Glossary of Permafrost and Ground-Ice IPA 2005
Glossary of Permafrost and Ground-Ice IPA 2005
Glossary of Permafrost and Ground-Ice IPA 2005
(revised 2005)
The following members and corresponding members of the Terminology Working Group
of the International Permafrost Association have contributed to this Multi-Language
During the 5th International Conference on Permafrost, held in Trondheim (Norway) in
August 1988, the Council of the International Permafrost Association (IPA) authorized the
establishment of a Terminology Working Group with the mandate "to develop a set of
internationally accepted permafrost terms for use in engineering and science, with
equivalents in various languages, and to disseminate and encourage the use of such
terminology". The Terminology Working Group was established in the fall of 1988, with
members from Argentina, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, the USA, and the
(former) USSR. Members from Italy, Norway and Sweden were added later.
The Working Group agreed to use as the basis for its work the "Glossary of Permafrost and
Related Ground-Ice Terms", which had just been published (Permafrost Subcommittee,
1988). The initial effort was directed towards the preparation of a multi-language listing
incorporating the primary and secondary terms from the 1988 Glossary, and a number of
synonyms. The languages to be covered by the glossary were to be English, French,
German, Spanish, and Russian. By the end of 1994, Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish were
included. The effort was coordinated by the Chair of the Working Group, at the Arctic
Institute of North America.
In December 1994 a pre-publication version was printed for limited distribution to solicit
comments and corrections. Corrections were made and some additional terms
incorporated in 1995, 1996, and 1998. In addition, Chinese, Icelandic, Polish, and
Romanian were included.
In order to avoid possible confusion of entries such as "ice, wedge" and "ice wedge", all
multi-word terms have been entered using the natural word sequence (i.e. "wedge ice" and
"ice wedge" for the above example). The elimination of commas also improves the
Introduction - 1
Version 2
"Version - 2 (1998)" of the Glossary, published in 1998 at the IPA International
Permafrost Conference in Yellowknife, Canada, should be regarded as the latest stage of a
work in progress, because the terminology in permafrost science and engineering is
continuing to evolve, and the Glossary should evolve with it.
Listings of Chinese equivalents were provided by Cheng Guodong, Qiu Guoqing, Zhao
Xiufeng and Zhou Youwu. The search for appropriate software delayed the inclusion of
Chinese terms in the Glossary database until late 1996. Word-processing for the Chinese
entries by Zhao Xiufeng is gratefully acknowledged.
At the time of publication of the 1988 Glossary (Permafrost Subcommittee, 1988), a
French translation was also published (Sous-comité de Pergélisol, 1988). From this, most
of the French equivalents of the primary and secondary terms were incorporated in the
database without change. Changes were made for 46 of the terms, following suggestions
from the French Commission for the Study of Periglacial Phenomena (Commission
Française pour l'Étude des Phénomènes Périglaciaires), which were received from J.-P.
Lautridou in January 1991. Examples of the changes include: "couche active" instead of
"mollisol"; "géli-adhérence" instead of "congélation adhérente"; and "frange gelante"
instead of "frange gelée". Corrections and a few additions, provided by B. van Vliet-
Lanoe, were incorporated in 1993, 1996, and 1998.
A German translation of "Permafrost Terminology" (Brown and Kupsch, 1974) had been
prepared in 1982 by J. Karte. The German equivalent terms from that translation were
Introduction - 2
incorporated in the database, with a number of corrections and additions provided by J.
Karte and L.King, in 1991. Additional terms were added in 1994, 1996, and 1998.
Preparation of a listing of Icelandic terms for the glossary was undertaken by H. Pétursson
in the spring of 1995. The list of Icelandic terms was received in December 1996, and the
terms were incorporated in the database. Corrections were made, and additional terms
incorporated in 1997 and 1998.
Italian translations of the terms from the 1988 Glossary were prepared by C. Ottone and F.
Dramis in 1992, and incorporated in the database after they were formally accepted in
November 1992 by the Italian adhering body for IPA. Translations for a few additional
terms were included in early 1994, in 1996, and in 1998.
Preparation of a listing of Norwegian terms for the glossary was undertaken by O.
Gregersen and O. Salvigsen in the fall of 1992. The list of Norwegian terms was received
in April 1993, and the terms were incorporated in the database before the 6th International
Conference on Permafrost in Beijing, July 1993. Translations for additional terms were
included in March 1994, in 1996, and in 1998.
Preparation of a listing of Polish terms for the glossary was started by K. Pekala in the
spring of 1995, with the cooperation of J. Repelewska-Pękalowa, S. Kozarsky, and L.
Marks. The list of Polish terms was received in July 1995, and the terms were
incorporated in the database shortly thereafter. A few additional terms were incorporated
in 1996 and 1998.
Preparation of a listing of Romanian terms for the glossary was undertaken by
Introduction - 3
P. Urdea in 1996, and a list of Romanian terms was received later that year. A few
additional terms were added in 1998.
A copy of the Russian translation of the whole 1988 Glossary, prepared by N. N.
Romanovskiy, G. Rozenbaum, and V. N. Konishchev (Moscow, Russia), was received in
February 1991. The Russian equivalents of the primary and secondary terms have been
incorporated in the multi-language database. Corrections and translations for a number of
additional terms were provided by the same authors in early 1994. Further revisions were
made in the fall of 1995 during a visit by N. N. Romanovsky to The Arctic Institute of
North America. Additional Russian terms were incorporated in 1996 and 1998.
Transliterated Russian
Transliterations of Russian equivalent terms, from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin
alphabet, using the Library of Congress system, have been added to the multi-language
database for the convenience of non-Russian users.
The Spanish translation of the terms from the 1988 Glossary was prepared by A. E. Corte,
E. Buk, and D.Trombotto (Argentina). Their listing of the Spanish equivalents of the
primary terms was received in February 1990; secondary terms were added in May 1990,
some additions and corrections were made in June and July 1993, in July 1995, and in
Preparation of a listing of Swedish terms for the glossary was started by H. J. Åkerman in
the fall of 1992. The list of Swedish terms was received in April 1993, and the terms were
incorporated in the database before the 6th International Conference on permafrost in
Beijing, July 1993. Translations for additional terms were included in late 1993, in 1996,
and in 1998.
Introduction - 4
A number of synonyms (including terms designated as "not recommended" in the 1988
Glossary) are included in the current multi-language database, because many of these
terms are found in the early permafrost literature.
Definitions for most of the primary terms in the multi-language glossary were adopted,
without change, from the 1988 Glossary (Permafrost Subcommittee, 1988). Permission for
this was obtained from the copyright holder (National Research Council of Canada).
Minor changes for some of the definitions, as well as definitions for the additional terms,
have been prepared by O. J. Ferrians, S.A.Harris, J.A. Heginbottom, B. Ladanyi, N. N.
Romanovsky , Y. Shur, and R. O. van Everdingen.
In the Definitions section, terms defined elsewhere in the text are printed in italics.
Photographs and diagrams illustrating the meaning of various terms were also adopted
from the 1988 Glossary (Permafrost Subcommittee, 1988). Permission for this was
obtained from the copyright holder (National Research Council of Canada). The original
Figure 1, showing the distribution of permafrost in Canada, has been replaced by a new
Figure 1 showing the distribution of permafrost in the northern hemisphere, kindly
supplied by J. A. Heginbottom. Figures 2 and 3 were modified slightly, and a new Figure
17i (from Mackay, 1990, Fig.3) was added to illustrate the three main types of ice wedges.
Revision - 2005
In 1998 and 2003 an English-only digital version was included on the CAPS versions 1
and 2 CD-ROMS prepared for the IPA by the National Snow and Ice Data Centre. The
current "Revision - 2005" digital version has been prepared to enable computer access to
the complete text of the Glossary, without the necessity to have Cyrillic and Chinese fonts
installed on the computer. Minor corrections have also been incorporated.
