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RV / XV - PVC Standard
0.6/1 kV

IEC 60502-1 IEC 60332-1-2
UNE 21123-2 EN 60332-1-2

Copper class 1 or class 2 to IEC 60228.
Cross-linked polyethylene, type XLPE to IEC 60502-1.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), type ST2 to IEC 60502-1.

ENERGY RV / XV 0.6/1 kV
Power and control cable designed for fixed applications.

Maximum temperature rating of the conductor: +90 °C

Minimum working temperature: -15 °C


RV / XV - PVC Standard
0.6/1 kV


General Cable Cross section Nominal Nominal Minimum Maximum Maximum Voltage drop
Code (mm2) overall weight bending radius current rating current rating cos µ= 0,8
diameter (kg/km) (mm) Air 30 °C * Buried 20 °C ** (V/A.km)
(mm) (A) (A)

1880106 1x1.5 4.9 37 20 23 21 21.54

1880107 1x2.5 5.3 48 22 32 28 13.24
1880108 1x4 5.7 65 23 42 36 8.281
1880109 1x6 7.1 99 71 54 44 5.567
1880110 1x10 7.3 130 30 75 58 3.343
1880111 1x16 8.2 185 33 100 75 2.135
1880112 1x25 9.7 280 39 135 96 1.385
1880113 1x35 10.7 375 43 169 115 1.022
1880114 1x50 12.0 490 49 207 135 0.777
1880115 1x70 13.8 695 56 268 167 0.563
1880116 1x95 15.9 950 64 328 197 0.427
1880117 1x120 17.5 1,190 71 383 223 0.355
1880118 1x150 19.4 1,460 78 444 251 0.303
1880119 1x185 21.5 1,820 86 510 281 0.258
1880120 1x240 24.1 2,345 97 607 324 0.215
1880121 1x300 26.8 2,945 135 703 365 0.187
1880122 1x400 30.1 3,730 155 823 - 0.163
1880123 1x500 33.8 4,765 170 946 - 0.143
1880124 1x630 39.3 6,155 200 1,088 - 0.128

* Current ratings according to IEC 60364-5-52, table B.52.12, method of installation F.

** Current ratings according to IEC 60364-5-52, table B.52.5, method of installation D1.

RV / XV - PVC Standard
0.6/1 kV


General Cable Cross section Nominal Nominal Minimum Maximum Maximum Voltage drop
Code (mm2) overall weight bending radius current rating current rating cos µ= 0,8
diameter (kg/km) (mm) Air 30 °C * Buried 20 °C ** (V/A.km)
(mm) (A) (A)

1880206 2x1.5 8.5 98 64 26 25 21.50

1880207 2x2.5 9.0 130 36 36 33 13.21
1880208 2x4 10.0 170 40 49 43 8.252
1880209 2x6 11.3 230 46 63 53 5.536
1880210 2x10 13.0 335 53 86 71 3.322
1880211 2x16 15.3 515 62 115 91 2.117
1880212 2x25 18.2 770 73 149 116 1.370
1880213 2x35 20.1 1,000 81 185 139 1.009
1880214 2x50 23.1 1,330 93 225 164 0.766
1880215 2x70 26.7 1,865 135 289 203 0.553
1880216 2x95 30.8 2,540 155 352 239 0.417
1880217 2x120 34.2 3,175 175 410 271 0.346
1880218 2x150 38.1 3,920 195 473 306 0.295
1880219 2x185 42.4 4,900 215 542 343 0.251
1880220 2x240 47.5 6,280 240 641 395 0.208
1880221 2x300 52.8 7,855 320 741 446 0.180
1880222 2x400 59.6 9,980 360 - - 0.157
1880306 3x1.5 9.0 120 68 23 21 21.50
1880307 3x2.5 9.8 155 74 32 28 13.21
1880308 3x4 10.5 210 42 42 36 8.252
1880309 3x6 12.0 285 49 54 44 5.536
1880310 3x10 13.8 425 56 75 58 3.322
1880311 3x16 16.3 650 66 100 75 2.117
1880312 3x25 19.4 985 78 127 96 1.370
1880313 3x35 21.6 1,305 87 158 115 1.009
1880314 3x50 24.7 1,725 99 192 135 0.766
1880315 3x70 28.7 2,445 145 246 167 0.553
1880316 3x95 33.0 3,335 165 298 197 0.417
1880317 3x120 36.6 4,180 185 346 223 0.346
1880318 3x150 40.9 5,175 205 399 251 0.295
1880319 3x185 45.6 6,470 230 456 281 0.251
1880320 3x240 51.1 8,320 310 538 324 0.208
1880321 3x300 56.9 10,440 345 621 365 0.180
1880009 3x6/4 13.1 335 53 - - 5.536
1880010 3x10/6 15.1 505 61 54 44 3.322
1880011 3x16/10 17.7 790 71 75 58 2.117 * Current ratings
1880012 3x25/16 21.4 1,195 86 100 75 1.370 according to IEC 60364-
1880013 3x35/16 23.6 1,525 95 127 96 1.009 5-52, table B.52.12,
1880014 3x50/25 27.0 2,050 140 158 115 0.766 method of installation E.
1880015 3x70/35 31.4 2,895 160 192 135 0.553 ** Current ratings
1880016 3x95/50 36.2 3,945 185 246 167 0.417 according to IEC 60364-
1880017 3x120/70 40.7 5,050 205 298 197 0.346 5-52, table B.52.3 for
1880018 3x150/70 44.8 6,075 225 346 223 0.295
2-core-cables and
1880019 3x185/95 50.1 7,680 305 399 251 0.251
table B.52.5 for three-
1880020 3x240/120 56.0 9,830 340 456 281 0.208
core-cables, method of
1880021 3x300/150 62.4 12,310 375 538 324 0.180
1880022 3x400/185 70.4 15,625 425 621 365 0.157

