator IaaS = Infrastructure as a Service MSDN = Microsoft Developer Network IAB = internet architecture board MS-DOS® = Microsoft - Disk Operating System IBM = International Business Machine MSE = Microsoft Security Essentials ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol MSI = Micro-Star International Co., Ltd ICS = Internet Connection Sharing MSIE = Microsoft Internet Explorer ICT = Information and Communication Technology MSMQ = Microsoft Message Queue Server IDE = IDE = Integrated Development Environment [Software] MTA = Microsoft Technology Associate IDE = Integrated Device Electronics [Hardware] Multics = Multiplexed Information and Computing Service IDN = International Domain Names MVA = Microsoft Virtual Academy IE = Internet Explorer NACK = negative acknowledge IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers NAP = Network Access Point IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force NAP = Network Access Protection IGMP = Internet Group Management Protocol NAT = network address translation IIS = Internet Information Services NCLC = NCL Communication ILD = Injection Laser Diode NCP = Network Control Protocol IMS = IP Multimedia System NCS = Network Control System IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity NCSA = National Center for Supercomputing Applications Intel = Integrated Electronics NetBEUI = NetBIOS Extended User Interface InterNIC = Internet Network Information Center NetBIOS = network basic input/output system IODD = Internal Optical Disc Drive NFC = Near Field Communication IP = Internet Protocol NFS = Network File System IPsec = Internet Protocol Security NFV = Network Functions Virtualization IPv4 = Internet Protocol version 4 NGI = Next-Generation Internet IPv6 = Internet Protocol version 6 NIC = network interface card IPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange NiCd = nickel cadmium IPX/SPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange / Sequenced Packet Exchange NII = National Information Infrastructure IR = infrared NiMH = nickel metal hydride IRC = Internet Relay Chat NIST = National Institute for Standard and Technology IrDA = Infrared Data Association NITZ = Network Identity and Time Zone IRQ = Interrupt Request NMS = Network management station IRTF = Internet Research Task Force NMT = Nordic Mobile Telephone ISA = Industry Standard Architecture NNTP = Network News Transfer Protocol iSCSI = Internet Small Computer System Interface NORSAR = Norwegian Seismic Array ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network NOS = Network Operating System IS-IS = Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System NSN = Nokia Solutions & Networks ISO = International Organization for Standardization NT = New Technology ISP = Internet service provider NTFS = New Technology File System ITU = International Telecommunications Union NUC = Next Unit of Computing ITU-T = International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication NUI = Natural User Interface Kbps = kilobits per second ODBC = Open Database Connectivity KVM = Keyboard Video Mouse OEM = original equipment manufacturer Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz 30 July 2011 OFDMA = Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access RTSP = Real Time Streaming Protocol OMG = Object Management Group SACL = system access control list ONF = Open Networking Foundation SAN = solar area network ONRC = Open Networking Research Center SAP = Service Advertising Protocol OPAC = Online Public Access Catalog SATA = Serial ATA or Serial Advanced Technology Attachments OS = Operating System SBU = Sensitive but Unclassified OSD = Open Source Definition SCSI = small computer system interface OSI = Open Systems Interconnection SDK = Software Development Kit OSPF = Open Shortest Path First SDLC = synchronous data link control OUs = organizational units SDM = System Distributed Management OVA = Open Virtualization Alliance SDN = Software-Defined Networking P2P = Peer-to-peer SDP = Session Description Protocol PABX = private automatic branch exchange SECC = Single Edge Contact Cartridge PAD = Packet Assembly/Disassembly SEO = Search engine optimization PAN = personal area network SEPP = Single Edge Processor Package PANU = personal area network user SGRAM = Synchronous Graphics RAM PATA = Parallel ATA or Parallel Advanced Technology Attachments S-HDSL/SDSL = Single-pair or Symmetric High-bit-rate DSL PB = Petabyte SIM = Subscriber Identity Module PBX = private branch exchange SIP = Session Initiation Protocol PC = Personal Computer SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol PCEP = Path Computation Element Protocol SMS = Short Message Service PCI = Peripheral Component Interconnect SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol PCI-E = Peripheral Component Interconnect - Express SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card International Association SP1 = Service Pack 1 PCN = Personal communications network SP2 = Service Pack 2 PCOS = precinct count optical scan SP3 = Service Pack 3 PDC = primary domain controller SPAM = Stupid Person’s