Introduction - 5
Revision - 2005 DEFINITIONS - 1
6. active layer
The layer of ground that is subject to annual thawing and freezing in
areas underlain by permafrost (see Figure 2).
In the zone of continuous permafrost the active layer generally reaches the
permafrost table; in the zone of discontinuous permafrost it often does not.
The active layer includes the uppermost part of the permafrost wherever either
the salinity or clay content of the permafrost allows it to thaw and refreeze
annually, even though the material remains cryotic (T < 0°C).
The active layer is sometimes referred to as the "active zone"; the term "zone,"
however, should be reserved for the zones of discontinuous and continuous
In Russian and Chinese literature, the term active layer covers two distinct
types: (1) the seasonally thawed layer overlying permafrost, and (2) the seasonally
frozen layer overlying unfrozen ground inside or outside permafrost areas.
REFERENCES: Muller, 1943; Williams, 1965; Brown, 1971; van Everdingen,
7. active-layer failure
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9. active-layer thickness
The thickness of the layer of the ground that is subject to annual thawing
and freeing in areas underlain by permafrost.
The thickness of the active layer depends on such factors as the ambient air
temperature, vegetation, drainage, soil or rock type and total water content,
snowcover, and degree and orientation of slope. As a rule, the active layer is thin
in the High Arctic (it can be less than 15 cm) and becomes thicker farther south (1
m or more).
The thickness of the active layer can vary from year to year, primarily due to
variations in the mean annual air temperature, distribution of soil moisture, and
The thickness of the active layer includes the uppermost part of the permafrost
wherever either the salinity or clay content of the permafrost allows it to thaw and
refreeze annually, even though the material remains cryotic (T < 0°C).
Use of the term "depth to permafrost" as a synonym for the thickness of the
active layer is misleading, especially in areas where the active layer is separated
from the permafrost by a residual thaw layer, that is, by a thawed or noncryotic (T
> 0°C) layer of ground.
REFERENCES: Muller, 1943; Williams, 1965; van Everdingen, 1985.
may suggest some movement long after the ice has melted and the main body of the
rock glacier has stopped moving.
REFERENCES: White, 1976b; Washburn, 1979.
14. adfreeze/adfreezing
The process by which two objects are bonded together by ice formed
between them.
Adfreezing is the process that anchors piles or buried foundations in
permafrost, so that they can be unaffected by frost heave occurring in the active
SYNONYM: frost grip.
REFERENCE: Muller, 1943.
22. albedo
Albedo is a measure of the reflecting power of a surface, expressed as the
fraction of the incoming solar radiation reflected by the surface.
The albedo of natural land surfaces varies over a wide range, and it changes
with the seasons, primarily due to changes in vegetation and snowcover.
the valleys. As a result, permafrost is more extensive, thicker and colder in valley
bottoms than at higher elevations.
REFERENCE: Burn, 1994.
36. barrens
Areas of discontinuous vegetation cover in the polar semi-desert of the High
Unvegetated areas of polar desert may be caused by climatic factors (too cold
and/or too dry), or edaphic factors (low soil nutrients or toxic substrate), or a
combination of those.
Along the western Arctic coast of Canada for example, underground cavities,
apparently formed by pockets of methane gas, have been found filled with ice
crystals. The water from which the crystals have grown probably entered the
cavities through vapour diffusion.
REFERENCES: Mackay, 1965, 1972b.
Compressibility and its time dependence in frozen soils are due to several
causes, such as instantaneous compression of the gaseous phase, creep of the pore
ice due to shear stresses at the grain contacts, and hydrodynamic consolidation due
to the expulsion of unfrozen water under stress, the amount of which varies with
the applied pressure.
Taliks associated with rivers and lakes may occur in the continuous permafrost
REFERENCE: Brown, 1970b.
87. cryofront
The boundary between cryotic and noncryotic ground as indicated by the
position of the 0°C isotherm in the ground (see Figures 4 and 5).
The permafrost base and the boundaries between noncryotic and cryotic
portions of the active layer constitute cryofronts. As a result of freezing-point
depression, the freezing front usually lags behind the cryofront as it moves
downwards during annual freezing of the active layer.
REFERENCE: van Everdingen, 1976.
88. cryogenesis
The combination of thermophysical, physico-chemical and physico-
mechanical processes occurring in freezing, frozen and thawing earth
12 – DEFINITIONS Revision – 2005
Specific processes of cryogenesis include water migration during freezing and
thawing of the ground, frost heave, heat and mass (moisture) exchange, regelation
and gelifluction. In the Russian permafrost literature, cryogenesis includes mainly
processes that lead to development of permafrost cryostructure and landforms.
REFERENCE: Poppe and Brown, 1976.
101. cryolithology
The study of the genesis, structure and lithology of frozen earth materials.
This is a Russian term not widely used in North America. It is a branch of
geocryology in which lithological and ground-ice conditions are emphasized.
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106. cryopedology
The study of soils at temperatures below 0°C, with particular reference to
soils subject to intensive frost action, and to soils overlying permafrost.
As originally defined (Bryan, 1946), the term comprised the whole science of
geocryology, including the civil engineering methods used to overcome difficulties
resulting from intensive frost action and the existence of permafrost.
REFERENCES: Bryan, 1946; Canada Soil Survey Committee, 1978.
107. cryopeg
A layer of unfrozen ground that is perennially cryotic (forming part of the
permafrost), in which freezing is prevented by freezing-point depression
due to the dissolved-solids content of the pore water (see Figures 2, 4 and
Three types of cryopeg can be distinguished on the basis of their position with
respect to permafrost:
1. a basal cryopeg forms the basal portion of the permafrost;
2. an isolated cryopeg is entirely surrounded by perennially frozen ground;
3. a marine cryopeg is found in coastal or subsea perennially frozen ground;
marine cryopegs may also be basal and/or isolated.
In Russian literature cryopegs are defined as lenses of "cryosaline water"
(supercooled brine) found within saline cryotic soils or rock.
REFERENCE: Tolstikhin and Tolstikhin, 1974.
108. cryoplanation
The process through which cryoplanation terraces form.
Cryoplanation occurs most frequently in periglacial areas of moderate aridity
underlain by permafrost, under conditions of intense frost wedging associated with
110. cryosol
14 – DEFINITIONS Revision – 2005
112. cryosphere
That part of the earth's crust, hydrosphere and atmosphere subject to
temperatures below 0°C for at least part of each year.
The cryosphere may be divided into the cryoatmosphere, the cryohydrosphere
(snowcover, glaciers, and river, lake and sea ice) and the cryolithosphere
(perennially and seasonally cryotic ground). Some authorities exclude the earth's
atmosphere from the cryosphere; others restrict the term "cryosphere" to the
regions of the earth's crust where permafrost exists.
REFERENCE: Baranov, 1978.
114. cryostructure
The structural characteristics of frozen earth materials (see Figure 9).
The cryostructure is determined by the amount and distribution of pore ice (or
ice cement) and lenses of segregated ice. The type and arrangement of ice in the
frozen material will depend largely on the initial total water content of the material
and the extent of moisture migration during subsequent freezing.
For engineering purposes, the structure of frozen soil may be described as
massive, layered or reticulate, based on the type and distribution of ice in the soil.
A massive structure (not to be confused with massive ground-ice forms) is
characterized by the predominant presence of pore ice and by a relatively low total
ice content. In soils with a reticulate structure, ice veins generally form a random
net, whereas in those with a layered structure, well-oriented horizontal ice lenses
alternate with soil layers having a massive structure. In both cases their total ice
content is relatively high.
Russian permafrost scientists identify ten cryogenic structures or
cryostructures: basal, basal-layered, crust-like, layered, lens-type, massive-
agglomerate, massive, massive-porous, reticulate and reticulate-blocky.