RV / XV - PVC Standard
0.6/1 kV


General Cable Cross section Nominal Nominal Minimum Maximum Maximum Voltage drop
Code (mm2) overall weight bending radius current rating current rating cos µ= 0,8
diameter (kg/km) (mm) Air 30 °C * Buried 20 °C ** (V/A.km)
(mm) (A) (A)

1880406 4x1.5 9.5 140 38 23 21 21.50

1880407 4x2.5 10.6 185 80 32 28 13.21
1880408 4x4 11.6 260 47 42 36 8.252
1880409 4x6 14.0 380 57 54 44 5.536
1880410 4x10 15.3 540 62 75 58 3.322
1880411 4x16 17.5 785 - 100 75 2.117
1880412 4x25 21.6 1,250 87 127 96 1.370
1880413 4x35 23.9 1,650 96 158 115 1.009
1880414 4x50 27.4 2,200 140 192 135 0.766
1880415 4x70 31.9 3,125 160 246 167 0.553
1880416 4x95 36.6 4,260 185 298 197 0.417
1880417 4x120 41.2 5,395 210 346 223 0.346
1880418 4x150 45.4 6,610 230 399 251 0.295
1880419 4x185 50.8 8,290 310 456 281 0.251
1880420 4x240 57.0 10,670 345 538 324 0.208
1880421 4x300 63.5 13,395 385 621 365 0.180
1880422 4x400 71.6 17,005 430 - - 0.157
1880506 5x1.5 10.3 170 42 23 21 21.50
1880507 5x2.5 11.5 220 87 32 28 13.21
1880508 5x4 12.6 315 51 42 36 8.252
1880509 5x6 14.5 435 59 54 44 5.536
1880510 5x10 17.0 635 130 75 58 3.322
1880511 5x16 19.8 1,015 80 100 75 2.117
1880512 5x25 23.8 1,545 96 127 96 1.370
1880513 5x35 26.4 2,045 135 158 115 1.009
1880514 5x50 30.5 2,740 155 192 135 0.766
1880515 5x70 35.6 3,895 180 246 167 0.553
1880516 5x95 41.3 5,345 210 298 197 0.417
1880517 5x120 45.9 6,715 230 346 223 0.346
1880518 5x150 50.8 8,255 305 399 251 0.295
1880519 5x185 56.7 10,330 345 456 281 0.251
1880520 5x240 63.7 13,320 385 538 324 0.208
1880521 5x300 70.9 16,725 430 621 365 0.180
1880522 5x400 80.0 21,230 480 - - 0.157
1880611 3x16/2x10 19.7 935 79 100 75 2.117
1880612 3x25/2x16 23.6 1,425 95 127 96 1.370
1880613 3x35/2x16 26.0 1,785 130 158 115 1.009
1880616 3x95/2x50 40.2 4,640 205 298 197 0.417

* Current ratings according to IEC 60364-5-52, table B.52.12, method of installation E.

** Current ratings according to IEC 60364-5-52, table B.52.5, method of installation D1.


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