AdvertiseMent PID = Process ID SPAM = Stupid, Pointless Annoying Message PIN = Personal Identification Number SPID = Service Profile Identifier PING = Packet Internet Groper SQL = Structure Query Language PNP = Plug and Play SRAM = Static RAM POS = Point-of-Sale SSD = solid-state drive POST = Power on Self-Test SSID = service set identifier POTS = Plain Old Telephone Service SSIDs = Secure Set Identifiers PPP = Point-to-Point Protocol SSL = Secure Sockets Layer PPTP = Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol STP = Shielded Twisted Pair PRI = Primary Rate Interface S-Video = Separate Video or Super Video PROM = Programmable ROM TAPI = Telephony API PSK = pre-shared key TB = Terabytes PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network Tbps = Terabit per second PTN = Portugal Telecom TCG = Trusted Computing Group PUK = PIN unblock key TCP =Transmission Control Protocol PUR = Product Use Rights TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol QoS = quality of service TFTP = Trivial File Transfer Protocol RADAR = RAdio Detection And Ranging TI = Texas Instruments RADSL = Rate Adaptive DSL TLS = Transport Layer Security RAID = Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives / Independent Disks TPA = Third Party Auditing RAM = Random Access Memory TPM =Trusted Platform Module RAN = Radio Access Network TSD = Technical Support Department RAS = remote access service TTL = Time to Live RCP = Remote Control Protocol UCE = Unsolicited commercial e-mail RCS = Rich Communication Services UDMA = Ultra Direct Memory Access RD Gateway = Remote Desktop Gateway UDP = User Datagram Protocol RD Web Access = Remote Desktop Web Access UEC = Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud RDC = Remote Desktop Connection UFD = USB Flashdrive RDMA = Remote Direct Memory Access UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunications System RDP = Remote Desktop Protocol UNC = Universal Naming Convention RDRAM = Rambus DRAM UNICS = UNiplexed Information and Computing Service ReFS = Resilient File Systems UNR = Ubuntu Netbook Remix RFB = Remote Frame Buffer protocol UPMC = Ultra Portable Mobile Computer RIP = Routing Information Protocol UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply RIPv2 = Routing Information Protocol v2 URI = uniform resource identifier RIPX = Routing Information Protocol over IPX URL = uniform resource locator RIS = Remote Installation Service URN = uniform resource name RJ-11 = Registered Jack-11 USB = Universal Serial Bus RJ-45 = Registered Jack-45 USB OTG = USB On-The-Go RNR = receiver not ready Usenet = Users’ Network RODC = Read Only Domain Controller USMT = User State Migration Tool ROHS = Reduction of Hazardous Substances UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair ROM = Read-Only Memory UUI = Universal USB Installer RR = receiver ready VAIO = Video Audio Integrated Operation RR = resource record VAIO = Visual Audio Intelligent Organizer [2008] RRA = Rental Rights Agreement VB = Visual Basic RSAT = Remote Server Administration Tools VDI = Virtual desktop infrastructure RSL = registry size limit VDSL = Very High-bit-rate asymmetric DSL RSVP = Resource ReSerVation Protocol VHDs = Virtual Hard Disks RTP = Real-time Transport Protocol Virus = Vital Information Resource Under Siege Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz 30 July 2011 VL = Volume Licensing Wi-Fi = Wireless Fidelity VLSM = variable-length subnet mask WiMAX = Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access VMs = Virtual machines Windows ADK = Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit VNC = Virtual Network Computing Windows AIK = Windows Automated Installation Kit VNF = Virtualization of Network Functions Windows PE = Windows Preinstallation Environment VNFaaS = Virtualization of Network Function as a Service Windows SIM = Windows System Image Manager VNPaaS = Virtualization of Network Platform as a Service WINS = Windows Internet Name Service VoIP = Voice over IP WiSM = Wireless Services Module VoLTE = Voice over LTE WLAN = Wireless LAN VPN = virtual private networking WLC = Wireless LAN Controller VRAM = Video RAM WMI = Windows Management Instrumentation VxLAN = Virtual Extensive LAN WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access W3C = World Wide Web Consortium WPA2 = Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 WAN = wide area network WPS = Wireless Protected Setup WAP = Wireless Application Protocol WRAM = Windows RAM WCS = Wireless Control System WWAN = wireless wide area network WDS = Windows® Deployment Services WWW = World Wide Web WebDAV = Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning XML = Extensible Markup Language WEC = Web Extender Client XP = experience WEP = Wired Equivalent Privacy YM = YM = Yahoo Mail / Yahoo Messenger WGA = Windows Genuine Advantage ZIF = Zero Insertion Force WiDi = Wireless Display
Rèn Kỹ Năng Đọc Hiểu Chủ Đề Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ (1) Cô: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Exercise 1. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question