REFERENCES: U.S.S.R., 1969, 1973; Poppe and Brown, 1976; Kudryavtsev,
Revision - 2005 DEFINITIONS - 15
115. cryosuction
A suction developed in freezing or partially frozen fine-grained materials
as a result of temperature-dependent differences in unfrozen water
Cryosuction occurs where gradients of the temperature-dependent unfrozen
water content in a freezing or partially frozen fine-grained earth material cause
hydraulic gradients large enough to induce migration of pore water from unfrozen
soil into the partially frozen soil via unfrozen water films.
SYNONYM: (not recommended) frost suction.
REFERENCES: Blanchard and Frémond, 1982.
117. cryotexture
The textural characteristics of frozen, fine-grained organic and mineral
earth materials cemented together with ice.
Cryotextures may be useful in determining the nature of the freezing process
and the conditions under which the sediments accumulated.
REFERENCES: Poppe and Brown, 1976; Kudryavtsev, 1978.
119. cryoturbate
A body of earth material moved or disturbed by frost action.
The process of cryoturbation results in the disruption and distortion of soil
horizons and structures, the formation of patterned ground, the growth of
involutions, and the redistribution of organic-rich subsurface masses and layers.
Downslope soil movements are more properly termed solifluction, gelifluction and
frost creep, although many authors include the products of solifluction within the
term cryoturbate.
SYNONYMS: cryoturbations and (not recommended) congeliturbate.
120. cryoturbation
16 – DEFINITIONS Revision – 2005
122. deformability
The ability of a material to change its shape or size under the influence of
an external or internal agency, such as stress, temperature, or pore
123. degree-day (C or F)
A derived unit of measurement used to express the departure of the mean
temperature for a day from a given reference (or base) temperature.
The freezing index and the thawing index are expressed in degree-days with
respect to a reference temperature of 0°C (32°F); units: degree-day Celsius or
degree-day Fahrenheit.
REFERENCE: Boyd, 1979.
Neither definition is the equivalent of the standard definition used in soil
mechanics where the degree of saturation is the ratio of the volume of water in a
soil to the volume of the pores.
Epigenetic ice wedges grow progressively wider, rather than deeper, and are
characteristically wedge-shaped. The ice of an epigenetic ice wedge is oldest on
the outside edges.
REFERENCES: Romanovskii, 1973; Mackay, 1990.
159. epigenetic permafrost
Permafrost that formed through lowering of the permafrost base in
previously deposited sediment or other earth material.
163. fabric
Soil micromorphology.
This fabric, found in cryosols, commonly occurs in soil horizons close to the
freezing front, where soil material is subject to ice lense formation.
REFERENCES: Brewer and Pawluk, 1975; Pawluk and Brewer, 1975; Fox, 1983.
180. freezeback
Refreezing of thawed materials.
This term is used to describe:
1. seasonal refreezing of the thawed active layer (see Figure 4), or
2. refreezing of soil thawed as a result of construction activity or drilling of a
well in permafrost, and of soil placed as backfill or a slurry around foundations
or engineering facilities buried or embedded in frozen ground, e.g., pipelines,
piles or shallow foundations in permafrost.
REFERENCE: Johnston, 1981.
191. frost
The occurrence of air temperatures below 0°C.
An alternative definition states that "frost is the condition existing when the
surface temperature falls below freezing (0°C)". In British usage, "ground frost" is
recorded when a minimum thermometer just above a grass surface reads less than
Significant cumulative ice segregation and frost heave may occur even in
seasonally frost-stable ground (e.g., gravels and rock) under conditions of
continuous freezing and plentiful water supply.
SYNONYM: (not recommended) non-frost-susceptible ground.
REFERENCES: van Everdingen, 1976; Chamberlain, 1981; Konrad and
Morgenstern, 1983.
233. gelifluction
The slow downslope flow of unfrozen earth materials on a frozen
Gelifluction is a type of solifluction implying the presence of either seasonal
frost or permafrost.
REFERENCE: Washburn, 1979.
235. geocryology
The study of earth materials having a temperature below 0°C.
The term is derived from the Russian word "geokriologiya". Although glaciers
are not excluded, the term is usually applied to the study of frozen ground,
including seasonally frozen ground as well as permafrost.
REFERENCES: Fyodorov and Ivanov, 1974; Poppe and Brown, 1976; Washburn,
Heaving pressure develops during the formation of both pore ice and ice
lenses. It is responsible for the heaving of utilities, foundations, pavements etc.
268. ice
Water in the solid state.
Ice commonly occurs as hexagonal crystals. In permafrost regions, ice may
occupy voids in soils and rocks and may develop in a variety of forms. Ice may be
colourless to pale blue or greenish-blue. It may appear white due to included gas
bubbles; in exposures, ground ice may also appear black. Various types of ground
ice are defined elsewhere in this Glossary.
The relief may be totally or partially due to thermokarst, or to irregular
development of ground ice, primarily segregated ice, or to buried glacier ice. An
example is the "involuted hill" near Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T.
REFERENCES: Rampton, 1974; Rampton and Walcott, 1974.
whereas syngenetic ice wedges and anti-syngenetic ice wedges are generally
wedge-shaped but with more irregular sides (see also epigenetic permafrost,
syngenetic permafrost).
Ice wedges are formed in thermal contraction cracks in which hoar frost (see
open-cavity ice) forms and into which water from melting snow penetrates in the
spring. Repeated annual contraction cracking of the ice in the wedge, followed by
freezing of water in the crack, gradually increases the width (and possibly the
depth) of the wedge and causes vertical banding of the ice mass. The surface
expression of ice wedges is generally a network of polygons. Ice wedges growing
as a result of repeated (but not necessarily annual) winter cracking are called active
ice wedges. They occur primarily in areas of continuous permafrost when
developed in mineral soil. Inactive ice wedges can be stable and remain for many
centuries without changing.
REFERENCES: Dostovalov and Popov, 1966; Lachenbruch, 1966; Mackay and
Black, 1973; French, 1976; Washburn, 1979; French et al., 1982; Mackay and
Matthews, 1983; Mackay, 1990.
288. iciness
A qualitative term describing the quantity of ice in frozen ground.
In Russian literature, the equivalent term is used to describe volumetric ice
content of frozen, or partially frozen, soil or rock. The "relative iciness" is
expressed as the ratio of the mass of ice to the total mass of water (ice and unfrozen
water) present.
REFERENCE: U.S.S.R., 1969.
289. icing
38 – DEFINITIONS Revision – 2005
Inactive ice wedges can be stable and remain unchanged for decades or
vein) whereas the domed form is analogous to a laccolith (see frost blister, pingo).
Use of terms such as "sill ice" or "hydrolaccolith," however, is not recommended.
Intrusive ice may develop in porous unconsolidated sediments and in jointed or
fractured bedrock. Fractures may become enlarged by hydraulic fracturing or frost
wedging processes. For the greatest effect, water must become trapped in the joints
or fractures and be subjected to relatively rapid freezing.
SYNOMYM: (not recommended) injection ice.
REFERENCES: Mackay, 1972b; Dyke, 1981, 1984.
308. kurum
A general term for all types of coarse clastic formations on slopes of 2-3 to
40 degrees, moving downslope mainly due to creep.
Revision - 2005 DEFINITIONS - 41
This Russian term, used extensively in Siberia, covers "stone streams", "rock
streams", "rock covers", and "rock fields".
REFERENCE: Tiurin, Romanovskii and Poltev, 1982.
Silt or loam with a lens-type cryostructure has a relatively high ice content.
REFERENCE: Kudryavtsev, 1978.
(the active layer). Small changes in the annual range of surface temperature and in
the mean annual surface temperature from year to year, or over a period of a few
years, may cause a layer of ground between the bottom of the active layer and the
permafrost table to remain at a temperature above 0°C, creating a talik or residual
thaw layer.
behaviour of frozen soil under sustained loading. Under high confining stresses
and at relatively high freezing temperatures, most frozen soils creep and eventually
fail in a plastic manner. On the other hand, under compression at low confining
stresses, or at tensile stresses combined with low temperatures, many frozen soils
fail in a brittle manner by tensile crack propagation.
344. n-factor
The ratio of the surface freezing or thawing index to the air freezing or
thawing index.
At any site, (standard) air temperatures are seldom the same as surface
(air/substrate boundary) temperatures. Because air temperatures (measured at
weather stations) are usually available and surface temperatures are not, the n-
factor (an empirically determined coefficient) is used to relate air temperatures to
surface temperatures in order to establish the thermal boundary condition at the
surface, particularly for engineering purposes.
The difference between air and surface temperatures at any specific time and
location is greatly influenced by climatic, surface and subsurface conditions (e.g.,
latitude, cloud cover, time of day or year, relative humidity, wind speed, type of
surface--wet, dry, moss, snow, natural vegetated terrain, mineral soil, pavements--
and thermal properties of the ground). The average surface temperature and n-
factor may vary significantly from year to year, even for a given surface and
location, as well as for different sites, surfaces and soil systems.
Values of the freezing and thawing n-factors have been determined for a large
number of sites and surfaces and are widely used for predicting surface
temperatures and the thermal regime of the ground. The data vary widely,
however, and indicate that a rigorous value of n for a given site cannot simply be
chosen from these data. Direct determination of the n-factor for a specific location
is much better and requires concurrent observations of air and surface temperatures
throughout at least one and preferably several complete freezing and thawing
REFERENCES: Carlson and Kersten, 1953; Lunardini, 1978, 1981.
Needle ice forms during nights when there is extensive radiative cooling,
causing ice segregation in the surface layer of the soil. The needles can form under
stones, soil peds, moss or other surface vegetation and are best developed in alpine
areas with maritime temperate climates where silty or organic soils are present.
They can also form on coarse-grained, porous volcanic ejectamenta (e.g., in British
Columbia and Iceland). The Swedish term "pipkrake" is sometimes used to
describe needle ice.
REFERENCES: Krumme, 1935; Mackay and Mathews, 1974; Washburn, 1979.
Nonsorted steps are only found on slopes, commonly ranging from 5° to 15°;
their downslope border forms a low riser fronting a tread whose slope is less than
the general slope. Nonsorted steps are assumed to be derived from nonsorted nets
or hummocks or nonsorted polygons, rather than to develop independently.
REFERENCE: Washburn, 1979.
Oriented lakes appear to develop by differential erosion of permafrost
shorelines formed in fine-grained, homogeneous sediments under the influence of
predominant winds. In some cases, bedrock structural control may also determine
lake orientation. Oriented lakes also occur in non-permafrost environments.
REFERENCES: Black and Barksdale, 1949; Rex, 1961; Carson and Hussey, 1962;
Price, 1968; Sellman et al., 1975; Harry and French, 1983.
366. palsa
A peaty permafrost mound possessing a core of alternating layers of
segregated ice and peat or mineral soil material (see Figures 14 and 15a).
Palsas are typically between 1 and 7 m in height and a few metres to 100 m in
diameter. The term is of Fennoscandian origin, originally meaning ".... a hummock
rising out of a bog with a core of ice" (Seppälä, 1972). Implicit in this definition
are their constructional nature, their origin in wetlands (fens or peat bogs), and that
ice segregation in mineral soil beneath peat is the process responsible for growth.
Most, but not all, palsas occur in the discontinuous permafrost zone.
A more general definition has been proposed by Washburn (1983) in which the
term is applied in a descriptive sense to a broader range of permafrost mounds that
may include intrusive as well as segregated ice: "Palsas are peaty permafrost
mounds, ranging from about 0.5 to about 10 m in height and exceeding about 2 m
in average diameter, comprising (1) aggradation forms due to permafrost
aggradation at an active-layer/permafrost contact zone, and (2) similar-appearing
degradation forms due to disintegration of an extensive peaty deposit". The
disadvantage of this broader definition is that mounds of entirely different origins
(e.g., those including intrusive ice) are grouped under one term. It is proposed,
therefore, that the term "palsa" be restricted to those features where the internal
structure shows the presence of segregated ice and where the environment lacks
high hydraulic potentials, provided that other parameters (size, shape, location in
wetlands) are also satisfied. The term "frost mound" should be used as a non-
genetic term to describe the range of morphologically similar, but genetically
different, features that occur in permafrost terrain.
SYNONYMS: peat hummock; peat mound.
REFERENCES: Fries and Bergström, 1910; Lundqvist, 1969; Seppälä, 1972;
Zoltai and Tarnocai, 1971, 1975; Washburn, 1983.
falls below the ground temperature, the vapour condenses in the radiator section of
the tube, the pressure in the tube is reduced and the liquid in the lower section starts
to boil. The resulting cycle of boiling, vapour movement up the tube,
condensation, and return of the condensate by gravity flow is an effective way of
transferring heat up the tube, thus cooling the ground.
374. peat
A deposit consisting of decayed or partially decayed humified plant
Peat is commonly formed by the slow decay of successive layers of aquatic
and semi-aquatic plants in swampy or water-logged areas, where oxygen is absent.
lenses of segregated ice occur especially in the mineral soil but they are thinner
and less extensive in peat plateaus than in palsas. Flat-topped, somewhat raised
peatlands without an icy core occur in non-permafrost environments but are not
peat plateaus.
SYNONYM: (not recommended) palsa plateau.
REFERENCES: Brown, 1970a; Zoltai, 1972; Zoltai and Tarnocai, 1975.
378. peatland
Peat-covered terrain.
Stanek (1977) and Stanek and Worley (1983) should be consulted for
definitions and information on peat and peatland and associated features.
There is no international agreement on the minimum thickness of peat required
for the terrain to be classified as "peatland". In Canada, peatland is defined as a
type of wetland formed by the accumulation of plant remains with negligible
In the discontinuous permafrost zone, especially near the southern limit,
peatland is often underlain by permafrost, reflecting the thermal insulating qualities
of peat. Palsas, peat plateaus and polygonal peat plateaus are permafrost-related
peatland features (see Figure 15).
SYNOMYMS: (not recommended) muskeg; organic terrain.
REFERENCES: Zoltai and Tarnocai, 1975; Stanek, 1977; Tarnocai, 1980; Stanek
and Worley, 1983.
381. pereletok
A layer of frozen ground which forms as part of the seasonally frozen
ground (in areas free of permafrost or with a lowered permafrost table),
remains frozen throughout one or several summers, and then thaws.
Use of this Russian term is not recommended. It presupposes arbitrarily that
pereletok is not permafrost although the definition assigns a sufficient duration of
time for it to be considered as permafrost. Furthermore, the definition implies a
basic difference in characteristics between pereletok, on the one hand, and
permafrost of only a few years' duration, on the other hand, where in fact no
difference exists. It is preferable to regard frozen ground as permafrost if it lasts at
least from one winter through the succeeding thawing season to the next winter,
and as seasonally frozen ground if it lasts only through part of a year. For the same
reason, the use of the term "climafrost" as a synonym for pereletok is not
REFERENCE: Brown, 1966.
386. periglacial
The conditions, processes and landforms associated with cold, nonglacial
Revision - 2005 DEFINITIONS - 55
The term was originally used to describe the climatic and geomorphic
conditions of areas peripheral to Pleistocene ice sheets and glaciers. Modern usage
refers, however, to a wider range of cold climatic conditions regardless of their
proximity to a glacier, either in space or time. Many, but not all, periglacial
environments possess permafrost; all are dominated by frost action processes.
REFERENCES: Dylik, 1964; French, 1976; Washburn, 1979.
389. permacrete
An artificial mixture of frozen soil materials cemented by pore ice, which
forms a concrete-like construction material used in cold regions.
When soils of appropriate gradation are brought to their saturation moisture
content, mixed and compacted to maximum density and then frozen, a material of
relatively high strength is obtained so long as it is kept frozen. Permacrete has
been moulded in brick or block form or placed in forms and used for construction
(e.g., of walls and columns, both underground in tunnels, mines, etc., and on the
ground surface in a freezing environment).
REFERENCE: Swinzow, 1966.
390. permafrost
Ground (soil or rock and included ice and organic material) that remains
at or below 0°C for at least two consecutive years (see Figure 2).
Permafrost is synonymous with perennially cryotic ground: it is defined on the
basis of temperature. It is not necessarily frozen, because the freezing point of the
included water may be depressed several degrees below 0°C; moisture in the form
of water or ice may or may not be present. In other words, whereas all perennially
frozen ground is permafrost, not all permafrost is perennially frozen. Permafrost
should not be regarded as permanent, because natural or man-made changes in the
climate or terrain may cause the temperature of the ground to rise above 0°C.
Permafrost includes perennial ground ice, but not glacier ice or icings, or
bodies of surface water with temperatures perennially below 0°C; it does include
56 – DEFINITIONS Revision – 2005
A region in which the temperature of some or all of the ground below the
seasonally freezing and thawing layer remains continuously at or below
0°C for at least two consecutive years.
The permafrost region is commonly subdivided into permafrost zones (see
Figure 1).
404. pingo
A perennial frost mound consisting of a core of massive ice, produced
primarily by injection of water, and covered with soil and vegetation.
Pingos occur in both the continuous and discontinuous permafrost zones. The
term "pingo," a local Inuktitut term used in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada, was
applied to relatively large features with heights of 10 m or more and horizontal
dimensions of more than 100 m. Most pingos are conical, somewhat asymmetric,
and have a circular or oval base and a fissured top that may be cratered. The
fissures and craters are the result of rupturing of the soil and vegetation cover
during doming due to progressive development of the ice core (see dilation crack).
Seasonal frost mounds (e.g., frost blisters), should not be called pingos.
SYNONYMS: (not recommended) bulgunniakh, hydrolaccolith.
REFERENCES: Porsild, 1938; Mackay, 1973b, 1979; Washburn, 1979.
58 – DEFINITIONS Revision – 2005
413. polygon
Polygons are closed, multi-sided, roughly equidimensional patterned-
ground features, bounded by more or less straight sides; some of the sides
may be irregular (see Figure 16a, b).
Macro-scale polygons, typically 15 to 30 m across, result from thermal
contraction cracking of the ground and form random or oriented polygonal patterns.
They occur in both mineral terrain and peatland (see polygonal peat plateau). Ice-
wedge polygons are common in poorly drained areas and may be either high-
centred or low-centred. Sand-wedge polygons occur where wedges of primary
mineral infill underly the polygon boundaries. Some polygons may be formed by
seasonal frost cracking in areas of deep seasonal frost.
Micro-scale polygonal patterns, usually less than 2 m in diameter, are normally
caused by desiccation cracking.
SYNONYMS: frost polygon, frost-crack polygon, and (not recommended)
depressed-centre polygon, fissure polygon, raised-centre polygon, Taimyr polygon,
tundra polygon
REFERENCES: Rapp and Clark, 1971; Washburn, 1979.
422. pressure-melting
Lowering the melting point of ice by applying pressure.
Application of pressure increases the unfrozen water content by a small
amount in frozen soils at a given temperature. Ice in soils is more easily melted by
this process than bulk ice, because of stress concentrations at the soil intergranular
REFERENCES: Anderson and Morgenstern, 1973; Glen, 1974.
440. salinity
1. A general property of aqueous solutions caused by the alkali, alkaline
earth, and metal salts of strong acids (Cl, SO4 and NO3) that are not
2. In soil science, the ratio of the weight of salt in a soil sample to the
total weight of the sample.
Often used, inappropriately, as a synonym for the dissolved-solids content of
aqueous solutions.
Sand wedges are wedges of primary filling since, at the time of their
formation, they are filled with mineral soil. Upon thawing of the permafrost, there
is little or no void space left, and any subsequent downward movement of material
into the wedge is negligible.
A sand wedge is not a replacement feature (or ice-wedge cast) associated with
the melting of an ice wedge. It is a type of soil wedge showing marked vertical
fabric and laminations.
SYNONYM: (not recommended) tesselation.
REFERENCES: Berg and Black, 1966; Black, 1976; Washburn, 1979; Mackay and
Matthews, 1983.
461. snow
Ice crystals precipitated from the atmosphere, mainly in complex hexagon
(plate, column or needle) form, often agglomerated into snowflakes.
Meteorologically, snow also includes snow grains (opaque granular ice
particles). Snow pellets are aggregations of supercooled water droplets collected
on an initial ice crystal.
462. snowcover
The accumulation of fallen snow covering the ground.
463. snowdrift
An accumulation of wind-blown snow, commonly considerably thicker
than the surrounding snowcover.
464. snowline
The lower boundary of a highland region in which snow never melts.
465. snowmelt
Melting of the snowcover, and also the period during which melting of the
snowcover occurs at the end of the winter.
Revision - 2005 DEFINITIONS - 67
467. snowpatch
Relatively small area of snowcover remaining after the main snowmelt
Such areas commonly represent remnants of snowdrifts.
470. solifluction
Slow downslope flow of saturated unfrozen earth materials (see Figure
The presence of a frozen substrate, or even freezing and thawing is not implied
in the original definition (Andersson, 1906). However, one component of
solifluction can be the creep of frozen ground. Rates of flow vary widely. The
term is commonly applied to processes operating in both seasonal frost and
permafrost areas.
REFERENCES: Andersson, 1906; Washburn, 1979.
Sorted steps are only found on slopes ranging from 5° to 15°; their downslope
border forms a low riser fronting a tread whose slope is less than the general slope.
Sorted steps are presumed to be derived either from sorted circles or from sorted
polygons, rather than to develop independently. Some sorted steps clearly form an
intermediate stage between sorted polygons and sorted stripes.
SYNONYM: stone garland.
REFERENCE: Washburn, 1979.
505. supercooling
Cooling of a liquid to a temperature below its freezing point, without
causing solidification.
to increasing pressure during progressive freezing of the active layer (see cryogenic
REFERENCES: Williams, 1965, 1970; Tolstikhin and Tolstikhin, 1974.
515. talik
A layer or body of unfrozen ground occurring in a permafrost area due to
a local anomaly in thermal, hydrological, hydrogeological, or
hydrochemical conditions (see Figure 11).
Taliks may have temperatures above 0°C (noncryotic) or below 0°C (cryotic,
forming part of the permafrost). Some taliks may be affected by seasonal freezing.
Several types of taliks can be distinguished on the basis of their relationship to the
permafrost (closed, open, lateral, isolated and transient taliks), and on the basis of
the mechanism responsible for their unfrozen condition (hydrochemical,
hydrothermal and thermal taliks):
1. closed talik - a noncryotic talik occupying a depression in the permafrost table
below a lake or river (also called "lake talik" and "river talik"); its temperature
remains above 0°C because of the heat storage effect of the surface water;
2. hydrochemical talik - a cryotic talik in which freezing is prevented by
mineralized groundwater flowing through the talik.
3. hydrothermal talik - a noncryotic talik, the temperature of which is maintained
above 0°C by the heat supplied by groundwater flowing through the talik;
4. isolated talik - a talik entirely surrounded by perennially frozen ground;
usually cryotic (see isolated cryopeg), but may be noncryotic (see transient
5. lateral talik - a talik overlain and underlain by perennially frozen ground; can
be noncryotic or cryotic;
6. open talik - a talik that penetrates the permafrost completely, connecting
suprapermafrost and subpermafrost water, (e.g., below large rivers and lakes).
It may be noncryotic (see hydrothermal talik) or cryotic (see hydrochemical
SYNONYMS: (not recommended) through talik, penetrating talik, perforating
talik, piercing talik;
7. thermal talik - a noncryotic talik, the temperature of which is above 0°C due to
the local thermal regime of the ground;
8. transient talik - a talik that is gradually being eliminated by freezing, e.g., the
initially noncryotic closed talik below a small lake which, upon draining of the
lake, is turned into a transient isolated talik by permafrost aggradation (see
also closed-system pingo).
REFERENCES: Williams, 1965; Washburn, 1973; van Everdingen, 1976.
In permafrost regions, thaw basins exist beneath bodies of water such as lakes
or rivers that do not freeze to the bottom in winter. They may be quite extensive
both in depth (from a few metres to more than a 100 m) and in areal extent (from
several tens of metres to more than 2 km) and they may be irregular in shape.
Their depth, areal extent and shape depend on the size of the water body, the type
and properties of earth material underlying it, and the presence of ground ice and
SYNONYMS: closed talik and (not recommended) thaw depression.
may become unstable, dam foundations may fail, and differential settlements may
be aggravated).
REFERENCES: Andersland and Anderson, 1978; Johnston, 1981.
3. seasonal thawing index - calculated as the arithmetic sum of all the positive
and negative mean daily air temperatures (°C) for a specific station during the
time period between the lowest point in the spring and the highest point the
next fall on the cumulative degree-day time curve (Huschke, 1959);
4. design thawing index - calculated by taking the average of the seasonal
thawing indices for the three warmest summers in the most recent 30 years of
record. If data for 30 years are not available, then the index is based on the
warmest summer in the latest 10-year period of record (U.S. Army/Air Force,
The total annual thawing index has been used to predict permafrost
distribution, and the design thawing index is commonly used in engineering design
to estimate the maximum depth of thaw in frozen ground.
A surface (ground, pavement, etc.) thawing index differs from the air thawing
index (see n-factor).
surface temperature will fluctuate during the year, causing a layer of ground
immediately beneath the surface to thaw in the summer and freeze in the winter
(the active layer). Small changes in the annual range of surface temperature and in
the mean annual surface temperature from year to year, or over a period of a few
years, may cause a layer of ground between the bottom of the active layer and the
permafrost table to remain at a temperature above 0°C, creating a talik or residual
thaw layer.
The mean annual ground temperature usually increases with depth below the
surface. In some northern areas, however, it is not uncommon to find that the mean
annual ground temperature decreases in the upper 50 to 100 metres below the
ground surface as a result of past changes in surface and climate conditions. Below
that depth, it will increase as a result of heat flow from the interior of the earth.
The rate of change of temperature with depth in the earth is known as the
geothermal gradient
The geothermal gradient at a specific location can be determined from
accurate measurements of ground temperature made at several depths to obtain the
temperature profile over a period of time. A rough approximation of the mean
annual surface temperature can be made by extrapolating the geothermal gradient
to the ground surface. In permafrost areas, extrapolation of the gradient
downwards to the point where the ground temperature changes from below to
above 0°C will provide an estimate of the depth to the permafrost base. The
thermal regime of the ground at various locations is often assessed using the mean
annual ground temperature at the depth of zero annual amplitude.
The geothermal heat flux is the amount of heat moving steadily outward from
the interior of the earth by conduction through a unit area in unit time. It is
generally calculated as the product of the geothermal gradient and the thermal
conductivity of the earth materials at a given depth; its value is very small.
REFERENCES: Lachenbruch, 1959; Gold, 1967; Gold and Lachenbruch, 1973;
Goodrich, 1982.
A niche may extend more than 10 m into a river bank or coastal bluff.
Subsequently, the undercut sediments may collapse along a line of weakness, such
as an ice wedge, destroying the niche. Niche development and bank/bluff collapse
is a unique mechanism of erosion in permafrost regions. Very rapid coastal or
bank retreat can occur if collapse debris is removed by waves or water currents.
REFERENCES: Walker and Arnborg, 1966; Czudek and Demek, 1970; French,
1976; Are, 1978; Newbury et al., 1978; Harry et al., 1983.
558. thermokarst
The process by which characteristic landforms result from the thawing of
ice-rich permafrost or the melting of massive ice.
Landforms found in thermokarst terrain include alasses, thermokarst lakes,
and thermokarst mounds.
REFERENCES: French, 1976; Washburn, 1979.
563. thermosyphon
A passive heat transfer device installed to remove heat from the ground
(see Figure 24).
A thermosyphon, also called thermotube, or heat pipe, usually consists of a
sealed tube, with a small radiator above the ground surface, containing a liquid
and/or gas. These devices have no moving parts, require no external power for
operation, and function only when air temperatures are lower than the ground
temperature. They may be either single- or two-phase systems.
A single-phase thermosyphon is usually liquid- or air-filled. During the
winter, heat from the soil surrounding the embedded portion of the pipe is absorbed
by and thus warms the working fluid, which rises to the above-ground radiator
section of the pipe exposed to the cooler air and loses its heat by conduction and
natural convection.
A two-phase thermosyphon contains a working fluid that can be in either the
liquid or vapour phase, depending on its temperature. When the air temperature
falls below the ground temperature, the vapour condenses in the radiator section of
the tube, the pressure in the tube is reduced and the liquid in the lower section starts
to boil. The resulting cycle of boiling, vapour movement up the tube,
condensation, and return of the condensate by gravity flow is an effective way of
transferring heat up the tube, thus cooling the ground.
REFERENCES: Long, 1966; Heuer, 1979; Johnston, 1981; Hayley, 1982; Hayley
et al., 1983.
566. thufur
Perennial hummocks formed in either the active layer in permafrost areas,
or in the seasonally frozen ground in non-permafrost areas, during
freezing of the ground (see Figure 20d).
Thufur (an Icelandic term, plural of "thufa") can be formed in the warmer part
of the zone of discontinuous permafrost and also under conditions of maritime
Revision - 2005 DEFINITIONS - 85
An example is the initially noncryotic closed talik below a small lake which,
upon draining of the lake, is turned into a transient, isolated talik by permafrost
REFERENCE: van Everdingen, 1976.
571. tundra
Treeless terrain, with a continuous cover of vegetation, found at both high
latitudes and high altitudes.
Tundra vegetation comprises lichens, mosses, sedges, grasses, forbs and low
shrubs, including heaths, and dwarf willows and birches. This vegetation cover
occurs most widely in the zone immediately north of the boreal forest including the
treeless parts of the forest-tundra ecotone adjacent to the treeline. In high altitudes,
tundra occurs immediately above the forest zone, and the upper altitudinal
The term "tundra" is used to refer to both the region and the vegetation
growing in the region. It should not be used as an adjective to describe lakes,
polygons or other physiographic features.
Areas of discontinuous vegetation in the polar semi-desert of the High Arctic
are better termed barrens. Unvegetated areas of polar desert may be caused by
climatic (too cold or too dry) or edaphic (low soil nutrients or toxic substrate)
factors or a combination of both.
REFERENCE: Polunin, 1951.
In permafrost regions, the zone of gas-hydrate stability is commonly found
near the permafrost base.
Use BOOKMARKS to find individual Figures
(revised 2005)
Figure 1. General distribution of permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere (by J. A. Heginbottom,
February 1998).
Figure 2. Terms used to describe the ground temperature relative to 0°C, and the state of the
water versus depth, in a permafrost environment (modified from van Everdingen, 1985}
Figure 3. Terms used to describe the state of the water relative to ground temperature in soil
materials subjected to freezing temperatures (modified from van Everdingen, 1985)
Figure 4. Terms used to describe seasonal changes in the ground temperature relative to 0°C,
and in the state of the water versus depth, in a permafrost environment (modified
from van Everdingen, 1985)
Figure 5. Diagram showing the relative positions of the frozen fringe, the freezing front and the
cryofront during freezing of a fine-grained, frost-susceptible soil
Figure 6. Diagram illustrating the zero curtain
Figure 7. Diagrams illustrating frost heave and thaw settlement resulting from closed- and
open-system freezing of soil materials and the formation of excess ice
Figure 8a
Figure 8b
Figure 8. Cryogenic fabrics, as seen in thin sections (Photos by C.A. Fox, Agriculture Canada,
except for (c) by C. Tarnocai, Agriculture Canada).
(a) Discrete, rounded to subangular, units of soil material, granic fabric, at the 0 to 30 cm depth
of a Brunisolic Turbic Cryosol developed in an earth hummock formed on an undulating
morainal till deposit in the Mackenzie Plain, N.W.T. Plane-polarized light, vertical section.
(b) Planar voids resulting from the coalescence of discrete units at their contact points
(fragmoidic fabric). Observed within permafrost at a depth of 25 to 38 cm in an Orthic
Turbic Cryosol developed in an earth hummock formed on a rolling morainal till in the
Mackenzie Plain near Carcajou River, N.W.T. Plane polarized light, vertical section.
Figure 8c
Figure 8d
Figure 8 (continued).
(c) Banded fabric showing a gradation of fine-to-coarse particle sizes within each layer.
Observed within the active layer at approximately 30 cm in an Orthic Turbic Cryosol. This
soil was developed in a small polygon formed on rolling terrain near Goodsir Inlet, Bathurst
Island, N.W.T. Partially crossed nicols, vertical section.
(d) Coarse-sized particles form a circular to ellipsoidal pattern referred to as orbiculic fabric. The
large circular black regions are pore space (vesicular pores). Observed at a depth of 0 to 20
cm in an Orthic Turbic Cryosol developed in a non-sorted circle on an unglaciated colluvial
deposit of the Carcajou Range (Mackenzie Mountains) N.W.T. Crossed nicols, vertical
Figure 8e
Figure 8f
Figure 8 (continued).
Figure 9b
(a) Segregated ice in varved glaciolacustrine silty clay, Thompson, Manitoba (Photo by G.H.
Johnston, National Research Council of Canada)
(b) Inclined ice lenses, 30 to 80 cm long and 5 to 10 cm thick, formed by subaqueous syngenetic
freezing of glaciolacustrine silty clay near Mayo, Yukon Territory (Photo by H.M. French,
University of Ottawa)
Figure 9c
Figure 9d
Figure 9 (continued).
(c) Coarse reticulate network of ice veins formed in glaciolacustrine clay, Sabine Point, Beaufort
Sea coastal plain, Yukon Territory (Photo by D.G. Harry, Geological Survey of Canada)
(d) Fine reticulate network of ice veins formed in silty clay diamicton, Pelly Island, Mackenzie
Delta, N.W.T. (Photo by H.M. French, University of Ottawa)
Figure 9e. Schematic drawings illustrating various cryostructure terms (after hand-drawn
sketches by N. N. Romanovskii, 1995).
Figure 10a
Figure 10b
(a) Aggradational ice at the top of permafrost and exposed at the 2 m depth in a pipeline trench,
approximately 98 km south of Norman Wells, N.W.T. (Photo by D.G. Harry, Geological
Survey of Canada)
(b) Ice (dilation crack ice?) between the ice core and heaved, silty, gravelly overburden of a
collapsed pingo, Thomsen River, north central Banks Island, N.W.T. (Photo by H.M. French,
University of Ottawa)
Figure 10c
Figure l0d
Figure 10 (continued).
(c) Columnar ice crystals in a 10 to 20 cm thick layer of intrusive ice from within a seasonal
frost blister, North Fork Pass, Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon Territory (Photo by W.H. Pollard,
Memorial University)
(d) Massive ice exposed at Peninsula Point, 5 km southwest of Tuktoyaktuk, Mackenzie Delta,
N.W.T. (Photo by H.M. French, University of Ottawa)
Figure 10e
Figure 10f
Figure 10 (continued).
(e) Glacially deformed massive ice exposed on north coast of Pelly Island, Mackenzie Delta,
N.W.T. The exposure is approximately 7 to 10 m high. (Photo by D.G. Harry, Geological
Survey of Canada)
(f) Massive ice body near Sabine Point, Beaufort Sea coastal plain, Yukon Territory. (Photo by
H.M. French, University of Ottawa)
Figure 10g
Figure 10h
Figure 10 (continued).
(g) Needle ice exposed after removal of a stone, Boutillier Pass, Alaska Highway, Yukon
Territory. (Photo by S.A. Harris, University of Calgary)
(h) Large body of pingo ice exposed near summit of a small growing pingo, 3 km west of
Tuktoyaktuk, Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T. (Photo by H.M. French, University of Ottawa)
Figure 11. Cross sections illustrating terms used to describe unfrozen zones in a permafrost
environment, and their relationships with surface water and groundwater flow
(modified from van Everdingen, 1976)
Figure 12. Sequence of events in the formation and decay of frost blisters and
icing blisters (modified from van Everdingen, 1978)
Figure 13a Figure 13b
Figure 13c
Figure 13. Seasonal frost mounds at Bear Rock, near Ft. Norman, N.W.T. (Photos by R.O. van
Everdingen, Environment Canada)
(a) Frost blister in early July, after melting of snow and the surrounding icing
(b) The same frost blister in early September, after thawing of the seasonally frozen soil cover and partial
collapse of the intrusive ice into the drained cavity
(c) Drained cavity (up to 40 cm high) exposed below cut-away intrusive ice in one of the frost blisters
(cut at left is about 60 cm high)
Figure 13d
Figure 13e
Figure 13 (continued).
(d) Ruptured and partially collapsed icing blister in March (drained cavity was 90 cm high); note
smaller icing blister in foreground
(e) Block of layered icing ice and massive intrusive ice from a ruptured icing blister (top is at
left; tape shows centimetres)
Figure 14. Cross section of a peat plateau - collapse scar area with a young palsa in the
discontinuous permafrost zone (modified from Tarnocai, 1973)
Figure 15a
Figure 15b
(a) Palsa and peat plateau complex, Sheldrake Lake area, Quebec (Photo by M.K. Seguin,
Universit~ Laval)
(b) Peat plateaus occurring as islands in an unfrozen string fen, Nelson River area, Manitoba
(Photo by S.C. Zoltai, Environment Canada)
Figure 15c
Figure 15d
Figure 15 (continued).
(c) Polygonal peat plateau near the tree line, Richardson Mountains, N.W.T. (Photo by S.C.
Zoltai, Environment Canada)
(d) A string fen, looking upstream, Lac La Ronge, Saskatchewan (Photo by S.C. Zoltai,
Environment Canada)
Figure 15 (continued).
(e) Collapse scars, some with remnant peat plateaus marked by tall trees, near Wabowden,
Manitoba (Photo by S.C. Zoltai, Environment Canada)
Figure 16. Examples of patterned ground
(a) Oblique aerial view of high-centre polygons on sediments of the Deer Bay Formation,
northern Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. (Photo by M.F. Nixon, Geological
Survey of Canada)
Figure 16 (continued).
(b) Oblique aerial view of low-centre polygons on a river terrace north of Raddi Lake,
southwestern Banks Island, N.W.T. (Photo by J-S. Vincent, Geological Survey of Canada)
Figure l6 (continued).
(c) Frost boils on shallow lacustrine silts overlying till, on the west side of Irene Bay, central
Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. (Photo by D.A. Hodgson, Geological Survey of Canada)
Figure 16 (continued).
(d) Solifluction of till across marine-limit raised beaches near Kaminak Lake, N.W.T. Frost boils
can be seen on the till, thermal contraction crack polygons are seen on the raised beaches, and
solifluction stripes are visible on the till in the middle-right of the field of view. The
downslope edge of the solifluction sheet forms a turf-banked terrace. The white bar is the
antenna of the helicopter. (Photo by W.W. Shilts, Geological Survey of Canada)
Figure 16 (continued).
(e) Non-sorted stripes in thin till overlying Cretaceous sandstones, eastern Banks Island, N.W.T.
(Photo by H.M. French, University of Ottawa)
Figure 16 (continued).
(f) Sorted stripes on fissile sandstone of Jurassic age, near Mould Bay, Prince Patrick Island,
N.W.T. (Photo by H.M. French, University of Ottawa)
Figure 17. Ice, sand and soil wedges
(a) Ice wedge, about 4 m wide at the top, in postglacial lake silts that overlie truncated glacially
deformed. ice-rich Pleistocene sediments more than 40,000 years old. Garry Island, N.W.T.
(Photo by J.R. Mackay, University of British Columbia)
Figure 17b Figure 17c Figure 17d
Figure 17 (continued).
(b) Inactive ice wedge formed in silty clay, Sachs River lowlands, Southern Banks Island,
N.W.T. (Photo by D.G. Harry, Geological Survey of Canada)
(c) Small syngenetic ice wedge formed in silty sand of late-Quaternary age, Sachs River
lowlands, southern Banks Island, N.W.T. (Photo by D.G. Harry, Geological Survey of
(d) Rejuvenated ice wedge showing primary and secondary wedge exposed in coastal bluff 3 km
west of Sachs Harbour, southern Banks Island, N.W.T. (Photo by H.M. French, University of
Figure 17e
Figure 17f
Figure 17 (continued).
(e) Epigenetic ice wedge exposed in coastal bluff 3 km west of Sachs Harbour, southern Banks
Island, N.W.T. (Photo by D.G. Harry, Geological Survey of Canada)
(f) Ice-wedge ice showing foliated nature, southern Banks Island, N.W.T. (Photo by H.M.
French. University of Ottawa)
Figure 17g Figure 17h
Figure 17 (continued).
(g) Soil wedge in "Wounded Moose" paleosol developed on pre-Reid till, Willow Hills, Yukon
Territory (Photo by K. Valentine, Agriculture Canada)
(h) Sand wedge beneath polygonal trench in glaciofluvial deposits, Mary River area, northern
Baffin Island, N.W.T. (Photo by G.H. Johnston, National Research Council of Canada)
Figure 17 (continued).
(i) Schematic diagram showing three stages in the growth of epigenetic, syngenetic, and anti-
syngenetic ice wedges: 1 - early, 2 - intermediate, and 3 - late (from Mackay, 1990, Fig.3). In
an epigenetic ice wedge the ice on the sides is the oldest (a). In a syngenetic ice wedge the
ice on the sides decreases in age from the bottom to the top. In an anti-syngenetic ice wedge
the ice on the sides decreases in age from the top to the bottom.
Figure 18. Illustration of the growth of a closed-system pingo (modified from Mackay, 1985)
(a) A closed-system pingo (Ibyuk Pingo), 49 m high and 300 m in basal diameter, in the bottom
of a drained lake near Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. The flats in the foreground are just above sea
level and are flooded during storm surges. The pingo overburden is 15 m thick, the
underlying sediments are sands and the pingo is still growing at the top at a rate of about 2
cm/year. (Photo by J.R. Mackay, University of British Columbia)
Figure 19b
Figure 19c
Figure 19 (continued).
(b) An open-system pingo on the alluvial fan in the Mala River Valley, Borden Peninsula, Baffin
Island, N.W.T. (Photo by G.W. Scotter, Canadian Wildlife Service)
(c) A pingo remnant near Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. The basal diameter is about 300 m, which is
almost identical with that of Ibyuk Pingo (see (a) above). The pond in the pingo is 5.4 m
deep. The pingo probably grew at least several thousand years ago; the time of collapse is
unknown. (Photo by J.R- Mackay, University of British Columbia)
Figure 20a
Figure 20b
(a), (b) Earth hummocks near Inuvik, N.W.T., on a clay-silt colluvium, overlying outwash
gravels. Individual hummocks are 1 to 2 m in diameter, and the troughs between the
hummocks are 25 to 50 cm deep. Many hummocks have exposed mineral soil on the top;
the troughs are commonly filled with moss and underlain by ice, year round. Figure 20(a)
shows the natural terrain, with an open woodland of black spruce and alder. Figure 20(b)
shows the same area following a forest fire in 1968. (Photos by H.M. French. University
of Ottawa)
Figure 20c
Figure 20d
Figure 20 (continued).
(c) Turf hummock consisting of living and dead Sphagnum fuscum, District of Keewatin, N.W.T.
(Photo by S.C. Zoltai, Environment Canada)
(d) Thufa in volcanic ash soils, Sunshine Meadows, near Banff, Alberta. (Photo by S.C. Zoltai,
Environment Canada)
Figure 21a
Figure 21b
(a) Active-layer failure in the upper Ramparts River area, Mackenzie Valley, N.W.T. (Photo by
O.L. Hughes, Geological Survey of Canada)
(b) Active-layer detachment failure, Mackenzie Valley, N.W.T. (Photo by O.L. Hughes,
Geological Survey of Canada)
Figure 21c
Figure 21d
Figure 21 (continued).
(c) Retrogressive thaw slumping in a borrow pit on the Dempster Highway near Ft. McPherson,
N.W.T. (Photo by O.L. Hughes, Geological Survey of Canada)
(d) Retrogressive thaw slumping on the Yukon coastal plain near King Point, Yukon Territory.
(Photo by J-S. Vincent, Geological Survey of Canada)
Figure 22a
Figure 22b
(a) Beaded stream, Mackenzie Delta area, N.W.T. (Photo by H.M. French, University of
(b) Oriented lakes, Bathurst Peninsula, N.W.T. The large lake in the foreground is 250 m long.
The long axes of the lakes are oriented normal to the strongest prevailing summer wind.
(Photo by J.R. Mackay, University of British Columbia)
Figure 22c Figure 22d
Figure 22e
Figure 22 (continued).
(c) Thermokarst lake showing shoreline erosion; shore of a typical expanding lake on overgrown
pasture, west of Takhini River Crossing, Alaska Highway, Yukon Territory. (Photo by R.W.
Klassen, Geological Survey of Canada)
(d) Thermo-erosional niche along the bank of the Rock River, Yukon Territory. (Photo by O.L.
Hughes, Geological Survey of Canada)
(e) Fresh thermokarst terrain developing as a result of thawing of ice wedges in a borrow pit on
the Dempster Highway near the crossing of the Blackstone River, Yukon Territory. (Photo
by O.L. Hughes, Geological Survey of Canada)
Figure 23. Illustration of the development of frost and thaw bulbs around buried pipelines and
under buildings placed on the ground surface in permafrost and non-permafrost
areas. For pipelines, the diagram illustrates a chilled pipeline in a non-permafrost
area and a warm pipeline in a permafrost area. For buildings, the diagram illustrates
a cold structure (e.g., an ice rink) in a non-permafrost area and a warm structure
(e.g., a powerhouse) in a permafrost area. In all cases the pipelines and buildings are
operated at temperatures either above or below 0°C, continuously for several years.
Figure 24. Representation of several thermal pile systems (after Johnston, 1981)
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IPA Multi-Language Glossary of Permafrost and Related Ground-Ice Terms
1. On page iv add:
P. Urdea, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania after the entry for F. Ugolini
1 of 2
15. On DEFINITIONS page 3, at the end of the COMMENT of entry 21, add:
An analogous term of Nenets (northwestern Siberia) origin is "khasyrei".
16. On DEFINITIONS page 12, at the end of the COMMENT of entry 107 add:
In Russian literature cryopegs are defined as lenses of "cryosaline water"
(supercooled brine) found within saline cryotic soils or rock.
2 of 2